267478 CITV CLE Jr=���� � FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L Council h F� . � . - DEPARTM NT 1 . - MAVOR � Flle NO. Coun il solut on . CENSE CON�IITTEE � Presented By Referre To Committee: Date Out of ommittee By Date RF.50LVID: Tha licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and jthe same are hereby granted. Car ton E. Mix 1543 Como Ave Trailer Rental Appn.2226 New Tom�Ny�ard 240 �la.11er #10 Rest. C-1 " 8452 " +� '� 5tste Capitol Cig. V.M. Oper " " " �� �� 100 Aurora Cigarette " �� �� ,� �� I-V.M. Loca. �' 8453 " �� �� 4 addl Mach '� 8453 " Jam s Gensch 1810 Juliet Bicycle Dlr. " 8840 " Gor y Raup 863 E. ?th Grocery A-2 " 8844 " �� �� Butcher " " " i� T� Off Sale Malt �+ �+ s� n �� Cigarette " �� �� Tho as S. Hanten 1681 Grand Bicycle Dlr. " $$57 " Cec lia L. Feist 242 So. Hamline Mercantile Broker " 8867 " Ke eth Henneberg 2073 St. Clair I-V.M. Loca. 1 M " 8889 " Alb rt Osterman 229 No. Snelling I-V.M. Loca 1 M " 8895 " Ver on Stech 783 Hampden Tow Truck " 8909 " D e Mandil 636 No. Snellin� Beauty Shop " 8911 " Do -King Garage Inc. 1521 Randolph Gen Rep Gar " 89�+3 " He Tillman 600 Selby Avenu:a Off Sale Malt " 8961 " � �� Cigaxette rr n n Rabl i Simon Benarrach 2050 Marshall A2-Grocersr " 8970 " seye Golf Center, Inc. 1700 W. Como 2 Add.Fd.V.Mach. �' 8971 " Hanson 2031� Marshall Beauty Shop " 8973 " B r Rhodes �arehouse Sales Corp. 1.,538 University D-OI-i,g.Cont. " 8975 " Jo & Mari.on CieminsId 2L11 Ford Parkway Trailer Rerital " 8983 " Di e J. Kadrie 2069 Ford Pkwy. I-V.M.Loca. 1M �r gyg? r► Ge Naxdini Liquors, Inc. 828 E. 7th Street C1-Restaurant " 9028 " �� �� Off Sale �a1t r� �r n To Kreager c/o �nergy Co. 366 wacouta I-V,M,Loca. 1M " 971a.5 " L -O-Sheen� Inc. 1 �. Water I-V.M.Loca. 1M " 9192 " Ca -Line, Inc. �.00 Selby I-V.M.Loca. 1M " 9321 " Jo eph 7�azarich 160 E. Kellogg 2 Add.V;M: " 9350 " Th Court House of St. Pau1 138 Plato 1 Add.V.M. " 9399 " COUNCI MEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against By Roedler Sylveste Tedesco I Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Cou cil: Date Certified Passe by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Yla I or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By � BY II � ' ������ WNITE - CITV CL RK COIlI1C11 PINK - FINANCE �t CANARV - DEPART ENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By CENSE COI�'ffTTEE Referre�l To Committee: Date Out of I ommittee By Date Page 2 - New plications DYM, I�C. c/o Rasmussen Business School 160 W. 9th Street I-V.M.Loca. 1M Appn. P 9l�22 New u n s Add.M. rr n n Denis . Tessmer 32l� E. Morton Street Elec.App.Rep. " 9433 " Pan-Cl- old Holsum Baking Co. 1l�28 W. 7th B-Bakery " 9�56 r' Gary M ks 1528 University Ave. Beauty Shap �� 9505 " Joseph Karriem 991 Selby Ave. Beauty Shop " 957-5 " Jan.e H er 1986 Stillwater Ave. Beauty Shop " 9�17 " David uisenga 2232 Carter A1-Grocery " 9518 rr Speedy Market 1333 Randolph I-V.M,I,oca. 1M " 9�29 " Schill rs Market 121 W. Maryland I-V.M,I�oca, l� " 9530 " Red Ow Stores 1�7.5 N. Lexington Pkwy. I-V.M.Loca. IM " 9532 " �t n 1 Add.M. i� rr u ��� ����� � � Americ Legion North End Fost 72 W. Ivy D-Orig.Cont. " 9584 " n '� Cigax'ette �� �r Tr Lance, Inc. Ngshville, Tenn. 7 Fd.V.M. (�$9.) " 9608 " Gerald E. Kemp 1059 N. Western T,V.Tube Test.Dev. " 9609 " Marcia A. Haugh 1036 Grand Ave. Itin.Food Estab. " 961,5 " Adult ucation Center 1619 Dayton Cigarette " 9632 " n , ►r Cig.V.M.OpT.��M� n n �r Gibert"iFloor Covering Serv:ice 1516 C1iff Road Carpet Dealer " 9b33 " Good,ye Tire & Rubber 109 E. 9th Bicycle Dealer �� 9b3�. rr Vendm k c,�o St. Lukes Hospital 300 Pleasant I-V.M,Loca. 1M " 96l�3 " n n 1.�. Add.M, n rr n " c/o orthwest Publications 55 �. �th 2 Add.V.l�;. � �r 96� �r Russe Schweizer c/o Labor Pool 53� St. Peter I-V.M,Loca. 1M " 9666 " ►� �� 2 Add.M. �t n n n �� n Cigarette n 96(�7 n Clark �?il & Refining Co. 201 N. Snelling A1-Grocery n 9669 �r n �� I-V.M.Loca. 1M " 967p n Cateril g Concepts 1t601 Excelsior Blvd. Catering " 96g5 'r Scisso s Pala,ce, Inc. 21�83 ti�. 7th Barber " 9732 " COUIVCIL EN Requested by Department of: Yeas i Nays Butler ! Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine _ Against BY Roedler Sylvester , Tedesco ' Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Counc�il: Date Certified Passed y Council Secretary BY sy Approved by Mayo : Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council _ By '�_- BY II� WMITE - CITV CLE K � ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council � CANARV - DEPARTM NT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. . . Council Resolution Presented By ' I+ICENSE COMI�ffTTEE Referre To Committee: Date Out of ommittee By Date Page No. 3 - N w Appn. D.Y.M.� IiInc. 119 State Street M.A.Dev.(8) Appn. P 9737 New rt �� Music M�h.(1� " " " Farmers'��Union Co-Op Qil Assn. 1717 University 3 Private Gas Pumps " 9746 " AmherstlH. yiilder Found�ion 512 Humboldt Beauty Shap " 97l�7 " " � 51l�. Humboldt Beauty Shap " 97l�8 " '� �� 696 Dellwood Flace Beauty Shap " 97�.9 " Margare Schultz 250 American Nat. Bk.Bldg. B-Confectionery " 97�1 " Coates ental & Tra3ler Sales, Tnc. 605 Como New Mtr.Veh.D1r. " 9751� " u �r I-V.M.Loca. 1M n 97�5 " Griswol Coffee �o.c/o Hamm Bldg. 6th & St.Peter I-V.M,I,oca. 1M " 97�7 '� " c/o tro Squa.re Bldg. 121 �. 7th 4 Add.V,M. " 9758 " Coca Co a Bottling c,Lo Hoikka House 238 Pleasant 1 Add.V.M, " 97�9 " " c/o ad Rescue 2161 University I-V.M.Loca. 1M " 9760 " " c/o d Owl 2020 Ford Parkway I-V,M.Loca. 1M �� 9761 " " c/o zel Paxk Service 880 White Bear Ave. I-V.M;Loca. 1M " 9762 " " c/o T omas Lowe 2013 E. Minneheha I-V,M,Loca: 1M " 9763 " '► c/o chael sales Co. 7..l400 Selby Ave. I-V.M.Loca. 1M '► 976l� " " c/o P oject Newgate 581 Portland Ave. I-V,M,Loca: 1M " 9765 r' S & P V nding c/o Front End Bar 230 Front I-V.M.Loca. 1M '� 9772 " Grand A enue Business Assn. 1858 Grand Avenue G-Iten:�'ood Es.'r 9777 " Childre 's Hospital �ssn. 311 Pleasant(Grand.Av.) Temp.On Sa1e Malt " 9778 " Davl.d 0 scheid 687 Portland Tree Trimmer & 1 Veh." 9800 rr Michael �lE. Moore l�838 N. Grenwich ~ Mtr.Veh.Dr. " 9806 " Mary N. I�ynch 653 Grand Avenue 2nd.Hd.D1r.Gen." 9815 " tli.chs.el D. Larson 1297 Euclid Mtr.Veh.Dr. " 9825 " Michae John Lym 1l�92 Ma.ywood Mtr.Veh.Dr. " 9826 '� Walter . Rewey, Jr. 1025 Galtier " " 9838 " Thomas . Tingland 996 Grotto " " 9851x " Kim Hen 'cks 842 Ashland Masseuse " 9855 " Todd A. Erickson 1396 Summit M.A.Dev.(1) " 991I " Leonard J. Sazevich ?30 E. Jessamine Mtr.Veh.Dr. " 9929 " Bruce H Krambeer 11.493 Wynne " " 993a " COUNCIL EN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � in Favor Hunt � � �� �� _ Against BY Roedler Sylvester ''! Tedesco '!! �N 2;9 �� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Cou I . Date Certifie assed ouncil Secretary BY r Approv by (V(ay � : Date ? 197{j Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By BLISttED ,�Ul 1 4197G