267439 WH17E - CITV CLERK COI111C11 ����{�`g PINK �- FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVCR � .. � • I//''�9�(� - Ordin�znce Ordinance N 0. / lV�-�-�F� Presented By � � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: "An administrative ordi.nance relati.ng to tlie Civil Service Commission and the Personnel Office of th.e City of Saint Paul approving and adopting rules and regulations necessary to the admi.nistration of the City personnel system on a merit basis, " approved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOE5 OR.DAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 6 where it appears in G�ade 36 under the heading Clerical Group, the title of SUPERVISOR OF WATER REVENUE. Section 2. That said ordi.nance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 6, under the heading � 1��rn�N i s-rR�r��� "Profession�Group" the followi.ng title i.n the grade indicated: WATER REVENUE SUPERINTENDENT Grade'��� - 1 - COU[VCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas +��Nays C Hozza � In Favor L�e �') , Rcedler �� Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form p r ve y City tt Certified P ssed ouncil cret�ry BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved b f n Co cil By By WH17E — CITV CLERK s ° wy PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council aP'�� (�' '� GANARY,— DEPARTM�NT BLUE � — MAy�YOR File NO. \. i • Ordinccnce Ordinance N�. ,�,����� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 3. This ordinance shal.l take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Approved: Ch irman Civil Service Coxnmission - 2 - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: ��— � [n Favor PERSONNEL OFFICE Hozza �b�e�,i.a4. Rcedler �_ Against By Tho as D. Gleas�n Dir. of Personnel � Hunt Tedesco , President � sylvester �U� 1 5 f97s Form Ap r ve by Cit Atto Adopted by Council: Date Certified P d Counc�l Secretary BY • By Approve ayo : D e '' ��- � � 197Ei Approve ouncil By BY puBLlS�iEO JUL 2 41976 - a� ,�'� ' . f /I,�� '" I � t f`� . �- Qo not detach t�E� memorandcn� from the QM 41 r 1 ��'��� m . � ordinance so th�at this informativ�t wili be },:` ; , . �e��v��� 4�m�ai�t��c��.�rxv� c��r��s, c , . . _ RESOLUT�C)NS A�D C��tla�N.�"►i��S �V��f� �I .! • Dat�i� M r�h 1$, :1976 3-Z9-'y� _ TC?� 'T ��.A►S �'. KFx.�,EY, e�TY �AM�NI�aTR�A,.�"(�A F�t: P �rsonttelOffice : R�, Or ' aace for s�bmie�iQ�ta eity Council. :A.CT.�CaN R�QUES'�'�D: _ , I commend your approval and subrnis�iau of th4s Orc�.aace �o tli� Cit�r C�t��it.; . F�TI�$ ANi) RAT�Q!�T.��,,,� F"tJ�t 'THTa A�T�4N: Thi�e � ce abolish�s the title Super�risor of Water� Re��en�xe froa� Gra.d.a� �b �.` t�te Cl.e�ical �roup and eetabliah�s the titl� �'�ater Revenr�e.Sttperix�t�adeat t' to t"�r �e, 41 of th�e P mfeasiona.l Grota.p. This �haage �et7.ects a reviaia�a ir� iQl�:cl�ti+a8� au�d :'C reep�+�. .]aiti�s, Th� bi.-weekly salary x�a:ge or the '�Wattr Revest���� ` ' ��" i.� as fol ows: _ I � Grade 4 � ae�, g C D E F 14, . 15 . ; � �S 00 1 .�0 44, 50 75.50 �''�7.�f1 7 .#�� 749. 0 ��'��1►�C �N'TS, .�......�.�.�. � ,�� C?�rdima� (consistix�g of 2 pages� and copy fbr:City Clerk. ' Copy of e specifiaations for Supervisor of Wate� R.ev+enue a�.d Wa►t+er Revenue ri�.�e�� . dent. �'�'RQ �1.�; _ �►t'�n�a , �Y� t� �n .stra�a .����p ., i ;;. � � �� y . . . � � .. ����I��l� � Title of class: SUPER VI50R OF WATER RE VENUE Duties and responsibilities: Under direction, to have charge of the revenue division of the Water Department; to supervise the keeping of records and accounts; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To supervise and direct the activities of the meter x°eading section, the billing section, and the collection section of the Water Department. To review methods and procedures of the revenue di.vision and to recommend changes. To answer questions and to settle disputes regarding billings, collections, turn offs, turn ons, readings, and related matte r s. To act as assistant secretary to the Board of Water Commissioners. To conduct and direct special studies, investigations and surveys related to reading, billing and collections of the department. • Minimum qualifications: High school graduation and ten years' clerical experience9 at least three years of which must have been as Head Clerk-- Water Department, Supervisor of Water Billing, or higher title in the Water Department. • Effective July 2, 1966 y . � � � ♦ /� � .. � t � �`����y� a�� WATER REVENUE SUPERIIPl'ENDEIIT DESCRIPTION OF WORIC General Stntement of Duties: Manage and coordinate all activities of the Water IItility's Revenue Division and to perForm related work as assig�ned. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of the assistant department head. Supervision Exercised: Exercises frithin the division general supervision directly or through subordinate supervisors over technical and clerical �rater billing, collection and recordkeeping s,»rorkers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORNED The listed examples may not iriclude all duties performed by all positions in the class. Supervises and directs the activities of the customer services, consumer billing, inspection and applications units of the Water Otility. Develops and maintains within the 8evenue Division an organizational structure, work FloW patterns, forms, fl�nctions, and coordination of units that will result in quality service provided efficiently and economically. Establishes proper balancing and control procedures With regard to reading, billing 'and collections. Directs the develop�ent of electronic data processing systems and supervises the integration and conversion of records to such systems. Supervises the application of electronic data processing systems and services. Coordinates with other operating units of the wa�ter Department the expeditious use of electronic data processing in the accamplishment of their fluictions. Prepares plans, objectives and budgets for the Revemie Division. Develops, implements and directs public relations programs to improve the quality of service by personnel of the Revenue Division and to educate the public in matters relative to the sale and distribution of �rater. Conducts training programs for personnel in the xevenue Division to improve performance and provide continuity of service. Maintains efficient record management systems within the Revenue Division. KNOWLEDGES, SSILLS ANID ABILITIES Considerable lmowledge of accounting, electronic data processing business applications nnd office management techniques. Considerable ability to deal effectively with the general public, govern- ment and private �urisdiction officials. Considerable ability to organize, plan and coordinate compleac work flow. MINIl�M QUALIFICATIOI�S College graduation rri.th specialization in Accounting, Business Adminis- tretion or related fields and four years of administrative experience, at least two of Which must have been in a responsible supervisory capacity. � . )�o�� f - - � : � � � C(vil Service Commission � ��� �PAUL Director of Personnel SA IN��;; Mrs. Ruth D.Schwarzwalder,Chairman "' � ` Thomas D. Gleason �'�_�� , �� Mr. Harry H.Gaston PERS ��N��L OFFICE Mr.A.R.(Dick)2anga k:f__��_-: �--;� Assistant Director ��.niu,�� � ,.,u.�� ,C�"�,� ���1,��� Bernard P.Wright �.`�I r!.i�l�(e���-i.�:.�i i�����i�;� ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 July 2, 1976 •�� � Mr. Robe rt Sylve ste r, Pre sident Saint Paul City Council, and ,� Honorable Members of the Council Dear Mr. Sylvester and Council Members: A proposed ordinance, Council File No. 267439, is - - schedulsd for third_reading on. July 6, 1976. This ordinance _--- --- - -- _ --- - - -- establishes the title of i'Vl�ater Revenue Superin�endent" in Grade 41 of the "Professional Group". On July 3, 1976, the City Council adopted an amendment to the Civil 5ervice Rules establishing a "Professional-Adminis- trative Group" and a new grading plan which replaces the "Professional Group" and the present grading plan for titles in that group. Therefore, the new title of "Water Revenue Superintendent" should be established in the grading plan comparable to Grade 41. It is recommended that the proposed ordinance be amended by substituting "Grade 14" for "Grade 41" and by substituting • "Professional-Administrative Group" for "Professional Group". Very truly yours, � . JAME5 C. LOMBAR,DI Personnel Assistant A B C D E F l0yr. 15yr. Grade 36 (Clerical) (start) 6mo. 1yr• 2Yr• 3Yr• 5Yr• 514. 538. 564. 590. 618. 5 648. 667. 0 686. Former Grade 41 580, 607. 636. 5 667. 698. 5 732. 754. 775. 5 �RN�r/��ti A B C D E F G l0yr. 15yr. \ ` °j` '�New Grad e 14 (start) 6mo. �1 r.� 2Yr• 3Yr• 4yr• 5Yr• 580. 5 603. 5 628. 659. 692. 726. 5 763, 786. 808. 5 ��C� -- �' , �''�.F,,,v:'+` MfM6lR � • � • I F' �V `l.! R'i & k g Y N R $ A Civil Service Commfssion $ � � � � : PAUL Director of Personnel Mrs. Ruth D.Schwarzwalder,Chairman ° g x a � Thomas D. Gleason Mr. Harry H.Gaston PERS ` L OFFICE Mr.A. R. (Dick)Zangs " ' Assistant Director Bernard P.Wright a s r w � n t R,a s a ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 July 2, 1 g 76 Mr. Robe rt Sylve ste r, Pre sident 5aint Paul City Council, and Honorable Members of the Council Dear Mr. Sylvester and Counci.l Members: A proposed ordinance, Council File No. 267439, is scheduled for third reading on July 6, 1976. This ordinance establishes the title of "Water Revenue Superintendent" in Grade 41 of the "Professional Group". On July 3, 1976, the City Council adopted an amendment to the Civi.l Service Rules establishing a "Professional-Adminis- trative Group" and a new grading plan which replaces the "Profe ssional Group" and the pre sent grading plan for title s in that group. Therefore, the new title of "Water Revenue Superintendent" should be established in the grading plan comparable to Grade 41. It is recommended that the proposed ordinance be amended by substituting "Grade 14" for "Grade 41" and by substituting • "Professional-Administrative Group" for "Professional Group". Very truly yours, � . JAMES C. LOMBAR,DI Personnel Assistant ��y3�A7rn� a� ��� 9r z � -° � � " C, a ,� ��. �y, f �'��A6F_M�h1'S �EM�ER t � lst �}/�� 2nd � r 3rd � �� Adopted � � / � Yeas Nays `;� BUTLER V � - \ HOZZA v �._� / HUNT • , LEVINE �'�°►°' � �,.� r�t�9 ; . '� .�.� ., ROEDLER S�,.� � , TEDESCO PRESIDENT (SYLVESTER)