267436 WH17E - CITV CLERK �q ' � PINK - FINANCff COIII1C11 •f� BLUERV-MAVORTMENT GIT AINT PAITL Fu���(� File N 0. . indnce Ordinance N 0. I W�� � Presented Referr d To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordina.nce amending Ordina.nce No. 15881, approved August 29, 1975, entitled "An ordina.nce adopting a new zoning ordina.nce for the City of Saint Paul, repealing Cha.pters 60, 61, 62, 63 and 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul." �: THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Tha.t the Zoning Ma,p of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 23, as incorporated by reference in Section 60.401 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, is hereby amended as follows: The property owned by John Schneider located on the West side of White Bear Avenue between Wilson and Old Hudson Road, more particularly described as "Lots 5 and 6, Block 3, Godes and Licha Addition" is rezoned from R-3 to OS-1. Section 2. This ordinance sha.11 take force and effect in thirty (30) days from and after its pa.ssage, approval and publication. COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza � In Favor Hunt � � Against BY Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by C i : Date ��� 1 3 1976 _ , Certi ' Pass cil Secretary BY ��' ,r�'' Y Approved by Mayor: D te JUL 1 6 i�T6 Approved by Mayor for Submi sion to Council r . By BY pusus�tF� Jtl� 2 41976 :*_ . _ �l�-� ���� 1 • CITY OF ST. PAUL � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ASSESSMENT DIVISION 113 CITY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 May 14, 1976 � �' n �: �'�� r�� File X1730, Page Dear Citizen; As a courtesy to you, and as required by law, we want to notify you about a public hearing which may affect you. The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Counc il Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (third floor) at 10;00 a.m, on May 27, 1976 on: PETITION of John A. Schneider, Jr. to rezone from R-3 . to OS-1 for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating a one story office building on the property described as follows: Lots 5 and 6, Block 3 Godes and Licha Addition. The property is located on the West side of White Bear Avenue between Wilson Avenue and Old Hudson Road. If you would like further information about this hearing, contact the Current Planning Section of the Planning Board, 421 Wabasha Street, or telephone 298-4154. While the City Charter requires that we notify you of the hearing, we want to help you to learn fully about any action that could affect you or your community, Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearing, so that you can make views about it known to the City Council, whether for or againat. ROGER A. MATTSON, DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES , � ��C.J O� ) �'i �s�! • � � GITY OF SAINT PAU� E C � ! V �' � `��� ��� �� �ITY �� �JUN 9 i976 w � �� 9� Rose Mis `� - - �-- a Albe� B. Olsoa ° "°"'°" CITY ATTORNE councia Reoar�er City Clerk and � �_°•_..'��" ; Y Councfl Secretary ��, �o +.« OPPICE OF THE CITY CLERK BURBAU OF RECORDS 388 City Ha.11 St.Paul,Minnesota 6610� Phone t98-.4951 J�ne 2� 19'jG 'r' r• E � ./ lir. derome Seg Citya,,Attorr�ey Btt�lding , :� ��� s�: On l�lay 27� 1976� the Cc>uacil requested that you prepare an ordinasce graating the petition oY dohn Schrieider to rezone property c>n the �rest side of `ihite Bear Avenue between Wilsoa and Old Hcidson Road. Y s trvly, . �'�. �/�--'-1` City q.erk � AO�sc �O � , , ������ - B�OaRD OF ZONING CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY PLANNING DONALD L. SPAID AIP PLANNING COORDINATOR May 26, 1976 Mrs. Rose Ann Mix City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Madam: This is written in response to the petition of John Schneider to rezone, from R-3 to OS-1, property located on the west side of White Bear Ave. between Wilson and Old Hudson Road. The property is further described as follows: Lots 5 and 6 block 3 Godes and Licha Addition. ► This matter was heard by the Current Planning and Zoning Committee of the Ptanning Commission on April 15, 1976. The Petitioner's stated use of the property, in the event that the rezoning is accomplished, is for a one storey office building and off-street parking in conformance with the zoning code requirements. The property is presently occupied in part by a single family frame dwelling. One individual appeared in opposition to the proposed rezoning, stating that an increase in the area of commercial zoning at this location would present additional traffic problems and a potential hazard to school children walking in the vicinity. Following discussion, the Current Planning and Zoning Committee moved to recommend approval of the requested rezoning on a 5 - 0 rollcall vote. The Planning Commission reviewed the recommendation of the Current Planning and Zoning Committee with reguard to this petition at its regular meeting on April 23, 1976. at which time a motion recommending approval of the Petitioner's request was carried unanimously. Sincerely, �.������ , �� MR3. JOANNE M. SHOWALTER � Secretary, Current Planning and Zoning Committee JMS:CLMcG Zoning File 7891 421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-4151 0 ! • w ��� � ���(��+.../ � C1TY 0� t �•p `p� �, _' '�. o ....v.:... � ........... .� ..!°-�=,�.1�� b C ITY OF SAI NT PAUL ��, � �o .... QFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY June 14, 19 7 6 HARRIET LANSING Mrs. Rose Mix City Clerk City of Saint Paul 386 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Rose: Attached hereto is the ordina.nce you requested pertaining to the rezoning of property owned by John Schneider. Very truly yours, ��.S f�'1 • THOMAS M. SI INS Assistant City Attorney TMS:er Atts. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121 . . ��,��`�s _ . - � �� PLANN.ING COMMISSIQN �F ST. PAt1L ' 421 Wabasha Street St. Pau1 , Minnesota 551.D2 A me�ting of the Planning Comnission of the City of Saint -Pau1 was held Apri1 23., 197b at 9:OA a.:m. in the City P:lanrri�ng :Confier�ence Room :at 427 :4Jab:as�ha Stre,��,, St.. Paui , Mi nn�sota-. Preserrt_: h�te:s. Co�hrar►�, Mayn�e� .N�ortnn, Pic�:olc� and :Sfi+awal:t-�r; 'M�essrs. Br�wn, ,Bryan, Nanggi , H�er, Mc�onell, �►angal, RW��, Sherwoad, Tabl er, 1lan lfa�f, :W:i l:�n�ng .�and �hi l l i ts. Absent: Mrrne; 5lawik; Messrs. Feder., Rrifrel <and Stege�ncNeller. Also Present: Ron Jones, A.A.D. City of St. Paul.; .Orlamdo ��qazzitello, Arling.ton House.; Charles C�rrmichael„ :�0.�tarr�ey �F�r. :v..R. :Rnoney; Tony Danna., Attorne3�; Thoma�s �S1�CTTIS:i As�sistan� Ci'ty Attorney:; Gar.y Referrtt�8rg., Capitn'1 Area Rrchi te�tural and P1 anni ng Board; Mari 13mn Egr�er, Ci ty Council Staff; Jim +fart., Don Gosgrn�e and Jerry �langl�e, HRA; M. Deneen and P�ggy Shay, leagwe c�f 'i�men Uo"ter�; Mat� Wa l ton, Pres i dent 01 d Town Re��tvra�ti am; Cxer�� Conway, Patricia Farnham, $arbara Hur.t and Janet Jnhn�on, Ra�nctnlph ffeights Ass.ociation; Sue fram, J. -Na71., Lynn :Hewitt, E. atto, E. Rupp, Douglas S�C!or :arrd 'L°harol-�tt� 'Smath, Sunmit t1i11 Associati:�n; .J�:rry '`5�rriyr�Ca-, Tra�� �ngirreer, K. Dzugan„ C. Kercheval , C. McGui�rae, J. She7�,�n �arr�d D. Spaid of the Planni�ng Depar.tmerrt �Sta�f. The Pl anni ng C�rmrtssi on �ook th� fol lowi ng acti on �°t 'th3e �Rpri 1 23 meeting: AP�ROUED the minutes of the April 9, 1976 Planning .Canmi�si�n meeti•ng. Motion ma+�e by Mr. Rupp, second�d by Mr�. Pi�ccolo :a°nd carr�etl unarrimously. APPRDVED an .application of Harvey Kra�ner for spec�ial .,c:ondition use f�r a fast food re�taura�nt �n the southeast c:orner of �R�::ce and frant �tre�ts. Moti:on made by Mr. Rupp, se�onded i�y �r. Sh�od B�d carri�etl urranimo�rs1y. APPRQUED an .appl�cation of �trlingtan Ho�tse, Inc. for spec-ia] aondition use to .operate a residential care facil-ity loca��ed :on the south side of Arl i ngton b.etween Da1 e and Danforth. Moti on made by Mr. f��tp.p, �econ�ed by Mr. Brya�n a�nd carried unanimously. DfNIED a reznning petition of Virgil Federenko to rezone pwoperty on the west si:de .of Pr4sperity between Arlington and Ivy from RM-2 tn B-�. Motion rqade :by Mr. Rupp, seconded by Mrs. Norton and carried unanimousl:y. Planning Comnission Meeting - 2 - April 23, 1976 � . , • - APPROVED a rezoning petition of John Schneider to rezone property on the west side of White Bear Avenue between Wilson and Old Hudson Road from R-3 to OS-l . Motion made by Mr. Rupp, seconded by Mrs. Norton and carried unanimously. Don Cosgrove, Housing and Redevelopment Authority, presented the Comnission �with a sumnary report on the Redevelo�nent Plan for the Park Nursery Site, and asked that they review the report and make a finding as to whether it is in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan. Mrs. Norton made a motion that the Planning Commission concurs with the concept that residential use and open space is the highest and best land use for this area, but that they have reservations about the details of the Redevelopment Plan. Mr. Wilkening seconded the motion. Mr. Rupp then made a motion to amend the motion to include that the Redevelopment Plan be referred to the proper committee for study before the next Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Brown seconded this motion and it carried unanimously. The amended motion passed by a rollcall vote of 9 to 6 with one abstention. The Co�nission reported that the formal submission date for the Park Nursery Redevelopment Plan would be April 23, 1976. A Steering Committee meeting was scheduled for Thursday, May 6 at 11 :45 a.m. At this time staff will have completed a noise assessment for residential use on the Park Nursery area. The Cor�nittee will hopefully prepare a Cor�nission resolution at this meeting. POSTPONED the presentation by Executive Secretary of Capito7 Area Architectural and Planning Board until the next Planning Commission meeting on May 14. The meeting adjourned at ]0:58 a.m. Submitted by: Donald L. Spaid Planning Coordinator Approved by the Planning Commission May 14, 1976 ���� � .. . �r:`.�� �.y�. f.' .t'� � Ikl•EMOR�ANDUM CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY PLANNING DATE: April 16, 1976 DONALD L. SPAID AIP PLANNING COORDINATOR T O: Planning Commission F R O M : Current Planning Committee S U B J E CT: Petition to rezone from R-3 to OS-1, Zoning File 7891 On March 4, 1976, the City Council referred to the Planning Commission for study and recommendation the petition of John Schneider to rezone property on the west side of White Bear Avenue between Wilson and Old Hudson Road. The appellant proposes to install, construct and/or operate a one story office building, 48 feet by 48 feet. The total site area is approxima.tely 15,000 square feet. The subject site consists of two lots, one fronting on White Bear Avenue, the other running parallel to White Bear Avenue at the rear of the first lot. There is also a dead end alley which runs between the two properties which will have to be partially vacated to allow for site assembly. The front lot currently has a single family dwelling on it. The second rear lot is currently vacant. The lots vary from two to three feet above street level at the front, to six to eight feet above street level at the rear. The site assembly also includes 20 feet of a drainage and utility easement, which runs parallel to the front lot. The area is developed predominately with single family homes on medium size lots. The houses in the area are of the post-war construction era. A vacant drainage and utility easement ssparates the proposed site from a commercial gas complex. There are four gas stations at the intersection of Old Hudson Road and White Bear Avenue. There is an elementary school approximately one block away. Staff recommended approval of the rezoning in that it is consistent with the graded intensity land use concept upon which the zoning districts in the new Code have been laid out. This matter was heard before the Current Planning Committee on April 15, 1976. On a � to 0 role call vote, the Current Planning Committee concured with the staff recommendation and approved the appellant's petition to rezone the west side of White Bear Avenue between Wilson Avenue and - Old Hudson Road from R-3 to OS-1. One individual appeared in opposition to the appellant's request. 421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-4151 0 - . , . � �'�'���'� MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CURRENT PLANNING COMIKITTEE AT A MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1976 PRESENT: Mmes. Showalter and Norton, Messrs. Prifrel, Bryan and Hummer of the Current Planning Committee; Mr. Sipkins, Assistant City Attorney; Mr. McGuire, Mr. Shelton and Miss Larson of the ' Planning Department Staff. JOHN SCHNEIDER (7891): A petition to rezone, from R-3 to OS-1, property located on the west side of White Bear Avenue between Wilson and Old Hudson Road. Mr. Tony Danna, attorney representing the petitioner, was present. There was opposition. Mr. Shelton showed slides of the site and read the staff report. Mr. Tony Danna, representing the petitioner, came forward and passed out plans of the proposal to the members of the Committee. He stated that the proposed use is for a small office building. Mr. Hummer asked if adequate parking will be provided. Mr. Danna stated that there will be 24 parking spaces provided. Mr. Paul Quinn, of 430 White Bear Avenue, representing the White Bear Avenue School and Home Safety Committee, came forward in opposition of the requested rezoning. He stated that the traffic volume of White Bear Avenue is 20,000 vehicles per day, which is endangering the people who reside in that area. He stated that the trucks traveling to the commercial property in the area have caused damage to his home because of the shaking of the streets, and he felt that there should be no more commercialized property allowed in the area because there is commercial property to the south. Mr. Bryan asked if the neighbors to the north had been questioned as to whether they would want some kind of fencing put in. Mr. McGuire stated that the Committee can recommend that some kind of buffer be provided. . Mr. Bryan made a motion to recouanend agproval of the rezoning request provided that the neighbors immediately i�r7 the north are notified about any kind of a barrier that is to be provided. - � . � � ����'.`�� John Schneider (Cont'd) Page 2 The motion was seconded by Mrs. Norton and carried unanimously. Submitted by: Approved by: Charles L. McGuire William H'. Rupp, Jr. _ � ,. . , ����� PLAIQNING BOARD STAFF REPORT Apr i l 15, 1976 Plat Map a� �'�~� 1. APPLICANT'S NAME : John Schneider 2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal � Permit � Other 3. PURPOSE • Rezone from R-3 to OS-1 4. LOCATION • Ws White Bear Avenue between Wilson and Old Hudson Road 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Lots 5 and 6, Block 3, Godes and Licha Addition 6. PRESENT ZOIJING: R-3 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: C4 ` Section; 21p Paragraph: 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: April 8, 1976 BY� JTS A. SUFFICIENCY: In a letter dated February 27, 1976, the Director, Department of Finance an Management Services, declared the petition sufficient with the owners of 11 out of 16 eligible parcels having signed the petition. B. PROPOSAL: The appellant proposes to install , construct, and/or operate a one story office building. Forty eight feet by forty eight feet. C. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The subject property has a 60 foot frontage on White Bear venue, an an area of approximately 15,000 square feet. D. SITE CONDITIONS: The subject site consists of two lots, one fronting on White Bear venue, t e other running parallel to White Bear Avenue at the rear of the first lot. There is also a dead end alley which runs between the two properties which will have to be partially vacated to allow for site assembly. The front lot currently has a single family dwelling on it. The second rear lot is currently vacant. The lots vary from two to three feet above street level at the front, to six to eight feet above street level at the rear. The site assembly also includes 20 feet of a drainage and utility easement, which runs parallel to the front lot. E. AREA CONDITION: The area is developed predominately with single family homes on medium size lots. The houses in the area are of the post-war construction era. A vacant drainage and utility easement separates the proposed site from a comnercial gas complex. There are four gas stations at the intersection of Old Hudson Road and White Bear Avenue. There is an elementary school approximately one block away. F. FINDINGS: An OS-1 zoning of said property would serve as an acceptable buffer zone between the B-3 commercial zone to the South and the R-3 single family zoning district to the North of the subject property. G. STAFF RECOMMENDS: Approval of the rezoning in that it is consistent with the grade intensity land use concept upon which the zoning districts in the new Code have been laid out. 9. COI�IlYIITTEE ACTION: To Recommend X� Approval D Denial Council Letter Dated:May 26, 19 SHOWALTER Nays Moved by: BRY� NORTON Date of Hearing: PRIFREL APRIL 15, 1976 BRYAN Seconded by; NORTON HU�R Council Action Uate: Secretary's remarks: . � +�� ,-- �...N ���. ��� .. l:V t.�}' VPET1TiON TO REZONS I inAg that�the hzon�ine ordinance oi�the �City o! 9t. Paul be amendefl so as to rezone property deacribed aa Lots S and 8, Block 3, Godes and Licha Addi- tion located pn the west side o! White Bear Avenue between Wilson Avenue and Old Hudson Road. The Coundl of the City of Sffint Paul has fixed the in e Council Chambers in the of said City,and at said time and p1aE cel the Conncil will hear all persons anc� aA ob�ections and recommendations relative to the proposed amendment. Dated May 18, 1976. ROSE MIX, City Clerk. (May 22, 1976) v v �v v � V V ( V v v v .r - - - - - - - - -- O . . � S/ TE ' p 0 . .'s i I � � � p o v . � ;oio �o � 00000000 0 � • EUC �ID ST � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ° O � v � � -- — --- ---- I O O - - - - � � � � � Q 0 � � 0 O O Q � � � O � WILSON AVE. " ;� U � oT o 0 o p `��� o O 00000o p i � � � h � �f�� 4 - - - - -_ � i � � O T_T_ _ _ � 4r�S0 I O �}oo I � i I Q � 401 � -Q' ♦ I I i i �3��---- 1 �-�-- - - Z � Q _ O 390 � ��� T-T-T- - - � ---, � � I � I � � � � � lL � I � � � , i O � � � m i i � 4 � ` GO i 2 � � � � ♦G OLD • � '� � + � � � NUDSOIV �}�•,p. _ ..� - r. — 1 't � � � G �G O v I j • [] N • ( � ; a � _ _ _ i__ _ � � _ _ _ _ _ � ' .Q , � - _ __ _ _ � , � � — i R �� :.� .. , � �.� — � I� R �H v � • /=�� . ( ------�---� I � I R c v � v � - , ` I �, � u 1 ---�.____.._.___. -- –_..._.�.-__ --- - -.L AREA l�AP APPLICANT .lohn Schneider LEGEN� — --� ZONING OISTRICT 80UNDARY Rezone from R-3 to oS-1 � SUBJECT PROPERTY PURPOSE O ONE FAMILY � TWO FAMILY FILE N0. 7891 MU�TIPLE FAMILY DATE Apr i 1 15, 1976 � O • • n COMMERC�AI. SCALE� I"= 200' NORTN � '� � �NOUSTRIAL SAINT PAUL PI.ANNtNG 60AR� V VACANT . , i � CITY OF SAINT PAUL QTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION OF ASSESSMENTS AND VALUATIONS + February 27, 1976 � � �� r � � QG r'. � � '� To the Council � z City of St. Paul � �. z i� :-: Gentlemen: � Z r � I have checked the att � � Toha A. Schneider, Jr. , filed in the matter of r�zoning � 7 . � � 2 Lots 5 and 6, Block � �' :ha Addition. The property ia located on the W� � � � Bear Avenae between Wilson Avenue ae�d Old Huds� � � � from R-3 to OS-1 for the � � �lliag, constYUCting and/or operating a one story of; � ��• d find that said petition is sufficient. �. � o - c Your very trulq, f � $oger A. N,attson - Directc � Department of Finance and , 6 � �es � � � � Q% r U• .� V `^. Re: R173� � � cc; Building Department � Zcming Board N File n N Frontage - 100X QD Parcels Bligible - 16 ,- ��.,� parcels needed - 11 or 66 2/3; �O �'°� Parcela signed - 11 :' ��� � � � �� � � � � � � � N �' ..,� :,i,�►ii ;i 131b �' ����� ��'��'� --=—== ����B y �° CITY PIANNlNG B0�1RD � Saint Paul, Minnesr�t-� Telephone 612/298-5241 113 City Hall, Saint Pau I, Minnesota 55102 � . . � . • � Z�, . � . � ����4��s CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIN:]ESOTA S7 ^ � , PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 6A OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO�IING) COD� S �D Note: The signer should apprise hi.unself of the uses permitted under the new classi•- //�• fication before signing this petition. For further information about the k,� rezoninq of property, ca12 the �Board of Zoning Office at 298-4151. � (Please type or print) Date: January 28 , 1976 TO THE HONO_RABLE hiAYOR AND CITY COUNCZL c/o� the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saiat Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code and Minnesota Statute 462.357(5) , we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by the owner of the real estate to be rezonEd or by any party who has purchased o*_ is piirchasing any such contiguous property within one (1) year preceding the. date of this oetition, such propert�• including the property to be rezoned, hereby acqciesce; ar,d we, tiie owners of 50� or more of the frontage to be recZassified, p2tition your�Honorable Bo3y to rezone the followina described property: (legal description and street address) Lots 5 & 6, Block 3, Godes and Licha Addition; a/k/a 395 White Bear Avenue from R3 District to OS1 District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe bziefly the proposed facility) One Story Office Building - 48 ' X 48 ' RECORD OW!�iBR GNATURE ^ LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: � _ That part of the following des- Schneider, John A. and crib d land ich lies S. of the c nei er, e p ine � ,� cent r line Wakefield Ave. , husband and wife . � � ' ' xte ded in e Cit of St. Paul,� SW o Lot 5 & 6 Min . : Commencing on he N line of SE 1/4, Sec. 34 , T. 29, R. 22 252. 52 eet distan of 220 feet; thence S. 1183 . 86 fee to he cente line of Hudson Road (old) , thence E' ai ng cente line of said Hu son Road ol 221. 25 f et, then e N. 1193 . 68 eet to the point of begin�ing. State of Minnesota) ------- � SS o r ��: _ t�" ^ T �y , ..' �,�,. County of Ramsey � ��� �t�t3 d, ` ` M� � a ".:�Er� -""".�'..�..-��. �.-` � W -__—..----�-- _._�.+.___---__�--- Sam Danna, Jr. beinq first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the � person who circulated the within petition consisting of 7 aages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed iaunediately following each name; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1� year prece3ing the date of t�is petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to Lhe above described property within one (1) year of the date of this petition; that this peti±ion was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, an� that the signatures above are the true and correct sicZnatures of each and all of the parties so descri.bed. �/ 1���,v Subscribe� and sworn to before me ' Address: 1161 Cla�ence, St. Paul, MN. ,� Telephone No. 772-3477 55106 thi� `��_d�y of January, 1976 Approved as to form 8-27-73 Office of the City Atto_-ney � - � �:; , ,,� � �� � I� �I � � hotary Public, Ramsey Cou.zty, Mirn. t u �_, M� commission expires �.,.;�� �� ���� ����, ERICKSON e���' �'I.�t��i�IG �UAM,u , !! bOTARY P!1BUC—MINNESOfA :i�int 1�QU1. MiIIrieeOta - AAKDTA COUf�TY, - �i Calnmisslon�xpires Feb.5,1980 � .} • . � • ' � . • • •..:.���SA�� . �ti CITY OF SAINT PAUL, l4IDJ:�ESOTA PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 69 OF THE LEGISIATIVE (ZO�IING) COD� Note: The signer should apprise hicnself of the uses permitted under the new classi•- fication before siqning this petition. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the 'Board of 2oning Office at 298-4151. (Please type or print) Date: January 28 , 1976 TO THE HONO_RABLE b1AYOR AND CZTY COUNCIL c/o� the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 oF the Legislative Code and rlinnesota Statute 462.357(5) , we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by the owner of the real estate to be rezon�d or by any party who has purchased oy� is piirchasing any such contiguous property within one (1) year preceding the date of this oetition, such propert}• including the property to be rezoned, hereby acq�:iesce; ar.d we, ti�e owners of 50$ or more of tne frontage to be recZassified, petition your�Honorable Bo3y t� rezone the followina described property: (legal description and street addr�ss� Lots 5 & 6, Block 3 , Godes and Licha Addition; a/k/a 395 White Bear Avenue from R3 District to OS1 District, for the purposQ of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (descrire briefly the proposed facility) One Story Office Building - 48 ' X 48 ' RECORD OWA1�R SIGh'ATURE LOT BI.00K ADDITION Subject Property: ' ,� . Schneider, John A. , Jr. � �� ,5 & 3 Godes & Licha and Schneider, Sharon 1 6 Addition � � � � 1 State o: Minnesota) ) ss ",: . . County of Ramsey ? �� �"�� ���� � ''= �Z��� � � � Sam Danna, Jr. being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of � pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately followir.g each name; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year greceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of this petition; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, an� that the signatures above are the true and correct sicZnatures of each a:.d a11 of the parties so describtd. i` • � �. �- ' 1���?/ ' ���� ,�/ Subscribed and sworn to before me . A3dress: 1161 Clarenc , St. Paul, MN. Telephone No. 772-3477 55106 this�day of January, 1976 Aoproved as to form 8-27-73 Office of the City Atto:-ney hotary Public, Ramsey Cou.Zty, Mir_n. My commis�ion er.pires �,n� � L� � � u � U �u 6ANDRA L. ERICKSON WTARY PUBUT—MINNESO(A �="�►d I�:Hit � �g�6 . DAKOTA COUNTY �� � � �r�nm�lonExpintfeb.5.�sso ��� ' TY PL.ANIVIIVG BQARD Saint Paul, (�1irr.esr:i� . • , • • � ������ CITY OF SAZNT PAUL, l4IN:JESOTA PETITION TO ANIEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (20_VING) COD� Note: The signer should apprise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi•- fication before signing this petition. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the �Board of 2oning Office at 298-4151. (Please type or print) Date: January 28 , 1976 TO THE HONO_RABL� b1AYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o� the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 oF the Legislative Code and riinnesota Statute 462.357(5) , we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by the owner of the real estate to be rezonEd or by any party who has purchased o*_� is piirchasing any such contiguous property within one (1) year preceding thc: date of this petition, such proper�p including the property to be rezoned, hereby acc�.:iesce; ar,d we, ti�c� owners of 50$ or more of the frontage to be reclassified, ,petition your�Honorable Bo3y ta rezone the followina described property: (legal description and street address) . Lots 5 & 6, Block 3, Godes and Licha Addition; a/k/a 395 White Bear Avenue from R3 District to OS1 District, for th� purpos� of i.nstalling, constructing and/or operating the following: (descrire briefly the proposed facility) , One Story Office Building - 48 ' X 48 ' RECORD OWN�R �� SIGI�' ^ LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: � ' � Comm ncing on the N. line of the Krawszewski, Robert L. ' ��y`'� t.� �A° SE 1 4 of Sec 34 T. 29 R. 22,* West o Lot 1Ramsey County cordin to he U.S . ovt. Survey thereof, ldistant 252 . feet W. of t e NE cor er of said SE 1 4 ; �therice W. on said N. 1 ne a distance of 220 feet; thence S. 1183. 86 feet to the cent r line o Hudson Road•thence �' ly along the said ce ter ine, 221 25 feet; thence N. 11193. 68 feet to the o nt o be inni exce t that art thereof which lies N. f th S. line of [ailson Ave . as • ow latted extended d e E. and W. ; nd exce t that art t ereo which lies S. f th center ine of Wakefield ve. extended; and als exc pt the E ly 110 feet of the N. eet o t at part thereo ying an eing etween State of Minnesota) the said S. line of Wilson Ave. and the said center line � gs of Wakefield Ave � ,� � , .. " , County of Ramsey ) ; `�' � .� � ,�„ ^ � r�� � � .- �� �., �� � . "�:�, :._..:....-- Sam Danna, Jr. being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of 7 pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed inunediately followir.g each name; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of this petition; that this peti±ion was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above aze the true and correct sic�natures of each ar.d all of the parties so des.cribed. r Subscribed and sworn to before me - Address: 1161 Claren , . Paul, MN. � Telephone t3o. 772-3 7 55106 thisa�� day of January, 1976 � Approved as to form 8-27-73 Office of the City Atto--ney ho ary Public, Ramsey Cou.zty, Mir_n. My commis5ion er.pires �n� � � � � � � U uu +� �`,NDRA L. ERICKSON � ' i,+r-�i� J ��l b , .!4 NOTAR1f FUBUC—MINNuSOtA � _ °"KOT� �°uKTM �CI�Y PI.FiNNIfVG f�OARD �yT,�mmisslon�cplr�sFeb.S,isso (��� . �int Paul, PAirnescyta � - � � � - � � �s��t�s CITY OF SAINT PAUL, l4ZN:JESOTA PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO�VING) COD� Note: The signer should apprise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi•- fication before signing this petition. For further inform3tion about the rezoning of property, call the �Board of Zoning �ffice at 298-4151. (Please type or print) Date: January 28 , 1976 TO THE HONO!2ABLE b1AYOR AIJD CZTY COUNCIL c/o� the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 oE the Legislative Code and riinnesota Statute 462.357(5) , we, the undersiqned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by the owner of the real estate to be rezoned or by any party who has purchased oz� is piirchasing any such contiguous property within one (1) year preceding thc: date of this vetition, such propert}• including the property to be rezoned, hereby acqL:iesce; ar.d we, t�ae owners of 50$ or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your�Honorable Bo3y to rezone the followina described property: (legal description and street addr�ss) Lots 5 & 6, Block 3, Godes and Licha Addition; a/k/a 395 White Bear Avenue from R3 District to OS1 District, for the purpos� of installing, constructing and/or operatinq the followings (descri�e briefly the proposed facility) One Story Office Building - 48 ' X 48 ' � RECORD OWN�R SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: ' N. 0 feet o 5. 95 feet of Lot 6, We ann, R. Blo 5, Hud on Road Gardens 390 White Bear Avenue , S . A tion- � .�.4 � l,/l.-vlM� o man, R. A. �` �> � N. 0 feet o Lot 7 , Block 5, 400 White, Bear Avenue � � ` �- - Hud n Road ard d ' _ . ' . , f ", ^�=—„_ n° �,°ue �/�bv er- � _._--�-� - ... - State o: Minnesota) � �3�„ �--��*, � - . . _ � S g �� ,,' '' !,. ` �° P� _...------�_ _ �i + _r� M'��t� �! 'd 5.�,._: � -r County of Rar.►sey ) `_.� -----'"""""""~ _.__._-----_ Sam Danna,. Jr. being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the � person who circulated the within petition consisting of 7 pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately followir.g each name; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date of �his petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasi.ng property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of this petition; that this peti±ion was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, ane� that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�natures of each a:.d all of the parties so described. ' ^ � � � Subscr:.bed and sworn to before me ddress: 1161 C laren ; t. Paul, MN. ,t " Telephone No. 7 7 2- 7 5 510 6 this�✓�day of Januarv, 1976 _ Aoproved as to fo�n 8-27-73 ����J � �f�+���� Office of the City Atto_'ney hotary Public, Ramsey CowZty, Mirn. My comm:s5ion er.pires j�1� Ir jju ;i� ►; ��j I� (��� ��u L� u ��, la U [� l�� SANDRA L. ERtCKSON . �`""''.� ��, ,. !! NOTARY P'JBUC—MINNESOfa � . � ;�,irii� �) ��7b , DAKQTA COUPITY �' � - �yCommisslon�xpires Feb.5,1980 �f � Y p�t�V�YII�1G E�O�RD .� Saint P.°�ui, �Air^esc?i�� •^�,�, l�j''� ,fl� � , . . . 1 f - ' . CITY OF SAZNT PAUL, l4ZD�:JESOTA PETITION TO AMEND CHAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZOVING) COD� Note: The signer should apprise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi•- fication before siqning this petition. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the �Board of Zoning Office at 298-4Z51. (Please type or print) Date: January 28 , 1976 TO THE HONO_itABLE I�IAYOR AND CZTY COUNCIL c/o� the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 oE the Legislative Code and riinnesota Statute 462.357(5) , we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by the owner of the real estate to be rezoned or by any party who has purchased o*_ is piirchasing any such contiguous property within one (1) year preceding thc: date of this oetition, sach propert}• including the property to be rezoned, hereby acqt:iesce; ar.d we, tiie owners of 50$ or more of the frontage to be recZassified, petition your Honorable Bo3y to rezone the followina described property: (legal description and street address) Lots 5 & 6, Block 3, Godes and Licha Addition; a/k/a 395 White Bear Avenue from R3 District to OSl District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (descrire briefly the proposed facility) One Story Office Building - 48 ' X 48 ' RECORD OW!�IFR SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDZTION Subject Property: � � + ' �- �� � � , S�1p � � 3 . i � � � State of Minnesota) ) ss _ . County o f Rams ey � .� �' �--�"'°"r „ , r �. �., � �s_ "�, . . ��� 4�'� � �.t�.. �„ Y S..9 . Sam Danna, Jr. being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of � pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1) year preceding the date o� �his petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the narties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous *_o the above described property within one (1) year of the date of this pe�ition; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of t�is aifiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sicZnatures of each a:.d ali of the parties so described. • i� -� �� �� Subscribed and sworn to before me Address:1161 Clar "ce, St. Paul, MN. � Telephone No. 7�2-3477 55106 this a�"d�y of January, 1976 � Approved as to form 8-27-73 • Office of the City Atto�•ney Kotary Public, Ramsey Cou.-►ty, Mir_n. My commission er.pizes � !JU � � � � � � LJ C�ANDR.A L:. ERICKSON �OTpRy pUgLIC—MINNuSOTA pAKQTA COUPITY - �,;r�N� � i�76 � �Commission Expirea Feb.5,1980 r� �"°� CITY PI.E1�VfVUVG t�OARq a'' - , Saint P-FUf, P!lirnesat� / ,4� �.-, r �� � � CITY OF SAINT PAiJL, P4ZN:�ESOTA PETITION TO AM�ND CEiAPTERS 60 thru 6A OF THE LEGZSLATIVE (ZO*tING) COD� Note: The signer should apprise hirnself of the uses permitted under the new classi•- fication before signing this petition. For further information about the rezoning o£ property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 298-4Z51. . (Please type or print) Date: January 28 , 1976 TO THE HQNO!2ABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o� the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, biinnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 of the Legislative Code and riinnesota Statute 462.357(5) , we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by the own�r of the real estate to be rezoned ar by any party who has purchased oz is p�irchasing any such contiguous property within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition, such property inc2uding the property to be rezoned, hereby acc�t:iesce; ar�d we, ti�� owners of 50�s or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your HonorablE Bo3y to rezone the followina described property: (legal description and street address) Lots 5 & 6, Block 3, Godes and Licha Addition• a/k/a 395 White Bear Avenue fzom R3 District to OS� District, for the purpos� of installing, constructing and/or operatinq the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) One Story Office Building - 48 ' X 48 ' RECORD OWNER SIGIv'ATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: ' Su erAmerica Stations Inc. - Dick Jackson 1, 2 , Godes & Licha 379 White Bear Avenue 3 4 Addition Roth, Bertha E. Godes & Licha 401 White Bear Avenue � � 4 3 Addition Gardell, G. W. � :� �.�, r�-l�rra �. , J,e� £ �. �e � - Godes & Licha 405 White Bear Avenue 3 3 Addition Figura, J. G. ' 7.� �^ � Godes & Licha 411 White Bear Avenue � '��.�+^�' 2 3 A d' . State of Minnesota) �...----�-°-°°" �Q� � � *'-' U �,b ... � 8 S � �� .c}n� y' ,* "-a �?:�'t���s+ ""�+►r'�"� . County of Ramsey ) �����,;�'� ��� � `'�` Sam Danna, Jr. being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of 7 pages; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots pZaced i.mmediately followir.g each name; that each of the parties descri.bed above is the owner af property which is within 100 feet from any oropezty owned by affiant or sold by affiant within one (1� year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the bart�es described above has purchased or is ourchasing proper*_y fro:n affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of this petition; that this petition�was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this aff_a.nt, and that the signatures above are the true and correct sic�natures of each and a11 of the parties so described. ', , '1 � __ � j � � ��� . Subscribed and sworn to before me � Address: 1161 Clarer�,Ce, St. Paul , MN. Telephone No. 772-3477 55106 this�day of January, 1976 Approved as to £orm 8-27-73 ice of the City Atto-•ney Notary Public, Ramsey County, Mir�n. ��,� My commis5ion exp7res *'" ���- ,,: 6ANDPJ� L'. ERICKSON � � IUi (� � � � � `�, ` �4 �lOIpRY F'l1BUC—MINNESOUI _, � DJ!iKOTA C.OUlITY, ���Tii\ � i.`j70 ■y Canimiaslon Fxpiras Eeb:9,1980 CITY P��NNi��G �+����� Saint F_�::?, P.�ir,��=���,',;� _ � � . ., , . ` . ', ' �,s��f�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, t4IN2�ESOTA PETITION TO AriEND CKAPTERS 60 thru 64 OF THE LEGISLATIVE (ZO*IING) COD� Note: T�e signer should apprise himself of the uses permitted under the new classi•- fi�cation before signing this petition. For further information about the rezoning of property, call the Board of Zoning Office at 298-4151. (Please type or print) Date: January 28 , 1976 TO THE HONORABLE 1�lAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o� the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Section 64.06 oP the Legislative Code and Minnesota Statute 462.357(5) , we, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated withi.n 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real eskate held by the own�r of the real estate to be rezonEd or by any party who has purchased oz is piirchasing any such contiguous property within one (1) year precedinc} thc: date of this oetition, such property including the property to be rezoned, hereby acc�:iesce; ar�d we, t�ie owners of 50� or more of the frontage to be reclassified, pzti.tion your Honorable Bo3y ta rezone the followina described property: (legal description and street address) Lots 5 & 6, Block 3, Godes and Licha Addition; a/k/a 395 White Bear Avenue from R3 District to OSl District, for the purposn of installing, constructing and/or operating the following: (describe briefly the proposed facility) One Story Office Building - 48 ' X 48 ' RECORD OWNFR SIGIQPiTURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION Subject Property: ' • � � � Dwyer, G. Godes & Licha 417 White Bear Avenue %' �� 1 3 Addition Go es & Licha Fortney, QnT. M. -,l � 7 3 Addition 1760 Wilson Avenue , Hollenbeck, Catherine M ` � xce t the W. 55 feet thereof, 1754 Wilson Avenue � the . 110 f et of the N. 135* feet of t at part of he S 1/4 , S c. 34 , T. 29, R. 22 , 1 ing between Wilson nd W kefield v u Co aizy, Lorraine ��^� � - The . 55 fe of the E. 110 feet 1748 Wilson Avenue � of t e N. 13 f et f t** o e S 4, S c 34 , T. 29 , R. 22 , iying between State of Minnesota) Wilson A e. and Wakefield Avenue vacated. ) ss . County of Ramsey ) �,�4� ', "., " `-' >',., ` =' � M % , �.�; , ._ _ _ . _ 'i . _ _ � _ ,_ _;-, ---� _ � � _.___.-�_�_ .__..__..__--..__t_._.�__-_-__,._— Sam Danna, Jr. being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of ages; tha.t the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediatel.y followir.g each name; that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned by affiant or sold by affiant w�thin one (la year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property above described; that none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property from affiant contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of this petition; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of eacn ar.d all of the parties so described. , / ? t� ✓'�.���t� L C.�'i.�',�et�- _ Subscribed and sworn to before me - �Address: 1161 Cl rence, St. Paul, MN. Telephone No. 772-3477 55106 this�day of January, 1976. _ Approved as to form 8-27-73 . Office of the City Atto��ney Notary Public, Ramsey County, Nir�. My commission expires �� � � � � '�j � �Q� u U MMI�NIMM ►S�1N6RA L', ERICKSOK �/�,� ;;��: �i 1�7b .!4 NOTARY PJBUC=MINNr,�iOfA � ;e� � , DAKOTA�OUMT_Y, °t � ' � i'Y PlANP�ii�lG �3nARD �Gdmmis�loq�Pit�Eiti,8�1980 � 5aint P��:'. C7���.,es.-�!., �� lst �'f� 2nd �� � 3rd �/�(� Adopted � �(� --�-�-�-.� Yeas � Nays BUTLER HOZZA HUNT �'� ! ��� � � LEVINE �` ROEDLER TEDESCO PRESIDENT (SYLVESTER)