267409 0 /� , ����:�� CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. FINAL ORDER BY ��� ��� File No, irfi� � In the Matter of �M�ts�a�1� tIN N. �t S'!'. �`AYr�' fly� bd�Ei� iiu�lt •t. to MaTt�urha �t.. �i�► ls�,�s+�t �s. 3�E1�7i a� �►lisw t �s�i�. Mnn �rlth tiita�taYoaa �ataGsia�� ref,�i� Mp�d tra►ti�h !� �roa�bM, aeu�ts�e+�t io��s�i aw�b awt �a►lk, dti�rwrarr � a�Mraae�►# r o�Ea! 1l�bt� I��t�w. �tes� irat� ds�i��t l�sa�litl�„ l� irw�l�rrd � �s al� etius �tk �ssa�r a�i =ir�tid�tls� to ss�i1 l�ps�rMa��t. ,Al�. +aa�str�tt t�ss� •i�oal�r asd x�,riss +q�lst� rl,qsl �nrt�► wit4 Cit�► l+c�caa� a1t t�1 foliavt� lo�catiaas t �ttr �t. i��rs�s�atlo� �riti ft. t+�t�tr �t. aed Mi� �t.s �i�htA �M Xiatd it. lat�t���aa Mi�h +Q�da�'� Mi�NNt� awi �b�rt't �i�t; M�tii, �i�hth �1d �ie�lr �t. '�at�s's�tti� �tid� �t iR. M�wt aoi��mt i si�al aprr�i� io#�r�eop��t�. Aiso. �oastsrat • wtaAr r!�► rd� s�s +�# watr�r Ns�l�ea�t �atie�. . � under Administrative Order � � approved � �0 ���`6 �� under Preliminary Order � �'"��'� approved �Y c;(��a7� The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COLJNCILMEN Adopted by t ate JUN 2"2 1976 1'eas lva��� ,�UN 2;5 1876 *�' � ified Passed ouncil Secretary '--�i0z�' i Hunt In Favor Levine v " Rcedler Against $yive5teC Mayor ?edesc� ����t.ts►�Et� JUL 3 1916 .,. v _ . _. .�- ��O��f ���'� '� , . , � No; — �� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER 3_� O��6 , . , Date: . � � / "7�'l i7 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, . • In the matter of constructing the WEST SEVENTN STpEOT 6�►5�followsf r� ��5�'� Sixth Street to Wabasha Street, City Project No. 57 • _ Regrade, pave with bituminous material, widen and ra�Q9�mentaiat'�ightin9nsystem, integral curb and wa1k, driveway.s where necessary, storm water drainag� facilities, landscape boulevards and do a11 other work necessary and incidental to said improvement. ATso, constructi temporary signats and revise exist�tersection5w�th�St 'Retert� . Forces at the folioaring tocations: Ninth Street in Street and Wabasha Street; Eighth and Ninth 5treet int�rsection with Cedar, Minnesota and Robert Streets; Seventh, Eighth artd Ninth Stree� intersection with Jackson Street; and canstruct a signal system interconnect. Aiso, construct a water main and sewer and water servtce connecttons. The report of the Department of Public Works is approved, and the Department of Finance and I�anagement Services is irtstructed ta scf�edule a public hearing before • the City Councti . : . --:_ , � �°'�. � � � , . ��� . �� �4PPROVED A� T ORM ! . .�i - ���, . �� � . _ partmeat Hea Assistant Cit Atto Y - � � i \� v �- t� � ` �%G�� � �' 2 !7 Date Administrrtive Assistant to NiaYor 1 __—_— — _ _ __-------- . -- — , . ,. ���.. �'�`7��� CITY ClE SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC WORKS DANlEL J. DUNFORD Ma rch 1 1 , 1976 DIRECTOR Mr. Roger Mattson . Director of Finance Rooin 109, C i ty Hal l BUILDING Attention: Paul Desch Re: P-0576 West 7th Street Realignment 6th St. to Wabasha St. � Also: Traffic Signal Madifications on 7th, 8th � 9th Sts. , St. Peter St. to Si61ey St. Dear Sir: Attached are copies of our recommendations to the Mayor and Administrative Qrder D-2624. Please set up the public hearing for this project. Also, we will be introducing a Council Resolution (copy attached� along with the Finai Order. Please coordinate the hearing far the Order and Resolution. !f you have any questions or require additional information, please contact A11en J. Shetka at 298-5311 . . Yours very truly,, „ �irl i '} ' ' ��"� - l;� ��.-`xt-. ��'�,�. L ��...-c.�t.c,:_-. � Dan i el J. `�nford �-�- Di rector of Publ ic Works �`�'''>. , CLT/AJS/ck -r.--.��_ - Attachments .'�,*.'a= '-` '�' � �' - - ��- ,�' ~ t f'� ,!'. !?� ,. ;�'.,\, � cc: Thomas Eggum .� �.,�" - "' t '�;- ty ?A J. William Donovan ��" � � ' ��.' s� ����-a`� � ���- - �,�; •��,�, ,.. ,� � � r .,��3 ��� ��� { '. � a �'�3�s>,__ •��j �,,'� ; ^��-�16���� 234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesoia 55102 �O . . � . ..•.. , . s � � . . � ������1 �es� � ��� ��►���� �sented By • ' Referred`To Committee�� Date . � Out of Committee By Date �FIiEREAS, The Dmpartment of Puhlic Wocks, Pianning Commiss�ear5nb eR�tc�cdyaR� �S�Aro��dt � Authority of the City of Sa�nt Paul have fcr_a per�od of Y air fcom Ghestnut ta Wa11 Stceet reatignment of Seventh �treet anc! the Eighth Ninth one-way-P . and also the canstruct�orr of Sevanth Piac.e: Mall ; and � WHEREAS Tha Departmant of Public Works,.,Pianr�ir�g CcmmissiaRrea�iH�c�t c�f�Se en hGStce��and Authocity havm cecot�r+ds�d ta th� City Ca�r�cit the prapcse 3 the Eight#rNinti� one-way-pai r and the u�tfmate �1 iminatlon of auta�bi ie traff ic �r� ��v��ti� Strast: fconr SExtti- Streat ta Sibleyr Street for the purpose cf cortst�ctctiRg a mails ancE �. WHEREAS,-;Portioc�s of th� real Ignmant. af Severrtk Streeuse�aftthe- pres��� a� ai�e+c�sa�t� fundir�� _ be accom�tished cturing th�. currertt calendar Xear a�d . ,_. _ - � ar�d tha--cw�enhi p of the naaassar�r r i ght-cfwAray; : _ � r � , -,,_ ' - W'riEREAS�t. Bo�tions o� ti�a- proposed rea�i o��� northe�y� cor�er of the�6Tack��6�ounaed t�����t g��: pair, spac��.fically those parts tocate 5eventh,. .lacksoc� artd S i bl ey St�eefts; °n sterl�ucorner ofdN i rtth Streat�anct '���Ge Street-, _ Street to East of Watusha 5tr�t, thQ we Y and the northarly side of Seventh Stree�trf�csrt �`�uesitio�oftthe right-c��~wa��anci: cor�str�sc��oR , structe� at this time b�cause funding �r f� �� _ of that part�cn of the real ignment of Seventh Street and the Eightt'�Ninth a►n�wa�'"P� presentTy avai labl e; and--:_ ; : - , _ : EAS The C i ty Courti� has du�y cens idered the proposed rea2 egttm�� a�� ��+"` ����' ta e�e¢r� WFiER , roval of the pro��osal ; now, therefore, be i t �� its aPP . SOLVED That the Counci 1 of the C i ty of Sa i nt Pau� does here6ryf con�uP i n aRC� aP�xr�ve the R� � recama�anded real i gnment oi��Seventh Street and the E i ghth-N i nth v�g-set �f �actstcttcti�g�he Sevex►t e� iminaLEOn of automobile traffic f�nce�wlt��therattached. pianpan�th� MaYar Zs hereby �e4usste:c P1ace Mail, substantially in acc4rda to report back to the C i ty CouRCi l a propos5�ventf�tPlace Ma11�,�tageth�r v��'rtit r���o�r��dattc���h�. realign�ent ot strtets and constru�tton o�funds ta accom�tlish this prcf�a�:t. . concerrting the obtaining of the necessary G� COUI�[CtLMEI�t Requested b�► Dep�tmeut of:. _ _ Yeas NaYs Christeusen In Favor Hozza . � `�: �.� Levine By � � � � � Roedler � _ Against / / � Sylvester (/ �� Tedesco - President Hnnt Form Approved l�y •.it Attonse ` Adopted by Couacit: Date �� � �' _ gy -. � � Certified Passed by Council Secretary � � BY aPProved May o �� si Co ttC's.I ' Approved by alayoc: Date �� � By .. B� . _ : _ � - 1 - • - - - SUMMRRY OF ENGlNEEKIN� Ktl.Uf9P1tPiUHt IUIV] , January 6, 197� � - Adv i sab i 1 i t�r and Des i rab i 1 i ty �� 1 ����j i hlPROVE __,� _ . West 5eventh Strest realignment from existing Sixth 5treet to Wabasi�a Street, City Pro}ect No. P-0576 by widening arrd reatigning th� roadbed, constructtng integrai c�rb a�nd wa:lk, driveways, ornamental i ightir�g syst�, stor� wa�er drainage faciiiti.eg, landscaping boulevards, constructing a water mairt, sewer and water connectians, revising the signal system on EFghth aRC# Niath Streets fras� Str P�ter Strect ta� Jackson Street, and al i other wark �ecessary arrd : iRCldental" tQ Saict improvement�. ' EXiSTiNG CONOITIONS , - . . Th�c�ctsting traffic.• pattern`for"W�st Seventh 5trezt, initiated 6y�- the ecrt-- structiorr of the Civic Center, #s a somewhat circuitous raute. The roe�t� foc - eastbound traffic is� started at Kellogg 8ivct., (or� the west s�de� of tt►e CFvie C�ntec}: thert o�< t�a i n Streat� tc� S�xth Street and tRElR QR S e�th St�� tc We��; Seventh Street. Corr th�► east s i de af tt�e C i.�r i c Cec�ter}. The westtao€�nc� traf f e c fai lor�s a simi lar rou�e, but uti 1 i zes NiRth S.trect or Audi ta�iune Stre�t. _ PROPOSED lMPRQVEMENT� � . - - 7he constructEart �irt i976) w't11 consist of widenirsg and �ea�igctirtg West Severtth . Street from Chastrtut Street to Wabasha Streefi (the section of realigR�ng West Seventh Street from Chestnut Street to existirtg Sixth Stree�t was a��cove� March 29, 197'Ss C.F. Na. 265225�� - The reat i g�ted West Seventfi 5 treet wi 1 T t i� i nto an 8th-9tlt artE-way�-pai r at W��basha Street and follow to Sibley Street and JacksQrt Street where the traffic will be routed back on existing West Seventh Street. T�affic can the.r� be ranoved frem West Severtth Street betweert Auditori�m it�eat artcf .�acksact Strezt, which wili enabie implementatiort of the 7th pTace concept_ Signal instaTlation and signal revision is the oniy constructiarr required between Wabasha Street and Sibiey Strest. Due to the Tead time for delivery of signa} � equ i pment, i t i s necessa ry to perforrn the wvrk wi th C i ty F'orceg arrd w i tFt te�ara�ry equipment in order to meet the Housing and Redevelopmee�rt P�utharity`s timctabte for 7th piace implementatiort. � SPECIAL CONSIDERATtONS �. � 7he cortsfiructien done under this order wi11 not camp�iete tf�e roadway systein for .�„ the Sth-9th one-way-pair. Remaining work whieh is ess�ntial ta the fiRai pian as dev�ioped and approved by the Departmenfi of P�tbl 'tc Works, Planrting Qepartmen�'+�, and Housing and Redevelopment Authority is: z-- ,, �,�' 1 . Acguisition of R.O.W. and realigning the roadway on ti�e northeriy co � r° of the b'.ack bounded 6y 8th, 7th, .Jackson and Sibjey Streets. �� 2. Acquisition of R.O.W. and widening the roadway arr the south�rty side of 9th Street from Auditori�rm Street ta j�st east of Wabasha Street. ��- � � � � 'r� . .. � . . . . � . r � ` 3. Acquisitiort of R.O.W...- and constructing a turn Tan�: on ths westeriy� .� ..� . corner of 9th Street and Temperance Street. ,�`� � �, r� - 4. Acqu'►sitio�=of R.O.W� and wideni�g th� roadway on the northerly sEde of 7th Street from Sibtey Street to Watt Street. Th� ideal: canstruc[iocr schedute far the $th-9th one-way-pair wouid includ� the above, bc�t due to the t imetabTe of the kous i ng and Red�velapr�er�t Author i ty for 7:h place imptementatiort (tate 1576 or early 1977� , �t is impossible. ta c!o sa�. _ ' The schedal� at this time is tu construct tter� No. t above in �977., This wil} cor,►pleta tha ce�oval of tra�flc aff �th Str�et to Sihley Street, aRd ccatplet� _ the tra�f�c swetchback from Stt� and 9th Streats.to 7th Street_at the. eagt end of the� 1eap.. -:. tterns Nar 2, 3 artd 4 abave are nc�t pregrammad. tt is� planc�ed ta ` inc�ude these areas in an of�icial map ir� order tQ withF��d �c�etd�� permit.� unti�..fY;nst� orders art ado�tarl. : � � : - :;. . t;, _ _ _ :, �. ,. : ._ Attached �s a CCUnGf 1 RegO�utioC[ wh►Ch na�te5 i tems� t through 4- as esserrtiai- ta _ -' . ��:thc� ultiat�te stseet. real�gnment. ; _` . _ ` :, .; _...:. , . _ ,,, ESTTMA7E OF COST' f Fcr woEk under� this Firta1 Order onjy� _ _ :: - Constructio�r . . 5523�QOd _ - _ - - - L�ighting_ - 60,Q04 - � � - _ . Signats _ 196,Q6Q � Wa ter �ta i rr l 66 ODQ � - To ta t 9��� Note: Above figures inctude cests for tha pra��:ct th�t was aRPro�ed P�arch 28, 1975, �-e-- W�st 7th Street-Chestnut Str�et to existing 6ttt Street. ESTiMATEO FFNANCING . M.S.A.. $2t i,(�OQ . : C.1 .B. 734,000 Totai 9 ,Q 4 : . RECOMMENDATION . The Department of Pu�i ic Works feels that this is a Rece�sary a�d w�rttn�k�ite project and the enginesring recommenc3atian is for approvat o� the ordec_ - Respe�tfully subraetted - Dartiel J. Dunfarcf � Director af Pub.lic Works �;�it CLT/AJS/ck � . . � �� — Ha�."y�� � - ���ac � . _ _ .. . __ i. • �'�'7�.�i1 $ELIMINA1tY ORDTR C il File No. 267221 — BY Ruby t— In the Matter of constructing tlie W. SEVENTH ST. REALIGN1VfENT from existinB Sixth St.'to Wabasha St., (�ty Pro3ect No. P-OS78 as iollows: Regrade, pave with bituminous mate- rigl, widen and realign the roadbed, octtetruct integral curb and walk, dTivewaysg where necesaary, an orna- dmrainaBe�facil�ita�e�laidscapb�oulevaa�rd and do all other work necessary and incidental to said improvement. Also, epnatruct temporary signals and revise exi�ting signal systems with City Forces at the following locations:Nint�i St. interseotion with 3t. Peter St. and Wabasha St.; Eighth and Nixtth 5t. in- i tlraection witli Cedar Minnesota and i Robert Sts.> Seventh.L`f ighth and Ninth ijBt. intersection with Jackson St. and conatruct a signal sYstem interconnect. Also,construct a water main and sewer and water service connections, under pdtninistrative Order D-2B24, approved March 10, 1976. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1� sane ishereby apPpoved width no alternatives and that the estimated cost thereof is—no assessment. � 2. That a Public hearing be had � on said improvement on the ' h day of d 9 6 ' Chambers �of�the Citq Hall�and Court House Building in the City of Saint Paul. $� beagiveneto the perusons andiin the manner provided bq the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, tlie nature of the improvement and the total coat thereot as estimated. File No. 17819. �I APPrqtev ed Maye 24�1976.�ag�,1976. _/_ (June S, 1976) PAGE r�OUR ��! t.ta', �V f S. , � �„� " � �1�, L�C�E�DGER, SA��.#�,:]IJGNE 5, 19! mex�tation of the City's CommunitY ➢Bunieipai State A.id Stret! Funds the The Councii of the Citp of 3aint Pae�l The GouncLl of the Clty o1 Sai� Development Yeaz ZI Program: aad sum of $30,000.00 to apply toward the havfng received the report of the haviag received the be it construction oE said project aad re- Mayor upon the above improve:aestt. Mayor upoa the abone i�mpr� Further F�esolved. That the PraP?s 9uest the Commisslonar of Flighways and having considered said repart, and haviag ccnsidsred said. City afficials are authoriud and dx- to approwe this authorizatioa, hereby resolves: hereby reso3ves. rerted to ezecttte the gtant.agreem83at AdopEed by the Couaril AQ�y Z?. 1978. 2. That tha sald rrport a� the i. Tlsat tlie said and contract betwaen the City and the Approved May 28, 19TB. same ia hereby apprnved wfth no same ia her�by ag�p q Depart2aeat of Sovsiug and Urban I3e- (June 5. 19T8) aitarnatives arad that the eatimated alteresattaas,a�d p.hAt tYie et! velopmerit for the Communi Deael- cost thezea� is $635,000.00. cos! thereo� is$13,qGd,pp, opmea# Block Grant Yest II�rogram. 2. That a pubiic heariYSg be had 2. Ti�t a pub7le beszing b AdoAted by the Couneii MaY 27> 1976. Counc e No. 287308-BY John E. on said imprrsvealeat an tha on said Approved May 28, 1978. improvemeat a (Juae 5, 1978) Christe�seg-•. 15th d�y of Juae, 19Z6, at 10:00 T2n@ dag o� Juae, yg7g, a Resulved,By tht Council of the GiY' o'cicrek a.xn., in ths Couacil o'elosk am., fa the E �...� of Saiti# P8tr1, tha3 Q7apter T, Lawa Chatabeitil of the C3t9 Sait an�d ChansDeta ot the Cit� Ha of Minatso#a for 1975.approeed tite 8th Cwurt �iouae B�1dSx�i ia the Gity Court Soas� 8tt1]ding iis tL Council PYIe No: 28T294 - By Robert daY o! Febrnttiy. 1978, entitle�d;: ad SaitnY PauL oi Saint PBnL SYlvestar- ••An act relatia�6 to Raufseg coua38. :3_ That noiics of said Public h�sriaE 3. That nntice aY�aid.DUb1�2 Reso�ved. Tha! the Couaeil of ths reesta� be given to the pessons aad !a be City oi Sain3 Paul doK hsreby approve �N ��i the �ice M coun#y the maaner Provlded 1a9 � the�ma�oaes sovi��b eqoL aIId a�bolia�in� thQ p1aY of the Architectutai S�rvieo Agi�ee- commi�i�; aiAead�a6 L1ars 1974. - - : C]�aster. statiag tha tin1� aad CbarLer, statl� the ttrs� mettt with t3ie Housiag a�d RedevetOp�' �PtAr �36, Se6t1t� 3.18. and bY , PLt� est h�r3a8,. tha nateYTe�a! p�e � h�g� �.� ment Authoril9 aad �si, Graen addin8 a seatfoa: aad raF�i Laws. tha irnj�ro�nent antt the total the fmprovemextt anB tit� and Abraha�taeon:. aad the Surveyini 19?A. ChaF'�r 438. Ssetion 3A5." cast t3sesaai � estimated. eost lt�stsod as esiim�atad.. SerniCea Afa'�� witi!-iha 8ousiaB �31e P7o: 1Tffi0-G. F�le No. 1T8�46. AuLhoritY aad ChaTles O. GeorYt C9m• a csrtiSed cuP9 04 w�sic3s is S1ed hata- P�9. both a�'�b f�tttia guz'Pose witri. shs�ll be aad said Aat hexeb� is . ��Oi��b!the Gasu�51�ar9�.�8. Adogted b!tlle Cotmcll-1VFs3 9 o# PzCVidinB ths CStY eoith a�kYaa! iri a3.1 APP�►�1 Bd93 3�l. 14?6. :; in the P�g and deveLpp�eat af RegolV�ed���.�'Tl�i tbe Cit9 ; � (JUne?y 1978) � `�$D��d'1HS? � 197& _ coa�g systeltf ���aviYh Clerk, as the dsiet ckrieal, oSlCer af ,.,gc �_(Juae S.197f) -w'" said CiLB o�3�at Paui.si�sll forthattit - � � , _ Dislr!$ce�dDewatap�m�at�Plas,�aad�he file wit3s th� � by tl^te '- � �i•�+ qk-�". PH�F�#►3'{?�.� certi8ictrt� iri fr,rrDi•. ca�ah�t�b�� AfiEOCaeg (�i statfni t8e e�eautial '� ', - : .. �,� --,-^r^--- � Bond��. � �"r'�afl aa'sd. s�x'av'ai„ot '_ . - Ado�d bT t�e earmefl DLq�*Yl;.i99�. . and� iadud�t..a Caamc#i lY3e Ne. ?�7sZE' H3►`"1M�7"' �c�tr�afi'Fl3s N[a 287504 -..H�t APProved P�� 2� 13�Q. � � thds r�lsstiou oS apgrwsI o� :'Hun4- . ;,� . a - HuA4- �, . H,� . (Jutie 5, 199Q) �d�' . .Tn the Maftar asE a�uri ext�nd- � Ad+�P'u�bY fihe Cenacll ALay 27 2B'M. Ixn the a�9tttt� of vpgtall}ag a A�praved BSav�187d. �S SUBTJRBAlY ��T� S�a� the vrater maia ta the toiLowtag aLrt KBauard-Btsns iata�c![oa to While Council lPfis No. 287294-B7 VYttor J. _ (JamQ 5`i 19T8) �! Bear Avenw aad�LANDBAU� , �'��PAfftTK1�AY fsaan mir�sLer �t to Sk � Tedesco- � . � �b�rb�aa Avaa�x to Iatsratate EDGE7MO��C��itom �P3 Resoleed,TH�t AP��P�fot • FarkW�y �wtthesky to !ha cu1r�L W Y On and OS 3als DSalt Bev a�e Li- PRIELIDI�Iif,i3E! ASn�S> ne�ar9 tore si�a�pes,s�irts a�ad f�la, � vader�!ulmfn#�vt Ordsa D-9E . � _ censes. a,�Plied f,or bY �ILY�Thoaaas. doing bus�aees at t2ue 3ctuart Deal Club. ;' cludiag ri,g,ht nE removai c�"latmxsi sup+ Frmrad lt�s}1 e, i97�; at 614 Co�cordia Avenus. be an� iha Cw�ncii P'fia..No. T64iZ1 -- BS' Ruby Dost fi�vm sub�er�t l�da ar reasa� . ,•, sarae Ls hereb7 deAled. Hunt-. , thereo�F. oceasi+omsd bY �avatiot�s Th�+t�o!tha C�ot 3�it AdaA�d b the Couacli��'!�i97a. theregl � c�on � s3a�e�,. ia havla� x�n�ived, thc separt � APDraved� Y�. 19�. In tha MYt�r at COas3ruatta���, 9�T7BT���RI �A�� ��Ken,�u'd attd rtts=�costsi�:� (Juae S. 1975) W. � ST� �+�r.�r.r�� �om e�datittg Sixth 3t ta Wabar��t., Strs�t-�aras Avea�ua iat�a�et to h�ebg fx�' Pro3� Na P-t�f8 ae folloars: Whlte Besr Aveetus aa� P7+AI�IDItAV 1. Tlxs# t1Ue a�d sepest � $7.`RE$'�' from Subsubaa Avenue ta Cowlcil File:2Qo.. 2�'1�6^-SY VitCa� J. �• �°° mlth bitumiaoue mat�- Iutersti�te $lgh�ovay No. 94 (8adsoa �8 � h°� �O°� q wtd� a�d reait� tlae raadbtd. att�.mxd t the a� Resolved That APPliaetioa P 34a9 for cons�tuei inta�lld' curb aad wallt, �D� � p � cmt tlteseof is�,380:09. the tram�!!er o! �acmd F3aad Dea�er dsivevvays s�he��t�cee�y, aa ora8� �aa' st[eet and bd� & 'S�at a Pn�liet lmnt3�.b Ge�rai Liqose Dio.331� e�faa�AD- maatai sg"s�n; st�m Wa�et ovat asd act'aq ttlo fvo���erib d � aald imps+�t ao ril 18, 19TS.isn�ed to RLetlard Le�`e�nrre �°' • �� �� laads all situa4ed ia that tr�et at iand 2�Sd da�y o! Tuas, 19�8.'a� at 42 S.Oxiard Street, be a�d the sa�e aad do all oihat work necessary and gaoarr� as Eha SE;a �the SS!4 a� 3e�s- .m.. in t2ie C is herebY �errsd to Rfe�ard. Le- iaciidaatal to said improvem�t.r� tion 34. TotvnBhiP 29 N�h, RanEq 23 QCha�m�ra oi ths Git9'' $a Febvre aL T2Y Gd'aad Av�tua. �B �Y�s1 syetesm arith Ci�r West: Cousi Hauso Bvi�d�ig ia.t3� AdoPtad by tha t:o�teil D�Sy'?l.18Ta. gore�at NiIItlt Aa 89 foo�t v�ida sCHy ot Iand ly#n8� � SBitr�t Yn�1i. AFFrav+ed,MaY Z8, 187t. ' t. intisra�etlan v►ith Pete� St. w+�st � Whtte B��r Axar�ss. nm�th ' � Tltat nqtics oi s�,i P��b (Jt� S, 19T6) of By�'nat Av�ue,aad eaSt ad Kest-- � C� � � A� i - nord Street, tl�e centtr liste cd v th8 � Provid+ed h� �vhieh � toot. �a� scr��, 1� de- Ch�rte! statlat t1t� t�rit Counc32 1�'!le I6�. Z07�99 H�+ 1Tfe� J. = narihed as Eollows:B��S ai tha�. D1aes c� h�Mr�B.,th,�k nat� Tedesca-- : S�R of larteraaetfaa o�the e�t�•� � �i�� �sd Lha Re�olved.T2raY�lPDl1¢stioII P 6118 4ot A1s0.construct a water main anti aewet of said 3ectlo� 34 aad a lias SbO�r� . coat.the�ot as esd�aafed. the transtar ad General R pa Gar�e a=td water aervice conaecttans, uad� ; ftet no�s arP and Para3lel ta the FlIe Na 178a't. '. Licet�ae No_1441.expirltl�8 ei p�tfmb�4, Adm#��tstive Order D-3�4, apgrovtid eauth lin�s of�Cl 9e¢tln�34 (beiai= AdapCed t�Y ths Co�ma#i M�F 2' 1976, i�suad to J� B[. 3�ait3s at 12? D+farr.la 10, 199f3. - the wester3�r ext�ntie�a of e E. Robie 3traet. be and the ssme is " ' '�Sburbsa Avasns): thence�w�+ �p�ved M'a� Y6� 19A6. hereb9 traaaared 4o daba B[.Smith at ��il ad Uu CSt7 od 9a�at Pavl - �� �id p�ra32ei line 8 distanC�•�- (auae 5, 1978i 453 W. Sevent�s�et.. havi�t received t� reporE oS tdM '�8d�.94�,ta th�e lett.�tang��[t�r AdoQ�ed 1�Y'E3�s CctitlCli Mey 2�,I97A: H�]"� tivr-a�ot►� 13�ro�renlest�l, . Appsoned DSaY 98.1918. - and Comddsted s4i�i r4pa�t, � � ��. 1xaYing a P�.T�'f'�kA']F l�Hil�'` (Juas 8. 19?Sf `j heRbY °es: aa���e �89�de�.�dis#�ot,�. _.w;..,._..__.... _......._.,, 1. That t� atid rap�t and the �i.79 feet: thmce southwesEerlq sa� is hsrei�3 aP�oveEl wiih no �a sttaiSht 13ne tan8ent to said.�• Counei2 liie Na, 247a01 -- HY Couacil F'lle No.2672Y8--Br L�on�rd W. altessfatives aad that the�lsd � a dlstance o! 137.� Feet.^.: Huat- . . Leviae- � eost thereaS is-ao assesmleztl. thatce eaxtthw'eaterlY a1on8 a auret . In the matter oi hazardovs buiidfaSs 2. Thai a Dublia hearlat 1�e had to tlte rtght, YanS�s# to the l�t.;_ in the, 11[atter a€ re�sso e� hein8 that two s'Wa'Y frame dwell9n8 oa said iasProvemaat on the deacrfbed lins. havinB a radins u! . Ra�seY St. froat �arrnaa�t. 1 in the City cY 3a3at Fadl �owa and ISth day ad Juue. 1878. at 10:0@ 3011 Feet and a central angle of � change St. a:sd cc�tsts�act a righ described as 7S9 Pielce Butier Road sad o'clock a.m« i�R the Govacil dageees, a distaaaes of 261.T9 £eet lane. Also; coreatruet coacreta situated upon thess Premisea legal�Y - Chambera oE Yhe Ci�9 Hall and (more or lm) to a paint and tt�re wa1k, drivewa's wae3te nec� descritred ae Lot 34 and We�ter Co�art Eioaa� Btuldiai m � �tY terifainatfag; said puiat be�n8 �1 atorm water draiaagn f4eiliifea. 18.60 ft. � Lot 3S. B1oeBc 3, JoseD� � oi 3aint PauL teet norih of the sout3�,liae af safd scaDe boulevards and do all othe� Weide's Rearrangemeat of Black 3 and 3. ThaY notioe oi said P�i�hear�s8 Secti�34 sad�36 feet west ot the n the North 35 oi Block S,winles'a Addi- givea to the we9t lina of SEs�of the 3�;4 od said _ �q aAd fac�deatel to eo� tion. the manaer provivid d��dthe 9ectiaa 34. �a �mProvefaeat, unda! Adrni; Whereae:Ptusuaat to rqolntioa.C.F. tive Order D-08T4. aisproved A, No. 287078, approved Aprii ZZ. 1978, a �rt�• ��g � �e� a°d Also acqulre�erma�nt eeseatent for i9TH. - public heaz�ing was scheduled Sor 10:01f Place oi Isearin8. t3fe aat�ue uf street and 1uSl►vsaY P�Pa� on, ovrs. a.m. on April 29. 1976 before the Couss- the improvetamt aad the total and acrass thai part of the herelni�ore The Counc�I o!the CitY of Sein cil af the City of Saiat Paul, said cost thereaf as eetfmaYed. described tract oE land lying nurtla o# hav}n� received the report a hearing pertaiaing to the conrliLioa c�f P'ila No. 17819. Burns Avenue. easL of I�ennard Stxeet. May ar up� the abovs impram the strueriues lacated at 739 Pierce Adopted b9 the Couacil�ay 20. 197$, and southweaterly of a iFne de�crihed and having cansidaxed said � Butlel� Road, Saint Fau�, Dtinaesota: Apprnved May 24. 1978. as followa: Begiantag at a pofat on the herebY s�lvess and $u� (Juue S. 1978) � south line a# said Sectfan 3+1, 195 feet L That tlzs said repozt arn Wherees.UPt�facta gteseisted at said / esst of the west liae of said SEva a2 the hearin8 rn�sistin8 of photo8='aPha, in- �a�----...• SE?s of said Sectlon 34• thence north- eame ie hesebq approved w spect3on repot�t+� and the recommenda- '-'��pr'� ��'19 aloag a stsaight line ta a �teraativea.and that the esti Y tHtHiS point oa the west Imo o£ said SE'Ya ad cost theraof is$27:300.00. tion of the Divisi�t of Housing and the a�ya of said Sect#aa 34. 210 4eet 2. That a puhlic h lr Buildiug Code Enforcem�t it is fo�ad � aorLh ot tkte said aouth line ai said . . on sasd improvement °s and deterauned hy the City Couucil S,�eti� 34 and there termina#ing. "'22tsd day ot June; 1976; at that accosding tts tk�e rxord� and flles Couadl BYle PIo. 2872� - Bg RLiby a in the o@ice of the 8agitter of Deeds, ��t- Also, aequire parmanea# ee�ments o'cioak a.m,. ia the C the last record maner oi the above de- for strert and highwag purpaaas on, Chamhiers o1 the City I3a1 scribed AroP�9 i3 7ohn E. Blomtl�st, � stlie DdatYes at iasta;.'�tioD of a over and aeross that part aP the here- Cnurt Hnvse Buiid3ng 3a th Inc_; that there is a mortgagt on the wat4s=maia and its apPurtenaacwa ia �� dee¢ribed tract of Laan►, lying of 9aint Paul. property ru:ining t� Twiri City FederaY ��.?iuictioa wft�[ the praposed street w�t oL W2�ita Bear Avenue betweea �.. That n�otice ot said public h Savings and Loazs; and that I.arrai.me iaapravemerit: sueh installa#on to e�c- �arns Avenue and Iirterstata High- be Slven to tkte peraans a T. Mieloc.h h2s an tiiukaowri intrr�sti in tend oa Subarbaa Ave. from the maiis �9 1�TO. 94 ESudson Roxd) and de- the manaer pmv�ied b� the progerty; and tixat it is further de- oa Kennard St. to the main on White ��� as 'oiiows: ay��. ��g �a � termss�ed that the aDove described �� Ave. azsd on Flaadrau St.. fiom F,acept the �uth�Yeet,the weaL pla+ce of hesrin8. t3xs nari bu:ldiAg eonstitutes a_hazardous build- Suhurbaa Ave.to PaciSc Sk.,under Ad- Bp feet of the easL 504.4 feeE lyisag the fa3A�vem�st xr.d the ing witYun the d:Rnitian oi Minaesota ��'ative Order D-2659, approved south of and immediately adjaaea! cost therertu' as estfmated. c«.,...�ee �em;,.., d�a�� a..� rti.o v..�i....._..March 2^_ 197R. S�ard af Water�Cnm+ tn Tnfir�rafn*s.Rie�hm�so Ta..�oe�ra„a_ �,_ .�_ ..�...,. ,a �: � R , � � , � � * x � ��� �� fii , � �"; A t � .r �l�i • �� r r � p� . . . f tt' ��, . . . . � � . � � _ . � � v�-� �i S t�,�. � i '� J " ' �� �s t'�{ . . . . - . j' . . . . 4 _ . � � � � , � �� � .' : 4 �� �'�.� r �' � T �`1 . � Jf,, �' .� �� . ,�4 � ` � � : - � , � ,�� . !. � ,�. , � ��� r� �' � ! , ✓ ' � ' « �` , � � � �� � � �� , �.. � - � / � , �!'�, � k �;ii �� . ,� '� � � ' � � ,� ,"�" `,� � � � �� � i f � �' � � � . � � � � �. � . � ' ' . � . � . � ' � - � � 1 1. N� t k�.} . � � � ' ' . 1 � �. ., . , . . : � "^.� . � � ' �Y . . � ,.X �, 4� .�y� f T r'�, ' . � . .r � ,1 .. , `�� h t i' �`_� i �_ �7 � , � . - . ��� � , . 'I � ��� � ��� „ ` � t ,�' ': � y � r 4 �«� � j�' . � � �„' `, � � � � '� � :. ' � • . 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