267399 WHITE - CITV CLERK COQIICII ������,J PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE -MAYOR File NO• . ' Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Naegele Outdoor Advertising Company ha.s, under the pro- visio.ns of Section 64.204 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, appealed from an interpretation of the Zoning Administrator and a decision by the Board of Zoning Appeals denying a request for ele- vating billboards on an existing billboard site; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council conducted a public hearing, the minutes of which are attached hereto as Exhibit A, on June 3, 1976, in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.204; ar�d WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council found at said hearing tha.t the elevation of the billboards, requested because of the .install- ation of a sound barrier which blocked vision of the signs, wa$ not an enlargement, extension or expa.nsion of a legal non-conformiMg use within the meaning of Sections 62. 102(a) and 62. 102(c)(1) of t�.e Saint Paul Legislative Code; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council grants the app�al of Naegele Outdoor Advertising Com ny to elevate the billboard structures a maximum of thirty (30�feet on the following cond�.tion: tha.t the total signa.ge area of the billboard facings not be inGreased or expanded beyond the square footage which existed on the pren6iises on October 24, 1975, the effective date of the new zoning code; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Zoning Administrator is hereby directed and authorized to grant necessary building permits in accordance with this order. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � [n Favor Hunt Levine �__ Against BY Rcedler q$STRiK Sylvester ' ��' Tedesco.�"' � Adopted by C Date ��� �976 Form Approved by City Attorney . Certi � Pass ncil Sec�ctary $Y /� �� � � �' `� V- } Jt)N 1 8 1976 Appr d by .Vlayor: at Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY pUBi.tsf� JU#1 2 6 1g"� ,S_ , , - �'����� , . � ; � . _ ; . � .. ' � ' � . . . .. f.1. �� � � . .. � � . . . � �. t ..��:p�^1.. . �. .. ..:,..'i :f... :n',:.�^�.. ��. '�...a . :.. . . ,�. �. ...;1 M1� V M' Ab ' Y . �. � �. . � .. .., •t...:.�. .� •�' . � � ' . v.. . �w"�:�� t: �.�..� ?t'APY'..�': � .•,.'.�:F�Y.t �v��.: ,. . ..�..i '� f'1'.. . . . � ,. Ip�/�—Aflidadf Qf S�rvtc� �y MaiL (lwiwd H72) u�oY-M���uus co. sr.r�u�,MINN. �.tatc of �ia�tc�ota, County of.....---------RSmsey-- ----- -----------�---------- �--------- -- ss. Charles L. McGuire , being first dul sworn, deposes and says -- - � ------�--------------------------------�--------��--------------------------- . . - ------•--�----------------�------ ---------�-----�------ that on.............April 26 � 19 76___� ____he served the attached:B�ard of Zoning Appes s Resolution ------ •--•----------•-----•------------------•--•----•-•---.... -----------�----�--------------------------- ----� ----��--- ------------ ------------upon---Naegele._Outdoor__Adyertis in�,___Inc,--�-------------------------•-----------......._...__. attorneY--- to�_------------•- ..__...---�-�.............. ......�- -- ---- -----�------- ------- ---- ------ -----------------------------...--------------------------------------------bY placing a true and correct copy thereof in an enaelope addressed as follawr. Naegele Outdoor Advertising of the Twin Cities, Inc. ; 1700 W. 78th St. ; Richfield, MN 55423 (which is the last known address of said attorney) and depositing the same, with postage prepaid, in the United States mails at.- •---------------•-----------•-----St�•'---Paul .._..--•----, Minnesota. ' . - --------- -- -•-- - Subscribed aad sworn to before me this._....26_ _...___.__ � � day of._......April..----•---��---�---- - ---: 19-�•6--- ------ -----------�-----------��-��r�2c- : .nnnn• -------------------�--�------•--------...---......----•------....--------•------ � , � BONNIE E. JACOBSON �� ���� NOTARY PUHUC - Mir,r�ESOTA ' '`�,��� RAMSEY COUNTY � My Comm.Explres P,9:,r.Z4, 1981 � - - ` -::. - . . . --•••••••-•• -.�� . . �. � ...--° ----•---�- -Notafy 7f V�PV\WVWWiNV�'WV✓VWVV`i`J'JV�WWVV r � �� . . y.. ..... ..�..._..___....._...�.,..,. ._..... ......,.,... ......, ................. .. ....�,.:....,,.,.. .. �..._._.-. .. . ._ . ..., .«�.. . . . .0 . w ... . ♦.w . k_ ,...�, .... ... ai ,_p< ..�<,..... .,r•. .� h. ` J . t - � � . . ��:1 � . � . . .. � f. � . � � � , . . . � . r- , . � . . , . , ; 'r � � � . . . ' . � , . i- ,!. � � . . . . � � .. ; k ; ', , _ �,�� . '� � _ . , � i ,1: � . �, .. ? _ _ . � 1t , . .._ . . . ._ . ,.� .. . ". .. }' � � �C�`��9�� city of saint paul board of zoning appeals resolution zoning file number 7862 date _ April 13, 1976 , WHEREAS, Naege�e Qutdoor Advertising Company has, under the provisions of Chapter 64, Section 203a of the Saint Paul Legislative Code alleged that the Zoning�Administrator has erred in his refusal to grant a general construction permit for elevating billboards on an existing billboard site, and, WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing pursuant to said allegations in accordance with the requirements of Section 62.203a of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals, based upon evidence presented at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes attached hereto as Exhibit A, made the following findings of fact: 1 . That the billboards as they existed prior to the initiation of new construction on or about December 20, 1975, were a legal nonconforminq use of residentially zoned property; 2. That the activity initiated by the appellant constitutes an illegal structural alteration, extension or r�econstruction and is contrary to the provisions of Chapter 62, Section 102 (c) (1 ) of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; . 3. That correction of losses from the diminished viewing distance caused by the erection of a noise abatement wall in the vicinity of the billboard structure by the Minnesota Highway Department is not, in the Board's opinion, the responsib�lity of the City of Saint Paul ; 4. That construction of the billboards to the requested height would unreasonably diminish or impair gStablished property values within the surrounding area and would be detrimental to the intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance; 5. That no apparent physical condition� of the property in terms of area, shape, width or topography would pr�rent the utilization of the property for any of the permitted uses in the' zoning district; / ; i � � �� � �� � '� �� � �, ' . , �� I �1�� NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Saint Paul Board Qf Zoning Appeals that under the authority of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 64, Section 206 ORDERS, it does hereby wholly affit^m the orders of the Zoning , Administrator of the City of Saint Paul denying the general construction permit requested by the appellant for billboards on property described in the legal description (Exhibit 6� hereto attached. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals respectfully reque�ts that the Zoning Administrator of the City of Saint Paul , without undue delay, proceed with the legal process 'necessary for the correction or removal of the yiolating structures. � moved by Horak s�conded by Os iecki in favor UA��oug against MINLTrES OF THE PUBLIC HEA1tING BEFORE THE BQARD Q� ��PEALS AT A ME�TING HELA C1N TUESUAY, �Ml1,RCH 1�,' 3?-76 PRE,�,SENT: Mmes. 2achary, Osiecki, �Joxton and Hrpok�, �ae�r�. I�oirak, Fiahwan and Rupp of the 8pard. of Zot�i,ng Appeals; Mr. �igkin8, A�si�tant City Attorney; Mr. Am�y, D�.vision Qf Houein� and Building 'CQde Enforcement; Mr. McGuire and Miss Larson af the planning Uepartm�mt Staff. NAE�ELE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING, INC. (7862): An appeal �or review of an administrative order drnyi�ng a gen�ral canstru�tio� permit for the extension of a nonconforming l�i.11board on property loaated on the south �ide of Old Hudson Road �t vacated Kennard. The petitioner was present. There wae opposition. Mr. McGuire showed slides� of the site and read the staff report. Mr. Kraig Lofquist, representing Naegele Outdoor Advertising, Incoxporated, came forward. He stated that when the Naegele Crnupany purchased the land in 1970, it was zoned residentially, and that they"had it rezoned to Commercial to allow the sign to be built there. He felt that the City was being unfair to the Naegele Company by rezoning it back to a residential district in the new ordinance. Mr. Stanley Boleen, of 1636 41d Hudson Road, came forward in opposition. He stated that he does not like the sign being as high as it is. Mrs. Mavis Meuller, of 1637 Old Hudson Road, came forw.ard in opposition. She stated that the ta�c paye� in this area shouldn't ha.ve to look at the sign and asked the Board to deny the appeal. - Mr. Jo�eph Geisen, of 1597 Old Hudson Road, came forward in opposition. He stated that he has 38 signatures from property owners who are in opposition to th� appeal and he asked the Board to deny the request. - Mr. Archie Eastmen, of 397 Kennard, came forward in oppo�ition. He stated that th� sign does not improve the quality of the neighborhood, Mr. Darrell Gervais, of 1635 Old Hudson� Road, came� forward to state, for the record, that he is against this request. � Mr. Harold J. Walsh, of 1678 01d Hudson Road, came forward. H� stated that he was not in opposition to the billboard. He at$ted that the aign helps the neighborhood bec�use it lights up th� �lark �trpet. . �'6'7:`�99 Naegele (Cont'd) P.ag� 2 , Mrs. Norman Ferkinstadt, of 1639 Old Hu�son Road, �#�te $c�rw+�d. S�t� stated that ahe-would �.ike to see the aiga cosople�e�l�l x�ov��. g��' felt that �,f this is allowed, more thin�e c�# ,tl��� ���� ���.�. ��`;�a�a the neighborhood. - ' �� Mrs. Brooka made a motion tp aupport �' d���.s� Q� �� ,�o�i�tg l�t�n$nietra�or to deny the issuance of a perpni.t fox t�Q ��lej�gl� �t��� �.':x�.ss�:xb� existing �ign. � . Mr. Rupp stated that the City of Sai.nt Paulc:;��l not tt�{Fe� away f�o�p Naegele �ny use of that land for outdoor adve�tiein� ae long a� the sign remained as wa�. He further stated that �.f Nae�ele �ee1a they �re suffering frrnu the sound barrier on the .�ighwa��r�,� they �hould take that matter to the SCate H�.ghway pepax�uaeu�.- ' . The motion was seconded by MxB�. Mo�tpn ��¢d ca�rie+d µn�aimou�ly. Submitted by: A�px4�ec� by: �'+� i�� �_ �� ,��� ., ;���� �� Charles L. McGuire Fi�.�lis�;�i. Rupp, J� � . ��'7�99 MINUTE5 OF THE PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS AT A MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY� MARCH 2, 1976 � PRESENT: Mmes. Zachary, Morton, Oaiecki �and Brooks, Messrs. Fishman and Rupp of the Board of Zoning Appeals; Mr. Sipkins, Assistant City Attorney; Mr. Amey, Division of Housing snd Building Code Enforcement; Mr. McGuire and Miss Larson of the Planning Department Staff. NAEGELE OUTDOOR ADVLRTISING CO�IPANY (7862): An appeal to waive the sign height requirements on property located on the south side of Old Hudson Road at vacated Kennard. Mrs. Morton made g motion to table this matter in order to make proper notification to the property owners within 350 feet because the appellant filed a faulty legal description of the property causing inadequate notification. � The motion was seconded by Mrs. Osiecki and carried unanitnously. Mrs. Brooks made a motion to hear the testimony of the property owners who were present at the meeting. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Morton and carried unanimously. Mr. McGuire showed slides di the site and read the staff report. Mr. Joseph Meuller, of 1637 O1d Hudson Rogd, came forward in opposition. He felt that permitting this aign to be erected would decrease the value of the surrounding property, and urged the Bo,ard to consider the disastrous effect that raieing this sign would have. Mr. Mike Farartella, of 1595 Old Hudson Road, came forward in oppoaition. He felt that this eign ahould never have been allowed in this area. Reverend Richard N�lson, �Sastor of the Grace Lutheran Church, came forward in opposition. He stated that he has already lost some property becauee of the new highway, and felt that allowing this sign to be raiaed would be taking away same of the aesthetic quality of the area. Mr. Harry Rydell, of 1587 Old Hu��on Road, came foxward in opposition,. and strongly urged the Board to deny this variance. Mr. Fishman asked when the sign was built and what the zoning was at that time. Naegele (Cont'd) Page 2 Mr. Amey stated that the building perm�t was iasued oa August 14, 1970. Mr. McGuire explained that the the building permit wae i8sued, advertising signs were a permitted uae in a residential district. Mr. Fishman aaked if the sign was raised after the new Ordinance went into effect. Mr. Rupp atated that the raising of the superstructure took place about December 20, 1975. Mr. Amey stated that there was no pera�it for raising the structure at that ti,me. This matter was laid over until March 16, 1976. Submitted by: Approved by: Charles L. McGuire Williaa� H. Rupp, Jr. .. . . !f` �:1)' � . . PLANNING BQARD STAFF REPORT March 16, 1976 Plat Map 42_ 7862 1. APPLICANT'S NAME ; Naegele Outdoor Advertising, Inc. 69$5 2. CLASSIF�CATIOI� . � Amenc�ment �X Appaal � Permit � Other 3. PURPOSE t Raise exiating sign faces 30' }(� 7�,� 4. LOCATYON : $outh side Old Hudson Road at vacated Kennard 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : On file 6. PRES�NT ZOrTING: R-3 _ _ .. 7. ��11�,:� � ��ei Cod� . ag f��� Sra t iww�t , , Para�,rsph: i. �F? I��'I+G11TI0� 6 kt�URT: �ate: March 20, 1976 `�jr= � ...r�.�... ...-_°....�._..s+- � . . ,, �� . . . , .. _....„ ..,,.r-..... .�.F.......,..,_, .. .x::rw�-,�.... ..,... � �- r-.r..::,. � . . .,,,.. . ..,, � � . ., . . , ;._... .,........,, ' , . ..,i+.; a;,*.,r,o...,....� ;,......�..... .,,..�..,�, ...._, ., . A. HISTORY: An appYication for Zoning Code amendttl2�tt frvm "A� Rt�tdence to Commercial for the purpose of constructing a ".. . Landscaped outdoor advertising structure and for no other purpose as per request of adjoining property owners" was recommended for denial by the Zoning Board of St. Paul at a public hearing July 9, 1970. According to the property history on file (ZF 6985) the requested zoning was granted by the City (CF ��249817) August 15, 1970 containing a requirement for a negative easement restricting use of the property to to the aforementioned purpose. As of October 24, 1975, the property was rezoned to a residential clasaification R-3. Under the provisions of Chapter 62, Section 102, which deals with nonconfo�ing use of property, the original installation was a legal rionconforming use of property and was subjert to the - rules and regulation of that section. Ott or about Dec�mber 22, 1975, upon a citizen complaint, an investigation of the site by a building official revealed that construction to raise the sign facea approximately 30 feet was �r►d2r way without benefit of required permits. A verbal order to cease censtruction was issued by the Building Off�cial on the site as of December 23, 1975. According to the report of that official, the conatruction had proceeded to its present state. Reinspection of the site on Jannary 22, 1976 indicated no further action had taken place on the site. On Januttry 6, 1976 a letter denying the application for a general building permit for construction of the sign was aent to the applicant. : fhti February 24, 1�76, upon field investigation by staff nf the site ,fdr hedring of th� appeal, � determination was made thaC the applicant had fil�d an �rroneous. legal description of the subject property �nd th�tt therefore, notice to �ffected property owners was defect�.ve. At the M�rch 2f �J76 hearing testimony was taken by the $eard of Zoning Appeala fron� peraons opposed to the appeal. The appellgnt has been furnished wifh s copy of the unapproved minutes o� the proceedings. . . <�'7�9� Naegele (Cont'd) p$g� 2 B. APPEAL TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER DENXING REQTJESTEA P�RMIT: Under the provisione of Saint Pau1 Legislative Code Chapter 62, Section 10,�, Paragraph e, 1., the Zoning Admini,atrator �states that the reconatruction, as initiated and for which the permit was $ubsequestly requested, constitutes � atru�tural 8lteration, ex�ension or::: : reconstruction of an existing structure which in noncon�ornning, in violation of thie provi�ion. C. SITE CONDITIONS: The sign is �ited �bout 3 or 4 feet above street grade at the base, The si�n auperetructure appears to extend 35 feet or more above the street ,�r�de of the adjacent streete. The site is otherwise unoccupied. D. AREA CONDITIONS: Interstate Highway 94 lies directly across the service drive from the sign site. The �eneral area to the northeast and west of the site is developed with low density residential use. The area to the south of the interstate and westward is residential. E. FINDINGS• 1. While situated on residentially zoned property, the advertising � signs are intended for viewing from the interstate highway � system from both directions including the Highway 61 off-ramp entering the interstate from the southwest. The interstate highway in the vicinity has been provided with a "noise abatement wall." The construction of the wall did restrict the visibility of the sign boards due to its height. 2. The continuation of the advertising signs of this location � under the terms of the new Zoning Code in the findings of he`; Zoning Administrator as a nonconforming use is permitted. However, the governing conditions of nonconforming use do not allow for the expansion of each use. 3. The height restriction in all single family residence, zones is 30 feet. Rsising the sign faces 30 feet makes them the highest structures in the immediate vicinity excepting the nearby church steeple. 4. The requested variance does not appear to enhance the aesthetics of this property or adjacent properties. The problem appears to be further complicated in that it appears that the total sign area could be doubled with the new construction. 5. There does not appear to be any unusual conditions owing to unique shape or topography of the site which render it unusable for any of the permitted uses in the existing zone. PLANNING BQARD STAFF REPORT March 2., 1�7�6, ,� �„^,,,., �„ P1�1� MsP .,,.,L�2 ,_„ ' � _ 7$62 1. APPLICANT'S NA,ME . Naegele Outdoor Advert�s�u$' 2. CLASSIFICATION ; � Amendmeat X �,pp�;�. ("�� ��tm�it Q�t��x � � � � � ��� � � 3. PURPOSE , : Raise existing si� f�ic� �Q ���t _ . , � , :. 4. LOCATION : South s�de Old Hud�oa Ro�d a� Vac�ted � Kennard St. 5. LEGAL DESCRIP'�ION s pn fil.� 6. PRESENT ZOIVING: $-3 � 7. PURSUANT TO �oning Code Chapter: 6z 8ectioa: i�,g $arag;$ph: �. STAFF INVFSTIGATIO�T tx RLPORT: Date: 8el�xua�y 23, 1976 , By: �CI,McG � A. PROPOSAL: The appellant propose� to ralae the e�c�.ating sign face, 30 feet as a newly erected sound baxr��r blpi�ks t�e sign at it� , current height! B. VARIANCE: Per Section 62.115, Section b, _ Parag�aph 4, billboard,are not permitted in a residential d�etxict, the�'eby �laking tl� exiating s ing a legal nonconforming use, A� suc�t, Xk�e �tse u�y nat�be expanded or extended. � C. SITE CONDITIONS: The site of the actual sign location doea not appear to correspond to the legal descr�ption provided �y the appellant. However, the sign is sited about 3 or 4 feet above street grade at the base. The sign superstructure appears to extsnd 35 feet or more above the street grade of the adj�cent stre�ts. The site is otherwise . unoccupied. D. AREA CONDITIONS: Interstate Highway 94 lies directly across the service drive from the sign site. The general area to the northeast and west of the site is developed with low det►sity resi�ential use. The area to the sQUth of the interstate and westward is residential. E. FINDINGS: - � 1. While situated on reaidentially zoned property the advextising sign.s are intended for viewit�� from the interstate hi�hway system from bpth directions including th� Highway 61 off ramp entering the interstate from the southwest� The interstate � highway in the vicinity ha$ baen provid�d with a "noiae abatement wall." The conetruction of the wall did r�atrict the vi�ibility of the sign bosrde due to it�` �e�.gh�. , 2. The continuation of the �dvertiaing signa of this locatinn under the terms of the nsw �oniug eoc�e i,Q the �indings of zhe Zoning Administrator �� a'nonco�,�o}�ing upe is psrp4i.rted, However,, the governin� condition�} of AOA�Qt��4��na�,�g u$e da not allow for the expansiaa a� �ch �e�� ' , � . . . . .. .. . ... .. ' . . - i . ..., ..!n:,,.7 ".1'Y'�.1�'.",F"•'r'�M9F��', i+Tj?i'.',�i Tf�:.;.1,cr .,ry,�.r. .� ,�,. .� ��� .�, .. . � � .. " t�: � �ife . Naegele (Cont'd) Page 2 3. The height restriction in all single �amily residence zoned is 30 feet. Raising the sign faces 30 feet makea them the highest structures in the iimnediate vicin�tg.;�xceptin� the n�$rby church steeple. 4. The requeated v$riance does not appear to enhance the aeathstics ' of this property or adjacent properties. �he problem appears to be further complicated in tt�at it appears that the total sign area could be doubled with the new constructi.an. 5. There does not appear to be any unusual conditions owing to unique shape or topography of the site which render it unusable for any of the permitted uses it� the existing zone. . • . , , _ , APPIl�TIO� FOR zONING ORQ�NAN�� V�A��E ' ; y ��TY :�.F SAIM.'� PAUI. � �� '!r' � �• ��� :J 7 ' . � Z�(��NG Q�AR� ' " l � A VARIADIE� QF zO�tNG CQD� GHABT�R_.:_.,...., SECjIQf+t;..._:..,,,,PA�A6(�APH..��. � � I� RlQUESTED IM �QNFQRMITY WITI� '�kE�PQWERS V�ST:��)l� '�H� �QNJN� 9QAaD' � • a ;:.: TO PERMIT THE RNPROPE�'[Y; � � , ' D�SCRIBER BE1��„f w�._. `�'�! � A. AppllCanti N�M�.- .. . - � � ,,� . �. . ... . ,, �:: . ;•.:- , i....y.r�. ,,. ,', r. �� , � � . , . �' �- �r . .r � . r . I►DgR��s 1/�� � . � . � . � '�� , Y:; i . ��i' . . � ,. . . . ' '� ' �'�Q �4-�. ��,�QI ����� `. t• . . . . . . . 1. RrpP*rty i�qi oppliopnt �o�wn+�, ���Jct pu�ehos�r, �/�,) , ' ��� 2. Nom� of awn�r (�i difbnnt) B. Prop�►ty D�ss�i�►#ion; ApDRESS� � ������� 1. L�gal d�seri ion� lOT C Y � �,�''�"'�„'.:�,,,�"�n. - 2. Lor :i:•; : t 3. Pros�nt Us� #�r�l��c�i�.��r� P�lslln� Z9n��, tist. L.�l..'�._,_ � x' C. R�aaons fw Reqwst: ,..'` , . 'w��f =�� 1. Proposed us• `� ,,� �'�I � ' �,, CvNTi�4 �. �'��s r��� `�el� - ' ' ;� ���'� . ,�� .,,r, 2. What charoetwristits of th� prop}rty p�v�•its,6�iny u�for any o{ the permitted i , us�a in your zone? w t '` ' ` S�/-�t/�,. �" �oT�,���r'i�,j7�► � C.���cu�� y� , : . , , P�e� v�o4.s �o ,,,,�.,� :�.;;�.�: � • � 3. How do th• above sit� conditions p►sv�qt any l`�able uss of your propery und�r ' the terms of the �oninp Ordinanct? �����r.t � ��� �. ; _ �Y/ST'/��- S�bN T+tttIG.T �/R�-S J�2� : ��o�KFV ,8 y /CaEit�oc..�''�2�cr�'v �a�r.s,lQ1�C1E � 4. State the ap�cific variation request�d; iviny disfanoe.s wh�r� appropriote. � TQ ��4�5�. SIi�V �!�C� S' �Q � ' S. Explain howyour case conforms �o.�ch of tl,� followinp: � a. That th� strief applicafion of th� pcovisions of th�Zoniny Ordinanu would rosult i� peculiar or excepfional proctico +�Ifficulti�s, �xeeptionol undue hardships. ' 1 F ��' � T i�" �i��C���i� �l�� /�� u��O d�Rt 4. �-�7��� ±�� ���G�'� /�2�24�+'� I�G t �t�. b. That ths pranting of a voclone�.� C�SMIEFtS.USE Ot!Il,;Y . will not br a aubstantial d�hi• .: ��nt to th� publie pood w a ; ! � substqnfial imppi►m��t of th�- intsnt and pwpos• af � � '�� �^� �� .� ; �op��� A�a��a��.. #� �Q,+D� �1'�.FA'AN#�tB.t84 ; �.�.s.�-�•��. C�s ` , , . ���Y k�m�e� .: � � �.l�;� ��,��',����� � 6yl�twr��r��'�c ; ���►'�r,r,�N .�,�'?Tiu � �` - ' � . j"Q lQ� .��°...- �A!'�+t..�.�. ,'. �;��,'. "�"� SiQnaturo � ; ,. . � . � � _ . : „� ,. „ . ,�'� ,,, y�j"�} t`.,�1�L �c ;o r,��(, . �as� Number. �'` �q�RMS�i.r��,,,��1�,..,�—��Q����.E'c� ,���i�a r� . . �...:,K�,,:.•...�L �'a�..:m�:J.._.t� ,...�..a.�. .mc.�'s�,3.,X.�.'�.u..:...��--• ,. .,...._ CZTY OP` SAINT PAUL �,��"��'�� OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL •N Y�mn�7 6/\/ June 3 , 1976 My wife, my mother-in-law and I recently sold a parcel of real estate on a contract for deed. That parcel is in close proximity, and may even impinge upon, the property upon which is erected a Naegele sign, which is the subject of today' s Council proceedings . Upon a review of the Code of Ethics contained in the Administrative Code for the City of St. Paul , I believe that my participation in any action or discussion taken by this Council in regard to the appeal by Naegele Sign Company could create the possibility of private benefit , either directly or indirectly. There also is created the appearance of potential impropriety, which I seek to avoid. I am, therefore, abstaining from taking part in any discussion or vote on this matter, as I have in the past n all matters pertaining to this parcel . o � Patrick Roedl r, Councilman CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNFSOTA 55102 22 . � � CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES � �c-p ' ASSESSMENT DIVISION �� ��,.���� 113 CITY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 May 18, 1976 File X1721, Page Dear Citi,zen; The City Council will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (third floor) at 10:00 a.m, on June 3, 1976, for the purpose of considering the appeal of Naegele Outdoor Advertising Company to a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals, concerning property located' at the southeast corner of Old Hudeon Road and Kennard Street. The Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing and recomm�ended den�al of the application of the Naegele Outdoor Advertising Company for the contittued existence of the existing sign and raising the face of the sign by 30 feet. In conformance with the proviaions of the Zoning Ordinance, the applicant has appealed the decision of the Board, to the City Council. If you would like further informatian about this hearing, contact the Curreat Section of the Planning Board, 421 Wabasha Street, or telephone 298-4154. Glhile the City Charter requires that we notify you of the hearing, we want to help you to learn fully about any City action that could affect you or your community. Therefore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearing, so that you can make your views, about it known to the City Council, whether for or against. ROGER A. MATTSON, DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ti;r a � h�•, y ? �. � �^�� F aTx :k,� 'R' Y: � x , " �`;'a k'''�°��. r i� � i �' # � ` � �� . . ,.� - d <*� �' "� f ? ° t+�', d o- Q+ � � _ r � �,� � ., '�!:- � ' �, - - � �i�r i �3 1 � r i : a � • a � '^�'�'� �� � ��'� �y �'�7 � .. r ' i � � . a } ; f . �,�{� [ : . � ��,� / . , > M ,.f .�� �' . - �.r E . 3 � � ��.,- y, . i � 1{� }t . i. , , .a '��.� �� �� �:' . a� `Y a. `a a �' '" �.` ,° ��) v }� < d c �� �; � ,�a � .% .y� e e ��, �.. r . . �'+� < �,,j L � g , ,�7' S K i. }.r {, { x �j.?�y�, � � t.d.�� )ai y 'i i ,r 1 >a'' ���t t + ; � t .:, 1 �...,�,�n a� � ,�+� �' ��• 3,' r s . a,� ',��N � �� �. �z a� �.�.. ` s��. , t , ��t ax i ` � . t � '� n 1 .�{4. � y , .�� Y '�i j� t "�{" r ; + f �. # l'�` t �:� 4 ' } .�.�, �`,t v �� t �n r�' � 6 �'�� '`��, � r t + � � �:' ; +•� ^; � - . "' 1 �'� t . w r z r {�� a�i ru� ',� / " � "'i �.' A t q �ti ` � } ' � r �` � " ��A� �', `r - . 4 , r ._ ., �` � r � � . " t r • � `� fi � ! 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Y! �' r,� ��?v+ � � � �'� .� +�l� i ' a` . .� �} � . 7 f r 4� �' E�fy. '. / . � � r _ * . F a �9 � k { F } ti�� � � , I'.' { � � ,t� 'kq�' c``�" � ��f Y 1 . �d { g " k �lt !., .} .-s n7��,� � ti� 4t�i ` r „� � �!('' , �� kj� ,� ` �..c .. � :. -," ' . . ,�t i --+, .�x r¢�� . ti :� 4 � 4 r � r ;� + � � �� f y �, . a. � k � 4 fe �c i � a{ n . ,,�, 3 s�` s �� T �3 ` �� h � '� , iR, Z � � .`' x �� ;,� a /.. ,r. k �� � _.��: �;��_ � �' `<. �. " � � ' *• , �' ' � t �� <--� .., �., ._ .. . �� a,,.. . . �_ r.. . .,�, � _ , ..,_ .-. � ..« . . . . .., . ��� �� �� i t � ^i. �,� M°a, r �i � a.� r � � .2." .� . . � � �� ,.. " f����,� . �..:,��� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION OF HOUSING AND BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT 445 City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Phone 612-298-4212 April 21, 1976 Mr. James E. Shaw, Director Community Relations Naegele Outdoor Adv. Co. 1700 West 78th Street Minneapolis, MN 55423 Dear Mr. Shaw: I have received your letter indicating your intent to appeal the decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals regarding your billboard on Hudson Road. Section 64.204 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance has established procedures for f iling this appeal to the City Council. Your notice of appeal shall be filed with the City Clerk together with a fee of $50. I am notifying �the City Clerk�s office of your intent to appeal by copy of this letter. ��. Ver��truly yours, l ' / , � , ��L� ,;: � ' : � �% � �lenn A. Erickson Zoning Administrator GAE/mf s cc: City Clerk Rose Mix . � . . � � � � 3 � � �a I �� � � y , � city of saint paul � �� . . . ��� board of zon�ng appeals resolution �� ���� zoning file number �862 � date _ April 13, 1976 � WHEREAS, Naegeae Outdoor Advertising Company has, under the provisions of Chapter 64, Section 203a of the Saint Paul Legislative Code alleged that � the Zoning �Administrator has erred in his refusal to grant a general construction permit for elevating billboards on an existing billboard site, and, I WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing pursuant to said allegations in accordance with the requirements of Section 62.203a of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals , based upon evidence presented at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes attached hereto as Exhibit A, made the following findings of fact: 1 . That the billboards as they existed prior to the initiation of new construction on or about December 20, 1975, were a legal nonconforming use of residentially zoned property; 2. That the activity initiated by the appellant constitutes an illegal structural alteration, extension or reconstruction and is contrary to the provisions of Chapter 62, Section 102 (c) (1 ) of the Saint Paul Zoning Code; 3. That correction of losses from the diminished viewing distance caused � by the erection of a noise abatement wall in the vicinity of the billboard structure by the Minnesota Highway Department is not, in the Board's opinion, the responsibility of the City of Saint Paul ; 4. That construction of the billboards to the requested height would unreasonably diminish or impair established property values within the surrounding area and would be detrimental to the intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance; , 5. That no apparent physical conditions of the property in terms of area, shape, width or topography would prevent .the utilization of the property for any of the permitted uses in the zoning district; • Y r �, ! r • • � • !� ` 9 � '��9 �,,.�. t NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals that under the authority of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 64, Section 206 ORDERS, it does hereby wholly affirm the orders of the Zoning Administrator of the City of Saint Paul denying the general construction permit requested by the appellant for billboards on property described in the legal description (Exhibit B) hereto attached. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals respectfully requests that the Zoning Administrator of the City of Saint Paul , without undue delay, proceed with the legal process necessary for the correction or removal of the violating structures. � � � 1 i � � . j L _ r � m Ved � Horak � y . seconded by Os iecki i n favor Un$n�ous against i� � �I � � ��� 1' � 1 � � I ��°` . . •\ � . '� . f � - � 3� 4 t '+��,. � . . , . ;+ , � . . f � . , � �� p �� • . .\.� . � r �'`� 'T�#� •4 � .%' �.� ' . - . � ; " i. � .� ,} �� �� 9'� � i � - t � ��` �}:,. + ; . .. Z f t^° __� r Y p';. [' ��/ �. C�� e j ti � ��. . . , . ..�n .. . . . 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