267397 C �--. �/c} . �C� 7-� �� J
�uncil File �]'o. 2673g7 — By Ruby
Resolved, That upon the petition of
the County of Ramsey and West Pub-
liahing Compax�y, that section a�publlc
street hereinafter described, be and
the same herzby is vacated and dis-
continued as a public street:
That part of the easterly one-half
of St. Pzter Street lying southerly
o'f a line beginning on the center-
line of St. Peter Street 106.08 feet
southerly of the eenterline of Old
Third S�treet as measured along
said centerline of St. Peter Street:
thence northeasterly on a deflec-
tion angle to the leEt of 130° 45'24"
a distance of 36.79 feet ta a point on
a line fi�2.7 feet sou�therly of and
parallel to the centerline of Old
Third Street: thence northeasterlq
on said parallel line 2.�i feet more
or less to the easterly line of St.
Peter 5treet; and lying northerly
o£ a line 20 feet south pf and par-
allel to the westerly extension of
2he south line of B1ock 35, Citq of
St. Paul Addition, su�ject to all
suli�ect expressly to the following
conditions and reservations:
�1. That the vacation be sulb�ect to
all the terms and conditions of
Section 226 of the Legislative
Code, as amended.
2. That the City retain a permanent
easement over St. Peter St. va-
cated herein for the purpose of
operating and m�aintaining the ex-
isting sewers located therein, un-
der the aperation of the City of
Sti. Paul and State af Minnesota.
3. That the petitioner, his heirs
and assignees agree not bo disturb
the portion of St.Peter Street be-
ing vacated herein or to develop
and/or construct new improve-
ments thereon, without prior ap-
proval from the Director,of the
Be�partment o'f Public Works of
the City of St. Paul and from the
�Commissioner of Highways of the
State of Minnesota.
4. That the petitioners> heirs and
assignees agree not to construct
a building adjoining the vacated
street unless they provide for
lateral support of the sewers and
other public structures includirig
the column structures Por Kellogg
Blvd. and protect said sewers and
other pwblic structures from dam-
age, all to the satisfaction of the
Director of Public Works and
Commissioner of Highways, and
in a manner approved by the
Director of Pu�blic Works and
Commissioner of Highways.
5. That the County of Ramsey cove-
nant to indemni'fy and hold harm-
less the City of 9t, Paul from any
and all d�xnages, claims for dam-
ages, costs, charges and expenses
of every kind and nature arising
or growing out of the vacation
of St.Peter Street described here-
6. That the Council of the City of
St. Paul does herelby authorize
the conveyance for no considera-
tion of St. Peter �Street vacated
herein, sub�ect to easements, to
the County of Ramsey and the
proper City OPPicers are author-
ized to execute and deliver a
quit claim deed conveying such
property to Ramsey County.
7. That the Coun2y oi Ramsey not
�be required to paq any oompensa-'�
tion for the vacation because the
intended use of the subiect prop-
erty wili be o4 beneHt to the
citizens of St. Paul and Ramsey
�'apt by the Cot�ncil June 17, 1976.
pr ed June 18,1876. r
(JUne 26, 1976)