267827 �� /���
Cautcil File No. 28782T — By RubY�I
Resolved, That up on Rhe petition of
the GYty ot 3sint Pau3, that eeCtion of
public $treet hereinaEter deecribed, be
and the same hereby i� varated and
dfscontinued as a public street:
All that part of Ramsey 3t. over I
tlsaa�e portions of Lots 11, 12, 13,
and 14, Block 28, Rice and Irvine's
AcPdition lying within the fallowing
deacri�bed lines:Commencing at the
most southerly corner of said Lot
� 13; thenCe NE'1y aloa�;g the SE'ly
lines of said Lota 13 and 14 a
distance of 116.39 feet to the point
of beginning of the land to be de-
scribed; thence NW'ly defleetiag ko
the leEt 114 degrees, 29 minutes, 00
seconds a distance oP 272.49 feet to
a point on the SW'�y line of eaid
Irot 11; then�e SE'ly deflecting
to the left 154 degrees, 43 minutes,
00 seconds along the SW'ly line of
said Lots 11, 12. and 13 a distance
of 175.00 feet; thence SE'ly, E'ly,
and 1JE'ly a distance of 114.10 feet
along a tangential curve concave
to the north having a radius of
72.00 feet and a central angle of
90 degrees, 48 miziutes to a point
on the SE'ly line of said Lot 14;
thence NE'ly along the 3E'Iy line
of said Lot 14 a dl�tance of 43.38
feet to the�oint of beginning;
subieot expressly�o the following con-
ditions and reservations:
1. That the vaeation be su�je¢t to I
' all the terms and conditfons of i
Chapter 228 oi the 6t.Paul Legis-�
lative Code, as amend�ed. I
2. That the ixnterea2s of Northern I
States Powex Company and North-
western Be13 Te�lephone Company
be protected.
3. Thak the praper City ofiicials be�
authorized to convey the �rop-
erty being vacated herein to khe
Minnesota Historlcal Society an
agency of the State oi Minnesota,
i the prcaperty to be used, for pub-
lic parking purposes only in ac-
cordance with the zoning regula-I
tians adopt� by the 9aint Paul�
City Council and further subject
to the condition that no building
or permanent structure aha}1 ever
be allowed withfn the property
so conveyed without the written
approvai of the Director of the
Department of Public Works.
4. That the Minnesota Histaricgi So-
ciety pay to the Cfty of Saint Paul
�the amoun.t of $250.00, v�hich sum
is the cost of fleld surveys ger-
formed by the Departmeat of.
' Public Works relative to the sub-',
iect vacation. �
! Further Resolved,That Council reso-'
',lu�tion CF. 288545, adopted December
19 1975, and resolution C.F. 266954,I
�a�opted Mazch 29, 1976, be and are,
hereby reacinded.
�78dopted by rhe Council Septzm�ber 9,
Approved September 15, 19T6.
(September 18, 1978)