267826 ., < . � ��r��f'�'s ) , City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. Resolution Ratifying and Confirming BY Condemnation and Awards of Damages • and Assessment Therefor File No. 1?'33.�� In the matt�r of�q�,�f� � �,�� �p �y�� � � �,�d p�i� �Ot t�+R f�Rf�i� �Mb � ��►��i� iYQ�'Ud� �'�1L 4� �Z O� i�tlt� srppoact ts+a� a�eb��at I1�ri ot ta■�Mi�t R�nis=a o�ei�Iiw�INt 1r�► �Eioss th�! o�r so�ut�t�oa o! s�s i� t�r �r� rd natl� �.tb bitv�l.pew �rtr�ia2 � rll� i,a �2� 7� Rtirr �t '�iXlas, f�n■� �t �� � �� � , to the extent shown on Public Works Drawing No. 2239, Slope Drawer 2, dated December 18, 1.g76. under Administrative Order �"'��7"� approved,l��'i�, �.�, 1�7� Preliminary Order ��� approved ti++� �s- "���a FinalOrder �b�'��" approve� +� �� i$��► A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the award of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Director of Finance and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, 9�A�-�A Ee'iFR hPrnh r -_,.a ._ 1, h L� � L�r:,.♦ (' ,r* F�,r ...,..£i�.�ti�., COUNCILMEN Adopted by the ncil: Date $�P 9 ��76 Yeas Nays .SEP � . Ce ' ied P sse y Council Secretary _� 5 1976 ��'1�'����- }����� � In Favor L�:�vin8 � � t;oed ler' Against �;!vester � Mayor T��c�esco puBUSHEO SEP 1 819�6 ��� � . . ������ City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. Report of Director of Finance BY on Condemnation of Lands File No. �,� In the matter of �p� �j �� � �� � � �� �N,�'y► l�o�r eM sl�a� �rl�t ami #�11�r, �sxrMil�Ir � a# 1�'a�r�r+r�,�, w�' 1#� r�pac� !�r a�,�s1t t��M at ��i+a� �s!', a��i � iwa�awwRla�r �ne! oar �ru1�'M�st� �i� a� � � �Swtt� �t �i� +rtf�M i�i� wre�t#� �s Mt�,t+a� !a 1Ler�t i, �#+�r �Nt '�i1�1a�t, !�s lla� Av� ar rlM�rrt�k �r�► , to th� e�r�ent �haan aa l�uiblta i�orlcs Drawin�r I�o. �39, Slap�� D�sa 2, d+►tsd l��cb`r 18, 19�6. under Administrative Order �� approvecL �'i� � 1�� Preliminary Order ��' approved �t_'�e* 'jr'� ' FinalOrder ��� approved � �• ��+�� TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: The Director of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appropriated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost thereof, and that attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified - with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. l�� Director of Finance !� r"d, , . ����.��, � i �,,:�wo�e �"y!'IZfIrQ o!' i � a .., a r��i"�' .� .r�o�i s H" � w � ��,� •,�:�,.,.... 33�$i#] .�fJ nrtf;L .aoH � � �4 � E�`�� a � , ' . � ttv�� �. 1�R` �14 Y1� apprlY� , �6,� ' �� �� ot : _ ,• su�m e awa� e �ot the 1: ei t��: , rt I t�:���MM .. �`r� �s� t "�d"a�xra� °��'�b✓ ;` f�OR�:3�aA@�`t t f , te I I P' t� a,,� �,, a� � hear�.� p� �:,.. a �''s 4aout�ft ��`3}; wDPM�nf!Au � (Aui�41,'lp�j , • � City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. �����_' Notice of Hearing in Condemnation By Proceedings File No._���.i In the matter of�� � �� � � � � � � �e aN �lr��• M1i�t iIM l��l�t �� s�r� � l+�I it�# �n�i �p�r�r�e � r�►,�►t �N Mr �rawr���Mnr ��„ �Mtw�i iry► a�3��we t�annr�!' oir rr�a�a��� r! �i� 4� #�ar �Mt+r� �! �rwr#�►l,r� �R� i�pw��aw �+� � ���pr �w #tr�i� '!, � � �ll�r. �[rrNr i0yt �MM1�� � MM�ln�t � , to the extent shown on Public Works Drawing No. 2239, Slope Drawer 2, dated December 18, 1976. under Administrative Order �� approve� �Z *� ���i Preliminary Order ��'� approve� �}_�� �'�� Final Order ��'�� approved � '�• i�� TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be had before the Council of the City of St. Paul, in the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul, on the seventh day of September, 1976 , at ten o'clock A.M.,upon the report of the Director of Finance as to the amount of damages to be awarded to the owner or owners of the lands or easements therein, to be appropriated for the above improvements, and the persons to whom such awards were payable and for the confirmation of such awards, also upon the assessment of benefits to the property from the making of said improvement. Objection, to the taking of such lands or easements therein, or the awards of damages therefor must be in writing and filed with the Council at the time herein fixed for said hearing, or with the City Clerk prior thereto. Dated August 10, 1976 Roger A. Mattson Director of Finance and Management Services (August 14, 1976) . , � .. � _. _ " � ASSB3SMENT ROLL �;- . � � �„ -��_ � • �. :�� T � F. 0. #267405 Rice St. Villa's easement Leonard and Sharon L. Vandeberg Dick Robq Construction, inc. Twin City Federal SaIIings � Loan (except Wheelock Parkway) Lot 2 and all of Lote 3, 4 and 5, Block 7 Rice St. Villas Award of damages to Owner $160.00 The award of damages herein set forth included allowance for the value of the bushes within the area of the described easement and for the cost of $odding the alopes which the owners are to do at their own expense, a.nd the said award of damages represents total and full comp�ndation to the o�ners for any and all damages to their property resulting from the taki�g of the herein described easement or fran the construction of the alley John 0. and Jacquelym J. Uline Mianesota Federal Savings � Loan Lot 6, Block 7, Rice St. Villas Award of damages to O�mer $140.00 The award of damages hereia set forth includes allowance for the value of the bushes within the area of the described easement and for the cost of sodding the slopes which the owaers are to do at their own expense, and the said award of damagee represents total �d full compensation to the owners for aay and all damages to their property resulting fram the taking o£ the herein described easement or from the construction of the alley Joseph J. and Anna L. Stepka Lot 7, Block 7, Rice Street Villas Award of damages to awaer $0.00 Stanley E. and Jean Jacoby Contract: EdWard Haines Lot 8, Block 7, Rice Street Villas Award of damages to owaer $0.00 Bobert P. and Rose Marie Johnson Lot 9, Block 7 Award of damages tio owner $0.00 Martin 0'Phelan Midway National Bank Lots 10 and 11, Block 7, Rice Street Villas AWard of damages to owner $0.00 flousing � Redevelo�ent Authority Lot 12, Block 7, Rice Street Villas Award of damages to owner $0.00 Housing & Redevelopment Authority Lot 13, Block 7, Rice Street Villas Award of d�ages to owner $0.00 Engene P. and Mne E. P'rippert Kinnesota Federal Savings � Loan Lots 14 and 15, Block 7, Rice Street Villas Award of damages Co owner $0.00 lst Federal Savinga 6 Loan Contract: N.B.T. Partnership Lot 16, Block 7, Rice Street Villas Award to OMmer $0.00 lat Federal Savings � Loan Contract: N.B.T. Partnerships Lot 17, Block 7, Rice Street Villas $ AWard of damages to owner $0.00 r -�� � r , .� ��� .,. —. s , ,` Harord Spector and Nathan Shaw Assignmeat of Judgements Joseph Spargur Lot 18, Block 7, Rice Street Villas ����,�� Aara�€d���f=.das�ages to owner $0.00 Aarold Spector and Nathan Shaw Lot 19, Block 7, Rice Street Villas Award of damages to owner $0.00 Joseph D. and Linda N. Cartier 1�in City Federal Savings � Loan Lot 20, Block 7, Rice Street Villas Award of damages to owaer $0.00 A1vin V. and Norma J. Gohe Lot 21, Block 7, Rice Street Villas Award of damages to owaer $0.00 Oscar E. Oleon 1�in City Federal Savings & Loan Lot 22, Block 7, Rice Street Villas iward of damages to owner $0.00 Oscar B. Olson 1�in City Federal Savings � Loan Lot 23, Block 7, Rice Street Villas Award of damages to owaer $6.00 Virginia M, Urmann Lot 24, Block 7, Rice Street Villas t►Ward of damages to o�er $80.00 The award of� damages herein set forth includes allowances for resodding the areas disturbed by the slope construction, which the owner is to do at her own cost and expense and the said award of damages represenCs total and full compensation to the . awner for any and all damage to her property resulting from the taking of the herein deacribed easeaieat or the coastruction of the alley. Housing � Redevelopment Authority Lot 25, Block 7, Rice Street Villas AWard of damages to owner $1,000.00 The award of damages herein set forth includes allowaaces for the elevating of the garage placement of 3 courses of 8 inch coacrete blocks around the perimeter of garage, place fill and pour reinforced concrete floor, and constract concrete steps into garage, which the Authoritq is to do at their own expense, and the said award of damagea represents total and full compensation to the Authority for any and all damages to the propertq resulting fram the taking of the herein described easemeat or from the constructfon of the alleq . Louis and Saveta Berg Contract: Nels S. Sandstrom All of Lots 26, 27 and 28 and except I�iheelock Parkway Lot 29, Block 7, Rice 3t. Villss Award of dannages to owner $160,00 The award of damages herein set forth includes allawances for damages 'to imprnv�menta' 'in place with,in the limits of the eaaement area, which the owner is to do at hia o�m expense and the said award of damages represeats total and full compeasation to the owner for any aad all damage fraa the taking of the herein described ease�ent or the construction oE the alley. Any person whose interest in property has been condemned or taken may appeal, or an appeal may be taken on his behalf, from the ratification and c�onfirmation of the condemnation or from the award of damages or both. A written' sotice of appeal shall be filed with the City Clerk within 40 days of the ratification, confirmation, and award of damages. The written notice of appeal shall specify the name of the appellant� a description of the property in which he has or claims an interest, the nature of his interest, and the objections he has to the condemnation, or award or both. Within ten days after the notice of appeal has been filed with the City Clerk, the notice of appeal shall be filed with the clerk of the District Court. Finance File No. 17834-S