267790 WN17E - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE CO1111C11 �r� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF - SAINT PALTL File NO. �����`� BLUE - MAVOR r r 'n�nce Ordinance N 0. / l0�!' � r Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending the Saint Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 99C� increasing the percentage of the hotel-motel tax payable to the Civic Center Authority. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 99C.08� of the Saint Pau1 Legislative Code be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 99C.08 - Advertising and Publicity Fund. There is hereby established an Advertising and Publicity Fund into which ��°,6 SO% of the tax collected annua.11y pursuant to this chapter shall be paid to the Saint Paul Civic Center Authority, to be expended for advertising and promoting the City of Saint Paul e.a-a-�et�.r�s�-er�.d-eep:�er�t�ex�-een�e� and the Civic Center facilities for entertainment events concerts sa es meetin s s ecia use o concourse meetin rooms an conventions. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after its passage, approval and publication. Section 3. This ordinance is deemed to be a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and sha.11 be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the time of the next revision of said Legislative �ode. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Hazza In Favor Hunt Levine � Against BY Roedler �" Tedesco Adopted by C ii: Date �f� � � �� Form A proved b Cit A t e Certifi Pass d ou '1 Secreta�y BY Y Appr by Mayor: a P �;2 �7(�' Approved by Mayor for Submission to ouncil By By PUBUS�ED S EP- 2 � 1976 r C�og� . , ��'����� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY August 4, 1976 HARRIET L NSING Councilwoman Rosalie Butler 716 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota Re : Proposed Increase in Percentage of Hotel-Motel Tax Payable to Civic Center Authority Attached please find a photocopy of Resolution No. 1353 of the Civic Center Authority requesting th� City Council take favorable action re the above . Also attached is an amendatory ordinance to accomplish this recommended revision. Council President Sylvester suggested that these materials be forwarded to you as chairperson of the Council ' s Finance Committee . Any information needed by your eommittee regarding the background of this proposed measure can be fur- nished by John Friedmann, Managing Director, at the Civic Center. Yours truly, c — PAUL F. cCLOSKEY Assistant City Attorney PFM:bl Attachments City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121 � � � - CIVIC CE^��Ct%? hUTEIOF;tTY �` , ,� t• rj,�,7 r � � /.<.��.�� . Ol � /-/� 1/Y /i , � , ; . CI`t'Y Oi StiI�;T P�.UL �u �LiTfIORZ1Y FtF:SOLUTIVt� CC:�_ -=�-� - 5 3 . --°-------------------�--------- -------- Z�IEIEREAS, pursuant to S�ctio� 99C.03 0� the St_ Paul Legislative rcent of tlz� ta:� co?Iec�ed annually by the Ci-ty of St_ Paul Code, 25 p°. �` is rantecl to the pursuant to Cha��cer 99C oi the Legislativz Coc.' , � S�t. Paul Civic Center �-luthority fo= adver-�ising and publicity, anc? Y�IEP.EAS, tize Civic Center �uthority has aeem�d it necessary to eatend its pro:notion o� t'_ie Civic Cen�er facilities for entertairua°n�t - events, concerts, sales m�etings and special use of concourse meeting rooms, as well as conventions, anc� . j+]HEFtEAS, such increase in thz promotion of �he facili�ies of the St. Paul Civic Center shall require an increase in the advertising and pro�otian fund of the St. Pau1 Civic Center, now therefore, be it � � RESOL�TED, that the St. Patzl Civic Center Authority, upon reconmendation of its Financial Co�.trols Cor.,.�eiztee ana its Pro�c:lo�cions Comr.zittee, hereby requests that the Council o� the City of St. Paul � : am�nd Subdivison 1 0� Section 99C_ J8 .of the. S�_ P�aul Legislative � Code as follows: ' . lhere is hereby es�ablishzd an Advertising and Publicity Fund inta which .z�� 50° of t�� tax collected annually pursuant to this chanrzr shall b° ��ic: to the St. Paul Civic �enter . Authority, to bz exoencled =or adveriising and pror.�otin5 the . City of Saint Paul as--a-�a��=�•is'c-��!�-ea�:�Q���a�-ee��ce�: ' anc�f . . � the Civic Ce�ter facilities for en�ertairn�nt events, concerts, sales :neztings, sp�cial use of concourse r.1°eting roo?.s, ancl 'conventions. � _ th�re b° it. FURiFIEs-'t R.ESOLVE�, that the C�zairman of th° Civic Cen�er Au}hori�cy is instructed ta fo�rard a cop� of tY?is reso3u�ion to �che Cizy Clerk to b° sub�nitted ta tne City Co�nc�Z �QZ ±�'°�r considzration. FOpz•i ��j'P O`J.� . t3Y �U�.i'cr��I'i Y C�LTY tTOR ;�.Y 1�;�y s `� � �l v'c�.�'.� .J B� �-F'arrell 4� In Favor. -� :�E;�.�•ph�rc ----�----- RPPROJ� F3i' Ci ts . .��ri c'�son L � � l�?6 �'-- A�sai r1s�. Da�:c______7'✓, �r . VFIOZZ�- -- l ` ( ` g�,�.y�._.�.1�...�._ �' v�iuttt — - --- - - ��.c�_:�:1`e � � Chairi��n, C��1 ciLa�!•-'r`�' � Lur..l � . T.ni [?`_�'--Cllc`tliG:�.il ��U • r � �p � u� Short Form Rezoning Petition TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul , Minnesota Pursuant to the provisions of LAWS OF MINNESOTA for 1975, Chapter 261 , Section 6, t/� the undersigned� being the owner(s) of property described as —�S:z�S `7 r� �� l (,� � R l c•c• Y l�{ � � ��.1 �1 l_ `a\�`� _ 7 �'i � � ?=���-.r; �s� � , and situated (describe location with respect to streets or intersections) �C��..1 �t� ia�{�C� ti -�- �;-1 �ti�t�i c�eJ C'� N ��c�l�� F��� _ which property was previously zoned (' n iv�r��Exr (' �r�� l� , and under Chapters 60 through 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is presently zoned p� (�(� � , a more restrictive zoning classification, do hereby request that consideration be given by your honorable bodies to rezone the above described property to a zoning classification of Ti � under Chapters 60 through 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. � Subscribed and sworn to before me � � �� �- - -- � ��, - 1 th i s ���" day of -- �-'�t�-.zEG� /�>E � ,C3.�1/`�l�/ C/���1 C�c/ _ %l `.� , � a 1� �._� ��>i. s�� .�%!�i"lf.-.,- -- Address: C 1 ('��: ._ !_`'I T1- _' � Nota ry Publ i c, Ramsey Co. � Mi nnesota C�� � c,� r�:;���i�nt- � `� �� ��, F `� , n.'inn. My Commi ssion expi res ; '�, 1�» Telephone: � �� •' l-n�% Approved as to form I1,/17/75 by the City Attorney. � �l/ , , ,, � f��o, o 0 Short Form Rezoni ng Pet i t i on J '�'�"�� TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall City of Saint Paul , Minnesota Pursuant to the provisions of LAWS OF MINNESOTA for 1975, Chapter 261 , Section 6, I/we the undersigned� being the owner(s) of property described as I,Ots 27 and 28�_and 2 vacated alley ad,iacent thereto, Windsor Sauare and situated (describe locatio� with respect to streets or intersections) South side of Ma�n.olia Avenue between Arkavri�ht and DeSota Streets� wh i ch prope rty was prev i ous 1 y zoned C—Residential , and under Chapters 60 through 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is presently zoned RT-1 , a more restrictive zoning classification, do hereby request that consideration be given by your honorable bodies to rezone the above described property to a zoning classification of RM-2 under Chapters 60 through 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Subscribed and sworn to before me Robert W. Dunkel th i s 2nd day of September, 1976 , � . � < < � ' -�- Address : 2112 E. Hovt Ave. Notary Publ i c, Ramsey Co. , Mi nnesota St. Paul, MN 55119 My Corrmission expires Telephone: 771-5488 1 � LEO H. GADBOIS �"j1� MpTARY IUeIIC.R��ns�r County. Ml�e• �y 1Ay Commisslen EsWr�s D�s. �. 1979 Approved as to form Il/17/75 by the City Attorney. � lst' - ��� I ' 2nd � / � 3rd `� �q Adopted �/��Q Yeas Nays • BUTLER HOZZA HUNT ������ LEVINE ROEDLER TEDESCO PRESIDENT (SYLVESTER) �