267779 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII ����� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Coun 'l esol tion � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 1�SOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following pereon+s at the addresse� stated be and the same are hereby granted. Nardinis Liquors 828 East ?th Cigarette App. 8882 NeW Dick J. Fir�gerholz 2108 Douglynor Lane Transfer of Taxicab 9887 " (Change of Yehicle) Lillian Davis - Roth Prior & University Aia�eeuse 9946 " Sklars 82 Mast 7th Food V. A1. Loc. 9966 " �� �� 1 Additional Mach. " " Gold ldedal Beverage S. I�bert & Fafrfield 1 Add'1 Food Y. M. �0092 �� Best Foods Services, Inc. 65 �. Kellogg Restanrant C-2 10502 " Bridgeman Creameries Dim. 2264 Como Avenue R�+ataurant C-2 10516 �� Ford Parkray Baptist Church 1901 Ford Parkway V. M. loc. 10632 �� Midway Meals 1515 Charles Ave. Food Eatabl. M 10655 " Olympia Brewing Company 720 Payne Avenue Restaurant C-2 10668 �' William Schrankler 1001 E. 6th Tow Truck �205 10683 " Mike's Repair Service ?05 E. ?th Street V. M. loc. 10697 " Rickey Lee Jackson 448 Gleabrook Ave. Mtr. Veh. Driver 10805 " �bert L. Perry 815 Laurel Mtr. Yeh. Driver 10�06 �� Edward B. Reeves 456 N. Lawson Mtr. Veh. Driver 10821 �� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler � Hozza [n Favor Hunt �� __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester 'Fe�cr.p Adopted ounciL Date AU� 2.� �976 Form Approved by City Attorney Cer � ied Passe y Council retary BY Z � �a� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approve iVlayor: Da By — BY Pu���sHEO SEP 4 1976 .