267773 WH17E - GITV CLERK COIlI1C11 �� • � • �✓ � PINK - FINANCE I TY OF SA I NT PAU L - CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR Flle NO. � � . i olution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City Council , by Resolution, Council File No. 266179, approved October 9, 1975, approved guidelines and steps for the establishment of the citizen participation process to aid the City in the development of programs for the City and its neighborhoods; and WHEREAS, the Dayton's Bluff Community Council has applied for recognition as the General District Planning Council for District 4; and WHEREAS, the Mayor's Office has advised the Council that the District 4 Planning Council has complied with the City Council 's guidelines and steps and recomnends that the City Council recognize their organization and appropriate $16,000 to assist the organization in implementing its work program; and WHEREAS, the City Council held a public hearing on Thursday, August 12, 1976, for the purpose of considering the request of the organization, the Mayor's recorrrNnnendation, and to hear from all interested persons; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby approve and recognize the Dayton's Bluff Comnunity Council as the Gene�al District Plannin Council for District 4 and does hereby approve and appropriate the sum of �16,000 far the organization for the period July 1 , 1976 through June 30, 1977; an� be it � FURTHER RESO4;VED, that the Mayor's Office is authorized and directed to administer the afq�rementioned $16,000 ors behalf of the organization, in accordance with t4e procedures as may be established by the Mayor's Office and in accordance�ith a detailed line item budget to be prepared by the District 4 organi�"ation and approved by the Mayor's Office, not to exceed $16,000. � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Butler �_ In Favor Hozza Hunt �' �i+�+ A gai n s t BY Roedler Sylvester 'Fe�aee� --- �U� Z;� 1976 Form Approve by Ci ttor y Adopted by CqwrC�: ate Cer � d Pass d oun �1 Secretary BY , sy . Approv y Mayoc Dat 6 Z�T �� Approved by M r for Submission to Council By BY PUSLISHED S FP 4 1976 . � b' 2 � �J We who are listed below hope that our presence here and sup- port of the recognition process will begin to indicate to the _ Community Council our willingness to work together and assist in the meeting of needs of all the people of the Dayton's Bluff community. Our support is conditioned by the under- standing that the recommended amendments to the constitution and by-laws are realized by the established December 1, 1976, deadline. Rob Hubberty Don Mockenhaupt Sandy and Jim Hennig Lee Parks Evelyn Lewis Jean and Leo Heimerl Roger E. Green (Signatures of these individuals could not be obtained in time for this meeting, however, they were each contacted and authorized their names being attached to this statement.) �' "o� G ��— Phone #--228-3392 Aug. 26, 1976 1t " ' � * �. � �� I '1'1" ()1�' S.�I :�'1' 1�.1 i' L n""���L� ft�e�ee <)1'I'ICiI: O]' 7'Ill': �I.\�'Ol: ��at�unie .I:..�.� GF_ORGE LATIbfER �`1AyOR MEMORANDUM To: Council President Robert Sylvester - Members of the City Council From: Mayor George Latimer��--- Date: August 5, 1976 Re: Recognition of the Dayton's Bluff Corrrnunity Council as the District 4 Council Attached is the report and recommendation of the Corrmunity Develop�nt Section regarding recognition of the residents and organizatiaRS in the Dayton's Bluff neighborhood as the District 4 Counci] . This report should prove useful in the Council hearing on Thursday, August ]2. If you have any questions, pleas� contact Mr. William Patton directiy. GL/km , Attachments � �:=:' � �� ,_,>-< cc: Thomas J. Kelley �<-� � Al Olson '� � T . ^. ,:..._�...,,i r..' I' " rn - ;; O fl � �.,-� :, ...._ y _ - •'7 __ 3 iTl c;7 �>..?y � � I . , (;1 •r�- c�i�� S n 1 :�-r 1'.> >- i. •Ft��/�! OI'1'I(iE O1' 1'II7; 1IA�'O12 � �e���seN •f!f=�i�EiB ��� �f�l.. � _ �� i GEOF2GE LATIMER ,'"IAYOR MEMORANDUM To: Mayor George Latimer Mr. Thomas J. Ke11ey, City Administrator �� ) / From: Nfr. Will iam Q, Patton, Co�miunity Deve7opment Coordinatnr`"LC/• � ' Date: August 4, 1976 Re: Recognition of the Dayton's Bluff Community Council as the General District Council for District 4 Background A by-laws cammittee, including membership from the Comnunity Council of Dayton's Bluff and the planning comnittee for District 4, was formed in Decem6er of 1975. T[te constitution of the Comnunity Councii nf Dayton's Bluff was used as a model for reorganization and was revised to fit the needs of the District 4 comnunity. • Two public hearings were held in the coRmunity prior to final ratification of by-laws as revised. In April officers were elected for the coming year. However, the n wnber of at-large representatives on the Board was increased from 4 to 10 in June of 1976, when by-laws were ratified, as revised by the community. The additiona� six representatives are expected to be seated by mid September. � Work Program The District 4 Counci7 , as. indicated on tt� attached Work Program, will pursue shart-term planning activities �i.e., Comn�arity Development Year III) and long-term �]anning activities ti.e.., General District Planning} . Other planning and programning effiorts include increasin�g citizen participation efforts, increasing comnunications througtw�t th� District 4 cortmunity, and organizing special committees desigrte� tio impact issues and decision-making affecting District 4. '�i•22 , . -2- B -La�►s Two 'public meetings were convened in the Daytan's Bluff Comaunity on May 18 and June 14 for purposes of reviewing and revising by-7aws as proposed by the by-laws comnittee. These meetings were advertised by flyers and notification in tfte Dayton's Bluff Netivs. Membership is open to all residents, organizations and special interest groups in the Dayton's Bluff Community. Budget The Dayton's Bluff Comnunity Council has requested a budget of $15,895.20 to carry out citizen participation activities in District 4. The Office of Community Development recomnends this budget, as per the attached detailed budg�t sheet, be approved. Recomnendation The Office of Corr�nunity Development is satisfied that the District 4 Council , as proposed in the attached documents, meets the intent and purposes of Council File No. 266179, establishing a process for citizen participation by designated districts in the City of Saint Paul . Therefore, we recommend that the Dayton's Bluff Community Council , as proposed, with the exception of the budget as stated above, be recognized as the General District Council for District 4. WQP/klm ITy r ~"' ' �N �- �i �'�`�� c�� � G���CIL .�`, � - OF D s B-�U�' �� SI\INT PAUL, MINNESOT� J�il.y 19. 1976 I+is. Saren Christofferson Office of Community Development lhayor's Office 36b City Hall Annez St. Paul, Minnesota Dear I+ia. Chrietofferaon; Enclosed please find the materiels requeated for consideratioa of t�ta recognitioa of the Dayton's Bluff Com�+�*��ty Council as representing Dimtrict 4. Theae items consist of the Constitution approved by the community at public � meetings on May 18 and June 14, �d the Operating Procedurea, York Program, and Budget approveci on July 6 at the regular July General Meeting. Alao enclosad � is a brief overviex of the proceas by xhich these documents r►ere developed. It more det�iled information is needed on any of theae items� please feel free to contact me. I xould hope that a Public Hearing before the City Council could be echeduled for the first �reek of �u�ust, so as to accomodate notice in the Daq.ton's Blutf Nexs� to be pub2ished eugust 1. Thank �rau �or your cooperation, Sincerely, Hoxarfl C. , � . � Presiden , Communit� Council of ton' uff PS: It ie aesumed that upon recognition by the City Cowncil, xe vi.11 officislly change the name to "Dayton's Bluff Cammunit,y Council". ,. , + I � DIS�tICT 4 DA7TON'S BI,UFF CONANNIR7 COUNCII. NARRATIY$ In Auguat and September of 1975, it ras unclear both to reaiaents and the Ci�y x2�at diatrict boundaries in �4 and �5 would be. Therefore, arith the task of CD 7ear 3I planni.ng approaching, the Com*�++�n;ty Council of Dayton's B�uff and the Pqyne-Minnehalas Community Council decided to form the {then) District 4 General District Planning Committee. Thus e 3aint committee of the tti+o groups began planning. Un September 19, i975 the City Council Het the boundary of district 4 at the Swede Hollox-lower railroad tracks line, thus making the combined effort of tbe txo groups no longer neceasary. District � retained ita planning committee to implement General District Planning'and develop CD Tear II proposale becauae the group xas already organized and functioning. After CD Year II requeste xere finalized, the effort mandated by the "ten-step process" xas undertaken. Although more than 35 groups auch as churches, booster clubs, service organizations and institutions Were identified xithin Diatrict 4, the only "neighborhood" groups having predominant impact on overall issues and activities were the Community Council of Dayton's Bluff and to a lesser eztent, the Concerned Citisens of the East Side, a group xhich includes more than District 4 as its area. In December af 1975, the CCDB and the District 4 GDPC formed a by-laws committee to develop by-laWS to be submitted to the City for recognition. This committee, chaired by CCDB Constitution Committee Chairman, Edward Krahmer met several times during the xinter and early apring. lt the March a�d April meetinga of the Ca�unity Ceuncil af Dayton's Bluff, the draft constitution, xhich closely follovs the current operating Constitution of tbe CCDB xas discussed. At a public meeting on .April 26 and again at the May meetina flf CCDB the draft xas presented and aome changee were mmsda. In the meantime� 8a called for in the current (and approved ne�► Gonstitution) i�e Co���n�ty Council xent ahead xith its regular election of Officers and Board membera at large at its ipril General Meeting. ill of these meetings xere annovnced by mailings to the regular CCDB list, coa�siatiag of abant 150 people, and by either posters at local businesaes or flyers distributed through the schools. The area, at that time. was not aerved by any community nexspaper.. On I�jr 18 the "Community Gonvention" or public hearing spousored by the CCDB was held �rith over 200 people in attendance. The meeting, publicized to every Diatrict 4 resident in the Dayton'a Bluff News and a flyer the rreekend of I�iay 16, resulted in 4 of 11 articles ' HARRATIVE - 2 , being adoFted. The second meeting (a continuation �f May 18� Maa beld on June 14 8nd attended �y approzimately 10C persons. At that meeting the antire Constitution xas revisved, including thoae portions approved on I+�y �8, several changes xere nade, and tha entire - Constitution Was approved to be sub�i;t`ted to the City Covnc3l. At the regular General Meeting of the CCDB (changed to Daytoa's �luff Community Councii in the ne�+ Constitution) the Work Program, Proposed Budget, and Qperati�g procedures called for in the Conatitution Were adopted. Changea ia the Constitution Were made directly by vote of the people in attendance at the public hearings, and did not require additional action by the Ezecutive Boara. The Ezecutive Board of C�DB considers the Constitution as approved at the June 74 meeting of the community, therefore, to not require additional meetings or hearings prior to being submitted to the City Council. . , t_.. AISTRICT 4 , � APPROYID BY � `�'�d �t3 DAZ�'ON'S BLUFF COMMUNITY COIJNCIL DBCC EXIICUTIYE BOARD . 7-6 .- 76 _ SIIBMIT'I£D TD CD UFFICE 1�ORK PROGRAM - July 1 , 1976 to 3une 30. '!977 7 • �Z' `�• 70 GGAL � .OBJECTIY� � 1'IMELINE Commuait,y Organization: F�11y implement the pa2-ticipation in DBCC atated by Oct. 31, 197b � , in the Constitution. as follows; • �. Elect additional 5 members-at-large to the Ezecutive Board. 2. Develop a current liat of groups, organizationa . and institutions �ho are entitled to represent- ation on the Board. 3. Contact by letter and phone, members of these groups in an effort to place their represent- atives on tbe Board. . Recruit membership f�r �oaomittees nnd Taslc•Forces, Coatinuou: and maintain or improve the effectivenegs af the following committees; 1. General District Planning. 2. Housing and Physical Develop�ent (Physical s-c� 3. Hum�n Services (Social s-c) 4. Economic Develop�ment (Economic s-c� 5. Constitution and Appeals. . 6. Meabership. � 7. Education and Recreation. 8. Crime Prevention. � piaintaia resideat participation in DBCC through �ontinuaus . . mailingss �honin8. and other �ublicity csmpaigns. Provide leadership a�ortuniti.es for Board b�r Dec. 30, 1975 members snd flther interested .members af D�C. Com�micatians: Regularily publish information about DBCC scti��_�..Gontin�ua - ities in :DAYTON'S HLtIFF NEWS. Publish monthly meeting schedules and summariea Continuous � of DBCC actions in DAYTON!� BLU�'F NEMIS. Obtain non-profit incorporation and bulk .rate :by ?4sy 30, i97? mailing priveliges for DB NEWS. � lcheive 7CSfu' self-sufficient financial suppo�+t 'trj June 30, 1.977 f or DB NEf�IS. Conduct regular mailings to �oard membera, com�- Cantinuous ittee members and other interested citizens, to info2m them +�f DBCC activities and provide regular infozmation more detailed thau that publisYied in"DB NEWS. Conduct phone csmpaigns, mailings and diatrib-. .: Continuoue ution of flyers �o encour�oe co�uni�y im•olve- nent in DBCC. nage 2- DISTRICT 4 � neYTON'S BLUFF 'COMMUNITY COUNCIL . WORK PROGRAM (cont.�_ �� � • . . plgnning; tiJork xith �tA staff #o complete �eneral Distri.ct by i�.at}► 30, 1977 Plan �DT D�BtT�Ct �, and conduct all efforLs tc , � gather co�*n;ty input, required pubLic �meeting� ' � aad public hearings. � Maintain committees, sub-ccmmittees and task Contirruous � forc�s, and conduct all business required as a part �f the General �istrict Planning process �y the City Council or �ther appropriate ._ department or agency. . . TiJork xith HRA staff, or oLher staff, to conduct Continuous any specific studies and plans vhich m�y be nec- essary as a condition af General District Planning or the proposing of any sctivity or program to �e funded as a result of the p2anning process. Program Development Develop proposals for CD Year III and the CIB Pro- by Sept. 1, i976 ,gram Year. , . . IItilize portions of the General District Plan tA Continuous document needs and persue sources of funding and program development as determined by the community. . Cooperate with other organizations and institutions Continuous to develop programs to benefit the general well- � being of the Dayton's Bluff community. Research needs and communi#.y interest 3.n any nerr Continuous vr ezpanded prDgram or activity xhich could be obtained or improved as a resuit of action by DBCC Special Issues �nd � Form sdditiana3 �ommittees and task forces ss �Continuo�e Actions needed to adress apecisl nonceras of tbe communi� or activities af th� DBCC. l�ppoint or recommend for appointment to various Continuous Boards, Commissions and Task Forces, representstives u of Dayton's Bluff Community Council. Conduct public meetings on special issues of �on- Continuous. cern to the community or any portion of the community � and take appropriate action oii such issues. Participate in activities to generate co��*�*i��p Continuoum aKarene�s and involvement of residents in improving the quality of life in their community. DISTRICT 4 ' DAYTON'S BLUFF COMMUNITY COUNCIL ���� ���s � �. � PROPOSED BUDGET - July 1 , 1976 to June 30, 1977 STAFF: 1 full-time Coordinator -- salary for 10 months $8,340.00 (duties - 2-time staff assistance to DSCC 2-time staff assistance to DB NEWS) Fringe benefits - (at 15% of salary) 1 251 .00 � TOTAL STAFF: $9,591 .00 $9,591 .00 COMMUNICATIONS: Subsidy of 12 issues of Dayton's Bluff News $�,100.00 (12 issues @ $425.00 per issue) Printing of letterhead & stationery 50.00 Estimated paper costs (flyers, etc. ) 35.00 Estimated Postage -- 12 mos. X 50 X 13¢ 78.00 Survey of Community Needs 181 .20 TOTAL COMMUNICATIONS: $5,444.20 $5,444.20 OFFICE: lelephone 22a.Q0 Typ�rriter - office furniture ��.� General office expenses 40.Q0 TOTAL OFFICE: $860.00 $850.� TOTAL PROPOSED BUDGET $15,895.20 Page 6 f�Alivn�s tsl�urC nr.rti� �u1y ly(0 Pa3o 1 , Constitution of . _ �. - � _ -. � Dayton's Bluf f Community Council : _. l�1rQ�IIdDID SND ACCEPTID AS 4F JUNE 14�� �976 - - . • • � �AI'TICLE�I: NAME 1.1 The name of the �rganization sha.11 be the Dayton's Bluff Car�►unity Council, . hereinafter referred �to as the DBOC _or the� "Organization". Said co:amunity' _ council shal� be a non-profit organiLation under the larrs of the State of . ' �Iinne so ta. � _ -- - � - � . . ., . - - . ARTICI�E ?=: BOUNDRIES - __._ -- - - - - 2.1 The �official boundasies of the Organization ahall be as set forth for District . #4 on the map� "Plar.ning L`istricts, City af St. Paul", ap_roved by the City . Council on SeptemoEr 24� 1�75. The Organization boundasies shall com��rise.. : tha.t area in.St. Paul, rlinneso:a bounded by Warner Road and the Miseissippi, :;. ; . River on �he 3outh� Lafayette:Road and the I-94 � 35-E int�rchang�e ramp on t {•� � the West� Grove S±reet and the Ghicagn N.W. Railroad on the North� an�l Joha-; � '.3 son Parkwap (via�Minnehaha Avenue to the Ea.st�� and Birmingham Street on �he ' �:� !a.st. - " . � :.. ' . . . _ • � . _ _ _ . _: . :� '-'- ` � --,-_- � �. I � 2.2 Any chanf,re in thP official bovndries of the Organization ma.y .be considered � on�y as a part of City Council ac�ion or athe=wise as agreed �o and Ppproved by the Organi�ation and the City (5oancil, �. _ - .. _ , A.�TICLE iII: PITRPOSE AND PRIN�IPLES The pvrpose and principles of this or��anization shall bc as followss �.1 To promote +,ye general well-being of the co�unity. � - 3.2 To� strengthen and improve our community and to foeter �,rood M�ork?ng relatio;i- ships among the people of our neigl:borhood. . _ 3•j To involve residents, business and profesaioiial persons, employees and orgax�- izations withir. the co�unity in actions procssses� and decision-ma.king rolea which are of a concern to the commu:ity.� ° ' � - 3•4 To serve as a recognized community or�anization k�ithin Dayton's B1uSf for pur- poses of citizen participation in�all matters of concerri to the community. , 3•5 To determine problems and needs, establish goals azid objectives to meet thoae needs and take whatever actions are necessazy`to meet those goals and ob�e� .� tives. .. . . , . . _ - ' -' 3.6 To recognize gnd act on the need for upgrad�, improvement, maintenance a�- - � restoration of p2�ysical property in the co�unity, - - � 3.� To undertake actian to promote, cultivate and set in motion conditions, -pro- grams and ideas .for the advancement of educa.tional, recreatinn�'til� eociai and human needs� for the betterment of the area. ' I 3.3 To prevent, with all our efforts, the ravages of deterioration, dilagid�tion, i and bl�ght. � _ � 1�5TICLE IV: �.IIrIlB�SFII� ! Q.1 Nembership sha.11 be open to a�y resident or oth�r individual with a veated i interest in the affairs of the Organization or the Co�unity, sub�ect to Articles II, VI, and PIT. Qualifying organizations sha.11 be f ligible for �era- bership and representation on th2 Boasd, si:bject to Operating Procedures Fro- mul�ated by the Orgaxiization. Membership shall become effective when the peri son or organization registera kith the Aiembership Chairmar.. ¢.2 All members shali•have the right to vote at �he An.�ual meeting and at .all othei times as� aet forth in Arti�cle IX. . 4.3 No financial�oT other contributions shal?_ be��reauired zs a condition.of inem- bership. � - .. 4.4 Persons admitted to membership shall�be of legal voting age. _ '4.5 Membership shall be from April to April. . ' . ., . _ 4,6 Membership list sha11 be maintained by the Membersl^.ip �ommittee C`hairman. 4,7 All members, rrhether individual or organizatiou, shall remain autonomous and may disassociate themselves 1'rom any specific decision or policy of the Organ- ization� and �hall be free to take independent actiion on ar�y iasue. 4.8 No ind�idu?1 organization� because of its being, beliefs or policies, shail t,� �;arrimit'►a.ted aQainst �n anti• r;av iricludinA all rights of inembership, or _ Pa 2 � ' ��' �i� (r IF�Z� right ro express or have exFr�ssed divergent points of view on ar�y issue� be- cause of ra.ce� creed� color� national origin� disabliLy� aex� sexu2l or affeo- tional preference.. ;- : .. � � - d' , _ 4.9 There shail bc no requirement for a minim��m length of timP as a resident, or hdme o�rnership or other. ormer�hip of pzroperty reqairement fcr �ecom�.ng.a�-.: . . �ember. � : . . - 4.10 Disputed membership �may.be appeal�d to and deceided on by the bppeals : . " ' Coc�nittee.: ; . . . � - . : . . ARTICLE V: ELE{,TIOIvS � - , 5.1 ^here rha.11 be'an a_nni:al business meet�ng for ihe purpose of electing off- ` � icers snd ten (10; representa�ives-at-1'arge of the Ex�cu�ive Board, a+ the Spring meetir.g of the Orgar_ization, � : - . � • 5.2 The president� with the advice and conserit of the �ecutive Board; shall 3p�-� � poir.t a nominating coinmittee o� not less than five (5� people no later than . forty-fiv� (45� forty-five da�rs prior to the annual meetings. This co�amittee s':ia.:l prepare a slate of officers e.nd ten (10� board members-at-large for the coming year. 2vomina�ions fro� the floor on election day. shall also be conaid- � ered if censent has previously oeen given by the nomuiee. . := � 5•3 �tilic Notice shall be given`'15 days prior.to tre'Annua.l :•Leting: � - - .. _ ARTICLE YI. OFFICERS . � 6.1 The o'_'ficers shall be �resident, i ice-president� secreta�3� and treasurer� ar_d residency ��rit'�in the boundries of tile DBCC �see Article II� shall be re- _ quired to serve in such of:icial capacity. � ' � 6.2 The president's dities a�e tnose of cnief execativ� officet. - The president sha11 preside over.all�executive board and general meetings. _ - � 6.3 The president shall appoint temporary chairpersons in the �forination of Stand- ing Comuu.ttees and Task Force oommittees. : � 6.4 The president shall have the right� to serve in�-an ex-offic,io capa.city on ali Standing Committees and Task Force committees, with voting privilages. ' - 6.5 The vice-president sha,ll�help establish and.cooidinate committees and Task Forces. _ . - : . _. _ . � . _ . 6.6 The vice-president shall discharge the�duties �cif the president in the absenc of the president. .. =>:: ' . - - . � ti , 6.7 The Secretary shall record minutes of all General and bcecutive Board meet- � ings. The Secretary shall overaee and preserve all nec.essary files and •records for the Qrganization. . _ _. . . . - 6.8 The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds, �and sha.11 be responsible for the accounting of receipts and expenditures. - 6.9 Officers and representatives-at-large shall.be elected for one-year terms by vote at the annua,l meeting. Ro person shall hold the offices af president or vice-president for m�re thari two consecutive years. . 6.10 Whenever a vacency of office occurs, a successor shall be elected by 'the Bc= t ecutive Board: - _ � . -- 6.11 No person who is an elected governmental official may serve as an officer. ^ . Page 3 ���~ "" � � li' .,� : .. . � . ARTICLE YII; EXECOTIYE BOARD��_.� `.:"`-- `- _ . ----- �.1 Not less than eighty percent t809� of�the,�members'of��the F�cecutive Board. of -�_-, .. the IlBCC shall be resider.�s within'the boundries .of the communi�y as described'�1 in Article II:BOIINDRIES. ., . ... . __ . . � • • . •- : - ; • � : �.2 The EScecutive Board 'shall consist of the 'organization's officers, and ten �10� ' - representatives-at-larg'e elected at the annual meeting. � _ , 7.3 Also 3.ncluded on the F�cecutive Board shall be_ one representative�from each i participating neighborhood� organization,'coimnittee .chairpersons and� Task ` � � Force chairpersons� for the ti.me the Task Fbrce is in existence. ' --f ---• •- - �.4 EScecutive Board meetings shall �be held at least once each month� the�time� � date and�place to_be �set.by the bcecutive Boar�. Special meetings can be• �• -- " called by the_bcecutive'Board., '."' - � � �,5 No�business sliall be' transacted by�the, bcecutive Board unless there -is�a �• � . , quorum of at`leas�� eigh� ��8�� elected Board Members present at �each meeting.• - � 7.� The F�cecutive _Board;shall:, -_�.:._ - ' - , �. * ; .. ; - A. Develope policies, programs and�actions for� tlie consideration of the people _ in the co�unitY• _ - . : . .- . , _, : _ _ � ' ' - : :... . • .�- � �� . � . - .i. �•� .. . .. . •_L,. ,.. . . B. Take such �actions as may be .appropri.ate in regard�to� special issues;`: - C. Receive and act on petitions from persons or groups within the�co�m�nity. D. Receive, consider and act on Community�Development recommendations present- ed by.the Chairperson of the General District IV_ Planning Committee prior . to submittal for consideration and approval of the gener6.T membership at . a public meeting. - . � - . '].'� 'The bcecutive Board shall arrang�e for an annual'audit of the Treasurer's .. b.00ks and accounts. - ARTICLE ViII: GEi��AL PLAi1NING COMIr�ITT�- --- . ' .-- - � 8.1 The District IY General Planning �ommittee shall consist��of a Chairperson, . Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and at least fifteen (l�� and not more than . : ' twenty-f ive, �25� members.' . . ;�` _- t:_ : .., - . . .- .. - - - - �{ continued on �e `="' - - •" � - - � . . . _ __ . . � _ p� 9 �= . � . ._ _ _. ._:_. ._. � "- �� ' Page 4 - .�_ ._, -: - . ( :constitution..continued from pa.ge 7.� � =�:;� ._ � _. - --- �� � - A: , . - .. , �,_. � .'-. - � . 8.2 New members-of this _commit�ee shall be nomi.nated ai�, elected by the member- ' ship of .the General Planning Co�ittee.' " - �' � ' - ' � + �o..consecutive . - , g.j Any member �unless for�valid and excusable cause� missing meetings shall be dropped from membership.� Organlzations having membership .' on the CenEral P.lanninS Committee may have a desi�ated alternate delegate, and.individua.l members must state in writing the na.me� of the_alternats'who - ; . .:� -� + will act. in theii.place:,. ,' - . • . which shall be the third Monday =_ ` g,4 2'here �shall be at least one monthly�meeting . � of the month; speci a l�mee tings s h a l l b e c a l led b y the Chairperson�or upon . . . � petition of at leas� five (5� �members. � - ~ - � �� � - 8.5 The General `Planning'Committee shall act in accordance with.resolutions ,. : � �adopted by the City Counci� of'Saint Paul,-or gu�delines ,�d� plans, gi'omul- � - gated by`the City•_: ' �� _ _ .: . . : ' 8.b The General Planning Coinmlttee sha11 identify the needs of the neighborhood after_community input and plan how the needs �can be met:provided by �available� � funds or programs. . � .- . .� � -- , 8.7 The District _N General Planning' Couanittee sha.11 act__as a.Committee of:the DB CC. . . - . 8.8 Fifty-one percent (51go� of elected members of the District••Planriing Committee ' shall constitute a quorum. . _ . . - � • - ARTICLE IX: GD�tIItAL MII`'IDF�SHIP MEEPZNGS . _. _ 9.1 The general public meetings of. the Dayton's Bluff ComIIUnity Council sha11 - ; be held a min;mum of four {4� times each.year; oneleach quarter. , 9,2 The-President or the bcecutive.Board shall�call �_special meeting as the - need may arise or upon petition uf ten (10�.or more members. of the 9•3 (�r� for� general meetings shail be twenty-five percent {259� _ membership. =�� - . �' - � ��- "� .- .: _�-'.'... :� _ _: _ ._ �. ' ARTICLE X: RULFS A1�ID PROC�URES . V�_ ' . � ' zncluding com�ittee meetinga� -unless otherwise specified, shall 10.1 All.meetings (' require a qeorum of a ma3ority of.membership to conduct busine�s. 10.2 The DBCC shall nQt endorse any person for public office. 10.3 Notice sha.11 �e given to all committee members, of ali committee meetissgs. . " ARTICLE XI: �AFtLIAMII�I"PARY AUTHQRITY AAID AI`'III`IDMII�TS " 11.� Roberts Rules of �Order, Reviaed, shall gnvern all questions.of order and . �, : a _. �proced�e not stated in .the constitutian. :� " � r� at • ��.2 Aroemdmen't's to the Constitution shall be groposed in xrltang i any general or special meeting and ratified by a majority of inembers at a . , following general or special meeting. _ �} ' July 27, 19'T6 Rose Mix, City Clerk 386 City Ha11 St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Rose: Please be notified that I have called a special. meeting of the City Council for Thursday, August 12� 1976, at 7:30 P.M. at the Nfounds Park Recreation Center, 1000 Pacific, to consider recognition of an official group to represent Citizen Part,�icipation District No. 4 (Dayton's Bluff). f�r �, , � � �%��''' �-�" Co c esident We, the undersigr�ed Councilmen, do hereby waive written notice requirements for a special meeting of the City Council on Thursday, August 12, 1976, at 7:30 P.M. at the Moun.ds Park Recreation Center, 1 Pacific, for easons stated above. � �� . �� _ k ...� X� . r . .. �, F� t� ` ^ . . ' , 1�� / r� . . .. - � ' ' . � µ .� t� _ �I ! � .' � ` .. . . � ; C � �� � t . , ' ,�y ' � ' �, ��.x . � . �. � / � , � .;� �i', � ! . " . � � . . i " t� F' ? �' . . . � r _ ,: �- - . �� . �, . � ' � � � ' L..���' . i 1 . . . �.. ' ,. .: � _ .. . . . ,. . .� . . . , < . .. _ _. J,c' . . - .� 'F � �: . , . • — • . r - J, . i��.i ¢f �� ! - � ` . ,f. � �, p :� � � � � ��� �� •� .i • �,� j �? �� � _ ��� ! � � ��V � � ' `� i' '� � 1 � {' ' �� .. y . ; . � . �� : : � ,'� _ ,t , . j . a . , . ., . ' � - ,� . �, � � . .� .,' � �, �` -� ,� � � � � �. • �1�� .0 �' � � �� '� � � � � � r( �� 1 � r ��� � � �� � _ � �f � .a�z.l� F,r . i � � � ,� �� a , � . . / �.��� � �� � �� ��� �j.' � ( .� � a,, , �"�. + � � � ,�, ' a -'a ' { , "� i �� � � � `� t ''� � � � '� � s. = -i' _ i_. �. 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' -� /� ��' 7 �`. e � '' ' , ': y� � . - ���, . .. j � Y� � ;t r Y �j �.4 � � ._,� � :'` c � '. . � 1 � �f� � .i . .� ' . .+��. '�� j .1 ;. f ' ' �� /- . ; . . .,, . � ;° r. . �$ l• � „ 3 . " / . . f `d � � rl � ���, .. . ; ,i t . ,�, ;� ' �r.: A � y . { _ _ - j � �`:. � _ y� �t �,`' , � � � � : i i' ' � . ,. ,� l� � ,. ��� } ' . - �. L. . _ . _.` ��` � ' - . �i �. ' � . :� � .� � � . , i� , E . �' � �'� , �'. � ' ` . • . . ,�. . . � -� . - , � �,`I .� 1 t . � � , . � ` .,�f s' ,� F ��.... ' .� � ': , . ° v . . .. . �` 4 %' yr:� . . .. . � _ ,... . .. . �� �� , � . _ �' �. '.:� ., , - . . ., .,. �. r ; _ . . . . . •� �Yn .. % � flJ � � � . ,�� �� � � � ' Y' , . ��J � � � { 1 `9 . . r,; ' : . ' � � � ; ', . � l :'F. " _' � � � p . . . . .� � _ '��. .,. . � r ,.� �i h � . , � . . ��. � .. . '. .�, ` , k � ` �� 1 � t ' � � �r . . _ ' . . � _ � .' �,. S�. . . � � . . . � �_ . . .' . � . , _� , ' . . . � .�..�f . . . . .. ... . �/. �. ..j . . . ..�n.. •;/ � , . - ,�:y, ;5::�. � '`�� F= � �il '1'�" O1� �.1I \1. I�.�I' 1. � ` ��rnnr Ol'I'�(i1: t)l' T]]I� �I.\1'<>Il ����r� f�. •��i������N � l i\��y�l.ffi! � �� � � F� . Yt �..`,f:. GEORGE LATI>fER MwYOa MEJ�10RANDUNI � To: Counci7 President Robert Sy7vester Members nf the City Counc`1 � From: Karen Chr�stofferson � Date: July 26, ]976 Re: Public Hearing in District � �Dayton'� Bluff� The pub7ic hearing fior District 4 (Dayton's B7uff) with members of the City Council wil7 meet: Date_ Thursday, August 72 Time: 7:3D p.m. . P7ace: Mounds park Recreation Center Address: 1000 Pacific, Saint Paul KC/km � cc: Mayor George Latimer ✓Rose Mix ���y.,z ,�-- (i I '1'1" ()1' �:1 I .\'1' 1�.1 I" 7. e�en (�1'I•'1(;l: t)i' 1'lll: �1.�YO12 ��asno�ii •oe��� GFORCE I..ATI`�iER *IAYOR Memorand�m To: Robert Sylvester, Cocmcii Preaideat From: Ka.ren Chriatofferaon � Citizen Participation Coordinator Date: July 21, 1976 Re: Change in Public Hearing Date for District 4 (Dayton'a Bluff) The Dayton's Bluff Co�nunity Council has requested that tlle public hearing far District 4 be changed fram Tueeday, Auguat 1D to Thursday, Auguat 12. If August 12 is not convenient for City Council membera, a public heariag date the week of August 16 would be acceptable ta the Dayton's Bluff cotrm�unity. Your cooperation on this matter ia appreciated. KC/jl cc: A1 Olson - City Clerk'a Office V ��y�z2 . �� .r,. . ' . � CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFIO� OF THE CITY COIINCIL ���� • `' ..... .... ROBERT SYLVESTER Councilman July 21, 1976 Mr. A1 Olson City Clerk's Office Room 386 City Hall Dear A1: Please find attached a copy of a letter from Ms. Karen Christofferson, Citizen Participation Coordinator, regard3ng a hearing date for District 4 (Dayton's B�,uff) . Please see that this item is placed on the agenda for the City Council meeting to be held Thursdaq, July 22, 1976. Cordially yours, '/ ��l) `Robert 5ylvester Council President RS:da� CTTY HAI,L SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4475 O . .. . � +� • �z� Y ' • , _ �,�� I�� . .� ���. (�1 r� 01� S_�i� r �',�t- 7. y �;,`��', ,, v�t���•rc�: ot �ritL rlal()R � � esc us:..�.� � •1�7�a:PxT��(i�!:�:'.': ,t...\.. _ .,�-�- ,, . ������ � � _ � UF.ORC3F. L.ATIwIER " �UL � �+ ��7�V , � MA]'OR . . . � . �� GC�ll��CiL PR�'SIGEPv i Rti�ERT SYLVES i ER ; ' Memorandum To: Robert Sylvester, Council Presi,dent From: Ms. Raren Christofferson � Citizen Participation Coordinator Date: July 19, 1976 Re: Hearing Date for District 4 The District 4 (Dayton's Bluff} community has submitted a City Council recognition package to the Office of Co�enunity Development and requests that the City Council establish a public hearing date to facilitate the Council recognition process. The community has requested that the evening of Augnst 10 be set aside for this purpose �time and place yet to be determined). This date coincides with publication of the Dayton's Bluff News which will assist the community with notification of the public hearing. Your cooperation is appreciated. RC/jl ��'2 POSSIBLC POINTS T�0 BE R�,ISED AT CITY COUNCIL HEl�RING RE: DAYTON'S BLUFF COMMtJNITY COUNCIL RATIFIC�ITION. ������� _ o lo General District Plannin� Com�nittee elections process: Duly elected officers hsve resi�ned9 no provisions have been made for new elections, and Community Council officers have taken over as GDPC of:icerso This does not correspond to procedures outlined in the Constitution and By-laws bein� presented for ratificationo 2o E:ffirmative �ction Cl�use: At a Gener�l District Planning Committee meeting held Monday, t,u�ust 9th, an arbitr�ry decision was made by Chairm�n that since two married couples had mem'oership on the Generul District Plannin�; Committee, and since only one member oi- a family��should be entitled to vote, the husbands only would be allowed to voteo L',fter considerable controversy9 the Chairman decided to allow a vote on whether ull reco�ni�ed G.DoP.Ce members should be cllowed to votco While the women did win the vote, the concern here is that an attitude was reflected in the urbitrary decision of the Chairman. This attitude cc,uld stron�ly su��est that discrimination may be takin� �lac� in more subtic wayso Glitne�s t,1c ternlincloiy in the w:,rlc proUrr.in subr.iitted tc the C�ty by thc DoveCeC. which s�.ys the Cauncil will P°Develop a current list of �roups, or��:ni��tions� und insL-it�ati�ns who arc entitled to represent�:tion on tlie �oarde" 1°Entitled°° by wh�.t �tandr�rds? , 3, The Gener4l District Plannin� Co�arittee proposal hearin�s process and compliance with the worlc pro�ram submitted to the City by the Communi�y Council: At the �u��st 9th Gener�l District IV Planning Committee me�tin�y a Proposal bGsed upon resuits oi � community wide random survey �nd other foxms of direct contact with area residents was submitt�d by a GaD.PeCe Task Forceo It w«s turned down for consideration ut pablic hewrin�� tit the same time two proposals submitted by the actin� Chairr,i�n with no substantive evidence af c�rrent comnunity su�port were approvedo [Mar�aret P1Gy�round and picnic t�bles proposals] This occured at � meetin� whcre the stGted purposc: w�s to define thcse proposals which merited any further considerationo Jnder the work pro&ram s�bmittcd to the City by the Conununity Cour:cil on July 19th, the followin� zre listed «s ccntinuous fanctions cf th� c�uncils a) �OResearch needs and comnunity interest in any �new or expGnded pro�ram or activity which could Ue ootained or improved a� G res�lt of action by DBCCo°1 b) Conduct p�blic meetin�s on speci�:l issaes of concern to th�� cor.miunity or un portion of th� cor.ununity and take uppro�- riate action on s�uch issueso Is there a contr�:diction in what h�p�ened to the General District 1'lanr.in�; Cor,uiittce rlectin� �.rid the st�_ted work Pro�ram of Dayton°s Bla;ff Cor.s,zunity Council? Ii not3 how can denizl of public hearin� on a comnunity residcnt supported issue be h4g���enin�? Is this tne for� of decision m�lcin�; which will serve the bc�t intere�ts of D�:ytcn°s Elaff? M�ybe noto t;.o Minutes and Records of Community Council and Gener2l District Plannin� Ccmmittee: � 5uch rccords are unat�4ilable to�the �eneral p�blic, �.nd copies are not even distributed as a rn�tter of course tc the meribers;�ip of the Eoards of the Council and thc General District Plannin�, Cor.unitteeo Offers have bc:en made by Sacred Heart Churcn �nd Dayton's Bluff �'Ic:Yti-Scrvice Center to copy and raail such minutes so un�:vailability cf ty�in;;, copyin� and r.iailin� �ervices cannot bc the rcason why mc�tin; ninutc:s are not r�:adily accessiUle to merabe•rso The l�ck of records to which the menb�rshi� muy refer interf�res witii crderly oricntGtion ai new meriberso It �.Lso r,ieans thut whcre disa�rcc:- raent occurs on what tock place �.t previous meetin�s; the membership i:. forced to rely solely or. thc word cf the Cc4ncil secr:;tary a� to thc � proceedin�s� Therc is no check and balance syste:i as there would 'ue with written copicd r.inutes� It would be h�ped by r,i4ny residcnts w13c h�.vc, bcen frustr�:ted Uy not iindin;; oificial records accessibl�: und/or accurGtc that the: City C.^,ur.cil wouid rec�ire of the Community Ccuncil that they publish minutes �:nd at G r.iini�tun distribute them to the listed mer.ibershipo 6cco=snt�,bility depends on it9 Se �eetin� nctice is outlined in the narrativc cn the pr;cess cl�rificGtion subraitted tc thc City by the Cor,�nunity Council: In a narrative d�cunent ra.;.�.ed to IC�.,ren Christci�erson by the Cor,n:iunity Council on Jaly 19, 1:76, the foliowin� st�ter.ients: On May 1� the �°Cor.n:�unity Conventi�n°7 �r ��ublic hearin�� s:�on�ared Uy the CCDB was held with over 2GG pcoPle in attend�ncc., Thc mectin�9 Z��ablici�ed to ev�ry District �,• resident in the Dayton°s B��ff TQcw� �:nd � flycr thc week..nd of M��r 16� resultcd in << of 1L articic� '�c:in� adc��tecio It shouid be notcd tl7at thc �iycr rlentioned wa� distribut�:d with th:: ex�res5 :��position and dasa�prov�l �f th� Cor,uuunity Council leadershii�o �. �ro::;� of r�sidcnts actin� c� their indc�endent vclition crganized tc distribute the flyere The� enlisted the aid of vGrious resources tc obt.:{in n�per, ;�rintin�9 ctco and to �et the �lyer distributed becuu�e thcy fclt that the News had cc�ae out to� far in �dvunce cf the hearin� and �. reminder �rio�i�:� was x�n order TYie f�.�er was a general, �,ttention dr�win� devicey iniom�:tional in n�t�;r�, It c���.s n�de cle�:r tl��t Cr�uncil resented any� o�ncerted effert on thc ��a�°t :,;` un� residents to �et the peopie out �or the heurin�;o The concernccl e"�o-rt cf the �r:;�p wa3 tre�:ted : s tre�^�hcry, r:nd r.lare t�lElI: one riC:l��i�JOYi10GC1 c:vGIICj� Sd11{C'TCC� u1�:11C�C:Y'G�15 �.:t.t�CitS 'Jj� �� L'OL:I1C11 TlE.'flll7@Y' W�iCJ WTOT1��.�J �.33:1Il1E;Cl th^t the �.�encies werc re:,��onsibl� ior the �lyero �lf'. �C�l.Ilt 'u� concern �1C:YL l.�'i t11�;L. l.t 1S li�l;::�ii.Cl 1T1 flat<:T1u1 Si:�'O::llt'`LCC2 t0 the Ci�y t1i�.t the D<:ytc�n's 1�1uff Cot�uaunity Council �•a�:s respon�ible in full for �11 public notic�: o� thc M��}� lc: r:lec,tiri�o Can o�e t�e sur� thut t�ii; is ti.%.� onl;� �rea in which crcdit is ��cin� t�^kcn by tlie Councii wheY•:: it r<<r..� nct uc due? . • . , ,;� ��:� �� I '1'1" ()1�` �.1 I V'1' 1�.1 I' i. ��-�-��e� � �c.seFe=_-eea O1'1•'I(i7; OI' 7'lIl': �1.�)'O1: .�s�...'�:°-rE6�`e - `-— - 1� `�. . _ • �����F� Ci1-:(�}2C;E 1,A'1'I>fliR �.4YOR MEMORANDUM To: Council President Robert Sylvester Members of the City Council ► From: Karen Christofferson �.�� Date: August 19, 1976 Re: Recognition Process for District 4 (Dayton's Bluff Community Council ) A public hearing was held in the Dayton's Bluff community on August 12, 1976, for purposes of recognizing the Dayton's Bluff Community Council as the organization responsible for general district plar�ning in District 4. As a result of questions raised by area residents and members of the City Council related to by-laws and the recognition process, the City Council requested Karen Christofferson, coordinator of citizen participation, to meet with residents of the community prior to final recognition scheduled for two weeks from the August 12 public hearing date (August 26, 1976). The purpose of the interim meeting(s� would be to resolve the issues of special concern. Ms. Christofferson convened the August 17 meeting �a date mutually-agreed to on August 12) with residents. of the Dayton's Bluff community. The attendance list for that meeting is attached. There were two basic issues discussed at the August 17 meeting. These issues were by-laws and the 6udget su6mitted to the Office of Community Development. B -Laws The residents in attendance at the August 17 meeting intend to recommend that certain cfianges 6e made in the 6y-laws and brought before the Dayton's Bluff community for amendments by Decem6er 1 , 1976. The first general membership meeting will 6e convened in Octo6er, as regularly scheduled. However, a second pu6lic meeting will also 6e held after the October meeting for final ratification of the 6y-laws, as amended. �� �_>z -2- Recommended changes include CNote: the following language states only intent. Final language will 6e provided 6y the Dayton's Bluff Community Council by- laws committee. The final officfal language of the by laws will reflect the spirit of the recommended changes� : Article Intent 4.8 Should read: "No individual or organization. . . " Further, wording should 6e added to include language contained in the State of Minnesota Human Rights Act referring to sexual or affectional preference, marital status, and status of pu6lic assistance. VI Should read "Officers And Representatives-At-Large". 6.9 Language to 6e added that states one-half of the members to the Board should be elected for two years and one- half elected the following year for two years. The intent is to stagger representative terms so that Board membership continuity is maintained. 7.6 Change to "Receive and consider Community Development. . ." (Section "D"� The words "and act on" would be deleted. The intent is that recommendations of the General District IV Planning Committee (a committee of tFie Dayton 's Bluff Community Council ) should 6e reviewed 6y the Executive Board but that all recommendations of the Planning Committee should have the opportunity to 6e acted on by the Dayl;on's Bluff Community Council . 7.8 This section would 6e added to the by-laws that would in effect state tFiat the Executive Board will be responsible for su6mitting all of the recommendations of the General District IV Planning Committee to the Dayton 's Bluff Community Council , as per suggested articles 7.6 and 8.9 (to be added) . VITI Should read "General District Planning Committee." 8.1 Should be changed to read ". . .at least fifteen (15) members." Language should be added that states officers of the Planning Committee are elected by tFie Planning Committee. Vacancies shall 6e filled 6y election at the next Planning Committee meeting. FurtFier, officers of the Executive Board should not serve as officers of the Planning Committee. This does not preclude mem6ership on 6oth the Executive Board and the Planning Committee. 8.2 Should read "1�em6ers of this Committee shall be nominated and elec.ted by the membership of the Dayton's Bluff Community Council . Further, language should be added that clarifies organization membership and individual membership on the Planning Committee. Every organization in the Dayton's Bluff -3- . f Article Intent 8.2 community may have a representative. Individual members (Cont'd) may 6e elected 6y the Dayton's Bluff Community Council . Organizational mem6ership vacancies will be filled by appointment from the sponsoring organization. Individual mem6ership vacancies will be filled by appointment from the Dayton's Bluff Community Council Executive Board. 8.6 Should read, "The General District IV Planning Committee shall consult residents of the community and identify tFie needs of the neigh6orfiood and plan how 1;he needs can 6e met 6y availa6le funds or proyrams. " 8.8 Should read, "Fifteen (15) members of the General District IV Planning Committee shall constitute a quorum." 8.9 Section to 6e added that states language to the effect, "Al1 proposals as recommended by the General District IV Planning Committee shall first be approved by the Dayton's Bluff Community Council prior to su6mission to the City Council . " 9.1 l_anguage should be added that public notice must be made of all general mem6ership meetings not less than fifteen (15� days 6efore such_ meetings are convened. 9.3 Change to ". . .shall 6e no less than twenty-five members of tfie Da�on 's Bl uff Communi t Counci 1 �resent."� 10.4 Section should be added to include that a summary of all rneetings of the Dayton 's Bluff Community Council and the General District IV Planning Committee shall be published and full copies of the minutes made available at a pu6licized central location. 10.5 Section should be added that makes minutes of ineetings available to committee mem6ers at the next scheduled meeting of the committee. The persons in attendance at the August 17 meeting agreed that four (4) representatives of that meeting 6e included on the by-laws committee of the Dayton's Bluff Community Council for purposes of putting the above recommended changes in final form for the October general membership meeting. Budget A lengthy discussion was held at the August 17 meeting by community residents regarding the line item budget submitted to the Office of Community Development. Two issues related to 6udget were stated. One, some persons v �V���� , -4- stated they had not seen the 6udget prior to submission. Two, there was some disagreement over line items per se. , As a staff person for the City of Saint Paul , I did not feel I was in a position to judge the previous activities of the Dayton's Bluff Comrn�_inity Cou.ncil Executive Board. However, after further discussion, I did recommend that $16,000 6e placed� in contingency for the Council and that a line item 6udget 6e submitted for approval at the Octo6er general membership meeting. I also pointed out that while they would not have direct use of the 6udget until that time, the approved budget would be retroactive to July l , 1976 to cover expenses incurred, especially as they related to the Da�on's Bluff News. The group agreed to this recommendation and added �hat the Executive Board should hold an emergency meeting to vote on �vhether or not to rescind the line item 6udget, as su6mitted, and instead to place $16,000 in contingency. Members of the Executive Board present agreed to support this action and to report the results of this meeting to me by Friday, August 20, so that a Council Resolution could 6e prepared for final action by the City Council on Thursday, August 26. At the request of representatives at the August 17 meeting, copies of �his report will be made available to those persons. KC/km cc: Mayor George ,Latimer Ms. Rose i�1ix� Mr. l�illiam Q. Patton -. .� � . �- r�r ( � �.J ',� � i ;�t � � t- � . . .7�aly 6, 1976 '?�: D?3CC Eoard I�.ernbers � ��ROhi: Paul Gilliland R�:: Co1•rections of Cons�itution as reprinted in J11� JB Nexs. T4�ere are a few uni•esolved differences in the Cor�stitution, either because af anmendr�ents nade at the Jur.e 74 ����:i_ng or "inconsistancies"bzt�een the vB Ne�rs reprint nnd ti�tia.t t�pp,�ars on tne tape of tne li^.eeting. . � f 4.8. It is unclear what xp.s char.�ed. The �:otion read to a3d the "sexuxl or affecti_onsl preferer_ce" to 4.8. `?�ie DB h'ews deleted "�arital status" and "status regards public assistance" which are in the state Eu,�nan Ri�hts .Act. l .�ki•i:icle VI s'r:ould rea3 OF'r'ICERS AND F�PRESEi�TTATI�ES-AT�L?�.R�.3 �� �' Arl;icle VIII sho�ild na General District Planning Committee. � 3.6 i�he s�or<is "cer.sult _�e.�idents of the co�v�unity" �fter the hord "shaJ.l - also delets "after cor��.r:ur.i_ty input". . - � 8.$ De�ete "el�cted" - you don't elect the (�DPC, quorum must Le of rn.�Lnbers y.I rQ(1� �.Z Le3� v�1G' tiLri1;�I1C0� `'t'�° �iriilC.lriCC't� `JS� i:llb).1C r.otice ti�f �ilE 1`�f+'_C'ui1�T� 3?Oc�2'�.r r '+ T,� ��/?,/!'J'=.1� i�s'L�'�'�� ���` "'¢ %��/•..�`"��'Z1��✓ °-- �'�i'� ^ a�w' �R P..[p � � a✓� sws '� ' /.p� .+/ �..,...-�,,.,<� �.w,��,t.- c„��",�°'��: ��,/� �.. /��� ��+���. [ �� � ♦ . s ������� Dayton's Bluff Conununity Council August 17, 1976 �ME ADDRESS TELEPHONE James Hennig 873 Fremont 774-7921 Sanara Hennig 873 Fremont 774-7921 � Fred Irvin 83 Morningside Drive . 735-3947 Bill Hansen 262 Bates 774-8791 Catherine Piccolo 397 Maple Street 772-2511 (0) 776-2170 (H) Judy Gordon 374 Maria (DBMSC) 774-6075 Lee Parks Mounds Park Hospital 774-5901 - XT264 Edward F. Krahmar 909 E. Sth Street 776-7192 George Scherz 1183 McLean 776-0147 Frank M. Antoncich 977 E. 3rd. 771-3890 Ralph Swanson 916 Mound Street 776-8204 Evelyn Lewis 933 Conway Street 776-6854 Don Mockenhaupt ' 2001 Margaret 735-8446 Jean Heimerl 918 E. 3rd. 776-3205 Rob Huberty 1361 Conway 771-1990 David 0 Van Ness 385 Earl 776-8952 Karen Christofferson 366 City Hall Annex 298-5586