267770 WHI7E - CITY CLERK � PINK - FINANGE � G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council ��.. ,�,����� � CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAVOR . 1 C uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the Budget; and WHEREAS, The Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, has requested that the City contribute $144,000 to aid in the Authority's Marion-Rice Street Housing Development and Capitol Approach Improvement; and WI�REAS, The City is authorized by Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.581, to make contrihutions to the Housing Authority to assist it in its redevelopment project and the Mayor reco�aunends that the $144,000 of additional revenue available to the City be appropriated by the City Council to be contributed to the Authority for this project, and the Mayor recomiaends that the following additions be made to the 1976 Budget: FINANCING 9UMMARY Operation and Maintenance General Revenue Fund Balance $144,000.00 APPROPRIATION SLT1rIl�lARY Operation and Maintenance General Government Accounts — Misc. 09093 — HRA — Marion and Rice Housing— Development 545 — City Contributions to Outside � Agencies $144,000.00 BE IT RESOLVED That the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Saint Paul City Charter, and upon the abave recommendation and certifi- cation of the Mayor, does hereby adopt the supplemental appropriation and amendment to the 1976 Budget of the City as set forth above, and the Mayor is hereby authorized and directed to transmit payment to the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the sum of $144,000 to aid and assist the Authority in their redevelopment project as set forth above. p r ed• W Approved• , ir., ept. o in. gmt. Ser. COU ILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays / Butler City Administrator, Thomas J. Kelley Hozza � In Favor Hunt �� � _ Against BY Roedler Sylvester 'Fe�eeso� Adopted by ncil: Date ���r z � �p7R Form App City At or y e Cert d Passe ouncil Secretary� BY By �97s Appr e Mayor for S �ss' to ouncil App ved by 14ayor: te By BY BLISHED ��P � 1��► , , ; , . . ,, . � � � ��,. �,U���� C1i�' 03: 1 �97� . x ��I�IATI Q ° T,RA�'�I'I'�i`.. Sr � * . �• , ` ;,�. �� � . � � ;, . _ - _. i ,, : , �� � :�. .- � o; , ,. � � z: �,, . �, � ��e� Au�t b, 1�7C . � _ ' : � �: � � ' � r, � � ' � � � ; �y T�i� +�.. 3��Y, CITY ADM�NZST��A�f?R ?� � �': �'�: �'?i��� 1��� 51�8►� Office of:ttie �ayt�r-�udt�st Sectic� ��'' .. �, " J�� : �� �: �A'a� J"u].�..�2 i��uest £or Gity ean�'ibutiou to the R;,c���+ca�a Sit.s� �c►t�;� �� ~ ���;�t,praject. s� -. V . ;� : # � .�� .. . {� . . � . . . . .. � � . . . . .4W��, .. ` . . . .. . . . . . . �'� . �iG'T' �� �� �.8'�D: � ...�...�, �; ; ' 1�ri!� t�e �76 H�dg�t ta increa�e the Finasi�ir�g �u�rq - �,ezatitan a�ad 1f���� � ' 63�rr���Rre�u�. �u�ad �►iarice by $1�4,000, and to ;aPpro�ariate a� �iCgr.clea�.t��t��v��' ;� � $144,���ta f� Ii1�A��Rice-�iarion Str�+et� �Ic��ing Daw+eic+pment �td.G�►pi��� l�p�'t�� �f ���v��t�. � : � � t. z- � ;� . - � � , ; , ,�. � � � . . - � � .. . . i;': �. �r .. .. : � ... . . - . � ,�. D �"�' Ft3R� �`��S '�i��It�: � .�u :securing � 1976 �B l�qis3.�t3,on, a �c�.�nt wa� �a.d� tc�� �;a�����t?1� �.,' . . ; ��+��4,t�lA:, t3;�, 1 balance i�z �h� I� itr�rl APF�t� �+�: �.. � s ,, ,� Fh� �r�t�.ol� �F�� �r��, Th� tran�r c�f th�se �ra]. �v�rse�ae ; "� ` f+a� ''� ; � . �; g�b j,��"��l i : that co�a,it�nt. The 1 �.s��►t�.�i�,# , , �' �c3 �Orti�q �he C���. t �±�nd �l�d�tz �tyxl�e thzs pre��:c�. �, , , , �; : ' `� , , < • _..; , a ,: � � � 1��:�. ���: � � �cr�p��l ��erscblt�� -�tarte paqe . � � : :; HR�'s .T�,11�► ��, l�!?�, re . _ ; � r: . : • , � ; . j � APPi�t?V;�1L t i ; . � L - ,�� � � J.. � , y . . s���ar r� , _ : ,�:: . ti� , . . , , �; , , , � � � � � � � � � � � . . r�° � ��, � � �� �,, _ , . ; _ , . ��: � ... : �� East Fift�r Street, Saint Patai, �lfrnnesoYa 55l E11. Ed:��ardN.�leli°fd,e,cecut�;�� direct .;��or�2Z9� 5218 � -�'�- ,�.�,.� _ � � . . HDUS��lG AND R�DE�E�OP���i�i AUTH�RIT`( Or T�l� C��'� fl. S�i����' PAUi., i��l�����i� Alayor G�org� LatirQer Ju13t IZ, 1476 347 Citp Ha11 S t. Paul, riinae�ota 55102 Re: Rice Mariars Sits, District 7, Thoma�s�l� �ear M�yar Lztic�r: � . Current constru��i.orz costs- and fivas�cing arrr3 op��-ati:ag crrsts of a aiulti-fa�.�y ap�ttnt�t pro j ect thaC the aeighbnrlssiod.. residesst�, the �i��, the Cit.y af St. Paul aAd thE State of: Minneso�a a1I desi�e to hazre b�zilt o�x this Rice:Iwfari.,o-B Si�e ree�ui,re pu��ic fnvaolv�e�ereezt, in th� creatio�r, of this hatrsiug b��d the nQrt2a1 ].a.nd acquisit3.aa aad asse�Iy aad land �r�.ti� do� proces3r�rea► I� arder tv create this c�esired hausiug it wi11 req;uirst. an exp�.i.ture of $3bs�oao o� �ocai �ub�i� fuAas �� a cvrcdi.ti.aami of HFA martg�g� fita�ac-, ing esti.c�a�.e+d at. $1,.65(l,aQO.. Tlie I�RA Bcr�srd of CQm�3.s��as�s�es at its meetf.ag of Jcr�te 23, 1976 a�. ts� grv�d� a. $225,:�00 iisCe�es� beariag ioau fra�a the HR2� 'Ta� Levg Fu�d to -. meet a pcsrtiv�t of tile frcm� er�l e4�tg �equir���, leaviug $143,004 in prcject �edeve3- ' opment casfis, b��+� HBA's pre�� fr,�iag capab�.lity. FiP�4 requeats the Ci�y of St. Pa�xl tQ cantrib�e $I43,000 ta aid in the con�tructi,aa of this red�lo� pro�ee= Iarated withza th.e ThQr�as�a�e Neighbar�o�i: Ds�iop�s� Program �re�a I�iiu�ct�. A-1:-5 arsd G��3t D��►3:c�p�� District 7 pursu� to the autiz�s�tg granted bg I�fi.aaee�ta, Sta�xt+�a S�ec�ia�r kb2.58I_ Additioaa� frcase.t e�ad costs in th� p�3e�t wi1l be put ia by the d�veZo� t�ttes� cu�rf:- bution is es�ima�ted to be $12f3,Ofl4T ir� c�sh. Becau�e �h�� a�e paor sails an a �orti:� of this site we w�.I1 alsa req:sa�� Ci� Caucccil appro� for $35,OQQ - $SQ,0�0� ta� ex: - cavate the poor soils an<i re�g3aee it wit�i cc�sa�teri fiLL_ These. furtds wiZl com�� frctta Co.�uuit� Develep�t arrd pro�s�ly b� a part of the �80�,OQU Ca:mau�3.tp I}�vc�op�t. Year IZ Fund to t�e Rice Mar?an �s.re�. Sincere2y, !�'f'�'l��� � r '1 . � Donald tJ.�CosgroveO Acting Exeeuti:ve Director ..-. Ro�,�i S�i�:ester, Donaf� P. D�i Fi��co, David H. N�zza. �'�ti;i�e i tae !';i'son, Kenn�:h J. Ly�nc�, Ron �;la�d3x, �.�a;� �tnn S;�d�iEh `:` �-,�:_�, ..,