267756 WHITE - C�TV CLERK C��1IiC11 �����56 PINK - FINANC! G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L CANARV -bEPAR7MENT 4 BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Cou cil Resol ti n Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date I�F.SOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following person at the addreases atated be and the sa�e are hereby granted. Norn�s Auto Parta, Inc. 839 Edgerton V. M. loc. App. 8300 Renew Clarence Pihaly 410 St. Peter Rest. C-2 �� 88�,50 �+ �� �� Cigarette �� i� �� Capp Towers ?5 East 9th St. Hotel (96 lbe�.) �� 9525 �� F. W. Woolworth Co. 81-93 E. 7th St. I�est. C-2 �� 99?9 �� ° �' Confect.-B n n ii �� n Pet Shop n u n �� �� Floriat/Nurs. �� �� �� n n Hardware n n u �� n Cigarette u �� �� Kno11 & Davison, Inc. 870 Payne Ave. Rest. C-1 �� 10067 �� �� t� Off-Sale Malt a u n �' " Cigarette �' �� �� Donald Coury 133 Concord RQSt. C-2 �� 10239 �� n o Cigarette n u n St. Joseph's Hoapital 69 W. Exchaage Hospital �� 1�324 �� Dlarie & Germaine Raess 1?83 St. Clair Groc. A-2 �� I0330 �� �� �i O�f Sale 1Hetlt �� �� �� " " Butcher �' n �� �� " Cigarette �� �� �� Phillip 8. Hillman 398 Dulde� 8t. REat. Nurs. Home �� 10346 �� " " Food Estab. C1. M �� �+ The Epiecopal Church of 1�l1N. 1879 Feronia Ave. 8est. Nurs. Ho� �� 10347 �� �� " I�ood Eatail. Cl. M �� n Sholom Hoaie, Inc. 1554 Midway pkwy� itest. 1Wrs. Home �� 10355 �� " " Food F�tab. Cl. M �� �� St. Paul Church Hoae, Inc. 484 Ashland Ave. Rest. Nurs. Home �� 10362 �� " " �ood F.stab. Cl. M �� �� Twin City Linnea Home 2040 Como Ave. Y. Reast. Nurs. Hoae �� 10379 �� " " Fbod E�tab. C1. M �� �� Pratt's F�cpreas Co. 614 Ol ive Priv. Ge�s Pwip �� 10392 �� Irving & Samuel Bernstein 928 Arcade St. 2nd Hd IrN Dlr-Pts!! 10399 �� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine _ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B� Approved by Mayor: Date Appcoved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHI7E - CITV CLERK COl1RC11 . /�� /�h PINK - FINANP� G I�TY OF SA I NT PAU L t � CANARV -'DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR � Fll@ NO. 'y I v Council Resolution Presented By i.TCF�1� � Re�erred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cont'd Page 2 - Renew Golden Inn, Inc. 1716 Hudson Road Hotel (16 I�+s.) App. 10419 Renew Capitol Com�nnity Servicea 1060 Park St. Food Estab. M 10422 '� American I.inen Stxpply Co. 16? Grand Priv. Gas Pump 10428 " Arthur C. Chriaty 850 IAwry Med. Arts Bldg. Optician 10460 " Northwest Opticians, Inc. 332 St. Peter St. Optician 109:66 �� Gold Medal Bev. Co. 282 E. 6th St. Y. M. loc. 10481 �� Mlilliam Eberspacker 1314 White Bear Ave. Gas Station 3 P 10489 �' n �� Gen. Rep. Garage �� �� Children's Rospital 311 Pleasant Hospital I0525 " Leonard & Ruth Marehall � 1491 Sherburne Rooming & Board. Ree. 10539 �� �� �+ Food Estab. M " " Seestedt Cai� & Lino. Co. 280 E. 6th St. Carpet Dealer 1OS45 " Harry watchroan 1336 Thomas Grocery A-2 10�48 " �� �� F�ozen Foods " " ir �� Off Sale 1Nalt " " �� �� Cigarettes " " Fanny Faraer Canc�jr Shop,Inc. 305 Capitol Skyway Bldg. Confec�tionery B 10550 " Bertha Monzel 33 M1. George Beauty Shop 10552 �� Lodge �#4p LOOM 1?95 E. 7th St. Cigarette 1()568 �' Betty Francis, Inc. 2245 Hudeon Ib�ad Bowling Alley (2A) 10581 �� �� �� Cigarette " " Phillip R. Hillman 403 Duke St. I�oming Houee 10584 " u �� Food Estab. M " " Kindy Optical Co. Inc. 30 W. ?th Street Optician 10594 �� Bue�h Memorial Children's Center Annex 625 Fortland Food Eetab. M 10601 " S. S. Hresge Co. 16�15 Kasota Rest. C-2 10642 �� �� �� Florist/Nursery " " �� �� Hardware " " �� �� Pet Shop " " �� �� Confectionery " " �� �� Cigarette " " �� �� Bicycle Dealer 10643 �� B-I►laart Enterpri�se+s 1645 Ka+sota Gen. Rep. Garage 10644 " �� �� Firearaus " " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine _ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy Approved by 14ayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii By BY �*:: WHI7E - CITV CLERK ,� PINK � -�IN.ANC� GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council ��i��5b CANARY - DEPARTMENT � m' BLUE - MAVOR File N�O. Council Resolution Presented By i T(�'NSF (`1�N�IITTEF Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cant'd Page 3 - Renew F. W. Moolworth Co. 1484 University Ave. Rest. C-2 App. 10645 I�enew �� �� Florist/Nursery* " " �r �� Pet Shop u n t� �� Hardware " " �� �� Confectionery '� " n �� Cigarette " " Charles & Maureen Hjelle 859 Front Ave. Grocesy A-2 10646 '� r� �� �ozen Foods �� �� �� �� Off Sale I�lalt �� �� �� �� Cigarette " " ' Field 3chlick, Inc. 14 W. 5th St. Orig. Container 10656 '� perry M. Dahlen 966 S. Mississippi Riv. Blvd. Barber 10667 �� Jerry & Doris Henrickson 1416 Grand Ave. Beauty Shop 106?2 �� Brenda Bassignami 606 8ice 3treet Mast�euse 10680 �� Henry L. Denc� 1410 Edmund l�ttr. Veh. Dr. 10711 " COUNCILMEN Yeas IVays Requested by Department of: Butler _� �n Favor Hozza Hunt J Levine _ Against BY Rcedler Sylvester Tedesco �,*�jb 2�� �9� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Cou il: aYe CertiEied ssed by unci cretary BY � By Appro e � avor: 7 9e��_ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY ����F'r1 Qc� w �n��.