267744 WH17E - GTV CLERK ��'�'�44 PINK �- FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council CANARY -DEPARTMENT BLUE -MAVOR File NO. , � ` � � Ordindnce Ordinance N O. � A l , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance to repeal age limits under Chapter 4►12 of the St. Paul Legislative Code THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That Section 412.06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "412.06. P4��.e�a; Gamblin . Pte-persen;-��� er-eergern��ex-��eense - ere�a.�.der-e�-�.�.de� an�r-atker-ekag�er-ekn��-ge�n��-�e-be-epern�ed �n-an�-snek-��eeneee=9-g�aee-e�-bns��.ese-e�.� exel�-rnaek�ne-er-defr�ee;-exeep�-as�mee�e�.�-r�.dee nnel-�.e�e-�.ek�nes g-b�r-an�r-ge�9en-ti.�.der-�l�e age-e�-e�x�eex-�reare:--Ple-geree�.-e�g�e�ed-b� ran�-per9eR;-��r�t-er-ee�pera��e�.-��ee�.sed-l�ere- t�.der-e�-t�ade�-a�.�r-efi�.e�-ekag�e�-et�.a��-ge�.�� �e-be-eper��ed-�n-an�-9�.e�.-��eeneee=s-p�aee e�-bt�.e�nea9-a�.�*-exe�.-r�nek��.e-er-de�r�ee;-exeep� �.s�e-�taek�aee-a�.d-arRt�.e e�n.e�.�-��de e;-b�-ax�.� peraen-nnde�-��:e-age-e�'-e�x�ee�-�renre* Neither any person, f irm or corporation licensed here- under or under any other chapter, nor any employee of any such licensee, shall permit to be operated in any such licensee' s place of business any such ma.chine or device for the making of side bets or gam�ling in any form." COUIVCIL�+IEN � Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Appro d by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date • , ` Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITY CI.ERK PINK �!- FINANCE GITY OF � SAINT PALTL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT � Flle NO. ��'7'�44 BLU'E - MAVOR , • , � i � / ) , O� indnce Ordinance N 0. �(� 1 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � -$attel� -�eaaa— � In Favor Hunt Levine _� Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by C cil: Date SEP 9 1976 Form Approved by City Attorney Certif' Pass y Co cil Secretary BY Appr v by Mayor. • SEP � 5 �9Tg Approved by MaXor for Submission to Council By BY PUBUSHED SEP 1 8 197� � . . ���� � � ' ou�y ,r��q�T E�"�"7�� R An ordinance to license and regulate game rooms in the City of Saint Paul THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The f ollowing new sections 412.08- are hereby enacted as part of Chapter 412 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code: �'412.08. Game Rooms - License. No person shall operate a game room in Saint Paul without a license. 412.09. Definitions. The phrase "game room" shall mean and include an establishment or premises in which four or more coin oper- ated mechanical amusement devices as defined in Section 412.01 are kept or maintained for the use of the public. 412. 10. Exclusion. No person licensed to sell intoxicating or non-intoxicating liquor at retail shall be required to have a game room license for the premises described in such in- toxicating or non-intoxicating liquor license. . � . . � � r�c�� � 412.11. Application - Fee. (a) Application for a game room license shall be made to the License Inspector and shall contain, in addition to the following, such other informa,tion as he may require: (1) Personal and business information con- cerning the applicant; (2) Name and written consent of the landlord to operate a game room, if not part of the lease, and a copy of the lease; (3) A list of the coin operated mechanical amusement devices to be placed or operated in the game room, together with their license numbers; (4) The name or names of ma.nagers hired to supervise the operation. (b) The license fee, which shall be paid at the time of ma,king the application, shall be $200.00 per year. 412.12. Ma.nager. The licensee shall himself act as manager, or hire other persons to act as managers, who shall be on duty on the premises licensed at all times : � . ' � �� � such game room is open for business. It shall be the duty of the licensee or his ma.nagers to remain on the premises at all times, and enforce the provisions of section 412. 13. Failure to comply with the requirements of this section shall be grounds for revocation of said license, in addition to other licensee or his employee' s misconduct. 412.13. Regulations. (a) No game room shall be open for business after 12 o'clock midnight and before 8:00 A.M. (b) The f ollowing code of conduct shall be posted in a prominent place in the game room, and shall be enfo�eed by the licensee and ma.nagers: 1. Truancy from school will not be permitted. 2. Curfew laws will be enforced. 3. No soliciting. 4. No drugs on or outside the premises. 5. No loitering outside the premises. 6. No harassment of any persons on or outside of the premises. � ` � 1�� l . : � -, �. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect 30 days after passage, approval and pub�ication. , � , " lst" ,�j 2nd 3rd �._ Adopted �f q Yeas Nays BUTLER HOZZA HUNT �� / ( 4L� �.---- � LEVINE � ROEDLER TEDESCO PRESIDENT (SYLVESTER)