267698 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COl1IlC11 �� ��� CANARV - DEAARTMENT IT SAINT FAUL � t�� L- BLUE -MAVOR File NO. � . , din�nce Ordinance N�. `l(�l l�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordina.nce amending Ordina.nce No. 15881, approved August 29, 1975, entitled "An ordina.nce adopting a new zoning ordina.nce for the City of Saint Paul, repealing Chapters 60, 61, 62, 63 and 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and the zoning ma.p of the City of Saint Paul." THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. Tha.t the Zoning Ma.p of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 12, as incorporated by reference in Section 60.401 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, is hereby amended as follows: The property owned by Robert and Juliana. Janssen on the Southeast corner of Dale Street and Cook Avenue, more particularly cYescrihed�.'�x�.' ' "Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 12, Como Prospect Addition" is rezoned from B-1 to RM-4. Section 2 . This ordinance shall take force and effect in thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt J Roedler Against By Sylvester Tedesco Adopted b ouncil: Date AU6 3 1 1976 Form Approved by City Attorney Cer ' ied Pas by Co cil ecretar J BY By t- SEP 2� �;�76 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Appro y yor: D — By BY B�isHE� SEP 1 i 197� . r z I C��7� .y �� BO�ARD� OF ZCaNING CITY OF �S`�°`����AUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY PLANNING DONALD L. SPAID AIP PLANNING COORDINATOR July 19, 1976 Mrs. Rose Ann Mix City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Madam: This is written in response to the petition of Rober��and Juliana Janssen to rezone, from B-4 to R-4, the property located on the Southeast corner of Dale Street and Cook. This matter was heard by the Current Planning and Zoning Committee on May 20, 1976. It was stated that the purpose of said petition is to allow the future construction of single family dwel7ing units. After a brief discussion, the appellant changed his original request (to rezone from 6-] to RM-2) to rezone from B-1 to R-4. A motion to recommend approval of the rezoning carried unanimously. On May 28, 1976, the Planning Commission unanimously approved the recommendation of the Current Planning and Zoning Committee. Sincerely, ����� Charles L. McGuire Principal Planner Current Planning and Zoning CLMcG/gf Zoning File No. 7919 �'.:i i,�� U ti: � �;' J � 421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-4151 0 , y , r ����� ST. PA UL PLANN ING B OARD y`� T0: Department of Finance and Management Services Division of Assessments and Valuations This is to announce that the Current Planning Committee of the St. Paul Planning Commission has acted on the matter described below and is prepared to submit its recommendation to a City Council public' hearing. The Current Planning Committee minutes for this matter will not be approved by the Committee until June 11, 1976 � Date . Htay 20, 1976 Zoning File number . �glg Applicant's na.me . Robert aad Juliana Janssen address : 1286 Hubbard Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55104 Purpose . Rezone frow B-1 to HM-2 Location . Southeast corner of Dale and Cook Legal description . Lote 1, 2� aud 3, Block 12, Como Pro�tpect Addition In addition, please include the following interested parties; REQUEST FOR COUNCIL HEARING � � � . , ��I"�fy�,�� PLANNING BOARD STAFF REPORT May 20, 1976 pla� �p 25 � ��j 7 919 1. APPLICANT'S NA.ME . Robert and Juliana Janssen 2. CLASSIFICATION . X❑ Amendment � Appeal � Permit � Other 3. PURPOSE . Rezone from B-1 to RM-2 4. LOCATION . Southeast corner of Dale and Cook 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 12, Como Prospect Addition 6. PRESENT ZODTING: B-1 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: 210 Paragraph: 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: May 11, 1976 By: ,TTg A. Sufficiency; The appellant's request for rezoning was filed on a short form Rezoning Petition, subscribed and sworn to before a Notary Public on April �6, 1976, and received by the City Planning office on April 27, 1976. B. Proposed Use: The appellants propose to rezone to allow for future construction of residential dwelling units. C. Frontage and Area: The subject site has a 96 foot frontage along Dale Street $nd is 100 feet in depth. The total site area is approximately 9,600 square feet. D. Site Conditions: The subject site is currently vacant of any structures or dwelling units. The site is covered with weeds and tall grasses. The site is bounded by Cook to the North, the adjacent property line to the South, Dale Street to the West, and an alley to the East. The site is at street level along Dale Street with a gentle slope to the alley line. E. Area Conditions: The area is developed primarily with single family dwelling units on medium size lots. The homes are of the post war construction period, and maintained in excellent condition. There is one multi-family dwelling unit in the area. There is a chiropractor's office and a small insurance company directly across from the property. There are no other vacant lots in the immediate area. F. Findings: The subject site is situated in a predominately single family area. The total square foot area of the subjec�t site is 9,600 square feet. There are a number of alternative zoning categories available, in which the compatibility of proposed new construction would be more suitable. Consideration of off-street parking is of great concern. G. Staff Recommends; that the appellant's request for RM-2 rezoning be denied. The uses allowed under an RM-2 category would violate the intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance. An RM-2 category would probably lead to a further request for variance to meet minimwn building requirements. A number of more compatible zoning districts remain open to the appellant, for example, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, RT-1, RT-2. ,. . �,�,���� Staff Report - Robert & Juliana Janssen (cont. ) Page 2 ctrk�'1' YIANNIN�; nNi� 'l.�lN1Nl; cc�r�r;i�r�ri�:�; izL;�c�►i'I' ANU A(:'1'1ON May 20, 1976 Aclin� under l.eKistativc: C:��le Ctia�ter 60 tlir�i b4 �iiS5E��1 Aubust 28, 1975, 9. CONIl�fITTEE ACTION: To Recommend a Approval D Denial Council Letter Dated: Yeas Nays July 19, 1976 M°ve�i �y: Norton Norton X ShOWdlt@I" X Date of tlearing: Hammer X July.22, 1976 Seco����d by: Showal ter Wi 11 i ts X � Rupp X Council Action Uate: Secretary's remarks: . MEMORANDUM CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY PLANNING DATE: May 21, 1976 DONALD L SPAID AIP PLANNING COORDINATOR TO : Planning Commission Members r,, �"������ FR O M : Current Planning and Zoning Committee SUBJECT: Petition to rezone the following property: The Southeast corner of Dale and Cook. Zoning file number 7919. On April 20, 1976, the City Council referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation one short form rezoning petition by Robert and Juliana Janssen. The purpose of the rezoning as stated by the petitioner is to allow construction of two single family residential dwelling units. The Current Planning and Zoning Committee heard this petition on May 20, 1976, A recommendation for approval of this rezoning carried unanimously on a motion by Ms. Norton, seconded by Ms. Showalter. There were no stipulations attached to the main motion. 421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612�-298-4151 �f 6b . � , , . �����`7 r: �d PLANNING COMMISSION OF ST. PAUL 421 Wabasha Street St. Paul . Minnesota� 55102 A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul was held May 28, 1976, at 9:00 a.m. in the Metropolitan Council Conference Room at 300 Metro Square 8uilding, St. Paul , Minnesota. Present: Mnes. Cochrane, Mayne, and Norton; Messrs. Brown, Bryan, Feder, Hanggi , Humner, McDonell , Pangal , Rupp, Sherwood, Stegemoeller, Van Hoef, Wilkening, and Willits. Absent: htnes. Piccolo, Showalter, and Slawik; Messrs. Prifrel and Tobler. Also Present : Kris Harley, Conynunity Scrvices; K. Ford, J. Shelton, M. Murphy, M. Senn, G. Walek, W. Lane� L. Jung, and D, Spaid of the Planning Department Staff. The Planning Commission took the following action at the May 2B, 1976, meeting: APPROVED the Minutes of the May 14, 1976, Planning Commission meeting by voice vote. APPROVED a petition by Northwestern Bell Telephone Company to rezone property on the North side of Shields Street between Fairview and Beacon. Mr. Rupp made a motion to approve the recommendation of the Current Planning Co�nnittee. Mr. Nanggi seconded the motion and it passed unanimausly. APPROVED a petition by John J. Kavanagh to rezone property on the South side of East Seventh Str•eet between Birmingham and Barclay. Mr. Rupp made a motion to approve the Comnittee recommendation for denial . Mr. Hunmer seconded the motion arid it passed unanimously. APPROVED a petition b.y Robert and Juliana Janssen to rezone pr•operty on the Southeast corner of Dale and Cook. Mr. Rupp made a motion to approve the Comnittee recommendation for approval . Mr. Sherwood seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. APPROUED a petition by Robert Mecay�to rezone property on the Southwest corner of Grand and Avon. Mr. Rupp made a motion to approve the Corm�ittee recommendation for denial . Mr. Humner seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. BY RESOLUTION, endorsed the Downtown People Mover (DPM) proposal . Motion � made by Ms. .Norton, seconded by Mr. Rupp, and passed unanimously. BY RESOLUTION, approved the Comprehensive Policy for Ponding of Stor�n Water. Mr. Hurrrner requested an amendment to the Resolution which was presented to the Comnission, by adding, "This Comnission also recommends that speedy identification and acquisition of vacant pond9ng areas be undertaken. " Because of the urgency of this matter it is very important that these areas be identified and acquired. . ,, . . � �� t �" � A �:) Planning Cornmission Meeting -2- May 28, 1976 Mr. Willits made a motion fior the adoption of the Resolution with the a�inend- ment stated above. Mr. Hanygi seconded the motion and it passed unanimously by a rollcall vote. BY RESOLUTION, approved the Proposed Policy with Respect to Planning and Closure Processes for ldentified Treatment Areas. Motion made by Mr. Hanggi , seconded by Mr. Rupp, and passed unanimously by a rollcall vote. Informal presentation regarding the 1976 legislation affecting the Capitol Area of St. Paul was made by Gary Grefenberg, Executive Secretary, Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board. Mr. Wilkening made a motion that the Commission participate in the review process of St. Paul 's Community Health Services Plan by scheduling for committee meeting and a public hearing. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Mayne and carried unanimously. Submitted by: Donald L. Spaid Planning Coordinator Approved by the Planning Commission June 11 , 1976 1 . � � - CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��°��,�� /.: �.� � �ITY OA Ro� Mtx �Q - ".�� � ���,.-,.';� ��, C' Clerk a�rtd � „•••:•••••� Albert �. Ols�� � 'aifn��n a � (�iML1lC'�R,BCO'1Y�8!' Cotcneil Secretary �, - '` s � +.. OFPICE OF THE CITY CL6RK BUREAU OF RECORDS 388 City Hall St.Pa�tl,Minnesota 66102 Phone t98-.&�sl April 20, 1976 Planning Staff Grace Building St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Gentlemen: The Council referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation the attached petition of Robert and Juliana Janssen to rezone property at the $outheast corner of Dale and Cook also described as Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 12, Como Prospect Addition. Ve truly yours, ` �� City Clerk � Attach. ABO:dem cc: Mr. Glenn Erickson, City Architect � � '� � '" ����� ��'� ���� . '-,���a .:�� i� ��� >f� !i '4'` ;`' ;ji� � t_•, c !.;' �� �i l t� . . . _—�.. w ! i S 1 f_, .,l._� s . l.. ► r e'i.�3;�1�`3t;''��; t+ ,,�;i; � f / ';°it�i 3' • i`' i, _ ��c����= � �� � • �<�� � . . ` ; �`���' . - . _ . ..,_, . � � � ��¢ �hort Form Rezoning Peti [ion n� TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL r E.b���� c/o the City Clerk� Room 386 City Hali City of Saint Paul � Minnesota Pursuant to the provisions of LAWS OF MINNESOTA for 1975, Chapter 261 � Section 6, I/we the undersigned� being the owner(s} of property described as �Qts � , 2 dnd 3 block 12, Como, Prospect Addition and situated (describe location with respect to streets or intersections) SOUth- eas� corner of Dale and Cook which property was previously zoned Commel^Cldl , and under Chapters 60 through 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is presently zoned B-1 , a more restrictive zoning classification, do hereby request that consideration be given by your honorable bodies to rezone the above described property to a zoning classification of RM-2 under Chapters 60 through 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. Subscribed and sworn to before me , _,�_ this 16th day of April , 1976 ��,h Q, �D�t�h Gf,�1.ct� ddress : 1286 Hu bard Avenue Notary Public, Ramsey Co. , Minnesota ; Saint Paul , Minnesota 55104 My �T��� .������- Teleuhone: 644-7090 NOTARY PU01.1C-MINNISOT� RAMSEY COUNTY My Commissicn Expues Dec. 4,1981 �i1r� � q�qy�. Approve as t�or�� i / - i-, ,�, 1 by the Ci ty Attorney. ',�� E��' iUj ! �� '!� '� ��i �, ��i7h :J � ..�-_..._-.�.-�..-�--•-�-�-" � �._,�.� ______ ----- °" , i�� G t�Y � .� y �, a� ��' , � �;� . .��,�YI''e� � 1.: �����5 ��"�`�.;'> � �.,t+.� .._. , r., . �r_. .,:,i��� S ,� , �" CIT`Y OF �T. PAUL ' � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ASSESSMENT DIVISION 713 CITY HALL ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 July 2, 1976 Fi1e X1769, Page Dear Citizen: As a courtesy to you, and as required by 2aw, we want to notify you ' about a public hearing which may affect you. The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a public hearing in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House (third floor) at 10:00 a.m, on July 22, 1976 on the: APPLICATION of Robert and Juliana Janssen tQ rezone from B-I to RM-2 Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 12, Como prospect Addition. The properCy is located on the southeast corner of Da1e Street and Cook Avenue. If you would like further information about this hearing, contact the Current Planning Section of the plaaning Board, 421 Wabasha Street, or telephone 298-4154. Whi1e the City Charter requires that we notifq you of the hearing, we waat to help yoa to learn fully about any action that could affect you or your community. Therefore, I sincerely hops you can attend this heari�g, so that qou can make your views about it known to the City Council, whether for or agair.st. ROGIIt A. MATTSON, DZREGTQR DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES i�� � . ,��. � � , ��`�� �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY August 3, 1976 HARRIET LANSING Mrs . Rose Mix City Clerk City of Saint Paul 386 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mrs. Mix: Attached hereto are two ordina.nces granting rezoning petitions as noted. Very truly yours, 'r �Z . _m�a��,�E� . t,; THOMAS M. SIPKINS Assistant City Attorney TMS:er Encls. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121 • . � • ► � �� , � � • • - ► �� � � � • � • � • � � � • � � . + ' ' _ • , � �� i � '� • � t � � � • • � � � � � � r � ,,�i ��'� �, ,n 1� , � � � � � �. � . m� .. � 1 �� _ , . � i�' ' � • � � � � • � � � � , � • « • � �\ '� � � • � � �' � �` • [•i ° • • �. � • � . 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