267690 � WHITE - CITV CLERK d...�,���� PINK - FINANCE COUnC1I . BLUERV - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. � ' �il Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves the appointment by the Mayor of Jean McGinley of 1009 Lincoln Avenue to the Planning Commission to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Joanne Showalter, said term to expire September 14, 1977. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Hozlza � In Favor � -�rit Levine v _ Against sY Roedler Sylvester - �edescfl_ AUG � O 1J76 Form ppr d by City Attorney Adopted by Cou�il�: Date ' • Certif� Passe Council Secretary S' � � Appr y iNayor. Date p►U6 � � �`9 Approv by Mayor for Sub �ss' n to Council By BY PUBLISHED p�G 1 4 1976 • R E S U M E . - .N� �,���� y tl Jeanette M. Mcr3nl.ey ADDRESS _ 1009 L3ncaln Avenue, St. Paul, M�.n.n, �5105 TELEPH(?NF, 224-8352 AGE 4� MAR ITAL .STATUS Married, two children � EDUCATIQ�1 , _ ; S�t; Paul Pub]ic and Parochial School Systems and Univer:�3_ty'' of ' Galifornia, Berkele�,. ��.a�fo�ni� r �� �.fiZPLOYMENT , ". , # �F,� .�:� .: . . . , �-973 - ��'PSent . Drs Bellom�, -=T,aga�,war, etal. S�. Paul, Mr�.� - of�ice ma�.ag�r;.�'�,,::4 r � . . � �': . ` '* .�,. , ., s :: �.44m. , �-97�? - 1973 De����.e�'�Co��. , �,ea�tor�,, ��. Paul, Mn. - office manager 1965 - 1968 Diamond .Jim'� �C�.Ub, Lilydale, Mn. - entertainer . . � � y.+ � . . �;fand ente�i�:�nent`raordinat+ar. . 19b2 - 1g65 Normandy�'�'o'tel� ' Minneapolis� .Mn+ - host�ss a�nd servace,copr�l�,�a���� ;� . . � .� � � r��y...�� J � , ;, ,,. _ . ; ,i° . .� � , 19.�9. - 19ft ��tA�e� F2trm Age�e�; "R'o��ester; Mn. - offiee. mana�er • ; 19�2 - 1958 Ca1if`orrk�.a Fa,r� S�e�:�.,�. �erkeley, Cal.i.fornia - ' Assi��a.a�i�,;�an�,ge�;.�Fi'�e DiVi,sion _ � 1950 - 1952 Anchor Cas�alt}������"omgany, St. Paul, Mn. - A�s•t Fire Und�rwrit�r'� ;' , , , ELECTED POSITIONS �`�` 4th District DFL Associate Chairper�on, 1972 - 1974 �th ni.strict DFI, Central Carnmittee, '1.970 - pre5'ent State DFL Central Committee, 1972 - 1�7� State DFL Executive Committee� 1972 - 1974 Delegate, DFL State Convention, 19'�0, 1�72 a.nd 19?4 Member,; Ru1es Committee, National Democratic Conve��ion, 1972 Treasurer, District 47B DFL Club, 1968 - 1970 VOLUNTEER:``POSITIONS Congress�nan Joseph E. Karth Carnpaign Committee, ].968 - present . Sena�or Walter F. Mondale campaign, 197� Senator Hubert H. Humphrey campaigns, 1964�, 1970 ., Co-Chairman, Representative VV�alter Hanson,. Campaign Committee� 1968 Co-Chairman, Representative Wa7.ter Hanson Campai�n Committee, 19?0 Repr.esentative Fred Norton campaigns, 1972, 197��, �1976 : Senator. Nichalas Coleman campaigns, 1972, 19?�, 1976 �:� � _ REFERENCES ' Available upon request . : � Z � � ����`�� w �1� ,� � (;] 1'1" (�1' �:�I :\T �.�:�i': T. �- �.a ��� � . r ' - �` c»����c�l: U1' TI1L•' �z.»c,iz ' �� �te�e�ae .•i *�s��u�uee •��9s�ae ,�,� 1. - rS. � '� GEORCE L,�TIMER 'r�,-�x August 4 , 1976 Council President Robert Sylvester and Honorable Members of the City Council City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear President Sylvester and Council Members: The resignation of Mary Osiecki from the Board of Zoning Appeals has created a vacancy in that body. The term from which Mrs. Osiecki resigned runs until November 12, 1976. Today I am submitting for your consideration my appointment of LeRoy Benshoof to fill that vacancy. I have submitted with that, a background sheet on Mr. Benshoof, though I believe he is well known to most of you. I hope that you will act on this appointment in a timely manner. Sincerely yours, ��1� . GEORGE LATIMER Mayor GL/jfr �,,,�-,-:..�z . � , �,--b��,;���,�� GzTY or SAI�TT PAUL `' �- `• �e■ O]'F7GL OF T1IL biAY01? �wmaoe uu GEORGE LATIMEA i MAY°R August 4, 1976 Council President Robert Sylvester and Honorable Members of the City Council � City of St. Paul, Minnesata Dear President Sylvester and Council Members: As of today, the appointments of James Bryan, Martha Norton, Catherine Piccolo, William Rupp, Jr. , and Richard Willits to the Planning Commission expire. In addition, on September 14, 1976 the appointments of Harold Feder and Joseph Pangal expire. There has been some confusion in the past regarding the different expiration dates of inembers of the Planning Commission. It is my desire that all seven members of the Commission who are to be appointed this year have the same appointment date. Consequently, by utilizing Section 20. 01 of the Administrative Code, which reads in part as follows: " . . . the terms of the Commission members shall be for three years and until their successors are appointed, " I am by letter, this day, informing the five members whose appointments expire that it is my intention not to act upon appointments to a full three-year term until September 14. On that date, I will submit to the City Council seven names for appointment to the Planning Commission. However, there is a vacancy on the Commission occasioned by the resignation of Joanne Schowalter from the Planning Commission. I am today submitting to you the name of Jean McGinley for your consideration to fill the unexpired portion of Joanne Schowalter' s term, which runs until September 14 , 1977. I have attached a background sheet on Mrs. McGinley. I am sure, however, that all members of the Council are thoroughly familiar with Mrs. IylcGinley and her activities. I would agpreciate your early action on this appointment. Sincerely yours, � GEO E LATIMER Mayor GL/j f r 22