267927 WHITE - CITV GLERf( COUIICII � . �� PINK - FINANGE G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L CANARY - DEPARTMENT . BLUE -MAVOR File NO• : + � C ' esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHBxBAB, The City Co�neil pursuant to Ordinance llo. 15311, Coancil File No. 26l'�426, adopt�d January 23, 1973, did hold a public h�aring on Hsrch 18, 1976 in th• City Council Chaabers for the purpose of eatablishing the level of semice of Stre�t Maintewnce to be perforsed in the City of Saint Paul and the asount of servica charges to �s levi�d against beasfited pre�perty; and �1HBBBA3, The Ccruncil o€ the City of Saint Paul did deter�aine ehat the progras of Strset Maintenance Services to b� perforsed vithin the City shoald be in C'h� aanaer as set for�h and described ia th� attached raport of the D�partweat of Public Works; and W�SBEAS, ?h� Departmsnt of Pe�blic Wmrks did perfore Che �treet l�aintenat�ee S�rviees i.n a �annar as set forth aad described in the attached raport of the De�artsant of Pnblic Worka; aad WHBREA3, Pursuaat to Ordinsnce 110. 15311 the liepartaent of Public Works has suMd.tted to the Depart�eent of Finance and M�anageeeat 3�rvices a report sba�ing tha totsl cost •f Str�et l�faintea�nc� to be $3,515,400.00, a copy of sach raport has heretofor� beln delivered to the City Coancil; naN, thar�fore, bs it BBSOLVSD, That the City 3ha11 pay $1,018,SO�.OFi of the crost of Strest l�iaaiatenance by nsing l�u►nicipal 8tate Aid ($508,500.0�) Trunk High7►ay Aid ($205,A00.�) and �onnt� Aid ($305,0�0.00); and Le !.t f�rth�r R�SOLVEB, Tbat $2,496,50Q.00 shall be a�aessed against bsaefitsd prop�rCy accordias to ths folloain� ratas; Class I - Doantovn - $.93 per front faot Class II - Antlyiag C�rcial asd Arterial Straets - Qe�wereial Proparty - �.�3 per front BooE Aeaidential lrcperty - $.3I per front ,foot Ciass III - All Residentiai Streets Reaidential pre�erty - $.31 p�r front foot Cosercial Froperty - $.�►7 per front foot Class IV - All Oiled snd pawd Alle�s - $.17 per front foot COUIVCILMEN Yeas [Vays Requested by Department of: Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by iVlayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii By By WHITE - CITV CLERK r PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA LT L Counc.il � ��� CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. _ � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- Class V - Uai�provai3treets and Alleys Streets - $.13 per fro�et �i Alleys - $.08 per front foot and be it further RBSOLV'SD, That a public hearing ahall b� held in the Councfl Chambers of ths City of 3aint paul at 10:00 a.a. , on the 26th day of �ctober, 1976 for the purpose of adopting service chsrges against all banefited properti�a to be collected in the same �r as other real property �ax�s i� 1977. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler .}��. [n Favor Hunt 1 �g � _ Against BY � Sylvester Tedesco e� `�P �Q � Fotm by 'ty Attorney Adopted by Co i : Date G Certifi Passed unci Secretary � BY � S' ✓ � Appr v by Mayor: D 4 1976 Approv by Mayor for Sub si n to ouncil By BY PUBLISHED 0 CT 9 19�C . Z� , ������ CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION OF ASSESSMENTS AND VALUATIONS + Septe�ber 22, 1976 Aonorable Council President and Members of the City Council In compliance with Ordinance 15311, Coancil File 260426, effective February 22, I973, tha Department of Finance and Manage�nt Serviees does hereby inform the City Council that the total estimated cost of services performed duriag 1976 for STREET 1KAI1PrENANCE, to be charged to the Street Repair and Cleaning Fc�nd, to be $3,515,000.00 for the year 1976, as reported by the Department of Public Worke. It is proposed to assesa the amount of $2,496,500.00 against benefited properties, with the total costs to be fiaanced as follawa; Municipal State Aid $ 508,5�0.00 Trunk 8igin�ay Maintepaace Aid 205,000.00 County Aid 305,000.00 Total Aida $1,018,500.00 Aea�ssc�nts 2,496,500.00 TOTAL C06TS AND FINANCING $3,515,000.00 Attached for Council consideration is a Resolution to deter�ine the total cost for street maintenance service, the a�ount and rates to be assessed, and fixing a date for public hearing, at which time the Council shall consider adopting and levqing the service charge. Respec llq submitt ROG . 1T30N Director, Depart�nt of Finance and Management Services RAM:PFD:jP Attachment Telephone612/298-5241 113 City Hall, Saint Pau I, Minnesota 55102 .:.. . . . _ ., � .. ..., ... . . .. . . .. . . . , .. . . .; . � . �. . . `'�x` . .. . . � �-�. . . . . �,. . ,: . . . .,. .. . .. . . ., .._ . :� . 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