267924 WNITE - CITV CLERK ^����� PINK - F�INANCE COUIICll O CANARY-DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. M� BLUE - MAYOR � Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. ` �-C� '�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 13539, approved January 31 , 1967 pertaining to Parking Meter Zones. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section I . That Ordinance No. 13539, approved January 31 , 1967, is hereby amended by adding the following to Section 5, fifteen-minute - one- nickel area, thereof: SIDE OF LOCATION STREET Kellogg Blvd. approx. 85 feet west of Jackson St. South Kellogg B)vd. approx. 105 feet west of Jackson St. South Eagle Street approx. 38 feet south of Seventh St. West Section 2. That Ordinance No. 13539. approved January 31 , 1967, is hereby amended by adding the following to Section 2, one-hour - four- nickel area, thereof: STREET FROM TO SIDE Cedar St. Twelfth St. Columbus St. East Section 3. That Ordinance No. 13539, approved January 31 , r967, is hereby amended by adding the following to Section 3, two-hour - four- nickei area, thereof: SIDE OF LOCATION STREET In front of 156 W. Ninth Street South COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorne � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY + By ti � Approved by Mayor: Date Appro e y Mayor for Sub sio to Council By By WHITE - CITY CLERK ')�t�}� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL Council �U �.o CANARY -DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE -MAVOR . � ' � ~ O/ indnce Ordinance N�. I �(,�� I Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Pa9e 2 Section 4. That Ordinance No. 13539. approved January 31 , 1967, is hereby amended by deleting the following from Section 3, two-hour - four- nickel area, thereof: SIDE OF LOCATION STREET Main Street approx. 125 feet north of Sixth St. East Section 5. This ordinance shall not be printed as part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code but shall be incorporated therein by reference. Section 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: ��� Yeas Nays HhrZ nsen ,,�._ � In Favor Publ i c Works - R. H. Roettger (Traff i c) .qern�- Lev e Hunt � R �— Against BY Sy est Roedler ` T desco gy�vester resident e es Adopted ouncil: ate OCT � 9 1976 Form Approved by 'ty Attorne C ified Passe b uncil Se ry � BY By Approv� by Mayor: te � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By Pue�isHEO 0 CT 2 3 1976 r �� lst ����'� 2nd �Q� �_ 3rd �Q/�p2 Adop ted ���� Yeas Nays BUTLER HOZZA HUNT `�����"�� ,� LEVINE ROEDLER � TEDESCO PRESIDENT (SYLVESTER) : !��� ��� _ c� d�. �� �s �. , , . � : , �^ \ � E � ��iT�ON 4�' AQ1�!�It1�STRAT�V� €3 D�R�� � � � �IiL54LU'�'I4NS�': ANI� �3'RDZ S �r , . . . . � r� r ■ .r. ..w.:�� . , . . . . . . . . - . � � . ' � � � . . . . , . , " . � _ � r, � �i , : I3E�tE: SO�"3��III�ei'' 'l�F� f��6 . ' � � . . . . ' . . .. � . � . . . . . . .. . . A . �. . � .. � � . , . , " . + � - . � . � . t . . 4 . . � . ' . � [ . � Z'O: THQM�kS .7. I�LLLEY, �ITY ADMI��ST�tA`P4,R , � f � `� � � ' � FR: , Pu�i��c I+I�rk� Traffic. �Eigiin�ering , . � . =: REz Se�ver�t Parkir�g Meter c���s in th� ddw�town ar�at; 1�� . �tddt'tic���rf 1� . nu�e ��it�rr�:" � the �ew�h� �i de of !Ca�1 ogg �i vd. 85 ae►d 1 t�S. feit we�s t af J�k�a� �,�t� ° t��, � a�d an the w�eat si� of Ea�t�e Street appro►x. 3$- €eet south of S�tve�th ��' � - 2.� Addttion +�f one-hou� met�rs, an the aast 's�it� of Cedar �t.. �rc� i:��: S . #o � '� Co�lwmbu� Street. 3.) Additto� of twc-Fio�r�.m�ter ia �ront of t56 �l��it�# , t; a�c! 4.� �D�letioa of t,wo-l�o�r;meter on t#►e aast �ide� c�� .htei�n St�� :��c. : � s, feet narth of Sixth St. ; � � _ � , �. . � � ACT"ZQI� ��;,�S'TED. . � � � ..^..: ��. ...� � , Sub�it to C,ity Courtcii` :fo� appravat of Ordinan�e. , , � . , � , t . . . . . . ' � . . .. J� ' , . . 'i . . .. iR ' ! ��� , . . . .. .. , � ' . . � . . -. � - �- . � . . � . _" . . . . . i - .. . .. ' .. . �:., '�' ,.. . .. ..' . ' . � � � � .. . � . . �. � .. '� . � . . . . . , - � . . :. . . , �. �. . . � ., . �.,, ..'. �. .. .�.. . ... . �, . . .. . - . - - .�' . . . � : '� . .. . . . .. . . .:.. . . _ . .� � � ���- .�:�. .����. . .�, ' .. .. .. { . ,� . � . � - . . . . . � ... . . . .. , ��. ' . . . I . . ' � . . ._ � . .. . � '. _ � . � .. . ' .� . - ...:.�1��NY+. .. � . . - _ . . _` _ .. . - . . . . .` . . . � . " . : Y ) Pt�AP �. A�1� TIQMII�E FC?�t TI3�S ACTION: � ,� . . . . , ,. , , : , . \ , , Tt�'esa pa�rki�tg mater chahges are .dua-!ta tl�e r�uests _of a�ut�t�ng� �r�e�ty, owh�rs. : , ;4.; '� % , - � ; i ` � } _ � y; � � . � � � , �i�►,��,�: �� �� � � � -' �. ordin.�c.: ; ' ,, ; ; , , { �: � s �`. ' APPI�DVALe � � , � oma� . Ke e" r :�r�y A , nist�a - � �� �- - � , ,, �- '�� � A ' ��+� � 5, ? /3 _ _. I ,i , _ .... PETER J � I� ' r " ' Main St - ���9�� One meter removed so that a truck zone could be established. Cedar St - Changed because of a request from the Armory. 9th St - truck zone no longer needed, changed to parking meter. From: Bob Rottger 4701 ( � PETER � � I� � Y . Main St - ���9� _4 One meter removed so that a truck zone could be established. Cedar St - Changed because of a request from the Armory. 9th St - truck zone no longer needed, changed to parking meter. From: Bob Rottger 4701 � �