267923 WHITE - CITV CLERK C�r���`1 PINK - FINANCE COUI1C11 Itits v CANARV =DEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PALTL BLUE - MAYOR � _ ,,_ , , File N . - Ord�ndnce Ordinance N 0. �(�J �w Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 228 of the Legislative Code pertaining to the procedures for vacating streets and other public grounds. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That Section 228.03 of the Legislative Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "228.03. Verified Petitions and Filin �E ense: All petitions i e y owners as pr—ovic�ed above sha11 be verif ied by the oath of one of the petitioners that the petition was signed by each of the parties described in the petition and in the presence of the affiant. Such petitions must be approved by the e�t�r-n�te�e� �artment of finance and maxia ement services as to orm e�e su ssion to t e council. The e�.��*-a��erne� � de artment of fina.nce and mana ement services s a certi y t at t e petition is signe y the requisite number of petitioners and that such petitioners are the owners of the property abutting upon th.e street or portion thereof sought to be vacated. For the purpose of verifying titles and ownership abstracts of COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved b Cit Attor�y Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor. Date Approved by MaXor or Sub s' n to Council t By By .. . rM.m _ . ... . . _ . ., . -. . . . .. . ., � . . ..w � � � ' � . .. � , . . . . ` .. . �� . .. �? .r�'. .. �. i': .. . � 4.' � •i.' . ' .� ,:. '� , ... � 4 , . . �. '� ap . . �� . � . � .. �+ . .1t . ' � .. . . 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", `' _ , _�_ �. � , ,., WNITE - CITV CLERK � ������ PINK - FINANCE COIIIICll CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAIIL � � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. . �� ' Ordindnce Ordinance N O. 1 ,����o Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 3. Published notice and mailed notice shall be made at least twenty days in advance of the public hearing. The council, at the public hearing or adjourn- ment thereof shall consider the petition and may, by reso�ution adopted by an affirmative vote of at least five of its members, vacate and declare such street or portion thereof� vacated and discontinued. The council may condition any vacation upon terms and con- ditions and such compensation being paid to the city as shall be set forth in its resolu- tion. No vacation of any street shall be allowed except upon the compliance with all such terms and conditions as may be established by the city council." Section 3. Y This ordinance sha11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and pufi�lication. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: � / In Favor Hunt � R�� Against By Sylvester Tedesco OCT 19 1976 Form Approved by ity torney Adopted ouncil: Date C ified Pas y Coun ' cretar� BY l � Appro Mayor: te "' � 2 � 197� Approv by Mayor for Sub 'ss' g to Council By BY �ug�isHEO 0 CT 2 31976 • ������ �ITY OF SAINT PAUL SECTI�N-V PROCEDURES MANUAL FAGE 2 OF 4 VACATION OF STREETS AND ALLEYS RELEASE DATE: t7EPARTMENT RESPONSZBI�r^.: FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES, VALUATIONS DIVISION PROCEDURE (Cont. ) Valuations Requests the Assessments Section to prepare a Section list of all affected property owners, i.e. , surrounding the proposed vacation area. Sends a map and copy of the petition to the following agencies and departments for review: Public Works Department Water Department _. Office of City Planning Housing and RedeveZopment Aut�hority Police Department Fire Department Northern States Power Company Western Union Northwestern Bell Telephone Any other affected agencies, such as the Port Authority Departments Investigate the proposal. and Agencies Prepare reports for submission to the Valuations Section. • Valuations Based on the information received from depart- Section ments and agencies, prepares a final report for the Mayor. � A "green sheet" is prepared and attached. The report is routed to: 1. Director of the Finance Department. 2. Mayor's Office. Copies of the regort and a map of the site are referred also to: 1. City Clerk' s Office. 2. City Attorney's Office. 3. Assessments Section of the Finance ' Department. 4. Public Works . ������ 1(Q1 � (;ITY OF SAINT PAUL SECTION V PROCEDURES MANUA.L PAGE 1 OF 4 VACATION OF STREETS AND ALLEYS RELEASE DATE: DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBLE: FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES, VALUATIONS D.IVISION POLTCY Chapter 228 ,of the Legislative Code provides the basis for granting vacations. Review of proposed vacations should occur in the Public Works Depart- ment, prior to formal filing. PROCEDURE Property Files in the City Clerk's Office: Owner 1. A notarized petition, signed by a majority of property owners abutting the proposed vacati+an. 2. A eertified statement of ownership of abutting property owners. 3. A blueprint �or drawing of the area to .be vacated and a legal descriptiofl of that area. 4. Proposed site plans of any development to take place surrounding the area to be vacated. 5. A filing fee of $100. City Clerk Records the filing of the petition and forwards it to the Valuations Section of the Finance Department for review. ' Valuations Reviews the petition and accompanying materials Section for form and sufficiency. If all is in ord�r, the City Clerk is notified , and the vacation petition is scheduled on the Council agenda. If the petition and/or accompanying materials are not sufficient, the petitioner is notified. City Clerk Schedules the approved petition on the Council agenda, for its information. � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL SECTI PROCEDURES MANUAL PAGE 3 OF 4 VACATION OF STREETS AND ALLEYS RELEASE DATE: DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBLE: FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES, VALUA'�IONS DIVISION PROCEDURE (Cont. ) City Clerk Schedules the report on the Cauncil agenda. City Council Hears a reading of the Valuations report, which inc-ludes a recommendation for the dat� of public hearing. Sets the hearing date, at least four weeks follow- ing this initial reading of the vacation report. Notifies Valuations, requesting staff to proceed. Assessments Sends notification to all property owners affected Section by the proposed vacation (i.e. , those abutting it) at least twenty days in advance of the hearing. City Clerk Publishes notice of the public hearing once in �. the official newspaper of the City, at least twenty days in advance. Valuations Sends copies of the final report on the vacation, Section along with maps, to the City Clerk`s Office for distribution to Council members� no less than two days prior to the public hearing. City Council Conducts the public hearing on the gropased vaca- tion, listens to all interested parties wishing to speak, makes a final decision. �Requests City Attorney to prepare a resolution. City Attorney Prepares the Resolution, in accordance with the • City Council's decision on the vacation. City Council Adapts the Resolution. Property Following adoption of the Resolution approving Owner vacation, has 30 days from the date of publica- tion of the Resolution to file written compliance ; with the City Clerk's office. This shall include payment of compensation ffixed by City Council), and filing of a Surety Bond and accegtance of - terms. ����� 'EITY OF SAINT PAUL SECTI�I�T � PROCEDURES MANUAL PAGE 4 OF 9 VACATION OF STREETS AND ALLEYS RELEASE DATE: DEPARTMENT RESPONSIBLE: FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES, VALUATIONS DIVISION ' PROCEDURE (Cont. ) City Clerk Following receipt of the property owner's written compliance, fi.les a copy of the approved Resolution with the Ramsey County Register of Deeds as well as a Certi�icate of Completion. . : The public way is, at this time, officially vacated, unless the petitioner fails to file written compliance within the given time, in which case the vacation becomes void. � , 4� � � ����� , . � . . w , , � ; , . , �� � � ��� .� � ��� x �� � � r � �� ��� � . . � , � . ,. � _ - � � � . � f ,,. � � i '� � , i r ��i1�r Frwi�� r.11 `.rr . f �� . . - . . .. . � i, ;y � - ._ I.�� � , . .. � � . ... � � -r i.�i � � , � � � c�� �,� � �..:�, .. :� j !i . 1;�1't"`.�: .g��?'��a�t�er' 21.� 1475 , . . - � , #,� x� rx � � � � .r � t�� T4s � �. IG1��T.i�Y, CZ'1tY''A�M�3.�'!!�i'�!f�R , � '` : � ,��( e! ,�` ,� � �� '�'�'`� . � ��#5`^41�"�♦ ���{�Qi i� �� t �,► . ` :. �� �� ,r' '..� 4�d^ FR: � � g� �t3�c8'�i.a�2 ,�?f stree'��. +a�rd ,�i].���'$ ,a<�B : '� � � . �� � j � �.t � � >�� _ , f, ��k � r f�, � �� ; ��� . . I - .. . , � � � i � �� ��� ��: .�� .. . .. .. , t � � ' , .. .. . ., `` �.: ,, 3�� t � �� �Fro�ai °�r�. �1�e ��?s��►ed ard�:as�ce a�►er�d�.� ��+�� ���� �� � �'�3 � , Cc�d�; �r3�i�'�c�ai�e, �� the procedu�+� for ` �.�}� �t� ��,'��;��' � �r�:� � °� �� � �'��t�n�.. � � � � � ; �� � , = �,r i . 4_ � _. P � � W�_ j 'C ' . . 1 � . . . � � � � �� , i�. �. .: . . 1 � " .. � .. - . . � ' � .. I: , .. .y . � - . � 1 1 ��1 � R � � p II �i � ���� �i� �#?i�47 ���'s . �' � . .. .. .. �:� "�'; , " j. . , � �.. � :. . " . , ; . , �wi ` Ta <s���.�. 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', :. � . . - . . _ : � - . a� . � .. ,: . . � e ��a .�. . � y �. . � . .. �� . �� - � . . . , . . . . .. �. �±� � . . . � � � . � . :� ; .� . ; ,. . ,. � ,- : , �.. � .:` . . � � .. . � ��'�, . :� -.:. ,. .. _ _ ' . . . . , . {.. ��� � l. � . . : - � .. , '.. ��+ . ,� , .. . . . . .. . ..J . � ... .. ._ . , � _ , ... . - . .. .. . .. .r � _ lst • � ��� 2nd �� l / 3rd ����� Adopted ���1� a Yeas Nays BUTLER HOZZA 2���� HUNT �_ LEVINE ROEDLER � TEDESCO PRESIDENT (SYLVESTER)