267907 WHITE• - GITV CLERK (���9�� � PINK - FINANCE -j ` � �x CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL COI1flC11 )� / BI.UE. - MAVOR . � p File N 0. ' � Council Resolution � y , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE �T RESOLVED� That the Counca.l o� the City o� Saint Paul does hereby approve applications for abatement of special assess- ments and taxes made by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, for properties acquired by the Authority wha.ch are exempt �rom taxes and special assessments in accordance with Minnesota State Law, the propexty being moxe �u11y described in the County Property Taxation Department application Nos. 91036, 91039, 91040 and 91041, and the City Clerk is directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Ramsey County Property Taxation Department. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester $Ep 2;8 '�'s Tedesco Form Approved b City tomey Adopted by Co . Da Certifi asse ouncil ecr r BY Y Approve 14avor: D,a �CT 6 �976 Approved by Mayo or Submission to Council By BY PUBLlSHED O CT 91976 1 , ' , `r���"''�,'?r-� DEP��iTMENT OF PROPERTY TAXATION � COUNTY OF RAMSEY 126-138 Court House • St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 LOU McKENNA DIVISION MANAGERS: Director September 8� 1976 William E. Carlson Properfy Valuation ROGER VIK Assisiant Director William M. Killeen Revenue C. Thomas Osthoff Land Records l�ose Mix City Clerk Room 386 Court House Attn: Albert B. Olson Council Recorder Re: Application for abatement submitted by Housing & Redevelopment Authority , Dear Mrs. Mix: Enclosed are copies of the following abatements: 91036 91040 91039 91041 There are assessments levied against these parcels that are to be cancelled by resolution of the City Council, as follows: 1975 Assessments: Ward Str. Maint. ��32 Tree Trim ��33 1 $20.40 5 18.36 $8.22 7 13.78 12 14.28 Please take whatever action is necessary. Very truly yours, Lou McKenna, Director Department of Property Taxation By ���. �• , Deputy GI�.:ay Enc. •� 55 ._r � REPORT OF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUNTY Abatement No. Q�O�I'1 Assessment District: S't. PaUl J1xl.y 22� 19 76 LeRal Description: AY'1�71gtO11 Hills Addition PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water . i District Plat Parcel Tract Block Shed - Property Coded As � O1 11000 190 17 O10 058 , Address of Property: 6sl Ca,Se r'�VB. Applicxnt: . AO�JeY't Z'. Simon for: Housing & Aedev. Authority Mailing Address: 5 5 E. 5 t h jt. 55101 Applicant's Market Value: Land� Imp. $ Total$ Insurance $ Assessed as follows: Application for Exemption School U UNITS p�P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent I District A VEAR USED Cotle o Owned � C RESID one Use Own Use l.and Bltlg/Other Total Class /o Value 62 U B 1870 7810 968o I�x 40 3872 U � 20 8 1 106�8 UH 40 4260 24� 10160 12 � , � Assessor's Recommendation: School U UNITS p�P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent District A EAR USED Code o Ow�ed '. C RESID one Use Own Use Land Bldg/Other Total Class /o Value 6z U �, L 18 0 7810 9680 � � 40 3872 625 U 76 F L 2057 8591 106�8 Ex 4�0 4260 ' I . l � Report of Investigation: �.Pp1.�.Ca11t acquired property °/18/75• . Make exempt for 1975 & 19'76. Acquired by housing and redeve:lopment authority. Dwelling is wrecked for 1977. � • . �X. JTL ApPr JL steno Jw .. Authorized Signature �.,e,.. �or ,��, .�r..�.�a * �EPORT OF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUNTY Abatement No. �1040 Assessment District: St. Paul August 1.�� 19 7� LegaiDescription: V�CtOY'�a & Lafond S�. �iC�CZ• PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water Uistrict Plat Parcel Tract Biock Shed , Property Coded As: 12 80300 121 00 024 Q33 , Address of Property: $$5 Laf OI1C�. �V2. Applicant: I3.OU@Tt T. Simon for: Housing & Aedev. Authority Mailing Address: �5 E. 5 t h S t. �5101 Applicant's Market Value: Land$ Imp. $ Total$ Insurance$ Assessed as follows: - Application for Exemption School A YEAR USED �/P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSEO Percent District C RESID Code ane Use Own Use Lantl Bldg/Other Total Class % Value Owned 625 U 75 B � 352o zl�NSo 24g7o Nx �0 9988 625 U ?6 B �� 3872 23595 27��67 i�H 40 10987 �4�0 1 4 Assessor's Recommendation: School U UNITS p�P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent District A EAR USED Code C RE510 one Use Own Use Land Bldg/Other Total Class °h Value Ownetl 6z U 75 F c zo 214 0 2�970 , � 40 988 lteport of Investigation: Appli C^�-rit acquired property 8/17/72 & was entitled to exemption. ,'` . DPG FiKP �w � � _-- _ ; � Ex. Appt. Steno __ [- � Cl � � Authorized ignature FORM OPT 1641 �-"- � . REPORT OF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUNTY Abatement No. 9103 9 Assessment District: St. Pa,Ul AUt,a'LiSt 10� 19 76 Legal Description: 1�7a.C�CU'pin & Marshalls AC�C�.. PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water District Plat Parcel Tract Block Shed Property Coded As' � 07 4�$500 070 20 0�0 004 Address of Property: �6( Carroll Ave. Applicant: $OUeI''t T. Simon for: Housing & F3edev. Authority Mailing Address: 5 5 E• 5 t h �t. 55ioi Applicant's Market Value: Land$ Imp. $ 'Total$ Insurance$ Assessed as follows: � Application f or Exemption School A VEAR US DS ��P Taxatrle Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent District C RESID Code one Use Own Use Land Bld9/Other Total Class % Value Owned 25 U '� 13 A 0 � 0 20 idH 40 ��,��g 6z5 U 7 s A 1089 5zo3 62g2 TdH 4o z517 99 1289 6153 7�+�2 Assessor's Recommendation: � School U UNITS p�p Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent District A EAR USED Code C RESID one Use Own Use Land Bltlg/Other Total Class °k Value �`^��ad U 75 F � 990 �73o S72o E.'K 40 2288 76 [teport of lnvestigation: App1lCa,rit acquir�d property 9/2/75• Entitled to exemption on 1/2/75 by statute. . DPG 8KP �W � ;>,J�l- . � ; l L!c. Appr. Steno y�G'C �(.._/ Authorized Signature FORM DPT•1641 �'�►'='� � . ... r � REPORT OF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUNTY Abateme�t No. �10�6 Assessment District: at. Y�U�. �iUr;USt ZO� 19 76 Le�alJ�escription: L• H. F-iavakes �JUbCZ• t0 PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water � i"linslows �C�.C�.• Oistrict Plat Parcel Tract Block Shed • Property Coded As � �5 33300 012 20 069 013 Address of Property: ��2 �a,Tl�'j,]. �t. Appi;�a„t: Hobert T. Simon f or: Housing & i3edev. Authority MailingAddress: 55 �• ��Y1 St. 5510� Applicant's Market Value: Land$ Imp. $ 'Total$ Insurance$ Assessed as follows: Application for Exemption School U UNITS p P Taxable Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent District A VEAR USED Cotle Owned C RESID one Use Own Use Land Bltlg/Other Total Class % Value 625 U 75 B A oQ0 34�10 1-b400 HB QS 22 625 U 76 B a io8g 3388 4477 xB o5 2z 99 123$ 3852 5ogo Assessoi s Recommendation: School U UNITS p�P Taxabte Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent District p` EAR USED Code C RESID one Use Own Use Land Bltlg/Other Total Class °/a Value Owned U F �C ggo 3�10 4400 � 4 176 76 Report of Investigation: APP�-�Cc121t acquired property 9/16/75• Entitled to exemption on 1/2/75 by statute. _ • � , � , EX. DPG appr. °a'-'r Steno �w -'��"l/l�� ,'�_ �(i�= � Authorized Signature . ` � . . � . �r` ,, vG� L'� � •. �'� �6!< �� � c..rm AUD 229 � a,,y ,•'G. M " APPLICATION FOR RELIEF—General For�,, n ,� �fOT (U r�duttioa rpuMt�d �seNd� =�00 aak�.ppGutio�is �t�,ot��wis� b aoylicst�) T�M�d«.d�f Ab�t��nt N C�YIII�B�YI��Cem.y A�It�►�f R��s Cw�ts. � u�t�t\�Cos�lrbNr�f T�aNi��d t►�St�t�d MbMwb ,, STATE OF MINNE30I°A, County of Rams�� es. Asasssment Diatrict Saint Paul Robert T, simon � beinQ duly eworn deposes aIId ssys that he���CK�- is Chief of Land Marketing of the Housing and �edevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, t•linnesota �apd thit said Authority is a public body, corporate and politic, duly organized and existing _under Chapter 487, Laws of 1947, as amended; that on September 1B, 1975, the Authority acauired title to the foZl�win� described real propertv located in the City of Sainfi Paul, County of P.amsey, State of Minnesota, to-wit: Lot 19, Blocic 17, Arlington tiills Addition to 5aint Paul, according to the nlat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Re ister of __ Deeds within and for said CQUnty, for redevelopment as parC of the Paync-Plialen Community Development Pro�ram bistrict �� that thn A��1-hnri t3r arr�iii Ad Yi le to S�id propc�rtv Ori SeptemUer 1.�� 197�� liy a warranty Deed. which Deed was filed on Uctober 9, 1975, as Document No. 191E573; rh�t b - w - n S ntember 1�, 1975 and the nresent, the Authority has held said property in the public use, er.empt from all taxes and assessments, pursuant to the provisions nf M�nnesota Statutes , Section 462.575, Subdivision (1). �hl7tfOC[ aAPlicantpraysthat all real estate taxes and assessments assessed. levied and accrued against the aforesaid property payable in the year 1976 be fully �a��a. � �� � ► c�_�_1�=� c�_� � �1 �r�.�� �l `=,P '��(�P « — _ • �L' L . _ OF T'rIE CITY -0F SAINT PAUI '"MINNESOTA .- ,_ �� _ '�--_ ADDlicaot ltobert T. Simon, Chief of Land P�Iarketing Subscribed and aworn to before me this 20th _day of '`Ta A. D. 19�� � �(.Ai�.5.�,�i,��O�.A'.t � \ . . ���n."..',A�!./�R� r�� . � . , .. . .. I.r .... ��LC� "(� I . �; i !� ' R1�I^,�;. .i. .:,I;i,ir. ;: v y 1 •� : �' h1Y i �i "9 :� � _.�.;'i�2�S � 'L�7[- . i'L(. �'�J '� ����'`�`'.���' r., -�i i3, i��,; � �� �(yV"7'tl���'�vl'Y1i��v`���:�v9(,/�v9�r�`�17Y7y�1��7�� . • � . , . �- • ' CERTIFICATE AND RECOMMENDATION BY COUNTY BOARD AND COUNTY AUDIrTOR I,the under�igned, County Auditor of the�vithin named County, do hereby csrtity that s careful exami�iation,into the � a�lesatfop� and statements ut forth in the within application has Deen made by the Board oi Abatement or Coun y Board of iaid County and by myaelf and that from iaid examination we are convinced end verily believe that �aid al�e`stlons and statemenb are true � , . �_ I further certity that, at a meeting duly held , ]9 , eaid Board of Abatement or County Board, by otficial action upon motion duly adopted and entered upon the minutes o! it� proceedinge �ii a pnblic reeord, ihowing the namee oi the te�cpayere and other peraona concerned and the amounts involved, made the lollowing recnmmendation, wherein I hereby concur, upon said application: � That the seaeesed value ot eaid property be reduced to and flxed at = . � � I hereb�certify that the re�ult of the adoption of eaid recommendet(on w�ill be a�iollowrt: Amonnt of nduction ot aese�sed �aiue ; _ , being per cant oi eaid asaeu�ed �alne; . :...... .............................T.sa �mount of nduction s....................................Pen., Int. dt Co.t.' _.......................... .........TOTA L , Witness my hand and oRictal seal thi■ f ^�� 1aq�NNA I , TH.OMAS;J�,� , County �Auditor. , ..... ....�:�;u�'..d^ (SEAL) 8y - . Deputy County Audltor. _ . : O'E : ' 4 4 q wu•jjA : � 4 Y q � • + Y A : •�C a r Y �.q • ►. : � � �I ��1 w � N. � w Y � q .Q-� •O ��b F Y C � � p �; ii Q ~'G y! 0. 4 . U M Y y... p � :d w •a� r :p �G.� e � • � '" �: � :� q�0 L+ � � 'Q Q �� : '"" i►.4� � �' '� � � � i .. : � ; F" � �"' /3 Y : O�. . A � ~q � s O� M : O Q y'�.O A : O .q �q �U o �o pw .. � Yl t o.+ . 0 �a vV e :�� wy S . t Op a � � Q . � Z � A� �i A q A � a ,�N,�O to� � •� A , � ��wC � � . � 0 � u � ' O y r �,q �q F ii •� I w y �'4 � . � o� o a�� e.R o ;A.� q � ��.,� g �y O Y O M Y p Y Ot�l ii � V '� 9i� o 7$di i V �„�,e • _ � : V <OC ' �^� ���.:a� '�'!3'� � q 'a p���o !- t e �,; � o � ,v � 9 ;� � ; Q � ~ S � � `,� ' �C .� �e°�} � � •� 9p� ° �u :� °o ' � o �'' �� °? ° 04 Y �'O'S1 rr �i p a � ,��O � ` w w W O ° �. � �.ipY Cva w O. YO � � � '� �'�; A � a�.� °' '� °ge�g � Vi � ' . m �.ap.oU �w°uao ' N � .S . . . . FV.°.+�.°. . �I � �$� ' � w ' � , • 8 � M oNi o ; ; 4 7 �q � s 0 .�'�"'{ :Z ..+o � • W ° ^ �` � � < . . . •� �,._L,. }I ' :'o � � �( ° � : w � H .:'� ` C� E � � � » " �, � I • . � "°P Z �i � r+ � � � » 'r �G o � _ � ' C�.. � � c�""� � i} Oi� O ~ 6 '� e a'° �pi � � °a K x I , :� V 4-i ri : �I 1� • � � ` ,i � !�+ � o a � � � �' w k $ � � � me " � �I . . � � V � �� C i � � e � ��a ''a � ' ,;�,) o � �y (,) rt � • Q i + y=I a '° ,� e '1 � �� ., 0 Z �d.� dq �� �� etl p � '.E �' � a > ��I , . . � � � � � ` E-�.� .� � � � � � ,c � " 9 � � e .� � S r, y Q_ � •� F� : ��� •Inl N p A ,�p A ; � C ��, Y " � a � � �:.� � 0, � �' ` � ' s " A < � ' � a ; `�' � � t O �• � ' . � q � Y ,� N:U] W 4 .' � �, � � � 8 '� x . . . • : y �. z 6 p:� � g � ;, ; e ,,X � w �. O:O u1 ; '� W ` � Yt ; — , � :°_ " O .� S R;:x v1 : • ., " ' � 'O � • a }a° 6 � ° �J ,. N . . v� o c : � w ° � ; < a a •;c . . � � O . P4 , � , < , < � . � � . �G'�CGC�/, • "' �b1 G�`(� ,, ,,, , � � . ��. • cn�m AUD 229 ��iy � �� � APPLICATION FOR RELIEF—General Form ���`p-„ �7' (If r�duetios rpuMt�d ueNd� =300 aak��opGeatio�is triolieat�,ot`�L� i� dayliub) T��w�dw�d�f A6�1��•nt w Cwny d�vJ��Cewe�A�it�r�f R��s CN�ts. • , u�N t��Cos�lrl��e�t T�aNi��d tb�t�d Ml��wl� . STATE OF M1NNE30'�A. County of Raa�se� ss. Assessment Diatrict saint Paul F.obert T. Simon beiAQ dnly aworn deposes snd says that he�iid's��' �G 1-he r.h�ef of T.and P4arketing of the Ho�sin� and RPr�evelopment Autfiority of the City of Saint Paul, i�innesota �spd thst said Authority is a public body, corporate and politic, duly organized and existing _under Cnapter 4�7, Laws �f 1947 , as amended; that on Au�ust 17, 1972, the Authority acquired title to the follawind described real property located in the City of Saint Paul, County of F.ar�sev, State of tiinnesoi-a, to-wit; Lot 12 and the East Z of Lot 11, Victoria & Lafond St. Add. to the Citv of St. Paul ilamsey Co P�finn accordin� to the recorded plat thereof, _for redevelopn�ent as part oi the Thomas/Dale-Canitol Communitv Development Program n;�tr;ct 7; -ha - h -_ A� horitY toolc t�tic to said proncrty on Au�;ust 17, I972, Uy a tdarranty Deed which Deed was filed on Aunust 13, 1972 as Document No. 1i334374; that between Au�;ust 17 . 1972 and the present, the Authority has held said property (�•:ra�t the Easterly J.5 feet of Lot 12, Victoria �. Lafond St. Additio►� to City of st_ pa«l, wl�ich was deeded to B. Piercado on T•Iay Z4, 1974) in t.ie public use _ e�en►gt iroin all tar,es and assessments ��.rsuant to the provisions of P�linnesota S a �re�, Section 462.575, Suhsection (1) . ' ��l7tfottapplicsntprayathat all real estate tax�s and assessments assessed, levied or accrued agai.nst Lot 12, except �asterly 7.5 feet and the �asterly 1/2 of Lot 11, �ictoria & La£ond St. Addition to City of St. Paul, payable in the year 1976 be fully abated. I-1 - F ���:3 C�C, — , a_. � — �1 c_1 _ (>`'�.`� 1__c•.. �c`7'\(� Y`-17?� ' HUUSING AI1D REDLVL'LOPI�NT AUTHORITY , , _ n�: TNI? CTTY �H SATNT A L, P�IINNESUTA -- ;n , . _ . ,-__- Apylicaot Robert T. Simon, Chief of Land Marketing Subacribed and aworn �� ���f,qr,e,n�je,,,t,�' th _day f r�a A. D. 19�� ' X A/�l►e�/�.AA�.!. �, c�. . �: �p�� � F,F^ JOCI[=S, y�%��,�tL'� - � ,h, t� �- , < <,,. ,,;C��,;;ti n. ^, -: ..��,:,`• Not3�Y<< � � i��,•. . q ^:;�:i;"SiO� [;:PIRES ,;:,: i,v �l-�, � R \'w:. rC�'F` r��. -r . .1: .1....•• .i�� I�LJi Z9i�i xC�?4`�'�l'0'�1'"i'V�`1'i�Y���",!'r�;i V 1 Y'Y V Q s(V 7 iY�'�1T . y - . . � � CERTIFICATE AND RECOMMENDATION BY COUNTY BOAItD AND COUNTY AUDITOR I,the under�igned, County Audltor of the�vithin nsmed County, do hereby certify that s caretul ezRmLution into tha t allegetfani and statements set forth in the within application has'been made by the Board of Abstement or Coupty Boud ot said County and by myeelf and that from sald examination we are convinced and verily believe that �aid xlleeations and statementa are teve I further certify that, at a meeting duly hel�i , ]9 _, said Board ot Abatement or County Board, by otficial action upon motion duly adopted and entered upon the minutes o1 It� proceedings as s pnblic ' ncord, showing the namee of the taxpayere and other peraons concerned and the amount� involved� made the tollowing recnmmendation, wherein I hereby concur, upon said application: That the aseessed value of eaid property be reduced to and flxed at = I herebr cestify that the result of the adoption of aaid recommendation w�ill be ai follow+e: Amonnt of reduction ot assesse<i valut ; _ , beinQ_�er cent oi enid a�aeued �alne; s...... .............................TasN • •mount oi t�EduCtlon s....................................Pen., Int. R Costt ;.......................... .........TOTA L , Witness my hand and oRicIsl .�a� th;s �NA . � (3 ,�:�:.���BY, County Auditor. .. . . . ..:� . .. .. • (SEAL) By _ • Deputy County A,uditor. . • � . � � � .� � _ : o : =$'$s' o�°•` � E = 'E$'° .°'. ' �$y � �; ; o�vi � �.a'3 . � - i. : 0 9Y : : $ n; P Y Y i. ; G. .-Qi •~L � V'� � Y C O ' pQ. A �: q �.,a Q ay E a � ^A" i i p � ^ u . e ° � ' '^ �`.' � ?N u °-v ° � / :A �� a u ' ~Y� i►,�� � �.6'q : F� ^� "� � � � F` . F y F'� JA Y . O A L ~C� � O� V : � �` V.G � � < •a � • A V V 0 V v�O q" 1. �7 i1�� � I� y=�` � � ~� U� 4y • ti • " "'G O Q : Y W t V+ � •e� 4 e b 4 A � g � � • Z � A i � A pA o � w�� .� .= A Y� a ' S � � v� r � Wr..uq `� � Q •C w � ►.4{�� . 0 Y r A � �.n po� e oYp �:s o ��� � a � u'q3 g ?� , @ V Q � .. ►, C! o .. � s _ y w � '- ~ '• g � ,E � • E+� a. ,; y Y Y M +`� w w. � � • Y �� F F� :d.o � �o � � E"�o L" � , q ' p o d . � : ^« : _ �4w�a,� �A � � ^ � A � Y � : �� a �� ;, e E:b�� 9 =9 � '• p „ �9� »� � � '� 'e°� � x •� !9.p� ° �if°u i� � � ° A � ° u'.�. 0 � y . Y �i p b � 'V � A w W �u 4'� � Q� g� a, yq 0.. a & � .,� o E �.9 . �� � O p au. � �4 . ►� � E+ g �'�g u � � Vl .. . M .rT�adC) �w u � w . . . . . .�.�D.�. � ►. o (A .9 V �I F �4� �. o .. « � � i - . . � : � � ?� N ° � � u 7 � � , . . � • . O :v • r+ a .. ►� � $ � •w :� � • � ` � � � �p � � I • � :�; � A� y O „ C •G ►• � : � � ' � w �. 1� f i �.-� � s o A � o � .�- i� �.< � � a. � o, 6 � e ;; � „ � � < xI `,,,,.., /�( �..i r.,: i r w .s . � � � � � i" 0 ..s- V '� •�i � 0 � '� °�° •• � � .a � �I . �r" � `� ul� M �iL C W y � e� �p . ` � � a � � i� r w '� Q a u .9 W � � � < � �d � e r- e N '�� � e ' � yJ • � � � �! .-C N •: 0 i + W q o � � � I �^ � x w O'• �:� +� •� p �o � �� � y � > �,� . . L �� + � � �� rr1 � � J .•. S - ; w + : . . . ' '� Vf : Z P � �� , � •� � H: .�; v � � '`� 8 w' � y O � � � �(�1 `�^ •/1 N p u p � � W„ � w ry � � � � �. /y Y 1: � � W y ` � � �M ~ „ � ! ° .� ., 0� a�: uw 4 ga � � � � e � � z . . . . . ° ` x (� Y .. a r`-': � • � � � '� A yl ►�+' '7 y r` � � C � � . 7 �: � �: r •: W � � � r : : 'O y il � C '� Y � V . V �.x". �: N O G i � w G u C a Q � ■ m � a . . , < a oG ` 'C �i " ' . i O . 04 , � . < , � • h ` r � . , � .. . �`(� . �'��r .�/�F� . �� � .T�jJ,s ,c•,•m AUD 229 ,y~� ��iy . IQa�cnl/!'n APPLICATION FOR RELIEF—General Form �Y' (If reduetioo requat�d �:eNd� =300 mak�appliutios fn triPliub�ot6�rw�� ia dupGute) Te th�Bwrd et Ab�t�a�nt o►Ceune�Bevd��d Coun4 Ard{tw of R�w�Cw�ts, �nJ te ti�Commiri�e�r of T�a�tio�e/t6�Stat�ef Miaa�wb STATE OF MINNESOT'A, � County of Ramaey ss. Asssssment�District Saint Paul Robert T. 5imon � being duly sworn deposes and says that he ' '��e���'t- - is Chief of Land Marketin� of the Housing and RP(jPVelonment Authority of the Gity of 5aint Paul Minnesota � �gDd that said Authoritv is a public body, corporate and politic, duly organized and existing �nder Chapter 487 . Laws of 1947 , as amended; that on SeptemUer 2, 1975, the Authority acauired title to the followin� described real propertv located in the City of Saint Paul, Countv of Itamsey, State of Minnesota, to-wit: Al1 that art of Lot 7, Block 20, i•lackubin and Aiarshall's addition to Saint paul de � r'bed as follows : Be�inning at a point on tie Nortn ine o sai Lot_7_, ��.�8 feet tJest of the �ortlieast corner of s.aid Lot 7 , thence West on the Nortli line of said Lot 7 , 27.57 feet to the Pdorth�oest corner of said Lot 7, __ thPnce Soi�Yki on the �•7 Gt lin� �f s�i�l int 7 to fie Sout}�c�est Corner of said Lot 7, thence East on the South line of said Lot 7 , 2II.24 feet to a point 11.39 �ee� Wes� e� �{�e � ---- beginning. Said above descriUed parcel being 27.57 feet on the Sou h side of Carrnl l �Vng�,P ap� 2fy��(� fPPt nn tha Nnrth 1 i ne c�f al l�� i n sa�d Rlock 20. for redevelopment as part of the Siimmit/University Community Development Program District b; that the Authority acquired title to said property on September 2, 1975, by a Warranty Deed, �ahich Deed was filed on September 9, 1975, as Document No. 1916121; that between September 2, 1975 and the present, the Authoritv has held said property in the public use, exempt from all taxes and assessments, pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 462 57 � Subdivision (1) �htrtfOCEspplicsntprayathst all real estate taxes and assessments assessed, levied and accrued a�ainst ttie aforesaid property payable in the year 1976 be fully abated. _ O 1 - `( `�JOC� -C) �10 �-� C� �� ��,, �., (; r� n�, �`1 � �-\t�� L ♦ _ _ OF TfiE ITY U� SAINT PA L, P�IIPdNESOTA /� � � l�obert T. Sicnon, Chie f of Land ilar-T-.�e�t�in�t - Subscribed and sworn to before me this 19th day of ria D. 19 76 �Alla�AdE.4,�A.�AAAA.�.�.1�.�t...n� ,��,�,q r.�,l,M,�w1� � � .''',, �:,��,��",:;�\ �V�� ll�r^�D �0'•ic=.�R. � _ � :S' �,„: ,�,;�,- Notary Puhfi�.He:�:,;�.;,.�:-,:;� h"�. _ .r ���.��:���.:. wiv cor�trr;st�::r; z�,�i:�r�s � ` �c.�� . , • :� '�+4.,,•-'�� � Aprii 13, 2978 ' ac1Y.'�'t10'�1►iN'y'�"VSP'tl'41yilSY{h`t'St1f�'1li'F�"YI��Yi►v . ` CERTIFdCA,TE AND ftECOMMENDATION BY COUNTY BOARD AND COUNTY AUDITOR ' I,the undersigned, Count.y Auditor of the within named County, do hereby certify that a careful ezamination into the � allegationa and statements set forth in the within application has been made by the Board of Abatement or County Board ` o! said County and by myself and that from said examination we are convinced and verily believe that esid allegationa and statementa are true , ____.� ; I further certify that, at a meeting duly held , ]9 —, said Board of Abetement or Cuunty Board, by official action upon motion duly adopted and entered upon the minutea of ite proceedinga as a public record, ahowing the namea of the taxpayers and other persons concerned and the amounte involved, made the idllowing recnmmendation, wherein I hereby concur, upon said application: That the assessed value of said property be reduced to and fixed at $ I hereby certity that the result of the adoption of said recommendation will be as folloas: Amount of reduction of assesacu �a:aa ; , being per cent of euid aseessed value; �...... .............................T.:H amount of reduction $,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,p�n.�Ini. dc Costs $.......................... .........TOTAL � Witnesa cny hand and ofticial seal this � ���1� �NN THOMAS�J. KELI:�Y, County Auditor. (SEAL) By - � Deputy County Auditor. , �. p� �Y y� � � U•U % � ' � ' Y Y C �' , ' C y� : C�,'d r � a,p� . C . a, : p . �V � ° p • '� p; uu � o o� ' ` uv '« V n � ' a o+ °p w � �, :'i : a ^' � "� ; •o, ' 4 ."� c°i OO @ w �� M y G a � : M ; 4 � v C'O 0 u . �' : u 0.•. '° ,� e � . , " �^ � . . :a b � = : F :a : r '_G.� ^ 6 G- e 0 �o : I"� i>.i p a .�.• o r t l-• � ' '° + °.. u . F�-� ~ 'q p ' � . O� ~Q�j c o�o$ O F �'�.a � � 0 �i/� � � w � A•q ul�v U y i � O � �'o C E7 On . W t A= 6 6� � �- � w w'� �n � y O� a � O � E"" F '� �a� ° a ,,,:flo � •:3 A . •• •'� � ZO oY •� ; o • da e,oyF 'p � .., , � e,u� u � � E A� B:° � : uu B I � ��,00 Oi oe � V o �rQ� � :,,d'V ►, iN ° ° ii . ' G� {d w • �� � •QO ,� uCr '�, F'� r ! .. .. .. �.� ...�._ � .. � „ a� � W .G �A � 'vu Y q`J O E..� � M ^vu Y :..��i M Q'G F i� i F Y . a � : . «�,,, o � b � .. � ; Q � ° .. � � � : ~ � C �p ' G t�i ib'd.o. M • u u : R � i O�� wA ►. � w `.S °� � � aA.� • ° ° �o u .°i� � �b �.� � a w °A ° � G v .. _.d �pq` r �� i � Y q u ►• �•A ri'.: � 0 u V i+� � �' �,o W �s. •.«a Q u °°Y .: P. $ �o ,o c •,� r p" �� ' . �06 � A � ,�, 7�.,d . a o F � Q� u � y � . . N �Q p U �w u � O � Ul .9 . . . • U.�. .�. , '. 'I u� I; a � . � u � � � � w C � � � � . • . . � o � = :b a » W = :. � � � � � • � . . . � � � . ' � :` � ; � � � �,N „ � .� I . . �j -�A ':� � �,' � � r�i '� °a " o � : c ,: " � }� v�""� `� � �'Q: o E � .'� o i"' '� ., y Q < = I . :..w. � 4-�: �-i : � A � � � i � � � u F+ M�� irr� . .�: /Q � 9 I • O ' ' � a W. e o � 8 'a i � . � U � �"i 'J �i � :y �,.c '� � ,� F o: a� . � Q _ � .� W ,.� a� < �:� C � � •- � � '�,� �+ a � . C �" t� ,-+� N 0 � e W 9 ° e '- � �� . . �, p � 3 U��G�' � .r� e � � • �._ � � 8 > �+ 6 I . , . . N . tA � i!� ^ .�3 u] 4�71 y�y�l� � " " ' , .. m � � � . � i� Z • � w ,r ` 4 S ,q � ^ 8 • C .M � �� � .�. � �; �i� : •M � N „ � � ; � � � u r � a � � �: f..�" Ul: a O N � e � ' � ^ t � a o Q E •� < �,:.� ., J dG � � e °` . . . . • � ., x 7 Q � ai N: tnW A� .c .. � � � Y a v '�e g .a: � � g '� ; �_ : � .,a -- u . ; w X G 7 O: O ���.' •V W S E YJ • j 'O 4 . � A � 'CJ �L�+ w t� CJ �'':x vl: til o c ; .°. °w ` a : a Q < P' p4 m . . .� � � . 6 • � � � O . 04 , . < , < . r �*� . \ . � j� • _ � �'•w . �'+ ��, �' �G' � - � � .� y 'p G c,.rm AUD 229 �� . . t APPLICATION FOR RELIEF—General Form 'lo �• (If r�duetioe rpuNNd �seNd� =�00 e�k��po4eatio�is triPlie�t�,ot6�swi�� i� �liab) T�tA�awed��AbN���nt e�Cwnt�MvJ��Cewt�A�i1tM�f R��ws CwNS. ud t�J�Cossirbso�f T�aali��d 1\�Swt�d Mb�N� v STATE OF MINNE301°A. • County oE Ramser ss. Aeaessment Diatrict Saint Paul RoUert T. simon beinQ duly aworn deposes and says that he �,�"i��t is �hi ef of I.and P�farketin� of ttie Ho �si ng and �edeyelopment Authorit�of the City of Saint Paul, riinnesota apd thst said Authoritv is a public Uodv, corporate and politic, duly or�;anized and, existing __��der Chapter 4S7 , Laws of 1947. as amended; that on SeptemUer 16, 1975, the Authority acquired title to t(ie followino described real property located in the City of Saint _ Paul. County of P�amsev, State of Plinnesota, to-�ait: The North 60 feet of the ,:;ast 24 feet of Lot l, Blocic 20, E. �I, liawke's Subdivision to Winslow's Addition to the Town __ of St. Paul, Minnesota Territorv. for redevelopment as part of the UJest Seventh Community Development Pro ram District 9; that ehe Authority acquired title to said property on SeptemUer 16, 1975, Uv a Warranty Deed, which Deecl was filed on December 23, 1975, as Docum�nt Ydo. 1924312; that between September 16, 1975 and the present, the Author.ity has held said property in the public use, exempt from all taxes and assessments , pursuant to tlie provisions of P-Iinnesota Statutes , Section 4�62.575, Subdivision (1). �hl7CfOCt appliCSDt prayA that a�l real estate taxes and assessments assessed, levied and accrued against the aforesaid pro�erty payable in ttie year 1976 be fully abated. �,`_� _ � '� ��C•n - C�� �. .�-C� ,._� �. � �1 �� ���A ,-,�� ,� 1 - - � , .: � - _ T :IINNESOTA •- .� � -� ' ` � �-,--,_ Ap��j�ot Robert T. Simon Chief of Land Marlce �in Subacribed and aworn to before me thia ?lst _ a of T'r� A. D. 19 76 . . x�d.R,AG..�S.h.r�.A.�nr,A,, ,.,,,,a,,,a„a,A.xae►� � wr;:, :^��� �.,;2� 1cNE�,�R. � � l��L ,� r�.: . ., — J;�.�,i+ N01�rj I'f'hE".N�.r�.-:�::j�.(''.q�nhi A90. 4 7 a, :"�`���` t�AY CG;�1�•T1�!01�! F'/,i';f:ES � � ..° AN;il 13. 1 j78 � � )SVt►1�VYVV'nYV1'�V'h`i�'P'Y'�1ti��'Y'�'�ttYV�Y1YbY� ' ! � ` • . ' � CEBTIFICATE AND KECOMMENDATION BY COUNTY BOARD AND COUNTY AUD R � I,the under�igned,County Auditor of the�vithin nsmed County, do henby certfiy thst a cantul ezami�iation into the alle�atfon� and etatements aet forth in the within application haa'been made by the Board of Abatement or Cou ty Board � of �sid County and by myaelf and that irom said examination we are convinced and verily believe that �sid alle`atione , and statemenb are true I further certify that, at s meettng duly held , 19 _, said Board ot Abatement or County Board, by o}ficial action upon motion duly adopted and entered upon the minutes of its proceedings at t pnblic record, showing the names ot the taapayere and other persons concerned and the amounte involved, made Lhc tollowing recnmmendation, wherein I hereby concur, upon eaid application: � That the aaaeesed value oi aaid property be reduced to and fixed at = I herebr certfiy that the result of the sdoption of aaid recommendntton wlll be a�follow+e: Amonnt ot nduction of assessed value i _._ , bein� per cant oi enfd assewed �alne; ;...... ....... .....................T�:a �niount ot nduction ;....................................Pen., Int. dt Cost. s.......................... .........TOTA L Witness my hand and oRlcisl seal this �.n��1 , �.4�p,� , County Auditor. ��.��-� (sE�1.) av - Deputy County Audltos. � O'� • � 4 4 p �+ U"y � � 4 4 O �+ � j � A � •O F q + u �5,4,9 f. t � �Y � w '� t^ .��+ u Y�.r �, • O. � 'ie � u�O « V G D �s : e P '� Q ~� � . O °" K i0 u me ° : • '" C' 7 :� V °v ° � � iA � �a : F� :►,��� '"'�'� � ' ~ : A : � � � �y . yr � � �+ .Or ; y . a� ~O � a ��Y : V a ' ��A ►� Q � RA '' 'Q� u� °V U'E ° n � � �'C a 8 0 �, �!< .�;� g �`=��e ;�,� = 8 �► ;�'s � j8� 1� Z O �: ' � � A+� � i'" w'O O � .r i1 V •�p, Y •� ��` � ' w � � � � Y 3 4 � � � � r Y v� u[ O 8 . O ' 7'� � v� � � � e opq�� ; -;� � I � �q g � � r� : : � V °- 9g� o �$r ; iu � 'F,;, :�1 : :u � � � V Y Y � {�'A � G a � Y ' �+ V �Y . � : Y � r+ "1 : 'O p � pA.� n �. � �n A ^q A w"a'� 'y A'�,. ^ �1 -.� � y � �� � S � �A •, � E q v C �p � � p p N �'� �,� { y�� O A O � '� w Y � Q u r 0.9 w ,� �'�i � � •� g a "n o� wl 'R e A '� °. O� °o A 0 'O Y �b� ��e � M r ; �'d � e / ww �' �� � �'p� g9a ��' a �� o" a 'p Fe �y� a �.7 . ►ti. � O /7u � . a g R � Vl � . N .S p.o ci H w� II o ' H .a . . . . u S 2S r .. II � i � : ' N M -° o i � � � t 0 . • � �.e a i yMj c ^ � � 7 � � . . ' �_ + �.� � �Z :< � = � � A � @ .� � :� , - twt `r"' �r� .� �: � o g � .� ;, i � � I � ' . �.. A F.r �' -I�ri ~ y i ►. o ° � q c y� I � � 'v� ""� i�, o� �: �O � ( •� a a 'O � „ .++ a t � � � T-':Q�.� : �I � � , � w y V 4 �"� . . . O � : �i O 0 � °� � O � /7 � . '� i V F o: a�i tn w � a �+ ;; m� .� g�I . ,' � � ��,.� C i � � e � �,�� e � "� O j � � V ""� � • Q Y p W a ° � 'e � � � � I r. Q � (!� �"' � •/ a e � �i . r u > u+,� . . . • � ..rl Z � � O. .�� � V � F� S =� � � i � YI I b . �' ;� � � • � � e w � � ° •� � •� Hi �.' � 1 M- � �u �9 0 0 0 o, � � :..,�i� •�1 Qp M ` A p ti � y. „ �{ v : .,� �;��r 1('� A M � t r e '; ,,,, �1 y p( • � a < � �r:+-+ rr ^ � y � � "v < 8 V : o ° Q •� � LY. N: u�W 0� .s ., � ., � e °` � . . . . : ;, x �_ C� � � A` � � g " ; .� ; e ,�� ; oo a O. O.Ul t �u w t@ � � ; ,a � � o o .�y � � V . (� (x'�CtS v1 , N o d . � e C cv, a p" � < P� OG D � , � O . 04 . � . < . < . r` .^ a . � .,� � . U�