267878 .^( i
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That upon the recommendation of the Valuation
Engineer, the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorizes
the Mayor to assent to the Registration of Title, Proceedings
Subsequent No. 477, of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority
of the City of Saint Paul to add vacated Moses Street to their
Certificate of Title relating to Lot 1, Block 192, Irv�ine' s
Addition to West St. Paul.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Hozza [n Favor � li�
Hunt D CTOR / G
Levine � _ Against BY
SEP 2�.i �97 Form Approved by City Attom
Adopted by uncil: Date
Cer � ied Pass y Council Secretary BY
Approv Wlayor: Date � Appro by May r Su i io�lc> Council
gy � By
pue�tsr� OCT 2 1976
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� '1 � �.,f CITY OF SAINT PAUL
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July 29, 1976 HARRtET lANSIRlG
J. William Donovan .
Valuation Engine�r
286 City Hall
Dear Mr. Donovan:
Enclosed please find letter frQm Suzarfne Sabath, Staff
Counsel of the HRA, and also report of the Tit1,e Examiner
setting forth an ambigui.ty in the City's actions in
vacating part of Moses S-treet.
The City is requested to assent to the groceedings of
the Authority to clarify the description of the part of
Moses Street vacated by the City Council. Please
examine this and advise me whether the praposed desc=iption
of vacated Moses Street set forth on page 4 of the
Examiner's report is correct.
If it is correct, the enclosed resolution should be
sent to the City Council together with your report.
Very truly you s, �
J. 4
Ass stant City� ttorney
JJ .cg
cc: Suzanne Sabath
City Hall, Saint Paut, Minnesota 55102
612 298-5121
55 East Fift#� Str�et, Saint �aul, h;i�nasota 551 O1. Ed�rrard N.hzlfe{d,executive director.phona 298 52 18
.� . . �
�t�U��i�1G �1�D fi�a�U�LOP1VIf�IT AUTHOi�I�TI( 0�' TH� C�TY t3� S�li11T �'AUL, �ayili����SOT�
R � � � � �f � �
EJt��.�a 197s
Mr. Jerome J. S egal C1TY AT�OqNEY.
Assistant City Attorney ""' Jul.y 26, I976
647 City Hall �
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
Re: Proceedings Subsequent No. 477
Dear Mr. Segal: . � � -
The HR.A has petitioned the District Caurt for an Order directing the
Registrar of Titles to show by memorial on Certificate of Title No.
243I.99 the land that accrued, by reason of the vacation of Moses Stre�t.
The Examiner' s Report (copy enclosed) indicates the Proceedings can be
expedited if the City of Saint Paul saill assent to the Order rec�nmended
bY the Examiner, as it appears on Page 4 of his Report. I wcau].d appxe-
ciate it if the enclosed Assent Ta Order cou].d be executed and returned
to me as soon as possible.
If you have any questions about this proceeding, please contac� me.
Yours truly,
� r=�- G:��
Suzanne �Tells Sabath �
Staff Counsel
Robert Sylvester, Donafd P. Dei Fiacco, David H. Houa, 1�liliie PAae Wilson, Kenneth J. lynch, Ron P�taddox, Mary Ann Sudaith �:�.Fr:;�•
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Co�,nr❑ Fllc No. 239870--By Victor J. � Tfiat'ihe vacn,ibn lie sn5icct'�o alt Counr.11 File No. 240748—By Robert F.
•������,��o_ the terms and conditions of SecUon Peterson—
' Hetioh•ed, That upon the petition of i z28 °i the Legislative Code as Whercas, The Cnuncil of the City of
the 2luusing and Redevelopment Au- ��nended. Saint Paul, by resolution, C. F. 1�Io.�
thorlty and others, those sections of 3. That specific easements be retained 239Gi0, approced Aiigiist 1, 19C8, did�
thc ��ublic streets and those sections to protect the in-r�l�ce sewer facili- vacate the a11e��s in Blocks 161, 162,.
of the public alleys hereinafter de- ties in the iollowing locations: 7G5 and 105, Rob�rtson's Additiun to�
scribed Ue and the same hereby are ��oses Streek: 1'hc fuli width of �yest St. Yatal, said vacatioh rescrving'
vacated and discontinued as public Mnses Street from the south li�e to thc City of Saint Paul and other
streets and public alleys: of new Water Street and the north public instrumentarities t.he public utib
line of Plato Boulevard, as hcrein ity casements contained therein and'
1. The alleys in Blocks 161, 162, 165, descrlbed, thereon; and
, and 1II5, Robertson's Addition to Bidwell Street: a 30-foot-wfde ease- �Yhereas, The Housing and Redevel-�
_ West St. Paul, accordfng to the plat ment centered on the center line opment Authority of the Cit,y of Saint•
thereof oa 81e and of record in the of said Bidwcll Street from the south Pat�l has requcsted that the Council
otTice of the Register of Deeds with- , line of Fil)morc Avenue to the north waive said retained easements, and'
i in and for the County of Ramsey. ]ine of Plato Boulevard. the alTected City departments, North-:
t West Fairfield Avenue from the west I . Fairfield Avenue: a 30-foot-wide 'ern States I�ower Company and Norih-,
r line of Walter Street to the north-, easement centered on the center western Rell Telenhone Company have�
t erJy line af Plato Boulevard, (aa de- line of said Fairfield Avenue from filed �criticn certif;cates of intended
� scribed below.) ' the west line of Walter Street to non a.ae oi reserved rights and ease-
�vi oses Street from the northerly! the north line of Plata Boulevard met.;s, which certificates are attached
rne of Plato Boulevard (ss described' as herein described. hemto: be it
below) to the southerly line of new 4. ThaY a specific easement be retained Resolved, That the Council of the
West Water Street as described be- to protect the interests of the Water City of Saint Pa�rl, pursuant to Sectioa
�O~'• Department to provide that the 228•�5 of the Saint Paul Legislative�
. IIidwell Street from the sauth line street grade be maintained and that Code, as amendec�, does hereby waive; �
of Fillmore Avenue to the northerly no permanent structure be allowed the retainecl easements contained ini
lire of Plato Boulevard, as de- within the easement area, said ease- resolution, C. F. No. 239670, approv0d
' � scribed below. ments to be required on the Yollow- August 1, 1968, in the following de-�
; The northerly Ifne of Plato Bou1e- ing street areas: scrib�d property:
vard is described as fol]ows: Com- Moses Street: the easterly SO feet Alleys in Blocks 161, 162, 165 and
mencing ai a point on the north- of Moses Street; from the south 185, Robertson's Addit9on to West '
easterly line of Lot 5, B]ock 18 of line of Water Street to the center. St, Paul;
Bazille and Robert's Addition to line of Fairfield Avenue. be it
l�'est Saint Paul, County of Dakota, West Fairfield Avenue: the nvrth !
Territory of Minnesota, which is or.e-half (30 feet) of Fafrfield Ave- Further Resolved, That the above-•
25.0 ieet northwesterly of the east- nne; from the center)ine of Hidwell mentioned waiver of said easementa:
erly corner of said Lot, thence Street to approximately 30 feet west is for the City of Saint Paul and ior ,�^'�
south 59°52� west, parallel to the of the east line of Moses Street, a those persons for whom the City has
center line of e:cisting Plato Street, Bidwell Street: the west 45 feet of� reserved easements in safd vacated
for 191.8� feet, thence to the right Bidwell Street from the north ro j Property for the instalTation, mainte-
on a curve having a radius of 471.0 erty line of West Indiana Av nue nance and operation of any sewer, '
fect for an arc distance of 167.77 to the north property line of West; water, gas or electrical main, pipe oP
feet, thence south 79°56'30" west for Fairfield Avenue; except the west i conduit of public instrumentaLty.
�6G2.1G Seet, thence to the left on 15 feet from 20 feet north of the f Adopted by the Council October 25,
a curve having a radius of 581.0 north property 1Sne of West Indi- 1958.
fcet for an are distance of 206.53 � ana Avenue to the south property Approved October 25, 1988.
fcet, thence south 59°34'30" west for • line of West Fairfield Avenue. (November 2, 19fi8a
41u.23 feet, Lhenee to the right on a 5. Thaf specific easements be retaIned � � '��"" ' ' - '"" '
curve having a radius of 471.0 feet to protect the interests of the North-
Sor an arc disianee oE 295.45 feet, western Bell Telephone Company
thence south 89°26' west for 208.05 and the Northern States Power Eom-
teet anci there terminating, pan
T7ie southerly right-of-way line o 6. Thai� the petitioner bartfcade all
new West Water Street is described ihose areas being vacated that are '
a, follows: Commencing at the in- designated by the Department o!
trrsection of the centerlines of South Public Works as requiring a barri-
N`abasha Street and existing West cade, and that said barricades be
F'illrnore Avenne,thence south 30°20� constructed and piaced to the catis- �
�-,i::t along the center line of South faction of the Department of Publie
i4'al�ash.a Street for 30.00 ieet,thence Works. '
south b9°39� west along the south- 7. That the petitioner, be4ng the Hous-
cr7ti• ]inc af said Fillmore Avenue for ing and Redevelopment Authority
55.9II fect, thence to the right on a � of the City of Saint Paul, a public
curce having a radius of 550.87 feet, � agency,not be required to pay com-
an iiriersection angle of 37°02'for an � pensation for the vacation because
arc distance of 356.GG feet, thence to of the intended deciication of lands
ttie Icit on a curve having a radius � for street and other pubiic pur-
of 991:tS2 ieet, an intersection angle poses. >
aI 37"o0�3p^ for an arc distanee of ;8. That in lteu of a bond the City be
:tI7.G7 fect to a point on the south-� , provided with a written covenant
e:�,t�rl,v line of Water Street,thence , conditioned to indemnify and hold
south 59°35'30" west along the said the City harmless for any and a1T
sout4easterly line for 239.96 feet, damages, claim ior damages: costs,
thence to the left on a curve having . charges, judgments, and expenses
. a radius oi 487.08 feet, an intersec- of eveXy klnd and nature arising
tion angle oi 24°53�30" for an are or growing out of the vacation oi�
�.���ncw st oin IIheetange tcofssaid thep2edeb dthe�C uncilhAueust�l,�
curve for 291.77 feet, thence to },}�e Ado y g �
1965. �
riA:ht on a curve having a radius of . Approved August 1, 1968. �
I 17U.a9 feet, an intersection angle (August 3, 1968) �
ot 4 a9'3U` for an arc distance of
� 15�.,� fect to a poinC on .the south- —"""�`� `-�-----,�^""""
.enslerly line of y
; Strc ttmnce . �
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• acctton oE the easterly right-of-tyay �
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; H._4 lc.� Attoraey: Terrence J. GarveyS
± �enL*al Gf�ice . .
�: U�.
In the 1•1atLer of the Petition of ) � �
j i1o. P .S . �77
Housing and P.edevelopr,�nt Authority ) .
of tize City Df Saint Pai11� "iinnesota, ) 1Zr"'.�O�T OF �Y��IINER
� .
for an Order r�dding Land iA Vacated ) �
Stre4t. )
Pursuant t� ttie Cou.�t rs. O�d�r af Refe�ence, y�aur Exami.n�r has in-�
ve�tigated .th.e m,atters and facts set forth i.n said Petition and finds
and reparts as fvllowsx
. 1.
_ That tsiere is o�tstanding in the off��e of the P.egistrar of Title�
' of �sey County, Certi�icate of Title Va. �43199, entered Agril 3.2,
� 1971, in favor of P, R. L. Har�en:�ergh Cou�pan.y, far land in said cocu�ty
d�scrihed as follows:
Lot l, t��e�h�r� wi.th the Sautherly I.0 feet of vacated
Avenue ad3oina.ng Vrhich acczuPd thareta by season of
� the .vacatian t:~�ereo=;
All of Lots 5 and 6, lying �Easterly of t.'�� following
desc�=i�ed line: Co�encing at a point on the ��.orth- .
� easterly lirte of Lot 5, BIQCk 18 of Bazille and �
P.ober�'s Addition to tr7est St. Paul which is 2�.0
feet i�SQZ"t}.1DIAStarl;� oL t�e Easterly corr,er of said
S,ot, thence South 59° 32 ' �-;sst, parallel to the center
_ line of e:iisting Plato Street, for 141.34 fe�t, thence .
to �tiie right on a curve having a radius of 471 fePt
for an arc distance o� 167.77 feet, ttience South 7�°
�u ' 30" :�esz for 1662.1b fee�, thence to the left on - '
a curve havir�g a rac?ius of :i81 feet for an arc distance
of 206.53 �eQt, thence Sout'� 59° 3Q ' 30" t°Se�t for
4I0.23 feet, thence �ca the right on a curve havinc; a
radius af �?71 iezt for an arc distance oi 2�5.45 fnet,
. tnence Soat.n 89° 2G ' :lest for 2�7.2� ieet, thence ilorth
S7° �fl ' ;'est �o?- 197.91 feet, ther.ce i;orth 0° 3�t ' .:�st
ior 1�8.78 Leet to thz Soutzerly line of e�isting L�Test
::ater Sire��;
all in �31oc1: I92, Srvine 's A�ditioZ to �7est St. P�ul .
�:�at tii� "vacateu av�nue" referred to in the first pazc?? o� land
ciescribe� �:�ov� is a�jo°_nina biat�r Street, I3ook �I of Plans , page 10,
w�ich streEt is �esiyn� �ed on sain plat of zrvin� 's Adsition as 2-IcCarthy
..._. --�. _��_.� _
'x � ... <_'j .. _ ..- . . . . � .
. �, � ^
I _ ���
, 3. ���
That t�xere a,��ear a.-�ong the izstrzu.-�en�s rPr^,orialized oa said certi--
ficate of title the follas��inc�:
. � Doc. No. 527286 - Resolution of the City Council af the
City of Saint Paul, dated August l, 196a,
� vacating I�ioses Street adjpining said ,.
� I�ot l. �
� Doc. �70. 257287 - Cer:ti.ficate of the City Clerk that all
the terr�s and conditior.s of said vaca-
rion proczeding havz bezn cor.�plied wi��.
Doc. rio. 536399 - Resolution of the City Council of the .
City of Saint Paul, being the sar.ie
resolution r,,eu.orialized as Doc. i7o.
52728b bu�. containing a correct�d
legal description.
That said ��a�e� �tr��� is de:ignated on said plat of Irvine 's Addi- .
- . tion to :•:est St. Paul as Chestnut Street. � .
_ 5.
• That said �Iose� Street was vaca�ed subject to the easements and
rights reserved by Section 228 of the St. Paul Le.gislative Code, s�.:b-
ject to a retained sewer easer.ient and sunject to retained easements ta �
protect t'�e i��erests oi PZorthern States Pc�wer Con�any and r;orthwestern
. 3eli Tele�hoae Company. .
. 6.✓ •
That said vacatioa� proceeding is ar:ibiguous as to tvheth�r the t7ort�1-i
liae of that part of I�oses 5treet vacated is the extension across it
of the i3or�h line of said Lot 1, Block 192, or the Ilortn lin� of the
Sauth 10 feet of vacated I;ra�er Street zdjoining said Lot 1 . Th� plan
a�tacned to tne Clerk's Certificate filed as Doc. 210. 527257 indicates
that the .dor�n li�e of ihe part vacated ��as the ehtension across it of � �.
the t.ort:��rly Zine of said Lot 1, although the resolutian itself desig-
na'-�s ti:e :�ortheriy line of �hz part vacated as �che "Sauth�asterl�- 2ine
of existin, t;,�st TTater Street" . In vie�� o� th� ��c4 thGt t`�e Sou`h-
easterly I� fePt of origin.:l :�ater Street was previously vacated, the
resolu4ion would vacate i-ioses St?-�e� un to �i-±e e�t2r:sion 4CJ`C)JJ it o�
tne .Jor"1:•»Sterly Zine o� saici Soutneastsrly 10 feet o� LTaca�zd j�7ater
Street. •
_ _ ----- _ , _ � ------ -
.,..�. . .
� ���
.,� 7. ��y�
(I ass�.:.� �.�rz will i�e evidence at the nearir.� to su�pert a find-
/ ing af fact� t.'�at there is no street open and in use over t�at part
, _
/ of .Ioses Street hereinafter described and that the City intended to
vacate �tosas Street up to the ext�nsion across it of the Z7ortHwesterly
li.ne of ��e Sout,heasterly 10 feet of vacated Water Street.
. 8 .
That by reason of said va�ation proceeding, there accrued to the
first parcel of land described in Certificate of Title P�o. 243199 that
part of Moses Street hereinaft�r descr�b�d. That said vacation pr4ceed-
ing occurred at z time wh�n said land was owned b�r Hausing and Redev-
e3.cpment t�iu4h;ority of the Cifiy of Sain.t Paul, �;�.n�esata, the petition��
� � in this proceeding. That by a subsequent conv�;�ance, Doc.. �.o� 556028,
title to sa3.d la�,d and that part of vacaied. .'•iogeg Street that accrued
thereto beca�e vested in the present registered o�ner and an Order of
t.his aourt s�ottld b� entered directing the ,R.eg�st.ras of Titl�s ta show �
said fact_ by m�eno=ial on said outstand.ing certi�icate o, title. -
. - 3. .
._ �hat said deed of conveyan.ce to the present regis tera�. o:•�n�r, �flc.
I�o. 556028, createc� cert�.i.n cav�nants, restrict�ans,� coaditions and
a rigbt o� forfeiture or re-entry in favor of the gtantor, �ousing and
s't�evelopment t�,uthority of the Cit� of Saint PauZ s ��Linnesota, but in
i.ssuing to P. R. L. �ardenbergh Coa�any the prese�t outsta�3ing Certi-
ficate of =itle �Za. 2�3199 on the basis of said c�eec, t�.e R�c�strar
of Titlzs� thraugh inaavertence o= error, fail�d to �ote �v r.,2.:,�ria1
on saici certi�ic3te saicl covenants, restsictions, cor.:�itioas and ri5�t
o= forfeitt:ra anc3 said ri5hts ��lou2d be shor�•a by r..er..orial oz t�'�e presen�
certificatz of title for said l�n:.
10 .
T�at notic� oz this P�oceeding s.iouZd bQ givea to the City o� Saint
_� Paul, Ivarther� St���s Potaer Co:a�any, :.oru�uester:� 3e11 iele�,`�on� C�-��any
; " and P. %. i,,. iiarden�ergn Cor.�pan�, unless tiiey ot,.'�er.,�ise asseiZt to t...;a
, ' entry of ;�ize Orcier herzi:�ast�r set .Eortii, sai3 noi�ica to be �y ser�icz
upon saia �arti�s af an Grcer to Snuvr Caus` r��urr.a5le be��re t,,'�is court
:.�t a s�ecial ter.�z thereof at 2 :00 o 'cloc; P.i{. o� a :v�-,',-:��;?a1 to be
�herain designat�d. .
+it . ., . . !1 � .
s '.. ' . �r����Q�
���a � l�
I therefore recor..,;�end, upon due proof of the foregoing natters at
`-: ;=�-the hearing herein, no objection to the contrary then appearing, that
this court enter an Order as follows: .
1�70:7 ^I Lti,:?C_�^, IT IS pg.�E;tED. that the Registrar of �itl�s
of �,ansey Count�r, upoa the filing with hin of a certified
copy o� ��is Order, show by reu:orial on Certificate of Title
iJo. 2i3199 Lhe followi-ng:
(a) Doc. 10. 556028, crea�-?�g covenants, restrictions,
conc3i��ons and rignt oz zorfeiture or re-entr�.
{b) iha� tite land descri.ption a�pearing an said cer�.i-
ficat� of title is revised to read as follo�rs :
Lot 1, Blo�k 192, together ��ith that part
oi ths SautheastzrZy 10 feet of adjaining
- jyater Stre�t, for:�erly McCarthy Street,
• vacat.ed, 3.ying bet;,re�n th� e�tensions across
said street of �� i:ortneas�erly and Sout.'�-
�•�esterly lines of saicl I�at 1, anci togpthP=
with ihat part of th.� Southwest�rly half of
. adjoining I�.oses Street, for:aerly Chestnut
Street, vacated, lying b�twQe:� the extznsions
- across said streat of t'�e South=aster]y lir? �
• . of said Lot 1 and t�e :dorthwest�rly 1i �,�
- said Southeasterly 10 feet oz adjainin�i�a�'r �
' - Street;
�..,.,�.. —�----�-���...�. .
• Tnose parts of I,ots 5 and �, }3Zock 1�2, lying
Easterly of a ?inz describec? •as ��q.inninc� at
- a point an the Nort�Zeasterly line of Lot S,
Black i�t, �az�IZe an:�. �o�,er�'s E�dci�ivn to -
� ��:est St. Paul whic:� is 25 feet �aortn��esterly
oi the i.ast�rly corner of said �.ot; t�enc�
5outh 59 uegree� 32 :ninutPS �ti�.est, pzrall�l to
the �enter line of existin� Plata ���et Tcr
241_�.� feet; t'r.�nce zo the right on a cun��
ha�ring a radius of 471 feet fQ� an ar� dis-
tazc� of 1G7.77 fee�; �hznce SouLh ?9 decxre�s
56 �.inutes 3Q seconcs West for 7662.16 fP?t;
thence to the Ieit on a curve h�ving a raciius
of 581 feet for an arc distanc� oi 246 .53 feAt;
thencA Sout?� �9 �??r.rPaS 3� m�,nutps 30 ssco���
West for 410.23 feet; thence to t�e ria:�t on
a curv� naJing a raaius of 471 feet for ��
arc �istance of 24�.4,5 fe?t; thence South 89
degrees 26 r,Linu�es :;es� zor 2�7.2� feA�c: t:_nca
� �Tarth 87 c'eQrees 4� ninut�s i�7est far 197.�1
ieet;� th��ce :yort� � c��cJrees 3� r�inu`es i!P,yt
ror 1�3.78 �eet to t'�� joutherly line oi e�.:zst-
.ing ::est :7ater Street;
aIZ an �icc;: 192, Ir;r.iaa 's �,dc:ition to �•.est �t.
Paul. � •
� (C; 'i�nat iz �;� issuar.ce of future certificates of title he
carry �or�:ard saici rev?sed 1a�:x o�scria�ioz i:� �;a�
a.0...� O.L t`_!1@ T1C�.`J Ce��1.iiC�at� � 1I7 l.lell Oi t1P_ ��e?Cr1T=t— �
lOI2 T20:J - .. j
contained t1:?.rc.1;1 3:1c� .O-Tilt r?'O�i Sd,1C rLlttl�e '
��� f. ' . . . ..W . . ���� . . . .
. .H`:...... . .. . � . � � .
. . ' . . ������ .
c�rtificates of title the ner.iorials of
527286, �27287, 530'399 and DOC. :•os.
i� Order,... the �emorial of �s
. _R..
�'' .
r� • . ,
Resp�ectftil.Iy subm.itted this 9th day of June, 1976.
� � ' WILLIAI�S .7'. MC GRAW, «Yr�*•tlrTra pg TIZZ�S
$�: S/r ''r'=.�7 3�r.! -^,� i-?cZtl "ssv . .
1._. =:
Deputy •�
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