268862 WHITE - CITV CLERK � COUIICII ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL 1 � CANARY - DEPARTMENT B�UE - MAYOR . FIl@ NO. Cou i es ution Presented By LIC�ENSE GOP'�NIT'1'EE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date I�.SOLVED: Tha.t licenses applied for by the following persotts at the addreases stated be and the same are hereby granted. Hirabayaski, Wm. J. 945 Universaty Ave. 2nd Hd MV Dlr. App. 8838 New �� �� Dealer Garage " " �► �� Cigarette " " Bert Peterson 520 Holly Rmg. & Brdg. House 9513 " ►� �� Food Estab. M �' " Gregory Driscoll 481 Wabasha Street Hotel - 30 �s. 9939 " Gilbert C. 1►tarty 104? Earl Auctioneer 9949 " Donald P. LaValle 985 Grand Ave. Gen. Rep. Gar. 10396 �� n �� 2 add'1 pumps-gas 10,3_96 " Klawitter Landscape & Tree Serv. 255 Como Ave. 2 gas pumps private 10522 �� Snowflake Bev. Co. 500 Grotto Bev. Manufacturer & 10574 �� Distributor,4000 sq. ft. Midway Service Center 1120 University Ave. 4 add'1 gas pumps 10624 " Crazy Louis' Surplux Citq, Inc. 839 University 2nd Hd Dlr. Gen. 10666 " Marguerite V. Ashton 1625 Alameda Beaut�r Shop 10690 " James J. Walsh 323 Como Ave. 1 add'1 gas pump 10714 " Harold Awe Co. 13?2 Scheffer 10 MAD C� 8.?5, #1168-77 10?ZO " Q Petroleum Corp. 205? Marshall Ave. 4 add'1 pumps- gas 10786 " Hjelmgren, Iboy 539 N. Grotto Electric Appl. Repair 10?90 " Daniel Reitzel 1983 E. Maryland Auctioneer (1 day) 10812 �� Latt�ff Bros., Inc. 868 Universfty Ave. Auto Body & Paint Shop 10834 �� Jacobson, Dave & Martin, Dale 7310 Jacelyn Rd. N. Tree Trimmer & L Veh. 10855 " �� �► 1 add�1 veh. �� �� James E. Trombley 2095 Como Ave. Grocery A-2 108?1 " n n Frozen Foods n n �� " Cigarette " " �� �+ Off Sale Malt " " Twin City Vending, Inc. 538 St. Peter St. 1 add'1 food v. m. 10884 '� Bruce C. Kerr 1340 Thomas Ave. T. V. Master 1090�f " William A. Hoff 1257 E. 3rd St. 1 add'1 Cig. Machine 10910 " Kayleen FelcLnan 1336 Randolph 2nd Hd Dlr. Gen. 10945 �' Peter Dambek 889 Univer�ity Ave. Auto Body Gar. 10975 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler [n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by 19ayor: Date Approved by Mayor foc Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK � Council ' ����� PINK - FINANCE �.� . CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � ` - Council Resolution Presented By IC�NS,E COMMT'�`F:F Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLYED: Page 2 - New �ed Foley & Ernest Horowitz 728 N. Snelling 2nd Hd Dlr Gen App. 10978 New Modernistic Die Employees 169 E. Jenks Ave. V. M. Loc. 10995 �' i� �� 2 add'1 maChines �� �� K-Mart 1645 Kasota Y. M. l,oc. 11003 " �i �� 3 add'1 roachines �� �� Chatsworth Liquors, Inc. 976 Grand Ave. Orig. Container 11008 " �� �� Off Sale Malt " " �� �� Cigarette " " Bruce Kerr 1340 Thomas 1 Serviceman-T. Y. Ma"s. 11011 �� Carlson Minnehaha Drug 1781 E. Minnehaha Cigarette 11040 " Roy Voss 305 Maria Orig. Container 11041 " Stanley Vaughn 141 McBoal Mtr. Veh. Dr. 11047 �� James Dale Hanson 822 Englewood Mtr. Veh. Dr. 11066 '� John N. DeMorest 181 N. McKni�ht 1►ttr. Ve�. Dr. 11067 " Mark Richtes 1100 E. Hawthorne Ave. Mtr. V eh. Dr. 1108? " Mark B. Swansson 5028 Hiawatha Mtr. Veh. Dr. 11093 " Midway Ford � 1800 University Ave. Cigarette 11106 �� Executive Coffee System 1�00 University Ave. 1 add'1 Food V. Mach. 1110? " Bob's Vending 739 '�andalia V. M. Loc. 11120 " Kemper Carpet Care 3945 Lancaster Lane N. Rug Cleaning 11122 " Suba Shine 614�fz Selby Ave. Cigarette 11126 �' Roger D. Bennett 2?9 Banfil Street Mtr. Veh. Dr. 11147 �� COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays .�te4�C�� Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY Rcedler Ted�� SEP j 6 1976 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b ouncil: Date Certi d Passe oun � ecretary By . Y ' �SEP 2'2 �97� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approve Mayor: Dat By BY PUBtISHED S E P Z 5 1976