267377 WMITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF �SAINT PAUL Conncil � CANAf�V - DERARTMENT File NO. ••����� BLUE - MAYOR • 1�_�-�, � in�znce Ordinance N 0. /CI�J��', Presented By � Referred To . Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordi.nance amending Ordinance No. 3250, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Commission and the Personnel Office of the City of Saint Paul appr o vin g and adopting rule s and r e gulati on s ne c e s s ar y to the administration of the City personnel system on a merit basis, " approved Augu�st 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIIV: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting � _f —AD/n//Y�STiQf}-�-y vc therein in Section 6, under the heading "ProfessionarGroup" the followiap�g title in the grade indicated: RESEARCH COORDINATOR E�rade 3�-� Section 2. This ordinance shall taker effect and be in force thir�y (30� days after its passage, approval, and publication. � Approved: airman Civil Service Commis sion COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays I��un� � In Favor PER50NNEL OFFICE ����s Rcedler 0 gy Thom . G eason, Dir. of Personnel S�K Hozza Against Tedesco President��i�� Sylvester Form A roved b Cit t Adopted by Council: Date ���- 1 5 �9�� p y y Certified Passed by ou cil S cretary� BY � '$Y - `� L 1 6 i9T6 � Appro by Mayor. te Approved by xNlayor for Sub is ion to Council By By F�BtISNED :!?!� 2 ". ?�76 1 � ' � � { i � �' �. � �. �' DO nAt� d��E�i #I�i� ttte�rand�+r�1 fr��I�p;�* _�; �� - � : � � � , a tu?d��ance 9�p t�t�t '�t� �nft�rmBt�Q�i ��`�: . z { ' 1 � � ' �; ' � � a � ; � � ,` . � , . . ; . .. � � � , , , �� , �� � ;: �. , ,:, , � � �� . � 4. i : t� .. . . ... . . . . � � .. . . � . .. �.;^ .. �. . . , . . . .� j2' � • /�{��.y �� � . �� . .. l , . �,t� . ����♦ ,y��+ . � �. , . . � � , . . � . . .. �� . M f��:.� ��'� . . . � 4 . "� 4 � � � r � , , ,. , � :: ; . ;. ; � � � # � t , ; �. - �_- `�t� �� K�L�Y'� �Ifi'Y' Ac�i���'1�A'�R � � � '� � , � _ ;. FR; ' pg�ql� t�f��e ° + . � ,,� � � :. RE r 4ri�1�c ft�r;��b�c�ise�.� te� C.ity,� C+�u��i.i ' � � � � � ! � �� , ,, � , � , � ; ; � _� , � �� ��� � � ��L � � � � � � � �' �� � � . ��� � e Na�,� 3254 ta �dd a �dw p�sit�o��;fa� �� �3e�r���►���€ C��p�, Y ; � b � , . .. � . ' � �n ` ��c��,,� ����F��fe,�si�s�al Gro�p. ; . : . , d , - , , . . �. , . , . . , .,, � � 5 � ���;� , , - . .. .: , �. � � �;� i ; � , , , ; a ; ,��Y � � �{ � �,�`, 1 � _ �. � ,. P. �'Q�� { I �`QR T�I�S AC� t�a : °` .a , ~ fi � i � Res��a��� �pa� t�# i�a a a�f pc,ei�Qx���rep�rt�i c�3;t��� to, 4� �3E���r �f � � Y . . < ����t�y�����ces. The d�iars a.��,d ��sg��rsibfi�e� �f th+���e�,:��r���i'it : � : a: �;. :�; 3 f�: '�e �r�i�t � f�,e�i�ti�g cl�s���z�a#i��� �a�d.�,� a �ev�v '��a �ec��s���r. ��. ° i: � �� � � � � ` . � � � �� I � � - ������ �� j �!► � C D F. �': ' i � � , +�� � � � .-���P�"«� ��1'�:��` '�'�:�$�."�' �'�"�" ,. � �� � , � �� . . . � � �. �'��'��."�;,,�._ � ; - ; ; � � s� � � K ����� �a � � � ��� � c��:�, ; : ` � �� J- "� , � � � . , . � : x _ , � . � , , �� ;� � . � r�gr���: a � � � �� � � � � � � � -. ��� �E ; �, - �{ . , � ,, � - � � _ . . � �. y . x i ' � � � j � i � ^� �� � � ' ; � �,� � _ 'I . . , I . . . -...._-- 1���-�- ' � ; Civil Service Commisston �;���, j,t.`, Mra. Rufh D.Schwarzwaider,Chai►man S�������PAUL DireCtor Of PersOnnel Mr. Harry H.Gaston �' I�'��� � Thomas D. Gleason Mr.A. R.(Dick)Zangs PERS fIVNEL OFFICE ��"1�'� � Assistant Director ..,�,Y- r}E����-,:, -� �S�I�Y H�tL•���-�� Bernard P.Wright �t 1�I���i��c((:��.:�k.c t c�c s:�i� ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 Ju1Y 2, 1976 ��� �� s Mr. Robert Sylvester, president Saint Pau1 City Council, and . Honorable Members of the Council - Dear Mr. Sylvester and Council Members: A proposed ordinance, Council File No. 267377, is scheduled for final adoption on July 6, 1976. This ordinance establishes the title of "Research _Coordinator" in_Grade 34 af_the_"profes�ional Gra -. . _ _. _ - . 11Tff — ----'-- ._.. _ _.._.- _.-. _- -- ---_._ ' - �3' � -- - --- . -. _._..-'-- . .._. �- ._.- -- � � .. . ... _ _ - On June 3, 19'76 the City Council adopted an amendment to the Civil Service Rules establishing a "Professional - Administrative Group" and a new gradin g plan w h ic h rep laces the "Profes8ional Group" and the present grading plan for titles in that group. Therefore, the ne�, title of "Research Coordinator" should be es- tablished in the new grading plan comparable to Grade 34. It is recommended that the proposed ordinance be amended by sub- stituting "Grade 7" for "Grade 34" and by substituting "professional - Administrative Group" for "Professional Group". Very truly yours, . �>C�i��! � JAMES C. LOMBARDI Personnel Assistant A B C D E F l0yr, 15yr. Former Grade 34 (start) 6mo, 1 Yr• 2Yr• 3yr• 5yr• 460. 5 482. 5 505. 5 529. 5 554. 5 581, 597. 613. 5 A B C D E F G l0yr. 15yr. New Grade ? (start) bmo, lYr• 2Yr• 3Yr• 4Yr• 5yr 458. 476. 5 496. 520. 5 546. 5 574, 602, 5 620. 5 638. 5 ♦t�N�����'L 2 S�� ♦ ♦ � _ ,.�d� JCL:lad �. ��� _ <, � � i t � :f \ i .� ' ti�ti� �� ,,. MIYdF� . I 1�,d3�-� � ► + � + a � � i s s t Civil Service Commission $ I j � � t�PAUL Director of Personnel Mrs. Ruth D.Schwarzwalder,Chairman ' _ " � = Thomas D. Gleason Mr. Harry H.Gaston PERS ` L OFFICE Mr.A. R. (Dick)Zangs " Assistant Director Bernard P.Wright , f • s � e er►re ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 July 2, 1976 Mr. Robert Sylvester, President Saint Paul City Council, and Honorable Members of the Council Dear Mr. Sylvester and Council Members: A proposed ordinance, Council File No. 267377, is scheduled for Pina1 adoption on July 6, 1976. This ordinance establishes the title of "Research Coordinator" in Grade 34 of the "Professional Group". On June 3, 1976 the City Council adopted an amendment to the Civil Service Rules establishing a "Professional - Administrative Group" and a new grading plan which replaces the "Professional Group" and the present gradin� plan for titles in that group. Theref'ore, the new title of "Research Coordinator" should be es- tablished in the new grading plan comparable to Grade 34. It is recommended that the proposed ordinance be amended by sub- stituting "Grade 7" for "Grade 34" and by substituting "Professional - Administrative Group" Por "Pro�essional Group". Very truly yours, j+�..- • � JAMES C. LOMBARDI Personnel Assistant ;�.� �� o..�w-=''e...�. ��RN A71(?ry 2 �,� 4 ' ` JCL:lad a z � � ,� �� � � UV yr` `�. hy (�AK`AGEN���4 �EM9�ER S� " lst � ��j��� 2nd � 0�.� 3rd _��'j /p2� Adopted ��-� ?�i5 Yeas Nays BVTL'ER � HOZZA ��'���� �"Y�'' � HUNT �`"Yti^�-�n....,Jl � � �� ROEDLER � TEDESCO � 1 PRESIDENT (SYLVESTER)