267371 WH17E - CITY CLERK ^w���� PINK - FINANCE CO�IIICll j� CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. ^� BLUE - MAYOR � -� � Counci esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date I�SOLVBD: Zh� �o�or �ehiale dri��r liceneea applied for bT the folloMis� pera�aa at the addr�s atated be �d the +eame are her�b, grented. �rald A. P�alcsM 464 Diaytoa, �30 �PP•9m39 �t�► Yilliu A. Yanda 654 1st A�e. So. q�6y a 1liahola� J. Philli�s 163 Qht�rl�s Aw. 9p'�l „ JoNph �'raasis Lse�aard Rt. 4, Jlitkia, �I c�j a Arthnr at�iat Hy�ae 160�! Q�aad ��t. �p$$ n Anthoa� �. xatbis 6 Lftd�a Lsa� 9p�p N FLro18 t�arles liad�ean 1968 S. �batasa qp9Q �► I�s1rT Adolph Coltoa 231 Cliff gpqE N �jr�ai J. ltiteile 1654 lto. Su].is� �pqrj a ?�iw�rd M�l� Coc>per 1137 Ihstmiaster c�p� n Barr� �u�a� M�av�r 9� M. �rlia�ton, �3p1 9�9 �+ Da�i� 13�rr 175� I�rfolk, i�l. 91pp n �bert LN Otto 852 Ashlaad, �1 9101 � Jues Ssxston Yileoa 22 E#ard�a altn 91Q2 �� ��a � �� a� s. c���. 9115 n D�ane l�aaklia 11o�d 81 =. Oartiae 9116 N &�rc�ld l�ucis iiikox 415 Selby A�e., �1 9121 � �Ln�r aeorg� Anaea 713 Sho�a A�e. q�5 n Carl hx�lc St�iser 185 Star Circl� 9127 �� Yillia� Jo2�► Pantelia 138 S. I�oa� g12$ �� L�oaard � S�onis 443 1Vhla�d 9129 t� I�lillu�d ?dvin Sah�ltz 1038 Bar� 9131 „ S�rb�rt Yal.ter Spaldin6 242 E. Morton 913�2 " �rald Ilntho� �bsero 850 H1air 9134 " ]�alp� �a� Bvhaffsr 4lSl E�rnd 9136 " Jas�ph Lonia �ott 54 N. Isab�l 9142 n Eialsard l�sor� iohxth 361 Q�arles A.�. 9156 '� �ce f�ia. OberNi�r 111 &. 1411ogg 9163 „ A�b�rt Jobn Hatahelor 1Ef78 �shl.aad 91�q " Barbara Je�a Peterson 780 Qurl�s A�e. 916g n Edw�rd B�rold H�hr�a�d+r 555 A,rhl.and I►ve. 91�2 a �oluid �� Hoa� 9E9 Comay► 9173 " COUI�TCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHITE - CITV CIERK ������ PINK - FINANCE F F1 t CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL COUIICll . BLUE -MAYOR File NO. � ^ Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE CONINIITT� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date R'�.SOLVED: The motor vehicle driver licenses ap�lied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be arid the same are hereby granted. Agustin Preciado 288 E. Winifred App.93�+2 Renew Maxtin Harmon Poehler 1765 No. Alb�rt 93�+3 " Axel �il Ridell 277 Selby Ave. 93�7 �� Michael J. Tennant 383 Stinson 93�8 �� Chaxies A. wala 1184 Ross 9351 '� wooc�'ord� Wm. F'rank 535 Asbury, # 18 9360 " Richaxd Leonard Rodriguez 187 E. Baker 9363 " Earl Leonaxd Abelson �+09 La.urel� # 10 9364 " Lester Frederick Mussehl �+9 W. Isabel 9367 " Robert Ewer�tt Pierce 72o virginia 9368 �� Ronald Dean Wood 2619 Pillsbury So. 9369 " Webb Austin White 1855 F�i,rness 9370 �� Todd Herbert Bol 1770 Nolah' Stillwater 9372 " Bruce Robert BfleYimer 1471 Co�o Ave. 9375 " Herbert Bernard Chandler 1316 Yan Buren 9376 " Scott Brian Hallberg 1259 Prosperity 937? �� Robert James Cadham 277 Selby� # 203 93� " Edwaxd John Maloney 8282 Payne Ave. 9388 �� James W. Lutz� 998 Ashland 9416 " Thomas Francis Wineski 811 Camo Ave.� # 5 v 942$ " Kieth Wright Hol7.and 1139 Univers3ty� # 3 9�+� " Merle M. Estby 2585 3rd Ave. E.� 9431 " James E. Terrell 1026 W. Central �36 " Raymond Moseng 1040 Agate 9�3g rt Robert Nathen Woodman 997 Jessie 94�+7 '� Patricia Ann Jones �+00 Ho�ly 9448 " Alden Gerald Turnidge 8�+9 Albemarle 9�+49 " Darwin W. Greeninger 1619 N. St. Albans 9�+53 �� Larry Ronald Bolster 633 Ash].and 9�+5�+ " Charles Frank Thornton 5 W. 9th St. 9�+55 " John A. Christofferson 18$5 Dayton 9�+57 " Jacqulyn Ann Barkley �+81 Dayton 9458 t� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine _ Against BY Rcedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopied by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gj, Approved by Nlayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY • WHITE - CITV CLERK �����.� PINK - FINANCE COUIICII . � CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. ;� � BLUE -MAVOR � � Council Resolution Presented By LICENSE COM�IITTE� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLITED: The motor vehicle driver licenses applied for by the �'ollowing persons at the addressess stated be and the same are here'by granted. Richard Lee Timm 37�+3 N, McKni�ht Rd. Appn.9459 Renew A1Pred Paul Stefkfi� Sr. 5567 xu�o Rd.� W,B.L. �+60 " Thoffias Charles Gilson 47 E. Delos, Apt. B 9b63 " James Joseph Perry 8�+5 Str�tker �+65 " Virgil Joseph Falkenstein 3566 glst ct., New Brighton g�+66 " Clar�nce Tiyle McGuire 33$ Webster 9467 " Charles Warren DeWo1Fe III 1�+93 Ktainert Apt. C 9468 " James Lee White 2225 No. Snelling Ave. 946g „ Peter C. Olivier 8�+5 W. Co. Rd. B 9470 " Delmar Gene Stark 78�+1 20th Ave. No., Hugo 9472 " Joanne J. Bu.rchard 263 Laf'ond 9473 " Gary Lee Kurschner 665 Elfelt 9476 " Wm. Reid Peterson 727 E. 6th St. 94$3 Y John Edward Zimnaer 188�+ No. Albert 9486 " Jon Christopher Ma,dole 1696 Ashland Ave., # �+ 9�+87 � Mich�l Edward Ka,szyneki 3�+38 1v. Chatsworth St. 9488 " Stonie Michael Ha71 Rte. �,, Lindstrom� NIlN 9490 " Raymond Edward Nordquiat 2185 Haddington Rd. 9506 r Kevin Walter Driscoll 605 Portland 9507 " Paul Munn 1038 Linwood �509 „ Jack MeGee gig nayton 9510 " Robert Daniel Moran 79 No. Western 9511 " Scott Francis KauFenber� 1093 Bradley 9512 " Patricia Ann Steward 803 Goodrich 9535 t� Edith Alline Fruseh 333 Atwa,ter 9536 " Lonnie Allan Lane 708 Preble 9537 '' Thomas K�ul,yas 835 sims 953$ " Robert James Prantner 134 Star Circle� Vadnais Hts. 9539 " Renaldo C.Walker 658 F'uller Ave. 951+1 „ Arthur Raymond Arnsdorf 1295 Seminary 9542 " Christopher Alan Drew 578 Ashland� Apt. �1 9551 '� Thomas E�e�ne Michaud 715 Stewart _ 9552 " COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler (n Favor Hozza Hunt Levine _ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gl, Approved by A4ayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK •����y�� PINK - FINANCE COUIICII � CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. 'k� ' 7 BLUE - MA�OR ' � Council Resolution LICEDTSE CONII�fITTEE Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOmVED: �The �otor vehiele driver licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated be and the sazr� axc hereby granted. Daniel W. Zieman 737 Lincolr� Appn.g553 Rnew. I�on Harvey Musselman 1509 Scheffer Ave. 955�+ " Richard Vixtee7nt 1455 E. Minnehaha, � �+ 9555 " Wesley Elliott Abramson P.O. Box 30053, St. Paul 955'�7 '� Wyllys G�orge Barnholdt 3526 71st St. E., I,G.H. 9558 " .Tam�s Eugene Coners 637 La,urel 9560 " Kenneth R. OlaYson 1041 No. Western 9561 " Donald Joseph Matthews 1295 Sargent St. 9562 " David B. Holst 1�.95 colette Plaee 9563 " James Ralph Wheat� Jr. 2896 James 9564 " Earl Edward Rewey 178 Edmund 9565 " �nory C. Kra�t� Jr. 116 York 9566 " Mark F`rancis Quinlan 1814 E. Hyacinth 9567 " James Joseph Patrick Fitzgerald Minn. Hotel - Cedar St. 9568 " Howard �a.gene Ehmke 1135 Hubbard 95d9 t� John Iauis Mohr 8707 Greystone - Cottage Gr. 957p " Delmar D. Strehlow 830 W. Arlingtnn' 9595 " Jean Marie Robinson 116 Bigelow� D 9596 " Donald Ihrlght Craft 135 No. Western 9597 " Leonard Calvin Curry $92 �Concordia Ave. 9598 '� Robert Daniel Swanson 152 Mayfair Rd. 9599 T` Robert LeRoy Lehmann 635 Charles 9646 " Jospeh Bruce Karth 1068 St. Clair Ave. 9651 " Howaxd Otto Hesse 677 Blair 9652 " Julius Wm. Grupp 850 Edmund g653 " Matt L. Greenberg 3316�W. Owasso Blvd. 965�+ " Kenneth Daniel Ketcham 888 omas 9655 " Cathie Lee Wendell 953 �nhill Rd. 9656 " Wm. Robert Bougie 4�+5 Sherburne 9657 �� Daniel �anzmaxi, Jr. 838 Case Ave. 9658 " Melvin Lawr�nce Radmer 585 Harriet Ave., #110 9659 " Theodore Stanley Fisher, Jr. 625 Charles Ave. 9660 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: -'Btttlet- -�$. In Favor Hunt � Levine _ Against BY -&ee�er Sylvester Tedesco �)� a E ,� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Cou . Date 1.�w�� Certifi asse Council Secretary BY y • Appro d by 14ayor. te �- ��� 1 8 1976 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By ptIBL1S1� ,!�lli �619�