267367 WHI7E - CITY CLERK ���A�uJ PINK - FINANCE •/ CANARV -DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL COUI1C11 � J BLUE -MAYOR File N . � Cou �l esol tio Presented By ��s � ✓ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date B�SOLYBD: �at lieebsea applied ior by ths folloving permoas at the addr�s� +ttat�d 'b� asd the saa� are h�reby ara�tt�d. Asbtrt Schvart z 1t161 H�dsoa I�ad Reat. C-2 �pp. 23g4 �ae�w n a �g� N n �ria Cit, l�ata, Div. oP detravel 236 Cheater Fbc�Ba M.D.P.Y. 547g �� H If 4 '�• 1/ M Service S�ate�a Cc►rp. 35S �bert Bt. Re�t. �-2 5995 �� a a �g� n a doha 8. Harthe 506 So. Smith �ae 8ta. 2 P 5937 " n n C�. R@p. Aar'. n n John A. Br�rbaak 64Eii $o. S�ith 1 �od Veh. 6562 " Shanl 8►t�rp�ise 981 IIni�erait� Eest. � 6566 " Milton W. Isch�r ].2f�1 Rice Bt. Qas. 8ta. 6 P 660�► " " " (�. �p. �r. „ p �� n �6� p n Cresaent Creaat�rT Cc>. 226 �. S�ith Iae fsr� Nfg. 665� " n n 2 Yfh. n n Ri�er�itx R�nsh 1�8ct., Isc.63? Str�rker firoc. A-2i� Batoh�r 7r??1' " " " 4if-�ale �a].t n n a N �g� a n �►elin� th�ppeadorf 63? So. $sith (�roc. A-1 73� " a n Bakery B n �� N N Of P�l! 1�Zt M N 1! N �g� fl 1! 7s�t�rttats t�it�d Corp. Amer. l�t'l. Hk. ffidg.,Rest. C�2 73a'7 �' . � : _ . ; �th fl�r 4d�inistratioa Cafmteria 360 Colborae 1^ood Bat. L 7809 " t'�ild Developeent Gnter 360 Ce►lborae lbod S�t. L 7821 " 1�`1.rst Babti�st ('�.bta) Yacouta�CS. 9th �t. l�bod Ert. L �83�2 " Mann Sahool 2�1 �leanor Ave. l�bod E�t. L 786� " I+ynnhurst li�rsin6 Ho,e 471 ?�nahurst �. M. loa. ?9� " COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine J Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City AttoFney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii By By WHITE - CITV CLERK �� ��°� • PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council � CANARV -DEPARTMENT t BLUE' - MqYOR . FIl@ NO. Council Resolution Presented By �'I�� �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date B�QLYE�: t70NTI�ID S�a lbrton �sid�ace 67� l�io. Hob�rt St. Y. M. loc. App. SQ21 8�ahr M " 1 aditl. ioaeh. » n R�zt To lfw BhoP 999 paJ►ae A�e. V. M. loa. 8064 ►r �tal.ph d. No�a 6�0 ��dar Y. M. lao. $f�'J7 n ~ ~ 1 �Qt�.• �RQ�1• N 11 lh'+u�iC 1iI�].lak Centennial 4ffi�» B1d�.Y. K. loc. $176 „ N y ,5 �t�'t�.. B{dQtL• M p Paul II. Aanl, Jr. 86E1 Pa�ra� aa l�p. t�r. 8191 " Co�ntr� Clab l�st. 1165 Aroade St. t#roa.i�Hatoher 82p$ �+ " " Otf••sa.le �a].t N �� n q �g� h N Y.M.C.�. E. Side lEJ�5 4rce�de St. �bod Est. �i 82I1 " Cre�rn t)3.1 Co., Inc. 7'TS So. 3sith A�+s sta. 4P 8359 "p A�n. Rfp. HaY'. a u N n C�� n a St. Aaul I.inolew� & 1505 IIai�ersit� I�e. Oarp�t Dwler 8464 " �ax�p�t H�st Stesk Aot�ae 461 I�ii�. 1�nelliag liest. G-2 84$9 n „ �� �ls rislt n n M y �,6� q N Prfor Carp�t B�l.es 5�2 I�iio. Prior Carpet D�aler 849p " t�tto Crossfi�ld 629 Jlldia� Ax�oc. A2 ic F�o$. lbods 8504 " n �� Off-sale sa].t a n ~ „ a�� w a Ruas�ll achx�raer 1669 IIni��rsit� ��e. 9. M. loc. a598 " t� ~ 1 addt'1 nae�t. M a lbrtl�Eilbride OptiQiana 464 I�c�wry Med. Arts Optician 8619 " l�[iike Thwias T.1I. & �25 So. �bert T.Y. I�tastsr 8634 a Appliance Co. �► " 18er�ia�an „ � Subo Food Ser�ice P.O. Hoz 1�8, I�roas, �bods i.R. Oper. S(� N Illinois COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHI7E - CITV CLERK COIIIICll ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MR.YOR File NO. . �� Council Resolution Presented By ��$ � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BSBOLY�'D: 0� Bati�o Sporta�►ear, Iac. 211 E. 4th St. V. M. 1oc. App. A688 RNex Dayton'e 2 E. ?th 8t. Garpet Bsaler 8689 " �atr�► sportewear 241 8. 5th st. Y. �I. loc. � a?13 " Llo�d 8. Yonng 1227 tlsceolo Afe. l�bod Y.K. oper. 8724 " Capital Opti�al. 19 E. 7th St. 4�tiaian 8732 n Q�arlsa J. Prokop 333 $ible� Barber 8771 u EdMarda Optical, Ine. i�5lt'� LoMry 13sd. �rta Optiaian 8772 n �y S. Hinz 1193 �J►n� A�e. Hekury B a8�21 r� Qiarlee DepeW & Shirley 1481 �resde St. Carpet HNler 8874 " 1ia61� P].itt 1t.C. Th�tr�, Ltc. 449 I�Iibaaha Mst. Pia. 11Q2 $$a2 ea „ h C'osf�ct. H n n n n �.js �� N Riahard t�arbonn�u 1138 Pe�ya. Aie. GMs�Sta�. 2P 894�2 " n a d�. 8�p. Qar. a a The Sible� Co. 184 E. 6th St. Y.M. loc. a95� n �� „ 1 addt'1 se�oh. �' " I�li.11iam H. Hwvn► 50� Ito. �bert St. Ee�t. C-2 8956 " a „ Ci6. N a Ibe Yonneaa 5�+2 Stryker Y.M. loa. 9�1 " �� �� 1 addt'1 a�oh. y n ��snd J. &�awahar 20 B. 4th $t. Harbsr 9�3 �� Max Hu�ajaeger 4th & ilabeuha� Optician 9a24 " DorothT ltoga� 540 Nc�. �nelling Masseuae 9m57 " Pen "G"' Syctersi�rsting t7o. 315 4th �it. Feet Cc+ntrol �Q " f�aap Charliea, Inc. 866 IIni��raity Cig. " „ � �sst. ("'rl n n n � 0!f-eal� nal.t �� N Re�plan Ptper Hoz 130 30. li�basha Cig. 91py n Rich Yithaa 3��6 A Bl�wa�r Hldg. Optician 9114 �' lrbbile Badio �in�erin�,Inc 186 Forbea �i.ec. �ppl. Rep. 914t! " Achoml oY �aso. �rte 344 Ba�it A�m. V.N. loc 91� N Harold C�lden 1202 Pa�,y�ne Ave. �dio&T.V. t�be tester 9149 " COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WHITE - CITV CLERK ������ PINK - FINANCE COUI1C11 CANA:V - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL File NO. BLUE - MAMOR Council Resolution Presented By I+IC�18S_C�II!I�T� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �Y�: � Jaaea Phax�acy, Inc. 482 30. Snelling �dio&1'.V. T�be T�,ster App.9150 Rener Lincoln P�rk Drug, Inc.1984 Btill�rater �dio&T.Y. ?nbe Te+�ter 9151 " �6 ��CY 1136 Bice $t. �dioicZ.Y. Tube Teeter 9152 n S�yder Bro�. Hrtaga 162A Ylhite Hear �sdio&T.V. Z�be Test�r 9153 " �der Broe. nr�ge 2157 Ht�daoa H�ad �dicr8ccT.Y. Tabe Tester 9154 " Bnlder Drng Store 2145 Ford Pkwy. I�dio&T.r. Tab� Teater 915� " COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � � Hunt [n Favor Levine � � Against BY X� Tedesco President � Sylvester Adopted by Cou Date JUN 1 5 �� Form Approved by City Attorney Certifie asse Council Secretary BY B • JUN � 8 ,9�6 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approv by Mayor: at c By By PUgLISNED ,�UN 2 61976