267351 WHI7E - CITV CLERK COIlI1C11 f����.!'tli. � PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAiTL � CANARY - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAYOR File� NO. � � � . .��-� ' Resolution � Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RE50LVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby concurs in and approves the appointment, by the Mayor, of Rosalie Butler as a member of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , to fill the une�ired term of Council Robert Sylvester, which term expires November 13, i978. �-. COUfVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: � Butler J �_ [n Favor Hunt J Levine _ Against BY D.� �evcaici� Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by Coun ' . ate �_8 j T�j Form A ved by C� At rn Certified ssed by C cil Secretary BY . By Appro d by Mayor: at � � �' `� Appro d by Mayor for Sub 'ss' n t,Q Councii .. By BY �uBUSHEO JUN 19 1976 . � � . � � ', � � - , �► I 1'l O1� 5.11 � �.1 �' j ���� .� � r . � C r:�e� e �%t O7']'] (�l. OI' T]]L �1.1)'OIt ��c�enur�s � p�i�lpp6� �;�� rt� # GEORC3E LATIMER M�YOR `June 7, 1976 Council President Robert Sylvester and Honorable Members of the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota •Dear President Sylvester and Council Members : I am submitting for your consideration and approval resolutions confirming the following appointments: Councilwoman Rosalie Butler to the St. Paul Port Authority , to fill the unexpired term of former Councilman John Christensen; Councilwoman Rosalie Butler to the St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority to fill the unexpired term of Councilman Robert Sylvester; Councilwoman Ruby Hunt to the St. Paul Civic Center Authority to fill the unexpired term of Councilman Patrick Roedler; Councilman David Hozza, reappointment to the C'ivic Center Authority. Councilman Roedler will continue serving on the Port Authority, and Councilman David Hozza will continue as a member of the HRA Board. � I also want to advise you of my support for the election of Commissioner Willie Mae Wilson as chairperson of the HRA Board. Mrs. Wilson is a capable and experienced board member who is sincerely dedicated to the best interests of our total community. . As you will see from the attached copy of her resume, Mrs. Wilson has an impressive professional background and an outstanding record of unselfish community service. �^.:._,1 . Council President Robert Sylvester June 7, 1976 ' and Honorable Members of City Council Page 2 This is a critical moment in the history of the HRA, and I think it is imperative that the HRA Board be chaired by a board member with the experience and dedication of Mrs. Wilson. I am forwarding a letter to the HRA Commissioners today respectfully requesting their consideration and election of Mrs. Wilson as HRA chairperson. Sincerely, � GEOR LATIMER Mayor GL/jfr attachments . R E S U M E � NAME : � Willie Mae Carey Wilson PERSONA! INFORMATTON : Present Address : 168 North Lexington Parkway � St. ''auT , -Minnesota 55104 Date of Birth: March i8, 1942 Place of Birth: Birmingham, Alabama Marital Status : Niarried , two children MAJOR AREAS OF PROFESSIONAL COh1PETEPiCE Administration ; both organizational and local government administration Budgeting; zero budgeting concept, program budgeting system Program planning , and program analysis and evaluation Community organization and social group wark Communications , both written and oral ' hlanagement by objectives Housing and Community development planning and analysis EDUCATION : 1956 - 1960 Ullman High School , Birmingham, Alabama . Graduated January, 1960. Class rank: lst out of approxima�ely . 116 students . 1960 - 1964 Knoxville College, Knoxville , Tennessee. B .A. May , 1964. Class rank: 5th out of class of 95 students . 1968 - 1969 University of Minnesota School of Social Work . Earned 30 graduate � credits . 1970 - 1972 University of Minnesota School of Public Affairs (formerly School of Public Administration) . Com leted all course work (53 credits� for M.A. in Public Affairs . • ,. RESUME Willie Mae Carey Wilson Page 2 OTHER EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCES 1g62 - 1963 Macalester College, St. Paul , , Minnesota . Exchange Student; first exhange student from Knoxville College to Macalester. July, 1975 National Urban League Management Development and Training Program, New York City. Received certificate of completion. EDUCATIONAL HOI�ORS AND AWARDS January, 1960 Birmingham Exhange Club (downtown ' business club) Scholarship Cup May, 1960 Samuel Ullman Scholarship Award 1962 - 1963 Who ' s Who in American Colleges and Universities 1963 - 1964 �ho ' s Who in American Colleges and Universities 1960 • 1964 Dean ' s List, Knoxville College . May, 1964 � Woodrow Wilson Foundation Enrichment Scholarship to study English Literature at Columbia University, New York City 1970 - 1972 U . S . Department of Housing and Urban Development Urban Studies Fellowship to do graduate work at University of Minnesota EMPL4Y��ENT HISTORY June, 1974 - Present Executive Director , St. Paul Urban League . , Duties : Cf�ief executive officer of the agency; responsible for the supervision and direction of 45 enployees in the accomplishment of the purposes of the � lirban League , within the policy framework established by the Board of Directors . Acts as advisor to the Board of Directors in formulating policy and program objectives . Responsible . , , •' RESUME Willie Mae Carey Wilson Page 3 - ENlPLOYMENT HISTORY (continued) for planning , analyzing , presenting and controlling an agency budget of approximately $954,450 .00 . Maintains close co- � operative relationships with the United Way, the National Urban League and other affiliates . Shares with Board the responsibility for the development of programs which adciress the needs of the tlr�an-- League constituency. Responsible for interpreting the Urban League ' s work to the community. Performs related work as required . April , 1972 - June , 1974 St. Paul Urban : Administrative Deputy. Duties : Prepares agency budget requests , financial reports and ot er financial statements . Carries out directives and decisions of the Executive Director pertaining to administration , personnel and program planning . Assists Executive Director in providing staff services to Board of Directors , Executive Committee , Budget and Finance Committee and Personnel Committee , Performs duties of Personnel Officer . Assists in the development and maintenance of effective relation- ships with the appropriate planning and reporting agencies . Compiles monthly reports to Board of Directors , National Urban League relative to personnel , financial and agency program matters . Fulfills speaking engagements to community groups ' .; :. about agency ' s policies , programs and practices . June, 1911 - December, 1971 Metropolitan Council : Graduate In- tern (Required by graduate school program) Duties : Worked as part of a pro- fessional team which reviewed proposed housing developments in the 7-County metropolitan area und?r the Intergovernmental Re- iations Act A-95 Review Process , Did research and analytical ( is�ue analysis) work in the housing field which was pertinent to the Metro Council ' s housing development policies , planned , promoted and conducted seminars and conferences in housing for . local government officials , non-profit sp�nsors , private housing developers and community groups . October , 1969 - July, 1970 St. Paul Urban Coalition : Housing Coardinator (Granted a leave of ab- sence by the Urban League to take this position) . Duties : Provide staff services to the Housing Task Force which was chaired by Dr. Arthur S. RESUME Willie Mae✓Carey Wilson Page 4 EMPL�YMENT HISTORY (continued) `` Flemming , former President of Macalester College and Secretary of H . E .W. during the Dw9ght Eisenhower administration . Research- ed and wrote position papers and reports on housing problems and � issues in St. Paul for the Task Force . Developed the gruundwork for the St. Paul Plan which was a� local version of the Philadel - phia and Chicago Plans to get minorities into the construction industry. September, 1967 - October , 1969 St. Paul Urban League: Housing Director Duties : Responsible for the development of a viable, comprehensive housing � program for the agency and for the operation .of the League ' s Housing Information and Service Center which was located on Concordia Avenue . Pro= , . vided. casework services to persons with housing problems . Con- ducted workshops , did research and wrote reports designed to educate the St. Paul Community about minority problems in hous- ing . Worked with Fair Housing groups . Staffed the Housing Advisory Committee, Supervised three staff persons and also volunteers who worked with the Center on a regular basis . June, 1967 - September , 1967 � St. Paul Urban League: Acting Director of Economic Develop- ment and Employment. � Duties : Job develapment and job placement. Counseling youth about summer employment opportu- nities . Developed and made operational PROJECT H . I .E . (Head- start in Employment) which was designed to their future career interests by working through the St. Paul Employers Cou�cil . Co- hosted with John Doyle , Minneap�iis Urban League, the weekly 30 minu�e Urban League radio program on various occasions . , April , 1966 - June , 1967 St. Paul Urban League : C�mmuD%t� Organizer for PROJECT ENABLE Duties : Responsible for organ- izing family life education and neighborhood action groups in Target areas A , B , and C of St. Paul . Planned and implemented strategies directed toward the elimination of unsatisfactory social and economic conditions . Took action to ameliorate speci- fic problem situations faced by parents in the Pro�ect. Inter- preted the aims and objectives of the Pro�ect to the St. Paul Community. Assisted the National . Urban League research staff in . . ,► RESUME Wi119e Mae Carey Wilson Page 5 EMPLOYMENT HISTORY (continued} _ compiling research data on the pro�ect. Provided staff services to the PROJECT ENABLE Advisory Committee. Supervised three � staff persons . November, 1965 - April , 1966 St. Paul Public Library: Assistant Librarian in Reference Room. Duties : Answered reference questions and assisted libtrry patrons w t inding answers to specif�c questions . Niaintained file of St. Paul organizations . Maintained clipping file of newspapers . September, ]964 - November , 19b5 Housewife . July, 1964 - September , 1964 Minnesata State Commiss�ion Against Discrimination: ResearchlClerk Duties : Compiled data of specific nature relative to Commission activities . Indexed minutes of the Commission . Edited staff manuscripts and reports . Worked as coordinator to legislative program 1954-65. (continued to work after leaving the staff) CIYIC ACTIVITIES AND PROFESSIIONAL AFFILIATIONS Member , American Society of Planning Officials Member , American Society for Publi� Administration Commission�, St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority Chairman of the Land Committee Chairperson - United Way Council of Agency Directors Vice-President - St. Paul Ramsey County Arts and Science Council Member , Citizens League Member , Board of Directors Community Development Corporation Member, Ramsey County Women ' s Political Caucus Member , Minnesota Women ' s Palitical Caucus Member , Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Member, Iota Phi Lambda Business ar:� Professional Women ' s . • • � '. Sorority Former Member, National Association of Social Workers Former Member, Board of Directors Liberty Plaza Housing Project Former Member , Citizens League Low Income Housing Committee 1968 Former Member, Metropolitan Council Low and hloderate Income Housina Technical Advisory Committee. • . , . � � ` RESUME - Willie Mae Carey Wilson Page 6 CIVIC ACTIYITIES AND PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS (Continued) � Appointed to .Joint Planning and Coordinating Action Unit for Ramesy County by Mayor Larry Cohen of St. Paul May , 1973 Vice-President of Urban North Non-Profit Housing Corporation - Delegate to 1974 St. Paul DFL Convention REFERENCES : 1.) Lawrence H. Borom,Executive Director Urban League of Colorado 1375 Delaware Street Denver, Colorado 80204 2) Sam H. Jones , Executive Director � Indianapolis Urban League Underwriters �ailding , Suite 501 445 North Pennsylvania Street . Indianapolis , Indiana 46204 3) Dr. James Jornberg , Director of� Admissions School of Public Affairs University of Minnesota 3rd Floor , Social Science Tower Minneapolis , Minnesota 55d11 4) Clarence N . Wood , Director Central Regional Office National Urban League, Inc . 55 E . Monroe - Suite 1624 Chicago , I11 , 60fiO3 5) Richard Brustad , Executive Director Greater Minneapolis Metropolitan liousing Corporation Chamber of Commerce Building-15 So. 5th Street Minneapolis , Minnesota 55402 3/i8/16