267351 WHI7E - CITV CLERK COIlI1C11 f����.!'tli. �
� � � . .��-� ' Resolution
Presented By �
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RE50LVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul
hereby concurs in and approves the appointment, by the Mayor,
of Rosalie Butler as a member of the Housing and Redevelopment
Authority of the City of Saint Paul , to fill the une�ired term
of Council Robert Sylvester, which term expires November 13,
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Butler J
�_ [n Favor
Hunt J
Levine _ Against BY
Adopted by Coun ' . ate �_8 j T�j Form A ved by C� At rn
Certified ssed by C cil Secretary BY
Appro d by Mayor: at � � �' `� Appro d by Mayor for Sub 'ss' n t,Q Councii
�uBUSHEO JUN 19 1976
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M�YOR `June 7, 1976
Council President Robert Sylvester and
Honorable Members of the City Council
Saint Paul, Minnesota
•Dear President Sylvester and Council Members :
I am submitting for your consideration and approval resolutions
confirming the following appointments:
Councilwoman Rosalie Butler to the St. Paul Port Authority
, to fill the unexpired term of former Councilman John Christensen;
Councilwoman Rosalie Butler to the St. Paul Housing and
Redevelopment Authority to fill the unexpired term of
Councilman Robert Sylvester;
Councilwoman Ruby Hunt to the St. Paul Civic Center Authority
to fill the unexpired term of Councilman Patrick Roedler;
Councilman David Hozza, reappointment to the C'ivic Center
Councilman Roedler will continue serving on the Port Authority,
and Councilman David Hozza will continue as a member of the
HRA Board. �
I also want to advise you of my support for the election of
Commissioner Willie Mae Wilson as chairperson of the HRA Board.
Mrs. Wilson is a capable and experienced board member who is
sincerely dedicated to the best interests of our total community.
. As you will see from the attached copy of her resume, Mrs. Wilson
has an impressive professional background and an outstanding
record of unselfish community service.
�^.:._,1 .
Council President Robert Sylvester June 7, 1976
' and Honorable Members of City Council Page 2
This is a critical moment in the history of the HRA, and I think
it is imperative that the HRA Board be chaired by a board
member with the experience and dedication of Mrs. Wilson. I
am forwarding a letter to the HRA Commissioners today respectfully
requesting their consideration and election of Mrs. Wilson as
HRA chairperson.
R E S U M E �
NAME : � Willie Mae Carey Wilson
Present Address : 168 North Lexington Parkway
� St. ''auT , -Minnesota 55104
Date of Birth: March i8, 1942
Place of Birth: Birmingham, Alabama
Marital Status : Niarried , two children
Administration ; both organizational and local government
Budgeting; zero budgeting concept, program budgeting system
Program planning , and program analysis and evaluation
Community organization and social group wark
Communications , both written and oral '
hlanagement by objectives
Housing and Community development planning and analysis
1956 - 1960 Ullman High School , Birmingham,
Alabama . Graduated January, 1960.
Class rank: lst out of approxima�ely
. 116 students .
1960 - 1964 Knoxville College, Knoxville ,
Tennessee. B .A. May , 1964. Class
rank: 5th out of class of 95
students .
1968 - 1969 University of Minnesota School of
Social Work . Earned 30 graduate
� credits .
1970 - 1972 University of Minnesota School of
Public Affairs (formerly School of
Public Administration) . Com leted
all course work (53 credits� for
M.A. in Public Affairs .
• ,.
Willie Mae Carey Wilson
Page 2
1g62 - 1963 Macalester College, St. Paul ,
, Minnesota . Exchange Student;
first exhange student from Knoxville
College to Macalester.
July, 1975 National Urban League Management
Development and Training Program,
New York City. Received certificate
of completion.
January, 1960 Birmingham Exhange Club (downtown
' business club) Scholarship Cup
May, 1960 Samuel Ullman Scholarship Award
1962 - 1963 Who ' s Who in American Colleges
and Universities
1963 - 1964 �ho ' s Who in American Colleges
and Universities
1960 • 1964 Dean ' s List, Knoxville College
. May, 1964 � Woodrow Wilson Foundation
Enrichment Scholarship to study
English Literature at Columbia
University, New York City
1970 - 1972 U . S . Department of Housing and
Urban Development Urban Studies
Fellowship to do graduate work
at University of Minnesota
June, 1974 - Present Executive Director , St. Paul
Urban League . ,
Duties : Cf�ief executive officer
of the agency; responsible for the supervision and direction
of 45 enployees in the accomplishment of the purposes of the
� lirban League , within the policy framework established by the
Board of Directors . Acts as advisor to the Board of Directors
in formulating policy and program objectives . Responsible
. , , •'
Willie Mae Carey Wilson
Page 3 -
for planning , analyzing , presenting and controlling an agency
budget of approximately $954,450 .00 . Maintains close co-
� operative relationships with the United Way, the National
Urban League and other affiliates . Shares with Board the
responsibility for the development of programs which adciress
the needs of the tlr�an-- League constituency. Responsible for
interpreting the Urban League ' s work to the community. Performs
related work as required .
April , 1972 - June , 1974 St. Paul Urban : Administrative
Duties : Prepares agency budget
requests , financial reports and ot er financial statements .
Carries out directives and decisions of the Executive Director
pertaining to administration , personnel and program planning .
Assists Executive Director in providing staff services to Board
of Directors , Executive Committee , Budget and Finance Committee
and Personnel Committee , Performs duties of Personnel Officer .
Assists in the development and maintenance of effective relation-
ships with the appropriate planning and reporting agencies .
Compiles monthly reports to Board of Directors , National Urban
League relative to personnel , financial and agency program
matters . Fulfills speaking engagements to community groups ' .; :.
about agency ' s policies , programs and practices .
June, 1911 - December, 1971 Metropolitan Council : Graduate In-
tern (Required by graduate school
Duties : Worked as part of a pro-
fessional team which reviewed proposed housing developments in
the 7-County metropolitan area und?r the Intergovernmental Re-
iations Act A-95 Review Process , Did research and analytical
( is�ue analysis) work in the housing field which was pertinent
to the Metro Council ' s housing development policies , planned ,
promoted and conducted seminars and conferences in housing for
. local government officials , non-profit sp�nsors , private housing
developers and community groups .
October , 1969 - July, 1970 St. Paul Urban Coalition : Housing
Coardinator (Granted a leave of ab-
sence by the Urban League to take
this position) .
Duties : Provide staff services to
the Housing Task Force which was chaired by Dr. Arthur S.
Willie Mae✓Carey Wilson
Page 4
`` Flemming , former President of Macalester College and Secretary
of H . E .W. during the Dw9ght Eisenhower administration . Research-
ed and wrote position papers and reports on housing problems and
� issues in St. Paul for the Task Force . Developed the gruundwork
for the St. Paul Plan which was a� local version of the Philadel -
phia and Chicago Plans to get minorities into the construction
September, 1967 - October , 1969 St. Paul Urban League: Housing
Duties : Responsible for the
development of a viable, comprehensive housing � program for the
agency and for the operation .of the League ' s Housing Information
and Service Center which was located on Concordia Avenue . Pro= , .
vided. casework services to persons with housing problems . Con-
ducted workshops , did research and wrote reports designed to
educate the St. Paul Community about minority problems in hous-
ing . Worked with Fair Housing groups . Staffed the Housing
Advisory Committee, Supervised three staff persons and also
volunteers who worked with the Center on a regular basis .
June, 1967 - September , 1967 � St. Paul Urban League: Acting
Director of Economic Develop-
ment and Employment.
� Duties : Job develapment and
job placement. Counseling youth about summer employment opportu-
nities . Developed and made operational PROJECT H . I .E . (Head-
start in Employment) which was designed to their future career
interests by working through the St. Paul Employers Cou�cil . Co-
hosted with John Doyle , Minneap�iis Urban League, the weekly 30
minu�e Urban League radio program on various occasions .
, April , 1966 - June , 1967 St. Paul Urban League : C�mmuD%t�
Organizer for PROJECT ENABLE
Duties : Responsible for organ-
izing family life education and neighborhood action groups in
Target areas A , B , and C of St. Paul . Planned and implemented
strategies directed toward the elimination of unsatisfactory
social and economic conditions . Took action to ameliorate speci-
fic problem situations faced by parents in the Pro�ect. Inter-
preted the aims and objectives of the Pro�ect to the St. Paul
Community. Assisted the National . Urban League research staff in
. . ,►
Wi119e Mae Carey Wilson
Page 5
compiling research data on the pro�ect. Provided staff services
to the PROJECT ENABLE Advisory Committee. Supervised three
� staff persons .
November, 1965 - April , 1966 St. Paul Public Library:
Assistant Librarian in
Reference Room.
Duties : Answered reference
questions and assisted libtrry patrons w t inding answers to
specif�c questions . Niaintained file of St. Paul organizations .
Maintained clipping file of newspapers .
September, ]964 - November , 19b5 Housewife .
July, 1964 - September , 1964 Minnesata State Commiss�ion
Against Discrimination:
Duties : Compiled data of
specific nature relative to Commission activities . Indexed
minutes of the Commission . Edited staff manuscripts and reports .
Worked as coordinator to legislative program 1954-65. (continued
to work after leaving the staff)
Member , American Society of Planning Officials
Member , American Society for Publi� Administration
Commission�, St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority
Chairman of the Land Committee
Chairperson - United Way Council of Agency Directors
Vice-President - St. Paul Ramsey County Arts and Science Council
Member , Citizens League
Member , Board of Directors Community Development Corporation
Member, Ramsey County Women ' s Political Caucus
Member , Minnesota Women ' s Palitical Caucus
Member , Delta Sigma Theta Sorority
Member, Iota Phi Lambda Business ar:� Professional Women ' s . • • � '.
Former Member, National Association of Social Workers
Former Member, Board of Directors Liberty Plaza Housing Project
Former Member , Citizens League Low Income Housing Committee 1968
Former Member, Metropolitan Council Low and hloderate Income
Housina Technical Advisory Committee.
• . , . �
� `
- Willie Mae Carey Wilson
Page 6
� Appointed to .Joint Planning and Coordinating Action Unit for
Ramesy County by Mayor Larry Cohen of St. Paul May , 1973
Vice-President of Urban North Non-Profit Housing Corporation
- Delegate to 1974 St. Paul DFL Convention
1.) Lawrence H. Borom,Executive Director
Urban League of Colorado
1375 Delaware Street
Denver, Colorado 80204
2) Sam H. Jones , Executive Director
� Indianapolis Urban League
Underwriters �ailding , Suite 501
445 North Pennsylvania Street .
Indianapolis , Indiana 46204
3) Dr. James Jornberg , Director of� Admissions
School of Public Affairs
University of Minnesota
3rd Floor , Social Science Tower
Minneapolis , Minnesota 55d11
4) Clarence N . Wood , Director
Central Regional Office
National Urban League, Inc .
55 E . Monroe - Suite 1624
Chicago , I11 , 60fiO3
5) Richard Brustad , Executive Director
Greater Minneapolis Metropolitan liousing Corporation
Chamber of Commerce Building-15 So. 5th Street
Minneapolis , Minnesota 55402