267336 WH17E - QITY CLt°�RK .����('►(1 PINK -- FINANCE dh FANARY-�.dEPARTMENT CO1111C11 �L) � �..6CUE - MAY°OR GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. - s ' � � Ordin�znce Ordinance N 0. ��r�O� . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordi.nance amending Ordi.nance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for th.e various cl��ses of positions in the Classified Serviee of the City, " approved February 13, Zg35, as arnended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OE SAZl�TT PAUL-.I�OES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 76Q7, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is h,�x;e�ty furt,�,er amended by inserting in their proper alphabetical o��l,�r �h.� titles and specifications > for OCCUPPs��0�1�TAL THERAPY A�SISTA,NT ._. �:.. r_ ��_.. . ___ . _ - '� . ' � . ... . ... . . . . ... ^T.�w.�i17� '�P'^..�.x.���--...^!h4 4.Y�i!".��� ...� ti " " �... .�.� PHYSICAL THER.APIST ASSISTAIVT - 1 - COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Christensen I{�iez�- T�i Favor � /') Rcedler �.� Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President Hunt Adopted by Coun ' . Date Fotm A proved by Cit Attor c Certified Pa ed Co cil Secretar BY By J, Approved by Mayor: Date Approved b ayor f oun 1 By By WH17E - CITV CLERK . ������ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAIIL Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE� -MA'fOR File N '� � Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. /1��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. - 4 - COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �� Butler PERSONNEL OFFICE �ca� Hunt �_ In Favor �- - - Rcedler _� Against By Thomas D. Gleason, Director �i'�a Tedesco President ��, Sylvester Adopted by Council: Date .�1N 2 9 1976 Fo Approved Cit At Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By Appr d by Mayor: D te � �s Approved b ayor for on uncil By By pu�.t�n JUl i D 19 r � :� . i ' � � I Dt'� not detach<this memoraridum #r�m th� OM �c�3.: 12,<;19T5 ' _ :. f ordinat�ce sn 'that this in�ormatibn will be : � � ` ' � � W - i . �����! available �o � G'�#y Cou�ciL ,, ; E�£PI��T�?IQN OF ��NZSTRATIVE �itDFRS`� t� _...� . ,, , ....,_. ��e:3�' ! �ESt03..U?ION:� �Tp OR�INAN�I�.S _ . � -. � � .�. .��ri� �: i.nr i . . ...- .. � i� . . . {. � . � . � . . . , , . . � . Dste: MaY �2s 1976 . I �� � � ` ' � . . � � . � - ' . � � ... I.� � �1 Tt�: THDA�AS J. K$LL�Y' CI'I'Y ADMINTSTFtATOR � . �.� Y FR s . Persp�ael Office { � . I : � - RE: Ordi�ance:.�er s�a.bnniesieran to: City Caun�fl ' j � � { _ . � : , . j . � i; j . � � i �� i ACTI4N R�QU�TED; � e �. i ii . . . � . .. c . . . . � � . . . � I � I ra�otnt��a� pmur app�oval and s�,bmisaima of thie Ordinance to the Ci�r�- �atutc�;�,{ . i � j ; , i , � ' i , _ � i � �G.�- ' ; �i, ; � ��• � ` i '� � :i . . . . . . . . .. • �. i FV�tFO�E �►�++TI7 RA'�IONAJ,�,E FQR THI� ACT�ON; � ,. �. �,� . �� , ,, -, ^.� � , ,�� H ��� ; �; � _ . This ordi �C� establishes� cla�� s���cifi�atioaa�4�► �1�e new ti��e�.:� ���3.�r�. � . Thera�y .A� 'etaa� a`ad Pb�ysicai Th�raPY�A�sista�.t. , � � � � _ � �� � 7 T�e �c.Yiool "stri,ct h$s irzdi.c�ted a need for employe.es #�raisaec� ag�:�ifi�z��.� ' .��� � ` areas. The e clalsffi specifications ide3ati.�y th� d�ties and:it�s�.��].it�� �f� . ' - . ' p�si�i�x as ell aa the minimuna qua.lifica.ticma;for app?a.caate. '].'lie� �+���:E�i��'e' �:11 eaable e CiLy a�nd School Distriet to, recxnit qualifi�d emp���'��e��r f��I � - aeec�ed to E rry aut their �ccupational and Physica.l The�rapy PrQ�:�t��" - ' _ , � ATT�CHM �NTS: , ,. r r�; �rdi,aa.nce: onsiatin$. �f 4 pagea,�and copg for� City Cleric. ( � �> `: - AP�Ro,VA�� r _ . �-� , , � � , - i ; ; om�# . e y, i txutOr �. � � �"" ,< ! �,.., �� ; . � ; i , i _ � . ; � _ . t � � , �inancial Program Possibilities • St. Paul Downtown People Mover System Introduction A. Capital Cost The Urban Mass Transit Administration "Downtown People Mover" (DPM) Demonstration Pro3ect funding �aill be an 80/20-Federal/local match arrangement with the 80% capital cost contribution to be provided by the Urban Piass Transit Administration. The 20% balance of this capital cost could be shared on a 5�/50 basis by the Metro*�olitan Transit Commission and the City of St. Paul. The i�iTC staff has suggested such a sharing of costs based on precedent. The local Id%, which may be as much as $5 million, could be financed through the Capital Improvement Budget Program as authorized by the State Legislature this year. The Legisla- ture has given the City authorization to sell up to $6.5 million in General Obligation Bonds annualZy for four years of which $4.5 million annually is committed to planned programs and the additional $2 million annually could be used for DP?�i system implementaeion. It is anticipated that this bonding ability wi21 be necessary annually for the next three to four years to support the i�!TC and iR�iTA matching pro�ram. B. Operation Costs The City and the riTC will also have the resgonsibility for financing the long- term system operation costs. These operation costs include direct labor, manage- ment and supervisioii, on-site engineering support, clerical, fringe, ofFice supplies and utilities, pro�ulsion, guideway heatinb, parts and supplies associated with vehicle maintenance and contract services such as major sub- system repairs, computer services �nd engineering expe �se. As presently projected by the riTC, the total annual costs would be �million, of which $1.02 million woul�d financed by a proposed 10� fare. The balance of the operating costs ($�. ) would be provided by the MTC and/or the City of St. Paul. Since tne sub�idy fo� cperating cost� ia only 13� per rider, which is less than the subsidy for many of the bus riders, it is recommended that we propose to the riTC that they provide this subsidy. The Urban riass Transit Administration is seeking applications that demonstrate each City's ability to finance the ZORa-tC'YIII operational costs of this system through the capture of a certaitt "value" of new development. DPM Financin Program Objectives (th�se o�jectives are for review and discussion onlyl The St. Paul DPM costs should be: Primarily a downtown responsibility and not the total responsibility of all St. Paul tax payers. Financed by those pro�erty owners at or near terminal/station locations who are directZy benefiting from the system. Totally recovered (capital and operating costs) through direct assessment, terminal/station hook-up/or other use charges, or a Iand Iease arrangement in terminal development areas. (a combination of tl;e aforementioned may be appropriate) Attributed to development expansion. . , . � Pot�nrial �'inancino riethodolo�y (Concepts Only) MFTxIOD I: Lease Approach Of the ten station locations, five could be located on HRf� owned land. In these five areas, the HRL1 could lease air rights to the developer at a rate commensurate with the tax rate and thus set up a spe�ial fund to compensate for the annual DP�� operating and other costs. (i.e. , Oxford/Radisson) The City cou2ci require payment for the development af the other five �tations on non-tax producing lands anc3 an annual user fee proportionate to the benefi.ts received from the station. (i.e. , State Capitol, Civic Center} The combination of the above captured "value" could finance the Iong-term operating costs as well as return to the City the "Iocal share" of capital costs taken from the CI$ 3ond °rogram. r1ETtI0D II. Assessment/Sal,e Approach Of �he ten station locations, five could be located on HRA o�,rned land. In those five �reas the Hitt� could sell air rights at full marlcet price or at a write-down price with ti.ze develo�ers conunitment to pay terminal_ costs during project development. In th e other five areas, the City could require payment for station costs over 20 years. In a11 areas, a special assessment could be charged to property owners within a one block xadius of each station. (The rate of the assessment commensurate . with the benefits recei_ved} The coMbination of the above captured "value" could finance the lang-term operating costs as t�ell as return to the City the "local share" of capital costs taken from the CTg gond Program. i� lst, �('� ��� 2nd CQ�� � . ` 3rd �Q ��� Adop te C� . Yeas Nays BUTLER HOZZA �s���� HUNT LEVINE ROEDLER TEDESCO PRESIDENT (SYLVESTER)