267334 . , �V�t�a�P� CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. FINAL ORDER By ;-�',--^-�,'�-_.. In the Matter of ri�tttlt��� •l�d:wlks at cM� icll,aviau,* ioaat�s �IMd �► Ell et4sr w►rk N1►it� is �ssliwr�ry► aa�d la�ai�Mslsl Co �a�rltt� �aia ��t. . _.. .._ _ .. �; - ----�—�� -- >--r-- _ --- �t---�-,.�� . ��� , .�,,� ��--�{t+e�^�e� y� .`� � ��HA�sI'��^�� �• r . 6li�l�t�al, ` � � ��� �x ±��, � �` v.f,� F. �d, . � L}j'� �`'�-,� > .:.A a �.., 1 . .-, .:: � •,., � � , .�.. _" . . . ., . •:_ a' '�` �=C af'�;+����?i,:. . "`"�=fdZ4S � �J , �il� �Z., nort� atdir ls�o� Ohio 8c.�t�����i�''�t: 5-10246 „ �sIE ST., svuth sida �ra�r► Orla�� 8t. to eaat �pprexiwat�lr iZ3 tt.+ abuttin� 338, 360 a�334 Robie St. 8-10247 � 8UP�tRZOR ST.. aorth •ide trow Cliff St. to I�au�at 8t. S-1fl248 „ �pRlOI,� AVE,, north aids froN Sue St. ta eaat 320 lt.+ ab�ting 1a77, 18�1, 1861 aad 1847 1lorfoik Avs. S-1OZ49 1�I8� S?., both sidsa tra� gagas A��. to Max�hall Av�. 8•10250 `� 6�CE ST., south sids �resa Toranto St. to Daly 8t. `��;. . .__._ under Administrative Order �'��'�� approved �� �4� x�� under Preliminary Order '"���'�� approved MA� 6 �9� �The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COIJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date .�N 8 �9� Yeas Nays Certif assed b ouncil Secjetary c�� � �uN � o �s�s In Favor By Hunt J « Levin@ Against �D�eA-� Mayor Syivester" Teaesco pUBUSHED �UN 19 197� •��na� � �.��7�+�°�w " �,�,/1 1 1 V 2' V ii 1 lt i a a.�v i.s .. . � ..{ �.v-�� P'ink �'— FFnane�Oepi. �.! Cy�nsry—��pept! �. • � OI*.I•'IG2: OF TII L•' �tAYO li " . �� �� . . No: '`� -- ,� � � ` ' ADM�NISTRATT�t�E OR�DER ���A�� 2 4 �19�1b . . • � • - Uate: y . 0 . ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the Ot rectrtr� of the Ue�,arta�nt of Put�l t c Ilorks is her�by autM�r�zed and di r�ct�d . ta prepacQ pians, �btain suz�ve�rs, preparc esLlr,�tes anc� envestigate th� n�cessity to r�ccrrstru�cfi si�r+�-lk �.L the fol lor�ing iacatiQns and dg al t other wark �tr.�� is ne��ssa,ry and inci�ntal t� co�plsts sae� irapcovement. ,� �' �- - horth side itQglE ST. fro�a Ohio 5t. to tlriear,s St. �j3� Soucfi side R0Bl� ST. frvm 4riea�s St. ta east � � apRroxir�at+�ty fi23'+ �i��rtin9 334 Robi� St. tiorth s��ie SUPfR1QR ST. fra�a C1iff St:• �tc Dotss�z St. � - Marth sld� :�8RFi7LK A1tc. €ra�a Sue 5t. Lc� e�st 32C1` + abutting t$]7,. l$71 , 1�6fi>, ar+� . 1�347 f�:oir�trt k .�ve. • - 8otfi sid� FISK ST. fr� #fag+�e �. tr> Marshail ave. : . : Sc�utt�.side GRACE ST. froc� Tot�ta St. ta eaiy �L. . T#�e D�rettor af Financ,� astd ��age�nes�t Servi ces is h�c�s� di recL�tt to prepare a prelirainaryf orcl�r and schedeete a Ftubiic hear#Rg. 3-05�7 - a�• �: � «: OJD REG . � . . . . . ' � ._. � � .. �ItL1M� � � YIAN � ►f`K8 JFh . � RGP DEE • JFS -::GLT� ,w .+t10 . : . . � . ' . � �- 7JE .� �'lIP� � � DE N . � . . - . .... P.S.D. �� . � R.H.R, . APPI�OVED AS TQ FORM '.!, r'� /. f � � � . • �� , , • I /� �� AssisWat C'ity Attorney ll nriment Flead Pub 1 i� t�o c�tcs `� ,,,�;��. . S i dewrra.l ks ._ . Date / /{ � �`�.� �% '! ' Administratirs Assist3na tti ilAayor _ � � �6`7-��4 � CtTY GlF SAlNT PAUL DEPARTMENT t7�F PUBLfC WC3RKS DANFEL j. Dl1NFORL� DlRECTO� ARri1 2, 1976 Mr. Rvger Mattscart Di rector of Financ� and Manageemant Servi ces Roo+n 113 Ci ty Ha11 ATTENTtON: Paui Desch Oear Si�: . Please prepare the Preiimi�ary Order far the �arrstructiartlreeartstruction a€ the sidewaiks listed on the attached Admirtistrativ� Qrder. The estimated cost for new construction nat in CD areas, NDR areas, or on main routes is as fallows: $4.00 per fto for 5 ft. wide walk A E B Residert�ea! - I $6.60 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk C Res. E Comm.- Attached herewith are the following: l. Approved Administrative Order D-2653 3/24l76 .���g2�`��c'2 � `.._._.` y'�;`• �AUL,n,,tiro ?�� 2. Advisabi 1 i ty � Des i rabi 1 i ty Report. ti�o �R�,GEIVFD � � y-': 3. Copy of p 1 ans fo r each o rde r. " "'j v' �PR 5 tcr7F � �' Yours very truly, c�, FINANC� -� y, � r�� � R� MGMT. SERY. � ?"�"G"-� �j'h-lr77�,rZ.�G� `" !f! a � ' �� �`•.. ,�� Hartley Thomas e Supervisor of Sidewalk Construction HT/gh . 234 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �n - �.�. 'Rabie St. - Ohio St. to Orieans St. � . s - ' � �- y�6`7�34 This orde'r was initiated by the Director of Public Works as .public �ecessity on the ' basis of a `letter of request and inspection of the wa1k. �— � This walk is oid tile and poured concrete with tree heaves, broken tiie, high joints, Lripping hazards, water pockets, hales in tile, missing tile, and scaled pitted concrete panels. The Enginee ring recommendation is for app�oval of the arder. �Reduce f rom a 6 f t. to a 5 ft. waik) . - CT HJ RR - _ ' - �� �` —/� � `� � Q i s�t. No.. 2 �f 3 - _ 3� S.S. Robie St. - Orleans St. ta �ast approximately 123'+ abutting 3�4'Robte St. 3'tr i s order was i ni ti ated by the Di rector of Pub 1 i c Works as pub l i c necess i ty on tte� basis of a letter and inspection of the walk. _ This walk is old tile wiCfi tree heaves, b�ok8n tile, htgh joMnts, tcipping hazards, water po�fcets, holes in tile, missing tile, offgrade, w�th aspba�t patches-. The Engeneering recommendation ts for approval of the orde�. . (Reduce �rom a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk} GT HJ RR _ Dist. No. 2 56.S. Superior St. - CI i ff St. to Qousman St. /� � � � 7'his arder was initiated by the Director of Pubtic Warks as public necessity on the basis af a letter of request and inspection of the watk. � This watk is old Lile with broken tile, high joints, tri}�ping f�azards, water pockets, holes in tile, missing tile, offgrade, asphalt patches. 7he Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order. (R�duce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk) C7 NJ RR • _� � <-j UISZ. ����'.�� / Gf � � ,; � N;S. ' Norfiolk Ave. - Sue St. to East 320'+ abutting 1877, j871 , la6T , and 1847 . . This arder was initiated by the Director of Public Works as public necessity an the hasis of inspection of the walk. 1'his walk is oid tile with bro�:en tile, high joints, tripping hazardsy water pockets, hotes In tile, missing tile, offgrade, and with asphalt patches:. Recortstruct existing tile only. - The Engineering recommendation is for appraval of the order. (Reduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk) - CT HJ RR D�st. No. 2 6.5. Fi sk St. - Nagu� Ave. to Marshai i Ave. �� ,�, � � This order was initiat�d by the Director of Pub1 �c Warks as publlc necessity art th� bag�s of inspection vf the walk. 7his walk is o�d tile and poured concrete with tree hea�es, braken t�ie, high ,�oirsts, tripp�ng hazards, wate� pockets, holes tn tile, high longitudtnal ,�aints, ofifgrade, asphalt patches, disintegrated, cracked concrete panels= scaled, tipp�d and settled panels. Watk is ver�dangerous. . ... 7he Engineerirtg recommendation is far approval of thc ord�r. -• (R�duce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. waik) C7 HJ RR . _' DESt. Na. 2 S.S. Grace St. - Toronto St. to Daiy St. 1� � � � This order was initiated by the Direct�r of Public Works as publi� netessity an th�: 4a§�s af inspection af the wa1k. Yhis walk is old tiTe with broken tile, high joints, tripR�ng ha2ards, wate r packets, holes in tile missing tile, high longitudinal joints. . 7he Engineering recornmendation is for approval of the ord�r. (Reduce from a 6 ft. to a $ ft. walk) CT HJ RR � . , �y!������ i PBELIMINABY OADBE Council File No. 267153 — By Ruby Hunt— In the Matter of reconstructing side- walks at the followiag locations and do ail other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said im- provement. Finance Fffe No. 3-10'L45, Description —ROBIE ST., north side from Ohio St. to Orleans St. ; Finance File No. S-1U246 Description� —FtOBIE ST., south aide �rom Urleans' 9t. to eaat approximately 12S it.-}- abutting 338 340 and 984 Robie 3t. PYnance F�le No. 3-1024T, Description —BUPEAIOR ST. north side from Clig 9t. to Dousman �t. Flnance File No. 8-10248, Deecription -•NORFOLK AVE.,north side�om Sue 3t. to eaet 320 ft.-�- abuttiag 1877, 1871,, 1861 and 1847 Norfolk Ave. Finance File No. 5-10249, Description' —FI3K ST.,both sides from Hague Ave. to Marshall Ave. Finance File No. 3-10230, Description —GRACE ST., south side from Toronto 3t.to Daly St. .under Administrative Order D-2653,ap- proved March 24,1978. The Council o!the Citq of Saint Paul having received the report oi the Mayor upon the above imprnvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved with no slter- natives, and that the eatimated cost thereof is—no assessment. 2. That a public hearing be had on said im�rovement on the R4h ••o � •,.n 1976 a in•nn clock* a.m., in e uncil Chambers of the Clty Hall and Court House Building in the City of Sair►t Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place at hearing, the nature of the 1tn- provement and the total coat thereof as estimated. Adopted bq the Council.May 6, 1976. Agproved May 10 1976. (May 1S. 1978)