267333 ,a ..
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Intthe Matter of = .;Y�!!�Ol1�tlY�t� •�ilMtlliti � MIN�c �.If��l
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s•lOtix �'' v �li1= /►i►�.. septh :ti�>=�-#�A�rr�r st,�.Wr �#liiiit a�eeiat=
1S3a Thcua aad repair at Johovah Lath�ran C��rch
8-10263 � CARADLL AYE., north sids lrc. Pi�rce St. to Rersch�l 8t. and
CARRDLL AVE., �oath •ide fraa Aldin� St. to aast 9S #t.
5-10264 � IGLEltA1tT AV�t.. nortb side froe Aliiae St. to ti�rct St.
5-1026b � MAxSbALL AYE.. south sid• tra� W�stern Av�. to Arundal St.
5-14367 � MAR8NALL AVE., sotutb std• frc� Chat�orth St. to Oxford St.
5-10268 '" SLAIx AVE.. south aide iraa Grctto St, to 40 ft. to vest aad
G�fDT'!n ST., wst sid� traa �lair Av�. to soath 140 !t.
s•�oz69 ; r�nsa� ar.. �cb .ia.. �. w. or � _ °�
.t�=�►v�. ee�, '��►�r s�s,
�•i0Z7'Q �. SC�.ET'tI S?.. irert sids tras ii. /lrlie►ston Ave. to i1. �labra�ka ,Av�.
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate
all expenses incurred therein and sha11 report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.
�� � ��
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date
Yeas Nays
Christenset► / Certifie assed b uncil Secretary�
�, � 3UN 10 1976
HUM In Favor y
LeVine V Against
'�� Mayor
�edesco pUBL1SHED �UN 1� �976
WhitO = City Ciprk. � � . ��j'j' Y O j' �,('a .l PI 1 1 11 V L - . � .
Pink /=�Fjna�ce�Jc,.�t. � � v
Con.fy'— Gopt. a
,- , - ()1•'1�I G I•: O 1� T I i Y' 1�I A Y(�K
. ��/� No: � —�.�J��p� L
� • Datc: aPR 1 19 i F
� �6`7�33
That t��e Dt rector of the Departr►ent a� Fub 1 i c �torks i s i��reby autl�ori zed and di rectec�
to prepare pl�ns , o�tain surve;rs, prepare esfiic�ates �nd investic�ate th� necessi:ty
to corsstrLCt/reca:�struct side�-raiks at th€; foii��ing locattans ariQ do all other tvork
wi�ich is necessary ar►d €ncidental to co:��plete saici ir}arovet�nt.
South s i d� Tii�!•',AS t�VE. f rar� F�sbury St, ta Sn�i 1 t r�g af�utt i n� 1>33 7isomas �
r�pai r at Je�i:ovah Lutheran Churciz
t;orth side CrR�tl?OLL AVc: fracn Picrce St. to t;ersc��l St. and
South sicte C�3��'.4LL k'JE. froR �tdin� 5t. to east 95'
'r�orth side IGLENl�RT fiV:.. fro►;� �idirie 5L. to gierc� St.
. ram . .
Soufih side Nil�RSHAI,L AL'�. Frorsr �Jestern Ave. .to i;rundel St,
South sidz M�ZSI�AL� AVE. fror� Chats�rr�rth St. to 4xFord St.
. South side 6L�tR HyE. freri 6rc�Lto 5t. to 40' to :�:�st an�
Wes t s i de G+^��i TO ST. f ror� 81 ai r Ave. to so�.rth 1 j:t�'
Bath s i des �'i��t�3Kt DGE ST. f rom t�l. Or�nSe Ave. to {vy Ave.
t;est sid� SCtfLETTt ST. fra.� W. Artin�ton Ave. to 4t. ��e�r4stca Ave.
'ihe Gi rsctor af Finance and t�tanagv�:�ent Scrvices Is i�ereby d1 rected to pre:p�re a
prel ir:,inar� arder and senedule a pubi i c h�aring. • � o���. ��� 0��6. '��
DJD rt:.G �
a�w wa�� �
� � . CKS JFK .� �
� , p(7p � OEE � �
JfS > Ct�;,-. ..,
. . . � RI.M �AJO � .
� TJF� �'i��' (
� � E � �� Offa �
APPROVED /�S 1'� FORM P•S.o. ".".�. ' .
. ,�
� , 1 .
Assistant City Attorrtzy • � �I��j t i G �`torks;�Departmeni HeacJ�
. Stdewalks . �
' . /�'l- . .
I3ate � ! r_ 1 �� f�`/��1�-�� �
�— AJi��+ii+str�t�ve As�is1aut tu htayor
� � �s����
DANfEf. 1. DUN�Rl�
Apri l 6, 1976 �
, -
Hr. Rogsr MaLtson . �
DT roctor cf Ein�c�; ' ;.
and Manag��ent Sarvices
Rcxxa 1 i 3 C i ty iia 1 i
ATTENT t 8N: P�u i Osrt ch �
Dea� Si�r: .
PTease prapare- tfia Rrelimin�ry Order fvr tha csurstnt+���o�fr�ace�tst�ccc�€a� o�
the sidewaaks lfsted on the attachad Adm��istrativ�e_4rd�r.
The �stim�tad casfi fap ne+� eror�structior� np� in CD area�, N� areag,
o� or� taain roates is as folla�ws: ' �
$�.00 per° f�. f�r 5 ft. wicfa walk A s � Resident`ra� - +
$6.60 pe r f�. fo r 5 f t. w i de w�s l k C Res. � Cvnxn.
7.90 , • " ,, E, .. . .. .� ,. . ,
Attached hereMatth �re tft� fallawingr f� G `����%�%��`��.�
_ .�'. � � �,�
1. Approved Admirtistrativ� Ord�r' D-2658 4/1lT6 �-�'*_�------=�"-` ` "'�' .�°.a,f�'"'
� � � �: ------,� .
2. Advisabi 1 i ty � Desi rabi }i ty Report. �.-� �°� ���� � ��
3. Copy of plans for each ordere �-'�-""" �
Yo�irs very truiy,
�1✓1�.E-rr�c-d.� � �t �2
Nartley Thomas � ,�W�V''�{ '.p
Supervisor af Sidewalk Construction � ������dN� +�3�
J~ A
. HT/gh ' �.� ,►�'�� � ..�.� -v
� Q��'1��"�'�Y :''`
\�� ����d
nr t. .
234 City Hall, Saint Raut, Mir�nesota 55�0?
. ���r. r�n. � � �
� � � � �
, 5.�. Thomas Ave. - Asbury St. to Snei 1 i ng abutti ng 153a Thomas � repai r at����l���
' Lutheran ChurGtt y �
Tn i s order ti•ias i n i t i ated by the D i ractor of Pub 1 i c Works as pub 1 i c rtecess i ty .a� the bas i s
of inspection of the walk.
Tf�is �•�aik is o1d 'tile with broken tile and water pockets. Also two tree heaved panels
of poured concrete with be replaced by Jehovah Lutheran Church.
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order
(Construct to width designated on piat) � `�
D i s�� �tc�.. �
N.S. Carroll Ave. - Pierce St. to He:rscftet S.t. and 1�j��
5.5. Carroll Ave. - Aldina to the �ast 9S'
. Th i s orderwas i n i t i ated by the D�recto� af Pub1 i c Works as pc�t i� ne�ce�s�'t t�r or� ther has;��
of inspection of the walk. .
Tnis walk is oid ti 1e aand pon�ed cvr�cret� wi th trec heaves, 6rrof�ece ti ie, FktC�Fi �01R�S}
trippir,g hazards, and is offgrade. � , -
7he Engi neeri ng recommQ�rdation is for approval of the order.
(Construct tc width designated on plat)
!�i s.�. �ar. `�
N.S. Iglehart Ave. - Aidine St> to Pierce St. �(lc�.� �
This order was initiated by the Directar of Public Works as pubtic necessir� an the basis
af inspection af the walk. ,
This walk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves, brokert LIT�� F1�gFt �OjfltSt
tripping hazards , water pockets, cracked concrete panels , scaied, tipped and settled
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the arder.
(Reduce From a 6 f t. to a 5 ft. wal k)
CT N.� RR ,
y�.5�.. N. Grotto St. - Front Ave. ta ncrth 152' �0���'
This order was initiated by the Director of Public Works as� public necessi�t�r-Qn the basis
of 1 compjaint and inspecti.on of the area.
This ��aik is new $` wide constcuctioR. � �;�����
The Engineering recommendatiort is fo� approval of the order.
Remarks: T ' rt w� ��� as i t i s i rr th SoutE� Como CD area.
Ct"wi-i-l—cem in t is block d also conn s with planned
Natch St. recanstrctction. �
(Construct to width design�ted ort plat)
. . - Qist. tVo. 1
; ,��.. _ '
S.S. Marshal l Ave. - Westerrt Ave. tc� Arur�del St. ��� �j �
This order was ini tiater� by the. Di re�t�r of Pub3 ic Warks as p��ic n�ces�.��ty..ca� �tf� ba�is�
o� [nspaction of thc wat.ka .
7his waTk is oid tile with tree heaves, braken tile, high jc�i�ts, ��epplceg i�a�arcts, wat��
. pockets, missing tile, �asph��t patches. �
' The Engin�ering recomr�e»d�tio� is for approval of the r�rd�r.
Remarks: Tree shouid be removed at int�rior corrcer at Marshatl and �r�c�deT � ` F-
(Cons truct to wi dth d�s i gr�atec# on pi at}
CT _.HJ RR _
. Dist. NQ. T
S.S. Marshail Ave. - Chatsworth St. ta Oxford St. �� a � �
Th i s order was i n i t i ated by the Di rector of Pub 1 i c tJvrks as pubt i c necess i ty an tFse h,as i s
of a petition with i signer and inspection of the walk.
7his walk is old tile and poured concrete with tree heaves, broken tile, high joints,
tripping hazards, �ater pockets, holes in tile asphait patches, disintegrateds cracked
�oncrete panels, scaled, tipped and settfed panels.
7he Engineering recorrnnendation is for approval of the order.
(Reduce fron a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. w�lk) ✓
� 5.5..� B1ai`r Ave. - Grotto St. to 40' to �est and ��p��`�'�
W:�.' Gro�to St. - Blair Ave. to south 140` �� �� (�
This order was initiated by tne Director of Pubtic Works as public necessity on the basis
of 1 compiaint and inspecCion of the walk.
This walk is poured concrete with high joints , tripping hazards, water pockets holes,
asphait patches, disintegrated, crackad cQncrete panels, scaied tipped and settied
7he Engineering recorrnnendation is for approval of the order.
(Reduce frflm a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk)
D i s�. i�., �
B.S. Woodhridga St. - W.. Orange Ave. ta Ivy Ava. /(� a'Z � �
7h i s erder was i r►i t i ated by th� D�.rector o�F Pub i i c Works as pu(:1 i c neC�esg i ty on the ba�:i s
- af Br�spaction of the waik.-
This walk is old ti le and poured cancrete wi th tree heaves, higl� ,{o��tSr �c'Rprpittg [t�Z;��S�
water packets, asphalt patches, cracked cancrete panels, tippGd ancE sett�ec# parte�ls.
The Engineering recommendation is for approval of the order.
(Reduce f ro� a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. waik� �
: t3i�t_ No. t
W.S. Schletti St. - tJ. Ar) ington Ave. to W. Nebraska Ave. fa�,� �
Tt�i s order was i n i t i ated by the D i rector of Pub 1 i c Works on �he 6as i� af a pe�i tior� �vi tF� �
3 s i gners and i nspect i on of the �•�al k.
This waik is poured cortcrete with tree heaves , cracked scated! tipped concre�te paneis.
The Engirteering recommendation is for approvai of the order. -
(Construct to width designated on plat)
CT HJ RR � `�
H�citl File No. 287155 — By Ruby
In the Matter of reconatructing side-
walks and work3ncidental thereto;
Finance File No. 8-1026E, Description
THOMAS Ai�E., south side from As_
bury St. to Snellin abutting 1538
Thomas and repair a�Johovah Luth-
eran Church.
i+'inance File No. 5-10283, Descriptioa
—CARROLL AV.E., north side 8�om
Pierce St. to Herschel St. and CAR-
ROLL AVE.,south side from Aldine 3t.
to east 95 ft.
Finance File No. 5-10284, Deecription
—IGLF.IiART AVE., nortkf side from
Aldine St:to Plerce St.
PYnance PYle No. S-10E86,DeSCriptiori
—MAR.SFIALL AVE., south side from
Western i�ve. to Arundel St.
Finance File No. 340287, Deseription
—MARSHALS. AVE., south side from
Chatswbrth 3t,to Oxford St.'
Finance Filt No. 5-10288, Description'
—BLAIR AVE., south side from Grotto
St. to 40 ft. to west and GROTTO 3T.,�
west side 4om Blair Ave. to south 140
PYnance File No. 5-10269, Description
—WOODBRIDGE ST., both sides from
W.Orange Ave.to Ivy Ave.
Finance PYle No. 3-10270, Description
—SCHI.ETTI ST., west side from W,
Arlington Ave. to W.Nebraska Ave.
under Administrative Order D-2858;ap-
iproved Aprii 1, 1976.
t+avingc rece ved�L'he itqrnoorta ot pthe
Mayor upon the above ixnprovement,
and having considered seid 'report,
hereby resolves:
1: That the said report and the
same ia hereby approved �vith no
alternatives and that tkie estimated
cost thereo�is—no assessmeat.
2, That a pu611c hearing be had
on said imp rovement on the
8th day of June, 1978, ��._1p;pQ,
°�+� • ounc
Chambers oi�the City Ha$ and
Court House Building in tlie City
o! Safnt PauL
3. That notice o!said public hearing •
, be given to the persons and in
the manner provlded by the
Charter, stating the time and
place ot h�rix►y�, the nature oi
the improvement and the total
cost thereof as estimated.
Adopted by_the Council Maq 6, 1976,
Approved Maay 10, 1978.
(May 15, 1976)
� I-. .� .. . . . .