267332 , ' ciTY oF sT.Pau� COUNCIL FILE NO. ������ F I N A L O R D E R ,�' �` x;�;>�,�y.�-,,1�---.., By In the Matter of s��;��� ��x1tf it !�! �!1?�iltilli lOQ�ti�� +�1 '1�0 n11 �twr wa�ic t�lt1� is �Nre� �t Lui�i�stal t+s �ltt� iwp�wt. � �, __ ..__ _ ._._ �w--,�-- .. . ..�._ , _ � . .. ._ � - :.� ----�. , � r . . . , ' . � .: � � `,� ;. - q � ' tia�� lils No. D�scr ��o�t ; - - ,�,= � . �.��.. ,,.. 5-10251 � PIEtCE ST.� sut side #ror Casrolt Av�i. to Concordia 8t. 5-10252 DUNLAP ST.. both •ides lro� Lai`oad Av�. to •outh to a12ty 8•10253 T'�MAS AVB., north sid� fro� �arri�tos St. to Virfinia St. 8-14254 � 11. G�1'm ST.. east sidt froe► W. Arlin:ton Av�. to iT. floyt A��. 8•10255 1 1nID11T AVE. , south •id� lrca east prop. lia� o! 8t. Alhaxrs 8t. to a�at 240 �t. 5-10256 �,; J�SSA1�tINB AVB.� aorth sids fr� 145 ft. •a�t af A1bNar1• 8t. to the M�st �o Woodbrid�s �t. $-1Q2S7 '�� W. ORAUGS A11E.,both aidss fros Alb�arle St. to 137 ft. �n�t q� .�,00dbridgs �t. 8•10258 � N. 11A�011 ST.� waat sid� trod Orchard Avs. to ii. J�ss�riae Av�. 5-1025�; � OXI�ORD ST.� �s�t side froa Uaiversity Aw. to Sh�rburrt Av�. � 8-10�60 �, �SSURY 8T., �:st �ids l�rc� Uaiversity Avs. to sh�rbntn� Ave. 8-lQ�6F . �.; �AtR �AYS.� bota aidss lro� I1. 6ri�s St. to Ii. 6yerdicate St. ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date �N � 1978 Yeas Nays Christe�t�e11 Certifie ssed b ouncil Secretary ��N 1 0 1976 � � � Hu11t In Favor B Levir►s J " � Against Sy���t� Mayor Tedescc: PUB�ISHED JUN 19 1976 - -- • �• Oi''i'IC� OI' 'I'Hli :�1�1�'O!t - • ` } .,.. f... ,.-... �. ,. No: f.=� �.�±"=� _j � G� �� � AD;�4INISTRATiVE ORDER . , A?R 1 1976 � , I}ace: •" ������ AD;�4INISTRATIVE ORDER, . . 7h�t the D.i rector of the Depurtr��ent of �'ubt i c k'orFs is hereby �utf�or#z�c� ��nd d'c r�eted to preparc plans, o�tain surv�ys, pre�are esttmates ancf tnvesti�atA tite neces,sity to recanstr�!ct siuewalks at ttie follo�ri�g locations and do a11 ottter work �1aicFi is nec�ssary a;�cf insidentai tio complete said irnprov4r�ent. 5/u�s� East si�� PtERCC ST. .fram Carrall Ave. to Cancorcl�a l�ve. /oa��Both sicl�s DUI�I.AP ST. from Lafoncl Ave. to south to atley ��3��tiorth side TFi�t'fA5 AVc'. from•Farrin�ton St. ta Virc�inia St. �6as-yEast st�e N. GRO.TTQ ST. fson W. Ariington Ave. tv 41. kiopt A�fe. �Ua,s�,f5outh side FRONT �VE. from Cast Pro�. line of 5t. filbans St. to east 2�t1' �vahG t�orth side JESS�itSl�dE A1tE. frarrs i45' East of t�tbernarle St: to tfle ►��gt to :.'oo�:�ridc�e St. /Uas� Soth si�ss tif. f3Rr��iGE i�'JE. fror:i Rlbe�7ar1� 5t. ta 127' ��esL of 1�:oodbricSc�e St. /O��s"6' 41�st s i c±e t1. AVOi3 SF. from �rcf��rd Ave. tfl '►l. Jess4r�i ne Ave. /G��s9 Eas t s i d� OXFORD Si'.��°fror� �nt��ers t ty Ave. to ShernuFnv Aue. , . /OalodEast sia� tiS�l1RY SF. �r.�at Untversity Ave. to Sherburn;;_Ave. � � " ; . ; , /da-G�Qath s i�s uLA! P. AVF'. f rom !d. Gr�ggs St. to ti. Synd�cat� St. ' i _ ; The Oi rector of� Finance ar�4 1;anager.rent Services Es hereby �i rect�d 'to prep�re a prel int n�t'y oru�r and �ch�dul e a pub t t c heari ng. {--� orig. cc: orig. �c. � . . OJD � REG .. . . . .. . . . RlW� WAH � . . � . � . . . . � . GKS ��FK . . . � - � � � RGP� OEE . JF5 r CC��., � � . M .. AJtT"" .. �, . TJE �';N � ' Al'PROVEU AS TU FORIl�1 � . JJE DEtt ' P.S.D. R.H.R.� _ I � f � �' � � . i , �• � . �i�` ; � Assistant Ciiy Atturney . D�;�aatinen:t Head ...� Pu51 i c �larE;s �. `, S 1 de�.���1 ks '- ������ � . Date �,,,-;'�:��r;: �/ '��/- f,f _ � , A�irtii�istrativc Assislanf to�layur . w ' ���l�� i) � . � ' � CITY OF S�tNT P�IJL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DANIEL J. DUNFOR� DtRECTC7R Apri 1 6, 1970 H�. Roger Mattson - Director of Financc and Management Services Room 113 City Ha11 ATTENTION: Paul Desch Dear Si r: Please prepare the Preliminary Qrder far the cnnstructionfreco�rst�-uGtian o� the sidewalks listed on the attached Admirristrative Order. . The estimat�d cost for new cortstruction not i� CD a�eas�, NDP areass ar on main routes is as foliows: $k.00 per ft. for 5 ft. wide waik A � B Re��dential $5.60 per ft. far 5 ft. wide walk C Res. E Comrrr. Atta:hed herewi th are the fo1 lowi ny: l. Approved Administrative Order D-2657 4/1 r � d . � � 2. Advisabi 1 i ty E Desi rabi 1 i ty Report. ��� ��.-.. � ` "° .` � � �` �'�'���` 3. Copy of plans for each order. ! , - Yours very truly, iq?7 � _� � �/ �ti� ,X�r2 �`Y��- .`�,g�Q au�.A+�yN �v' ��lCp ° x' Hartley Th mas *- ''� Supervisor af Sidewalk Construction APR �1a�� � > tfT/gh fl� � & MCMT.SERV. ,. ,:� 234 City Hali, Saint Paut, Minnesota 55102 �� , ' u��t,(1t � .� � , ������ : E.S. Pierce St. - Carroll Ave. to Concordia Avs. s . /� �. l �- T�is er��r was initiaied by the Dire�tor of Public Worlcs as public ner�ssity on Lhe oasis of i,�sp�ction of the walk. � i�is waik is old tile with tree heaves, brokan tile, high joints, tripping hazards, water poc�cets , hales in tiie, offgrad� anc asphalt patch�s. T�se �n,in�ring recasrsn�r�dati�n is for aperovai of th� arcfer� � (Feduce from a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. watk} _ . CT NJ RR - . fli s°C.. t�t.,. # : � . : B.S. Dunlap St. - Lafond Av�. t� sotath ta alley : _ �'�J �� �., , Th i s o rde r was i n i t i a terd tay tha D i recto:r- of P c�b l i e Wortcs- a� pu6r1 't c..ne���i ty, on ttr� 6�as i s of inSpecLion of tt�e� walk. . Tnis wal�C is otd tile with trae heaves , b�rokan tile, F�'ig{� jarrrts, t�i.P�r-irrcJ hazarci3-. Tt;e c�gineer"rng reco�ndation is for approval of the c�ro�e�; (2educe frorz a 5 ft. to�a 5 ft. walk) � _ � CT HJ RR . ❑t5t. !`�t'�: � �i,5. Thomas Ave. - Farringten St. tn Virginia St. �j} �„ �,� i i��i s orce r was i n i t i a tsd by the� 0'r rector of �ub) i c Work� a� p��xT i c n��ss'r ty €�ce �he gas i� oT a �etitson Hith i sign�r represer�tirrg i0J$ of abutting prop�rty. i�is waTfc es poured canerete witt► higtr joinis , trippir�g hazarr.�-, erackecf, scai�ef, �igp� ' ard settled paneis. Tne =r.gineering recommendation is for approval of the orc#er. {P,educa to a �' waik) � CT HJ RR . _, ,._ . __ ___.,.__.. .__----- --.______..�_ ---�_-----�-- —. _..._ ._ ._ . ._ _..__ _ _ � _... _ .:_.___-. - ------ -- Y . . . ....a c.�s � . E:S. t�. Gro�to St. - ��J. Rr] ington Hve. to W. Hoyt Ave. �� �'�'c�� Io� � � Ti^is or:sf was initiaLed by tne Director of Pubiic Wortcs as public rsecessity on the basis � � of inspectios� of the walk. Tnis walk is poured concrete wi th tree heaves, high jaints, tripping h�.zarr3s , cra�lc�d concreta panets, sca3ed, tioQed and sett3�d pac�•is, . T,-s� Er.ginsering recor.unert�ation is for aopr�ovat of the or�+�r_ (Reduce front a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk) . CT HJ RR _ _ . _. _ ' . Dist. AIo. 1 : : _. . __ _ _ , S.S. Fror�t Avc. - East Pro�. Lirre of 5�.. A1ban3 5�. to eas� 24f�` �;�� ,�� Th i s o rder war� i n i t i atea} by the Di rect�r of Pub I i c ��forks as pub i i c n�cess.i t� on tt� bas i s or inspelcticm of tfi�e wa3k 7i:s s w�l k i s a ld t i i e w i th b roicerr �i l e, h i gh jo i n ts, t ri p�t�rg i�azar�s r wa��.� ���s, hales in tile, asphait patct�a�. - The Enginecring r�eosnriartda�ion_ is Tor� appr�val oc� th� �r�+�r. C� _,_ _. �.. CT HJ RR �iSt. �A. � �f.S. Jessamine Avee - 1�5' East of Albemarie St. to the west �o S,toodt�.r��ge St.' � �� �� i h i s order was i n i t i ated by the D i reetor of Pub 1 i c .Jorks as PUE?Z f G t'TE'f.e5�t t�f ors bas:i s of inspection of the vfalk. . T��is walk is oTd ti 2e ari th tre� heaves , broken ti ie, high joint�, triPping hazarc�s, holes in �i le and on� l�e settied pan�i . i;e Er.�inesring reconmendat+on is for approval of the waT�c. (Gonstru�t to width designated on plat) ;;� CT HJ RR -.___ _ ...---_ ----�_ �--.. _ - -- _ __-- , _. _.._- ._.._ .. _.. , -- . _ _ _ :_.._ _ � _. �_.. __. ._ � 8..5., i,�°: �rar�ge Ave. - Al�em,arle St. to 127' �1est of Woodhri�ge Sr. �� c�..� � � �his ord�r was initiated by the Di ;�ctor of Puol +c '�Jorlcs �as public nacessity on ths basis of, insp�ction of th� walk.. ' IG:;� 1 �!'.�� T�is waik is poured concrete wi th tree heaves , high joints, tripping hazards: water poc.�Cets, cracked concrete panels , r+pped sett]ed panels. � The Enginsering rece�mmendation is for approval of the order. (Reduca fram a 6 ft.. to a 5 ft. waik) '� C.T HJ RR - _. . " ;; ,`.. ., �_ Dist t�o._ t . . 41.5.. N. Avort St. - tircfiard Av�. ta id. Jessamane �iue. �(Qa�S�o Tne a rde r was i n i t i ated- by thc �i rector of Pub l i c War°ks as p�h i �c na�c�s i ty or� the. b�s i� : of inspectio� of the wa#k. :, . Tt�is:,walk 'rs oid ti ]e and scxae paured concr�te witkr Crec heaves, �ircifren t�}e, f�tg#� joint�s,. tripping hazard�, hales in ti ie, offgrad�, asphalt patcti�, disir���grat�d, cra+c3�d con�ter Qanels, tipped, settl�d paneis. The Enginaering rec�nm�s�ciatio» is for apryraval af th� orcter. �i`� . - (Reduc� frosn a b ft. to`a $ ft, walk� Ci NJ RR _ D i s t_ Ptci. i E.S. Oxfard St. - tlniversity Ave. ta Sherburne AvE. � �� ��`� Tnis order was initiated hy the Directar of Public Worfcs. as �subl'ic necess.ity on t�te basis vf 1 complaint and insp�ctian of the w�alk. Tnis �aik is aid poured concr-ste wi ti� high joints, trlppiR� hazards, asphalt patd�e�, uisintegrated, cracked c�ncrete paneis , scalPd, tipp�d and sattied partel�. T�e Engine�ring rectamr,�endation is for appraval of the order. 4�ma,-ks : Cons t ruct 7.5' w i de w i th tt�i cicened �urb-1 i ke sect i on � CF HJ RR __ _ - -,:___ _. . ___-- __-._ __.. -- --- r.-- - � - -,-- — - - - --! ------------�---- - - - 4 � E:S.� A�bury St. - Uni vers i ty Ave. to Sherburne Ave. ���3 .�, ihis or�,er was initiated by G5e Director o� Pub(ic Wor'�s as pubIic necessELy or� the basis � o� ' inspectic�n of th� walk. _ This walk is old ti )e and pourecf concr�te with tree heaves, broicer, t� Te, trip�ing hazards , watzr poc:�ets, holes in tite, asphalt patches, crack�d scaled cancrete pane�s. � 7h� Engineering retQrrm�endatiort is far appraval or ths or�er. � Remarks: Use_� &' wid� - high pedesttiart densiCy.. CT EiJ RR _ . -. , . . , Dist. Na. I _ , _ . --- , . , � 8.5.:.- Blai r Ave. _ N.- Griggs-St.. to N. Syndicate S.t. _ f f�c���� Th i s. ordar� was i n e ti aTsd b}r the D i r�tLos� of Pub T i c War°fcs as pulsl i e r�eces�i t�r � th� bag�� of inspecrian af the�w�ik._ _ This wa�k is o}d ti ie and paur�d can�r�te wi tt� tt°�ee heaves, higt� joints, trip�i�g tsazards,� r�ater� pocacet5, offgrada, asptsalt patct�e�, cradc�sd conere�e pan�is, scaied, tipped, and settled paaels. , _ Tf�e cngine�ring recar�nda�ion is far approwal- af the order. � � . (Construct tfl widCh designated ort piat} Ci HJ RR __,. �_ ._-- ___ ._ �__.._. ___,--- -�----- ._. __..._ _ , ._ _ --_..__ .- - -- --- --- _. . _ ._ • ---_-. .�._ _ _---._.. —__. ____ _. _.,,�____� �.., _ _ _ -.F- ! - . ������� PBEi.IMINARY OBDEB ouncil File No. 287154 — By Ruby Hunt— In the Matter of reconstructing side- walks at the follo locationg aad do all other work�ch is necessary and lncidentsl to complete improve- ment. Finance File No. 3-lal,Rl, Description —PIERCE 3T., east side from Carroli Ave. to Coneordia St. Finance File No. 5-16252, Description —DLTNLAP ST.,both sides from Lafond Ave. to south to ailey. Finance File No. S-102S3 Description —THOMAS AVE., north side 8�om Far- rix�ton St.to Virginia St. DYnance �'ile No. S-102S4 Descriptioa �—N. GROTTO ST., east sfde from W. Arlington Ave.to W.Hoyt Ave. Finance File No. S-10255, Description FRONT AVE., south side from east prop. line of St. Albans St. to east 240 tt Finance File No. 5-10256 Descrlption —JE33AMINE AVE., north side irom 145 ft, east of Albemazle 3t. to the west to Woodbridge St. Finance File No. 5-10257, Description W. ORANGE AVE., both sides from �1lbemarle 3t. to 127 ft. west of Wood- t�Mdae 3t. Finance File No. 3-10258, Descriptioa —N. AVON 3T., west side from Orch- ard Ave. to W. Jessamine Ave. Finance File No. 3-10259 Description —07�'ORD 3T.,east side t'rom Univer- sitr Ave. to 3herburne Ave. Finance PYle No. 3-10260, Deacriptioa A3BURY ST., east aide from Univer- sitsr Ave. to 3herburue Ave. Finance File No. 3-10261, Description —BLAIR, AVE., both sides 4om N. Grl�gs St. to N. 3yndicate St. under Administrative Order D-2857,ap- proved April 1, 1976. The Council of the City of Safnt Pavl having received the report oi the Mayor upon the above improveinent, and haning consldered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby a�pproved with no altematives,and that the estimated cost thereof is—no assessment. 2. That a public heari�►g be had on said improvement on the o c oc a.m:, in the Coundl Chambers of the City HaTt and Court Houae Building in the pty o! Siaiat Paui. I S. That notice of eaid Dublic hearing I be given to ttie Deraons and in' the maaner provided by the Charter, $tatiug the time and Dlace of hearing, the aature.of the improvement and the' .total ' wst thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounclP May 8, 1978. Approved May 10 197B. c_ (May i5. 1976)