267318 WH17E - CITY CLER �����[� PINK - FINANCE T O AINT PAUL � Council '� jt CANARV - DEPARTM V`� LJ � BLUE - MAYOR � File NO. w �' � solution Presented By Referred To ommittee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED� by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that it hereby coneurs in and approves the reappointment, by the Mayor, of the following named persons as Directors of Minnesota Lan.dmarks, for terms of six years commencing as of the date designated following their respective names : Richard H. Bancroft June 6, 19?6 Louise (Mrs . Joseph) Benz June 6, i976 Wilbur K. Bush June 6, �976 Betty (Mrs . John) Musser May 9, 1g76 Terence G. 0'Brien May 9� 1976 COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays 1� Butler Hozza In Favor Levine Rcedler � Against BY � flunt Tedesco President � Sylvester .wM � f� Form Approved by ity orney Adopted by Council: Date Certifie ssed Co cil Secretary BY Y � Approv by Mayor: Date Appro by Mayor u n on t ouncil BY BY PuBUSHE� ��N 12 1976 ^ _ �����"�� GITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFIGF: OI�' TEiF. MAYOI� me vaaee B��ae�saem f B�.B — i8 GEORGE LAT IMER ��:���z�F����� MAY°R June 1, 1976 To the Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul : I enclose herewith for your consideration a proposed resolution confirming my reappointments of the following named persons to Minnesota Landmarks : Richard H. Bancroft Louise (Mrs. Joseph) Benz Wilbur K. Bush Betty (Mrs . John) Musser Terence G. 0 ' Brien Respectfully submitted, GEO E LATIMER Mayor Enclosure 22