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267308 WHI7E - CITV CLERK �^�^�^ PINK - FINANCE COIIRC11 �i ���.. �1 CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT �PAITL File NO. �`;`'• �Vg `J BLUE � MAYOR� nc 'l Resolution Presented B � Y Ref rre o . Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that Chapter 7, Laws of Minnesota for 1976, approved the 6th day of February, 1976, entitled: ��An act relating to Ramse y county, reestablishing the office of county surveypr and abolishing the plat commission; amending Laws 1974, Chapter 435, Section 3. 18, and by adding a seetion; and repealing Laws 1974, Chapter 435, Seetion 3. 15. " a eertified copy of which is filed herewith, shall be and said Act hereby is in all things approved; RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Glerk, as the chief clerical officer of said City of Saint Paul, shall fo rthwith file with the Sec.retary of State a certiYicate in form preseribed by the Attorney Gener,al stating the essential facts neeessary to said ap�roval o� said Act hereunder and including a copy of this resolution of approval of said Act. � -. _. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen Hozza In Favor. Levine � Rcedler Agai•nst BY — Sylvester � �e� President Hunt Adopted by Council: Date MAY 2.7 1976 � Form Approved by City At � � Certified d by Cou ec tary BY (�-� , BY V Approved Mayor• Date Y 2'� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By � � � �� . , �tTY � �i'�������� , � F ,.:.�1,5 �. �� 7� w :' 'z � ua:::a:o::: `9 a °..•°-°,a�a�°a" b �s - �r CITY OF SAINT PAUL y�r OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY May 26, 1976 � JEROME J. SEGAL MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Dear Council Members: Chapter 7, Laws of 1976, amends the Comprehensive Ramsey County Legislation so as to establish the position of County Surveyor and further repeals Section 3. 15 of Chapter 435, Laws of 1974. Section 3. 15 establishes a Plat Commission for Ramsey County and includes on this Commission the Saint Paul City Engineer. It further provides that the four members of the Plat Commission shall be appointed by the Chairman of the County Board and President of the City Council, and among other things, requires that proposed plats be presented to the Saint Paul City Council for acceptance. Tf this Section 3. 15 were to be repealed, the Ramsey County Plat dealing with property located in the City of Saint Paul must still be first submitted to the Saint Paul City Council for acceptance and approval in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505. 03. Chapter 7, Laws of 1976, provides that the Act shall take effect on its approval by the Board of Commissioners of Ramsey County and also upon approval by the Saint Paul City Council. At the request of Mr. John Connelly, Council Research Coordinator, I have prepared and transmit for your consideration a resolution approving and accepting Chapter 7, Laws of 1976. I have discussed this matter with Mr. Dan Dunford, Director of Public Works, and he indicated that his Department was in favor of the elimination of the present Ramsey County Plat Commission. You v y uly, �, JER,ON�E J.' A Cit� IAtto ey JJS:�g cc: Mayor Cohen Thomas xelley City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dan Dunford 612 298-5121 i , � �_ � � - , � . � ' � , i: � . . � r . . .. � . • � . �, . ���. R .. � - . ; , , - � ���? �- �� �. j . ; . . � . � , , ,: � , , ., , . � ,._ � ; � ;� :...-•-- . ; _ , , :� ; _ _ , . , . . . � , f � ,. � . + � r , • 1 \ � ��, . , I ' , � , f , i , ( .. .� , , , ' � . i / , i, . � , `� ,j � , � � � 1 ' _ � � . , , - .� � _ I,. , ' , _ i . - ' _ � t ' - ; ; " � , ' " , , • ' �i ; , , \. . ' J � ' �, . - ' - . r 4 �� { ,J � , �- � � � ' 'i �'� , . . ,. �, �> � �i��, . '�i � � � ; �� �' � � � �� �� � � .'' � �dllria `It�� 1�'� - � ` � : ' �- . . � i � . . . . , . � � � � ' � � � � �'' ,� � �� � � �� � ' � � � �� � ` � � � � � ��� �� �� , f �;. � Mr• j .. �����' '�.�wt �i].dla�g ; ` . ��s ��1'�:*' / - , f. ' t, ��'�'`��� ��� � � . . ' '�` . .. ;I �., . . , . � 1. . ' . . ��#,__ . . . .. . . .. .. ..\ . � .�iEfiNl10� �'� � �p! 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CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF SPECIAL LAW � BY GOVERNING BODY (Pursuant to 1�linnesota Statutes, 645.U2 and 645.U21) ' . � i STATE OF n�1INNESOTA County of ��� ' � TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE OF MINNESO�'A: � r PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, That the undersigned chief clerical officer of the , ` � CITY OF SAINT PAUL . (name o govcrnment unit) DOES HEREBY CERTIFY, that in compliance with the provisions of Laws, 1976 , Chapter � requiring approval by a * majority vote of the governing body of said local governmental unit before it becomes effective, the CITY COUNCIL ' ' , � (designate governing bodr) at a meeting duly h��!ld on the 2�th day of M�'Y , 19 76 , by resolution COUNCIL FILE N0. 267308 did approve said Laws, 19 76, Chapter � (If other than resolution,apecify) by a majority vote of all of the members thereof . .c (Ayes 6 ; Noes � ; Absent or not voting 1 ) and the following additional steps, if any, requu- ed by statute or charter were taken: published in the St. Paul official newspaper on June 5, 1976. A��y of the resolution is hereto annexed and made a part of this certificate by reference. . . , Signed: ��' / SEAL ' City Clerk. (Official designation of officer) (This form prescribed by the Attorney General and furnished by the Secretary of State as required in Minnesota Statutes 645.U21) �'If extmordinary majority is required by the speciallaw insert fraction or percentage here. � �TATE Q� Mf�t�di�S0T,1 �EPARTMENT 0� &TATE FILED JUN 1 61976 - � %;.:;;�(,�i�oGu..�. •�.��.w.. ; � ' � Secretary pf State ` ' � � �-4 ZF ���_ �� -�' �` . .�y s.� � `1 v-� � _ - �� __v � � - = =- - - - �-`���' r � ��,� r - ; _ � � � , _ � a Olf¢Up*��, � �ET r'��. . .. pgnA �' F �,-� � '.� . .-.. o ' :, �. C� . � _ °, .; �--_ — — —.� _ __—___--_ _ .— �{ �` ' ' .�._ � — -._— ._—__ 7 � � �� .. � ��� � ? _ s \ � ,.�, �� � �li � -- -- �li j'� ----- --- �� �a.YY;: _ _ _ y� -- -- - - - / � — — � _`° � -- -- -- --_. � �-- - - -- - -_� . \ I, loan Anderson Growe, Secretary o,�State of the State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have compared the annexed copy with the record of the original —Acts— in my office of Senate File No. 1507, being Chapter 7, Laws of Minnesota for 1976, approved February 6, 1976, as filed in this office February 6, 1976 - - - - - - C �- and that said copy is a true and correct transcript of said —Acts— and of the whole thereof IN TESTIMONY R'HEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Great Seal of the State, at the �( _ Capitol in St.Paul, this 2lstday o f May " A. D. 1 76 9 / i � CRETARY OF STATE � i�� � �� ��� "� , , , �.�-`,_" �_�_-�� �� �- ---.-� �•. 55 ._ . `��`��r��� , - ..� _ _. S.F. No. 1507 CHAPTER No. .�..�� ..�.�'�` � a � � . 2 reXating to Ramsey county= reestab],i.shing the 3 of�3,ce o� county surveyor and abol�shin9 the p�,at � camm�,ssi4nj amend�nq Laws �9y4, Chapter �35, 5 Sec�ion 3.J8� ard by addi,ng a sect�,on� and 6 zepealinq Lav1s : :y74, Chag�ex 435� Section 3. �,5. 7 BE xx ENACTED BY THE; I�EGISLATURE QF xHE STA2E OF I�XNNESOTA; 8 sect�,on 1 . Laws 1974, Chapter 435� �.s amended by 9 add�.ng a sect�.on �o re�ds � � 10 Sec. 3.I51 .� [COUNTY SURVEYOR; ApPRQYAI, OF PLAT•] .-..a.....-.....,�..._.......,. . 1�, Subd�.vision �.� CAPPOZNTNSEIJT.] The Ramsey cQUnty board of � ..�.�,.....�.r.:...�...,.t.,....... r. _ 12 coun�y conmxssianers sha��, aPpo�.nt a county suryeyox. 13 �. Subd, 2. �DUTIES,] xn add�.t�,on �o �he county «�-----�....�«..-�,,.-.+ ��.;........... . . 9,�4 surveyox �s d�ties prov�ded by genezal law, he sha].�. appxoVe ... 15 each tenta�ive plat, subdiv�.s�on Plat and reqi.stered land . -- _,......_ .........,...,,.,....,... �6 survey before recording. ..,......... 17 Subd, 3, (F�ES,) The boaxd of county comm�ssioners ��� , 18 sha�,l es�ab],ish the fees, ta be paid by the propr�e�or of a ' ._..,....�____.....�..... ...... �.._.�......�, 19 ��,a� ar surveX, for the apgrova�. af the p�,a� or suXvey by f........_,...._.....,,_.......,.......�__.....__ ...,.._.......,..,.... 24 the �ounty surveyor. .......,..............-... 2� Sec. 2� Laws 1974, Cha��er 435r 5ectl.on 3. 18, is 22 amended to read: 23 . Sec. 3 . 18 . (OF�XCES ABOL�SHEDj COU�ixY SUP�:RIN�ENDENT 1 � � ► S. F. INr�. 1507 -- - .. E,. • .. � 1 0 F S C H 0 0 I,S.]---�x�--��rk+�c�+�-e�ttr��r--�r_ ��" _= ��--r�ttrr� � 2 �re��;-� 3 - �rttrfi In Ramsey coun�y, no cpunty superintendent ofc 4 schoo].s may be elec�.ed; theze sha�l be no vffi,ce o� tih�s 5 k�nd 1,n Ramsey County, � 6 Sec. 3, Laws �974, Chapter �35, Sect�on 3� 15, is .................�.....�.,.,...�:.---•-..-..r- 7 xepea].ed� , S Sec. 4� jhis ac� sha17, take effect upon its approva]. . .....--...� ...............,..._..�.,�..r 9 by �he baaxd o� comm�.ss�,oners ox Ramsey cc��. ;��y and by �he ...-..,... . 10 c�.ty counc3.1 o�E the ��.ty o�c Sain� Pau], and upon complianre ....--ti.....�.,.�..-----�.....�.. _._.._........ 3,� with 1•t�,nneso�a S�atutes, Section 645.021 . . � *----°�.w.�w�..-.,,.........»-.... . .,...�..�.�.«.�......... . 2 � � . � = . . . �.. .� .. 6,'l ��:��J ` ; y S r' . .• � � .. ' S. F.No. 15 07 �.� i,�f, � :'''/ �.:! C � Alec G. Olson President of the Senatt. �- ,� � &�artin O.Sabo Speakcr of the House of Represensatives. Passed the Senate this 5th day of May in thc year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventy-f ive _ . � Patrick E.Flahavcu Secretary o f the 3enatt, Passed the House of Representatives this 29th day of January in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and seventy-s i x s--� ward A.Burdick Chief Clcrk,House of Rcpresentatiaer. APproved `�j �/1�t �y�� �3'` / �� �L�.�.. Wendell R.Anderson Governor of the State of Minnesota. Filed �'� �97� � i joan Anderson Gxowe Secretary o f Stak. 3