267290 WHI7E - CITY CLERK -I����n
t ouncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, Tha.t the proper City officials are hereby authorized
and directed to execute a lease agreement for a period of one year
between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Yacht Club for
tha.t portion of Harriet Island commonly known as the "Upper
Ma.rina", as more particularly described in said agreement, a copy
of which is to be kept on file in the Depa.rtment of Finance and
Ma.nagement Services.
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: ..
Yeas Nays �
Hozza In Favor
Levine �
Rcedler Against gY
President Hunt
'MA'( � � �9� Form proved City Atto ey
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified P y C n ' cre BY �
Approv by Mayor: ate 's ' Approved ayor f is ' o il
P�.�ED Stflf 5 �T�
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��.ti���� aa�e : May 21 , 1976
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. Ceonard W. Levine , cnoirmon, Fnakes the fD#' IOY��ing .
�e�ort or� C.F. � flrdinance .
, �� �i'asolufion
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'� �'�'�,.� : Lease agreement between the City of. St. Paul
and the St. Paul Yacht Glub �
_ ,
. �'k�e Committee recommends approval o� the attached
_ ��ase agreement with the St. Paul Yacht Club..
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L E � S t n R � - ;,i � � T
iHTS FGR�."'�ci�T, D,:,�c� this da� o-c , T�'7oY
G,y dnQ �etv�een i.��2 �'t�,y Gr $d1�L �aui , I�inr,eso�a r,Zi'e;;�az�er Ca11ed the "Cli:,us,-µ
drU' tFl2 Sd7l1L °au1 Yacht C�ub� ^�:^r^.i�'la i L�(' C3.��2G ��12 uC�L'fJ"i
bdi IiV�S$cTH:
THc CITY ai�D C�UB MJ►�A�LY AGR�� AS FO!LO'r�S: - -
l . That rar the sum of One Thousand �ignt HunCred Doilatrs (�7 ,80fl.G0}
and other good anc va7ua�l� consid�•ra�;on, i:he City nereby Ieases to �h� Club
t'r,at portion of Narri�t Ts?and, �IOCd�2Ct in and ow'ned �� �ne Ci�y, for the
�ur�as� or ma�n�a;�:�ng a docking facility ior rivzNc.rai�. on t'r;e Uississip��
,R;v�.r. fiY;� l eased �orti on, reT�i�red ��o a5 zhe t�;��r or Sr;,a�1 3oat �-tarLcr, ;s
0�:��1�r4�d in red on the atzached maN w;�icn �s mad� a �art 112i^EOr aN�d �o�ed as
Exhibi� A;
2. Tha� t�,e term of this 12d5: sha11 commence Jar�uary � , 1976, a:;c
ex�ire on Dece�b`r 3i , 1976;
3. That the Ciub a�rees �o ke�n �::� area in a clear: art� orderly ���a:r��;^,
fre� from debris, and as part oT ;:�;is :^25po:�sibility, s;�all :
a. cut grass ar�d mairtain �an�cs on south side Qr marina frcr��
St. to wateri ine or �ca� I;�rbor,
b. provi de adequate nurber �T �ras'r� recetitacl es to Gcca►r�roda�e
debris generated by boai: ���Y�����s a�;c visitors ta the area and ba •res-
ponsible for ihe removal o� :.r:.sn, a,��
c. maintain tne steps a�� acce�s �o �he boa�G harbor in a sa�z
4. Club sha11 provide adcqua�e ' ig'r,;.;ng for �he boat harbor ar�a;
, , f ` , : f?�����
5. Club s��a�7 5� allowea to i�s�a�l c:�y waLer �t its awn experse
�'rov;d2d i.haL �lans .ror sucn work s;��?1 be approved and coordina�ed with
t�� JC^�Grtment Of COn?it1Uri1�y SerVJCeS. Said �p�•roval sha11 be in writing
1.�i�n no wor� �o comm�nce before .w^i�cten approv�l Ts received;
6.. Club sha11 provide access to pub? �c te?ephone ta users and visitors
to boa� fta��or.
7. C1ub, shal� submit to the Superintendent o► Par�ks and 4ecreat:on,
w7�nin sixty (60� days foliot�ing t'r,e znd of eac'rt year durzng �he term af this
eo;�z�act, a statemnnt of gr�ss receipts anc expendiiures using true and
�cceptable accounting prccedur�s. Sa�d ;��ort si�aTl can�ain s�rch infarrr,ai.ian
ar,� be i�t such form as �o be acceptable to the City. The Ci�y sha11 have
the rzgrit to inspect the books an� records of CT�b durrng usuaZ business h�urs�
8. That the C1ub agr4es to save and hold harrless tne City of Sain�
°a�� Trom any ar.d G?1 cla;ms arising ouL a� tr:e Club's use her�eunder;
a:d i n or�e� to g;ve �hi s i nde��r:;:`i c�;�;cn ��rc4 ana effeet, C1 ub sha i i orav��e,,
at ;ts own exaense, public liabili�y insurance naming zhe City as a co-insurec;
s�:� ir,surance to be ir the sum of 5500,OOG.
9. Ti�at no i mprove^��r�ts, cons�rue�i o� or a1 terat-ions aT any ki n� w:11
t�e u,dertaken 5y tne C1 u� as �o �;;� 1 eased prer�i ses wi�hout the pri or revi eE�a
: and approval by the Ci�y's Depar�ment of Community Services; and
i0. This Agreemen� may be terminated upon 30 days written notice far
violaiian of terms of the Agreements.
II� WITf�ESS WHEREOF, The parties have set iheir hands the date firs�
z�bove written. :
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THIS AGREEMENT,' Da�ed this � day of ,
, 1976, by '��and. between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, Minnesota, hereina.fter
. , , ,
called the ."City",� :and the SAINT PAUL YACHT CLUB, hereinafter .
cal led the "Club.',';.� 1�;,.
1. That `for One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable
considera�ion,.�:thp: ;CitXi'�,hexeby leases to the Club that portion of
Harriet ;Zs�larid�,�,�;�ocated-in:and ov�n.ed by the City, for the purpose
of maintair�ing,-;a,-d9c�i�g an�l: launching faci lity f or rivercraf t on
the Miss�.ssippi �Rivex,.' ;-The leased portion is. outlined in red on
the attached. ma.p which..is made a part hereof and noted as Exhibit A;
2. That the term of this lease sha.11 commence January 1,
' 1976 and expire on Janua.ry 1, 1977; and
3. Tha.t no improvements, construction or alterations of any
kind will be undertaken by the Club as to the leased premises
without the prior review and approval by the City's Department of
Community Services.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The parties have set their ha.nds the date
first above written.
d F : By
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Assistant ity Attorne
Director, Depa.rtment of
Fina.nce and Ma.nagement Services
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� AN AMENDMENT, Dated this � day of ,
1976, to a certain Agreement between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL,
Minnesota, hereina.fter called the "City", and the SAINT PAUL YACHT
CLUB, hereina.fter called the "Club";
THE CITY AND CLUB NNTUALLY AGREE, Tha.t a certain Lease Agree-
ment between them, effective for the period of 1976, concerning
the lease of a portion of Harriet Island to the Club for ma.intena.nce
as a docking and launching facility for river craft is hereby
amended to add a paragraph reading as follows:
4. Tha.t the Club agrees to save and hold harmless
the City of Saint Paul from any and all claims arising
out of the Club' s use hereunder.
IN WITNESS HEREOF, The parties have set their ha.nds the date
first above written.
pprov i�to rm By
--: � . -
Assistant ity ttorn
Director, Department of Fina.nce
and Mana.gement Services
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• $OARD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION March 18, 1976 pl$t �p 10
Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64
passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. �g�9
1. APPLICANT'S NAME . Electricians and Associates
2. CLASSIFICATION . X� Amendment � Appeal � Permit � Other
3. PURPOSE . Rezone to P-1
4. LOCATION . South side of Hague between Dale and St. Albans
5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : East half of Lot 3, Block 8, Holcombe's Addition
7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: 210 Paragraph:
8. STt�FF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: March 12, 1976 BY� CLMcG
A. HISTORY: Under the 1922 Zoning Ordinance, this property was zoned
Comm�rcial. As this property is now zoned RM-2, a more restrictive
classigication, a short form rezoning petition has been filed.
B. PROPOSAL: The petitioner proposes to construct a garking facility
to serve the building owned by Electricians and Associates at 621
Hague Avenue. The parking facility will be located on this parcel,
the 60 foot parcel to the west, and the 80 foot parcel to the east.
C. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site has a frontage of 20 feet on Hague and
a depth of 110 feet, for an area of 2200 square feet.
D. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is vacant and at street grade.
E. AREA CONDITIONS: Selby Avenue frontage contains predominantly
commercial development with many abandoned buildings. The rest of
the area is developed residentially.
F. RECOA�IENDATION: The proposal has been reviewed and recommended for
approval by the Planning District ��8 Board as consistent with
long ran� plans for the area. The adjoining property to the west
has been recommended for rezoning to the P-1 classification to allow
for the provision of off-.street parking for the petitioners facility
across Hague Avenue to the north. Consistent with that action,
staff recommends approval of the P-1 zoning designation for this site.
This recommendation does not include approval of plans for the actual
development of the parking facility which should be administratively
approved as a separate action following site plan review.
9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend D Approval � Denial Council Letter
Yeas Nays
Moved by . Prifrel X Norton Ma 12, 1976
R Prifrel Date of
Seconded by: Willits X Willits Hearing:
X Hummer March 18, 1976
Secretary's remarks: X Rupp
Counci Action•
. . . _ . �� ���-
. �. . .. ���
orm Rez n'n tl 'o �S u�}�
Short F o i g Pe ti n �
c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall
City of Saint Paul , Minnesota
Pursuant to the provisions of �AWS OF MINN�SOTA for 1975, Ghapter 261 , Section 6,
I/we the undersigned� being the owner(s) of �roperty described as East one-half
(E 1/2) of Lot 3, Block 8 , Holcombe's Addition
and situated (describe location with respect to streets or intersections) �n the
south side of Hague Avenue and just West of Dale Street
wh i ch property was prev i ous 1 y zoned Commercial , and under
Chapters 60 through 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is presently zoned
�-2 , a more restrictive zoning classiftcation, do
hereby request that consideration be given by your honorable d�odies to rezone
the above described property to a zoning classification of P-1
under Chapters 60 through 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code.
.nr✓�nnni✓�nnnti '
My Comm.Expires April 18,1980 #o re me �� �-�"
/� Jacob Haege
th i s �� day of ( 't��c.--: ���
�����z_,,�� ���, ��-,�-,��-c�:-� Address: 621 Hacrue Avenue
Notary Pub) ic, Ramsey Co. � Minnesota St. Paul� Minnesota
My Commission expire5����c'-� id; ���4 Telephone: 225-6583
Approved as to form I1�17/75 �,� � � '� u � � �
by the City Attorney. � � �97�
� �� �
Gn�Y �u�N���vG ea�Ra
S�►int M .'' ��;nc�es:� ,�
' ; BOARD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION March 18, 1976 Plat Map 10
Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64
passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. 7878
1. AFPLICANT'S NAME . Housing and Redevelopment Authority
2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal � Permit � Other
3. PURPOSE . Rezone to P-1
4. LOCATION . Southwest corner Dale and Hague
5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Lots 1 and 2, Block 8, Holcombe's Addition.
7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 64 Section: 210 Paragraph:
8. STAiFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: March 12, 1976 BY� CLMcG
A. BACKGROUND: Under the 1972 Zoning Ordinance, this property was zoned
commercial . As this property is now zoned RM-2, a more restrictive
classification, a short form rezoning petition has been filed.
B. PROPOSAL: The petitioner proposes to construct a parking facility
to serve the building owned by Electricians and Associates at 621 Hague.
The total parking facility would be located on this and adjacent
property to the west of this site.
C. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The site has a frontage of 80 feet on Hague and
a depth of 110 feet, for an area of 8800 square feet.
D. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is vacant and at street grade.
E. AREA CONDITIONS: Selby Avenue frontage contains predominantly commercial
deve opment with many abandoned buildings. The rest of the area
is developed residentially.
F. RECOMMENDATIONS: Same as previous time.
9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend � Approval � Denial Council Letter
Yeas Nays
Moved by . Prifrel X Norton May 12, 1976
X Prifrel Date of
Seconded by: Willits X Willits Hearing•
X Hummer
Secretary's remarks: X Rupp March 18, 1976
Council Action:
• . . �. S
� � , ��
Short Form Rezoning Petition � �
' ��
c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 Clty Hall
City of Saint Paul , Minnesota
Pursuant to the provisions of LAWS OF MINNESOTA for 1975, Chapter 261 , Section 6, '
I/we the undersigned� being the owner(s) of property described as Lots 1 and 2.
Block 8, Holcombe's Addition
and situated (describe location with respect to streets or intersectior�s)
On the southwest corner of Hague and Dale Streets
which property was previously zoned Commercial , and under
Chapters 60 through 64 of the Saint Paul �egislative Code is presently zoned
�M-2 , a more restrictive zoning classification, do
hereby request that consideration be given by your honorable .bodies to rezone
the above described property to a zoning classification of P-1
under Chapters 60 through 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
�q t/� Edward N. Helfeld, Exec tive Director
th's / ! `"day of December, 1 Housin� and Redevelovment Au�hority
^ /2� � of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
r>��� �G � Address: ,�5 Ea�t Fifth Stree�
otary Public, RamSey Co. , Minnesota Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55101
My Commi ss ion expi res Te1 e�*F�c��e• $-5695
��,�^r;;,*,,,�-�^.f�.�....: r�?�
�,►�4fi►AAA►� �GA'�N�G��!_�ML
� � ��'4� NutarY Publt�� Ramsov ��. Mn.
',�:�,•., .
:�+��, � MIY COMhti155►ON EXPIkES
Approved as to form 11/17/75 � Feb.l�, 19�9
by the City Attorney.
� L� � L� U U �� �
i cG 1 u i`���
CITY PLAl���raG B(��RD
Saint f, , �"j;�!��:,��'c.,
PRESENT: Madam Norton, Messrs. Prifrel , Willits, Humner and Rupp of the Current Planning
Carm�ttee, Mr. Amdy Division of Housing and Bullding Code Enforcement, Mr• McGulre and
Miss Larson of the Planning Department Staff.
ELECTRICIANS & ASSOCIATES (7880) : Petition to rezone, from RM-2 �o B-2, property
located on the North side of Nague between Dale and St. Albans, to rezone from
RM-2 to P-1 , property located on the Southwest corner of Dale and Hague, to rezon�
from RM-2 to P-1 , property located on the South side of Hague between Dale and
St. Albans, and to rezone from OS-1 to 6-2, property 1ocated on the Northwest corner of
Dale and Hague Avenue.
The petitioner was present.
Mr. McGuire showed slides of the sites and gave the staff report.
Mr. Les Novak, Attorney for Electricians and Associates, came forward. He stated
that the purpose of the petition is to provide zoning consistent with the existing
use and the existing building, to permit expansion of the building, and to provide
off-street parking.
Mr. Ronald E. Weinberger, of 667 Hague Avenue, came forward. He� stated that he was
against the parking request and asked what effect this will have on property value and
on-street parking in the area.
Mr. McGuire stated that Electricians and Associates have limited parking and that this
will provide the parking necessary to relieve congestion on Hague Avenue. He stated
that they will be required to provide a screen fencing to eliminate headlight glare,
and landscape the site under the provisions of the zoning code.
Mr. Hummer asked Mr. Novak how many off-street parking spaces will be provided and
how that number relates to the requirements of the Code.
Mr. Novak stated that the number of parking spaces on the plan submitted to the Housing
and Redevelopment Authority is 58.
Mr. McGuire stated that this number exceeds the number of parking spaces required
in the ordinance.
Mr. Prifrel made a motion to recomnend approval of the rezoning request.
The motion was seconded by Mr. Willits and carried unanimously.
Submitted by: Approved by:
Charles L. McGuire W111iam H. Rupp, Jr.
. 4
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