267271 WHI7E — CITV CLERK �����,y� PINK — FINANCE . COUI1C11 �^.a �j CANARV — DEPARTMENT CITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. ,• �' S BLUE —MAVOR � '► T Counc 'l esolution Presented By LI�$S COlB'R'.L"!.'� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date I�4LY�D: �t lic��s�s applied for by the fclloM3.ng persone at the sddres+sea atated be aad the wse are hereby gra�nted. Thc�ae Rabert �an 461 tTai��raity Rest�uraat �pp.7t�'779 �+ n y (h� Sal� Malt �i n �+ �� 0!f 8ale Me�].t " " p /I �g� M M Ramae� Action Progra� 349 Mae�hin�toa Food &stabl. N 766� " �a�sey Action Prograss 10 w. 3kahange lbod Setabl. M ?674 " Yillia�m M. Ver Sai6h 804 B. 3rd 8t. 8eataurant C-1 ?753 a �� �� Oa Bsle Nalt �� r� n n Dff Bale Ma.lt " n n n �g� e� �� R.M.B. Bales, Inc. 42$ Bo. Yabaeha ��ern 8108 " � �� Off Bale Malt " " n M Cigarette a " n �t R�atatlY'�3it �� n Lc�ni�e Bkipos 9?9 aandolp�i Reatauraat C•2 8110 " n n Cigax�ette n n �outhlaad Corp. 1125 Y. ath St. Ree�ta�,trant C-1 8330 " n 2051 Qx'amd Ave. 8estaur�nt C-1 8339 " Norma�n Ba�crow 511 �. �th St. 2nd Hd. Mtr veh Dlr 8417 " Jack Yor�g 1611 Rice 8estaurant 8433 " „ �' Cigarttte n n D�ana Qa.aser 1474 N. Victoria Food �stab. 8434 " Art '1'�ak 1000 N. Snelling I.Y.M. I.oc 8445 " Catherine Yonag 653 c�rand Ave. Confectioner� 8449 " lieat Side 1lilk Depot 56 �. Plato Oif Sals Malt 84?9 " Spiaaan I+�uit Co. 5?� �e St. Fooda I�PM 8624 " Conaord Oil Co. 500 E. 7th St. Qas Btation 11 P. 8648 " n n Iaiq. l�el Dealer rt n n n Hardware '� n ►� �� Florist-l�uraery " " n a Firear�a n n n n Qe A-1 n n n n �� �� COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen i�a�ac Hwit In Favor Levine Rcedler Against BY Sylvester � Tedesco President F,ipp� $pyg,4 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY . BY Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By WHI7E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COIlIICll ��f} CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. � - ���"� BLUE - MAYOR � '�= .s � Council Resolution Presented By �� �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date R�'80I.1/BD: That license applied for b�► the follcwing persone at the addresees �tated be au�d the �e are hereby graated. Theiae� �iendiag Cc�. $4 M. Rkahe�nge 1 wddtl. Y Maah App.8717 It�t D.Y.M., Inc. 419 8tate 8t. 1 Music Me�ohine 8863 `� n n 12 M.A. DeTi.cea n n I,ae Ve�s Gin�ma 4�9 x. 1�besha. Y.M. Loc. 8868 " Teau� House 54 W. 8kchange Y�![. Loc. 8869 " Kreaser 9ending 314 Y. Ber�rd Y.I�. I�oo. 88a3 " Hernie Pacheco 7�0 IIniTereity �se. t)rig. Cont. 8899 " n n Yehirtle P�eddler 8900 n �� „ Orig. Cont. 89ti1 " �� " '�eh. Peddler 89��2 n �� „ orig. Coat. 89c�3 " n �� Yeh. Peddler $90�+ " �� �� Orig. Cost. 8905 " �� p Veh. Peddler 89C16 �� Vaa'e Vieta� ti3fts 4�0 Sibley Ori63.aa1 Coat. 8910 " Jeii �Caater 1494 E. Roee 1-Addtl. Cig 89� " Bonine Y�aBi�sg % 460 No. I.exingtoa piqr. Y!t Loc. 9018 " Lorence 8ecreation � 1 Addtl. �hah. ': � Elmer P. Allis 1340 MI. Ma�ynard Drive Motor Yeh Dri�er 9�'72 " De�ton Hoardiag Care 7� �,Ytsn lbod =at. W. M 9f)77 " D.Y.M., Inc. 119 State St. 1 Mu�ia lle�ahine 910�1 " n „ y K.l. D�ril3es a n D.V.M.� It1C. XSP Hi.�hbrid�,se Bt. 3-Addtl. Fbod Y.M. 91p5 n JaYf Lrt�r �G�in Liak) 1494 R. �oae 1 K.�.D. 9117 '� Duene �. & B�rraa Anderscin 241� Y. 7th Bt. Ci6. Y.M. Cip�r 1 M 9119 " Q�res Bax�khalter 2101 Hrya�at w�e. B.Mpls.I+Iaaa�uae 9�01 " 11s. t�ri�tia� Herry 424 Dapc�nt H., xpls. l�aa�w q213 " COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Christensen � Hnat In Favor Levine �e�` � Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President I� $psy� Adopted by Council: Date ��,'� �` � 19� Form Approved by City Attorney Certified a s y Counci re BY By Approve ayor: te� 8 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By � .�UN 51976