01-545Return Copy To: Police Dept. Accounting O�IGI�AL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: r v Committee:Date: a6 1 2 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Yaul is authorized to enter into a grant agreement with the 3 Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services and, Chief William K. Finney is authorized to implement 4 the project and/or program designated in the grant agreement. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 24 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Requested by Department of: Services Director: Adopted by Council:Date: Adoption Certified by Coi BY� "�� .,_ �. Approved by Mayor:Date: .,,/ y N,�, /Q �/ BY. mncentertorcrimevitimservices �� l BY� � ����IT (�//l�il/ F� ed by City Att�o�� BY� �. / ✓1/L�/ � Approve i o• for Sub � m � y 7 ' Js / s � ion to Council: BY: g� / ,' �i!/�}i1.G /! ///'� � coun�s� �Yle # 0 �— 5'�l5 Green Sheet # 111749 DF,�^AR�rVT/OFFICE/COUNCIL ` DATE INITIATED ' �3u�e • aisioi GREEN SHEET No. 121749 ONT:� T PER N& NE INRIAVDATE INRIAiJDATE W:IliamFinIIey 292-3588 1 uecnRrn�xroiaECroa_ 6 couHCU. lhUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) � O' � ASAP �cmwrrow+er ' ❑cmc�wc ��wwausomce5oi��� �cW ANCW-SEfN/ACCTG �YOR(OR/SLSTAM)JJJ`�! ❑NIINNNWGHTS �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATfONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC710N REQUESTED Approval of the attached Council Resolution authoxizing the City of Saint Paut to entei into a grant agreement with the Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services, and Chief William Finney to implement a grant agreement with the Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services. RELOMMENDATION AppfOVe (A) of R2j2Ct (R) PERSONAL SERVIGE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contrect for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COIViMITTEE 2. Has this pereonffrm ever been a cityemployee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm pwsess a skill not rwrmally possessed by any currem ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is this personffirtn a targeted vendof? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHI� '� The Saint Paul Police Deparhnent needs authorizarion to receive a gant from the Minnesota Center for Crune Vicfi.m Services. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVFA Authorizarion needed to accept gant funds from the Minnesota Center for Crune Victim Services. DISADVAN7AGESIFAPPROVED None. '�AY o C� �QQ� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED � g � /� e V�(�Q�sr.�i! :���Q'a�� 4d�in�ef Lost opportunity to receive grant funds. MAY 18 20�1 , TOTlLL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIOItl $ '� -- ��-�- EflST/REWENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE MIIlIl0SOT3 C0II1C7 POI CI7Iri0 V1ChIYt S0N1 ACTIVIlY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN7 01/18l1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PA�L POLICE PA6E 02 � ' �I�S4S Form A STOP Vlolence AOainst Women Act (VAWA) Funding Proposal - Exhibit A Appfication Cover Sheet — FY02 'I. Ca29gory p� Ftilldh'1Q (check df elther the singia category in which you are applying, or all appiic2Dle categories if your proposal is a combmatbn of aervlces andlor syatxnsy: 1. Law Enforcement Related Grants 1A: X DomeaUc Vloiencs Etfarts 1 B: _ 3exual Aasautt Eftorts 3. American Indian Reiated Granu 3A: Domestic Violence EEforts 3B: Sexual Assault Efforts 2. ProaeCUYon Ft�ieted Gr2r� 2A Domeadc Vblence Ef'forts 28: Sexu� AsseuR Ef6orffi 2. L9g2� �f�Ot�Ofl (Applicar�p muet be an IndepenGently mcqrporaled nonprofit organization, a IOCaI unrt of government. an Indian Uibal povemmMtt, a s}yte agency, a Iaga1 aervices organization or have a fiscal agent that meets one of these requirements) Name of Legal Orgenization Salnt Paul Police Department Federal ID #: 4 1- 6_0 0_ 5_5 2_1 State ID #: 0 0 8 0 2 5 0 Address 10Q E, 11'" Street S�tt Peul hAN Zip 55101 Contact Pe►son AMke Taonto Titl Commander Phone 651-292-3i85 FAX 651-292-3711 E-mail mike.toronto(a�ci.stpaul.mn.us Type of (#r��IZaqon {onack �i tnac a�iyy. A. Non-pro14t prpanlzatlon battered women's program sexuel aaaoult program _ lepel eervices progrem _ other non-proflt organization C. _Amerk�n Mdlan TrIbAI dovemment B. local Unit oT Government _ govemmental battered women's program ^ govemmental sexual assault program X law enforcement agency _ prosecution agency _ other (identify) D. _State Agency 3. Program (if dlKerent than Iegal otganirBGon): Name oi Program _ Family Vbl�nce Unit Address 100 E. 11"' 3treet t P ul, MN Zip 55101 Contad Per� Mqce Toro�to Titl Commander Phone 651-292-3885 FAX 651-292-3711 E-mail mike.toronto ci.stpaul.mn.us 4. Servlce Juna: Geographicad area City of 3gint Paul Tota1 populetic� to be s�ved 287,000 Special population focus, if any MRY-14-2061 16�03 6512923675 97� P.02 61/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 03 O t•54.s Form A1 OVERVIEW OF TOTAL AGENCY Pro9ram Name: The 3aint Paul Police Famiiv Violence Unit Use no mora than two peges to respond. Please provide a brief historical oYerview of your organizacion. Include how long your organiza6on hae been providinp services end e description of the serv;ces you provide. IncWde you� agency's mis5�on antl how it fits with your philosophy, knowledge, and understanding of violence against women. particularly wltn respect [o viccims of tlomestic v�oience a�C saxual asseult. tf y0ur projed purpose focuees on a partieular population (racial, culturel, ethnic and/or la�guage minorit�es or other undarserved communiry), desCribe your understending anG experience working with this poDulaLOn (see'culmral competence' in Definiha section of ine RFP, psge 4.) If your orpanizatlon Is nwrly formed, also describe where you are developmentaity (e.g., what steDS ha�e been taken wIM repard to Incoryorat;On, fundraisirg, board devebpment networking with other agencies, etc.). The St. Paul Police Departmrnt was appoineed iu first Chief in 18i4, the ycar in which the city- w•as mcorporated. Thc Q�y of St. paul has a population of 287,151 and is approximately 55 square miles in area. Much of che character of ;he Se. Pau] Police Deparaneat, similar co the city it serves, dcri�es from the energy, growth and very disnnct and diverse personalities of iu ciry's neighborhoods. The strong neighborhoods, private and non-profit organizations, business�s and go��emment entities creace a rieh foundation for the City of St. Paul; enhanced with the frequen[ visits of the broader cemmunity of the metropolitan area'S 3.5 million residrnts. Whi]e considered to be a relarively safe c�ty, Sainc Paul has its share of the accompanying crime and socioeconomic issues associated with a city this size. The St. Paul Police Depa�rhnent u tenacious in its mission "co protect and to serve": procect the riehts ot each person �.�,th�n ics jurisdiction to be free from criminal attack, to be secure in their possessions, and to !rve in peace. The Depanntent is charged with responding to and investigating all crimes whieh occur withm the c�ty limits. To accomplish this rask ehe department has an authorized awom strength of 576 peace officers and 205 suppon scaf£ The departmem �s considered a "fu11 setvice" agenoy wjth the infrasWCture necessary to perfocm atl tuks related to la�� enforcement. The Saint Paul Po14ce DepaRment is dedicattd, and has a provrn commitment, to employing, retaming and promoting a staff that �s reflectivc of the diversity of the community it serves. In the past nine years the department has recru�ted and hired 211 females and 153 people of color, representing a respective increase of 139 °/, and 260%. Matenats and resources are ava�lable in three different languages, and over 300 couz[ certified interpmers aze on staff and on call to assist non-Engluh �peakme pecsons and the hearing impaired. The Depamnent and all its faciiities are handicapped accessible and distr�ct offices and/or substations are located at 14 different areas across the city. Over the past nine years the St. Paul Police Department has successfully woven community partnerships and collaborazions imo the enhre infrastructure ofthe Depattment. In 1992, Ctuef William Fmney, resol�•ed to ensurc that St Paul be a quality plaee to live For all its sesidents, began to jnsiill the philosophy and practue of convnuntry-policing, tailored specificalty to the un�que needs ofthe ciry. ahe results of the Cr. Pae�'c,,commnnky-..—�.�� aze as follows: • Targeted problem-orienud policing • Neighborhood watch. • Telephone reparting, • Citizen ad.��sory councils, • Citizen surveys, • Communit ol�c n tra ' f ff • V tctim assistancc program, • Neighborhood-based police seations, • Drug-free zones araund schools and pasks, • Pohcelyouth programs, • D.A.R.E., � Assignmem of officers to beatr, y p i g ming or o tcers, • Block club formauon. • Graffiti abatemenc program, • Curfew and truancy enforcement • School resource officers. The Ciry of St. Paul is committed to stopping v�olence in the sveets and makAng communities a safer place for families. Dunng the [eauzt of ChieFFinney, the department has added sevcral new components to combat crcme; the Force Unit; Gang Unit; Asian Task Force; Horse Patrol, and Motorcycle PatroL These work m congruence with exisung umts, �.e. the Asian Comr�uniry Outreach Program (ACOP) and Cazvne Unit, to bring about the elimmation of viotence in our communiry. The significant suecesses of all these efforts have heen dependent upon ihe zeliable and committed pannersbips the Potice Depaztmem has creared with Sc. Paul's residrnts, organiuuons, syaicros and MRY-14-2001 16=04 6512923675 97i P.03 61/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PA6E 04 Form A1, Page 2 neighborhoods. To the Department these considerabie accomp6shments can feel iike hollow vicLOries ��'S �s when a citizen from our community is �ssa�ilted and teirorized by a family member or sameone they at one time £eit they could intimately mut. The St. Paul Pofice, in alliance with the Saint Paul Intervention Project and the suppon of the Joint City/County Prosecurian Tea� would like to create a modet Familv Yolence Unit to more effectivdy respond ta domestic riolence against women, better insure the victims� safery aad hold the perpetrators accountable for their violence. The St Paul Po6ce Departmeat has not and cannot alone address the issue of violence against women. The Saint Paul Poliee havt a tong and rieh history of working towards ending domestic violence; ranzing from developing and impiementing a conce�ttated domestic azsau3t enforcement policy /practice and establishing the Field Referral Uait responsible for resttaini�g ordtr violations and fotlow-up on cases where there was no arrest at the sceeq to begitmutg its peRnership ia 1984 wiRh the Saint Paui Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (a grass- roou battered women's progam) and participazing in numerous communiry and government initiacives which concentrate on domesdc abuse on a local, stat�wide, and national level. In the yeaz 2000, the St Paut Police Department responded to over 15,000 ca11s Por service in the area of domestic disputes, ofwhicb, appto�otnately 2,300 incidences of domestic assault were reported. These figures include Aggavated Domestic Asae�ilts, Misdemeanor pomestic Assaults, Gross Misdemeanors, Interference with 911 and Voiations of Orders for Protecdon This does not include the numezous number of sexua! assaults committed by a spousdpartner agamst the vicCm or the physical or sexual assault committed against a ctuld by a family member. CurrenUy there are 5ve people assigned to the issues surrounding violence against women, and those o�cers aad their divi5ions are spread tluoughout the Department. The priority the 5t. Paul Pofice I7epartment has piaced on responding to domestic violence issues has been heightened by a) understanding that domestie violence is cyctical in nature and wreaks havoc on e�ery facet of our socicty; b) knowledge that even though prevention is the ultimate goal, intervention is a very strong method of funue preventiott, due to the generational cycle of abuse, c) awazeness thas expeditious identification and prosecution of offenders is critical in ensuring victim's safety and/or that the perpetrators violence witt not be redirected to another victim, and d} recem initiatives and concentration ae the nationai level on issues of domestic abuse. "�'he goal of the St. Paul Poliee Departmrnt is to oversee and facilitate the process by which domestic violence cases are investigated and brought to success£ul resolution; facilitating quick inteivention with offenders and greater assistance and protection to victims, 'I'his gi�ant will assist the police department and its parcners in counteracting the esealation of, and hopefiilly one day eluninating domesvc violence; ttuough the creation of a model Famiiy Vidence Unit whoae efforts will vastly expand and enhance the legal action and standard af pcotectioa iu domestie asssult cases. The Fami]y volence Unit's goals would be to a) create att umbrella over ap crimes against the family within the St. Paul Police Depattmeet; b) strive to be victim centered and empower the virtim in decisions, c) create a moxe efficient imervetrtion in family violence cases; d) estabUsh and nurrirre multi-discipGne partnersfiips in acUieving this work; e) institute a strong protocol for family violence investigations; � assign more accountability and responsbility to imeatigators; g) educate and uain a(1 officers and invesrigators who respond co domestic violence calla/caaes on the ntw protocol, the dynamics o£ domestic abuse, and increased sensitivity to diverse commuairies. F�mds fl'om the VAWA gtant cvill be used to add two investigators to a newty created Family �olence Unit. Three additiona! po&ce officers w+il] be added in-kind from the Department's current strength. The Departmrnt Eee}s confident that the inception of a Family volence Unit, working in even closer collaboration with the $aiM pau] Inten project, Jouit City/Prosecution Team, and other community organizationa, aviE draenatically elange tAe v�e demeanor of domestic ahuse in our community and create a modei that couid bc repiicated across the state. MRY-14-2061 16�a5 6512923675 98i P.04 B1/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 05 DESCR1PT1pN OF NEED Form A2 0(�S4S Program N�; 1'he Saint Paul Police Family Violence Unit Usinfl onty 1l�is {f�ps, destribs and Justlfy tlro nseci tor the proposed project You should document, as clearty as pos�ble, what probleme ycu waMto addr�ss; yops �n services; yeographie, economic or lanpuage bartiers; or other specfic in�cators oi n��da. DeserlEe how wom�n who arc victims of domsatic violtnce and/or sexuai assault will benefrt from this projed and how wom�n's saNty n� wfl! be addreased. N applying tc serve a particular community, aiso address the unique atsty nwd� of womsn in Cat communily. The aty oF $aint Paul hu a populatian of 2$7,151, with an escmated ">1% being female. One out oF everp four women in Mmneson is bateered; nadona]ty eoery 15 seconds a moman is beaten. Domesnc assault s a systemauc pattern of violai� conaotling and coacive behaviors anployed bp an abusive pexson ro conffol the vicnm. Batterers ase emotional abusS isohtion, mrorism and incmidation. Physical viol�ce u che foundation for d,e �cvcs of power and canttoL Although both men and womm can be baccerers, it is bp Frr more common for t�e men m be the aggressor. Dom�ttic Violence e£fects people from all zaca, cultuzal backgrounds, ages, mental or physical abilites, snctul orieitaticros, religious affi(iarions, sodoeconomic classes, occupauons, or parmer/mazital sratuses. 'Ihe cammon futor that c� be found amongst batterecs and amid the vicnms is che pecpeaators violmce. Oftm as ehildr�, mrn who batter have either �vitriessed bamring betcveen family members or wcre 6urered themsdves; dteir childhoods bcng the training gounds foc the violence they now comm�L Studies have shown that mm who wi�essed their fathers hir dzcir mo�as wae t�ree umes more Iikelp co hit their wives dian men who had not Abusive men tend to have multiple victims. Vicrims' who are from communines of color, olda, lesbian, non-Fngiish spealting and living m poverty have incxeased 6arriets to accusing help. Over the past 13 years the population of Saint Paul membe=s living at or below poverep level inaeased by �3 percent (one-fourch of all poor living in d�e mt'¢e raetropofi� area) nnd residmts fzvm communiues of color increased bp an esrimaud 81%. Chddren m homes where domestic violence occuss are physically abused or sextiously neglected at a 1 i00% higfia rate than the national aoerage. Srudies have shoam that when baztered women do reach out for heIp, law enforcement is the 6rst profeesional system they will call. In this past yar asi alat:ning 40 wom� and si1 children were killed in Minnesora due to domesric abuse. The St Paul PoGce Deparnnmt fully reco�izes die huge significance of diese and od�er domesric relaced uagedies, and rhe insurmountabie toll theq take on our nei�borhoods and communiry. In d�e yeaz 2000, rhe St. P3u1 Police responded to ova 15,800 domestie dispuu calls, of wiiirh approximatelp 2,300 incid�ces of domestic assault were reported. "ihese repom include Aggravated and Misdemeanor pomestic Assauls, �otations of Orders of Proteccon and Gross Mirdemeanor Inurference with 9] 1.'Ihep do not indude the substantial numbcr of set�ual assaul� commitced by a spouse/parmer agauzst the victim or the phpsical or se�ual assauh corrurutted against a child by a faznily member. t1n estimazed 3a% of rhe 2,300 inadences were able to be subrrutted co be charged. �ith the cuaent sysxm and numba of petsonnd wishin the Dtpaztrnent it is very difficulc to su£ticiendp tcack the multiple crimrs and violent historia of the abusrss, thorou�ly invesrigate each crime, and ensure rhat all victinss' critical needs are being mec Very yunilar to the design of most Police Deparunaia throughout the United States, there are presrntlp five differrnt methods under which a domesric case may be investigared and 6rou�r to courr. 1) the Homieide Unit is zesponsible for a�oestigaong felony and gross misdemeanor domestic assaulrs; � the Field Refeaal Unit is responeible for investigating Gone on A:xival mitdaneanor c�es; 3) d1e Scc Crimes Unit is responsible for investigtting fami]p violmce apainst a child bp a familp member or the se�-ual assault by a partnez against a spouse, 4) the nd�borhood district unia ue cesponsible for invesnganng domestic assaults or violaaons of ordexs of protecrion in which the offmse also included a burglary or c�runal damaae to propexty, and 5) the domesric violmce suspec� that an azrested by d�e paaol office=s at the sc�e are �ssued a cnmuiaf tag and boobed £or the offense and thm go �msi�t to couct in the moming. What we propose is to create a Famiiy V�olence Unit resulang in one division whieh is responsible foz, and ovezsees the enrire process. In esr.ablishing rhu new mode� which would em�alize the responsibilitq, better aack the cases/ascailants and ersable the victims to receive more effcctive and effidctt services, euh division could a) work in collabontion, b� receive spec7al/on-going saining on domesvc violqtce, c) be held to a necv level of accounnbi&ry, � Eocvs on victm safery and bamers, e) better addrtss the need4 of victims Erom communitia of coloz, and f} work m close partneahip cvith the Sc. Paul Domestic Abuse Inrecvmtion Projeer, Joint Prosecurion Unit and o�er communiry organizarions. We haoe concluded t}�rou� our r�search and contacts fhat t�ere is a need for a domesric viol�ce model in Police Depazanents tfirou�out Minnpora and on a narional level u wetl. 'Ihe Sc Paul Policc Depazanenc has che comtziitment and acpettise, as wdf as a Ciry of ideal size and culnual mi� to successtully design, implement and assess a modd Funily Violence Uni� arhose assured success could be zeadilp replicated bp ocher Deparanena. MRY-14-2601 16�06 6512923675 96Z P.BS 61/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE COLLABORAINE EFFORT' PAGE 06 Form :13 . .— Ol.s'�S Progsacn I�Ieme'�+e S�K+t �1 P Fa�+++�p Violence Unit Using onl� this p�ge, descrt'be the ]evd of coordination your projecc requires between 5ervice proridezs, law enforeemrn; prosecvtion, affected populauons, and any odia Lelea-ent agencies or communities. The pucpose of your psojeet mavt 1x foaued on uue systerns change. Include infocmarion on the role oi cach collaborstive gtoup t}uou� the cou=se of the project (mcluda�g the evaluation plan) and how ti�e collaboxation'will be managed, A scareity of reaources h� not impacted the energy, 4ision and commitrnent of the S:. Paul Police TJeparrn�ent o; iu abiliry to work in pactiership wid� the communiry to end domestic abuse. �he Department's on-going collaborations with the communitq has enablcd ies ataffand progruns to work joindp wich iesidents, public and prirete organizations, gzoups, govertstnmt mrities and insti4rtioas. 'Ihese networks have enrirhed their resources, developmait and services, 1 °�r��S �'� �+�' io ra+c� t�ose in nced of assistance and their capaciry m work tocvards long-texm social and syscem change. It is the Deparnnmt's belief that the combined effozts of the collaboration in designing, implementing and suppocting the Family volmee Unit wi7l not aily furthet ti�e work of �ding violence in our communiry, buc will create a pazmetship thxt will bear futute initiatives which could nat occur without a shared vision. The Fanuly Violence Unit will nurture and expand the putnesships thaz alteady exist betaveen law enforcemen[, the St Paut Interoenrion Pmlect and rhe Joint-Prosecvtion Unit; building on each othecs strengths aad expertise in confronting domestic violence, while respecting each pume�s unique mle and fimction in ensuring the safety oE tt�e victim. This coUabontioti has s shnng foundation For success, stemming fmm the Department's willingness to seek out input m shapmg the prelimaiaty design of the Family Violence llnit model. �Ihe collaborarire fzamework for this new model ie tn: a} oreate a suuchue that centralizes and monitocs all crimes against ffie Familp, holdvag investigaaons to the same standuds and protoeols; b) be cictim centercd, empowenng the victim 'ux decisions and ensuring their ongoaig safety; c) czeate a more efficient and rapid ;ntervaition in family violmce cues, � esrablish and nurture multi-diaciplaie paxtiaships; e) assign more responsibility and accompanping accounrabiJiry to investigatois; g1 develop and insticute a sur�g gmtocol for £amily violence invesrigarions, and h) educare and haui all oEficers and investigatots who cespond to domestic violence calls/czces on the new protocol. '�'he traming wili include the dyn�rtucs of domeslie abuso and rhe needs of divecse culcura] communities. The input solicited during the desi�t of this model wiSl eontinue thmugh the implemenption phase, indudmg but not limited to the huing of the taro nevr investigators to be a4signed to the newly created Faznily Violence Unit (working wirh $ other investigatrns), 'I}�e eollabocatioat is not complete witt�out t�e input Cxnm oictims. St. Paul Interv�rion wiU be a conduit for vietim input, solicitaig feedback on a number of issues related to their saasfaction wirh tf�e handlmg of their ease bp law enforcemen; pzuyecutiot� and adcrocates. 'Ihis dara will be used to addresa azeas oF concem, influencing the daign of the neav protocol. Every 6 months, new victims wilJ be conracud, alloonng the Family Violence Unit snd its parnsas to c,emaa� zesPot�uve to the vicbms' needs. As part of this collabontion, zepreseatatives from the Farnilp Violence Unit will work with b]ocd clubs; educating them on the Unit's funetion and'a�aeasing awareness of and response to domestic violence. Cabte access T.V. will be one mediutn used to =eaeh out to the communiry, creatmg more public awareness of the issue of domestic vialence, and the hdp availabk to vicdms. Pcint medi� mctuding cultura]]y-divecse local commun�ty newspapers and mainstreatn press, w�ll be approached for coverege of the Family tiiolence Unit; orith the end goal of inaeasing aaess to its se=vicas and those of its collaborating parmezs. A Qsomisin8 aspeet of this eollabondon and restructucing of the Department, is tt�e opportunity to maximize existing networks and pumetships. One ocut�ple of this u the Sex Czimes Unit's relationships with Ramsey Countp Seaval Assault Protocol Site, Midavest Childcrn's Resource Center, Child Protection, Sc�niai Offense Serorces, Women tlssociarion of Hmong and Lao, Gay and I.e46ian Community Action Counpl, Women's Recooerq Center and Model C�ries. �is collaboation will deepen the a�dp s�ong pac�eship the Depamnent has with d Intervec�tion Projett (a gcass-roots organization thatworlcs to eliavnate vioie�ce agaitistwomen and t}xeir children, aad tt�e social/sysrem responses that condone or allow it).11�ry pcooide advocary, crisis intervenCOn and support to battered womrn and their children; faeilitate the sysum's msp�xtae to domestic abuse; and genvide educaaon, prevenaon, azid outreach to victims of ar�d the comtnunity at laige, Annually, over 3,500_battered aomm receive direa serviccs, ovcr 10,000 infurmanonal packets aze distribu�d and 2,400 calla for support and infotmation on theit 24-hour aisis line. The staff reflecis the cvltural and agc divecsity of d�e co�rvtnv�ities thry serve, i.e. African-, European-, I,a�n�, Native- and Southeast Asian American ailtures, aa Wdj a� elders, leab�t�e y�rtd suxv=tiors of abusa Their agency is �omntitted to enabluag the people effected by the issuea to be a direcc conduit ia defining the problems, and directly parrake in creating solutions. MRY-14-2001 16�a7 6512923675 97i P.06 01/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 07 � � �s�s Form A4 GEN£RAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE STANDARDS p FY02 PROGRAM NAME: Saint Paul Police Famiiy Volence Unit INSTRUCTiON$: Pbase answer the following questions as tfiey apply to the overal! sponsoring organization (or fiscai agent, ff applipble). If you check "No" to any questions, please �ontact your program specia/ist for furth�r /n8trucNons. OVERALI �ONBpRIN(3 OR(iAMIZATION 1. Orflanizadionai Structure This organiietlon is a lawfully ineorporated nonprofit or govemmental entity and is guided by a mission/philosophy statement that promotes effective services. X yes _no 2. Nondisdhninedon This cxganlzation does not disaiminate on the basis ot race, color, creed, religion, sex, status with regard to public aseistance, physlcal or mental dlsabiliiy, sexual orientation, religious belief, national origin or counry of residence. Xyes, we do not discriminate no 3. Philoso This cxgenizetion's programming is consistent with the philosophy of all applicable MCCVS crime victim advisory cpuncil(s). X yes _no a. compGance The organizatlon complfes wfth ell federal. State and 1oc21 laws, rules and regufations in the implementation of its programs. X yes _no 5. Finaneial Mat�agement The orparllzation:dheres to generalty accepted accounting procedures and, if funded, will meet the requirements for a sound flnencial management system outlined in the Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services' Flnandal Guidelines Manual for Recipients of State and Federal Fundi�nq (most recent edition), X yes _no fi. Reportinp The orgaMt8lion aflrees to fittftll alt repo�ting requirements estabfished by the Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Servlcss. X yes ^ no MAY-14-2601 16�07 651Z923675 98% P•07 01/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 5AINT PAUL POLICE �♦ Ii � 1 �Sks �� � A Q � i--� p r � 9 41 a $� � � �� v � � �. o � 6' �°— � .� � �. � � � t � e R � 5. � y � �. � � �g �� $. 0 �• � ,.. e a a < a a O w � I 4. �a G ~ tJ � � S � o � �' d � o. � � a �. v 0 C n � O N 0 � h7 �. .� O � � �. < > D � � C `�4 0 0 ��Q � � � � � 8 r fy F1 r a 5 � �- � � G N Py ro � � m ,� � � C d o m � n. � �� 5' M yi �� � � o �° �. � 5 Q � o �. �. 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C � N � � �O MAY-14-2001 16�11 6512923675 97i 3 � � y N 0 0 m � gW \° e 3 � �� � � N � C m a g' o � � � � VJ 1-T d c � � � ro � G C � N � m A F � .�'+ O � � n � 0 ti O � 'Z T a� � aa e � � � � � o <c � n D� G) 0 � N w � a m H � � t`D Q m � < m � � C n � � � � m N z � � m N � O O � m � � m m N C � � a � O � � � Z D � m � m c y 1 0 � < O A 7 � m D w °-'• D � h M � � � O � � � n � 2� �� D� T C , a i N � O � � � 3 D rr+ N � � � W P.15 01/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 16 EVAIUATtON Pt,qN Ol- S�LS Form q6 Progrem Name: �e 31 Peut PoMce FartWv Y�olence UnR Use oniythis page to p�ovide a compre�ensive pian that speclficelly describes whal you are attempting to evaluate, how and why. DesaEe the systems change you warrt to produce as a resuit of this project. Include how the evaluailon wN4 be developed, anc! what evatuatfon methods and toois wiu be used. Indude information on how each Coflaboretive group in the projea a participeting in the evaluation process. Please note that the evaivatbn eaped of your project is very important to reviewers. Evaluatioa is iategai to the success of this project. If we are to increase victim safety and decrease the number ofrepeat offepses, we must bt open to critical analysis and input. The expeditious identification and �roeecution ofoffanders is critical where violence has not been prevented The misBion ofthe Family Violence Unit is to oversee and facilitate the process by which domestic violence cases are invescigate3 and brought to successfiil resoluaon, facilitating quick intervention with o&'endere and assistanca to victims. The evaluation methods will be a combinatipn ofwritten surveys, fac�to-face interviews, c3ient feedback and aubstnntiaJ data ana►yyis. Pre- and post-implementation suzveys with victims will be one of the vehicles by which victim input, needs and safety are ensured. Comparative data analysis wi11 aiso be incorporated;nto the evatuation process, utiluing data &om the St. Paul Police Department and the Saint Peut Domesric Abuee bttervemion Project. Post-training participant evatuations wiil be conduaed by the Saint Paui Iatervention Project. Tracking and data analysis of repeat offenders and offenders at high riak of violent reoffenses is expected to increase the charging and sentencing of these perpetrators. The Unit wil] be able;o track ceses with the same invastigator being responsible for repeat cases. This early recognition of repeat offenders will allow greater initial focus on the investigation and facilitate the creation of a repeat offender database, much like the career criminal list. The Family votenee i7mt will beeome the central contact for all St. Paul domestic abuse victims and advocates. Victim6 will not have to contact other units to find out who is dealing with their case A stmng proto�l that addresses the nceds and safety ofthe victim is the focal point ofthe new unit. The pratocol wi11 atress rqaking the system more open and available to victims and also more sensitive to victims' needs. This will be measured irt the evaluation phase of the project through victim surveys, and data documenting improvaneiR in case handling and disposition. The collabortttion ttaclerstande that ttaining will play a crucial role in the success of this project, For this zeesan, data will be collected �nd analyzed Pertaining to azrest rates, and the numbec of cases submitted for charging. The true evaluation of the �ucpess pf this project will be seen 3n the next three to five years, with a reduction ovetall in domestic abuse cases; d'uectly related to holding perpetrators accountable for their abuse, reaponding swiftly and decigiveiy with tepeat offenses. Increued victim trust and utitization oF the law enf'oroeme�t Syy�em, tiviU e�su � more battered women are receiving the protection and services that are eiitica! to eycaping violence. Community awazeness and support in addressing the issue of domeatic violence is qtpected to gow,, as the Family Violence Unit cultivates new partners and ma�cimize�s their ability to reach out to diverse communities in their fight to end domestic abuse. MRY'-14-2001 16�11 6512923675 98i P.16 01/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 17 01-5�5 Form B PROPOSED BUDGET — FY02 STOP Vlotence Against women Act (VAWA) Fund 12 Monfh PROGRAM NAME: Saint Paul Police Familv Violence Unit A B C (It is not necessary to Total Propoeal VAWA Other itemize column C. At Budget the bottom, write the totaf in other funds to be used Personnel 267,061 105,199 for this project, if any.} Payro�l Taxes/ Fringe Benefits 74,777 Contract Servicss Travel Food/Meals Training Printing Postage Telephone Publicity/Advertisf�g RenUMortgage Utilities Insurance Maintenance/Repalr Office Suppfles Program Suppites Supplies Equipment Other {Speclfy) 29,456 TOTALS 341,838 = �34,655 + 2Q7,783' Note: Tota� of Co�umn A= Total of Columns B+C List names of addltional funding saurc.�s [asterisk(`) sources of secured fundsj: Department — three po{ice officers — saiary and fringe benefits. This does not in > cvwNVnq�RY! MRY-14-2001 16�12 6512923675 97i P.17 01/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 18 FEl)ERAL MATCH BUDt3ET AND NARRATIVE — FYp2 8TOP Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Fund —12 Month � t �$� Form B - Match PRO(3RRM hIAME_ Sa�nt Paul Police Domestic Violence Unit 1�st�tlCtl6ns: Nonproflt proprams e�e exempt from the match repuirement A 25% C2sh or �n-kind match is requlred of state agen�ies� ��dlan tr(bal governrnents and bcal units of govemment (inGuding governmental battered women and aexua! ss�ault progrsms_) Refer to insVuctfons lor furiher information. DO NOT OVERMATCH. List tha source uf {unds thgt peys tor the match. Match Narrative B�d�C��9��Y NlYtch Bud et Use the space below to explain s� Souree of Match Funds each line item. Describe staff 1 vOlunteer positipns, rates of pay, Personnel $ 33 � number of twurs, mi�eage rate, _City of Saint Paul etc_ Payroll Taxes/ Fringe Beneflig Volunteers Contract Senices Travel Training Printing Postage Telephone PublicitylAdvertising Rent/Mortgege Utilities Office Supplies Program 3upplies Equipment Other (SpeGfy): TOTAL . S S S S S $ S $ $ $ ---�_ S S $ $ $ $ $ 33,664 � The department will add Three police o�cers in-kind ta this initialive. This match amount represents 62 pe�cent of one police officer's salary. MRY-14-2001 16�12 6512923675 9B� P.18 61/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 19 �� �. Sr : o� °' ! �c a C' �• d ���a m � �� � � � �� �� c �� ���� �� �� �� ���� � (C � � '�. � � �� A ' `3 �, m a: �� Q o Q � w' � a _ ^m � � � S� g o��s � � �� � o c 3. � �o �m a � w ���� X � ^ Tp � � � � � C � N � C � O d� a E'i � �� � � � � � 3' i c� � n � m - C ¢ : � m � F y � c ra � v o Q o ^. ~ o � N �--1 .J � �. ♦ Q ' � w ' a '-� 3 ,~,• m N N u' �' < � `� 3: o D mo � _'. a = n ��� n V ` n z � c ? � w o, y � a D N � N CT � [O �p � � � � � ? o '""� wo n - o � a � N. s 3 � � MRY-14-20a1 16�13 6512923675 98i r � � � v � y � � � �Z °' D a � a m m � � � O O � .� � �� s� �� A � N , ° w C � n � A N G 0 0 m � � � � a t � d 3 ���5�� � 0 � � 0 m � � � d A .� ~z 3 m r m p� � � � ^m � 1 Do � N � 3 a N 3 0 � 7 0 � m P.19 61l18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 20 O\-Sy.� BUOGET NARRATIVE — FY02 STOP Vlot�tfce Agafnst Women Act (VAWA} Fund -'12 Month Form B2 PROGRAM NAME: Saint Paul Police Familv Violence Unit Use t�!$ spaoe to explaln in detail each line item charged to VAWA sources on Form B. Provide a narrativa ihat inGudes an exptanation of costs such as rates for mileage, fringe benefits (i.e., FICA, PERA, Iffe and medical insurance, pension) and contract fees, etc. For exampie, the narrative for travel sFrould Indicate total miles X miteaQe rate= total cost Do not repeat personnei information from Form B1. Personnel: Salary fior two police sergeanUinvestigators at $52,599.50 =$9 05.199. Fringe Beneflt8: Fringe benefits for two police sergeanVinvestigators: workers' compensation Employea ittsurance Ret}ree insurance 3everance pay PoliCe PERA PERA — police relief FICA 3.510% 7.151% 4.863% 1.834°10 5.297% 4.817% .0528% $14,728 X 2 = $29,456 MAY-14-2001 16�13 6512923675 98i P.2a � d � n O C 3 O m � a �D ID c 01/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 i��x °om m 3 �° T � � ,� �o cm� �ao co : . y � � r � y Q C � �. 3. j � O � � � K a O Q] y S ro N � x �3. c � � � � � v � � � N � ❑ � m o. @ n v � I X O � W � � � � � �� � o �a �� �� �� n� � � � � � � �� � � � g� � g �� � � � � � � � � S '. i � � � � � W � � � MRY-14-2001 16�13 SAINT PAUL PO�ICE € � � � �. �. 4. � �@�� 3 3 3 3 m � m � l �1 X � � � m 3 °�' -�, � � � �, � _ m � � d = � �j m G � N � � 0 0 � n @� m 3 � � n � � � n � o m � � � � d 7 � f = 7 - �- � � C y n n = � n 0 v � m � � � � 0 N O � g o o g o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (7 (7 n (7 A C� C7 `� �2` �' � � �' �c m a o m m m w m e ni e�i m a�i y v 3 ' ? � �,� ? 3 � � � 'V � '� � c C c C c c c z z z z z z z � � N � � � � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N c�'i� c c t�'i� � J �.A ! � N N � O�i Q�j � � � � � V1 f.71 (7� � O O O O 6512923675 rn rn rn cn � � ..A _y � m W C�11 07 0i m W m O O O 98i � � d � D a a � � N Q A � Q � a � m °J Q N a� n N O � x d � �x � � � o m < � � �. n � tfl G O w a I N d. < O � � � m �c 0 c a 0 � I 3 s � � � 0 � 5' 0 C a m m � 0 � 0 � PAGE 21 � �l�s�.'S �7 O � � v m c c � n a 3 v O y y � -' �A ' Z � � � � G _ om �v � 'o � m D aa � m 3z �� � O fl 3 D A j O � D �o c� � O DA { C � � a� � m i � � N T O 3 c� P.21 01/1B/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 22 ,\ � ��' QFFICE OF THE RAMSEY COUNTY ATTORNEY SUSAN GnERTNER Caunry Anomey Apri15, 2001 Mianesoca Depamnern of Public Safety Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services 2A5 East 6'" Sueet, Suite 705 St. Paul, 2vIN 55101 To Whom It May Concern: I am pkased to pledge the suppon and collaborarion of the Ramsey County Attorner's Office in connection with the innovative Family Violence [Jnit proposed by the St. Paul Police Departmeni. The new Fatnily Violence Unit will build on a strong base of collabozation between the Ramsey County Attomey's Office and the Police Depattment in effoRS to combat domestic violence. The Ramsey County Artomey's Office and the St. Paul City Attomey's Office worked very closely with the Police Depatttnent in creating a Joint Domestic Abuse Prosecution Unit. T'he unit, which focuses on domestic assaults N�here children aze present, has enjoyed enormous support and assistance from the Poiice Depazttszent. In pattnership w�th t}�e po�[ce, we have accomplished significant improvements in the criminal jus6ce systezn's response to domestic violence. The proposed Family Violence Utut wi11 be another major positive step in preventing domestic abuse and serving v�ctims. The Ramsey County qttorney's Office is committed to collaborating with the St. Paul Polict Departmecu on this very creat'rve and promising initiative. Sincerely, �� Susan Gaettn Ramsey County Attomey �~�4T �BLGdpa bU1.EVARD. SU17'E 31J. ST. PAUL, MINNE507A �5102-i65T 7E1.81HONE (651) 266-3222 FAX: (631) 266-)013 '°�' ��—S'lS MAY-14-2061 16�14 6512923675 98% P.22 61J18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 23 Saint Paul Drnrcestic Abuse Intervention Proiect 8�"S`4's 1509 Marshalt Avenue • Salnt Paul, Minnesota 55704 • Phone 645-2824 April S. 2001 Dear VAWA Committ�e Members: The Saint Psul Domestic Abuse Iatecvention Project wholly supports the St. Paul Police Department's request for VAWA fuads to support the creation of a model Family Violence Unit. The St. Paul Polict Depattment has the essenrial spirit and resolve for guaranteeing the success of a Family Violence Unit. If the atcessary structure and pezsonnel was made available, our a�ency has no doubt of the Unit's ability to obtain its goals. The St. Paul Police Department began seeking input two yeats ago in conceiving the premise fot a model Family Violence Unit. Victim safety and input was at the top of thair agonda, The co]]aborative design for the madel is to: a) centralize and monitor al! crimes against the faznily, hoiding aU invostigations to the same high standazds, b) be victim centered, ensuring victim safety and empowerment in decisions; c) create a more efficient and rapid intervention in domestic abuse incidences; d) establish and nunure multi-discipline partnerships; e) assign more responsibility and accompanying aacountability to investigators; � develop and institute a strong protocol for family violence investigations, and g) educate and train all officers and investigators who respond to domestic violence ca!!s/cases on the new protocol. The training wi11 include the dynamics of domestic abuse and the needs of diverse cultural communities. The collabotative spirit of this model wi(1 continuc through the implementation phase, and throughout its tenure. The St Paul lntervention Project will work in elose partnership wiYh the Unit ensu�ng the needs of victims, assisting in training police personnel, collaborating in the on-going evaluation of the Unit, and serving as a conduit for victim input and satisfactiott. The Saint Pav] Domestic Abuse Intervention Project is a gass-roots otganization that exists to etiminate violence against women and their childreq and the social and system responses that condone or aliow its oppression. Our organization believes that domestic violence is a crime and every battered woman has the right to access the criminal justice system, reeeive �afety thraugh the laws that are designed to proteet her, and obtain ihe critical suppart and serviees she and her children deserve. We affirm that battered women must be free to make their own choices, have the tight to dignity and possess the capacity to make sound decisions if free from the violence thai obstructs these choices. We further believe that no one has the right to abuse anyone and no one deserves to be abused reg�rdloss of gender, race, socio-eeonomic background, age, mental or physical ability, se�ual orientation, spiritua] belief, or partnedmarita] status. We have operatet( ay a non-prof�t organ"uation since I984, to grovide direct advocaey, crisis intervention and suppozt to battered women and theu children; facilitate the system's response to domestic abuse; and provide education, prevemioa, and outteach to vicrims of domestic violence and the community at )arge. Annualiy, over 3,500 battered women receive direct services, over 10,000 informational packets are distributed and 2,400 more calls for support, informaUon end referrats on our 24-hour crisis line. Hundreds more battered women, members of the community, a�d women and c6iidren receive education, prevencion, intervention and advocacy services through our pnpgratna prpgram materiais and services are available in Spanish, �nglish, Hmong and Lao; additionaJ materials are a�go avaitable 'sn Vietnamese and Cambodian, and we are currendy translating our brochures into Russian Eaeh pgour nine programs, the Acute Intarventior4 Systems Advocacy, Community Outreac(x, Latino Family Violence, Southeast Asian battered women's, HospitaUClinic, Oldet Battered MRY-14-2061 16�15 6512923675 98i P.23 01/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 24 D► -S'�1� Women's, Family Transitional, and Children's Advocacy and Support Program, operate within the unique framework oftheir own goels and objectives, but in collaboration with one another I'he Sai[rt Paul Inte�y�ntion praject stagreflects the culiurai and age diversity of the cammunities we sen�e. African Ameriean, European Amerip� I,at�o qmericat� Southeast Asian American, and Native American cuhures, as well as elders, lesbiana, aad survivon of doraestic violence, are all represented on our staff of sevemeen, Our Educational and 5uppoa Groups, and Older Battered Women's g�oups aze representative of the diverse goups they serve. The St. Paul Intavemion projecY$ parh►eryh�P with the community has enabled our programs ta work jointly with community members, public and private organizations, groups, and instituuons. The St. Paul Police I)epartment has played an essential role in our work since 1984. Over these past seventeen years our respect for one snoiher's work has only growq as has our ability to work in alliaace and build upon our shazed vision of ending domestic abuse. I truly believc that if the VAWA Committee joins them m their efforts, the results of the St. Paul Police Family VioJence Unit will give substance to the vision, and give honor to the intent of the Violence Against Women Act's mission. Sincerely yours, C \ V �>���.\r..�� �\�:�:����• � _'� Shelley Johnson�]ine Executive Direetor MAY-14-2001 16�15 6512923675 98i P.24 ro 0 m 0 m v � � m � 0 0 'n 0 v 0 m a W � 6 � � 01/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAZNT PAUL POLICE PAGE ��� m m m 3 m m m m n � m » � a$ F = ��� 0 z'3 �� � � �'=v �m< q �b q � � � �.33 _ � �o � eo ao ^ °°� m 3 s o a w b� $ -. p' � Q H � o � = q o;;� o �� w a m O � � . � m m ?�-3 m�� � m� �,� ��a� „� c w � m y O � .+^ �, m m m � � �; � � � 2 • �. O � � a . � y 1 n ��F•7 � � S n m � W o w m G ro � � . % � » < .� � O 7 "� y O + m t0 n A S � T 0 N y K � r � 7 7 � aa � < ° nc� w m • ��� O � ,�,� 7 a m m O m � D � � Cj m � 7 n H N 0 z � - m m � -�I � � �• � � v � � "i � � � � MRY-14-2001 16�15 6512923675 98i P.25 Return Copy To: Police Dept. Accounting O�IGI�AL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: r v Committee:Date: a6 1 2 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Yaul is authorized to enter into a grant agreement with the 3 Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services and, Chief William K. Finney is authorized to implement 4 the project and/or program designated in the grant agreement. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 24 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Requested by Department of: Services Director: Adopted by Council:Date: Adoption Certified by Coi BY� "�� .,_ �. Approved by Mayor:Date: .,,/ y N,�, /Q �/ BY. mncentertorcrimevitimservices �� l BY� � ����IT (�//l�il/ F� ed by City Att�o�� BY� �. / ✓1/L�/ � Approve i o• for Sub � m � y 7 ' Js / s � ion to Council: BY: g� / ,' �i!/�}i1.G /! ///'� � coun�s� �Yle # 0 �— 5'�l5 Green Sheet # 111749 DF,�^AR�rVT/OFFICE/COUNCIL ` DATE INITIATED ' �3u�e • aisioi GREEN SHEET No. 121749 ONT:� T PER N& NE INRIAVDATE INRIAiJDATE W:IliamFinIIey 292-3588 1 uecnRrn�xroiaECroa_ 6 couHCU. lhUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) � O' � ASAP �cmwrrow+er ' ❑cmc�wc ��wwausomce5oi��� �cW ANCW-SEfN/ACCTG �YOR(OR/SLSTAM)JJJ`�! ❑NIINNNWGHTS �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATfONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC710N REQUESTED Approval of the attached Council Resolution authoxizing the City of Saint Paut to entei into a grant agreement with the Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services, and Chief William Finney to implement a grant agreement with the Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services. RELOMMENDATION AppfOVe (A) of R2j2Ct (R) PERSONAL SERVIGE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contrect for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COIViMITTEE 2. Has this pereonffrm ever been a cityemployee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm pwsess a skill not rwrmally possessed by any currem ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is this personffirtn a targeted vendof? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHI� '� The Saint Paul Police Deparhnent needs authorizarion to receive a gant from the Minnesota Center for Crune Vicfi.m Services. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVFA Authorizarion needed to accept gant funds from the Minnesota Center for Crune Victim Services. DISADVAN7AGESIFAPPROVED None. '�AY o C� �QQ� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED � g � /� e V�(�Q�sr.�i! :���Q'a�� 4d�in�ef Lost opportunity to receive grant funds. MAY 18 20�1 , TOTlLL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIOItl $ '� -- ��-�- EflST/REWENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE MIIlIl0SOT3 C0II1C7 POI CI7Iri0 V1ChIYt S0N1 ACTIVIlY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN7 01/18l1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PA�L POLICE PA6E 02 � ' �I�S4S Form A STOP Vlolence AOainst Women Act (VAWA) Funding Proposal - Exhibit A Appfication Cover Sheet — FY02 'I. Ca29gory p� Ftilldh'1Q (check df elther the singia category in which you are applying, or all appiic2Dle categories if your proposal is a combmatbn of aervlces andlor syatxnsy: 1. Law Enforcement Related Grants 1A: X DomeaUc Vloiencs Etfarts 1 B: _ 3exual Aasautt Eftorts 3. American Indian Reiated Granu 3A: Domestic Violence EEforts 3B: Sexual Assault Efforts 2. ProaeCUYon Ft�ieted Gr2r� 2A Domeadc Vblence Ef'forts 28: Sexu� AsseuR Ef6orffi 2. L9g2� �f�Ot�Ofl (Applicar�p muet be an IndepenGently mcqrporaled nonprofit organization, a IOCaI unrt of government. an Indian Uibal povemmMtt, a s}yte agency, a Iaga1 aervices organization or have a fiscal agent that meets one of these requirements) Name of Legal Orgenization Salnt Paul Police Department Federal ID #: 4 1- 6_0 0_ 5_5 2_1 State ID #: 0 0 8 0 2 5 0 Address 10Q E, 11'" Street S�tt Peul hAN Zip 55101 Contact Pe►son AMke Taonto Titl Commander Phone 651-292-3i85 FAX 651-292-3711 E-mail mike.toronto(a�ci.stpaul.mn.us Type of (#r��IZaqon {onack �i tnac a�iyy. A. Non-pro14t prpanlzatlon battered women's program sexuel aaaoult program _ lepel eervices progrem _ other non-proflt organization C. _Amerk�n Mdlan TrIbAI dovemment B. local Unit oT Government _ govemmental battered women's program ^ govemmental sexual assault program X law enforcement agency _ prosecution agency _ other (identify) D. _State Agency 3. Program (if dlKerent than Iegal otganirBGon): Name oi Program _ Family Vbl�nce Unit Address 100 E. 11"' 3treet t P ul, MN Zip 55101 Contad Per� Mqce Toro�to Titl Commander Phone 651-292-3885 FAX 651-292-3711 E-mail mike.toronto ci.stpaul.mn.us 4. Servlce Juna: Geographicad area City of 3gint Paul Tota1 populetic� to be s�ved 287,000 Special population focus, if any MRY-14-2061 16�03 6512923675 97� P.02 61/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 03 O t•54.s Form A1 OVERVIEW OF TOTAL AGENCY Pro9ram Name: The 3aint Paul Police Famiiv Violence Unit Use no mora than two peges to respond. Please provide a brief historical oYerview of your organizacion. Include how long your organiza6on hae been providinp services end e description of the serv;ces you provide. IncWde you� agency's mis5�on antl how it fits with your philosophy, knowledge, and understanding of violence against women. particularly wltn respect [o viccims of tlomestic v�oience a�C saxual asseult. tf y0ur projed purpose focuees on a partieular population (racial, culturel, ethnic and/or la�guage minorit�es or other undarserved communiry), desCribe your understending anG experience working with this poDulaLOn (see'culmral competence' in Definiha section of ine RFP, psge 4.) If your orpanizatlon Is nwrly formed, also describe where you are developmentaity (e.g., what steDS ha�e been taken wIM repard to Incoryorat;On, fundraisirg, board devebpment networking with other agencies, etc.). The St. Paul Police Departmrnt was appoineed iu first Chief in 18i4, the ycar in which the city- w•as mcorporated. Thc Q�y of St. paul has a population of 287,151 and is approximately 55 square miles in area. Much of che character of ;he Se. Pau] Police Deparaneat, similar co the city it serves, dcri�es from the energy, growth and very disnnct and diverse personalities of iu ciry's neighborhoods. The strong neighborhoods, private and non-profit organizations, business�s and go��emment entities creace a rieh foundation for the City of St. Paul; enhanced with the frequen[ visits of the broader cemmunity of the metropolitan area'S 3.5 million residrnts. Whi]e considered to be a relarively safe c�ty, Sainc Paul has its share of the accompanying crime and socioeconomic issues associated with a city this size. The St. Paul Police Depa�rhnent u tenacious in its mission "co protect and to serve": procect the riehts ot each person �.�,th�n ics jurisdiction to be free from criminal attack, to be secure in their possessions, and to !rve in peace. The Depanntent is charged with responding to and investigating all crimes whieh occur withm the c�ty limits. To accomplish this rask ehe department has an authorized awom strength of 576 peace officers and 205 suppon scaf£ The departmem �s considered a "fu11 setvice" agenoy wjth the infrasWCture necessary to perfocm atl tuks related to la�� enforcement. The Saint Paul Po14ce DepaRment is dedicattd, and has a provrn commitment, to employing, retaming and promoting a staff that �s reflectivc of the diversity of the community it serves. In the past nine years the department has recru�ted and hired 211 females and 153 people of color, representing a respective increase of 139 °/, and 260%. Matenats and resources are ava�lable in three different languages, and over 300 couz[ certified interpmers aze on staff and on call to assist non-Engluh �peakme pecsons and the hearing impaired. The Depamnent and all its faciiities are handicapped accessible and distr�ct offices and/or substations are located at 14 different areas across the city. Over the past nine years the St. Paul Police Department has successfully woven community partnerships and collaborazions imo the enhre infrastructure ofthe Depattment. In 1992, Ctuef William Fmney, resol�•ed to ensurc that St Paul be a quality plaee to live For all its sesidents, began to jnsiill the philosophy and practue of convnuntry-policing, tailored specificalty to the un�que needs ofthe ciry. ahe results of the Cr. Pae�'c,,commnnky-..—�.�� aze as follows: • Targeted problem-orienud policing • Neighborhood watch. • Telephone reparting, • Citizen ad.��sory councils, • Citizen surveys, • Communit ol�c n tra ' f ff • V tctim assistancc program, • Neighborhood-based police seations, • Drug-free zones araund schools and pasks, • Pohcelyouth programs, • D.A.R.E., � Assignmem of officers to beatr, y p i g ming or o tcers, • Block club formauon. • Graffiti abatemenc program, • Curfew and truancy enforcement • School resource officers. The Ciry of St. Paul is committed to stopping v�olence in the sveets and makAng communities a safer place for families. Dunng the [eauzt of ChieFFinney, the department has added sevcral new components to combat crcme; the Force Unit; Gang Unit; Asian Task Force; Horse Patrol, and Motorcycle PatroL These work m congruence with exisung umts, �.e. the Asian Comr�uniry Outreach Program (ACOP) and Cazvne Unit, to bring about the elimmation of viotence in our communiry. The significant suecesses of all these efforts have heen dependent upon ihe zeliable and committed pannersbips the Potice Depaztmem has creared with Sc. Paul's residrnts, organiuuons, syaicros and MRY-14-2001 16=04 6512923675 97i P.03 61/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PA6E 04 Form A1, Page 2 neighborhoods. To the Department these considerabie accomp6shments can feel iike hollow vicLOries ��'S �s when a citizen from our community is �ssa�ilted and teirorized by a family member or sameone they at one time £eit they could intimately mut. The St. Paul Pofice, in alliance with the Saint Paul Intervention Project and the suppon of the Joint City/County Prosecurian Tea� would like to create a modet Familv Yolence Unit to more effectivdy respond ta domestic riolence against women, better insure the victims� safery aad hold the perpetrators accountable for their violence. The St Paul Po6ce Departmeat has not and cannot alone address the issue of violence against women. The Saint Paul Poliee havt a tong and rieh history of working towards ending domestic violence; ranzing from developing and impiementing a conce�ttated domestic azsau3t enforcement policy /practice and establishing the Field Referral Uait responsible for resttaini�g ordtr violations and fotlow-up on cases where there was no arrest at the sceeq to begitmutg its peRnership ia 1984 wiRh the Saint Paui Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (a grass- roou battered women's progam) and participazing in numerous communiry and government initiacives which concentrate on domesdc abuse on a local, stat�wide, and national level. In the yeaz 2000, the St Paut Police Department responded to over 15,000 ca11s Por service in the area of domestic disputes, ofwhicb, appto�otnately 2,300 incidences of domestic assault were reported. These figures include Aggavated Domestic Asae�ilts, Misdemeanor pomestic Assaults, Gross Misdemeanors, Interference with 911 and Voiations of Orders for Protecdon This does not include the numezous number of sexua! assaults committed by a spousdpartner agamst the vicCm or the physical or sexual assault committed against a ctuld by a family member. CurrenUy there are 5ve people assigned to the issues surrounding violence against women, and those o�cers aad their divi5ions are spread tluoughout the Department. The priority the 5t. Paul Pofice I7epartment has piaced on responding to domestic violence issues has been heightened by a) understanding that domestie violence is cyctical in nature and wreaks havoc on e�ery facet of our socicty; b) knowledge that even though prevention is the ultimate goal, intervention is a very strong method of funue preventiott, due to the generational cycle of abuse, c) awazeness thas expeditious identification and prosecution of offenders is critical in ensuring victim's safety and/or that the perpetrators violence witt not be redirected to another victim, and d} recem initiatives and concentration ae the nationai level on issues of domestic abuse. "�'he goal of the St. Paul Poliee Departmrnt is to oversee and facilitate the process by which domestic violence cases are investigated and brought to success£ul resolution; facilitating quick inteivention with offenders and greater assistance and protection to victims, 'I'his gi�ant will assist the police department and its parcners in counteracting the esealation of, and hopefiilly one day eluninating domesvc violence; ttuough the creation of a model Famiiy Vidence Unit whoae efforts will vastly expand and enhance the legal action and standard af pcotectioa iu domestie asssult cases. The Fami]y volence Unit's goals would be to a) create att umbrella over ap crimes against the family within the St. Paul Police Depattmeet; b) strive to be victim centered and empower the virtim in decisions, c) create a moxe efficient imervetrtion in family violence cases; d) estabUsh and nurrirre multi-discipGne partnersfiips in acUieving this work; e) institute a strong protocol for family violence investigations; � assign more accountability and responsbility to imeatigators; g) educate and uain a(1 officers and invesrigators who respond co domestic violence calla/caaes on the ntw protocol, the dynamics o£ domestic abuse, and increased sensitivity to diverse commuairies. F�mds fl'om the VAWA gtant cvill be used to add two investigators to a newty created Family �olence Unit. Three additiona! po&ce officers w+il] be added in-kind from the Department's current strength. The Departmrnt Eee}s confident that the inception of a Family volence Unit, working in even closer collaboration with the $aiM pau] Inten project, Jouit City/Prosecution Team, and other community organizationa, aviE draenatically elange tAe v�e demeanor of domestic ahuse in our community and create a modei that couid bc repiicated across the state. MRY-14-2061 16�a5 6512923675 98i P.04 B1/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 05 DESCR1PT1pN OF NEED Form A2 0(�S4S Program N�; 1'he Saint Paul Police Family Violence Unit Usinfl onty 1l�is {f�ps, destribs and Justlfy tlro nseci tor the proposed project You should document, as clearty as pos�ble, what probleme ycu waMto addr�ss; yops �n services; yeographie, economic or lanpuage bartiers; or other specfic in�cators oi n��da. DeserlEe how wom�n who arc victims of domsatic violtnce and/or sexuai assault will benefrt from this projed and how wom�n's saNty n� wfl! be addreased. N applying tc serve a particular community, aiso address the unique atsty nwd� of womsn in Cat communily. The aty oF $aint Paul hu a populatian of 2$7,151, with an escmated ">1% being female. One out oF everp four women in Mmneson is bateered; nadona]ty eoery 15 seconds a moman is beaten. Domesnc assault s a systemauc pattern of violai� conaotling and coacive behaviors anployed bp an abusive pexson ro conffol the vicnm. Batterers ase emotional abusS isohtion, mrorism and incmidation. Physical viol�ce u che foundation for d,e �cvcs of power and canttoL Although both men and womm can be baccerers, it is bp Frr more common for t�e men m be the aggressor. Dom�ttic Violence e£fects people from all zaca, cultuzal backgrounds, ages, mental or physical abilites, snctul orieitaticros, religious affi(iarions, sodoeconomic classes, occupauons, or parmer/mazital sratuses. 'Ihe cammon futor that c� be found amongst batterecs and amid the vicnms is che pecpeaators violmce. Oftm as ehildr�, mrn who batter have either �vitriessed bamring betcveen family members or wcre 6urered themsdves; dteir childhoods bcng the training gounds foc the violence they now comm�L Studies have shown that mm who wi�essed their fathers hir dzcir mo�as wae t�ree umes more Iikelp co hit their wives dian men who had not Abusive men tend to have multiple victims. Vicrims' who are from communines of color, olda, lesbian, non-Fngiish spealting and living m poverty have incxeased 6arriets to accusing help. Over the past 13 years the population of Saint Paul membe=s living at or below poverep level inaeased by �3 percent (one-fourch of all poor living in d�e mt'¢e raetropofi� area) nnd residmts fzvm communiues of color increased bp an esrimaud 81%. Chddren m homes where domestic violence occuss are physically abused or sextiously neglected at a 1 i00% higfia rate than the national aoerage. Srudies have shoam that when baztered women do reach out for heIp, law enforcement is the 6rst profeesional system they will call. In this past yar asi alat:ning 40 wom� and si1 children were killed in Minnesora due to domesric abuse. The St Paul PoGce Deparnnmt fully reco�izes die huge significance of diese and od�er domesric relaced uagedies, and rhe insurmountabie toll theq take on our nei�borhoods and communiry. In d�e yeaz 2000, rhe St. P3u1 Police responded to ova 15,800 domestie dispuu calls, of wiiirh approximatelp 2,300 incid�ces of domestic assault were reported. "ihese repom include Aggravated and Misdemeanor pomestic Assauls, �otations of Orders of Proteccon and Gross Mirdemeanor Inurference with 9] 1.'Ihep do not indude the substantial numbcr of set�ual assaul� commitced by a spouse/parmer agauzst the victim or the phpsical or se�ual assauh corrurutted against a child by a faznily member. t1n estimazed 3a% of rhe 2,300 inadences were able to be subrrutted co be charged. �ith the cuaent sysxm and numba of petsonnd wishin the Dtpaztrnent it is very difficulc to su£ticiendp tcack the multiple crimrs and violent historia of the abusrss, thorou�ly invesrigate each crime, and ensure rhat all victinss' critical needs are being mec Very yunilar to the design of most Police Deparunaia throughout the United States, there are presrntlp five differrnt methods under which a domesric case may be investigared and 6rou�r to courr. 1) the Homieide Unit is zesponsible for a�oestigaong felony and gross misdemeanor domestic assaulrs; � the Field Refeaal Unit is responeible for investigating Gone on A:xival mitdaneanor c�es; 3) d1e Scc Crimes Unit is responsible for investigtting fami]p violmce apainst a child bp a familp member or the se�-ual assault by a partnez against a spouse, 4) the nd�borhood district unia ue cesponsible for invesnganng domestic assaults or violaaons of ordexs of protecrion in which the offmse also included a burglary or c�runal damaae to propexty, and 5) the domesric violmce suspec� that an azrested by d�e paaol office=s at the sc�e are �ssued a cnmuiaf tag and boobed £or the offense and thm go �msi�t to couct in the moming. What we propose is to create a Famiiy V�olence Unit resulang in one division whieh is responsible foz, and ovezsees the enrire process. In esr.ablishing rhu new mode� which would em�alize the responsibilitq, better aack the cases/ascailants and ersable the victims to receive more effcctive and effidctt services, euh division could a) work in collabontion, b� receive spec7al/on-going saining on domesvc violqtce, c) be held to a necv level of accounnbi&ry, � Eocvs on victm safery and bamers, e) better addrtss the need4 of victims Erom communitia of coloz, and f} work m close partneahip cvith the Sc. Paul Domestic Abuse Inrecvmtion Projeer, Joint Prosecurion Unit and o�er communiry organizarions. We haoe concluded t}�rou� our r�search and contacts fhat t�ere is a need for a domesric viol�ce model in Police Depazanents tfirou�out Minnpora and on a narional level u wetl. 'Ihe Sc Paul Policc Depazanenc has che comtziitment and acpettise, as wdf as a Ciry of ideal size and culnual mi� to successtully design, implement and assess a modd Funily Violence Uni� arhose assured success could be zeadilp replicated bp ocher Deparanena. MRY-14-2601 16�06 6512923675 96Z P.BS 61/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE COLLABORAINE EFFORT' PAGE 06 Form :13 . .— Ol.s'�S Progsacn I�Ieme'�+e S�K+t �1 P Fa�+++�p Violence Unit Using onl� this p�ge, descrt'be the ]evd of coordination your projecc requires between 5ervice proridezs, law enforeemrn; prosecvtion, affected populauons, and any odia Lelea-ent agencies or communities. The pucpose of your psojeet mavt 1x foaued on uue systerns change. Include infocmarion on the role oi cach collaborstive gtoup t}uou� the cou=se of the project (mcluda�g the evaluation plan) and how ti�e collaboxation'will be managed, A scareity of reaources h� not impacted the energy, 4ision and commitrnent of the S:. Paul Police TJeparrn�ent o; iu abiliry to work in pactiership wid� the communiry to end domestic abuse. �he Department's on-going collaborations with the communitq has enablcd ies ataffand progruns to work joindp wich iesidents, public and prirete organizations, gzoups, govertstnmt mrities and insti4rtioas. 'Ihese networks have enrirhed their resources, developmait and services, 1 °�r��S �'� �+�' io ra+c� t�ose in nced of assistance and their capaciry m work tocvards long-texm social and syscem change. It is the Deparnnmt's belief that the combined effozts of the collaboration in designing, implementing and suppocting the Family volmee Unit wi7l not aily furthet ti�e work of �ding violence in our communiry, buc will create a pazmetship thxt will bear futute initiatives which could nat occur without a shared vision. The Fanuly Violence Unit will nurture and expand the putnesships thaz alteady exist betaveen law enforcemen[, the St Paut Interoenrion Pmlect and rhe Joint-Prosecvtion Unit; building on each othecs strengths aad expertise in confronting domestic violence, while respecting each pume�s unique mle and fimction in ensuring the safety oE tt�e victim. This coUabontioti has s shnng foundation For success, stemming fmm the Department's willingness to seek out input m shapmg the prelimaiaty design of the Family Violence llnit model. �Ihe collaborarire fzamework for this new model ie tn: a} oreate a suuchue that centralizes and monitocs all crimes against ffie Familp, holdvag investigaaons to the same standuds and protoeols; b) be cictim centercd, empowenng the victim 'ux decisions and ensuring their ongoaig safety; c) czeate a more efficient and rapid ;ntervaition in family violmce cues, � esrablish and nurture multi-diaciplaie paxtiaships; e) assign more responsibility and accompanping accounrabiJiry to investigatois; g1 develop and insticute a sur�g gmtocol for £amily violence invesrigarions, and h) educare and haui all oEficers and investigatots who cespond to domestic violence calls/czces on the new protocol. '�'he traming wili include the dyn�rtucs of domeslie abuso and rhe needs of divecse culcura] communities. The input solicited during the desi�t of this model wiSl eontinue thmugh the implemenption phase, indudmg but not limited to the huing of the taro nevr investigators to be a4signed to the newly created Faznily Violence Unit (working wirh $ other investigatrns), 'I}�e eollabocatioat is not complete witt�out t�e input Cxnm oictims. St. Paul Interv�rion wiU be a conduit for vietim input, solicitaig feedback on a number of issues related to their saasfaction wirh tf�e handlmg of their ease bp law enforcemen; pzuyecutiot� and adcrocates. 'Ihis dara will be used to addresa azeas oF concem, influencing the daign of the neav protocol. Every 6 months, new victims wilJ be conracud, alloonng the Family Violence Unit snd its parnsas to c,emaa� zesPot�uve to the vicbms' needs. As part of this collabontion, zepreseatatives from the Farnilp Violence Unit will work with b]ocd clubs; educating them on the Unit's funetion and'a�aeasing awareness of and response to domestic violence. Cabte access T.V. will be one mediutn used to =eaeh out to the communiry, creatmg more public awareness of the issue of domestic vialence, and the hdp availabk to vicdms. Pcint medi� mctuding cultura]]y-divecse local commun�ty newspapers and mainstreatn press, w�ll be approached for coverege of the Family tiiolence Unit; orith the end goal of inaeasing aaess to its se=vicas and those of its collaborating parmezs. A Qsomisin8 aspeet of this eollabondon and restructucing of the Department, is tt�e opportunity to maximize existing networks and pumetships. One ocut�ple of this u the Sex Czimes Unit's relationships with Ramsey Countp Seaval Assault Protocol Site, Midavest Childcrn's Resource Center, Child Protection, Sc�niai Offense Serorces, Women tlssociarion of Hmong and Lao, Gay and I.e46ian Community Action Counpl, Women's Recooerq Center and Model C�ries. �is collaboation will deepen the a�dp s�ong pac�eship the Depamnent has with d Intervec�tion Projett (a gcass-roots organization thatworlcs to eliavnate vioie�ce agaitistwomen and t}xeir children, aad tt�e social/sysrem responses that condone or allow it).11�ry pcooide advocary, crisis intervenCOn and support to battered womrn and their children; faeilitate the sysum's msp�xtae to domestic abuse; and genvide educaaon, prevenaon, azid outreach to victims of ar�d the comtnunity at laige, Annually, over 3,500_battered aomm receive direa serviccs, ovcr 10,000 infurmanonal packets aze distribu�d and 2,400 calla for support and infotmation on theit 24-hour aisis line. The staff reflecis the cvltural and agc divecsity of d�e co�rvtnv�ities thry serve, i.e. African-, European-, I,a�n�, Native- and Southeast Asian American ailtures, aa Wdj a� elders, leab�t�e y�rtd suxv=tiors of abusa Their agency is �omntitted to enabluag the people effected by the issuea to be a direcc conduit ia defining the problems, and directly parrake in creating solutions. MRY-14-2001 16�a7 6512923675 97i P.06 01/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 07 � � �s�s Form A4 GEN£RAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE STANDARDS p FY02 PROGRAM NAME: Saint Paul Police Famiiy Volence Unit INSTRUCTiON$: Pbase answer the following questions as tfiey apply to the overal! sponsoring organization (or fiscai agent, ff applipble). If you check "No" to any questions, please �ontact your program specia/ist for furth�r /n8trucNons. OVERALI �ONBpRIN(3 OR(iAMIZATION 1. Orflanizadionai Structure This organiietlon is a lawfully ineorporated nonprofit or govemmental entity and is guided by a mission/philosophy statement that promotes effective services. X yes _no 2. Nondisdhninedon This cxganlzation does not disaiminate on the basis ot race, color, creed, religion, sex, status with regard to public aseistance, physlcal or mental dlsabiliiy, sexual orientation, religious belief, national origin or counry of residence. Xyes, we do not discriminate no 3. Philoso This cxgenizetion's programming is consistent with the philosophy of all applicable MCCVS crime victim advisory cpuncil(s). X yes _no a. compGance The organizatlon complfes wfth ell federal. State and 1oc21 laws, rules and regufations in the implementation of its programs. X yes _no 5. Finaneial Mat�agement The orparllzation:dheres to generalty accepted accounting procedures and, if funded, will meet the requirements for a sound flnencial management system outlined in the Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services' Flnandal Guidelines Manual for Recipients of State and Federal Fundi�nq (most recent edition), X yes _no fi. Reportinp The orgaMt8lion aflrees to fittftll alt repo�ting requirements estabfished by the Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Servlcss. X yes ^ no MAY-14-2601 16�07 651Z923675 98% P•07 01/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 5AINT PAUL POLICE �♦ Ii � 1 �Sks �� � A Q � i--� p r � 9 41 a $� � � �� v � � �. o � 6' �°— � .� � �. � � � t � e R � 5. � y � �. � � �g �� $. 0 �• � ,.. e a a < a a O w � I 4. �a G ~ tJ � � S � o � �' d � o. � � a �. v 0 C n � O N 0 � h7 �. .� O � � �. < > D � � C `�4 0 0 ��Q � � � � � 8 r fy F1 r a 5 � �- � � G N Py ro � � m ,� � � C d o m � n. � �� 5' M yi �� � � o �° �. � 5 Q � o �. �. 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C � N � � �O MAY-14-2001 16�11 6512923675 97i 3 � � y N 0 0 m � gW \° e 3 � �� � � N � C m a g' o � � � � VJ 1-T d c � � � ro � G C � N � m A F � .�'+ O � � n � 0 ti O � 'Z T a� � aa e � � � � � o <c � n D� G) 0 � N w � a m H � � t`D Q m � < m � � C n � � � � m N z � � m N � O O � m � � m m N C � � a � O � � � Z D � m � m c y 1 0 � < O A 7 � m D w °-'• D � h M � � � O � � � n � 2� �� D� T C , a i N � O � � � 3 D rr+ N � � � W P.15 01/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 16 EVAIUATtON Pt,qN Ol- S�LS Form q6 Progrem Name: �e 31 Peut PoMce FartWv Y�olence UnR Use oniythis page to p�ovide a compre�ensive pian that speclficelly describes whal you are attempting to evaluate, how and why. DesaEe the systems change you warrt to produce as a resuit of this project. Include how the evaluailon wN4 be developed, anc! what evatuatfon methods and toois wiu be used. Indude information on how each Coflaboretive group in the projea a participeting in the evaluation process. Please note that the evaivatbn eaped of your project is very important to reviewers. Evaluatioa is iategai to the success of this project. If we are to increase victim safety and decrease the number ofrepeat offepses, we must bt open to critical analysis and input. The expeditious identification and �roeecution ofoffanders is critical where violence has not been prevented The misBion ofthe Family Violence Unit is to oversee and facilitate the process by which domestic violence cases are invescigate3 and brought to successfiil resoluaon, facilitating quick intervention with o&'endere and assistanca to victims. The evaluation methods will be a combinatipn ofwritten surveys, fac�to-face interviews, c3ient feedback and aubstnntiaJ data ana►yyis. Pre- and post-implementation suzveys with victims will be one of the vehicles by which victim input, needs and safety are ensured. Comparative data analysis wi11 aiso be incorporated;nto the evatuation process, utiluing data &om the St. Paul Police Department and the Saint Peut Domesric Abuee bttervemion Project. Post-training participant evatuations wiil be conduaed by the Saint Paui Iatervention Project. Tracking and data analysis of repeat offenders and offenders at high riak of violent reoffenses is expected to increase the charging and sentencing of these perpetrators. The Unit wil] be able;o track ceses with the same invastigator being responsible for repeat cases. This early recognition of repeat offenders will allow greater initial focus on the investigation and facilitate the creation of a repeat offender database, much like the career criminal list. The Family votenee i7mt will beeome the central contact for all St. Paul domestic abuse victims and advocates. Victim6 will not have to contact other units to find out who is dealing with their case A stmng proto�l that addresses the nceds and safety ofthe victim is the focal point ofthe new unit. The pratocol wi11 atress rqaking the system more open and available to victims and also more sensitive to victims' needs. This will be measured irt the evaluation phase of the project through victim surveys, and data documenting improvaneiR in case handling and disposition. The collabortttion ttaclerstande that ttaining will play a crucial role in the success of this project, For this zeesan, data will be collected �nd analyzed Pertaining to azrest rates, and the numbec of cases submitted for charging. The true evaluation of the �ucpess pf this project will be seen 3n the next three to five years, with a reduction ovetall in domestic abuse cases; d'uectly related to holding perpetrators accountable for their abuse, reaponding swiftly and decigiveiy with tepeat offenses. Increued victim trust and utitization oF the law enf'oroeme�t Syy�em, tiviU e�su � more battered women are receiving the protection and services that are eiitica! to eycaping violence. Community awazeness and support in addressing the issue of domeatic violence is qtpected to gow,, as the Family Violence Unit cultivates new partners and ma�cimize�s their ability to reach out to diverse communities in their fight to end domestic abuse. MRY'-14-2001 16�11 6512923675 98i P.16 01/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 17 01-5�5 Form B PROPOSED BUDGET — FY02 STOP Vlotence Against women Act (VAWA) Fund 12 Monfh PROGRAM NAME: Saint Paul Police Familv Violence Unit A B C (It is not necessary to Total Propoeal VAWA Other itemize column C. At Budget the bottom, write the totaf in other funds to be used Personnel 267,061 105,199 for this project, if any.} Payro�l Taxes/ Fringe Benefits 74,777 Contract Servicss Travel Food/Meals Training Printing Postage Telephone Publicity/Advertisf�g RenUMortgage Utilities Insurance Maintenance/Repalr Office Suppfles Program Suppites Supplies Equipment Other {Speclfy) 29,456 TOTALS 341,838 = �34,655 + 2Q7,783' Note: Tota� of Co�umn A= Total of Columns B+C List names of addltional funding saurc.�s [asterisk(`) sources of secured fundsj: Department — three po{ice officers — saiary and fringe benefits. This does not in > cvwNVnq�RY! MRY-14-2001 16�12 6512923675 97i P.17 01/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 18 FEl)ERAL MATCH BUDt3ET AND NARRATIVE — FYp2 8TOP Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Fund —12 Month � t �$� Form B - Match PRO(3RRM hIAME_ Sa�nt Paul Police Domestic Violence Unit 1�st�tlCtl6ns: Nonproflt proprams e�e exempt from the match repuirement A 25% C2sh or �n-kind match is requlred of state agen�ies� ��dlan tr(bal governrnents and bcal units of govemment (inGuding governmental battered women and aexua! ss�ault progrsms_) Refer to insVuctfons lor furiher information. DO NOT OVERMATCH. List tha source uf {unds thgt peys tor the match. Match Narrative B�d�C��9��Y NlYtch Bud et Use the space below to explain s� Souree of Match Funds each line item. Describe staff 1 vOlunteer positipns, rates of pay, Personnel $ 33 � number of twurs, mi�eage rate, _City of Saint Paul etc_ Payroll Taxes/ Fringe Beneflig Volunteers Contract Senices Travel Training Printing Postage Telephone PublicitylAdvertising Rent/Mortgege Utilities Office Supplies Program 3upplies Equipment Other (SpeGfy): TOTAL . S S S S S $ S $ $ $ ---�_ S S $ $ $ $ $ 33,664 � The department will add Three police o�cers in-kind ta this initialive. This match amount represents 62 pe�cent of one police officer's salary. MRY-14-2001 16�12 6512923675 9B� P.18 61/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 19 �� �. Sr : o� °' ! �c a C' �• d ���a m � �� � � � �� �� c �� ���� �� �� �� ���� � (C � � '�. � � �� A ' `3 �, m a: �� Q o Q � w' � a _ ^m � � � S� g o��s � � �� � o c 3. � �o �m a � w ���� X � ^ Tp � � � � � C � N � C � O d� a E'i � �� � � � � � 3' i c� � n � m - C ¢ : � m � F y � c ra � v o Q o ^. ~ o � N �--1 .J � �. ♦ Q ' � w ' a '-� 3 ,~,• m N N u' �' < � `� 3: o D mo � _'. a = n ��� n V ` n z � c ? � w o, y � a D N � N CT � [O �p � � � � � ? o '""� wo n - o � a � N. s 3 � � MRY-14-20a1 16�13 6512923675 98i r � � � v � y � � � �Z °' D a � a m m � � � O O � .� � �� s� �� A � N , ° w C � n � A N G 0 0 m � � � � a t � d 3 ���5�� � 0 � � 0 m � � � d A .� ~z 3 m r m p� � � � ^m � 1 Do � N � 3 a N 3 0 � 7 0 � m P.19 61l18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 20 O\-Sy.� BUOGET NARRATIVE — FY02 STOP Vlot�tfce Agafnst Women Act (VAWA} Fund -'12 Month Form B2 PROGRAM NAME: Saint Paul Police Familv Violence Unit Use t�!$ spaoe to explaln in detail each line item charged to VAWA sources on Form B. Provide a narrativa ihat inGudes an exptanation of costs such as rates for mileage, fringe benefits (i.e., FICA, PERA, Iffe and medical insurance, pension) and contract fees, etc. For exampie, the narrative for travel sFrould Indicate total miles X miteaQe rate= total cost Do not repeat personnei information from Form B1. Personnel: Salary fior two police sergeanUinvestigators at $52,599.50 =$9 05.199. Fringe Beneflt8: Fringe benefits for two police sergeanVinvestigators: workers' compensation Employea ittsurance Ret}ree insurance 3everance pay PoliCe PERA PERA — police relief FICA 3.510% 7.151% 4.863% 1.834°10 5.297% 4.817% .0528% $14,728 X 2 = $29,456 MAY-14-2001 16�13 6512923675 98i P.2a � d � n O C 3 O m � a �D ID c 01/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 i��x °om m 3 �° T � � ,� �o cm� �ao co : . y � � r � y Q C � �. 3. j � O � � � K a O Q] y S ro N � x �3. c � � � � � v � � � N � ❑ � m o. @ n v � I X O � W � � � � � �� � o �a �� �� �� n� � � � � � � �� � � � g� � g �� � � � � � � � � S '. i � � � � � W � � � MRY-14-2001 16�13 SAINT PAUL PO�ICE € � � � �. �. 4. � �@�� 3 3 3 3 m � m � l �1 X � � � m 3 °�' -�, � � � �, � _ m � � d = � �j m G � N � � 0 0 � n @� m 3 � � n � � � n � o m � � � � d 7 � f = 7 - �- � � C y n n = � n 0 v � m � � � � 0 N O � g o o g o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (7 (7 n (7 A C� C7 `� �2` �' � � �' �c m a o m m m w m e ni e�i m a�i y v 3 ' ? � �,� ? 3 � � � 'V � '� � c C c C c c c z z z z z z z � � N � � � � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N c�'i� c c t�'i� � J �.A ! � N N � O�i Q�j � � � � � V1 f.71 (7� � O O O O 6512923675 rn rn rn cn � � ..A _y � m W C�11 07 0i m W m O O O 98i � � d � D a a � � N Q A � Q � a � m °J Q N a� n N O � x d � �x � � � o m < � � �. n � tfl G O w a I N d. < O � � � m �c 0 c a 0 � I 3 s � � � 0 � 5' 0 C a m m � 0 � 0 � PAGE 21 � �l�s�.'S �7 O � � v m c c � n a 3 v O y y � -' �A ' Z � � � � G _ om �v � 'o � m D aa � m 3z �� � O fl 3 D A j O � D �o c� � O DA { C � � a� � m i � � N T O 3 c� P.21 01/1B/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 22 ,\ � ��' QFFICE OF THE RAMSEY COUNTY ATTORNEY SUSAN GnERTNER Caunry Anomey Apri15, 2001 Mianesoca Depamnern of Public Safety Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services 2A5 East 6'" Sueet, Suite 705 St. Paul, 2vIN 55101 To Whom It May Concern: I am pkased to pledge the suppon and collaborarion of the Ramsey County Attorner's Office in connection with the innovative Family Violence [Jnit proposed by the St. Paul Police Departmeni. The new Fatnily Violence Unit will build on a strong base of collabozation between the Ramsey County Attomey's Office and the Police Depattment in effoRS to combat domestic violence. The Ramsey County Artomey's Office and the St. Paul City Attomey's Office worked very closely with the Police Depatttnent in creating a Joint Domestic Abuse Prosecution Unit. T'he unit, which focuses on domestic assaults N�here children aze present, has enjoyed enormous support and assistance from the Poiice Depazttszent. In pattnership w�th t}�e po�[ce, we have accomplished significant improvements in the criminal jus6ce systezn's response to domestic violence. The proposed Family Violence Utut wi11 be another major positive step in preventing domestic abuse and serving v�ctims. The Ramsey County qttorney's Office is committed to collaborating with the St. Paul Polict Departmecu on this very creat'rve and promising initiative. Sincerely, �� Susan Gaettn Ramsey County Attomey �~�4T �BLGdpa bU1.EVARD. SU17'E 31J. ST. PAUL, MINNE507A �5102-i65T 7E1.81HONE (651) 266-3222 FAX: (631) 266-)013 '°�' ��—S'lS MAY-14-2061 16�14 6512923675 98% P.22 61J18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 23 Saint Paul Drnrcestic Abuse Intervention Proiect 8�"S`4's 1509 Marshalt Avenue • Salnt Paul, Minnesota 55704 • Phone 645-2824 April S. 2001 Dear VAWA Committ�e Members: The Saint Psul Domestic Abuse Iatecvention Project wholly supports the St. Paul Police Department's request for VAWA fuads to support the creation of a model Family Violence Unit. The St. Paul Polict Depattment has the essenrial spirit and resolve for guaranteeing the success of a Family Violence Unit. If the atcessary structure and pezsonnel was made available, our a�ency has no doubt of the Unit's ability to obtain its goals. The St. Paul Police Department began seeking input two yeats ago in conceiving the premise fot a model Family Violence Unit. Victim safety and input was at the top of thair agonda, The co]]aborative design for the madel is to: a) centralize and monitor al! crimes against the faznily, hoiding aU invostigations to the same high standazds, b) be victim centered, ensuring victim safety and empowerment in decisions; c) create a more efficient and rapid intervention in domestic abuse incidences; d) establish and nunure multi-discipline partnerships; e) assign more responsibility and accompanying aacountability to investigators; � develop and institute a strong protocol for family violence investigations, and g) educate and train all officers and investigators who respond to domestic violence ca!!s/cases on the new protocol. The training wi11 include the dynamics of domestic abuse and the needs of diverse cultural communities. The collabotative spirit of this model wi(1 continuc through the implementation phase, and throughout its tenure. The St Paul lntervention Project will work in elose partnership wiYh the Unit ensu�ng the needs of victims, assisting in training police personnel, collaborating in the on-going evaluation of the Unit, and serving as a conduit for victim input and satisfactiott. The Saint Pav] Domestic Abuse Intervention Project is a gass-roots otganization that exists to etiminate violence against women and their childreq and the social and system responses that condone or aliow its oppression. Our organization believes that domestic violence is a crime and every battered woman has the right to access the criminal justice system, reeeive �afety thraugh the laws that are designed to proteet her, and obtain ihe critical suppart and serviees she and her children deserve. We affirm that battered women must be free to make their own choices, have the tight to dignity and possess the capacity to make sound decisions if free from the violence thai obstructs these choices. We further believe that no one has the right to abuse anyone and no one deserves to be abused reg�rdloss of gender, race, socio-eeonomic background, age, mental or physical ability, se�ual orientation, spiritua] belief, or partnedmarita] status. We have operatet( ay a non-prof�t organ"uation since I984, to grovide direct advocaey, crisis intervention and suppozt to battered women and theu children; facilitate the system's response to domestic abuse; and provide education, prevemioa, and outteach to vicrims of domestic violence and the community at )arge. Annualiy, over 3,500 battered women receive direct services, over 10,000 informational packets are distributed and 2,400 more calls for support, informaUon end referrats on our 24-hour crisis line. Hundreds more battered women, members of the community, a�d women and c6iidren receive education, prevencion, intervention and advocacy services through our pnpgratna prpgram materiais and services are available in Spanish, �nglish, Hmong and Lao; additionaJ materials are a�go avaitable 'sn Vietnamese and Cambodian, and we are currendy translating our brochures into Russian Eaeh pgour nine programs, the Acute Intarventior4 Systems Advocacy, Community Outreac(x, Latino Family Violence, Southeast Asian battered women's, HospitaUClinic, Oldet Battered MRY-14-2061 16�15 6512923675 98i P.23 01/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 24 D► -S'�1� Women's, Family Transitional, and Children's Advocacy and Support Program, operate within the unique framework oftheir own goels and objectives, but in collaboration with one another I'he Sai[rt Paul Inte�y�ntion praject stagreflects the culiurai and age diversity of the cammunities we sen�e. African Ameriean, European Amerip� I,at�o qmericat� Southeast Asian American, and Native American cuhures, as well as elders, lesbiana, aad survivon of doraestic violence, are all represented on our staff of sevemeen, Our Educational and 5uppoa Groups, and Older Battered Women's g�oups aze representative of the diverse goups they serve. The St. Paul Intavemion projecY$ parh►eryh�P with the community has enabled our programs ta work jointly with community members, public and private organizations, groups, and instituuons. The St. Paul Police I)epartment has played an essential role in our work since 1984. Over these past seventeen years our respect for one snoiher's work has only growq as has our ability to work in alliaace and build upon our shazed vision of ending domestic abuse. I truly believc that if the VAWA Committee joins them m their efforts, the results of the St. Paul Police Family VioJence Unit will give substance to the vision, and give honor to the intent of the Violence Against Women Act's mission. Sincerely yours, C \ V �>���.\r..�� �\�:�:����• � _'� Shelley Johnson�]ine Executive Direetor MAY-14-2001 16�15 6512923675 98i P.24 ro 0 m 0 m v � � m � 0 0 'n 0 v 0 m a W � 6 � � 01/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAZNT PAUL POLICE PAGE ��� m m m 3 m m m m n � m » � a$ F = ��� 0 z'3 �� � � �'=v �m< q �b q � � � �.33 _ � �o � eo ao ^ °°� m 3 s o a w b� $ -. p' � Q H � o � = q o;;� o �� w a m O � � . � m m ?�-3 m�� � m� �,� ��a� „� c w � m y O � .+^ �, m m m � � �; � � � 2 • �. O � � a . � y 1 n ��F•7 � � S n m � W o w m G ro � � . % � » < .� � O 7 "� y O + m t0 n A S � T 0 N y K � r � 7 7 � aa � < ° nc� w m • ��� O � ,�,� 7 a m m O m � D � � Cj m � 7 n H N 0 z � - m m � -�I � � �• � � v � � "i � � � � MRY-14-2001 16�15 6512923675 98i P.25 Return Copy To: Police Dept. Accounting O�IGI�AL RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: r v Committee:Date: a6 1 2 BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Yaul is authorized to enter into a grant agreement with the 3 Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services and, Chief William K. Finney is authorized to implement 4 the project and/or program designated in the grant agreement. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 24 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Requested by Department of: Services Director: Adopted by Council:Date: Adoption Certified by Coi BY� "�� .,_ �. Approved by Mayor:Date: .,,/ y N,�, /Q �/ BY. mncentertorcrimevitimservices �� l BY� � ����IT (�//l�il/ F� ed by City Att�o�� BY� �. / ✓1/L�/ � Approve i o• for Sub � m � y 7 ' Js / s � ion to Council: BY: g� / ,' �i!/�}i1.G /! ///'� � coun�s� �Yle # 0 �— 5'�l5 Green Sheet # 111749 DF,�^AR�rVT/OFFICE/COUNCIL ` DATE INITIATED ' �3u�e • aisioi GREEN SHEET No. 121749 ONT:� T PER N& NE INRIAVDATE INRIAiJDATE W:IliamFinIIey 292-3588 1 uecnRrn�xroiaECroa_ 6 couHCU. lhUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) � O' � ASAP �cmwrrow+er ' ❑cmc�wc ��wwausomce5oi��� �cW ANCW-SEfN/ACCTG �YOR(OR/SLSTAM)JJJ`�! ❑NIINNNWGHTS �� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATfONS FOR SIGNATURE) AC710N REQUESTED Approval of the attached Council Resolution authoxizing the City of Saint Paut to entei into a grant agreement with the Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services, and Chief William Finney to implement a grant agreement with the Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services. RELOMMENDATION AppfOVe (A) of R2j2Ct (R) PERSONAL SERVIGE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWERTHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 7. Has this person/firtn ever worked under a contrect for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COIViMITTEE 2. Has this pereonffrm ever been a cityemployee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does this persoNfirm pwsess a skill not rwrmally possessed by any currem ciry employee? YES NO 4. Is this personffirtn a targeted vendof? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHI� '� The Saint Paul Police Deparhnent needs authorizarion to receive a gant from the Minnesota Center for Crune Vicfi.m Services. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVFA Authorizarion needed to accept gant funds from the Minnesota Center for Crune Victim Services. DISADVAN7AGESIFAPPROVED None. '�AY o C� �QQ� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED � g � /� e V�(�Q�sr.�i! :���Q'a�� 4d�in�ef Lost opportunity to receive grant funds. MAY 18 20�1 , TOTlLL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTIOItl $ '� -- ��-�- EflST/REWENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE MIIlIl0SOT3 C0II1C7 POI CI7Iri0 V1ChIYt S0N1 ACTIVIlY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN7 01/18l1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PA�L POLICE PA6E 02 � ' �I�S4S Form A STOP Vlolence AOainst Women Act (VAWA) Funding Proposal - Exhibit A Appfication Cover Sheet — FY02 'I. Ca29gory p� Ftilldh'1Q (check df elther the singia category in which you are applying, or all appiic2Dle categories if your proposal is a combmatbn of aervlces andlor syatxnsy: 1. Law Enforcement Related Grants 1A: X DomeaUc Vloiencs Etfarts 1 B: _ 3exual Aasautt Eftorts 3. American Indian Reiated Granu 3A: Domestic Violence EEforts 3B: Sexual Assault Efforts 2. ProaeCUYon Ft�ieted Gr2r� 2A Domeadc Vblence Ef'forts 28: Sexu� AsseuR Ef6orffi 2. L9g2� �f�Ot�Ofl (Applicar�p muet be an IndepenGently mcqrporaled nonprofit organization, a IOCaI unrt of government. an Indian Uibal povemmMtt, a s}yte agency, a Iaga1 aervices organization or have a fiscal agent that meets one of these requirements) Name of Legal Orgenization Salnt Paul Police Department Federal ID #: 4 1- 6_0 0_ 5_5 2_1 State ID #: 0 0 8 0 2 5 0 Address 10Q E, 11'" Street S�tt Peul hAN Zip 55101 Contact Pe►son AMke Taonto Titl Commander Phone 651-292-3i85 FAX 651-292-3711 E-mail mike.toronto(a�ci.stpaul.mn.us Type of (#r��IZaqon {onack �i tnac a�iyy. A. Non-pro14t prpanlzatlon battered women's program sexuel aaaoult program _ lepel eervices progrem _ other non-proflt organization C. _Amerk�n Mdlan TrIbAI dovemment B. local Unit oT Government _ govemmental battered women's program ^ govemmental sexual assault program X law enforcement agency _ prosecution agency _ other (identify) D. _State Agency 3. Program (if dlKerent than Iegal otganirBGon): Name oi Program _ Family Vbl�nce Unit Address 100 E. 11"' 3treet t P ul, MN Zip 55101 Contad Per� Mqce Toro�to Titl Commander Phone 651-292-3885 FAX 651-292-3711 E-mail mike.toronto ci.stpaul.mn.us 4. Servlce Juna: Geographicad area City of 3gint Paul Tota1 populetic� to be s�ved 287,000 Special population focus, if any MRY-14-2061 16�03 6512923675 97� P.02 61/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 03 O t•54.s Form A1 OVERVIEW OF TOTAL AGENCY Pro9ram Name: The 3aint Paul Police Famiiv Violence Unit Use no mora than two peges to respond. Please provide a brief historical oYerview of your organizacion. Include how long your organiza6on hae been providinp services end e description of the serv;ces you provide. IncWde you� agency's mis5�on antl how it fits with your philosophy, knowledge, and understanding of violence against women. particularly wltn respect [o viccims of tlomestic v�oience a�C saxual asseult. tf y0ur projed purpose focuees on a partieular population (racial, culturel, ethnic and/or la�guage minorit�es or other undarserved communiry), desCribe your understending anG experience working with this poDulaLOn (see'culmral competence' in Definiha section of ine RFP, psge 4.) If your orpanizatlon Is nwrly formed, also describe where you are developmentaity (e.g., what steDS ha�e been taken wIM repard to Incoryorat;On, fundraisirg, board devebpment networking with other agencies, etc.). The St. Paul Police Departmrnt was appoineed iu first Chief in 18i4, the ycar in which the city- w•as mcorporated. Thc Q�y of St. paul has a population of 287,151 and is approximately 55 square miles in area. Much of che character of ;he Se. Pau] Police Deparaneat, similar co the city it serves, dcri�es from the energy, growth and very disnnct and diverse personalities of iu ciry's neighborhoods. The strong neighborhoods, private and non-profit organizations, business�s and go��emment entities creace a rieh foundation for the City of St. Paul; enhanced with the frequen[ visits of the broader cemmunity of the metropolitan area'S 3.5 million residrnts. Whi]e considered to be a relarively safe c�ty, Sainc Paul has its share of the accompanying crime and socioeconomic issues associated with a city this size. The St. Paul Police Depa�rhnent u tenacious in its mission "co protect and to serve": procect the riehts ot each person �.�,th�n ics jurisdiction to be free from criminal attack, to be secure in their possessions, and to !rve in peace. The Depanntent is charged with responding to and investigating all crimes whieh occur withm the c�ty limits. To accomplish this rask ehe department has an authorized awom strength of 576 peace officers and 205 suppon scaf£ The departmem �s considered a "fu11 setvice" agenoy wjth the infrasWCture necessary to perfocm atl tuks related to la�� enforcement. The Saint Paul Po14ce DepaRment is dedicattd, and has a provrn commitment, to employing, retaming and promoting a staff that �s reflectivc of the diversity of the community it serves. In the past nine years the department has recru�ted and hired 211 females and 153 people of color, representing a respective increase of 139 °/, and 260%. Matenats and resources are ava�lable in three different languages, and over 300 couz[ certified interpmers aze on staff and on call to assist non-Engluh �peakme pecsons and the hearing impaired. The Depamnent and all its faciiities are handicapped accessible and distr�ct offices and/or substations are located at 14 different areas across the city. Over the past nine years the St. Paul Police Department has successfully woven community partnerships and collaborazions imo the enhre infrastructure ofthe Depattment. In 1992, Ctuef William Fmney, resol�•ed to ensurc that St Paul be a quality plaee to live For all its sesidents, began to jnsiill the philosophy and practue of convnuntry-policing, tailored specificalty to the un�que needs ofthe ciry. ahe results of the Cr. Pae�'c,,commnnky-..—�.�� aze as follows: • Targeted problem-orienud policing • Neighborhood watch. • Telephone reparting, • Citizen ad.��sory councils, • Citizen surveys, • Communit ol�c n tra ' f ff • V tctim assistancc program, • Neighborhood-based police seations, • Drug-free zones araund schools and pasks, • Pohcelyouth programs, • D.A.R.E., � Assignmem of officers to beatr, y p i g ming or o tcers, • Block club formauon. • Graffiti abatemenc program, • Curfew and truancy enforcement • School resource officers. The Ciry of St. Paul is committed to stopping v�olence in the sveets and makAng communities a safer place for families. Dunng the [eauzt of ChieFFinney, the department has added sevcral new components to combat crcme; the Force Unit; Gang Unit; Asian Task Force; Horse Patrol, and Motorcycle PatroL These work m congruence with exisung umts, �.e. the Asian Comr�uniry Outreach Program (ACOP) and Cazvne Unit, to bring about the elimmation of viotence in our communiry. The significant suecesses of all these efforts have heen dependent upon ihe zeliable and committed pannersbips the Potice Depaztmem has creared with Sc. Paul's residrnts, organiuuons, syaicros and MRY-14-2001 16=04 6512923675 97i P.03 61/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PA6E 04 Form A1, Page 2 neighborhoods. To the Department these considerabie accomp6shments can feel iike hollow vicLOries ��'S �s when a citizen from our community is �ssa�ilted and teirorized by a family member or sameone they at one time £eit they could intimately mut. The St. Paul Pofice, in alliance with the Saint Paul Intervention Project and the suppon of the Joint City/County Prosecurian Tea� would like to create a modet Familv Yolence Unit to more effectivdy respond ta domestic riolence against women, better insure the victims� safery aad hold the perpetrators accountable for their violence. The St Paul Po6ce Departmeat has not and cannot alone address the issue of violence against women. The Saint Paul Poliee havt a tong and rieh history of working towards ending domestic violence; ranzing from developing and impiementing a conce�ttated domestic azsau3t enforcement policy /practice and establishing the Field Referral Uait responsible for resttaini�g ordtr violations and fotlow-up on cases where there was no arrest at the sceeq to begitmutg its peRnership ia 1984 wiRh the Saint Paui Domestic Abuse Intervention Project (a grass- roou battered women's progam) and participazing in numerous communiry and government initiacives which concentrate on domesdc abuse on a local, stat�wide, and national level. In the yeaz 2000, the St Paut Police Department responded to over 15,000 ca11s Por service in the area of domestic disputes, ofwhicb, appto�otnately 2,300 incidences of domestic assault were reported. These figures include Aggavated Domestic Asae�ilts, Misdemeanor pomestic Assaults, Gross Misdemeanors, Interference with 911 and Voiations of Orders for Protecdon This does not include the numezous number of sexua! assaults committed by a spousdpartner agamst the vicCm or the physical or sexual assault committed against a ctuld by a family member. CurrenUy there are 5ve people assigned to the issues surrounding violence against women, and those o�cers aad their divi5ions are spread tluoughout the Department. The priority the 5t. Paul Pofice I7epartment has piaced on responding to domestic violence issues has been heightened by a) understanding that domestie violence is cyctical in nature and wreaks havoc on e�ery facet of our socicty; b) knowledge that even though prevention is the ultimate goal, intervention is a very strong method of funue preventiott, due to the generational cycle of abuse, c) awazeness thas expeditious identification and prosecution of offenders is critical in ensuring victim's safety and/or that the perpetrators violence witt not be redirected to another victim, and d} recem initiatives and concentration ae the nationai level on issues of domestic abuse. "�'he goal of the St. Paul Poliee Departmrnt is to oversee and facilitate the process by which domestic violence cases are investigated and brought to success£ul resolution; facilitating quick inteivention with offenders and greater assistance and protection to victims, 'I'his gi�ant will assist the police department and its parcners in counteracting the esealation of, and hopefiilly one day eluninating domesvc violence; ttuough the creation of a model Famiiy Vidence Unit whoae efforts will vastly expand and enhance the legal action and standard af pcotectioa iu domestie asssult cases. The Fami]y volence Unit's goals would be to a) create att umbrella over ap crimes against the family within the St. Paul Police Depattmeet; b) strive to be victim centered and empower the virtim in decisions, c) create a moxe efficient imervetrtion in family violence cases; d) estabUsh and nurrirre multi-discipGne partnersfiips in acUieving this work; e) institute a strong protocol for family violence investigations; � assign more accountability and responsbility to imeatigators; g) educate and uain a(1 officers and invesrigators who respond co domestic violence calla/caaes on the ntw protocol, the dynamics o£ domestic abuse, and increased sensitivity to diverse commuairies. F�mds fl'om the VAWA gtant cvill be used to add two investigators to a newty created Family �olence Unit. Three additiona! po&ce officers w+il] be added in-kind from the Department's current strength. The Departmrnt Eee}s confident that the inception of a Family volence Unit, working in even closer collaboration with the $aiM pau] Inten project, Jouit City/Prosecution Team, and other community organizationa, aviE draenatically elange tAe v�e demeanor of domestic ahuse in our community and create a modei that couid bc repiicated across the state. MRY-14-2061 16�a5 6512923675 98i P.04 B1/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 05 DESCR1PT1pN OF NEED Form A2 0(�S4S Program N�; 1'he Saint Paul Police Family Violence Unit Usinfl onty 1l�is {f�ps, destribs and Justlfy tlro nseci tor the proposed project You should document, as clearty as pos�ble, what probleme ycu waMto addr�ss; yops �n services; yeographie, economic or lanpuage bartiers; or other specfic in�cators oi n��da. DeserlEe how wom�n who arc victims of domsatic violtnce and/or sexuai assault will benefrt from this projed and how wom�n's saNty n� wfl! be addreased. N applying tc serve a particular community, aiso address the unique atsty nwd� of womsn in Cat communily. The aty oF $aint Paul hu a populatian of 2$7,151, with an escmated ">1% being female. One out oF everp four women in Mmneson is bateered; nadona]ty eoery 15 seconds a moman is beaten. Domesnc assault s a systemauc pattern of violai� conaotling and coacive behaviors anployed bp an abusive pexson ro conffol the vicnm. Batterers ase emotional abusS isohtion, mrorism and incmidation. Physical viol�ce u che foundation for d,e �cvcs of power and canttoL Although both men and womm can be baccerers, it is bp Frr more common for t�e men m be the aggressor. Dom�ttic Violence e£fects people from all zaca, cultuzal backgrounds, ages, mental or physical abilites, snctul orieitaticros, religious affi(iarions, sodoeconomic classes, occupauons, or parmer/mazital sratuses. 'Ihe cammon futor that c� be found amongst batterecs and amid the vicnms is che pecpeaators violmce. Oftm as ehildr�, mrn who batter have either �vitriessed bamring betcveen family members or wcre 6urered themsdves; dteir childhoods bcng the training gounds foc the violence they now comm�L Studies have shown that mm who wi�essed their fathers hir dzcir mo�as wae t�ree umes more Iikelp co hit their wives dian men who had not Abusive men tend to have multiple victims. Vicrims' who are from communines of color, olda, lesbian, non-Fngiish spealting and living m poverty have incxeased 6arriets to accusing help. Over the past 13 years the population of Saint Paul membe=s living at or below poverep level inaeased by �3 percent (one-fourch of all poor living in d�e mt'¢e raetropofi� area) nnd residmts fzvm communiues of color increased bp an esrimaud 81%. Chddren m homes where domestic violence occuss are physically abused or sextiously neglected at a 1 i00% higfia rate than the national aoerage. Srudies have shoam that when baztered women do reach out for heIp, law enforcement is the 6rst profeesional system they will call. In this past yar asi alat:ning 40 wom� and si1 children were killed in Minnesora due to domesric abuse. The St Paul PoGce Deparnnmt fully reco�izes die huge significance of diese and od�er domesric relaced uagedies, and rhe insurmountabie toll theq take on our nei�borhoods and communiry. In d�e yeaz 2000, rhe St. P3u1 Police responded to ova 15,800 domestie dispuu calls, of wiiirh approximatelp 2,300 incid�ces of domestic assault were reported. "ihese repom include Aggravated and Misdemeanor pomestic Assauls, �otations of Orders of Proteccon and Gross Mirdemeanor Inurference with 9] 1.'Ihep do not indude the substantial numbcr of set�ual assaul� commitced by a spouse/parmer agauzst the victim or the phpsical or se�ual assauh corrurutted against a child by a faznily member. t1n estimazed 3a% of rhe 2,300 inadences were able to be subrrutted co be charged. �ith the cuaent sysxm and numba of petsonnd wishin the Dtpaztrnent it is very difficulc to su£ticiendp tcack the multiple crimrs and violent historia of the abusrss, thorou�ly invesrigate each crime, and ensure rhat all victinss' critical needs are being mec Very yunilar to the design of most Police Deparunaia throughout the United States, there are presrntlp five differrnt methods under which a domesric case may be investigared and 6rou�r to courr. 1) the Homieide Unit is zesponsible for a�oestigaong felony and gross misdemeanor domestic assaulrs; � the Field Refeaal Unit is responeible for investigating Gone on A:xival mitdaneanor c�es; 3) d1e Scc Crimes Unit is responsible for investigtting fami]p violmce apainst a child bp a familp member or the se�-ual assault by a partnez against a spouse, 4) the nd�borhood district unia ue cesponsible for invesnganng domestic assaults or violaaons of ordexs of protecrion in which the offmse also included a burglary or c�runal damaae to propexty, and 5) the domesric violmce suspec� that an azrested by d�e paaol office=s at the sc�e are �ssued a cnmuiaf tag and boobed £or the offense and thm go �msi�t to couct in the moming. What we propose is to create a Famiiy V�olence Unit resulang in one division whieh is responsible foz, and ovezsees the enrire process. In esr.ablishing rhu new mode� which would em�alize the responsibilitq, better aack the cases/ascailants and ersable the victims to receive more effcctive and effidctt services, euh division could a) work in collabontion, b� receive spec7al/on-going saining on domesvc violqtce, c) be held to a necv level of accounnbi&ry, � Eocvs on victm safery and bamers, e) better addrtss the need4 of victims Erom communitia of coloz, and f} work m close partneahip cvith the Sc. Paul Domestic Abuse Inrecvmtion Projeer, Joint Prosecurion Unit and o�er communiry organizarions. We haoe concluded t}�rou� our r�search and contacts fhat t�ere is a need for a domesric viol�ce model in Police Depazanents tfirou�out Minnpora and on a narional level u wetl. 'Ihe Sc Paul Policc Depazanenc has che comtziitment and acpettise, as wdf as a Ciry of ideal size and culnual mi� to successtully design, implement and assess a modd Funily Violence Uni� arhose assured success could be zeadilp replicated bp ocher Deparanena. MRY-14-2601 16�06 6512923675 96Z P.BS 61/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE COLLABORAINE EFFORT' PAGE 06 Form :13 . .— Ol.s'�S Progsacn I�Ieme'�+e S�K+t �1 P Fa�+++�p Violence Unit Using onl� this p�ge, descrt'be the ]evd of coordination your projecc requires between 5ervice proridezs, law enforeemrn; prosecvtion, affected populauons, and any odia Lelea-ent agencies or communities. The pucpose of your psojeet mavt 1x foaued on uue systerns change. Include infocmarion on the role oi cach collaborstive gtoup t}uou� the cou=se of the project (mcluda�g the evaluation plan) and how ti�e collaboxation'will be managed, A scareity of reaources h� not impacted the energy, 4ision and commitrnent of the S:. Paul Police TJeparrn�ent o; iu abiliry to work in pactiership wid� the communiry to end domestic abuse. �he Department's on-going collaborations with the communitq has enablcd ies ataffand progruns to work joindp wich iesidents, public and prirete organizations, gzoups, govertstnmt mrities and insti4rtioas. 'Ihese networks have enrirhed their resources, developmait and services, 1 °�r��S �'� �+�' io ra+c� t�ose in nced of assistance and their capaciry m work tocvards long-texm social and syscem change. It is the Deparnnmt's belief that the combined effozts of the collaboration in designing, implementing and suppocting the Family volmee Unit wi7l not aily furthet ti�e work of �ding violence in our communiry, buc will create a pazmetship thxt will bear futute initiatives which could nat occur without a shared vision. The Fanuly Violence Unit will nurture and expand the putnesships thaz alteady exist betaveen law enforcemen[, the St Paut Interoenrion Pmlect and rhe Joint-Prosecvtion Unit; building on each othecs strengths aad expertise in confronting domestic violence, while respecting each pume�s unique mle and fimction in ensuring the safety oE tt�e victim. This coUabontioti has s shnng foundation For success, stemming fmm the Department's willingness to seek out input m shapmg the prelimaiaty design of the Family Violence llnit model. �Ihe collaborarire fzamework for this new model ie tn: a} oreate a suuchue that centralizes and monitocs all crimes against ffie Familp, holdvag investigaaons to the same standuds and protoeols; b) be cictim centercd, empowenng the victim 'ux decisions and ensuring their ongoaig safety; c) czeate a more efficient and rapid ;ntervaition in family violmce cues, � esrablish and nurture multi-diaciplaie paxtiaships; e) assign more responsibility and accompanping accounrabiJiry to investigatois; g1 develop and insticute a sur�g gmtocol for £amily violence invesrigarions, and h) educare and haui all oEficers and investigatots who cespond to domestic violence calls/czces on the new protocol. '�'he traming wili include the dyn�rtucs of domeslie abuso and rhe needs of divecse culcura] communities. The input solicited during the desi�t of this model wiSl eontinue thmugh the implemenption phase, indudmg but not limited to the huing of the taro nevr investigators to be a4signed to the newly created Faznily Violence Unit (working wirh $ other investigatrns), 'I}�e eollabocatioat is not complete witt�out t�e input Cxnm oictims. St. Paul Interv�rion wiU be a conduit for vietim input, solicitaig feedback on a number of issues related to their saasfaction wirh tf�e handlmg of their ease bp law enforcemen; pzuyecutiot� and adcrocates. 'Ihis dara will be used to addresa azeas oF concem, influencing the daign of the neav protocol. Every 6 months, new victims wilJ be conracud, alloonng the Family Violence Unit snd its parnsas to c,emaa� zesPot�uve to the vicbms' needs. As part of this collabontion, zepreseatatives from the Farnilp Violence Unit will work with b]ocd clubs; educating them on the Unit's funetion and'a�aeasing awareness of and response to domestic violence. Cabte access T.V. will be one mediutn used to =eaeh out to the communiry, creatmg more public awareness of the issue of domestic vialence, and the hdp availabk to vicdms. Pcint medi� mctuding cultura]]y-divecse local commun�ty newspapers and mainstreatn press, w�ll be approached for coverege of the Family tiiolence Unit; orith the end goal of inaeasing aaess to its se=vicas and those of its collaborating parmezs. A Qsomisin8 aspeet of this eollabondon and restructucing of the Department, is tt�e opportunity to maximize existing networks and pumetships. One ocut�ple of this u the Sex Czimes Unit's relationships with Ramsey Countp Seaval Assault Protocol Site, Midavest Childcrn's Resource Center, Child Protection, Sc�niai Offense Serorces, Women tlssociarion of Hmong and Lao, Gay and I.e46ian Community Action Counpl, Women's Recooerq Center and Model C�ries. �is collaboation will deepen the a�dp s�ong pac�eship the Depamnent has with d Intervec�tion Projett (a gcass-roots organization thatworlcs to eliavnate vioie�ce agaitistwomen and t}xeir children, aad tt�e social/sysrem responses that condone or allow it).11�ry pcooide advocary, crisis intervenCOn and support to battered womrn and their children; faeilitate the sysum's msp�xtae to domestic abuse; and genvide educaaon, prevenaon, azid outreach to victims of ar�d the comtnunity at laige, Annually, over 3,500_battered aomm receive direa serviccs, ovcr 10,000 infurmanonal packets aze distribu�d and 2,400 calla for support and infotmation on theit 24-hour aisis line. The staff reflecis the cvltural and agc divecsity of d�e co�rvtnv�ities thry serve, i.e. African-, European-, I,a�n�, Native- and Southeast Asian American ailtures, aa Wdj a� elders, leab�t�e y�rtd suxv=tiors of abusa Their agency is �omntitted to enabluag the people effected by the issuea to be a direcc conduit ia defining the problems, and directly parrake in creating solutions. MRY-14-2001 16�a7 6512923675 97i P.06 01/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 07 � � �s�s Form A4 GEN£RAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE STANDARDS p FY02 PROGRAM NAME: Saint Paul Police Famiiy Volence Unit INSTRUCTiON$: Pbase answer the following questions as tfiey apply to the overal! sponsoring organization (or fiscai agent, ff applipble). If you check "No" to any questions, please �ontact your program specia/ist for furth�r /n8trucNons. OVERALI �ONBpRIN(3 OR(iAMIZATION 1. Orflanizadionai Structure This organiietlon is a lawfully ineorporated nonprofit or govemmental entity and is guided by a mission/philosophy statement that promotes effective services. X yes _no 2. Nondisdhninedon This cxganlzation does not disaiminate on the basis ot race, color, creed, religion, sex, status with regard to public aseistance, physlcal or mental dlsabiliiy, sexual orientation, religious belief, national origin or counry of residence. Xyes, we do not discriminate no 3. Philoso This cxgenizetion's programming is consistent with the philosophy of all applicable MCCVS crime victim advisory cpuncil(s). X yes _no a. compGance The organizatlon complfes wfth ell federal. State and 1oc21 laws, rules and regufations in the implementation of its programs. X yes _no 5. Finaneial Mat�agement The orparllzation:dheres to generalty accepted accounting procedures and, if funded, will meet the requirements for a sound flnencial management system outlined in the Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services' Flnandal Guidelines Manual for Recipients of State and Federal Fundi�nq (most recent edition), X yes _no fi. Reportinp The orgaMt8lion aflrees to fittftll alt repo�ting requirements estabfished by the Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Servlcss. X yes ^ no MAY-14-2601 16�07 651Z923675 98% P•07 01/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 5AINT PAUL POLICE �♦ Ii � 1 �Sks �� � A Q � i--� p r � 9 41 a $� � � �� v � � �. o � 6' �°— � .� � �. � � � t � e R � 5. � y � �. � � �g �� $. 0 �• � ,.. e a a < a a O w � I 4. �a G ~ tJ � � S � o � �' d � o. � � a �. v 0 C n � O N 0 � h7 �. .� O � � �. < > D � � C `�4 0 0 ��Q � � � � � 8 r fy F1 r a 5 � �- � � G N Py ro � � m ,� � � C d o m � n. � �� 5' M yi �� � � o �° �. � 5 Q � o �. �. 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C � N � � �O MAY-14-2001 16�11 6512923675 97i 3 � � y N 0 0 m � gW \° e 3 � �� � � N � C m a g' o � � � � VJ 1-T d c � � � ro � G C � N � m A F � .�'+ O � � n � 0 ti O � 'Z T a� � aa e � � � � � o <c � n D� G) 0 � N w � a m H � � t`D Q m � < m � � C n � � � � m N z � � m N � O O � m � � m m N C � � a � O � � � Z D � m � m c y 1 0 � < O A 7 � m D w °-'• D � h M � � � O � � � n � 2� �� D� T C , a i N � O � � � 3 D rr+ N � � � W P.15 01/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 16 EVAIUATtON Pt,qN Ol- S�LS Form q6 Progrem Name: �e 31 Peut PoMce FartWv Y�olence UnR Use oniythis page to p�ovide a compre�ensive pian that speclficelly describes whal you are attempting to evaluate, how and why. DesaEe the systems change you warrt to produce as a resuit of this project. Include how the evaluailon wN4 be developed, anc! what evatuatfon methods and toois wiu be used. Indude information on how each Coflaboretive group in the projea a participeting in the evaluation process. Please note that the evaivatbn eaped of your project is very important to reviewers. Evaluatioa is iategai to the success of this project. If we are to increase victim safety and decrease the number ofrepeat offepses, we must bt open to critical analysis and input. The expeditious identification and �roeecution ofoffanders is critical where violence has not been prevented The misBion ofthe Family Violence Unit is to oversee and facilitate the process by which domestic violence cases are invescigate3 and brought to successfiil resoluaon, facilitating quick intervention with o&'endere and assistanca to victims. The evaluation methods will be a combinatipn ofwritten surveys, fac�to-face interviews, c3ient feedback and aubstnntiaJ data ana►yyis. Pre- and post-implementation suzveys with victims will be one of the vehicles by which victim input, needs and safety are ensured. Comparative data analysis wi11 aiso be incorporated;nto the evatuation process, utiluing data &om the St. Paul Police Department and the Saint Peut Domesric Abuee bttervemion Project. Post-training participant evatuations wiil be conduaed by the Saint Paui Iatervention Project. Tracking and data analysis of repeat offenders and offenders at high riak of violent reoffenses is expected to increase the charging and sentencing of these perpetrators. The Unit wil] be able;o track ceses with the same invastigator being responsible for repeat cases. This early recognition of repeat offenders will allow greater initial focus on the investigation and facilitate the creation of a repeat offender database, much like the career criminal list. The Family votenee i7mt will beeome the central contact for all St. Paul domestic abuse victims and advocates. Victim6 will not have to contact other units to find out who is dealing with their case A stmng proto�l that addresses the nceds and safety ofthe victim is the focal point ofthe new unit. The pratocol wi11 atress rqaking the system more open and available to victims and also more sensitive to victims' needs. This will be measured irt the evaluation phase of the project through victim surveys, and data documenting improvaneiR in case handling and disposition. The collabortttion ttaclerstande that ttaining will play a crucial role in the success of this project, For this zeesan, data will be collected �nd analyzed Pertaining to azrest rates, and the numbec of cases submitted for charging. The true evaluation of the �ucpess pf this project will be seen 3n the next three to five years, with a reduction ovetall in domestic abuse cases; d'uectly related to holding perpetrators accountable for their abuse, reaponding swiftly and decigiveiy with tepeat offenses. Increued victim trust and utitization oF the law enf'oroeme�t Syy�em, tiviU e�su � more battered women are receiving the protection and services that are eiitica! to eycaping violence. Community awazeness and support in addressing the issue of domeatic violence is qtpected to gow,, as the Family Violence Unit cultivates new partners and ma�cimize�s their ability to reach out to diverse communities in their fight to end domestic abuse. MRY'-14-2001 16�11 6512923675 98i P.16 01/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 17 01-5�5 Form B PROPOSED BUDGET — FY02 STOP Vlotence Against women Act (VAWA) Fund 12 Monfh PROGRAM NAME: Saint Paul Police Familv Violence Unit A B C (It is not necessary to Total Propoeal VAWA Other itemize column C. At Budget the bottom, write the totaf in other funds to be used Personnel 267,061 105,199 for this project, if any.} Payro�l Taxes/ Fringe Benefits 74,777 Contract Servicss Travel Food/Meals Training Printing Postage Telephone Publicity/Advertisf�g RenUMortgage Utilities Insurance Maintenance/Repalr Office Suppfles Program Suppites Supplies Equipment Other {Speclfy) 29,456 TOTALS 341,838 = �34,655 + 2Q7,783' Note: Tota� of Co�umn A= Total of Columns B+C List names of addltional funding saurc.�s [asterisk(`) sources of secured fundsj: Department — three po{ice officers — saiary and fringe benefits. This does not in > cvwNVnq�RY! MRY-14-2001 16�12 6512923675 97i P.17 01/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 18 FEl)ERAL MATCH BUDt3ET AND NARRATIVE — FYp2 8TOP Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Fund —12 Month � t �$� Form B - Match PRO(3RRM hIAME_ Sa�nt Paul Police Domestic Violence Unit 1�st�tlCtl6ns: Nonproflt proprams e�e exempt from the match repuirement A 25% C2sh or �n-kind match is requlred of state agen�ies� ��dlan tr(bal governrnents and bcal units of govemment (inGuding governmental battered women and aexua! ss�ault progrsms_) Refer to insVuctfons lor furiher information. DO NOT OVERMATCH. List tha source uf {unds thgt peys tor the match. Match Narrative B�d�C��9��Y NlYtch Bud et Use the space below to explain s� Souree of Match Funds each line item. Describe staff 1 vOlunteer positipns, rates of pay, Personnel $ 33 � number of twurs, mi�eage rate, _City of Saint Paul etc_ Payroll Taxes/ Fringe Beneflig Volunteers Contract Senices Travel Training Printing Postage Telephone PublicitylAdvertising Rent/Mortgege Utilities Office Supplies Program 3upplies Equipment Other (SpeGfy): TOTAL . S S S S S $ S $ $ $ ---�_ S S $ $ $ $ $ 33,664 � The department will add Three police o�cers in-kind ta this initialive. This match amount represents 62 pe�cent of one police officer's salary. MRY-14-2001 16�12 6512923675 9B� P.18 61/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 19 �� �. Sr : o� °' ! �c a C' �• d ���a m � �� � � � �� �� c �� ���� �� �� �� ���� � (C � � '�. � � �� A ' `3 �, m a: �� Q o Q � w' � a _ ^m � � � S� g o��s � � �� � o c 3. � �o �m a � w ���� X � ^ Tp � � � � � C � N � C � O d� a E'i � �� � � � � � 3' i c� � n � m - C ¢ : � m � F y � c ra � v o Q o ^. ~ o � N �--1 .J � �. ♦ Q ' � w ' a '-� 3 ,~,• m N N u' �' < � `� 3: o D mo � _'. a = n ��� n V ` n z � c ? � w o, y � a D N � N CT � [O �p � � � � � ? o '""� wo n - o � a � N. s 3 � � MRY-14-20a1 16�13 6512923675 98i r � � � v � y � � � �Z °' D a � a m m � � � O O � .� � �� s� �� A � N , ° w C � n � A N G 0 0 m � � � � a t � d 3 ���5�� � 0 � � 0 m � � � d A .� ~z 3 m r m p� � � � ^m � 1 Do � N � 3 a N 3 0 � 7 0 � m P.19 61l18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 20 O\-Sy.� BUOGET NARRATIVE — FY02 STOP Vlot�tfce Agafnst Women Act (VAWA} Fund -'12 Month Form B2 PROGRAM NAME: Saint Paul Police Familv Violence Unit Use t�!$ spaoe to explaln in detail each line item charged to VAWA sources on Form B. Provide a narrativa ihat inGudes an exptanation of costs such as rates for mileage, fringe benefits (i.e., FICA, PERA, Iffe and medical insurance, pension) and contract fees, etc. For exampie, the narrative for travel sFrould Indicate total miles X miteaQe rate= total cost Do not repeat personnei information from Form B1. Personnel: Salary fior two police sergeanUinvestigators at $52,599.50 =$9 05.199. Fringe Beneflt8: Fringe benefits for two police sergeanVinvestigators: workers' compensation Employea ittsurance Ret}ree insurance 3everance pay PoliCe PERA PERA — police relief FICA 3.510% 7.151% 4.863% 1.834°10 5.297% 4.817% .0528% $14,728 X 2 = $29,456 MAY-14-2001 16�13 6512923675 98i P.2a � d � n O C 3 O m � a �D ID c 01/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 i��x °om m 3 �° T � � ,� �o cm� �ao co : . y � � r � y Q C � �. 3. j � O � � � K a O Q] y S ro N � x �3. c � � � � � v � � � N � ❑ � m o. @ n v � I X O � W � � � � � �� � o �a �� �� �� n� � � � � � � �� � � � g� � g �� � � � � � � � � S '. i � � � � � W � � � MRY-14-2001 16�13 SAINT PAUL PO�ICE € � � � �. �. 4. � �@�� 3 3 3 3 m � m � l �1 X � � � m 3 °�' -�, � � � �, � _ m � � d = � �j m G � N � � 0 0 � n @� m 3 � � n � � � n � o m � � � � d 7 � f = 7 - �- � � C y n n = � n 0 v � m � � � � 0 N O � g o o g o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (7 (7 n (7 A C� C7 `� �2` �' � � �' �c m a o m m m w m e ni e�i m a�i y v 3 ' ? � �,� ? 3 � � � 'V � '� � c C c C c c c z z z z z z z � � N � � � � 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N c�'i� c c t�'i� � J �.A ! � N N � O�i Q�j � � � � � V1 f.71 (7� � O O O O 6512923675 rn rn rn cn � � ..A _y � m W C�11 07 0i m W m O O O 98i � � d � D a a � � N Q A � Q � a � m °J Q N a� n N O � x d � �x � � � o m < � � �. n � tfl G O w a I N d. < O � � � m �c 0 c a 0 � I 3 s � � � 0 � 5' 0 C a m m � 0 � 0 � PAGE 21 � �l�s�.'S �7 O � � v m c c � n a 3 v O y y � -' �A ' Z � � � � G _ om �v � 'o � m D aa � m 3z �� � O fl 3 D A j O � D �o c� � O DA { C � � a� � m i � � N T O 3 c� P.21 01/1B/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 22 ,\ � ��' QFFICE OF THE RAMSEY COUNTY ATTORNEY SUSAN GnERTNER Caunry Anomey Apri15, 2001 Mianesoca Depamnern of Public Safety Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services 2A5 East 6'" Sueet, Suite 705 St. Paul, 2vIN 55101 To Whom It May Concern: I am pkased to pledge the suppon and collaborarion of the Ramsey County Attorner's Office in connection with the innovative Family Violence [Jnit proposed by the St. Paul Police Departmeni. The new Fatnily Violence Unit will build on a strong base of collabozation between the Ramsey County Attomey's Office and the Police Depattment in effoRS to combat domestic violence. The Ramsey County Artomey's Office and the St. Paul City Attomey's Office worked very closely with the Police Depatttnent in creating a Joint Domestic Abuse Prosecution Unit. T'he unit, which focuses on domestic assaults N�here children aze present, has enjoyed enormous support and assistance from the Poiice Depazttszent. In pattnership w�th t}�e po�[ce, we have accomplished significant improvements in the criminal jus6ce systezn's response to domestic violence. The proposed Family Violence Utut wi11 be another major positive step in preventing domestic abuse and serving v�ctims. The Ramsey County qttorney's Office is committed to collaborating with the St. Paul Polict Departmecu on this very creat'rve and promising initiative. Sincerely, �� Susan Gaettn Ramsey County Attomey �~�4T �BLGdpa bU1.EVARD. SU17'E 31J. ST. PAUL, MINNE507A �5102-i65T 7E1.81HONE (651) 266-3222 FAX: (631) 266-)013 '°�' ��—S'lS MAY-14-2061 16�14 6512923675 98% P.22 61J18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 23 Saint Paul Drnrcestic Abuse Intervention Proiect 8�"S`4's 1509 Marshalt Avenue • Salnt Paul, Minnesota 55704 • Phone 645-2824 April S. 2001 Dear VAWA Committ�e Members: The Saint Psul Domestic Abuse Iatecvention Project wholly supports the St. Paul Police Department's request for VAWA fuads to support the creation of a model Family Violence Unit. The St. Paul Polict Depattment has the essenrial spirit and resolve for guaranteeing the success of a Family Violence Unit. If the atcessary structure and pezsonnel was made available, our a�ency has no doubt of the Unit's ability to obtain its goals. The St. Paul Police Department began seeking input two yeats ago in conceiving the premise fot a model Family Violence Unit. Victim safety and input was at the top of thair agonda, The co]]aborative design for the madel is to: a) centralize and monitor al! crimes against the faznily, hoiding aU invostigations to the same high standazds, b) be victim centered, ensuring victim safety and empowerment in decisions; c) create a more efficient and rapid intervention in domestic abuse incidences; d) establish and nunure multi-discipline partnerships; e) assign more responsibility and accompanying aacountability to investigators; � develop and institute a strong protocol for family violence investigations, and g) educate and train all officers and investigators who respond to domestic violence ca!!s/cases on the new protocol. The training wi11 include the dynamics of domestic abuse and the needs of diverse cultural communities. The collabotative spirit of this model wi(1 continuc through the implementation phase, and throughout its tenure. The St Paul lntervention Project will work in elose partnership wiYh the Unit ensu�ng the needs of victims, assisting in training police personnel, collaborating in the on-going evaluation of the Unit, and serving as a conduit for victim input and satisfactiott. The Saint Pav] Domestic Abuse Intervention Project is a gass-roots otganization that exists to etiminate violence against women and their childreq and the social and system responses that condone or aliow its oppression. Our organization believes that domestic violence is a crime and every battered woman has the right to access the criminal justice system, reeeive �afety thraugh the laws that are designed to proteet her, and obtain ihe critical suppart and serviees she and her children deserve. We affirm that battered women must be free to make their own choices, have the tight to dignity and possess the capacity to make sound decisions if free from the violence thai obstructs these choices. We further believe that no one has the right to abuse anyone and no one deserves to be abused reg�rdloss of gender, race, socio-eeonomic background, age, mental or physical ability, se�ual orientation, spiritua] belief, or partnedmarita] status. We have operatet( ay a non-prof�t organ"uation since I984, to grovide direct advocaey, crisis intervention and suppozt to battered women and theu children; facilitate the system's response to domestic abuse; and provide education, prevemioa, and outteach to vicrims of domestic violence and the community at )arge. Annualiy, over 3,500 battered women receive direct services, over 10,000 informational packets are distributed and 2,400 more calls for support, informaUon end referrats on our 24-hour crisis line. Hundreds more battered women, members of the community, a�d women and c6iidren receive education, prevencion, intervention and advocacy services through our pnpgratna prpgram materiais and services are available in Spanish, �nglish, Hmong and Lao; additionaJ materials are a�go avaitable 'sn Vietnamese and Cambodian, and we are currendy translating our brochures into Russian Eaeh pgour nine programs, the Acute Intarventior4 Systems Advocacy, Community Outreac(x, Latino Family Violence, Southeast Asian battered women's, HospitaUClinic, Oldet Battered MRY-14-2061 16�15 6512923675 98i P.23 01/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAINT PAUL POLICE PAGE 24 D► -S'�1� Women's, Family Transitional, and Children's Advocacy and Support Program, operate within the unique framework oftheir own goels and objectives, but in collaboration with one another I'he Sai[rt Paul Inte�y�ntion praject stagreflects the culiurai and age diversity of the cammunities we sen�e. African Ameriean, European Amerip� I,at�o qmericat� Southeast Asian American, and Native American cuhures, as well as elders, lesbiana, aad survivon of doraestic violence, are all represented on our staff of sevemeen, Our Educational and 5uppoa Groups, and Older Battered Women's g�oups aze representative of the diverse goups they serve. The St. Paul Intavemion projecY$ parh►eryh�P with the community has enabled our programs ta work jointly with community members, public and private organizations, groups, and instituuons. The St. Paul Police I)epartment has played an essential role in our work since 1984. Over these past seventeen years our respect for one snoiher's work has only growq as has our ability to work in alliaace and build upon our shazed vision of ending domestic abuse. I truly believc that if the VAWA Committee joins them m their efforts, the results of the St. Paul Police Family VioJence Unit will give substance to the vision, and give honor to the intent of the Violence Against Women Act's mission. Sincerely yours, C \ V �>���.\r..�� �\�:�:����• � _'� Shelley Johnson�]ine Executive Direetor MAY-14-2001 16�15 6512923675 98i P.24 ro 0 m 0 m v � � m � 0 0 'n 0 v 0 m a W � 6 � � 01/18/1995 17:17 6512923675 SAZNT PAUL POLICE PAGE ��� m m m 3 m m m m n � m » � a$ F = ��� 0 z'3 �� � � �'=v �m< q �b q � � � �.33 _ � �o � eo ao ^ °°� m 3 s o a w b� $ -. p' � Q H � o � = q o;;� o �� w a m O � � . � m m ?�-3 m�� � m� �,� ��a� „� c w � m y O � .+^ �, m m m � � �; � � � 2 • �. O � � a . � y 1 n ��F•7 � � S n m � W o w m G ro � � . % � » < .� � O 7 "� y O + m t0 n A S � T 0 N y K � r � 7 7 � aa � < ° nc� w m • ��� O � ,�,� 7 a m m O m � D � � Cj m � 7 n H N 0 z � - m m � -�I � � �• � � v � � "i � � � � MRY-14-2001 16�15 6512923675 98i P.25