267250 � . ' cirv oF ST.Pau� COUNCIL FILE NO. ����� FINAL ORDER $ Ruby Hunt � Y File No. 17812 In the Matter of conatructing sanitary s�r�r in LS1i0% AVB. from WintYrop St.. to �elvcsted Wildviw eve., in Relocated WILDVIBf�T aVE. aad the aever auaeent ovsr part of LE,ts 3, 4 and 19, Elock 9, �rliagtou Heights Divisinn Ioo. 1, frc� I.enox Ave. to Allston St., in ALLSTr1�i ST.•fx� said easeaa�t to S�ingsi�e� Drive� and in SPttIIiGSIDB DRIVB from Allston St. to �oint Douslas Soad under Administrative Order D'2591 approved Fsbrtury 1�, 1976 under Preliminary Order 2�935 approved �TCh 22� 197E1 The Council of the City of Saint Paul has canducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter, and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers sha11 calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. I�NAY 2:5 19T6 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas Nays Certif a ed by Co il S retary � �'t�r�stensen ���� In Favor By $ �76 !�unt ,J � ievine Against Roedler Mayor Syfvester Tr�descc� � � 5 � ._ . . . -�.���,-� � CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL'�,+ILE NO. FINAL ORDER B �,,�_"� �� . f,� y :K.l-�--f.�.-s__-'r�""'"`� File No. !7�'it In the Matter of Q�����f a #�it1�'� =1�! f� �#lA�i �t• �� �11dth1� tro r�lac�tN Qi��r#,+rar, ia l+Mla��at�rd �ii1�Vi�I lx+0� �ll�taa t0 La�+�c. ia A�ltrtoo �t. f� relo�ttad i�iidatrr ta �nt�id�, a� is �ri��pid� Dsi�r+� t�r 1►11�te�► �o l�aitnt �Us �d t�ity lro,�a�st �-�4�1, *-1368A f•?�S1A R) 8�»��91 ��► �!, 1ltb under Administrative Order approved <;: ,.���,`�. MAFt � � 197� under Preliminary Order approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. COtJNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas Nays Certified Passed by Council Secretary Christensea MOZ72 In Favor By Fi u nt �ev i ne Against Rqedlel' Mayor ��Ivest� Teciescu _ . . . . � . � . � � . � . ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL ..F' . . . . . . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DANIEL J. DUNFORD �ebruary 27, 1976 DiRECTOR • _ 'S /� �(L � " � �`� . . _ �- !" Sc � , � - . : �,, - �1r. �toger Mattsorr D i recto r of F i nance � , . Room 109, City Haii , - - BUlLDING , Attantton: Pau1 Desch . � Re s 1 mprovernents on WI LDV I EW, LEHOX � - � ALLSTON STS. . s-2o2� - P-o662 - s-�568a � Dear Sir: , Attached herewith are copies of the followinq: 1. Administrative Order D-2597 � - 2. Financial Sumnary Sheet . _ 4. 51ope Plans - 2 each of 3 5. Capy of Petitton , _ - - At your earliest convenience, please b�ing this matter before the City - Councii for a public hearing. Yours very truly, ,j ., , <+ /',, t 1,K �,�J��,�,C{, � �' � ��lohn W. Dav i s � Public Works Tech. IV � JWD/ck . Attachments �_r�.�y 3�;�� ;, . �.y� �� L '-r��%� . � ��� cc: J. Will iam Donovan r��`�,� v ��•,_ %r' :v tr '' � .` `,''• � j�1. l� � � � �i . . � ' ��j � � \* `� f + �'±�� � . . i�-) �,j . . �� �vi . . . � �. � \' .'.. ' �t.1 `,, �`j �\.. � , �L , . y�V � , �,,� �:;'�^� ;'jy �' 234 City Hal_l, Saint Paut, Minnesota 55102 ����, .. . ,�� ...� wnt�• ,. �tv c�ark G I T 1' O I' S 1 I 1�'T ��A U L . . �n _ Finane�OeOt. . , � D�pt. : .. • � : - Ut''1TIGF Or TIi1'. �fAYOI� • � /�� . . NO: �""� � , AD111INIS'RtATIVE ORDER F�B t g �a�s ,��l'�!�� Date: ADI�'fINISTR�ITIVE ORDER, ln the riatter of grading a�d sucfacing, constructfng curb �nd gutter, and constructtno drainage faci 1 i ties ic� Lenox A�renue fcom 4linthrop to approxt�ately 55fl feet north, �nd in relocated 4liidview Street Fron Alistan to Lenox, and in A1lston Street frorn �elocated �lildvlew to Sprinc�stde; and, construct sanitarv ses�er in Les�ox fron �/iathro� to relocated �rliidview� in retocated Wtldview fcom Allston to lenox, in A1lston Street fron relocated t�tildviel� to SpriRgslde, and ' tn Springside Drive f rora Aliston to Point Douglas Road. Also, corddnning and taking an ease+nent 1n the ta�d necessary for slopes, cuts and ft11s, includinn right of rer.�va3 of lateral support from subJect land or rer.ta�nder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or constructton of s)opes in tf�e �rading af lenex Avenue from Llinthrop Street to approxinateiy 55d' north: and relacated . Wildview Street fron Alistan St�eet to E.enox Avenue and Aliston Street fram retoc�ted Wildview Street to Springside Drtve. . Also, in the natter of conce�ning and taki»g an easement for ponding area purposes the follawing described parcels of land: � lots le 2, 20 and 2t, Sik. 9, Burlington Neigt�ts Divisian �lo. 1 and all those ' � parts of Lots 17-23 Bnciusive. 81k. 7. Surltngton Hetghts Divfsion �ta. I lying southeasterly of the follos�ring described 1 ine: Begtnning at tF�e most southarly corner of satd Lot 17; thence nartheasterty to a point on the nartheasterly linQ of lot I7 a dtstance of 3S feet norttnvesterly of th� Enost eastcrly corner of said Lot 17; thsnce northeasterly to a point on the hortheasterly tine of satd Lot �v a distanc� af 60 feet north«esteriy of _ the nost easterty corner of said i.ot T3; thence northeasterly to a Ao1nt on the - �ortheastetiy line os sa�d Lot i� a distance of 70 feet northw�sterly o�' the mosi easterly corner of said l.ot 19; thence northeasterly to a point ar� the � noctheasterty line of s�id Lot 20 a distance of 70 feet northwestecly of the most easterly corner of said tot 20; thcnce northeasterly to a polnt on the . northeastcrly iine of said Lot 21 a distance of 65 feet northrtesterty af the most e�sterly corncr of said Lot 2i ; thence easterly to a point on 'the north- easteriy line of said Lo� 2�. a distance of 30 feet nortE�westeriy af fihe nas� easterly corner of said Lot 22; �h�nce easteriy ta a point on the southe�stcrly line of Lot 23 at a dista»ce of i5 fzet from the r�st southerly carner af satd Lot 23 and thes� terr.iinafing. � ort�. cc:� o,;g;a°'cc."' , _. DJD REG � APPROVED AS TO F���1 a w�H � . � . e ,} . GKS JFK � . . . � � / � � , .•j f j RCP U2E � . ( JiS � Assistant CityAtt�rneY R��� i Department Head . AJ�) � . .. �—� ��` �` JE vi�P . �E D=r � � A.S.O. R.N.R. . Date �....._� AJn►inistrative A'ssistant t�Mayor ' • • • ��� a / vs1 a c�� .���a �v a � r.� ,�,. - / � �� Ul�YIt:�E Od' Tllli PtAXi)B8 . ' '' „ �� •` / ' � . No: ��_ �` '� ADi1iIN1STRA1'IVE ORD£�. . Date: FEB 19 1�/b _z_ ADI�41N1STRATIVE ORDER, � . ' Also, in the r�atter of opening, widentng and extendtng relocated uiidvTew Str�et by tat;ing and condenni»g Lots 3 and l9, Blk. 9, Burlington t�e�ghts Dtvision tto. 1. • Open, widen and extend llildview Avenue by taki�g and condenning for street purp�ses � . ihe following �escrtbed parcels of land: All those parts of Lots 49 and 50, 81k. 10, �urlington Neigfits Division tio. 1, ly�ng aithin the arc of a 45' radius ctrcie, the �enter of said ctrcle betng at a potnt 15' southeasterly of the centerl�ne of Witdvtew Avenus as ptatted and 20" sou�hwesteri�r of the ccnterline of Lee�ox Av�nue as platted. A1so, takfng and c�ond�rning a t�n{��°�ry consLruction �aser.rent ort, ov�� aRd aeross�th� westerly i4` of Lot 1 , l3ffc. 1, N3gi�wood Hfils. Said easemesrt to remain [n effect unttt tE�e sonpletton dat� of thi3 +construction project. • Also, in the matter of open3nq, wldening and extending Lenox Avenue by takTng and conde�cning for street purposes the follorri�g described pa�ceis of land: Ali th�se � . parts of Lots 4, � and 6, Slk. 9, Larlington 6ieights Aivlsian Fta. 1 . and Lots 4�, �5 -and 46, 81k. 10, 6urlington Heights AivisIon l.o. l , iy�n� within th� arc of a #St radius �,ircle, the center of said clrcle being at a point on the centerii�e of Lcnax Ave,�ue 2�2.�b' southeasterly of the centertine of Uil�view Avenue as platted. The Departr.tent� of Fina�cc and t9anagene�t Servtces is hereby directed to b�ing thls matter before the C1Cy Councfl for public heartng. ' � . ' � ' . CI ty ProJe�t !!o. G-2021 and 5-35�� ' S-1510R . . ' � • e .. e �, � . . . � � .. - � � E� � . . . ' � � ' �4�^� • . APPROVL'D AS TO FORM � • . � '�' 1�• - �,� . ' , `�� - f ,. � � , �� ; ,t , 1 . �. ( � _ , � .� �--` Assistant Cily Attorney . .�partmeet Head . �� . � .: e f . � .. ,� � , �/' ' " �'f � : : , Datc ' � ,.> > , Administrative Auistant to M�Yo� � . ' PRELIMIWAR,Y O$DEA ouncil 'File No. ¢660�5 — By Ruby Hunt� In the Matter of constnu�eting a saa3_ tary se�per in T,e,n,�x 6t.from'WiathTOp to relocated �Vlldview, in rploca� 'Wi1droiew from All�bom, to Lenox, 3n All�t�on St. from reloca.ted Wdld�view to Spr.ingside, apd in Springside D¢7v�e from Allstp¢i to Foint D.ouglas R,aad (City�Proj�ect'G-2021,�5-1568A 5-1510 R) u:uder Ad.ministrative Order D-,a5g�1 arp- proved February 19, �187�6. havhng�received�the ityrno�f1Saiof Pthe Mayor upon the above fmprovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1, That the said report and the aame is hereby agproved with no alternatives,and that the estimated cost�thereof ds�'r6,7gp,00. 2. That a public hearing-be had on said improvement on the 13th ril 1975 at 10: c oc a.m.. n e o c Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Buflding in the City of Saint Paul. 3• That notice of said public hearing be given ty^the persons and in the manx�er provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature op the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. File No. L7812. Aclopted �by the Councii March 18, 1976. A'AProved March 22, 1976. {MarCh 2.2, 19T6) _ „ks:;�H,ir.�k',�.ier?'. a� °��� '�' ., '2��v�'„t�fi+��v;�'�° :�.;aw�k°�c.�'4'.'.ti�..'�r16,�&±--�iv.'x�a.�,-. .•�. -.��',�I�s . . .. . . ,.. . . . . . . . • .. , . .. a: : ' ,i. .�_. �. i,... �. . . .. ..-.. . <_.: `_. .�� ::;: . ' �r.� ., . . .: . . . . . _ .. . . � .". . .:�: r ...' , . . : . .._: . .. i ..� � .% .. , ��. ,... :.:... . � . . � � ..:. � �' � . �..� , �_.; . . . . i . . . . . . . ,..�: � ; �. . _. __ . _. _ . _ . . . . ... . ,_ . a. �� ... � . . . . ; ' . . � � .' .. .. �_ � . , rT' Y �'�.f}���� � � _ � - < ��-� __ ; � , ; . . . ; : ; � R _ � . . � � , � . , , . ' �.,-���..�-�, ; �C►� � ��t+'/N Gr h � � -� � ,': : , T`O T!4` t,,,,. � Q � ' � � � . . _,,.,e,.. ; � � 1"7� . �L/� M �o�; ;� �� P�`'���I �Nfi� � . , r I � � " I����A ' . . S, . . . . .. . . . ( . ' v :. ; . " . . . .. } . ,. .. . .. �. �. . :, . . ... . � . . .. , ; . . . . . . . . . . �. i ...�. .� . . . ' . , �� ': . . � � . . . �. . . . . . �� � ... . � . .���fl ��f' Pkv��►� t� � � . . "T'..o Tl4� L .�GO � ' _ ___.__:� ; - .� , � _ � , �� � , .i .3 �w � ����"•.r'= � . . �., . �. . : �. : � . ' .. f _ , y : ,..�' ,n a�� PAv,w� n b ',. , : _ `r'oT� � �� ' . ; ; . �� � � ; ' r ; � fi , , � � r � � ! � � � , . ; , ' ; ,_,..,� . .�: _�3' -'-�F. �cv # . .}.:. , k,.i__� =.#- _ . �_.»�. � , r -r •-I � -+ �.,_. 1 .�— . �;..t.a. r. ,a�-�i-ri�n'�.iB�tir�:tr.#A..,'r�F 'St'.�.'��'"�.'k: i`�:� ... , �. < ,t`�,'"r�4£ ,�!u`, -k�'as�r�`�a.<�=�fd.�ai�irw„�'�,�is?�rr�r. ,�.,�.ntr+s.�.>�.'a�#'L`tY%�*'.ax�,'J�r�^.4Fw�..�.ze.�a.�;v«>t� .a-s=�?S''�"��: �Y`r� . . • .. : �. � .. . .. � � . . rTY f' �- N� _ � MI��� ' . , . ' /o � Q 3�� ' ��v►inr�,. � I ° � To T t} �,, � p � ` ....�.�� C 'TY �LA N �o IZ, o� � � Q��'�M �NT� ` ! � 3 � � a`f� P�vrn►G n ��-- . � � To T�- L .�O l • �.3 w � w�4N r: > _ b� � �'�� PAviaG � 6 � -T-o T� � 3 6 ' � . • STATEMENT IN SUPPORT OF THE COMPLETED LENOX AVENUE BY: Mr. & Mrs . L.W. Makens - Council Hearing April 13, 1976 Admin. Order $kD2591 and Board of Water Commissioners Resolution ##2547 I DESCRIPTION We understand that the proposed �ompleted Lenox Avenue _ will run between Winthrop� Street and Wildview Avenue for its full length and that it will include the follow- ing improvements : grading, paving, sewer, water, curbs and gutters . The roadway will also be completed by the - end of the Construction season in 1976. � II CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT NEEDS • The completed" Lenox Avenue will fulfill immediate needs by providing access and the public utility services to 7 (seven) families presently residing along its full length. In addition, the completed Lenox Avenue will meet the same future objectives for the long range needs of at least 7 (seven) ac7ditional building sites for poten- tial homes available along the same roadway. A. The needs for immediate construction are as Follows : l. The original petition for a public road came f rom one property owner who otherwise has NO LEGAL ACCESS to his property without paying high "passage fees" to use other owners easements . 2 . Another property owner could not only benefit by public ACCESS gained f rom the construction of Lenox Avenue, but also would have his Immediate Need for WATER SERVICE met� as his present well service is inadequate. 3 . Still another property owner has NEED for the Immediate SEWER SERVICE that the full completion of Lenox Avenue will provide, as their present drainage system is ineffective and not operating - satisfactorily. B. These same improvements, i.e. ACCESS, WATER, AND SEWER ,. service will also become immediately avaiZable to the - Support Completed Lenox Avenue Statement Page 2 4 (four) remaining existing homes along completed Lenox Avenue should they also suffer loss of any of their present services . C. In addition to the fulfillment of these short-range and rather immediate N�CE�SARY needs, the eompleted Lenox Avenue will make available to the remaining 7 (seven) additional building sites, the same needed access and publi.c utility services . It would seem that the longer such facilities are postponed, the more expensive they are likely to become. The council should be aware that at least 3 of these available homesites are seriously considering development at the end of Fall construction season - this year, 1976, and are in favor of the full list of improvements offered by the completed Lenox Avenue proposal. III PROPO5ALS Pros and Cons To the best of our knowledge, there are 3 (three) alterna- tive proposals, conceived in an effort to meet all the afore- mentioned objectives . They are as follows : ALTERNATIVE PROPOSAL # 1: SEE 'p1,AT S1�EET" I 1�vl, � Installation of utilities and the grading and surfacing of Lenox Avenue totally�with a sewer outlet on the public easement to the East across southerly part of lots 2 & 20 Burlington Hts . ]piv."�l :block 9 (approx. cost minus sewer and water estimate) $51,900.00. ALTERNATIVE PROPOSAL # 2 : SEE �Lf�T �EET'Z �- �"`�� � Two roads, wit�h two cul-de-sacs, one running NW from Winthrop Street partially down Lenox Avenue and the other running SW from Allston Street to Lenox Avenue, both with full improvements . (approx. cost minus water and sewer estimates) $75,400.00. This cost does not include further expe.nse incurred by condemation - and land acquisition costs to relocate one cul-de-sac away from original city platting. ALTERNATIVE PROPOSAL $k 3 : SEE 'PI.AT SNtET'3 �� � _ Y-shaped road, complete with above mentioned improve- ments, running SW from Allston Street to Lenox Avenue, ending in a double cul-de-sac. (approx.cost minus water , S upport Completed Lenox Avenue Statement Page 3 and sewer estimate) $57,675 .00. This cost likewise does not include the further expense accrued by condemnation and land acquisition costs to relocate entire roadway away from original city platting. In analyzing Proposal # 3 we wish to present the following considerations : 1. It does not meet the full range of objectives . Due to its location, it cannot provide adequate utility service or access to all the properties involved, now or in the future. 2 . It is more costly than alternative l, that cost being further enhanced by the fact that this particular proposal takes the most land away from present property owners and refers the assesments directly back onto ' those very same prbperty owners, incurring a costly condemnation and land acquisition expense, of general public funds . 3 . Most importantly, the plan is not of city design and therefore necessitates, beginning surveys, cost analysis and original design before it can even be considered . T�his would d_ elay construction for at least this con- struction season and therefore, would not satisfy the urgent and separate needs of 3 separate families ' requesting IMMEDIATE CONSTRUCTION. It should be noted that one full construction season has already been lost inasmuch as the original petitions for improvements were submited in February 1975. OF THE TWO REMAIDTING ALTERNATIVE PROPOSALS, 1 and 2, WE HAVE COME TO THE FOLLOWING OBSERVATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS : Namely, 1. Both alternatives will provide satisfactory road access (public right of access to property) , as well as provide the required services . Therefore, it can be said that both adequately meet the multiple objec- tives . 2 . While Alternative Proposal 2 (2 cul-de-sac, 2 streets) appears to avoid the necessity of some tree clearing and grading of a piece of Lenox Avenue (SE of Wildview for 60 feet) , it must be understood by all, that THIS specific easement area will suffer tree loss and be graded REGARDLESS OF ALTERNATIVE PROPOSAL CHOICE. The wide swath of construction easement necessitated by the instailation of sewer and watermains will determine that there be grading and tree clearing. The removal _ 5upport Completed Lenox Avenue Statement � Page 4 of these trees from the public right of way, in any case, will not seriously detract from the naturally pleasant wooded appearance of the area as there will still remain a large number of trees on the immed- iately adjacent properties . Tt should be noted that for any alternative acceptance, the improvement plan must necessarily include the restoration to a natural state of areas that do suffer from cuts or tree clearing. As a paint of interest,� and in an effort to keep more of the larger trees in the area intact, it is possible to jog the road slightly. Affected property owners are willing to relocate road easement thru their private property to accom- plish this environmental saving of larger trees . . 3 . Alternative 1 (completed Lenox) presents a 10 1/2/ grade as compared to the less steep grades offered by Alter- native 2 (2 roads, 2 cul-de-sacs) . However, it ,should be noted that t�his 10 1/2/ grade is considerably LESS than the now present 15% qrade that already exists on one owner's only access to ANY road, be it public or private, AND it is also LESS than the 12 1/2 - 14/ varyinq clrade already existing on Allston Street running southerly of Springside. It must be understood that Allston Street is the ONLY ACCESS provided for the entire neighborhood, some 16 families . The present 7 families that may use part or all (only 2 families will climb the 10 1/2% grade) of the completed Lenox Avenue, will be able to compare the 10 1/2% grade (steepest part) with the now 14 1/2% grade (steepest part) that they have been using as their only access in or out of the neigh- borhood since its construction over 20 years ago. In summary, the proposed grade on the fully completed & _ improved Lenox Avenue (alt. ##1) WILL NOT introduce into the neighborhood any new hill that is even as steep as . those now. routinely traversed by area residents through . their own choice. 4. After considering the aforementioned information, we wish to bring the City Council to the knowledge that there will be an approximate $24, 500.00 savings (just in grading, and paving alone - this does not include water and sewer cost estimates) to the property owners � Support Completed Lenox Avenue Statement Page 5 realized by the acceptance of Proposal 1, the completed Lenox Avenue. This savings is based upon the 32 ' road- ways, originally proposed by the City Staff. The sav- ings would be significantly more if the unnecessarily wide roadway were reduced to a more realistic and econ- omical 22 ' . 5. In addition to the savings created for the property owners the acceptance of Completed Lenox Avenue would also realize a substantial savings for the general public funds as there would be no need for any land - acquisition, condemnation procedures, etc; as would be necessary for the already more expensive Alternative 2 . ( 2 roads, 2 cul-de-sacs) . • , ALTERNATIVE 1,• THE COMPLETED LENOX AVENUE MEETS ALL MULTIPLE OBJECTIVES SATISFACTORILY AND REALIZES THE GREATEST DOLLAR 5AVINGS TO BOTH THE TNDIVIDUAL PROPERTY OWNERS AND THE CITY ITSELF. IT IS FOR THESE REASONS THAT WE STRONGLY URGE THE CITY COUNCIL TO ADOPT AND SUPPORT THE PROPOSAL FOR THE COMPLETED LENOX AVENUE, MINDFUL OF THE CONSIDERATIONS OF MIDTIMAL WIDTH, AND STEPS SUGGESTED FOR TREE PRE5ERVATION AS WELL AS THE NATURAL AMEDTITY OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD ITSELF. SPECIFICALLY, WE ASK THAT THE COUNCIL DECIDE FOR THE GRAD- ING, PAVING AND PROVISIONS OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE FULL LENGTH OF LENOX AVENUE FROM WINTHROP ST. TO WILDVIEW AVENUE. . . � `a � h<''hn � • !Z°F' �r:� �� � ' � 5� �,� c�o � ` .� � 5� '�•� � \ ` `,o . � \ \ .-� 1� �� `° �.,,\ 3 � f \ \ F� ''G' �' i �r ��'• . . �� � �� �. .2ti � �t" 1 M • y LL\ 5h Z ��' `\ � �//�. �G � ,v \� � ,`� � �' .�` ���� ;. � � ` �` o _�.-� r � � � �\ '� � I � 5� ` � W 3 - `,j� � �� �� � '.N •;N �_ . .�~ 505 �' � �� '\ �� �9 �,30 .� !• , � .� Zg 't .. , ,� a �, , `, �� z� \ _ \ �p 't '' �`' '•�� , . y� I A�`\ � 6 � . , �y� ,�' . 9 . \ 2 ,�� i . o U�. \ g'\ ,.6' / Qv�- s-t.s .. 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