267246 _ _ M.�: � P. .. . . . . . . ...,. - Wv:'����� , CITY OF ST.PAUL COUNCIL. F�LE NO. F I N A L O R D E R B ;;�'�. , F� � ,,��,,,,.,,_.,,,,�--��••, Y File No. $`103�� �n the Matter of r�aa�Gc�aatlan� th� sL��ilk oa ths aos�b sLd� o! �. iYCilOSt iT'.. frow eh�s au�t �sv�re�se�r lioa� �i Jacbo� St. (aserMid !o th� �t Ca �4o aw�t �►r�r�► lia�e o! Oaklad t�itt��c�► a�! th+� Mat s!� 4i JACE�N i�'. fraN E. �+�rsss ft. �o i. �l�.� �lw. +�t b�r �l.e� alx otM�rs � r�i� !� a�a�ssarty as�t iuu�ida�G►i to ear�lfte �ti,� iai�►�� under Administrative Order ����� approved �� '�M 19�'6 under Preliminary Order approved The Council of the City of Saint Paul has conducted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice thereof having been given as prescribed by the City Charter; and WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, objections and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve- ment and has fully considered the same; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. � • �—{-� MAY 2 5 1976 COUNCILMEN I �� Adopted by the Council: Date Yeas Nays Certifie P se by Coun ' ecr ry Ci1rTStensen Hunt In Favor B 76 l.evine � Roedler Against Syivester Mayor Tedesco � � 5 f�,� President Hozza Ce^•e►y— pept. • (3i�F[GF O1� 1tIE 1�lA1UR � � '� � � //' 1 No: -_,�--� "^.,���t,,,..--` ADMIN[STRATIVE OP.DEit � • . Date: MAR 2 4 1976 .������ �DMINISTRA`I'IVE ORDER, � That the �ireetor of the Departnent af Pwbtic Uorfcs is hereby autf�ori�ed anci di rect�ci to prepare plans, obtain surveys , prep�re estimates and irtvestic�ate t�ie necess i ty to recons truct Lt�e s i dewal k on the h;orth s i de oF E. SYC�IttUftC ST. fror,i tt�� east property line of Jackson St. (extended to tfi�e east to the east property l i ne vf a�k}and Ce��tery and the ldest s 1 de of JAC�;�OiI ST. f ron E. Sycanare St. ta E. H�c�nolla Av�. and by doing al1 ot��er ��ork w6�id� is necessary and �nci dental to cor.�;�-ete sai d improvene»t. The Di rector of �i nance and Ma�arcrveat Servi ces i s hereby di rected ta pre�are the preli�tnary orde� and s�hedute ihts natter for publtc hsarirtg. • , , . � orta. cc: o.lg. cc• _ t , OJD REG PlW WAN G1'S JFX , RG�� oee • . Jf5 CLF-;- ..::.A M-0�O�i a,�o� . ' TJE vf;a E DcV . . . ` P.S.D. R.H.R. APPROVED AS i0 F(�RIv1 . ' .� . : � � . , { . � .� � , .� ,� f� Assistant City Attorner - �u�1 j� WQrkS �tmertt Heac4 � . . s i ae�ralks `-- '� � I- � Date _-� .�' ����/1;t''�„� Admenutrati�e Assi.staat ta Mayor � . � � . �s���� . � eITY OE SA�lNT FAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS DANIEL ). DUNFORD DtRECTOR Apri 1 2, 1976 ,I M r. Roge r Mat tson Di rector of Fi nance and Management Services Room 113 City HaT1 ATTEN'fION: PauT Desch Dear Si r: � Please prepare the Preliminary Order for the cc��structionfreeonstructiorr of the s i dewal ks 1 i s ted on the at tached Admi n i s t rat i ve 8 rde r. . � The estimated cost for new constructiort not in CD areas, NDP areas, or on taain routes is as follows: $4.00 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk A � B Resident'c NQ ASSESSMENT WiTt� , $6.60 per ft. for 5 ft. wide walk C Res. � Co THIS ORDER , ' Attached herewith are the fallowing: �_____ l . Approved Admirtistrative Order D-2652 3/24 - � 2. Advisabi 1 i ty � Desi rabi I i ty Report. ��g.2" �t1�2,2�, 1 J M t '' � , 3. Copy of plans for each arder. 1�����,CEtuED ��f':�.�"°�� -. -..-- �� r�, Yours very truly, �= c� in�7� � j r_P R � �= ANCE R , J� 'h�c ���u-f� '"' F�N V .� G� ,y� � . MG��� SE =<.� c^ i",� � Hartley Tho 'as �J ��� � ��� Supervisor of Sidewalk Cons�truction � pj S HT/gh • _----._ . ___ 234 City Hall, Saint Paut, Minnesota 55102 �ri ` D i s t. Pio. �] ��f/r`'��'��'� � . T1.S'_. �. Syc�c;�ere SL. from the east P.L. of ,lackson St. (extended) tfl the east to east ' P.L. .of �aklan� Cemetery and - '�i.5_ Jackson S�. from E. Sycamore St. to E. �iagna3ia �ve. Tnis order was initiated by the Director of �ubiic Werks as puotic n�cessity on the 6asis o` inspection of the walk_ This waik is otd tile with tre� heaves, brotcen tiJe, high joints , tripping hazards , wafier pociceLs, holes in til�, m"s.ssin� tile, asphait patchss and disint�grated, Tne. Eng i rteeti ng recommendat i on i s for approva l of the order. {Cans�ruct°:ta wi dth desi gnated• on� piat� - ,' .. - tT� �/ H1 �R� � -- _ - . ,. - , , _ , .< . ,. .. , , _ ; _ < __ ; - . _ ,� :.. ,� : . . . .:r •;-_ _ _ _ : _ - -. . . . _ . . :... .. __., _ , - . ... - : : _ _._ . ..- . - .. -: - =� • ;, _ _ , . �..:�-� <: , : _ : ,. , _ - ;_ � : �, . . :_Y��,� � -. : _ _ _ _ , T� f.. . . — _ ,<.• _ — . : y.. --� .� s. __ .— . _ = — � i 'Y , '- _. '. ,:''-r__ � . ._ ... ' . ,".._ ���C•�. , �,_�. _. ._'.. n. . . . . . . . _ =' . ' '.:- �,.:.�- . . . r�� - � _ _ _, � _ . � -, --- - �r . . . .. a .. . .� � .:. .: - . . . . . . �. . _ _, .., .,. .:. . - . . . - . �:` ... ._x �._ �^ _ .. . . . � � . � � . . . � . '. . ,.. .�: . .. '- - . . . . . . .. . .. ,_ e---w-.. :� �. .. .. .. . . . . . � . .� .�._� .. '.-. . . . ._ -v� . :> �" _'r, -._ . ,. . . �- . _: _' ._ •_ .. .. _ .. . . . . . • .. ` . �" �"� �:: _ ._�. i� ..�" ,I. . .. .. . .. .. 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'.. r'...'_. � � .. .. . _ . � . . � . . .. .. . . ._. .. - , � _ � , �. � . .' - y . .., . : . ,....•- ..'.- _ - .- � " t�. � .. � __:- - .. . � * . . . .� • . -. ..� ... • ������ PR�8LIMINARY OBD88 ouncil File No. �67140 — gy Ruby Hunt— In the Matter of reconstructing the sidewalk on the north side of E. sYCANTO�E '3T., from the east prop- erty line of J�ackson St. (extended to the east to the east property 11ne of Oakland Cemetery and the west side of JACKSON ST,from E.Sycamore St, to E. Magnolia Ave. and by doing a11 other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said im�rove- ment, under Administrative Order 7�-�65¢, approved March 2�4, iSTB. The Council of the City of 3aiat Paul h�avying received the report of the and�havin gn c�onaidered !said�reportt; hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the saa►e is hereby approved with no alternatives,and that the eetimated cost thereof is no assessment. 8• That a public hearirig be had oa said improvement on the �O ARwY �ry�Q t 11�M iliY�t� o'clock aan., in the Council Chambers ot the City Hall and Court FIouse Bullding in the C1ty, ot Safnt Paul. 3. That notice of Qaid public heariag; be given to the Dersons and in; the manner provided by the Charter, stating the titpe and' D1ace of hearing, the aature oi the imDrovement and the total cost thereof as estimated. File No. 3-10235. Adopted by the Councii May 4, 19'76. +°�PProved May 7, 1576. (May 15, 1976)