267245 , ,,�., ,.: , -.�.; , . c�TY OF sT.Pau� � COUNCIL..FILE NO. �� ��� FINAL ORDER '� By ' ., l�- - ,�.`,,.__,_-�.. ...__.In the Matter of l���l�+�ret3f�� sS1AMliti awl mrlk iaweid�ai tblt'ttot _ . ; _ . , • �: � � � � y�_ �;t , S��.�qC� � � �� �.� � � �� ' 3��� .{i J�.~ . � �'" i:Y,��.'���..4 S ...�.�F+fi.'Y' � r ,4 v: µ f . . r .. '� � . . . ' Y� .��-. . .. 10223� E. 1�[IN�A1tA AVE.,� ��;��� �ro� lor�st St. �o `E`�s'`�T�'h , 10224 S. Mllll�B�ABA AVS., both •ides fre�a. Edaerton St. to Eradl�y St. 10223 B. aDOK ST., bath sid�s from 8ar1 St. to Cypr��s 5t. 10226 EARL ST., east sid� fro� Jsaks Av�. to La�rsoa Av�. 10227 8. RDSL ST., bath sid�s tro■� lors�t St. Eo Aread� St. ' 1�228 E. J81�S AVIt., both �id�s lron l�or��t St. to �ast 2S0 ft. wbuttint 955. 957, 939, 956, aad 962 10229 OCBAIt ST., wat •id� lraa B. 7th to aorth 260 ft. and _ ----- OCBAII ST., s+ut •id• fror 8. 7th st. to north 140 ft. 10�-30 ATI.MI'TIC �T.. both sid�a fro� E. �th at to north 2S4 !t. oa th4�s�s�,sid� and to oortl� 550 �t. oa �►�a��,s�d�. , 10231 DtTLUTH ST., eut sid: fro� E. 7th St. to aorth to railroad , riaht-oiwsy _ 1OZ33 N�iaDMB ST., �ut sida fro� �. 7th St. to north SQa �t. Pkvy. to Atlmttc #t'.` . -e 1Ef233 Y. btl� f?.' s+�tth sld� #ra J+�hssoa ' 10234 , �. HDY? AV6.> a�tth ti�d� �st�s 1C�ard St. to iteswain �!� , .improve- RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby order that fhe above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completion of said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate 1,1 expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to the City Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter. � �� 1UNCILMEN o� 0 �-F Adopted by the Council: Date �A� ��� � Nays Certifie P s b Co il S cretary stensen � In Favor By � 2 tj ��6 ° �Against '► �� Mayor �� � � 5 �� ..... ... , _ _., _ Pink �Inarree Dept. _ _- — -- , G.�a�Y— �Pt. . . Ot''I°'IGF. OY' THI: DIAYOR � • • ' �� ���- . NO: _.�..G `� � '�� � � • / ' �l, AD�EINISTRATIVE ORDER , ' Date: fJ1� Z 6 ly7fi - �5��� � ADMINISTRATIVE aRDER, . � � . � � That the Di�ector of Lhe Depart�ent ef Aub1 i c uor�cs is�here�ry authar#zed and di rectect to prepare plans� o�tain s�rvey�, prepar+e esti�ates anci investigat� ti�e necess'rt�r to ceconstruct sid�walks at the foltaring locatians and do a11 oth�r �ork vrhict� is necessary and inci�entai ta comptets s�id impro�rement. : o,�E. �= o�;d. ' «: , . . . DJD RcG /Oa-a 3t�orth std� E. MFl���EhAt�k- AYE. from Forest St. to E. Seventh St. a�w wR►+ � . � � . . . � � � � . .GKS� JrK � /o aa � �oth stdes E. fift�NEHAttA AVE. from Ed�erLon St. to Bra�tey 5t. RcP o�f �rs /4 aa.�j Both sides E. COOt: AYE. fr�a Ear} SL, to CYPress 5L. . -:��o _ 7JE YMP /0 a a (o Eas t s I de E11RL ST. f rom .lenks l�ve. ta L�rrson l�ve. e + oE=+ � � • .. . • � . .� . P.S.O. R.H.R.( � . c /0 �a'7 8oth sldes E. RaSE ST. from Fo�st St, to Arcad� St. ./a �� Both sid�s E. .lCttKS AVE. from' Farest St. to East 250' abu€ttng 955, �57, 3�9, . 956 ar�d 962: . ; : . /Oa-�� tilest stde OCEAl� ST. �rorn E. 7th to no�tfi 2�0' and . �,.:� , East stde OCEA�� ST. fror� E. 7th to north 140' . /Oac3p Bath sTdes ATLA;ITIC ST, from Ea r���r`t:St�.��o aarth�250' on the east sude and, ' to no�th 550' an the �res t s i ci�. �Q�� /. East side DULUTH ST. from E. 7th St. to north to ra�troad right-ofw,ray. /Ua-c3�- East side fiiEWCOMEi ST. frar� E. 7th St. to rrorth 500' /�l a-� SauLh side E. 6Tti ST, ft-om Johnso� gkwy. to Atiantic SL. /Ga-�y South side E. HUYT 1�VE. from Kennard SC. to Germ�tn St. '�-b06 . � 'Che Di rector of Fi nanc� and Management Servi ces js hereby d1 cected to prepa�:e a pretininafy order and sct��dule a public hearing. APPRO�ED AS TO FORNf , , ` r� _ � , . � .f �• � , _ � ,, i ' ���., � � r � . . Assistant City Attorney PUb I�C 1�lorks �oepa�tmcnt liead '1 � � 5f de�ratks � �,`� ,� _ _ � ' • �� �/� � \ ,r � :i`� / /.'•!1'!/! 3 %-� Date —�-�--- Admiisis�sative/5.iaist�at to Mer . ,� . . -. Dist. Dlo. 1 N.S. E. Mi�nehaha Ave. - �orest St. t� E. Seventh St. � 4�` � -�� �=-� � � , . U�'�'/.�� _ This �r�er �yas initiated by the Directnr of Public 4Jarks as public necessity on� the basis of i,�s�ection oF the ti��alk. ihis walic is old ti le and poured concrete o�rith tree heaves , brokez tile, higi� joints , tripping hazards, water pock�ts, aspi�alt patches , craciced concrete paneis , tippec! , settlecf ' pansl5. Th.e Engine�ring recommertdatiorr is for approval af the order_ '� (Canstruct to widttt designate� or� pl:at} _ CT HJ RR _ . , Uis�.� �tQ. 1 6.S. E. Mi nnef►a�i�a EcEgert�n St. ta 8rad te}► St. _. ' __� - n � � - �J� a �f . Tn i s ordet was i n i t i ated by the Di r�ctar of Publ i c Llat°ks as pu�;� i c n�cess�ty .crrx �f�t� }�a�-��- of insYsction of the waik. Thss �;alk is ald ti le and pourec� concrzta w� th tree heaves, brofcen -ti 1e, higf� �o�nt�-� tripr�ing hazard�, haies in tile, aspha)t patches, cracfced, tip�ree� cancrst� panels. Tne En�ineering reca�nmend�tion is for approval of th� order. : Rema rks : Pos s i b 1 e t rec r�rrsova 1 s% tR�ducs fr�m a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. walk) C i HJ P.R ---._,_,-�-�_------_-_------ ---- ----.___—.____�_ .� ____--- -------------..__------_-__.__ , __ . . �-- _. - _ . ...�..�.,..� � . . . _ ,,ti _. - • , • `..__. � _, - ' � ` . � . . _. . , t _ _.._ - . -- ! vt��. �iv. i � F ♦ S.S. E. Ccok Ave. - Earl St. to Cypress 5t. � � �\� � 6. �� __ ���� T�is ore�er w�s initiated by the �irector of Pubiic Works as public necessity on th� basis o� insp�ction o` t;�� ��a1k. TFr i s wa l 4c i s o 1 d pou rzd concret� N i th t ree hzaves, tr i po i ng ;�3zards , aspha] t pa�u�es ,. disintegrated, cracked corcr�te paneis, tipped and s�ktled pa�els_ The Engineering rec�rmendation is for approvai of the order. ; (Construct to width designated on plat} - CT HJ Rt� , . _.: _ -- _ .:- . _ .. Dist. tVo. 1 -_ : _ E:S.. Eari St. - Jenks Ave. to LawsQn Aw�, �f Mr ,�r ;; ��' .. Th':s or�er aas i n i tf at�d 'op the D i r�ctor' Qf Pub#i c �rlorks as ptti�I i c re��ss i ty on tt�e ba�i� of inspe�zion of the waik. This walk is pauted concrate with tr�e heaves , high joints, tripping h�za r.�s, an� tippe� - �anels. - The Engineecing r-ecort�n�aLion is for approval of the arder. _ _ . � {t�educe fro:� a � ft. to a 5 ft. waitc) CT F!J RR . . . - . __ . Dist. PIo. I 8.5. E. Rose St. - �orast 5t. to Arcar3e St. . � j ;� � �,�-� Tnis order was initiated by the Director of Puollc Works as pubiic necessity on the basis of inspectiors of the walke This wa1�c is oid tile and poured concret� with tre� h�aves , �righ joints, tripping ha2ards water pockets, asahalt patc.�t�s , cracked scalecf and tipped concret� panels_ - ihz Engineering reconmendation is for approval of the ord�r_ (Construct to width designated o� plat) CT HJ R° -y--__ _._.-._. - - - - -- ..__.�,- -- - ....._ _... _.__. . _.___ __- -- - - - ---- . _._. _ .___.__ � ___ -- ___ _�-- - . . _ . , . S.S. �. �enks Ave. - Forest St. to east 250' aoutting 955, 957, 959, 95�, and 902 ,� �� 1"his ord�r was ini ti ated by tne Di rector or" Pub1 ic �Jor4cs as publ i c necessity on 'tfi � 4` of inspection of the walk. - Tnis walk is poured concrete with trea heaves , trip_pirrg hazards , water poc�cets , cracked- concr�te panels , ,tipped and settted paneis. . Tha Engineering recorrnnendation is for approval of th� order. � (Construct. to widtk� designated on plat� - . CT NJ RR ' :: . � - . . . . . _. _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . Dist. Pt�_ i ' : �. _ . . � � ` W.S.. Ocean St.. - E. : 7th ta nzsrth 26f�' � , - �` :� ` � E.5._ O cear� S t. - E. 7 th to no r tt� 140' : :='` - Th i s o�aer was i Ri t i ated by the Di rector of Pu5}i c Works as pub i i c rr4cess�ty orr the bas is of ic�sQettion of the walk, . This walk is ald tiie and poure� cancrete witt� tree heaves, bra�Cen tiie, high joints, tripping hazarcfs, wa:ter pecicets , offgrade, cractced cancrete pan�ls, tipp�� and settled paneis. . The Eng i rreefi ng_recammendati on i s for approval of .the or�ar. _ .-'` - .: . . . (Reduce f rom a 6 ft. to a 5 ft. wa3k} � CT HJ RR _. . _ Dist. Fya_ 1 B.S. At}a�tic St. - E. 7th St. to north 250` on the ea5t side and r `' ��. �� --�' to north 55�' cn th� west side. T;�is s�alk is old ti ie and poured concrete wi ttt tres heave� , brck�n ti Te, high jQints , tri��ing hazards , holes in tile, missing tile, Offgrade, crazlced, scaled anc4 tipped panets. The Engineering reccx:maendation is for a�proval of the or�er. (Reduce fren a b ft. to a 5 ft, wallc) CT HJ RP, , _ _ . ._ - ,._---._. _---- - - - - - - - - - --._ _. , .._.- . . . . . .; v�_ _:_..�. . � E,S. D��l�in St. - E, Seventh St, to north to Railroad R/o/W ��s� ;�` � ; ���� € T;�i s orde r was i n i t i at�d by the D i rector of P�bJ i c 1Jortcs as puhl i c necess i ty orr the bas i s - of i ns�ection �of the walk. This walk is oid tile ar�d poured concrete with bro!cen tiie, high joints, tripping ha2ards, water pockets, offgra�e, asphalt patches , crack�d, tipped paneis. � The Engineering recom,mendation is for approval of thz order. �� R�mar�cs : Present walk does not drain weJl . Grade generally to be raised 3" (Reduce froma 6 ft. to a 5 ft. waik.� - ' . - - _ . _ CT HJ RR . _ -- - - � _ . ,_ . _ - - � _ _ f�i st. l�ao. � . ' _ _ E.S_,: Newcomb- St_ -_E- Severtth St. to rtartti 500'.. . _ � a �.� 2� Th i s or�er was i ni ti ated by tfie �i rector of- Pub 1 i c Wor�cs as pu41'rc rtec�ss i of inspectian of tf�e walk. =Y' o� tnc basis This waik is old ti le and poured cor�crete with tr�� heavcs, hroke�r tiie, high joirrts, tripping hazards, missing tile, wat�r pockets , offgrade, t�pped an� sefitlect panels. The Eng i neeri crg r�commcndet i on i s for approvai of the ord.er. - ` ` ` _ - _ (Reduce f r+om a b ft. to a 5 f t. wal k,l - CT HJ Rt� - _ __ _. . . - .� - _.. _ . , <_ .� - r _ _ _. -= --:-::. � � � - - - . _- -. .. - - . � . .. . �. ,, ..: �:_ _ 1`. _ _, . . _ - - . _ _-- ,_ .:�-=; - . _ - - � .;- _ - . . : ._..—:f,..�,y'�'`y—i_ _., _.:�.:. _ _�.t . ., _ ..._ , _ . . _ . . _ -_ 's : _ - ' • . : .. . , _ . - ' �r- _ ' . _. . . - . _ _,. „ _ . � _ . . . . _ ' ,. _ - _;__ - �-..;. , , : . . � �� � ' - - �"S� (��t��.-.?{o. 1 S.S. E. 6t� St. - Johnson Pkwy. to AtlaFltic St. :� '~� w ...� . • Tnis ord�r was initia:ed by the Director of Pu61ic W4rks as public necessity on the basis of insp�ction of the waik. - Tnis waik is paured concrete with high jo+nts, tripping hazards , water pocic�ts ; cracked scaled, tipoed and settled paneis. - - - The Engineering recom:r�endation is for approva} of the order. (Reduce fram"a 5 ft: to a 5 ft. waikj , . __ . . _ . ". CT . _ NJ RR . _ ' ' _ _ , €1i s��.-No._ 1 -- _ : . . _ � S.S. E_ Hayt �ve. - Ke�mard St. tD Germain St. � � .�? :t�'` Th i s arder was i n i t i ated bp the D i retta.r ef Pvbi #c Wot�fcs as publ i c necess�ty on tfi� bas i s of inspettion of tha waik. This waik is poured cancrete with trec heaves , higfi joints, tripFtrrg hazards, crac,fc�d,- sca��#r tipped and settlect panels. " . . The Engineering recers�endation is for approvat of th� order. Tize Ersgineering rer.ommcncf:ation is :for:: approvai of the arder. _ _ = Remarics: 62n of b 1 ock i s hazarclous. � . (Canstruct to width designated on p�at) CT NJ RR ` _ , , • ����� � / PABI.i1[IN/1SY O�OIEIt Council File No. 287139 — By Ruby Hunt— IY�the Matter of reconstructing sfde-. W��Yhs and work incidental thereto: P'inance File No. 10�d3, Descriptioa— E.MIN,N�HA�EiA AViE.,north side from 1r'orest St. to E. 7th Finance File No. 10224, Description— E.ATFNTTEHAHA AV�.,both sides from� Edgerton St, to Bradley St. Finance File No. 10�6, DescrIptioa— E. COOK ST., both sides from Earl 3t. to Cypress St. Finance File No. 10226, Description-. FiAFiL 3T., east side from Jenks Ave.'', to Lawson Ave. Finance File No. 30"�27, Description— E. R08�E ST., both sides from Forest St. to Arcade St. Finance P'i�e No. 30228, Description— E. JENI45 AVE., both sides from For- est St. to east 25�0 ft. abutting 965, 967, 989,966,and 962 PYnance File No. 10229, Description— O�CEAN ST., west side from E. 7th to north 260 ft.and O�EAN ST., east side from E. 7th 3t. to north 14U ft. Finance File No. 10230, Deacription— ATLA•NTi'C 3T., both aides from E. 7th St. to north 260 Yt. on the east side and to north 550 Pt. on west side i Finance File No. 10'�Sl, Deacription—'' DiTLUTH ST., east side from E. 7th St. to north to railroad right-oi-way Finance File No. 10232, Description— NEW�COMB ST., east side from E. 7th St.to north 800 ft. Finance p'ile No. 10233, Description— E. 6th ST., south side from Johnson Pk'wy. to Atlantic St. Finance File No. 10234, Description— E. IiOYT AVE., south side from Ken- nard St. to Germain St. . under AdministratiVe Order D-2833, approved March 16, 1976.� The Council of the GYty oi Saint Paul having received the report of the A2ayor upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. TLat the said seport and the same is hereby approved avith no alternatives,and that the eatimated cost thereof is no asseasment. 2. That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 2�ith dav nf Mav_ 1978 St 10' o'clock a.m., in�'��' nc Chambers of the City Hall and Court House Building ia the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearixig be given to the persone and in the manner provi8ed by the Charter, atating the time and place ot hearing, the nature ot the imprnvement and tt►e total cost thereoi u estimatad. Adopted by the Council May 4, 1978. Approved May 7, 1946. (May 1'S, 1878)