267232 WHITE - CITV CLERK CO1171C11 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF I-NT PAUL ������� � CANARV -DEPARTMENT � BLUE -MAYOR� F�le NO. . �� � ' lution Presented By ' Referred To mmittee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul, pursua.nt to Minnesota Statutes 367.22, hereby accepts and approves the bond of Robert J. Christensen and directs that it be filed in the Office of the City Clerk. COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen I-� g�t In Favor Levine Sy'�1 e�er � Against BY Tedesco President j�(t Hozza Adopted by Counc' . Date �� �O � Form A Ci ctorn Certifie assed ounci retary BY BY � Approved, ayor: ate 2 76 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � �N 51�6 i INVOICE DATE May� 10, 19�6 � � v . DROVERS Insurance Agency ro r' Robert J. Christensen General lnsu�rance and Bonds 30Q Blz'mzngham Street 633 South Concord Street South St. Paul, Minn. 55075 St. Faul, i�innesota 551C�5 Telephone 451-6822 L YOUR� �" "°M� �6���,� �� <: MORT6AGEE: RENEWAL DATE POLICY NUMBER COMPANY PROPERTY AND COVERAGE AMOUNT PREMIUM �-10-77 400�J2137 St. paul Constable aU La.rge Boncl �1,000. yfi,20.00 F. & M. Favo-re �ity of St. Paul, Nln. � � � � \ 0� R.N.CO.PTD. IN U.S.A.-01011 -Class�1 �� ' ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY (A Capital Stock�ompany) . ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA � � Fidetity and Surety CERTIFIED COPY OF POWER OE AT"TORNEY Department Original on File at Home Office of Company. See Certification. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the St Paul Fire and Mazine Insurance Company,a corporation organi�ed and e�lstin�under the laws of the State of Minnesota,and having its principal offece ias the City of Saint Paul,Minnesota,dces hereby constitute and appoint H. M. Smith West St. Paul, Minttesota its true and Iawful atto�neys(s)-in-fact to execute, seal and deliver for and on its behalf as surety,any and all bonds and undertakings,recognizances, contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof, which are or may be allowed,required or permitted by law, statute,rule, regulation, contract or otherwise, and the execution of such instrument(s) in pursuance of these presents,shall be as binding�pon the said St.Paul Fue and Marine Insurance Company,as fully and amply,to all intents and purposes,as if the same had been duly executed and acknowledged by its regularly elected officers at its principal office. This Power of Attorney is executed, and may be certified to and may be revoked,pursuant to and by suthority of Article V,—Section 6(C),of the By-Laws adopted by the Board of Directors of the ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARtNE INSURANCE COMPANY at a meeting called and held on the 23rd day of]anuary, 1970,of which the following is a true transczipt of said Section G(Cj. "The President or any Vice President,Assistant Vice President,Secretary or Resident Secretary,shap have power and authority (l) To appoint Attorneys-in-fact, and to authorize them to execute on behalf of the Company,and attach the Seal of the Company thereto, bonds and undertakings,recognizances,contracts of indemnity and other writings obligatory in the nature thereof,and (2) To appoint Special Attorneys-in-fact, who aze hereby authorized to cettify to copies of any power-of-attorney issued in pursuance of this section and/or any of the By-Laws of the Company,and � (3) To remove,at any time,any such Attorney-in-fact or Special Attorney-in-fact and revoke the authority given him:' Further, this Power of Attorney is signed and sealed by facsimile pursuant to resolution of the Board of D'uectors of said Company adopted at a meeting duly called and held on the 6th day of May, 1959,of which the following is a true excerpt: "Now therefore the signatures of such officers and the seal of the Company may be affixed to any such power of attorney or any certificate relating thereto by facsimile,and any such power of attorney or certificate bearing such facsimile signatures or facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company and sny such power so executed and certi8ed by facsimile signatures and facsimile seal shall be valid and binding upon the Company in the future with respect to any bond or undertaking to which it is attached." IN TESTIMONY WHEIREOF, the St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company has caused this instrument to be signed and its corporate seal to be affixed by its authorized officer,this ],2th day of February A.D. 19 76 ST.PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY STATE OF MINNESOTA J s S. County of Ramsey Vice President. On this 12'th day of F+ebruary 19 7'(>>before me came the individual who executed the preceding instrument, to me personally known, and, being by me duly sworn, said that he is the therein described and authorized officer of the St Paul Fire snd Marine lnaurance Company;that the seal affixed to said instrument is the Corporate Sea}of said Company;that the said Corporate Seal and his signature were duly affixed by order of the Board of D'uectors of said Company. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Seal, at the City of Saint Paul,Minnesota,the day and yeaz fust above written. V.C.INNES Notazy Public,Ramsey County,Minn. My Commission Expires April 27,1976 CERTIFICATION I,the undersigned officer of the St Paul Fue and Marine Insurance Company,do hereby certify that I have compazed the foregoing copy of the Power of Attorney and affidavit,and the copy of the Section of the By-Laws of said Company as set forth in said Power of Attorney,*with the ORIGINALS ON FILE IN THE HOME OFF[CE OF SAID COMPANY,and that the same aze correct transcripts thereof,and of the whote of the said originals,and that the said Power of Attorney has not been revoked and is now in full force and effect. IN TESTIMONY WI-IEREOF,I have hereunto set my hand this 12th day of MQy 19 'j6 Secretary. 'Unlimited as to character and amount. 10870 CPS Rev. 10-74 Printed in U.S.A. . � .. � �f`7��� . Public Official Band THE S'� PAUL A CAPITAL STOCK COMPANY BOND N0. �+00 EJ 2137 INSURANCE COMPANIES x��� � ST. PAUL FIRE AND MARINE 5<rvinyyouaieuneM�ww/a...aroun0l��doeR INSURANCE COMPANY ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA �no� �Ii �en �p ��jege �re�ent�: That____________._ROBERT J. CHRISTENSEN of______________ST,__PAITL.___._.._.._._.__.._____.State of__._._._..._M_2.._N.rTESOTA______._____________._.(hereinafter called the Principal) and the ST. PAIJL FIRE AND MARINE INSl.1RANCE COMPANY (hereinafter called the Surery) a corporation organized under the laws of tfie State of Minnesota, with its principal office in the City of St. Paul, and the State of Minnesota are held and Firmly bound unto -�------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------�---------------------------------------- ------•-------C ITY_OF_S�'. PAtJL�--MIIVNE SOTA •----------------------------------------------------•----------------------------------------------------------------------------.._..__.. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�hereinafter called the Obligee)in the sum of ----.ONE TflOUSAND AND N0,�100-------------------------------Dollars; ($.._1 000.00 ) ------._. ---�--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�--------------- }-------------�----------------- for the payment whereof to the Obligee the Principal binds himself, his heirs,executors, administrators and assigns, and the Surery binds itself, its successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. Signed, sealed, and dated this-------------12th---------------•---day of---------------•---�'�'-----------•---------------------�-----19 .-----76 Whereas the above-named Principal has been duly appointed or elected to the office of CONSTABLE AT LARGE Now, therefore, the condition of the foregoing obligation is such that +f the Principal shall during the period beginning on the_...._._.lOth __ ___ _._day of______________Ma�___.___.__._._.____..________..19 ___76, and ending on the ___ lOth ____ day of___.____..________May_______________________ 19 __.77._, faithfully perform such duties as may be imposed on him by law and shall honestly account for all money that may come into his hands in his official capacity dunng such period, then this obiigation shall be void; otherwise it shall remain in force. This Bond is executed by the Surety upon the following express conditions, which shall be conditions precedent to the right of �ecovery hereunder: First: That the Surety may, if it shall so elect,cancel rhis Bond by giving thirty (30)days notice in writing to............................ ------City--of_St.__Paul................... ---------------•-------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and this Bond shall be deemed canceled at the expiration of said thirty (30) days; the Surety remaining liable, however, subject to all rhe terms,conditions and provisions of this Bond, for any act or acts covered by this Bond which may have been committed by the Principal up to the date of such cancelation; and the Surety shall, upon surrender of this Bond and its release from all (iability hereunder, refund the premium paid, less a pro rata part thereof for the time this Bond shall have been in force. Second: That the Surety shall,not be liable hereunder for the loss of any public moneys or tunds occur�ing through or resultmg from failure of,or default in payment by,any banks or depositories in which any public moneys or funds have been deposited, or may be deposited by or placed to the credit, or under control of the Principal, whether or not such banks or depositories were or may be selected or designated by the Principal or by other persons;or by reason of the allowance to,or acceptance by the Principal of any interest on said public moneys or funds, any law, decision, ordinance or statute to the contrary notwithstanding. Thi�d: That the Surety shall not be liable for any loss or losses, resulting from the failure of the Principal �o collect any taxes, licenses,levies,assessments,etc.,with the collection of which he may be chargeable by reason of his election or appointment as aforesaid. W itness: � ,� ,� �_ � . _.___--- --a��c`_'(r-��/`-��'�--------------------------� - -- ------- - --- - ._....-•------ -------�?�.__--- ____ (as to the Pnnapal) Robert . Christensen Principal ST. PAUL FIRE AND 1NIARINE INSURANCE COMPANY . _ � - �`'�2�-''�- BY---------•--•-•-- •-----------------_._._.__. .-•-- ------- --.....__.__.__...--•-------- 10945 POB Rev.2-66 �� g• M. �J111j.'�'i�l� Attorney-in-Fa�t � � MinneBOta ' ' Acknowledgment of Attorney-in-Fact . ,STATE•OF.................. ....... . , . ••••..........•••..........•-••••- ' Dakota °S• , C NTY OF........--•........................•-•.........._.......••••••••• On thie �th day of MRY 1976 �before me,a Notary Public,within and for said County and State,personally appeared H• M. Smith to me peraonally known,and known to me to be the Attorney-in-Fact of and for the ST.PAUL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Saint Paul, Minnesota, a corporation, created,organized and exiating under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Minnesota,upon oath did say that the corporate seal affiaed to the attached instrument ia the sesl of the said Compsny; that the seal was affiaed and the said instrument was eaecuted by the authority of its Board of Directors;and he did also acknowledge thst he executed the said instrument as the free aet and deed of said Company. � ••-----• •..(,Q�...�../-••-..l••�'•••1,. . ..� .........Notary Public. ;e...,..�,o DP.VID C. MYL1 My Commission eapires---------•--------•----- ,����}�---Notac�-Gu�l�cr�akotu-Gou�MY;•MN----•...-....-_. 11072 AAF Ed.2-66 Prinbd In U.S.A. t` ��=F` MY COMMISSION EXPIRES xmi�°C5' �`'`-�=~.<`� February 24, 1982