267227 City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO.
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Resolution Approving Assessment By
Ruby Hunt
and Fixing Time of Hearing Thereon
and Fixing Time of Hearing on the Award File No. 1781�
of Damages
In the matter of �onde�niug at�d tsking � +easeote�tt it� the laud necessary for
the slopes, c�ts �nd fills, iuclndiag right of removal of Zateral snpport
from sub�ect land or resainder thereof, occasioaed by excavation thereof or
coastrt�ctl.on of slopes ia the grading and s�rfaci�g cf Harvard 8t. and
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under Administrative Order D'�'��a � ', + approve�l F�braarT 1�,, 1976
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Preliminary Order 266959 � ' `=°` approved Matrclt��25� 1976
FinalOrder Z67@72 �'`�� +approved ,/1�ri1 2p3 1976
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The Director of Fin�nce having submitted his'report'"in,;fhe above matter as to the amount of damages awarded
for the taking of the land�ROr easements therein appropriated�for the above improvement and to whom payable; and
also having submitted his a�sessment of benefits to properkyy.�rom the making of said improvement, therefore be it
RESOLVED, That the said assessment of benefits be and::�he same is hereby approved.
RESOLVED FURTHER, 1`fiat a public hearing be had befare the Council upon said report and for a confirmation
of the award of da�nages made by the Director of Finance arid-also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council
Chamber, in the Court House in'�the City of St. Paul on the Fiftl�e=tth day of
Jetne� 1976 , at te� o'clock A.M., and that the Director of Finance be and
he is directed to give notice of said,hearing as prescribed by the Charter.
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MAY 2�0 1976
COUNCILMEN Ado�ted by the Council: Date
Yeas • Nays � MAY 2:4 1976
�hrist�g C ' ied Pa se y Council SecretarRy
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Hunt In Favor By
l,evine � Against �-
�" Mayor
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