267209 WH17E - CITY CLERK COIlI1C11 ���f���✓ PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAIT L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO. RETUR'AT COPY TO VAI,tJATTON BURSAU Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WF�REAS, Jessamine Lan�f�o�the East line of I�zelwood Averrue to the northwest line of Ames Avenue, per C.F. 267049 adopt� Apr�t 13, � 1976 ana. approved April 14, 1976; arid WFIERF�AS, c�dition No. 5 (d) of C.F. 267049 �s been deemed no longer required. by the Department of Pblice; therefore, be it REuOLVED, that condition No. 5 (d) of C.F. 267049 which reads: 5(d) That either the east or west portiari of Jessam3.ne I,ane should be rer�amed to assist drivers of emer�ency vehicl�s in determining the correet location and correet approach; is hereby deleted; and be it �'URT�R RESOLVED, that all other conditions and reservations oP C.F. 267049 remr�in in effect. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays / Christensen g�j�E g� �lj�Tt4 SERVjCES � J In Favor Levine U �� L D ��s� Roedler Against BY S lv��ester President�X HozzB. MAY � 8 1976 Form Approved by ty t orney Adopted by Counc' • Date Certified ssed b ouncil Secretary � BY Approve y Mayor: Dat t 9 1976 Approve May Co cil By By pUe�ISNED MAY �9 1976 WMITE � CITV CLERK � /� - ^ F�1�yyy��� COUi1C11 26���/Q}4 PINK - FINANCE �C �AU�/l4""( (/7��J�� OF SAINT PAUL +v CANARV - DEM^ARTMENT�� x� w� � U� �� BLUE - MAY6R File NO. � � � ouncil Resolution � �c� ,_ _ �.�.-.��..��..�.� x s,,q�'rrq y ..1� �,,: p,.y ..� . Presented By �' *"� t� ,� ~� �� Referred To Committee:� Date f " ` f � Out of Committee By Date ' '�t+� "' RESOLVED, That upon the petition of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, that section of public street hereinafter described, be and the same hereby is vacated and discontinued as a public street: Vacate JESSAMINE LANE from the East line of Hazelwood Avenue to the northwest line of Ames Avenue; subject expressly to the following conditions and reservations : 1. That the vacation be subject to all the terms and conditions of Section 228 of the Legis- lative Code, as amended. 2. That a specific utility easement be retained across the full width of Jessamine Lane to protect the interests of Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, Northern States Power Company, the Water and Sewer utilities. Said easements to be subject to the following restrictions : a. That no buildings or permanent structures wi�.l be allowed within the easement areas. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Christensen Pres. Hozza In Favor Levine Roedler • Against BY Sylvester ` � '� Tedesco � $l�X�d�O�t Hunt ` Form Approved by Cit ��Attorne Adopted by Council: Date • ` r �, ! Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � '� ' By � { � L` l� Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By . 1 �� �6`7�?�9 �s��.�� 2 b. That no change in existing grade or surfacing is permitted within the easement area without written per- mission of the Water Utility and Sewer Engineer. c. That the easement includes the per- petual right of the Public Works Department to construct, maintain, operate and repair the underground sewers and manholes, together with a perpetual easement of ingress and egress to said easements. d. That the owner of said vacated prop- erty, its successors and assigns, shall fully indemnify, defend and save harmless the Board of Water Commissioners, its officers, agents, employees and servants from all suits, actions or claims which shall arise from any injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or property by any break or , leak in any service pipe, water main or connection in said dedicated easement. 3 . That the existing street intersections of Jessamine Lane at Hazelwood and at Ames Avenue be reconstructed with new curbing, boulevards, and sidewalks (if necessary) so as not to appear as a through street, and the two catch basins in Jessamine Lane at each of these two intersections be removed and relocated . . _ , � �6���9 ���r��9 r 3 if interior drainage is necessary. All of this work to be done by or at the cost and expense of the petitiones. 4. That the proposed parking lot be processed in accordance with the present zoning ordinance and City requirements. 5. That the petitioner provide for the following Department of Police conditions regarding public safety as has been agreed to at previous meeting: a. That no school buses will be permitted on the street presentZy known as Jessamine Lane from Hazelwood to Ames Avenue. b. That no parking is to be pernnitted on either portion of the street. Parking will be permitted only in parking lots. Signs advising this are to be posted. c. That Jessamine Lane at Ames Avenue and Jessamine Lane at Hazelwood are to be posted "No Thoroughfare" . ' d. That either the east or west portion of Jessamine Lane should be renamed to assist drivers of emergency vehicles in determining the correct locatio n and correct approach ' � G I T Y O F s A I N T PA IT L Council �6'��?49 - �,. File N 0. � � Council Resolution � �(..�Q . v ��r. 'I�.l /BY iZeferred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 4 � 6. That the petitioner, being the Housing and Re- development Authority of the City of St. Paul, a public agency, not be required to pay com- pensation for the vacation, pursuant to the terms of the Cooperation Aqreement between the said City and said Housing Authority. 7. That in lieu of a bond, the City be provided with a written covenant conditioned to in- demnify and hold the City harmless for any and all damages, claims for damages, costs, charges, judgments, and expenses of every kind and nature arising or growing out of the vacation of the streets herein described. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: � �^ u��°� [n Favor Levine � Rcedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco 7P�eti[bmt Hunt � apR � 3 19's Form Approved b , Ci Att e Adopted by Council: Date ' Certified Pa by ci Secretary, BY � ' sy - ��={� 4 ��:'�. Appcoved by Ma or for Submission to Council Appr Mayo Date . By By , . _ �6'���9 CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMEN�� OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES DIVISION OF ASSESSMENTS AND VALUATIONS ^�•: The Honarable �J;ayor, Z�.rrence 17. Cohen ���^: J. ��Jilliar� Donovan, Val�za.tion Engineer a�.;e: Februar-,� 4, 1976 S��;ec�: P�tition of che Housing and P.edevelo�m°nt Authority to vac��� JES�u'�iIF� LAP3E from ihe Ea.st Line of . Hazelwoe3 Avenue to �he Northwest Line of AMes Avenue. T'..e �e�,itian seels tne va.cation o� �ESSA?�;ST� ���� as �latt�d in F. D. �cose��ei� Homes Addition, and as sha��rn shaded red on the attached plan. The pe wi�io:�er intends to utilize the vacai,ed a.xea t.o provide perpenclicul.ar �a.��ir� a� various locataons to serve th� �zrea residents. Jessaznine I,ane is �. dedica�ecl, ir�p�o,,red j0 foot wide by approximately 7g0 foot loz� street (�,95J squ�.re �ee�) . Tizis street was �.pparent�y constructed i.n 195� by the �io�.s_r_v an� RedeveloYmenL Authority as part of the Houszng Project. i�e �e;artment of Public ti•7orks repar�s that there are presen�tly 16 builc'�ngs or w '�o�,a.l of b6 housir� units fronting on ,Tessamine La.ne. Consideration T,aa.s giten +o readd.ress al1 of these units with other unizs in the Roosevelt H�:n�s Projec-c. Hotdever, after public inf'orr;�.tional hearing, it was dee:ned most dAsiralale tio ret;ain tne presen� ntimbering S�j�Jt?m, because ttie units as presenzly addressed have been in �ister.ce since the buildings were constructed and since the rerz�.�mbering of these units �roul.d involve exner.se on the na.rt of the petitioner and area residents. There are various saniL�,ary setlers, storm sewers, water n�a.ins, telephone, gas an3 e)_ectric utilities located within �he area proposed to be vaca-tecl. Ta pxotec� these u;.ilitie:� it wili be r.ecessary to re�ain a utility easement across -cne f1a11 S•ridi;h of Jessar�ine Lane. S�id easer.tent wili include res cr?c- tions as more fully s',;a�ed in Condition Na. 3 oelo�r. If priva�e driveways are to be constructed for a pa.r?_ir� lot as plar�ned by �he peti-tioner in this area, the curb cuts and the drainage af the �.r�:ir� lo� will be reviewed duxing the prccess:int; of the par�:ing lot permit. The Depa.rtment of Public S�7orks and the other util.�ty departments have no objection to t,�e vacation, providec� the va.rious easements , easeMent restric- �ions and otr.er conditions as stated below are applicable. Telephone612/298-5317 286 City Hail, Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 . . " ��`�.��9 '�,=�''T:C.'.'.',° ��. �:'�:.:�i";? � . '�}.'� G "'7 C ' . ,ti��C' ....'�A.%,r i.mP�� G1 r.-i G� - :1C:. J�.1 f,'�:.��i U��_��I.L(.:F';i 7.�L��7'V+.Ci ..ilC�.T. �ilE,.' �t.�•a.�ion Zaou?3 � C�`r�,-":'�° �, �i3.:�i :i;�l].'=.:.�'i.;.`7'. ��:�T' ;:i� �'':!�'� _�c^i?r^.�'"C:I':ltv:]t =�.,I3pd.x'c�..'T,l1S 121 S11C'fl a coi�es�ed a��a (two aead. e:d access clriv�s) . The repert� co�cludes, hawever, tha� tr,e d�oa.r�r.:en� cot�ld litie z•ri�:t the s�_?;�ua.ti�� pro�tided +w'o water hydra.nLs were i>�;alled, one on eac}x side o� t:�e proyao�e�. cxoss��ralk wh�re Jessamine Lane ��.r ��.zx^s north arid south. In recen� ?�eQ�?ngs with �etitioner a.nd �he j;E=??'�^;�I1� Oi Fire ^u-�:"1� .°,�1fe��' Servi_ces, l� S+T�.S �greed the petl.Z]..Ori21" WO1;�C1 A2"O- v;k� �Y�?'Ol2z:n accesu for r ire �e�.r��en� a,�para+us eli�ni.n�.tir:g the need for ___:,.�o�.l hydrant:. �.s s�,ted �reviously. �.._c �°_?�,Z't_"_er� O'F' �O�lCv T���L7;,'�.", T.?"l:�t �}1L'J' �1u.V2 110 objections '�;Q ��'lE: '�I'd.C?a.�10�1 _ �:_:.2�. '�..-.''.� C�JT2C�ii;lOxl 1':O. � bE3.0iv 15 �2.Y'� Of t�1e ti'�.C�.�7.QI1� c.^.S Wa.S AZ'e�.'1C:USJ,;jr a`--ree� ta a;, a r,:ee':in� betr�veen re�resentatives of the Housing a:z�. �.edevelopment ";��,�?or���; and �olice De�.r�mzn��, �to provide for public safety. ^�e s�a�'f of Ci;,�; P:�an.nin; and Dppar�^�en�, of Co�^�a�a.�ity Services reports th�.� t:e�- f��d n� c�b jec�io:� to t'ne prnposed va,cat�.ion. � r?�a re�Or� f'Y'O^.1 ±•!?° °+i.�°.,.I� O� �r2P. ��OUS�I1� c'1,Y]C� ?3GC3�VE�.O�J;�eTl�i. ALtt''.rLOT'1'i.;� Sli:3"t.°S ;.h�� �hev reco���nd wp�rova,l of the sub jer� vaca.zior_ pe�ition wi.t:� re�cen:.ion o� e�.�°�?n�s to �:r:��ec� �he exis�t.in�; fac:i?i t:ies. Said report �.irther s w.tes ��a, U�:e z.-�.cat�on is r.eeded i.n o.rder to e.�a�ln �:�A iia�.zsin� Authority to prov_�� a�e^�ta�e Tr_�-�;;i.;; �8.C1_I.lt�.eu �'or. ;.h� rea�den�s of the area. Tize va- ca:,_un of Jessa.Mine i�.ne i� a crucial firsi, s�ep in salving a cri�ical sZOr��,a�e c� _ar:li.?�; �_n �he are�, a.s tirell as eliminacing unnecessaxy tl2rougn trafiic. T:�e ��o,�e��reli; Resideni� Council h,a.s aprroved the plans. �1 survey of adjacent res�den�s by �he Housing 9uthorii;y snow�ed that out of 66 affect�d residen�s, L? We~e in favar af the plans, 8 irere opposed, 2 were u.ndecided, and 15 did r:o�, reply. In view of the iore�oing, Z reco,�.end tha.� the �,a.cation be gran�ced, su�ject tu tne �'ollowing ter:;�s and canditior.s; l. T:�.t the descripf,ior. of the vacated property read as follaws: Vacate ,TESSAr,�Ti� L.4S� from the East line o�' Hazelw'ood A�.renue to the :YOrth�•res� 1.ine oi l nes Aven;�e. 2. Tha.t the va.ca�cion be sub ject to all �he �terms and conditions of aectior 22�5 oi the Legiula'r,ive Cod�, as a.r,:ende3. 3. That a specific u�iiity easement be retained across tne full Vrid��,h of Jessamine La.ne to protect the i.nierests v� horth- western Bell �.Cele��hone Cor�pa:�vr, Ilor'�hern States Power Cor�pa.rW, ihe ti•7ater and Sewer utilitie.. Said easemeni;s to be subjec� �o the follcr,aing restrzctions: a. That no buildin�s or permanent structures wi.1:L be allowed ���ithin the easemen� areas. , �w>:r"?'O."'_:� x�. �O�'i:; �1 ,(� ).<�,'�.; `-:rL� ���Tq.�9 1, . 'I':�`�.. zz^ c;,:° _;e �in el�:i.s�lin� �.ra�.e or sur- fac�r�� .._. :�{�-=�:~!i'.�ed z�r:i�hir: the e-�.seraent � �..rea ��r�i;hci•��t: wxi��en nerr,�ission of ihe ��at�r U�•�1'���;- �nd Se��rer En�;ineer. c. ��i�� thf� e�se;;,en� includes th� nerpetual ri�h� o�' t�n Ptiolic Z�lorl�s Deparimen� to C011Si:?"i�C"�� main'��.,a?.n, cperate and rep�.ir the unaer�roand sewers and reanholes, to- gether ��rith a perpetua.l easement of ingress and e�ress to said easements. d. �'hat the o:•rn�r of said vacated property, i�s successors and assigns, sha.11 ftztly in- de�r:ify, aefen� and s�.,ae k�,�.rm?.ess the Boa.rd of S•ta'uer Co.�issioners, its o�ficers, ageni:s, employ-ees and �ervan�s iror� alZ suii�s, ac�ior.s or clwims S�Tf11C�1 shall arise �ro;� any injuries ox da.r^ages received or sus;.a�ned by any person, persons or proper��r b�r a� brealz or leak in ar;,� servzce pip�, ww�ter :na�n or connectior. in said �edica�eu easet:zenc. �+. iilai zhe ex.is�in� street intexsec�ions Qf Jess�.mine I,ane ai �-k'�zelwood and a� Ames �1ven�e be reconstructed ;Jith new ctzrbinb, boulevards, and side�•ra.1�:s (if n�cessary� so as no� to appear as a thxat��. street, c'�.T1C� ��1P. �CS�TO ca�ch basins in �Tessa.r�ine Lane a�; ea.ch o�' these tvro interse.ctions be remo�red and relocated if interior dra.ina�e is necessary. A�l of this work to be done b;r or at the cos� and �Xpense oi the petitioner. 5. Thati the proposed -oarYin� lot be processed in accordance with the present zonin� ordinance and Ci�y requirements. 6. Tha� the pet5.tioner provide �or the following Depastr�ent of Pol?ce condi�cions regarding public safe�y as has been a,reed to a� prev3_ous mee-cing: �.. �hat no school buses Vrill be permitted on tire s�ree� presently ':�no:�rn as Jessar.iine Lane f�om H�zel�rood to Ames Aven�te. 'b, That no �r:�ing is �o be perr�itted an ei-ther portion of the street. P�rking will 'oe per�:it- ted only ;n pa.xking lo�s. Signs advisir� �his are to be pos�ed. c. That Jessamine I�.ne a� Ar�es Avenue and JessaMine I,ane at Hazelwood �.re to be pos�ed "T,o Thorout�hfare".. . �j � T. ., � 9 _ .,_ ._._.. :�. UU}1Er. 6: �:q ;!y9 'f __ _ , _� �. i?�::.� ei-c�-.er rhe e��.s:; or ;�res t por�i�n oz Jessam::�iE I��ne s?�.o?;.1�2 r�e 2"E'T1�.A:1@C� "FO assist. drit�ers O:� �'X.''.2�;ei1C�'" V@i1=C1.ES lri de cermir.in� �he correcc l�c�.tion and corxe�t annreach. 7. Tha� the �e��i.;�c�n�r, beino th� Housing and Redevelopnen� . Au�horiiy o�' �ne Ci�c�� of St. Paul, w rn�blic ager_c;�, not be required. to na.y co:nperzsation for the va.catz.on, nursuant �o t'r.e �•er.ns o� the Cocr�er�.L-ion A�reemen� be�,�een the said Ci�y ar�d saic2 Housing �!u�hority. �. ;'h�.;, i:� lieu of a bond, the City be proJided S�rith a written cave�.an� cond�tionsd. �0 7nderulizy ard h�Id the Ci�y harr:�l.ess for �.�w- and z.].1. dw:�a;es, c�airns for c�.i-�.�es, costs, chan�es, j�ac3;;��n�.:�, �.nd e�p:nses of e.rery iind an� na�;ure axising ox ;r��rir�; ouL- of �hc vacation of t�.e s'cree�s herein described. s. :'��_�:.er rec��.�e:?cl ;:�ai, a �ublic hearin� be he1:s be�ore the City Council o^ :.�.�cn 2„ 19 j�. 1 ti � \ � � , �., � . , ., r-.._..._._.�..._._ :� � ._.....__.....�_. .. . � : ,! r� J ; y � '\ %, ,' ,z.� . __ . , _..,_- W____._ �� � 55 East Fifth Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 551 O1. Edward N.Helfeld,executive director.phone 298 52 18 ° �..y , � .��.�,�.�' g � . • r � , 1 _ , ,� ,�' . ' - � � �' � - - / i i�� I \,�! � ����/�/?�� � �.� � HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA April 23, 1976 Mr. J. William Donovan Valuation Engineer 286 City Hall & Court House • St. Paul, MN 55103 Re: CF 267049 Vac. 3essamine Lane Minn. 1-2 Dear Mr. Donovan: HRA would like to have the above resolution amended to delete condition 5.d., which requests that a portion of Jessamine Lane be renamed. We have discussed this matter with Captain Jyrkas, Dept. of Police. As plans for improvement of vacated Jessamine now allow vehicular m�vement between Hazelwood and Ames, the Dept. of Police will no longer require condition 5.d. Please have the resolution amended accordingly. Sincerely, /' � Q �--� (.�.�ii��• ' di'`.'-.,-~--- � William G. Pearson Renewal Engineering Officer � �,���;�� Robe�t Sylvester, Donald P. Del Fiacco, David H. Hozza, Willie Mae Wilson, Kenneth J. Lynch, Ron Maddox, Mary Ann Sudeith ���.,;��,', CMi�man � + - .; x °f� � � � �, � �_�. �r���` �� � � '� � � ��� ,,x�'p � �. � ��� �����'��`� ��.: <� � � ., , . � ., . �, � �t �r � � .,� r i a�. : }'°�� � �. � , , ; � �i . � , � , . . .. .,: .. (1 . - � � . .� .. . . '.. , _ . .:' . . . . . .. . � . .� � , . :.� - �. . . � � . � � .� . . . . . . �. , .;�� ..� , .. , . . , ' �, �'� ,�.r. .7 � ' ' ; ., �, Y' � �i ... . . . � '���. ;� ��' � �s ��r'� .` + , . , . , . . , . � � a �a �� . .: . . : - ; : � t: � . , ,. ,. : ,., ' k 5�i .. � ' . '�; � � �'� �� #xa ��i�l�r'�� `i��>`.�±��i�� _ ,`i+� 4 - - � tf�� ' !'- � . �`� «�. �. �������MAE'k�Q� �g3Sl1�" �: .�!�•�l� ��'•� �'�i �t '�IM��' � , , , , . ,, .. . , . , ,, , . ' ' � ��� ` '�!6'i'4�df1� 4�" � �� � eTlli'�.�!!t � ��'MM� �-. �.�. '��.' 7� r , . , , � �� A � t r .. . . . .. , 1 !. . . �. . . . , ,. 4'. , ' . ... � . _ . . � . . � "� . . ' ;:. 2 .. . .' � � � . . . �� . J�� �. � s , . . , . . . . .,�� . ' . 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