Refeaed To
VJIIEREAS, Larry Rambo, 877 Charles Avenue, appeared at
two assessments that he received from the City;
council File # O t— S 3 p"
Green Sheet # 106157
Committee Date
March 20, 2001, Legislarive Hearing to appeal
WHEREAS the Legislative Hearing Officer recommended that both assessments be deleted;
WHEREAS, the assessment for $635.60 from Project JOlO1V, Assessment #9887 was deleted; and
WHBREAS, the assessment for $295.00 from File JOIBDUP, Assessment #9885 was inadvertently not deleted;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul delete the $295.00 assessment
from File JOIBDUP, Assessment #9885, 877 Charles Avenue, Parcel ID 35-29-23-24-0057, as per the
Legislative Hearing Officer's recommendafion.
Yeas Nays Absent
Blakey �/
Coleman �
Harris �
Benanav �
Reiter �
Bostrom f
Lantry �
Requested by DepaNnent of.
Form Approved by City Attomey
Adopted by Council: Date �v„■.r� (�� O, Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary B
By: ♦ ` � � ,�
Approved by Mayor: Date aJ f�rj� �� ZQ9�
b �-s3a
Council Offices
Gerry Strathman, 266-8560
No 106157
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Deleting the assessment of $295.00 for 877 Charles Avenue (File JOIBDUP, Assessment 1I9885,
Parcel ID 35-29-23-24-0057).
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Tuesday, Mazch 20, 2001
Room 330 Courthouse
Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer
5-�-� ���e, �
G � 53�
STAFF PRESENT: Roxanna Flink, Rea1 Estate; Dick Lippert, Code Enforcement; Steve
Magner, Code Enforcement; John Betz, Code Enforcement.
The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m.
5ummary Abatements:
File JOlO1C Demolition of vacant buildings during the months of November and
December, 2000;
File JOIBDUP Boarding-up of vacant buildings thru June and October, 2000;
File JOlO1G Grass cuttiug (by private contractor) during the months of August,
September, and part of October, 2000;
File JOlO1V Abandoned vehicles towed from private property June thru
September, 2000; and
File JOISUM Property clean-up during the months of August, September, October,
November andlor December, 2000.
707 Jessainine Avenue (JOl SUM)
(The owner appeared far this property; however, Code Enforcement had not received the green
card indicating this address would be appealed.)
Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the April 17, 2001, Legislative Hearing and the City
Council meeting on May 2, 2001.
1197 Ross Avenue (JOIBDUP)
(The owner appeazed for this properry; however, Code Enforcement had not received the green
cazd indicating this address would be appealed.)
Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the April 17, 2001, Legislative Hearing and the City
Council meeting on May 2, 2001.
916 Minnehaha (JOl SUM)
(The owner appeazed for this property; however, Code Enforcement had not received the green
cazd inrlicating this address would be appealed.)
Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the May i, 2001, Legislative Hearing and the City
Council meeting on May 23, 2001.
Legislative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
1069 Gzeenbrier Street (JO 1 SUM)
Page 2
appeazed and stated the properry went through a cancellarion for a contract for deed. Prior to the
cancellation, the properry went through code compliance, and rehabilitarion of the properry.
Thexe was substantial cleaning at the properiy. Dumpsters were rented and receipts show this
cost almost $6,000.
Dick Lippert reported the suuuuary abatement was issued on July 14, 2001. The inspector spoke
on July 20 with the representative, Steve Hirsch, regazding this abatement. The compliance date
of July 20, 2001 was e�ended to July 24. At that tnne, the owner was contacted again and
informed the owner there still was a stove in the back yazd, and a work order wili be issued. On
July 31, 2001, Parks went to the property and removed a stove.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
827 Aurora Avenue (301 SUIvn
(No one appeazed to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
600 Wells Street (JOIBDUP)
(No one appeazed to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathinan recommends approval.
970 Geranium Avenue East(JOIBDUP)
Richard Wybrerala, owner, appeazed and staxed he does not understand the assessment.
Steve Magner reported on September 1, 2000 a summary abatement order was issued to secure
a11 first floor doors and windows, with a compliance date of September 7, 2000. On September
7, 2000 the property was re-inspected and the property was found not secured. A work order was
issued and the work was completed on September 8, 2000. The contractor performed security
measures to secure 10 open windows and/or doors.
Tn response to Mr. Strathman's question, why was the building ordered secured, Mr. Magner
responded the building was found open to access, illegal trespass. The building was a registered
vacant building at the time of the assessment. The building was condemned due to a long list of
housing code violations.
Mr. Wybrerala stated he evicted the tenants of the properly in June or July. The tenants
destroyed the property, amounting to appro�mately $16,000 to $20,000 in damage. The
windows and doors were destroyed. They were later repaired. New siding was placed on the
Legislative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
house and the gazage doors were replaced. There is some interior work that needs to be
Page 3
Mr. Strathman asked when the windows and doors were replaced and if the building is currently
boarded. Mr. Wybrerala responded he does not recall when the windows were replaced_ The
building is not currently boazded and there never were boazds placed.
Mr. Magner stated the contractor was able to secure the windows without actually boazding.
Other than some interior work, said Mr. Wybrerala, the property is in good shape.
Mr. Strathman asked if the order to secure the building was received, why wasn't the building
secured. Mr. Wybrerala responded the building is secure, but is unsure of the date Steve Magner
is talkiug about. Some of the windows were not able to be secured, but they were inside
windows. When there aze increment weather conditions, the property has to be secured so water
pipes do not freeze.
Mr. Strathman asked if the contractor went to the property to "secure" it, but not boazd it. Steve
Magner said if the windows are unlockable, the contractor will screw ar nail the window shut and
nail the doors shut. This a typical property that had been vandalized or abused by tenants, the
doors where kicked, and the jams were broken. Therefore, the contractor was able to use a
mechanical fastener, or a nail or screw to secure the windows or doors.
Mr. Strathman asked Mr. Wybrerala if he contacted the inspector when he received the order
from the City on September 1, 2001. Mr. Wybrerala responded he does not remember t2lking to
an inspector. He is confused because he was in another court that required proof that the building
was secure; however, he is not sure if the building was secured on the date of the inspection.
Gerry Strathman recommends reducing the assessment from $234.80 to $100 plus the $45
service fee for a total assessment of $145.
226 Winifred Sireet East (JOIBDUP)
(No one appeazed to represent the property.)
Gerry Strattunan recommends approval.
891 Rice StreeUa.k.a 889 Rice Street(JOIBDUP)
Steve Magner reported the Saint Paul Police requested an emergency secure and boarding at this
properry. The contractor reported to the site and secured one door on the second floor.
Wayne Delange, owner, appeared and stated the door was blown open by the Police for no
reason. The building is in compliance with City codes. The tenants have resided at the property
for six to seven yeazs, her husband died a couple years ago, and she is having some trouble with
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Legislative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
.,__ ,
her children. This was a brother and sister dispute. The boy was in the stairway, possibly
antagouizing the officers. However, the buiiding is in full compliance. There is a key located
above the door. That is required by law. There was no reason to kick the door down. The fire
deparhnent could haue been called to open the door with no problems. There also is a police
watch woman in the apartment who has a radio and works nights watching the street. If she was
called on the radio she could have opened the back door. The building was inspected in March
20, 2000, by John Powers, who stated we should be commended for providing a safe and well
maintained property. Mr. Delange said he is a 4D landlord, fair market rent and income. The
City has also provided $11,000 in grant money in the last yeaz. The building is in full
compliance. The door was secured with a clip and two screws.
Gerry Stratlunan stated he believes the damage was the result of Police action and there is
nothing that suggests the properry owner is responsible.
Gerry Strathxnan recommends deleting the assessment.
1182 Reanev Avenue(JOIBDUP)
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
1094 Reanev Avenue(JOIBDUP)
Steve Magner reported the Saint Paul Fire department requested boarded to secure the doors and
windows on the second floar after a fire. A contractor went out and secured the properry.
Fran Patterson, owner, appeared and stated he purchased the property after the fire. Four pieces
of plywood were used to secure the building.
Gerry Strathman explained the City has a contractor that has to respond 24 hours and seven days
a week. The charge is not for the plywood but for this service.
Mr. Patterson said it was stated that the cost for boarding is $18.50 per window. Mr. Magner
responded this is the standazd rate for a day time boazding when there aze two days to respond to
the contract. For emergency service, the contractor has two hours to respond and secure the site
with a$200 trip charge and then $50 for every boazd and/or opening.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
1830 St. Ciair Avenue (JOIBDUP)
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
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Legislative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
934 Rice Street(701BDUP)
I�' _ '
Steve Magner reported the Saint Paul Police requested a contractor secure a front window that
was broken at this building. The boazding occurred on October 4, 2000.
VJang Lee Yang, owner, appeazed and stated the police caught the person who broke the window.
The Police said the cost of damage and boazding would be the responsibiliry of the assailant.
Gerry Strathtnan recommends approval. If the Police lmow who broke the window, that person
should be reunbursing Mr. Yang for the cost of repair and boazding.
136 Wilder Street North (JOIBDUP)
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
499 Sherburne Avenue(JOIBDUP)
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
559 Asbury Street (JO1SUIvn
(Video viewed)
Stanley Anderson, owner, appeazed and stated the video is not very cleaz. He hired Logan
Rubbish to remove the trash. Al] of the trash was piled into the corner for easy removal. Logan
picks up gazbage on Friday. The City removed it on Wednesday. Logan instructed him to place
the mattress out by the gazage. When the City came to remove the rubbish, Mr. Anderson was
outside cleaning up.
Mr. Strathman stated the orders were issued on November 3, 2000. The property was reinspected
on November 12, 2000 and on November l4, 2000. The clean-up was not performed until
November 28, 2000.
Mr. Anderson said he did not receive the first notification letter. The first notificarion letter he
received was on November 14, 2000. When the letter was received the inspectar was contacted.
Mr. Strathman said there was ample time to have the rubbish removed. If there was contact with
the inspector on November 14, the garbage was removed two weeks latez by the City on
November 28, 2000.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
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Legislative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
651 Blair Avenue(JOl SIJM)
(video viewed)
Page 6
Calvin Burton, owner, appeazed and stated he was under the assumption that bags of gazbage
were removed from the home and placed in the yazd for disposal. He was not awaze that the bags
were still there. Mr. Burton believes the assessment of $334 is a penalty and a punishment.
Gerry Strathman recommended approval.
664 Blair Avenue
(video viewed)
Neng Moua, owner, appeared and stated he closed on the house on October 11, 2000. Mr. Moua
said he does not recall refuse removal.
Mr. Strathman stated the work was completed on August 29, 2000, before Mr. Moua came into
ownership. However, Mr. Moua is responsible for the cost of the assessment. Mr. Strathman
suggested contacting the prior owner to pay for the assessment. Any outstanding assessments
against the property should have been included in the purchasing agreement.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
1818 Blair Avenue(JO1 SUM)
(No one appeazed to represent the properiy.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
1615 Chazles Avenue(JOIOIV)
(No one appeazed to represent the properiy.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
979 Chazles Avenue(JO1 SLTIvn
(video viewed)
Josh Keir, representative for the property, appeared. After viewing the video, Mr. Keir had no
objection to the assessment.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
� 877 Charles Avenue(JOlOiV)
Lyle Rambo, owner, appeazed and stated he is appealing two assessments.
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Dick Lippert reported an inspection of the property was completed on September 14, 2000. At
the time of the inspection, three vehicles were in violation. On September 25, 2000 the properry
was reinspected and the vehicles were still present. A work order was placed to tow a black
Mr. Ttambo, owner, appeared and stated the City put in a new sidewalk. When this was done the
contractor damage the steps and walkway to the house. The City water department did
eventually replace the broken walkway. When the inspectar came to the property to inspect the
walkway, the cars were found. The driveway is gravel, but there aze new spots of grass that have
protruded through. A repair order for the driveway was issued at that time. The cars were then
removed by Mr. Rambo to repair the driveway. The repairs are completed. Mr. Rambo said he
has the paper work to prove he received a permit from the City to complete the repairs to the
Mr. Strathman asked if the cars were put back after the resurfacing of the driveway was
completed. Mr. Magner responded someone else put one car back in Mr. Rambo's driveway.
The vehicle was in violation because it did not display a current license.
Mr. Rambo said he put the vehicle into the garage and secured it. A tenant, owner of vehicle,
asked Mr. Rambo to bring the car to an auto shop. Apparently it was returned and then the City
removed it.
Mr. Strathman stated it appears Mr. Rambo behaved responsibly and tried to do the right thing.
The vehicle is not the property of Mr. Rambo and he was unaware that it was in the driveway.
Steve Magner reported the second appeai is regazding boarding and secure the rear door to the
property. The Saint Paul Police department requested the emergency boarding.
Mr.Rambo stated both units were occupied at the time of boarding. The Police said the tenant in
one of the units had a saizure. The Police broke the door down and damaged the entryway, wall,
and stove. There was $1,480 in damages by the Police. Thera is an emergency number in a
cabinet in the house. The Police never contacted Mr. Rambo.
The Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting both assessments.
887 Conwav Street(JOlO1V)
Mavis Fry, owner, appeared and she is appealing the assessment for the removal of an abandoned
vehicle. The owner of the vehicle, Dennis Kelly, was never given permission to park on the
property. There has bean several argument with him to remove the vehicle, to no avail. The
Police department was contacted and a tow truck was hired to remove the vehicle.
Unfortunately, the City removed the car first. The vehicle is now sitting in front of 977 Euclid.
Therefor some how it has been retrieved from the impound lot. Ms. Fry said it is her
understanding that the owner of the vehicle, Mr. Kelly, paid to get the vehicle out of the impound
lot and paid the towing and storage fee.
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Legislarive Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
Roxanne Flink reported the velucle was purchase at an auction.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends the assessment deleting the assessment.
740 Edmund Avenue - Vacant Lot(JO1SiJM)
(No one appeazed to represent the property.)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
638 Fuller Avenue(JOISUM}
(Video viewed)
Cheryl Cotton, owner, appeared and stated she did not receive a response from the inspector.
The tenant at the property has a dog and there is bagged straw on the properry. There also is
brush behind the gazage. Ms. Cotton stated she was not able to contact anyone to ask for an
extension to have the brush removed. She did leaue messages for an inspector, Mr. Maynard.
Mr. Maynard did respond to her calls, however, Ms. Cotton was not available when he called.
Ms. Cotton asked for an extension, but never received a message confirming an ea�tension was
granted. Ms. Cotton questioned the orders she received because there are a lot of properties in
the azea that haue rubbish in their yazds.
Steve Magner reported Ms. Cotton was notified on October 19, 2000, however this was not part
of the sunmiary abatement. A reinspection was completed after the notice and the materials were
still present. A summary abatement order was issued on October 30, 2000. The property was
cleaned on November 11, 2000.
In response to Mr. Stratlunan's question, why was it so difficult to reach an inspector, Ms. Cotton
said when the inspector would return the call, he would leave a message stating he was returniug
my call, but he would never answer the questions.
Dick Lippert stated as a general zule, message containing unportant information are not left on
answering machines. Pvlr. Maynard did indicate that he tried to establish communication with
Ms. Cotton.
Mr. Strathman asked Ms. Cotton why she didn't clean up the brush. Ms. Cotton responded she
was waiting for someone to help her and for the weather to wazm up.
Mr. Strathman said the notification was properly sent and the work was completed.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
785 Hawthorne Avenue East(JO101 V)
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
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Legisiative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
The Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
634 I�lehart Avenue(JO 1 SIJM)
(No one appeared to represent the property)
The Legislative Heariug Officer recommends approval.
ll 16 7enks Avenue(JOlO1V)
(No one appeazed to represent the properry)
The Legislarive Hearing Officer recommends approval.
1075 Jessamine Avenue East(JO1 SUM)
(No one appeazed to represent the property)
The Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
596 Laurel Avenue - Vacant Lot (I0101 V)
.,_ .
Barbara Leone, owner, appeared and stated she was not awaze of an abandoned vehicle untii she
received the notice to attend the Legislative Hearing.
Dick Lippert reported an order was sent on August 14, 2000 to Barbaza Leone at 1012 Ashland
Ms. Leone responded she does not live at 1012 Ashiand, she resides at 1012 Laurel Avenue.
The Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
653 Lawson Avenue East(JOISUM)
(No one appeared to represent the property)
The Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
544 Mimiehaha Avenue West(JOl SUIvn
(No one appeared to represent the property)
The L,egislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
371 Pascal Street South(JOISUN�
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Legislative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
(No one appeared to represent the properry)
The Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
1835 St. Clair Avenue(JOi SUM)
Page 10
At the request of Code Enfotcement the Legislarive Heating Officer recommends laying over the
April 17, 2001 Legislative Hearing and the Apri125, 2001 City Council meeting.
706 Thomas Avenue(JO101 V)
(No one appeared to represent the property)
The Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
440 Wheeler Street North (JOl SUM)
(Video viewed)
Dick Lippert reported a notice was sent to Gregory Van at 440 Wheeler and it was retumed by
the post office. The information from the County indicates this is where Mr. Van resides.
Mr. Van, owner, appeared and asked why papers can be sent to where he is homesteaded but the
arders from the City cannot be delivered to that address. Mr. Van does not live at 440 VJheeler
but visits the property every two to three days. Mr. Van said he had three to four dumpsters at
the property and if there was a problem he would have complied with the City.
Gerry Strathman asked if 440 Wheeler is the legal address listed with Ramsey County. Mr.
Lippert responded that is cottect. Mr. Strathman stated Ramsey County property tas records
show Mr. Van resides at 440 Wheeler, however, Mr. Van claims that is incorrect. Mr. Lippert
asked Mr. Van when was the property purchased, Mr. Van responded two years ago. Mr. Lippert
said the information from the County was received in July, 2000, well after the purchase date of
the properry.
Mr. Van said he feels it is not fair not to be notified of a problem. If there was a problem he
would have taken caze of it. Mr. Van said he has receipts that show he had dumpsters.
Mr. Strathman said he believes the assessment is correct, however, notification is questionable.
The City is required to send the notices to the legal address, this was done. However, Mr. Van
did not receive the notice because the post office returned it, so how can Mr. Van be responsible
if he is not awaze of the issue.
Mr. Lippert responded owners are always responsible for their property at all times. The City is
required to notify the property owner, which was fulfilled. The notice was sent July 26, 2000
and the work was completed on August 3, 2000.
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Mr. Van stated he has had two or three people at the property every day and if there was a
problem it would have been conected.
Mr. Lippert said if there were people at the properry every day, there should not have been a
notification issue.
(A videotape was shown.)
Mr. Slrathman stated he is satisfied that the assessment was reasonable and the work was done.
The City followed the legal requirements in notifying the property owner. Mr. Strathman
understands the owner did not get the notification, but it is not the City's fault because it was sent
to the legal address. Mr. Van responded he did not have a chance to reply. Mr. Strathxnan stated
that it could have been cieaned up any day.
Mr. Strathman recommended approval of the assessment.
611 Whitall Street (JOlO1V)
Jeffrey T. DeLisle, 1146 Rice Street, appeared and stated he was the owner.
Gerry Strathman stated this is about three vehicles being towed.
Dick Lippert reported a suminary abatement was sent to James Haun at 611 Whitall and the
Delisle Company at their post office box. This was about three vehicles. The property was
reinspected on the 10"' and it was told on the January 28�'.
Mr. Sttathman stated the original orders were issued on January 4, 2001, the wark was done on
January 28, and three vehicles were towed. Mr. Lippert responded yes.
Mr. DeLisle stated the vehicles were towed to a snow emergency lot, which is the wrong lot.
The snow emergency lot has higher storage fees. A normal assessment should be $750. He
received a letter from Michael Morehead (of Code Enforcement) who agreed that a mistake was
made. (Mr. Strathman viewed this letter.)
Mr. Strathman stated there have been discussion about the City not disposing of vehicles when
they should, and consequently, leading to excessive storage fees. Mr. DeLisle stated he heard
from the Impound Lot that the fees are $50 for towing and $12 a day for storage and a$20
administration fee.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment from &1,828.70 to $1,200 plus
the $45 service fee for a total assessment of $1,245.
1171 Minnehaha Avenue West(JOl SiJNn
(video viewed)
Nancy Watkins, representa6ve, appeazed and stated her daughter is the owner of the vacant lot,
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Legislative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001 Page 12
however she is out of the country. There use to be an old house on the lot, but it was torn down.
When the house was removed, the contractor did a terrible job of re-doing the yard. There are
big rocks and grass grows between the rocks. The front of the lot is fine. Along the drive way
are rocks also. The front of the property is mowed. The long grass was only in the back. The
company that tore down the house was suppose to place black dirt on the properry, but they never
did. Because of the rocks Mr. Watkins has broken several lawn mower blades. Ms. Watkins
said one day she saw someone on the property with a weed-whipper, cutting the grass and weeds.
Ms. Watkins approached the person cutting the grass and was told that notice was given to cut
the grass and it was never done. Ms. Watkins said she never received a notice.
Dick Lippert reported notice was sent to Jennifer Watkins at 1167 Minnehaha Avenue. The
notice was sent on 3uly 27, 2000. The mail was not returned by the post office.
Ms. Watkins said she never received the letter. Her daughter has been out of the country for
approxnnately two yeazs. Ms. Watkins resides on the corner lot and has cut the grass since 1963.
Ms. Watkins stated if she would haue received the notice she would have cut the grass.
Mr. Strathman said the notice was legally served and not returned. Mr. Magner stated this was
not marginal grass cutting.
After reviewing the video, Mr. Strathman staxed the lawn was obviously out of control.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
66 Winni�egAvenue(JOISUM)
William Steidl, owner, appeazed and stated he is requesting information on how to pay for the
assessment. Mr. Steidl said he hired Wilder Chore Service to come to the property and clean up
the yard. Mr. Steidl is permanendy disabled. Wilder did a great job of cleaning up the properry,
however, they do not provide a removal service. Mr. Steidl said he was unable to find someone
to remove the rubbish. Mr. Steidl stated he applauds the City for cleaning up the alley. Mr.
Steidl said he is concerned about how will pay this back to the City.
Roxaune Flink stated Mr. Steidl can defer payments, with interest. This would allow Mr. Steidl
to make payments directly to the office. Ms. Flink said she will mail out the forms to Mr. Steidl.
Mr. Steidl stated he would agree to this.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
12 Wyoming Street East(JOl SUM)
(Video viewed)
John Bauer, representative, appeared and stated he is present on behalf of his son. Mr. Bauer
said he had to list his name on the home to help his son out in difficult times. Mr. Bauer
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Page 13
instructed his son to clean up the yazd, and was under the assumption the clean up was done. Mr.
Bauer was surprised when he received the notification letter and would like to see the video.
After viewing the video Mr. Bauer was in agreement with the assessment of removing five tires.
Gerry Siratbman stated the assessment of $340 appeazs high for the removal of five tires.
Legisla6ve Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment from $295 to $200 plus the
$45 service fee for a total assessment of $245.
1675 & 1697 Idaho Avenue East - Vacant Lot(JOl SUM)
(No one appeared to represent the property)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
1694 Califomia Avenue East - V acant Lot(JO101 G)
(No one appeared to represent the property)
Legislative Hearing O�cer recommends approval.
1165 Hudson Road (J10BDUP)
Legislative H Legislative Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the April 17, 2001
Legislative Hearing and the Apri125, 2001 City Councii meering.
615 Charles Avenue(J0101 V)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the April 17, 2001 Legislative Hearing
and the Apri125, 2001 CiTy Council meeting.
980 Euclid Street(JOISLTM)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the April 3, 2001 Legisiative Heating
and the Apri125, 2001 City Council meeting.
650 Aurora(JOISLTM)
Code Enforcement has requested deleting the assessment due to a notification enor, the
Legislafive Hearing Officer recornmends deleting the assessment.
Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 843 Rice Street. If the
owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the
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Page 14
Representatives from Excel Energy appeared and stated they are representing the property at 843
Rice Street.
Steve Magner reported this is a two story, wood frame, brick building. The building has been
vacant since Apri130, 1997. The current properiy owner, per Ramsey County, is Excel Energy.
There have been siY suminary abatements issued to secure the building, remove the second floor
porch due to a roof collapsing, cut tall grass and weeds, remove snow or ice from public walk,
and remove rubbish. On December 20, 2000 an inspection was conducted with a list of
deficiencies which constitutes a nuisance condirion was developed. Photographs were taken. An
order to abate nuisance building was issued on January 8, 2001 with a compliance date of
February 7, 2001. As of this date the property remains in a condition which comprises a
nuisance as defined by the legislative code. The Caty has had to boazd this building against
trespass. The vacant building fees have been paid. Real Estate tases have been paid. Taxation
has placed an estimated mazket value of $19,400. As of March 20, 2001 there has not been an
inspection of the properry. Bond has not been posted. The estnnated cost to repair the structure
is $60,000. Demolition $15,000. Excel Energy is represenfing the property, regarding possibly
building on the site. There have been a number of people who have expressed interest in
purchasing this properiy over the yeazs. Excel Energy has requested an extension to try to work
out a title issue. The City attorney advised that although there may be a title issue, this process
should be completed in a short period of time. It is the Cities position that Excel can expedite the
transfer of this property.
A1 Lucas, representative, stated an attempt to purchase the property in 1999. The title policy was
purchase at that time and were informed that the title was clear. Part of the deal was that the
seller was suppose to convey title to Excel Energy. This was attempted until July, 2000, at
which time they applied for a transfer of title. October 16, 2000 the examiner of the tifle notified
the seller that the title was clouded. Excel Energy was not notified of that action until December
8, 2000. Excel returned to the tide company requesting a resolution as to why this was not
disclosed. As of this date there has not been any response. The issue is that Excel Energy is not
the legal owner of the property. There are two possible buyers for the property. Excel Energy is
trying to obtain the title so that something can be done with the property. At a minium, if
everyone cooperates, a ninety day e�ension is needed.
Mr, Strathman asked, does Excel Energy view the properiy to be more than the value Ratnsey
County has place on the property, Mr. Lucas responded that is correct. Mr. Strathman said with
an extension, someone needs to take the responsibility of maintaiuing the property. Mr. Lucas
responded they have accepted that responsibility, and have secured the building.
The Legislafive Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the June 5, 2001 Legislative Hearing
and June 27, 2001 City Council meeting.
Summary Abatement appeal for 1251 Berkelv Avenue.
Sandra Haustein, owner, appeared and stated she is unable to remove the vehicle. The vehicle
belongs to her son, who is currently hospitalized. The vehicle has expired tabs. The caz has been
Legislative Aearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
Page 15
stored in the gazage until her son decided to take it out and work on it. Ms. Haustein is unable to
put the vehicle back into the garage because the transmission is not connected.
Mr. Strathman said under City code it is prohibited to store vehicies in the open for longer that
thirtY �Y•
Ms. Haustein said she does not have the keys to the vehicle and cannot get into it. Ms. Haustein
said her son does not recall where the keys are, he has developed a mental illness condition.
Mr. Stratlunan said this cannot continue, however, he is willing to allow additional time to Ms.
Haustein to find someone to help move the vehicle back in the garage.
The Legislative Hearing Officer recommends extending the compliance date to June 5, 2001.
Summar�Abatement aQpeal for 283 South Svndicate Street.
See minutes for 1251 Berkeley Avenue.
The meeting was adjourned at 1230 p.m.
Refeaed To
VJIIEREAS, Larry Rambo, 877 Charles Avenue, appeared at
two assessments that he received from the City;
council File # O t— S 3 p"
Green Sheet # 106157
Committee Date
March 20, 2001, Legislarive Hearing to appeal
WHEREAS the Legislative Hearing Officer recommended that both assessments be deleted;
WHEREAS, the assessment for $635.60 from Project JOlO1V, Assessment #9887 was deleted; and
WHBREAS, the assessment for $295.00 from File JOIBDUP, Assessment #9885 was inadvertently not deleted;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul delete the $295.00 assessment
from File JOIBDUP, Assessment #9885, 877 Charles Avenue, Parcel ID 35-29-23-24-0057, as per the
Legislative Hearing Officer's recommendafion.
Yeas Nays Absent
Blakey �/
Coleman �
Harris �
Benanav �
Reiter �
Bostrom f
Lantry �
Requested by DepaNnent of.
Form Approved by City Attomey
Adopted by Council: Date �v„■.r� (�� , Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary B
By: ♦ ` � � ,�
Approved by Mayor: Date aJ f�rj� �� ZQ9�
b �-s3a
Council Offices
Gerry Strathman, 266-8560
No 106157
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Deleting the assessment of $295.00 for 877 Charles Avenue (File JOIBDUP, Assessment 1I9885,
Parcel ID 35-29-23-24-0057).
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Tuesday, Mazch 20, 2001
Room 330 Courthouse
Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer
5-�-� ���e, �
G � 53�
STAFF PRESENT: Roxanna Flink, Rea1 Estate; Dick Lippert, Code Enforcement; Steve
Magner, Code Enforcement; John Betz, Code Enforcement.
The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m.
5ummary Abatements:
File JOlO1C Demolition of vacant buildings during the months of November and
December, 2000;
File JOIBDUP Boarding-up of vacant buildings thru June and October, 2000;
File JOlO1G Grass cuttiug (by private contractor) during the months of August,
September, and part of October, 2000;
File JOlO1V Abandoned vehicles towed from private property June thru
September, 2000; and
File JOISUM Property clean-up during the months of August, September, October,
November andlor December, 2000.
707 Jessainine Avenue (JOl SUM)
(The owner appeared far this property; however, Code Enforcement had not received the green
card indicating this address would be appealed.)
Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the April 17, 2001, Legislative Hearing and the City
Council meeting on May 2, 2001.
1197 Ross Avenue (JOIBDUP)
(The owner appeazed for this properry; however, Code Enforcement had not received the green
cazd indicating this address would be appealed.)
Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the April 17, 2001, Legislative Hearing and the City
Council meeting on May 2, 2001.
916 Minnehaha (JOl SUM)
(The owner appeazed for this property; however, Code Enforcement had not received the green
cazd inrlicating this address would be appealed.)
Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the May i, 2001, Legislative Hearing and the City
Council meeting on May 23, 2001.
Legislative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
1069 Gzeenbrier Street (JO 1 SUM)
Page 2
appeazed and stated the properry went through a cancellarion for a contract for deed. Prior to the
cancellation, the properry went through code compliance, and rehabilitarion of the properry.
Thexe was substantial cleaning at the properiy. Dumpsters were rented and receipts show this
cost almost $6,000.
Dick Lippert reported the suuuuary abatement was issued on July 14, 2001. The inspector spoke
on July 20 with the representative, Steve Hirsch, regazding this abatement. The compliance date
of July 20, 2001 was e�ended to July 24. At that tnne, the owner was contacted again and
informed the owner there still was a stove in the back yazd, and a work order wili be issued. On
July 31, 2001, Parks went to the property and removed a stove.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
827 Aurora Avenue (301 SUIvn
(No one appeazed to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
600 Wells Street (JOIBDUP)
(No one appeazed to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathinan recommends approval.
970 Geranium Avenue East(JOIBDUP)
Richard Wybrerala, owner, appeazed and staxed he does not understand the assessment.
Steve Magner reported on September 1, 2000 a summary abatement order was issued to secure
a11 first floor doors and windows, with a compliance date of September 7, 2000. On September
7, 2000 the property was re-inspected and the property was found not secured. A work order was
issued and the work was completed on September 8, 2000. The contractor performed security
measures to secure 10 open windows and/or doors.
Tn response to Mr. Strathman's question, why was the building ordered secured, Mr. Magner
responded the building was found open to access, illegal trespass. The building was a registered
vacant building at the time of the assessment. The building was condemned due to a long list of
housing code violations.
Mr. Wybrerala stated he evicted the tenants of the properly in June or July. The tenants
destroyed the property, amounting to appro�mately $16,000 to $20,000 in damage. The
windows and doors were destroyed. They were later repaired. New siding was placed on the
Legislative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
house and the gazage doors were replaced. There is some interior work that needs to be
Page 3
Mr. Strathman asked when the windows and doors were replaced and if the building is currently
boarded. Mr. Wybrerala responded he does not recall when the windows were replaced_ The
building is not currently boazded and there never were boazds placed.
Mr. Magner stated the contractor was able to secure the windows without actually boazding.
Other than some interior work, said Mr. Wybrerala, the property is in good shape.
Mr. Strathman asked if the order to secure the building was received, why wasn't the building
secured. Mr. Wybrerala responded the building is secure, but is unsure of the date Steve Magner
is talkiug about. Some of the windows were not able to be secured, but they were inside
windows. When there aze increment weather conditions, the property has to be secured so water
pipes do not freeze.
Mr. Strathman asked if the contractor went to the property to "secure" it, but not boazd it. Steve
Magner said if the windows are unlockable, the contractor will screw ar nail the window shut and
nail the doors shut. This a typical property that had been vandalized or abused by tenants, the
doors where kicked, and the jams were broken. Therefore, the contractor was able to use a
mechanical fastener, or a nail or screw to secure the windows or doors.
Mr. Strathman asked Mr. Wybrerala if he contacted the inspector when he received the order
from the City on September 1, 2001. Mr. Wybrerala responded he does not remember t2lking to
an inspector. He is confused because he was in another court that required proof that the building
was secure; however, he is not sure if the building was secured on the date of the inspection.
Gerry Strathman recommends reducing the assessment from $234.80 to $100 plus the $45
service fee for a total assessment of $145.
226 Winifred Sireet East (JOIBDUP)
(No one appeazed to represent the property.)
Gerry Strattunan recommends approval.
891 Rice StreeUa.k.a 889 Rice Street(JOIBDUP)
Steve Magner reported the Saint Paul Police requested an emergency secure and boarding at this
properry. The contractor reported to the site and secured one door on the second floor.
Wayne Delange, owner, appeared and stated the door was blown open by the Police for no
reason. The building is in compliance with City codes. The tenants have resided at the property
for six to seven yeazs, her husband died a couple years ago, and she is having some trouble with
O\�� 3�
Legislative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
.,__ ,
her children. This was a brother and sister dispute. The boy was in the stairway, possibly
antagouizing the officers. However, the buiiding is in full compliance. There is a key located
above the door. That is required by law. There was no reason to kick the door down. The fire
deparhnent could haue been called to open the door with no problems. There also is a police
watch woman in the apartment who has a radio and works nights watching the street. If she was
called on the radio she could have opened the back door. The building was inspected in March
20, 2000, by John Powers, who stated we should be commended for providing a safe and well
maintained property. Mr. Delange said he is a 4D landlord, fair market rent and income. The
City has also provided $11,000 in grant money in the last yeaz. The building is in full
compliance. The door was secured with a clip and two screws.
Gerry Stratlunan stated he believes the damage was the result of Police action and there is
nothing that suggests the properry owner is responsible.
Gerry Strathxnan recommends deleting the assessment.
1182 Reanev Avenue(JOIBDUP)
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
1094 Reanev Avenue(JOIBDUP)
Steve Magner reported the Saint Paul Fire department requested boarded to secure the doors and
windows on the second floar after a fire. A contractor went out and secured the properry.
Fran Patterson, owner, appeared and stated he purchased the property after the fire. Four pieces
of plywood were used to secure the building.
Gerry Strathman explained the City has a contractor that has to respond 24 hours and seven days
a week. The charge is not for the plywood but for this service.
Mr. Patterson said it was stated that the cost for boarding is $18.50 per window. Mr. Magner
responded this is the standazd rate for a day time boazding when there aze two days to respond to
the contract. For emergency service, the contractor has two hours to respond and secure the site
with a$200 trip charge and then $50 for every boazd and/or opening.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
1830 St. Ciair Avenue (JOIBDUP)
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
o �- 53�
Legislative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
934 Rice Street(701BDUP)
I�' _ '
Steve Magner reported the Saint Paul Police requested a contractor secure a front window that
was broken at this building. The boazding occurred on October 4, 2000.
VJang Lee Yang, owner, appeazed and stated the police caught the person who broke the window.
The Police said the cost of damage and boazding would be the responsibiliry of the assailant.
Gerry Strathtnan recommends approval. If the Police lmow who broke the window, that person
should be reunbursing Mr. Yang for the cost of repair and boazding.
136 Wilder Street North (JOIBDUP)
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
499 Sherburne Avenue(JOIBDUP)
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
559 Asbury Street (JO1SUIvn
(Video viewed)
Stanley Anderson, owner, appeazed and stated the video is not very cleaz. He hired Logan
Rubbish to remove the trash. Al] of the trash was piled into the corner for easy removal. Logan
picks up gazbage on Friday. The City removed it on Wednesday. Logan instructed him to place
the mattress out by the gazage. When the City came to remove the rubbish, Mr. Anderson was
outside cleaning up.
Mr. Strathman stated the orders were issued on November 3, 2000. The property was reinspected
on November 12, 2000 and on November l4, 2000. The clean-up was not performed until
November 28, 2000.
Mr. Anderson said he did not receive the first notification letter. The first notificarion letter he
received was on November 14, 2000. When the letter was received the inspectar was contacted.
Mr. Strathman said there was ample time to have the rubbish removed. If there was contact with
the inspector on November 14, the garbage was removed two weeks latez by the City on
November 28, 2000.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
�� S3g
Legislative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
651 Blair Avenue(JOl SIJM)
(video viewed)
Page 6
Calvin Burton, owner, appeazed and stated he was under the assumption that bags of gazbage
were removed from the home and placed in the yazd for disposal. He was not awaze that the bags
were still there. Mr. Burton believes the assessment of $334 is a penalty and a punishment.
Gerry Strathman recommended approval.
664 Blair Avenue
(video viewed)
Neng Moua, owner, appeared and stated he closed on the house on October 11, 2000. Mr. Moua
said he does not recall refuse removal.
Mr. Strathman stated the work was completed on August 29, 2000, before Mr. Moua came into
ownership. However, Mr. Moua is responsible for the cost of the assessment. Mr. Strathman
suggested contacting the prior owner to pay for the assessment. Any outstanding assessments
against the property should have been included in the purchasing agreement.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
1818 Blair Avenue(JO1 SUM)
(No one appeazed to represent the properiy.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
1615 Chazles Avenue(JOIOIV)
(No one appeazed to represent the properiy.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
979 Chazles Avenue(JO1 SLTIvn
(video viewed)
Josh Keir, representative for the property, appeared. After viewing the video, Mr. Keir had no
objection to the assessment.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
� 877 Charles Avenue(JOlOiV)
Lyle Rambo, owner, appeazed and stated he is appealing two assessments.
� �-S3�
Legislative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
Page 7
Dick Lippert reported an inspection of the property was completed on September 14, 2000. At
the time of the inspection, three vehicles were in violation. On September 25, 2000 the properry
was reinspected and the vehicles were still present. A work order was placed to tow a black
Mr. Ttambo, owner, appeared and stated the City put in a new sidewalk. When this was done the
contractor damage the steps and walkway to the house. The City water department did
eventually replace the broken walkway. When the inspectar came to the property to inspect the
walkway, the cars were found. The driveway is gravel, but there aze new spots of grass that have
protruded through. A repair order for the driveway was issued at that time. The cars were then
removed by Mr. Rambo to repair the driveway. The repairs are completed. Mr. Rambo said he
has the paper work to prove he received a permit from the City to complete the repairs to the
Mr. Strathman asked if the cars were put back after the resurfacing of the driveway was
completed. Mr. Magner responded someone else put one car back in Mr. Rambo's driveway.
The vehicle was in violation because it did not display a current license.
Mr. Rambo said he put the vehicle into the garage and secured it. A tenant, owner of vehicle,
asked Mr. Rambo to bring the car to an auto shop. Apparently it was returned and then the City
removed it.
Mr. Strathman stated it appears Mr. Rambo behaved responsibly and tried to do the right thing.
The vehicle is not the property of Mr. Rambo and he was unaware that it was in the driveway.
Steve Magner reported the second appeai is regazding boarding and secure the rear door to the
property. The Saint Paul Police department requested the emergency boarding.
Mr.Rambo stated both units were occupied at the time of boarding. The Police said the tenant in
one of the units had a saizure. The Police broke the door down and damaged the entryway, wall,
and stove. There was $1,480 in damages by the Police. Thera is an emergency number in a
cabinet in the house. The Police never contacted Mr. Rambo.
The Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting both assessments.
887 Conwav Street(JOlO1V)
Mavis Fry, owner, appeared and she is appealing the assessment for the removal of an abandoned
vehicle. The owner of the vehicle, Dennis Kelly, was never given permission to park on the
property. There has bean several argument with him to remove the vehicle, to no avail. The
Police department was contacted and a tow truck was hired to remove the vehicle.
Unfortunately, the City removed the car first. The vehicle is now sitting in front of 977 Euclid.
Therefor some how it has been retrieved from the impound lot. Ms. Fry said it is her
understanding that the owner of the vehicle, Mr. Kelly, paid to get the vehicle out of the impound
lot and paid the towing and storage fee.
o� ���
Legislarive Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
Roxanne Flink reported the velucle was purchase at an auction.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends the assessment deleting the assessment.
740 Edmund Avenue - Vacant Lot(JO1SiJM)
(No one appeazed to represent the property.)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
638 Fuller Avenue(JOISUM}
(Video viewed)
Cheryl Cotton, owner, appeared and stated she did not receive a response from the inspector.
The tenant at the property has a dog and there is bagged straw on the properry. There also is
brush behind the gazage. Ms. Cotton stated she was not able to contact anyone to ask for an
extension to have the brush removed. She did leaue messages for an inspector, Mr. Maynard.
Mr. Maynard did respond to her calls, however, Ms. Cotton was not available when he called.
Ms. Cotton asked for an extension, but never received a message confirming an ea�tension was
granted. Ms. Cotton questioned the orders she received because there are a lot of properties in
the azea that haue rubbish in their yazds.
Steve Magner reported Ms. Cotton was notified on October 19, 2000, however this was not part
of the sunmiary abatement. A reinspection was completed after the notice and the materials were
still present. A summary abatement order was issued on October 30, 2000. The property was
cleaned on November 11, 2000.
In response to Mr. Stratlunan's question, why was it so difficult to reach an inspector, Ms. Cotton
said when the inspector would return the call, he would leave a message stating he was returniug
my call, but he would never answer the questions.
Dick Lippert stated as a general zule, message containing unportant information are not left on
answering machines. Pvlr. Maynard did indicate that he tried to establish communication with
Ms. Cotton.
Mr. Strathman asked Ms. Cotton why she didn't clean up the brush. Ms. Cotton responded she
was waiting for someone to help her and for the weather to wazm up.
Mr. Strathman said the notification was properly sent and the work was completed.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
785 Hawthorne Avenue East(JO101 V)
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
O \-� 3�
Legisiative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
The Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
634 I�lehart Avenue(JO 1 SIJM)
(No one appeared to represent the property)
The Legislative Heariug Officer recommends approval.
ll 16 7enks Avenue(JOlO1V)
(No one appeazed to represent the properry)
The Legislarive Hearing Officer recommends approval.
1075 Jessamine Avenue East(JO1 SUM)
(No one appeazed to represent the property)
The Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
596 Laurel Avenue - Vacant Lot (I0101 V)
.,_ .
Barbara Leone, owner, appeared and stated she was not awaze of an abandoned vehicle untii she
received the notice to attend the Legislative Hearing.
Dick Lippert reported an order was sent on August 14, 2000 to Barbaza Leone at 1012 Ashland
Ms. Leone responded she does not live at 1012 Ashiand, she resides at 1012 Laurel Avenue.
The Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
653 Lawson Avenue East(JOISUM)
(No one appeared to represent the property)
The Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
544 Mimiehaha Avenue West(JOl SUIvn
(No one appeared to represent the property)
The L,egislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
371 Pascal Street South(JOISUN�
� t-���
Legislative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
(No one appeared to represent the properry)
The Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
1835 St. Clair Avenue(JOi SUM)
Page 10
At the request of Code Enfotcement the Legislarive Heating Officer recommends laying over the
April 17, 2001 Legislative Hearing and the Apri125, 2001 City Council meeting.
706 Thomas Avenue(JO101 V)
(No one appeared to represent the property)
The Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
440 Wheeler Street North (JOl SUM)
(Video viewed)
Dick Lippert reported a notice was sent to Gregory Van at 440 Wheeler and it was retumed by
the post office. The information from the County indicates this is where Mr. Van resides.
Mr. Van, owner, appeared and asked why papers can be sent to where he is homesteaded but the
arders from the City cannot be delivered to that address. Mr. Van does not live at 440 VJheeler
but visits the property every two to three days. Mr. Van said he had three to four dumpsters at
the property and if there was a problem he would have complied with the City.
Gerry Strathman asked if 440 Wheeler is the legal address listed with Ramsey County. Mr.
Lippert responded that is cottect. Mr. Strathman stated Ramsey County property tas records
show Mr. Van resides at 440 Wheeler, however, Mr. Van claims that is incorrect. Mr. Lippert
asked Mr. Van when was the property purchased, Mr. Van responded two years ago. Mr. Lippert
said the information from the County was received in July, 2000, well after the purchase date of
the properry.
Mr. Van said he feels it is not fair not to be notified of a problem. If there was a problem he
would have taken caze of it. Mr. Van said he has receipts that show he had dumpsters.
Mr. Strathman said he believes the assessment is correct, however, notification is questionable.
The City is required to send the notices to the legal address, this was done. However, Mr. Van
did not receive the notice because the post office returned it, so how can Mr. Van be responsible
if he is not awaze of the issue.
Mr. Lippert responded owners are always responsible for their property at all times. The City is
required to notify the property owner, which was fulfilled. The notice was sent July 26, 2000
and the work was completed on August 3, 2000.
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Legislative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
Page 11
Mr. Van stated he has had two or three people at the property every day and if there was a
problem it would have been conected.
Mr. Lippert said if there were people at the properry every day, there should not have been a
notification issue.
(A videotape was shown.)
Mr. Slrathman stated he is satisfied that the assessment was reasonable and the work was done.
The City followed the legal requirements in notifying the property owner. Mr. Strathman
understands the owner did not get the notification, but it is not the City's fault because it was sent
to the legal address. Mr. Van responded he did not have a chance to reply. Mr. Strathxnan stated
that it could have been cieaned up any day.
Mr. Strathman recommended approval of the assessment.
611 Whitall Street (JOlO1V)
Jeffrey T. DeLisle, 1146 Rice Street, appeared and stated he was the owner.
Gerry Strathman stated this is about three vehicles being towed.
Dick Lippert reported a suminary abatement was sent to James Haun at 611 Whitall and the
Delisle Company at their post office box. This was about three vehicles. The property was
reinspected on the 10"' and it was told on the January 28�'.
Mr. Sttathman stated the original orders were issued on January 4, 2001, the wark was done on
January 28, and three vehicles were towed. Mr. Lippert responded yes.
Mr. DeLisle stated the vehicles were towed to a snow emergency lot, which is the wrong lot.
The snow emergency lot has higher storage fees. A normal assessment should be $750. He
received a letter from Michael Morehead (of Code Enforcement) who agreed that a mistake was
made. (Mr. Strathman viewed this letter.)
Mr. Strathman stated there have been discussion about the City not disposing of vehicles when
they should, and consequently, leading to excessive storage fees. Mr. DeLisle stated he heard
from the Impound Lot that the fees are $50 for towing and $12 a day for storage and a$20
administration fee.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment from &1,828.70 to $1,200 plus
the $45 service fee for a total assessment of $1,245.
1171 Minnehaha Avenue West(JOl SiJNn
(video viewed)
Nancy Watkins, representa6ve, appeazed and stated her daughter is the owner of the vacant lot,
o �-��
Legislative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001 Page 12
however she is out of the country. There use to be an old house on the lot, but it was torn down.
When the house was removed, the contractor did a terrible job of re-doing the yard. There are
big rocks and grass grows between the rocks. The front of the lot is fine. Along the drive way
are rocks also. The front of the property is mowed. The long grass was only in the back. The
company that tore down the house was suppose to place black dirt on the properry, but they never
did. Because of the rocks Mr. Watkins has broken several lawn mower blades. Ms. Watkins
said one day she saw someone on the property with a weed-whipper, cutting the grass and weeds.
Ms. Watkins approached the person cutting the grass and was told that notice was given to cut
the grass and it was never done. Ms. Watkins said she never received a notice.
Dick Lippert reported notice was sent to Jennifer Watkins at 1167 Minnehaha Avenue. The
notice was sent on 3uly 27, 2000. The mail was not returned by the post office.
Ms. Watkins said she never received the letter. Her daughter has been out of the country for
approxnnately two yeazs. Ms. Watkins resides on the corner lot and has cut the grass since 1963.
Ms. Watkins stated if she would haue received the notice she would have cut the grass.
Mr. Strathman said the notice was legally served and not returned. Mr. Magner stated this was
not marginal grass cutting.
After reviewing the video, Mr. Strathman staxed the lawn was obviously out of control.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
66 Winni�egAvenue(JOISUM)
William Steidl, owner, appeazed and stated he is requesting information on how to pay for the
assessment. Mr. Steidl said he hired Wilder Chore Service to come to the property and clean up
the yard. Mr. Steidl is permanendy disabled. Wilder did a great job of cleaning up the properry,
however, they do not provide a removal service. Mr. Steidl said he was unable to find someone
to remove the rubbish. Mr. Steidl stated he applauds the City for cleaning up the alley. Mr.
Steidl said he is concerned about how will pay this back to the City.
Roxaune Flink stated Mr. Steidl can defer payments, with interest. This would allow Mr. Steidl
to make payments directly to the office. Ms. Flink said she will mail out the forms to Mr. Steidl.
Mr. Steidl stated he would agree to this.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
12 Wyoming Street East(JOl SUM)
(Video viewed)
John Bauer, representative, appeared and stated he is present on behalf of his son. Mr. Bauer
said he had to list his name on the home to help his son out in difficult times. Mr. Bauer
� ��53�
Legislative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
Page 13
instructed his son to clean up the yazd, and was under the assumption the clean up was done. Mr.
Bauer was surprised when he received the notification letter and would like to see the video.
After viewing the video Mr. Bauer was in agreement with the assessment of removing five tires.
Gerry Siratbman stated the assessment of $340 appeazs high for the removal of five tires.
Legisla6ve Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment from $295 to $200 plus the
$45 service fee for a total assessment of $245.
1675 & 1697 Idaho Avenue East - Vacant Lot(JOl SUM)
(No one appeared to represent the property)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
1694 Califomia Avenue East - V acant Lot(JO101 G)
(No one appeared to represent the property)
Legislative Hearing O�cer recommends approval.
1165 Hudson Road (J10BDUP)
Legislative H Legislative Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the April 17, 2001
Legislative Hearing and the Apri125, 2001 City Councii meering.
615 Charles Avenue(J0101 V)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the April 17, 2001 Legislative Hearing
and the Apri125, 2001 CiTy Council meeting.
980 Euclid Street(JOISLTM)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the April 3, 2001 Legisiative Heating
and the Apri125, 2001 City Council meeting.
650 Aurora(JOISLTM)
Code Enforcement has requested deleting the assessment due to a notification enor, the
Legislafive Hearing Officer recornmends deleting the assessment.
Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 843 Rice Street. If the
owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the
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Legislative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
Page 14
Representatives from Excel Energy appeared and stated they are representing the property at 843
Rice Street.
Steve Magner reported this is a two story, wood frame, brick building. The building has been
vacant since Apri130, 1997. The current properiy owner, per Ramsey County, is Excel Energy.
There have been siY suminary abatements issued to secure the building, remove the second floor
porch due to a roof collapsing, cut tall grass and weeds, remove snow or ice from public walk,
and remove rubbish. On December 20, 2000 an inspection was conducted with a list of
deficiencies which constitutes a nuisance condirion was developed. Photographs were taken. An
order to abate nuisance building was issued on January 8, 2001 with a compliance date of
February 7, 2001. As of this date the property remains in a condition which comprises a
nuisance as defined by the legislative code. The Caty has had to boazd this building against
trespass. The vacant building fees have been paid. Real Estate tases have been paid. Taxation
has placed an estimated mazket value of $19,400. As of March 20, 2001 there has not been an
inspection of the properry. Bond has not been posted. The estnnated cost to repair the structure
is $60,000. Demolition $15,000. Excel Energy is represenfing the property, regarding possibly
building on the site. There have been a number of people who have expressed interest in
purchasing this properiy over the yeazs. Excel Energy has requested an extension to try to work
out a title issue. The City attorney advised that although there may be a title issue, this process
should be completed in a short period of time. It is the Cities position that Excel can expedite the
transfer of this property.
A1 Lucas, representative, stated an attempt to purchase the property in 1999. The title policy was
purchase at that time and were informed that the title was clear. Part of the deal was that the
seller was suppose to convey title to Excel Energy. This was attempted until July, 2000, at
which time they applied for a transfer of title. October 16, 2000 the examiner of the tifle notified
the seller that the title was clouded. Excel Energy was not notified of that action until December
8, 2000. Excel returned to the tide company requesting a resolution as to why this was not
disclosed. As of this date there has not been any response. The issue is that Excel Energy is not
the legal owner of the property. There are two possible buyers for the property. Excel Energy is
trying to obtain the title so that something can be done with the property. At a minium, if
everyone cooperates, a ninety day e�ension is needed.
Mr, Strathman asked, does Excel Energy view the properiy to be more than the value Ratnsey
County has place on the property, Mr. Lucas responded that is correct. Mr. Strathman said with
an extension, someone needs to take the responsibility of maintaiuing the property. Mr. Lucas
responded they have accepted that responsibility, and have secured the building.
The Legislafive Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the June 5, 2001 Legislative Hearing
and June 27, 2001 City Council meeting.
Summary Abatement appeal for 1251 Berkelv Avenue.
Sandra Haustein, owner, appeared and stated she is unable to remove the vehicle. The vehicle
belongs to her son, who is currently hospitalized. The vehicle has expired tabs. The caz has been
Legislative Aearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
Page 15
stored in the gazage until her son decided to take it out and work on it. Ms. Haustein is unable to
put the vehicle back into the garage because the transmission is not connected.
Mr. Strathman said under City code it is prohibited to store vehicies in the open for longer that
thirtY �Y•
Ms. Haustein said she does not have the keys to the vehicle and cannot get into it. Ms. Haustein
said her son does not recall where the keys are, he has developed a mental illness condition.
Mr. Stratlunan said this cannot continue, however, he is willing to allow additional time to Ms.
Haustein to find someone to help move the vehicle back in the garage.
The Legislative Hearing Officer recommends extending the compliance date to June 5, 2001.
Summar�Abatement aQpeal for 283 South Svndicate Street.
See minutes for 1251 Berkeley Avenue.
The meeting was adjourned at 1230 p.m.
Refeaed To
VJIIEREAS, Larry Rambo, 877 Charles Avenue, appeared at
two assessments that he received from the City;
council File # O t— S 3 p"
Green Sheet # 106157
Committee Date
March 20, 2001, Legislarive Hearing to appeal
WHEREAS the Legislative Hearing Officer recommended that both assessments be deleted;
WHEREAS, the assessment for $635.60 from Project JOlO1V, Assessment #9887 was deleted; and
WHBREAS, the assessment for $295.00 from File JOIBDUP, Assessment #9885 was inadvertently not deleted;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council of the City of Saint Paul delete the $295.00 assessment
from File JOIBDUP, Assessment #9885, 877 Charles Avenue, Parcel ID 35-29-23-24-0057, as per the
Legislative Hearing Officer's recommendafion.
Yeas Nays Absent
Blakey �/
Coleman �
Harris �
Benanav �
Reiter �
Bostrom f
Lantry �
Requested by DepaNnent of.
Form Approved by City Attomey
Adopted by Council: Date �v„■.r� (�� , Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
Adoprion Certified by Council Secretary B
By: ♦ ` � � ,�
Approved by Mayor: Date aJ f�rj� �� ZQ9�
b �-s3a
Council Offices
Gerry Strathman, 266-8560
No 106157
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Deleting the assessment of $295.00 for 877 Charles Avenue (File JOIBDUP, Assessment 1I9885,
Parcel ID 35-29-23-24-0057).
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Tuesday, Mazch 20, 2001
Room 330 Courthouse
Gerry Strathman, Legislative Hearing Officer
5-�-� ���e, �
G � 53�
STAFF PRESENT: Roxanna Flink, Rea1 Estate; Dick Lippert, Code Enforcement; Steve
Magner, Code Enforcement; John Betz, Code Enforcement.
The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m.
5ummary Abatements:
File JOlO1C Demolition of vacant buildings during the months of November and
December, 2000;
File JOIBDUP Boarding-up of vacant buildings thru June and October, 2000;
File JOlO1G Grass cuttiug (by private contractor) during the months of August,
September, and part of October, 2000;
File JOlO1V Abandoned vehicles towed from private property June thru
September, 2000; and
File JOISUM Property clean-up during the months of August, September, October,
November andlor December, 2000.
707 Jessainine Avenue (JOl SUM)
(The owner appeared far this property; however, Code Enforcement had not received the green
card indicating this address would be appealed.)
Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the April 17, 2001, Legislative Hearing and the City
Council meeting on May 2, 2001.
1197 Ross Avenue (JOIBDUP)
(The owner appeazed for this properry; however, Code Enforcement had not received the green
cazd indicating this address would be appealed.)
Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the April 17, 2001, Legislative Hearing and the City
Council meeting on May 2, 2001.
916 Minnehaha (JOl SUM)
(The owner appeazed for this property; however, Code Enforcement had not received the green
cazd inrlicating this address would be appealed.)
Gerry Strathman recommends laying over to the May i, 2001, Legislative Hearing and the City
Council meeting on May 23, 2001.
Legislative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
1069 Gzeenbrier Street (JO 1 SUM)
Page 2
appeazed and stated the properry went through a cancellarion for a contract for deed. Prior to the
cancellation, the properry went through code compliance, and rehabilitarion of the properry.
Thexe was substantial cleaning at the properiy. Dumpsters were rented and receipts show this
cost almost $6,000.
Dick Lippert reported the suuuuary abatement was issued on July 14, 2001. The inspector spoke
on July 20 with the representative, Steve Hirsch, regazding this abatement. The compliance date
of July 20, 2001 was e�ended to July 24. At that tnne, the owner was contacted again and
informed the owner there still was a stove in the back yazd, and a work order wili be issued. On
July 31, 2001, Parks went to the property and removed a stove.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
827 Aurora Avenue (301 SUIvn
(No one appeazed to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
600 Wells Street (JOIBDUP)
(No one appeazed to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathinan recommends approval.
970 Geranium Avenue East(JOIBDUP)
Richard Wybrerala, owner, appeazed and staxed he does not understand the assessment.
Steve Magner reported on September 1, 2000 a summary abatement order was issued to secure
a11 first floor doors and windows, with a compliance date of September 7, 2000. On September
7, 2000 the property was re-inspected and the property was found not secured. A work order was
issued and the work was completed on September 8, 2000. The contractor performed security
measures to secure 10 open windows and/or doors.
Tn response to Mr. Strathman's question, why was the building ordered secured, Mr. Magner
responded the building was found open to access, illegal trespass. The building was a registered
vacant building at the time of the assessment. The building was condemned due to a long list of
housing code violations.
Mr. Wybrerala stated he evicted the tenants of the properly in June or July. The tenants
destroyed the property, amounting to appro�mately $16,000 to $20,000 in damage. The
windows and doors were destroyed. They were later repaired. New siding was placed on the
Legislative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
house and the gazage doors were replaced. There is some interior work that needs to be
Page 3
Mr. Strathman asked when the windows and doors were replaced and if the building is currently
boarded. Mr. Wybrerala responded he does not recall when the windows were replaced_ The
building is not currently boazded and there never were boazds placed.
Mr. Magner stated the contractor was able to secure the windows without actually boazding.
Other than some interior work, said Mr. Wybrerala, the property is in good shape.
Mr. Strathman asked if the order to secure the building was received, why wasn't the building
secured. Mr. Wybrerala responded the building is secure, but is unsure of the date Steve Magner
is talkiug about. Some of the windows were not able to be secured, but they were inside
windows. When there aze increment weather conditions, the property has to be secured so water
pipes do not freeze.
Mr. Strathman asked if the contractor went to the property to "secure" it, but not boazd it. Steve
Magner said if the windows are unlockable, the contractor will screw ar nail the window shut and
nail the doors shut. This a typical property that had been vandalized or abused by tenants, the
doors where kicked, and the jams were broken. Therefore, the contractor was able to use a
mechanical fastener, or a nail or screw to secure the windows or doors.
Mr. Strathman asked Mr. Wybrerala if he contacted the inspector when he received the order
from the City on September 1, 2001. Mr. Wybrerala responded he does not remember t2lking to
an inspector. He is confused because he was in another court that required proof that the building
was secure; however, he is not sure if the building was secured on the date of the inspection.
Gerry Strathman recommends reducing the assessment from $234.80 to $100 plus the $45
service fee for a total assessment of $145.
226 Winifred Sireet East (JOIBDUP)
(No one appeazed to represent the property.)
Gerry Strattunan recommends approval.
891 Rice StreeUa.k.a 889 Rice Street(JOIBDUP)
Steve Magner reported the Saint Paul Police requested an emergency secure and boarding at this
properry. The contractor reported to the site and secured one door on the second floor.
Wayne Delange, owner, appeared and stated the door was blown open by the Police for no
reason. The building is in compliance with City codes. The tenants have resided at the property
for six to seven yeazs, her husband died a couple years ago, and she is having some trouble with
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Legislative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
.,__ ,
her children. This was a brother and sister dispute. The boy was in the stairway, possibly
antagouizing the officers. However, the buiiding is in full compliance. There is a key located
above the door. That is required by law. There was no reason to kick the door down. The fire
deparhnent could haue been called to open the door with no problems. There also is a police
watch woman in the apartment who has a radio and works nights watching the street. If she was
called on the radio she could have opened the back door. The building was inspected in March
20, 2000, by John Powers, who stated we should be commended for providing a safe and well
maintained property. Mr. Delange said he is a 4D landlord, fair market rent and income. The
City has also provided $11,000 in grant money in the last yeaz. The building is in full
compliance. The door was secured with a clip and two screws.
Gerry Stratlunan stated he believes the damage was the result of Police action and there is
nothing that suggests the properry owner is responsible.
Gerry Strathxnan recommends deleting the assessment.
1182 Reanev Avenue(JOIBDUP)
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
1094 Reanev Avenue(JOIBDUP)
Steve Magner reported the Saint Paul Fire department requested boarded to secure the doors and
windows on the second floar after a fire. A contractor went out and secured the properry.
Fran Patterson, owner, appeared and stated he purchased the property after the fire. Four pieces
of plywood were used to secure the building.
Gerry Strathman explained the City has a contractor that has to respond 24 hours and seven days
a week. The charge is not for the plywood but for this service.
Mr. Patterson said it was stated that the cost for boarding is $18.50 per window. Mr. Magner
responded this is the standazd rate for a day time boazding when there aze two days to respond to
the contract. For emergency service, the contractor has two hours to respond and secure the site
with a$200 trip charge and then $50 for every boazd and/or opening.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
1830 St. Ciair Avenue (JOIBDUP)
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
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Legislative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
934 Rice Street(701BDUP)
I�' _ '
Steve Magner reported the Saint Paul Police requested a contractor secure a front window that
was broken at this building. The boazding occurred on October 4, 2000.
VJang Lee Yang, owner, appeazed and stated the police caught the person who broke the window.
The Police said the cost of damage and boazding would be the responsibiliry of the assailant.
Gerry Strathtnan recommends approval. If the Police lmow who broke the window, that person
should be reunbursing Mr. Yang for the cost of repair and boazding.
136 Wilder Street North (JOIBDUP)
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
499 Sherburne Avenue(JOIBDUP)
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
559 Asbury Street (JO1SUIvn
(Video viewed)
Stanley Anderson, owner, appeazed and stated the video is not very cleaz. He hired Logan
Rubbish to remove the trash. Al] of the trash was piled into the corner for easy removal. Logan
picks up gazbage on Friday. The City removed it on Wednesday. Logan instructed him to place
the mattress out by the gazage. When the City came to remove the rubbish, Mr. Anderson was
outside cleaning up.
Mr. Strathman stated the orders were issued on November 3, 2000. The property was reinspected
on November 12, 2000 and on November l4, 2000. The clean-up was not performed until
November 28, 2000.
Mr. Anderson said he did not receive the first notification letter. The first notificarion letter he
received was on November 14, 2000. When the letter was received the inspectar was contacted.
Mr. Strathman said there was ample time to have the rubbish removed. If there was contact with
the inspector on November 14, the garbage was removed two weeks latez by the City on
November 28, 2000.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
�� S3g
Legislative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
651 Blair Avenue(JOl SIJM)
(video viewed)
Page 6
Calvin Burton, owner, appeazed and stated he was under the assumption that bags of gazbage
were removed from the home and placed in the yazd for disposal. He was not awaze that the bags
were still there. Mr. Burton believes the assessment of $334 is a penalty and a punishment.
Gerry Strathman recommended approval.
664 Blair Avenue
(video viewed)
Neng Moua, owner, appeared and stated he closed on the house on October 11, 2000. Mr. Moua
said he does not recall refuse removal.
Mr. Strathman stated the work was completed on August 29, 2000, before Mr. Moua came into
ownership. However, Mr. Moua is responsible for the cost of the assessment. Mr. Strathman
suggested contacting the prior owner to pay for the assessment. Any outstanding assessments
against the property should have been included in the purchasing agreement.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
1818 Blair Avenue(JO1 SUM)
(No one appeazed to represent the properiy.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
1615 Chazles Avenue(JOIOIV)
(No one appeazed to represent the properiy.)
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
979 Chazles Avenue(JO1 SLTIvn
(video viewed)
Josh Keir, representative for the property, appeared. After viewing the video, Mr. Keir had no
objection to the assessment.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
� 877 Charles Avenue(JOlOiV)
Lyle Rambo, owner, appeazed and stated he is appealing two assessments.
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Dick Lippert reported an inspection of the property was completed on September 14, 2000. At
the time of the inspection, three vehicles were in violation. On September 25, 2000 the properry
was reinspected and the vehicles were still present. A work order was placed to tow a black
Mr. Ttambo, owner, appeared and stated the City put in a new sidewalk. When this was done the
contractor damage the steps and walkway to the house. The City water department did
eventually replace the broken walkway. When the inspectar came to the property to inspect the
walkway, the cars were found. The driveway is gravel, but there aze new spots of grass that have
protruded through. A repair order for the driveway was issued at that time. The cars were then
removed by Mr. Rambo to repair the driveway. The repairs are completed. Mr. Rambo said he
has the paper work to prove he received a permit from the City to complete the repairs to the
Mr. Strathman asked if the cars were put back after the resurfacing of the driveway was
completed. Mr. Magner responded someone else put one car back in Mr. Rambo's driveway.
The vehicle was in violation because it did not display a current license.
Mr. Rambo said he put the vehicle into the garage and secured it. A tenant, owner of vehicle,
asked Mr. Rambo to bring the car to an auto shop. Apparently it was returned and then the City
removed it.
Mr. Strathman stated it appears Mr. Rambo behaved responsibly and tried to do the right thing.
The vehicle is not the property of Mr. Rambo and he was unaware that it was in the driveway.
Steve Magner reported the second appeai is regazding boarding and secure the rear door to the
property. The Saint Paul Police department requested the emergency boarding.
Mr.Rambo stated both units were occupied at the time of boarding. The Police said the tenant in
one of the units had a saizure. The Police broke the door down and damaged the entryway, wall,
and stove. There was $1,480 in damages by the Police. Thera is an emergency number in a
cabinet in the house. The Police never contacted Mr. Rambo.
The Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting both assessments.
887 Conwav Street(JOlO1V)
Mavis Fry, owner, appeared and she is appealing the assessment for the removal of an abandoned
vehicle. The owner of the vehicle, Dennis Kelly, was never given permission to park on the
property. There has bean several argument with him to remove the vehicle, to no avail. The
Police department was contacted and a tow truck was hired to remove the vehicle.
Unfortunately, the City removed the car first. The vehicle is now sitting in front of 977 Euclid.
Therefor some how it has been retrieved from the impound lot. Ms. Fry said it is her
understanding that the owner of the vehicle, Mr. Kelly, paid to get the vehicle out of the impound
lot and paid the towing and storage fee.
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Legislarive Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
Roxanne Flink reported the velucle was purchase at an auction.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends the assessment deleting the assessment.
740 Edmund Avenue - Vacant Lot(JO1SiJM)
(No one appeazed to represent the property.)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
638 Fuller Avenue(JOISUM}
(Video viewed)
Cheryl Cotton, owner, appeared and stated she did not receive a response from the inspector.
The tenant at the property has a dog and there is bagged straw on the properry. There also is
brush behind the gazage. Ms. Cotton stated she was not able to contact anyone to ask for an
extension to have the brush removed. She did leaue messages for an inspector, Mr. Maynard.
Mr. Maynard did respond to her calls, however, Ms. Cotton was not available when he called.
Ms. Cotton asked for an extension, but never received a message confirming an ea�tension was
granted. Ms. Cotton questioned the orders she received because there are a lot of properties in
the azea that haue rubbish in their yazds.
Steve Magner reported Ms. Cotton was notified on October 19, 2000, however this was not part
of the sunmiary abatement. A reinspection was completed after the notice and the materials were
still present. A summary abatement order was issued on October 30, 2000. The property was
cleaned on November 11, 2000.
In response to Mr. Stratlunan's question, why was it so difficult to reach an inspector, Ms. Cotton
said when the inspector would return the call, he would leave a message stating he was returniug
my call, but he would never answer the questions.
Dick Lippert stated as a general zule, message containing unportant information are not left on
answering machines. Pvlr. Maynard did indicate that he tried to establish communication with
Ms. Cotton.
Mr. Strathman asked Ms. Cotton why she didn't clean up the brush. Ms. Cotton responded she
was waiting for someone to help her and for the weather to wazm up.
Mr. Strathman said the notification was properly sent and the work was completed.
Gerry Strathman recommends approval.
785 Hawthorne Avenue East(JO101 V)
(No one appeared to represent the property.)
O \-� 3�
Legisiative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
The Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
634 I�lehart Avenue(JO 1 SIJM)
(No one appeared to represent the property)
The Legislative Heariug Officer recommends approval.
ll 16 7enks Avenue(JOlO1V)
(No one appeazed to represent the properry)
The Legislarive Hearing Officer recommends approval.
1075 Jessamine Avenue East(JO1 SUM)
(No one appeazed to represent the property)
The Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
596 Laurel Avenue - Vacant Lot (I0101 V)
.,_ .
Barbara Leone, owner, appeared and stated she was not awaze of an abandoned vehicle untii she
received the notice to attend the Legislative Hearing.
Dick Lippert reported an order was sent on August 14, 2000 to Barbaza Leone at 1012 Ashland
Ms. Leone responded she does not live at 1012 Ashiand, she resides at 1012 Laurel Avenue.
The Legislative Hearing Officer recommends deleting the assessment.
653 Lawson Avenue East(JOISUM)
(No one appeared to represent the property)
The Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
544 Mimiehaha Avenue West(JOl SUIvn
(No one appeared to represent the property)
The L,egislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
371 Pascal Street South(JOISUN�
� t-���
Legislative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
(No one appeared to represent the properry)
The Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
1835 St. Clair Avenue(JOi SUM)
Page 10
At the request of Code Enfotcement the Legislarive Heating Officer recommends laying over the
April 17, 2001 Legislative Hearing and the Apri125, 2001 City Council meeting.
706 Thomas Avenue(JO101 V)
(No one appeared to represent the property)
The Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
440 Wheeler Street North (JOl SUM)
(Video viewed)
Dick Lippert reported a notice was sent to Gregory Van at 440 Wheeler and it was retumed by
the post office. The information from the County indicates this is where Mr. Van resides.
Mr. Van, owner, appeared and asked why papers can be sent to where he is homesteaded but the
arders from the City cannot be delivered to that address. Mr. Van does not live at 440 VJheeler
but visits the property every two to three days. Mr. Van said he had three to four dumpsters at
the property and if there was a problem he would have complied with the City.
Gerry Strathman asked if 440 Wheeler is the legal address listed with Ramsey County. Mr.
Lippert responded that is cottect. Mr. Strathman stated Ramsey County property tas records
show Mr. Van resides at 440 Wheeler, however, Mr. Van claims that is incorrect. Mr. Lippert
asked Mr. Van when was the property purchased, Mr. Van responded two years ago. Mr. Lippert
said the information from the County was received in July, 2000, well after the purchase date of
the properry.
Mr. Van said he feels it is not fair not to be notified of a problem. If there was a problem he
would have taken caze of it. Mr. Van said he has receipts that show he had dumpsters.
Mr. Strathman said he believes the assessment is correct, however, notification is questionable.
The City is required to send the notices to the legal address, this was done. However, Mr. Van
did not receive the notice because the post office returned it, so how can Mr. Van be responsible
if he is not awaze of the issue.
Mr. Lippert responded owners are always responsible for their property at all times. The City is
required to notify the property owner, which was fulfilled. The notice was sent July 26, 2000
and the work was completed on August 3, 2000.
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Page 11
Mr. Van stated he has had two or three people at the property every day and if there was a
problem it would have been conected.
Mr. Lippert said if there were people at the properry every day, there should not have been a
notification issue.
(A videotape was shown.)
Mr. Slrathman stated he is satisfied that the assessment was reasonable and the work was done.
The City followed the legal requirements in notifying the property owner. Mr. Strathman
understands the owner did not get the notification, but it is not the City's fault because it was sent
to the legal address. Mr. Van responded he did not have a chance to reply. Mr. Strathxnan stated
that it could have been cieaned up any day.
Mr. Strathman recommended approval of the assessment.
611 Whitall Street (JOlO1V)
Jeffrey T. DeLisle, 1146 Rice Street, appeared and stated he was the owner.
Gerry Strathman stated this is about three vehicles being towed.
Dick Lippert reported a suminary abatement was sent to James Haun at 611 Whitall and the
Delisle Company at their post office box. This was about three vehicles. The property was
reinspected on the 10"' and it was told on the January 28�'.
Mr. Sttathman stated the original orders were issued on January 4, 2001, the wark was done on
January 28, and three vehicles were towed. Mr. Lippert responded yes.
Mr. DeLisle stated the vehicles were towed to a snow emergency lot, which is the wrong lot.
The snow emergency lot has higher storage fees. A normal assessment should be $750. He
received a letter from Michael Morehead (of Code Enforcement) who agreed that a mistake was
made. (Mr. Strathman viewed this letter.)
Mr. Strathman stated there have been discussion about the City not disposing of vehicles when
they should, and consequently, leading to excessive storage fees. Mr. DeLisle stated he heard
from the Impound Lot that the fees are $50 for towing and $12 a day for storage and a$20
administration fee.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment from &1,828.70 to $1,200 plus
the $45 service fee for a total assessment of $1,245.
1171 Minnehaha Avenue West(JOl SiJNn
(video viewed)
Nancy Watkins, representa6ve, appeazed and stated her daughter is the owner of the vacant lot,
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Legislative Hearing Minutes for 3-20-2001 Page 12
however she is out of the country. There use to be an old house on the lot, but it was torn down.
When the house was removed, the contractor did a terrible job of re-doing the yard. There are
big rocks and grass grows between the rocks. The front of the lot is fine. Along the drive way
are rocks also. The front of the property is mowed. The long grass was only in the back. The
company that tore down the house was suppose to place black dirt on the properry, but they never
did. Because of the rocks Mr. Watkins has broken several lawn mower blades. Ms. Watkins
said one day she saw someone on the property with a weed-whipper, cutting the grass and weeds.
Ms. Watkins approached the person cutting the grass and was told that notice was given to cut
the grass and it was never done. Ms. Watkins said she never received a notice.
Dick Lippert reported notice was sent to Jennifer Watkins at 1167 Minnehaha Avenue. The
notice was sent on 3uly 27, 2000. The mail was not returned by the post office.
Ms. Watkins said she never received the letter. Her daughter has been out of the country for
approxnnately two yeazs. Ms. Watkins resides on the corner lot and has cut the grass since 1963.
Ms. Watkins stated if she would haue received the notice she would have cut the grass.
Mr. Strathman said the notice was legally served and not returned. Mr. Magner stated this was
not marginal grass cutting.
After reviewing the video, Mr. Strathman staxed the lawn was obviously out of control.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
66 Winni�egAvenue(JOISUM)
William Steidl, owner, appeazed and stated he is requesting information on how to pay for the
assessment. Mr. Steidl said he hired Wilder Chore Service to come to the property and clean up
the yard. Mr. Steidl is permanendy disabled. Wilder did a great job of cleaning up the properry,
however, they do not provide a removal service. Mr. Steidl said he was unable to find someone
to remove the rubbish. Mr. Steidl stated he applauds the City for cleaning up the alley. Mr.
Steidl said he is concerned about how will pay this back to the City.
Roxaune Flink stated Mr. Steidl can defer payments, with interest. This would allow Mr. Steidl
to make payments directly to the office. Ms. Flink said she will mail out the forms to Mr. Steidl.
Mr. Steidl stated he would agree to this.
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
12 Wyoming Street East(JOl SUM)
(Video viewed)
John Bauer, representative, appeared and stated he is present on behalf of his son. Mr. Bauer
said he had to list his name on the home to help his son out in difficult times. Mr. Bauer
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instructed his son to clean up the yazd, and was under the assumption the clean up was done. Mr.
Bauer was surprised when he received the notification letter and would like to see the video.
After viewing the video Mr. Bauer was in agreement with the assessment of removing five tires.
Gerry Siratbman stated the assessment of $340 appeazs high for the removal of five tires.
Legisla6ve Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment from $295 to $200 plus the
$45 service fee for a total assessment of $245.
1675 & 1697 Idaho Avenue East - Vacant Lot(JOl SUM)
(No one appeared to represent the property)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends approval.
1694 Califomia Avenue East - V acant Lot(JO101 G)
(No one appeared to represent the property)
Legislative Hearing O�cer recommends approval.
1165 Hudson Road (J10BDUP)
Legislative H Legislative Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the April 17, 2001
Legislative Hearing and the Apri125, 2001 City Councii meering.
615 Charles Avenue(J0101 V)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the April 17, 2001 Legislative Hearing
and the Apri125, 2001 CiTy Council meeting.
980 Euclid Street(JOISLTM)
Legislative Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the April 3, 2001 Legisiative Heating
and the Apri125, 2001 City Council meeting.
650 Aurora(JOISLTM)
Code Enforcement has requested deleting the assessment due to a notification enor, the
Legislafive Hearing Officer recornmends deleting the assessment.
Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 843 Rice Street. If the
owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the
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Representatives from Excel Energy appeared and stated they are representing the property at 843
Rice Street.
Steve Magner reported this is a two story, wood frame, brick building. The building has been
vacant since Apri130, 1997. The current properiy owner, per Ramsey County, is Excel Energy.
There have been siY suminary abatements issued to secure the building, remove the second floor
porch due to a roof collapsing, cut tall grass and weeds, remove snow or ice from public walk,
and remove rubbish. On December 20, 2000 an inspection was conducted with a list of
deficiencies which constitutes a nuisance condirion was developed. Photographs were taken. An
order to abate nuisance building was issued on January 8, 2001 with a compliance date of
February 7, 2001. As of this date the property remains in a condition which comprises a
nuisance as defined by the legislative code. The Caty has had to boazd this building against
trespass. The vacant building fees have been paid. Real Estate tases have been paid. Taxation
has placed an estimated mazket value of $19,400. As of March 20, 2001 there has not been an
inspection of the properry. Bond has not been posted. The estnnated cost to repair the structure
is $60,000. Demolition $15,000. Excel Energy is represenfing the property, regarding possibly
building on the site. There have been a number of people who have expressed interest in
purchasing this properiy over the yeazs. Excel Energy has requested an extension to try to work
out a title issue. The City attorney advised that although there may be a title issue, this process
should be completed in a short period of time. It is the Cities position that Excel can expedite the
transfer of this property.
A1 Lucas, representative, stated an attempt to purchase the property in 1999. The title policy was
purchase at that time and were informed that the title was clear. Part of the deal was that the
seller was suppose to convey title to Excel Energy. This was attempted until July, 2000, at
which time they applied for a transfer of title. October 16, 2000 the examiner of the tifle notified
the seller that the title was clouded. Excel Energy was not notified of that action until December
8, 2000. Excel returned to the tide company requesting a resolution as to why this was not
disclosed. As of this date there has not been any response. The issue is that Excel Energy is not
the legal owner of the property. There are two possible buyers for the property. Excel Energy is
trying to obtain the title so that something can be done with the property. At a minium, if
everyone cooperates, a ninety day e�ension is needed.
Mr, Strathman asked, does Excel Energy view the properiy to be more than the value Ratnsey
County has place on the property, Mr. Lucas responded that is correct. Mr. Strathman said with
an extension, someone needs to take the responsibility of maintaiuing the property. Mr. Lucas
responded they have accepted that responsibility, and have secured the building.
The Legislafive Hearing Officer recommends laying over to the June 5, 2001 Legislative Hearing
and June 27, 2001 City Council meeting.
Summary Abatement appeal for 1251 Berkelv Avenue.
Sandra Haustein, owner, appeared and stated she is unable to remove the vehicle. The vehicle
belongs to her son, who is currently hospitalized. The vehicle has expired tabs. The caz has been
Legislative Aearing Minutes for 3-20-2001
Page 15
stored in the gazage until her son decided to take it out and work on it. Ms. Haustein is unable to
put the vehicle back into the garage because the transmission is not connected.
Mr. Strathman said under City code it is prohibited to store vehicies in the open for longer that
thirtY �Y•
Ms. Haustein said she does not have the keys to the vehicle and cannot get into it. Ms. Haustein
said her son does not recall where the keys are, he has developed a mental illness condition.
Mr. Stratlunan said this cannot continue, however, he is willing to allow additional time to Ms.
Haustein to find someone to help move the vehicle back in the garage.
The Legislative Hearing Officer recommends extending the compliance date to June 5, 2001.
Summar�Abatement aQpeal for 283 South Svndicate Street.
See minutes for 1251 Berkeley Avenue.
The meeting was adjourned at 1230 p.m.