267177 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICIl � �/ ����� PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF AINT PALTL (�`�' BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � � _ �C i � e o ution Presented By � / Referred To Co ittee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Minnesota Legislature ha.s pa.ssed legislation calling for the creation of an Irvine Park Historic District and has pa.ssed legislation authorizing the establishment of an historic district board to provide for control and ma.intena.nce of the Irvine Park area for historic purposes; and WHEREAS, Pursua.nt thereto, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, by Resolution 266644, adopted Janua.ry 20, 1976, ha,s created and established an Irvine Park Historic District Board; and WHEREAS, The Irvine Park Historic District Board sha.11 consist of nine members appointed by the Mayor by and with the consent of the City Council for a term of three (3) years; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves the appointments of the following to be members of the Irvine Park Historic District Board for a term of three (3) years, commencing Ma.y 1, 1976: Ca.rol Zick 59 Irvine Park Leone Stroklund 526 Grace Street Becky Love Yust 256 Goodrich Avenue William 0. Naegle 1700 West 78th Street, (Forepaugh' s Restaurant) Minneapolis Richa.rd Warwick 288 South Exchange Street David P. Thune 26 Irvine Park Peggy A. Ma.rhoun 35 Irvine Park Ma.rtha. J. Hami lton 306 South Excha.nge Street Dr. Russell Fridley Minnesota Historical Society, 690 Cedar Street COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / Requested by Department of: Christensen �O X�Hunt In Favor Rcedler � Against BY Sylvester Tedesco President� Hozza Adopted by Coun ' . Date �� � � � Form Approved by City Attorney ( Certifie ass b ncil Secretary BY �'S '"�T Y ' Approv by Mayor: Date Y � Approved y ubm' o cil By BY �►� +�aY �2 s9'� , (�y��$���O GITY OF SAINT PAUL �e ae pi�FIGE OF TEiE MAYOI� o�en�aose n�e _ � LAWRENGE D. GOHE:V MAYOR April 29 , 1976 Council President David Hozza and Honorable Members of the City Council City of Saint Paul, P�innesota Dear President Hozza and Council Members : I herewith submit for your consideration and approval a proposed resolution confirming my appointments of the following persons as members of the Irvine Park Historic District Board, for a term of three years, said term commencing May l, 1976. Carol Zick 59 Irvine Park Leone Stroklund 526 Grace Street Becky Love Yust 256 Goodrich Avenue William O. Naegle 1700 West 78th Street (Forepaugh' s Restaurant) Minneapolis Richard Warwick 288 South Exchange Street David P. Thune 26 Irvine Park Peggy A. r�Iarhoun 35 Irvine Park Martha J. Hamilton 306 South Exchange Street Dr. Russell Fridley Minnesota Historical Society, 690 Cedar Street - S_incerel � �' . . ___�_ ,� l! --- � i � ,, ,..` . r � /� �����._, �.�., -�-..R� S���'t�Aj,��,� ./� f...�_i �__i D.��t.`�iEN ._--�' y our LDC/jfr attachment 22