269798 HITEt - CITV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE ■!�; - COIlIICll /'�/ G�/7 G `^/ CANARV - DEPA$TME T <J I TY OF SA�I NT PAIT L 1� C�� /� / / /� BLUE � -jMAV���:-. F11B �O. \�`� ( [ V ` 0 r�in�nCe Ordinance N 0. ��C���� � ^ i Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative ordinance establishing a code of ethics for public officials of the City of Saint Paul. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Polic . The public judges its government by the way its public o icia s and employees conduct themselves in the posts to which they are elected or appointed. City officials hold positions of public trust under the scrutiny of publ�c opin- ion, and their actions must be above su5picion. The public has a right to expect tha.t city °officials and employees will conduct themselves in a inanne� that wi�.l preserv� public confidence in and respect for government. In order to continue the public confidence and the int��rity of governmental officials and to promote tru�st of the people in the objectivity of their public servants, this Gode of .Lthics for public officials of- the City . of �aint Paul is adopted. Section 2. Definitions'. The terms used in this ordinance _� are hereby define as o ows: � - � A. Association. Business, corporation, firm, partne�ship� limited partners ip� committee, labor organization, club, or any other group of two or more persons, which includes more than an immediate family, acting in concert. B. Business with which an individual is associated. Any association in connection wit ic t e in ivi ua is compensated in excess of Fifty Dollars ($50) except for actual and reasonable expenses in any month as a director, officer, owner, member, partner, COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor — Hunt • Levine Against BY Roedler Sylvester �ec�ese�- Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council' By ' gy • � , � � �� � � 1 C� �c� 1 - Page 2. emp�aoyer or employee, or is a holder of securities worth Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) or more at fair ma.rket value. C. Financial Interest. Any interest which shall yield, directly or in irect y, a monetary or other material benefit (other than duly authorized salary or compensation for services to the city) to the public official. D. Public official. Includes: (1) members of the city council and their appointed aides; (2) the ma.yor and the ma.yor' s appointed assistants and aides; Section 3. Conflicts of Interest. Subdivision 1. Any public official w o in t e isc arge of official duties would be re quired to take an action or ma.ke a decision substantially affecting financial interests or those of a business with which the official is associated shall take the following actions: (a) Prepare a written statement describing the matter requiring action or decision and the nature of the conflict of interest. {b) Eopies of the statement shall be delivered as follows: (1) Councilmembers shall deliver statement to the president of the city council. (2) The ma.yor shall deliver statement to the city clerk and president of the city council. (c) If a conflict of interest presents itself and there is insufficient time to deliver a written statement as required herein, the " public official shall verbally advise the proper person or body of the potential con- � flict. A written statement shall then be delivered to the proper person or body within one week after the conflict presents itself. � . � - �� Q ? � � � �_��� Page 3. Subd. 2. The public official who has a conflict of interest as defined in Subdivision 1 above shall refrain from voting on or otherwise participating in the action or decision with which there is a conflict of interest. Section 4. Statements of Economic Interest. Subdivision 1. An individual sha i e a statement o economic interest with the city clerk. (a) within ten (10) days of accepting employment as a public official; or (b) within fourteen (14) days after filing an affidavit of candidacy or petition to appear on the ballot for an elective public office; or (c) in the case of a public official requiring the advice and consent of the city council, prior to the submission of the official' s name to the c�ty council; and if there is insufficient time to file the statement before the name is submitted to the city council, within ten (10) days after the duties of the office are undertaken. Subd. 2. Any official who nominates or employs a public official required by this section to file a statement of economic interest shall notify the city clerk of the name of the individual required to file a statement and the date of the nomination or commencement of employment. Subd. 3. The city clerk shall notify by registered mail any candidate for elective office who fails, within fourteen (14) days after filing for office, to submit a statement of economic interest required by this section. A candidate who knowingly fails to submit a statement of economic interest within seven (7) days after receiving notice from the city clerk is guilty of a misdemeanor. Subd. 4. A statement of economic interest required by this section shall be on a form prescribed by the city clerk. The individual filing shall provide the following information: (a) Name, address, occupation and principal place of business; _ � � . � b �, � ��' . i��� Page 4. (b) The name of each business with which the individual is associated and the nature of that association; and (c) A listing of all real property within the ¢mty, excluding homestead property, in which the individual has a fee simple interest, a contract for deed, an option to buy, or any other financial interest, whether direct or indirect, and which interest is valued 'in excess of 'I�ao Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00) . The filing shall indicate the location of such property. Subd. 5. Each individual who is required to file a statement of economic interest shall file a supplementary statement on April 15 of each year. � � ` � " � ,� ��.��.��,,,��� �;�►.�tr �� �� :r:_,�1�-�°-u.-,�.-�.P Subd. 6. All public officials in office on , � shall file with the city clerk a statement o economic inter- est within ten (10) days after the date the City Clerk issues statement of economic interest forms. Subd. 7. Any public official, except elected officials, who is required to file a statement of economic interest and fails to do so by the prescribed deadline shall be suspended without pay by the city council. Any person who is suspended pursuant to this provision is entitled to the procedural rights afforded to em- ployees in the classified service of the city. Section 5. Penalt for �a.lse Statements. A statement re- quired to be file y section s a e signed and certified as true by the person required to file the report. Any person who signs and certifies to be true a report or statement which he knows contains false informa.tion or who knowingly omits required information is guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 6. Remedies. Subdivision 1. The city attorney ma.y seek an injunction i—n Tistrict court to enforce the provisions of this ordinance. Section 7. Savin s Clause. If any part of this ordinance shall be held to e unconstitutiona.l or otherwise illegal, such unconstitutionality or illegality shall not affect the validity of remaining parts of this ordinance. .r117E r CITV CLERK � - � PINK�� . - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAZTL Council /'/� y�y (��// CANARV - DEPARTMENT . Flle � NO. �� � / / �+ � BI.UE - MAYOR a , O�GLZIZGLIZCP. Ordinance N O.� ��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 5. Section 8. Codification. This ordinance shall be deemed to be a part of the aint aTAdministrative Code and shall be in- corporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the time of the next revision of said Administrative Code. Section 9. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect - and be in force t irty ays from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler ' Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine `7 Against BY Roedler Sylvester T.eckseo Adopted by Co . Date dpnt � 9 1978 Form r ed by City Attorney Cert' � Pas d ouncil Se retary � � By Approved a or. Date r � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy ` ' G ����' $y � :''J�?�lS�=��- :��,i�; �� �. '�?;:3 L� : - . � . ,�,,-,`;`: - - CI'.�'Y OF SAINT PAUL .�w . �- -'� �(i.l •�'r OFF'TCE OF THE CIT'� COIII\TCiL -_-,. ;n� ��'..�;�;;�.;\f " �• .o�.• 1 . i.ai:.'. � > ., _ +�-'�� ';' Da t e : April 22, 19?? .�:._- - •�ti_._ - � ' COMIt� f�'TEE REP � R�' TO : Saint Poul City Gouncii FRO �If � Committee on L�ISr�aTZ�N �David H. Hozza , chairman, mckes the foliowing . report on C.F_ �] Ordinance Q Resotution , [� Other . � • �[' ('j'LE : An administrative ordinance establishing a code . oP ethics for public officials of the city of : ' St. Pau1. . . The committee on le islation discussed the ordinanee at its meeting on April 19� 197� and made several deletions and additions . � ' The amended ordinance was approved and referred back to the �ity. . • Council with the unders�anding that a full public hearing will : be held at thi�d ,reading of the ordinance. � CI?Y HALL SEVENTH FLOOR � SA7NT PAUL, 1�4INNESOTA SSl02. �; ,� � `�'' `.- ,,. ; CITY O�' ►�.�1.IIti'T P.AUL �r,���� ��,.--��l.�.!., �� OF�ZCE OF THE CITX C�UD2`TCZ � `— L I :.�� f r=�_`.,� : U �' i-;; .: : '.� .,., �,... , ;��_: � . �:�,� j - ' '`'-''��--- - Da t e : November l, Z977 �.:�.3:��� COI� � ITT� E � � POR� TO : Saint Paul City Cvunci! FRO (VI � Commift�e on L�;�rsLaTZOr�, David Hozza , cnnirmun, makes the fottov�iing report on C. F. 268798 [�] Ordinance a Q Resolution � Oth er T i T LE : an o»dinance establishing a code of ethics � for �ublic of"icials in the Gzty af 5�. Paul. .. � The City Council, sittin� as a Le�islatiori Co:nTnittee af the � whole, held a hearing on the ethics ordinance on Augus� II, 1977. The author, Patrick �oedle•r, revised the bill at the hea�in��, sa that its provisions applied onlf to elected officials ; in addition, several other amendments were proposed. . - The carrunittee voted that, after trre ordinance has been redrafted by the City Attorrr.ey, it should be forwarded to , the City Council for first reading. CITY HAL,L SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, i1INNESQTA SSt02 . .�,...i�'>''J' � � . . L C ITY OF SAI NT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY �y �� 1977 HARRIET LANSING � ��� �� h9AY � 1977 MEMORAN DUM �:�iceofi - - - - - - - - - - t;av;u �-i. hozza T0: David Hozza, Chairma.n Council Cotc�nittee on Legislation FROM: Harriet Lansing � City Attorney Attached is an amended copy of Council File 268798 establishing a Code of Ethics for Public Officials of the City of St. Paul. Pursuant to the direction of the Legislation Committee, the following changes have been ma.de: �Pa e 1_: "Limited partnership" has been added to the cTe�'inition of "Association." ,P�a e�2: Section 2(D)(1) has been chan ed by adding an heir appointees" and Section 2(D�(2) has been changed by adding "and the Mayor' s appointees". The language excluding the Civic Center Authority has been deleted. �Pa e�4: The first sentence in Subdiv�sion 4(c) has e� en changed to read as follows: "A listing of all real property within the city, excluding homestead property in which he ha� a fee simple interest, a contract for deed, an option to buy or any other financial interest whether direct or indirect, and which interest is valued in excess of 'I�ao Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500) ." City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612 298-5121 � Councilman Hozza Page T�ao Ma.y 4, 19 7 7 �Pa e 5: Section 6 has been changed to delete the �oI o�wing language: "Subd. 2. Unless otherwise provided, a violation of this ordinance is not a crime." In response to the questions raised in the Legislation Committee, I have reviewed the statutory provisions relating to the collection, security and dissemination of public records. In my opinion the statements of economic interest and supplementary statements of econ- omic interest requ�red under Section 4 of the ordinance and the written statements describing conflicts of interest required under Section 3 of the ordinance con- stitute public data on individuals within the meaning of Minn. Stat. § 15.62 and are, therefore, accessible to the public in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.17. The consequences of classification as an official record containing public data on individuals include the following: l. Upon request to the City Clerk an individual must be informed whether they are the subject of stored data. 2. Upon further request, the individual who is the sub- ject of the stored data must be shown the data without charge, and must be informed of the content and meaning of the data. 3. The City Clerk or other responsible authority must provide copies of data at individual' s cost upon request. 4. The ix�dividual who is the subject may contest the accuracy or completeness of the data. 5. The custodian of the records must keep them in such arrangement and condition as to make them easily accessible for convenient use. The custodian ahall permit these records to be inspected or copied at reasonable times by any person. ' � , _ ` � � ! i , i • � �: lst . �/q�� 2nd ` - � 3rd , «•. Adop ted � 7 �� q � �" 1 ,� �- � 9_ � � : Yeas Nays i � �Q BUTLER , ��� � HOZZA � 6 �i'� Q (J i C�;}r ' f �� �� c / � i � � ��� � LEVINE / � '�`1 � , ROEDLER � U TEDES CO � ' (PRESIDENT SYLVESTER) , — ? . - - - - - -- -- .. 3/2�2/ 7 , WMt7E �•`CtTY CIERK . ' COIlIIClt �- � J(� PINK . -�'FIlVANCE ' (�_ CA�N�,:,�iY-DEPARTMENT G I TY O� SA I i!'T PALTL �nR ( � � HIUI�: -MAYOR File �O. ��++ �+ ��+ • ���LZ�L��CQ Ordinance N,O. Presented By � Referred To Committee: Dat Out oE Committee By te An Zministrative ordinance est ishing a code of ethics fo public officials of tYie c ty of Saint Paul. THE COUNCIL OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUE ORDAIN: Section 1. P ic . The public ju es its government by the way its public offi ials and employees onduct themselves in the posts to which they are elected or ap inted. City officials • . hold positions of p lic trust under he scrutiny of public opin- � _ ion, and their actio s must be abov suspicion. The public has : a right to expect th city offici s and employees will conduct themselves i.n a manne that will eserve public confidence in and respect for gover ent. In o der to coritinue the public confidence and the int grity of overnnental officials and to promote trust of the p ple in he objectivity of their puhlic servants, this Code of thics or public officials of the city of Saint Paul is adopted. ' Section 2. Definiti n . The terms used in this ardinance are hereby defined as foll �s: . A. Association. Bu i ss, corporation, firm, partnership, committee, labor organiz io , club, or any other group of two or . more persons, which inc des ore than an immediate family, acting � in concert. � � B. Business with which he 's associated. Any association in connection with whi h the indi idual is compensated in excess COUIVCIL,htF,N Req ested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Butter - Hozza � In Favor Hunt � Roeidler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary• By By Approved by hiayor: Date Approved by Mayoc for Submission to Couneil By BY . . . - a�� � �� , . � Page 2. _ of Fifty Dollars ($50) except for actual and reaso able expenses in any month as a director, officer, ocaner, membe , partner, employer or employee, or is a holder of securit' s worth Two Thousand Five H dred Dollars ($2,500) or more at fair market value. C. Financia interest. Any interest hich shall yield, directly or indire tly, a monetary or oth r material. benefit (other than duly a horized salary or co pensation for services to the city) to the ublic official. � D. Public offic' al. Includes: . (1) members a� the city ouncil; (2) the mayor; � (3) members of �par , committees, agencies, : commissions, `'�a horities or sub-units thereof whosek embership is ratified or approved by city council, excluding � the civic c t r authority. Additionally, all member of e governing boards of neighborh d di trict planning councils and thei paid s aff, if any, shall be include in tlzis efinition. Section 3. Co licts of in erest. Subdivision 1. Any � public official who in the discha ge of his official duties would be required o take an acti or make a decision which would substantiall affect his fin cial interests or those of a business with which he is asso iated shall take the . following actions: (a) He shall prepare a written tatement describing the matter requiring action r decision and the nature of his potential confl 'ct of interest. . - . � � ��� � � � Page 3. (b) Copies of the statement shall be deii ered as follows; (1) Councilmen shall deliver sta ment to the president of the city c ncil. (2) The mayor shall deliver s atement to the `, city clerk and presiden of the city council. (3) '�; Those persons covere by Section 2 D (3) � above shall deliver sta�ement to the . c�hairman of the bo af which they are a member. � (c) If a potential confl��ct of interest presents itself and there is insufficien� time to deliver a written 'statement as required herein, the public official s�,all verbally advise the proper person or body of the potential conrlict. He shall de- . liver a written .statement to the prop�r person or body withi.x: one week after the potential . conflict pres� lts itself. Subd. 2. The pub ic� official who has a potential conflict of interest as define in� Subdivision l above shall refrain from voting on or oth rwi participating in the action or decision with which has a potential conflict of interest. . Section a. St ements f Economic Interest. Subdivision 1. An individual shall file a s tement af economic interest with the city clerk. - {a) within ten (10) days f accepting employment as � a public official; or (b) within fourteen (14) day after filing an affidavit of candidacy or petition o appear on the ballot for an elective public off ce; or (c) in the case of a public offi 'al requiring the advice and consent of the cit council, prior . ,_ � - �� � �g� .. , � Page 4. to e submission of his name t the city council; and there is insufficient t ' e to file the state nt before his name is ubmitted to the city c ncil, within ten (10 days after he under- takes t duties of his off ce. Subd. 2. Any ficial who no nates or employs a public official required by this section o file a staternent of economic interest shall notify the cit�r cl rk of the name of the individual required to file a sta ement and the date of the nominatian or commencement of employm nt. Subd. 3. The city c erk shall notify by registered mail any � candidate for elPctive off c who fails, �ithin fourteen (14) days after filing for offic , to submit, a statement of economic interest required by this e tian. A candidate who knowingly fails to submit a stateme t o economic interest within seven (7) days after receiving not'ce f m the city clerk is guilty of a misdemeanor. • Subd. 4. A stat ent of ec omic interest required by this section shall be on form prescr ed b� the city clerk. The individual filing s 11 provide th following information: (a) His name address, occupat on and principal place of busi ess; (b) The n e of each business wit which he is associated and e nature of that associa ion; and (c) A listing of all real property 'thin the city, ex- � cluding homestead property, in wh'ch he has a fee simple interest, a contract for d d, ox an option to buy, whether direct or indirect, and which in- terest is valued in excess of Two Th usand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500) . The filin shall indi- cate the location of such property. Subd. 5. Each indivzdual who is required to file a statement of economic interest shall file a supplementary statement on April 15 of each year. . �� ���� � � � / � Page 5. Subd. 6. A 1 public officials in off ce on , 197 shall file ith the city clerk a s tement of economic inter- est within ten (1 days after the date he city clerk issues statement of econo ic interest forms. Subd. ?. Any p lic official, xcept elected officials, who is required to file a statement of conomic interest and fails to do so by the prescribe deadline al1 be suspended without pay ]5y the city council. y person ho is susgended pursuant to this provision is entitled to the pr cedural rights afforded to em- ployees in the classified serv'ce of the city. . Section 5. Penalt fo False Statements. A statement re- quired to be filed by secti 4 shall be signed and certified as true by the person require t file the report. Any person who signs and certifies to be true report or statement which he knows contains false in rmation or who knowingly omits required information is guilty o a misdem nor. Section 6. Reme ies. Subdivi 'on 1. The city attorney may seek an injunction i district court o enforce the provisions of this ordinance. = Subd. 2. Un ess otherwise provided a violation of this ordinance is not a crime. � Section 7. avinqs Clause. If any pa of this ordinance shall be held to be unconstitutional or othe ise illegal, such unconstitutionality or illegality shall not a ect the validity of remaining parts of this ordinance. Section 8. Codification. This ordinance s il be deemed ta be a part of the Saint Paul Administrative Code a shall be in- corporated therein and given an appropriate chapte and/or sectian number at the time of the next revision of said Adm istrative Code. � wM�TE ,`—'•c�7r c�eRK ' ^ /� PINY... - FINANCE ' 7- �� CQ11I1C2I � / 1/�� (� �1 BIUE�r-MAYORTMENT � G 1 Y OF S�I 1\�T PAITL File �NO. �"�� J / O .�. • �%��Z�ZG��LCP. Ordinan�e N O. Presented By Referred To Commi ttee: ate Out of Committee By Date Page- 6. Section 9, Effective D e. This rdinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) d ys from and after its passage, ag- proval and publication. � � • COUNCILhTEI� Reques ed by Department of: Yeas Nays - Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt � Levine Against By Roedler Sylvester Tedesco For �� City Atto� ey Adopted by Council: Date � ..7e-/ _c Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By ' Approved by htayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submissiort to Cou � .By $Y WHI7E � - CITV'KLERK . t PINK - FINANCE � COIIIICll � (^J CANARI4- DEPARTMEN GITY� OF - SAINT PAITL File NO. ��� / � BLUE -MAVOR ' � rdin�nce Ordinance N�. Presented By Referre To Committee: Date Out of Co mittee By Date An administrative ordinance establishi a code of thics for public officials of the city f Saint Paul. THE COUNC OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES O IN: Section 1. Polic . The public jud s its government by the way its publi officials and employees nduct themselves in the posts to which they are elected or app inted. City officials hold positions public trust, under he scrutiny of public opin- ion, and their a tions must be abov suspicion. The public has a right to expect hat city offic ' ls and employees will conduct themselves in a man er that will reserve public confidence in and respect for gove nment. In order to continue the public confidence and the in egrity o governmental officials and to promote trust of the p ple ' the objectivity of their public serva�nts, this Code of hi for public officials of the city of Saint Paul is adopted. Section 2. Definit'ons The terms used in this ordinance are hereby defined as f llows: A. Association. Business, oration, firm, partnership, limited partne�ship, committee, labor organization, club, or any other group of two r more persons, which includes more than an immediate family, cting in concer B. Busines with which he is a ociated. Any association in connection w' h which the individua is compensated in excess COUIVCILMEI�T Requested by partment of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine A gai n s t BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by MaXor for Submission to Council gy By . • . . , �,r Page 2. of Fifty ollars ($50) except for actual and reas able expenses in any mon h as a director, officer, owner, memb r, partner, employer or employee, or is a holder of securi ies worth Two Thousand Fiv Hundred Dollars ($2, 500.00) or ore at fair market va lue. C. Financ al Interest. Any inter t which shall yield, directly or indi ectly, a monetary or ther material benefit (other than duly a thorized salary o compensation for services to the city) to the public officia . D. Public offic'al. Incl es: (1) members o the ity council and their appointees; (2) the mayor the mayor' s appointees; (3) members f boar s, committees, agencies, commiss ' ns, aut orities or sub-units thereo whose me ership is ratified or approv d by the ci council. Additionally, all m mbers of the verning boards of neig orhood distric planning councils and heir. paid staff, ' f any, shall be inc ded in this defini ion. Section 3. Con licts of interest. Subdivision l. Any public official who in the discharge of ' s off icial duties � would be required to take an action or ma a decision which would substantially affect his financial in erests or those of a business with which he is associated sh 11 take the following actions: (a) He shall prepare a written statement escribing the matter requiring actian or decisio and the nature of his potential conflict of int est. Fage 3 . (b) Copi s of the statement shall be ivered as follo s: � (1) C uncilmen shall delive statement to th president of the c' ty council. (2) The ayor shall de ver statement to the city lerk and pr ident of the city counci . (3) Those p sons covered by Section 2 D (3) above sha 1 eliver statement to the chairman o the body of which they are a member. (c) If a potent'al con lict of interest presents itself an there is insufficient time to deliver a writte statement required herein, the public officia shall verbal advise the proper person or bod of the potentia conflict. He shall de- liver a written statemen to the proper person or dy within one week a ter the potential co lict presents itself. Subd. . The public official who as a potential confliet of interes as defined in Subdivision 1 bove shall refrain from voti on or otherwise participatin in the action or decision with which he has a potential co lict of interest. Section 4. Statements of Economic Inte est. Subdivision 1. An individual shall file a statement of econo 'c interest with the c ity c lerk. (a) within ten (10) days of accepting emplo ent as a public official; or (b) within fourteen (14) days after filing an affidavit of candidacy or petition to appear on the ballot for an elective public of�ice; or (cJ in the case of a public official requiring the advice and consent of the city council, prior • . .. ' Page 4. o the submission of his name to the cit council; a d if there is insufficient time to f' e the s atement before his name is submitt d to the ci y council, within ten (10) days fter he under- tak s the duties of his office. Subd. 2. ny o£ficial who nominat s or employs a public official require by this section to le a statement of economic interest shall no ify the city clerk of the name of the indiv�.dual required to file a statement and t date of the nomination or commencement of emp oyment. Subd. 3. The ci clerk all notify by registered mail any candidate for elective ffic who fails, within fourteen (14) days after filing for o ic , to submit a statement of economic interest required by this ection. A candidate who knowingly fails to submit a statem of economic interest within seven (7) days after receiving no ice rom the cii:y clerk is guilty of a misdemeanor. Subd. 4. A st tement of e nomic interest required by this section shall be o a form prescr ed by the city clerk. The individual filin shall provide th following information: (a) His me, address, oecupati and principal place of b siness; (b) Th name of each business with hich he is associated an the nature of that associati ; and (c) A listing of all real property with the city, ex- cluding homestead property, in which e has a fee simple interest, a contract for deed, n option to buy, or any other financial interest, w ether direct or indirect, and which interest is value in exceas of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2, 0) . The filing shall indicate the location of such roperty. Subd. 5. Each individual who is required to file a , statement of economic interest shall file a supplementary statement on April 15 of eacz y�:�r . . Page 5. Subd. 6. Al public officials in office on • 19 shall file wi the city clerk a statement of economic inter- est within ten (10) ays after the date the city clerk issues statement of economic 'nterest forms. Subd. 7. Any publi off icial, except el ted officials, who is required to file a sta ment of economic nterest and fails to do so by the prescri}aed dea line shall be uspended without pay by the city council. Any pe on who is uspended pursuant to this provision is entitled to the p ocedura rights afforded to em- ployees in the classified servi of he city. Section S. Pena lt for �'a 1 ta tements. A sta tement re- quired to be filed by section 4 shal be signed and certified as true by the person required t file t report. Any person who signs and certifies to be t e a report or statement which he knows cantains false infor tion or who owingly omits required � information is guilty of misdemeanor. Section 6. Reme es. Subdivision l. e city attorney may seek an injunCtion i district court to enfor the provisions of this ordinance. 5ection 7 . Savinqs Clause. If any part of t is ordinance shall be held o be unconstitutional or otherwise i legal, such unconstitut' nality or illegality shall not affect t validity of remaining rts of this ordinance. Section 8. Codification. This ordinance shall be eemed to be a part of the Saint Paul Administrative Code and shall be in- corporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the time of the next revision of said Administrat 've Code. � WHITE - CIT.Y CLERK � PINK � �- FINANCE � GITY O.F SAINT PAUL Council � CANAR�- DEPARTMENT BLUE -MAVOR � Flle NO�" �� ♦ � Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Pa e 6. Section 9. Effective Date This o inance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from d after its passage, approval and publication. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt oedler Against BY Sylvester Tedesco Form p ed by Cit}�Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By Approved by Mayor: Date Appr ved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By s ' . _ _ , Y WHITE -- -.Ct7V CLERK , r � � � . . . . �PINK -���FlNANCE� ' � . . . . GITY OF SA.IN.T" � PAU�L�� � CouaciL .. . CAiVARY.�--pEPARTM6IV ' ,oLUE � -Mi�VOIQ ' . . . . �f.FlI�E ' - NO� .. < ,_ . - . . . � . . . +i � rdin�nce ����. Preseated By. � �Referred To Committee: Da � Qut of Committee By " ate -�° 1� tiir+r a�vli,o� ii��� a� �ir � s�a�s tair �f�fa�t o� �ritr �f e�it� l+a�l. - � _ '!� E''R�CIi. � � CITi"' ��1' ! -`�3�i� _ . : �- _ . �� �. �,� #,e �'�d�i its �'�wt � t�t ' ,�.;,, - y � �ar i�t�r �tl�.et a#fic�iirlr �t �1.�t f� t�t ...__.� , r... poit� t� � t!� sr�t � �raic a�poi�.. +G#��' ,+0�!'f�#a�lr j 5 .. �� ���� � ��� � ♦ � � ��� � �� ��{' . a:� ",�; #�;r a�1d t�l1Y aet�i iI� �i�t• � pMl�l�e: 11�i . � - a ri.yl�t t� �t #�i! t�r �ti�ls aa�! +�►��+�s �t�, ��s�ct � �'t�sl�ps �at a #�r! �rf � p�:�r��nrr�r p��.#� +�fl� ia � � -, � ar� s�t lfwc . i� +e��i�rar #�► �r�l�ar�t !� ��1#� , e+�alc#+i�i .aa #�et�ri�r �E �Rv�i 4#t��. ssd t�► _ �:: . VK.. � � �i �� � ����� � �. ��� . 111►�It�'�l�IF�'�� �It�i Oi ���@i �L" �'t +Okf�"�fl:�i�3 � � t�� - �t� +� $i�a�t !�1 f a�d. �„ 3 � �, . ;, � � i� � a�l�altses�t qr'_.".. .k" �`! � . �'� ii�l��i* �: . . �msi�� � lwt�a�#g,, ' " 1_ #�d ��ip. c�itt�ar�: �slMOac t3.o�e._ c1�i. a� � . , o�c � e�` �i�+ar aac t��e g�s��, ��t i�s rr�� �ss �s i�t�e l�tl,�'�, �� i�t ��t. ' , i. � a��� � ��t �r�t� ��rl�lt tfr ��1 is _ .#s � , . COUNCILMEN � Yeas Nays Requested by Departmeat of: ., Butler Hozza [n Favor , Huni Levine � Agains.t BY Roedler - Sylvester . Tedesco ' / Form Approved by City AttQmey Adopted by Council: Date Gertified Passed by Couacil-$ecretary . BY � By _ , ` Approved.by Mayor: Uate, Approved by Ma�ror for Submissicm tn Council - .� � � � ' �, � By : � _ BY � .. , Page 2. of Fifty Dollars ( 50) except for actual a reasonable expenses in any month as a d rector, officer, owne , member, partner, employer or employee or is a holder of ecurities worth Twa Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2, 5Q0. ) or more at fair market va lue. C. F inancia l In.ter t. Any i erest which sha ll y�eld, directly or indirectly, a onetary or other material benefit (other than duly authorized alar or compensation for services to the city) to the public o ic'al. D. Public official. Inc u es: (1) members of the city c uncil and their appointees; (2) the mayor a the mayor' s appointees; � (3) members o boards, committe , agencies, commissi s, authorities or s b-units thereof hose membership is ra ified or approve by the city council. ditionally, a 11 me ers of the governing boa s of neigh rhood district planning co cils and t eir. paid staff, if any, shall be incl ded in this definition. Section 3. onflicts of interest. Subdivision l. An�r public official ho in the discharge of his official duties would be requir d to take an action or make a decision which would substant 'ally affect his financial interests or those of a business with which he is associated shall take the following actions: (a) He shall prepare a written statement describing the matter requiring action or decision and the nature of his potential conflict of interest. � . ',{ %� Page 3 . � (b) Copie of the statement sh 1 be delivered as follows (1) Coun ' lmen shall eliver statement to the p sident of the city council. (2) The mayo sha deliver statement to the city cler a d president of the city council. (3) Those pe ons covered by Section 2 D (3) above s 11 de iver statement to the chair n of the body of which they are a memb . �;" (c) If a pot�ntial conflict f interest presents itself ,�nd there is insu icient time to deliver a wri�'ten statement as re ired herein, the public � offic�'ii.a 1 sha 11 verba lly adv' se the proper person or " dy of the potential con ict. He shall de- li er a written statement to t e proper person o body within one week after t potential onflict presents itself. �' Su},�.---2. The public offieial who has a p tential conflict of interest as defined in Subdivision 1 above s 11 refrain from voting on or otherwise participating in the ction or decision with which he has a potential conflict o interest. Section 4. Statements of Economic Interest. S division 1. An individual shall file a statement of economic inte st with the c ity clerk. (a) within ten (10) days of accepting employment as a public official; or (b} within fourteen (14} days after filing an affidavit of candidacy or petition to appear on the ballot ror an elzctive pubiic o�fice; or (c) in the case of a public official requiring the advice and consent ot the eity council, prior r , . • Page 4. to t e submission of his name to the city co cil; and i there is insufficient time to file e stateme t before his name is submitted o the city 'cou il, within ten (10) days a er he under- takes the ties of his office. Subd. 2. Any offi 'al who n�minat or employs a public official required by this ection to ' e a statement of economic interest shall notify the c 'ty cler of the name of the individual required to file a statement nd e date of the nomination or commencement of employment. Subd. 3. The city cle sha notify by registered mail any candidate for elective off'ce who f ' ls, within fourteen (14) days after filing for of ice, to subm' t a statement of economic interest required by t s section. A ndidate who knowingly fails to submit a sta ement of ecanomic terest within seven (7) days after receivin notice from the city erk is guilty of a misdemeanor. Subd. 4. statement of economic interest equired by this section sha11 e on a form prescribed by the city lerk. The individual f' ing shall provide the following infor tion: (a) is name, address, occupation and principal p ce of business; (b) The name of each business with �ahich he is associat and the nature of that association; and (c) A listing of all real property within the city, ex- cluding homestead property, in which he has a fee simple interest, a contract for deed, an option to buy, or any other financial interest, whether direct or indirect, and which interest is valued in exceas of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2, 500) . The filing shall indicate the location of such property. Subd. 5. Each individual who is required to file a statement of economic interest shall file a supplementary statement on April 15 of each �T�a-r. � - ", �, , Page 5. Subd. 6. 11 public officials in offic on _J• 19 shall file ith the city clerk a state ent of economic inter- est within ten O days after the date t city clerk issues statement of econ mic interest forms. Subd. 7 . Any ublic official, e cept elected officials, who is required to file a statement of onomic interest and fails to do so by the prescri ed deadline s all be suspended without pay by the city council. Any person ho is suspended pursuant to this provision is entitled o the pr cedural rights afforded to em- ployees in the classif d servi ce of the city. Section 5. Penalt fo False Statements. A statement re- quired to be filed by sec on 4 shall be signed and certified as true by the person requi e to f ile the report. Any person who signs and certifies to e t ue a report or statement which he knows contains false ' forma ion or who knowingly omits required information is gu ilt of a mi demeanor. Section 6. medies. Su ivision 1. The city attorney may seek an injuncti in district urt to enforce the provisians of this ordinance. Section . Savinqs Clause. f any part of this ordinance shall be he to be unconstitutiona or otherwise illegal, such unconstitutionality or illegality sh 11 not affect the validity of remaining parts of this ordinance. Section 8. Codification. This or inance shall be deemed to be a part of the Saint Paul Administrati e Code and sha11 be in- corporated therein and given an appropria e chapter and/or section number at the time of the next revision of said Administrative Code. �•� _ . M!l�17E..�. + CITV �LEliK . . .. _ . � � . � - � � � . . .. . � PINK �� � — FINANCE � . � . G��TY OF S�A�-N°T - �1�UL '�"t`��'�� /�.. R �� CANARY�-�DF�A ARTMfiNT � . . . . . �'".Flic�' �i/. �LU��.�.�M�VOR �- � . � � . , �rdina��e �}�� o.� � : � � Pi�sented �q Referred To Committee: � ate � , : Out,of Committee By Date � . - ���* � � �:':`` �#� s. . '�t�s �4s�� s�.a6�i t+�. �t��et t aa�d 3�e t� �c� t1�#st� �� �ea sa� sft�c f#� p��. i�O�l iid ��' �f1'i11r ' ' ' � � ��; a , ;, � � � a `-.; , . .� . � . . _ . . .�.;ei. '' _ � l. .. .. � . � . . . . . . .. . .. . -. - 9 COUNC[LMEN Requested by Departmem of: Yeas Nays Butler � Hozza In Favor - Hunt � - Levine Against BY Rcedler Sylvester Tedesco Form p o ed by Cit}t Atto�tey _ Adopted by.Council: Date , Certified Passed by Conncil Secretary `� �� `' ` By Approved by Mayor: " Date . ; Appr ed by Maxor for Submission to Cout�cil �y . By WN17E - CITV CLERK:rr'��.� . � . � BLUE M.,�o �E �� . GITY OF � SAINT PATTL Council � ,-����' � CANARY -�DEFARTMEN � � .- � r' File N 0. "'� � �' ' . : , rdindnce ��� e N o. Presented By � ` ' �;: Referred To ' Committee: Date Out of Committee y Date s�tsatiw MN:a�liMia! • t� sf lis�r pdrl3,c a�t�eia �!' ti� cit� af 8`ari� l�s�t.l. ?� �MCl�r 4! CIi'� ti! !�r D0�l� �1�: p' i�e#3+a� l. . p�3.� �M�� i!r �ria�a! � tIM ,,�_ �sY its pr11�r otl� �Lt���s e�et tlrr■�wrl�nr i�t � p�ssts ts � ti� s �r appoi�d. C�ttY o�tliaei�ls lrsla poi3�tf�s o� p�►1 t�st� � #� �e�ttf� +s�' p�i�i#a opi�a- .� �,, i�a, asd ti�is actl+a�� 'M � �3+�i�t. �r �t!#s 1�� � a si�t t,s ar�t � ei o�t#�el�als � a�� �il.l e�irct � tir�l�+r i� a t�t 11 p� pr�li�r +mo�f� is aad s�t i�rr ,. v�r to +�tftw t.1a p�l#�e ��ir�s a� ti� it! q�r�n�i e!l�sl� a� tao ,pac�s�ts ts�t o�t �ap�1s fs a��cti�.tr o! li�i�c poirli�c a�: t�1is o! s� �OVC i+c otfi�e#�1�Is d�! t� �'#,tr s� �ia! l�asl fas saspad. ' �a�rt� 2 ���,#01�. '1'� es�i i� tftis oNi� ass fa�cir ss �o13�rss �1. . �i�ss �a f1slt. �st�i�'sWi#.pa ' li�it�d !�. �#�s� LD�a�r �. al�b. mar a�► � � e�f !�a a� � p�rse�s, �rki�► a�os� tt�t aa L�disl�� ta�il=. a�ti� !a� �et. i. �iars t�rit� �� �s s�s�e�al�. saso�►ti+o� i� �va��w writh� �e ti� teii�rf�i�ri ts � #s �n COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by Council: Date Focm Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by MaXor for Submission to Council By By � . Page 2. of Fifty Dollars ($50) except for ac aI and reasonable expenses in any month as a direc or, officer owner, member, partner, employer or employee, o is a hol r of securities worth Two Thousand Five Hundred Do ars ($ , 500.00} or more at fair market va lue. C. Financial Interest ny interest which shall yield, directl�r or indirectly, a mo tary or other material benefit (other than duly authorized s lary or compensation for services to the city) to the public f 'cial. D. Public official Inclu es: (1) members the city ouncil and their appoint s; (2) the ma or and the mayo ' s appointees; � ` (3) memb rs of boards, commit ees, a gencies, co issions, authorities o sub-units th eof whose membership i ratified or a roved by the city council Additionall�r, 1 members of the governing oaxds of n ighborhood district plannin couneils and their. paid staff, if any, s all be included in this definition. Section 3. Conflicts of interest. Subdivi 'on 1. Any public official who in the discharge of his offici 1 duties would be required to take an action or make a decision which would substantially affect his financial interests or those of a business with which he is associated shall take the following actions: (a) He shall prepare a written statement describing the matter requiring action or decision and the nature of his potential conflict of interest. � � � , ' ;� Page 3 . (b) Copies f the statement hall be delivered as follows- (1) Coun ' lmen shal deliver statement to the p esident f the city council. (2) The may r s 11 deliver statement to the city cle k nd president of the city council. (3) Those p rso s covered by Section 2 D (3) above all el.iver statement to the cha ir an of t body of which they are a memb r. (c) If a po ential conflic of interest presents itself and there is ins ficient time to deliver a wri en statement as r uired herein, the public offi al shall verbally a ise the praper person or b dy of the potent ia 1 co f 1 ict. He sha 11 de- liv r a written statement to the proper person or dy within one week after he potential co flict presents itself. Sul�d. . The public officia 1 who has potentia 1 conflict of interes as defined in Subdivision 1 abov shall refrain from votin otherwise participating in t e action or decision with which he has a potential conflict of interest. Section 4. Statements of Eeonomic Interest. Subdivision l. An individual shall file a statement of economic i terest with the c ity clerk. (a) within ten (i0) days of accepting employment as a public official; or (b) within fourteen (14) days after filing an affidavit of candidacy or petition to appear on the ballot io� an elective �u�1ic offic�; or (c) in the case of a public official requiring the advice and consent of the city council, prior / � � • � � Page 4. to the ubmission of his name to th city council; and if t ere is insufficient time o file the statement before his name is sub itted to the city counc ' l, within ten (10) ays after he under- takes the ties of his offi e. Subd. 2. Any off cial who no nates or employs a public official required by th s sectio to file a statement of economic interest shall notify th city erk of the name of the individual required to file a state nt d the date of the nomination or commencement of employmen . Subd. 3. The city e shall notify by registered mail any candidate for elective ffic who fails, within fourteen (14) days after filing for ffice, to submit a statement of economic interest required by his sect on. A candidate who knowingly fails to submit a s atement of conomic interest within seven (7) days after receiv' g notice from the city clerk is guilty of a misdemeanor. Subd. 4. A statement of eeono 'c interest required by this section shall be on a form prescribe by the city clerk. The individual f ling shall provide the f lawing informa tion: (a) H e, address, occupation nd principal place of business; (b) The name of each business with w `ch he is associated and the nature of that associatio - and (c) A listing of all real property withi the city, ex- cluding homestea d property, in which e has a fee simple interest, a contract for deed, n option to buy, or any other financial interest, w ether direct or indirect, and which interest is value in exceas of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2, 00) . The filing shall indicate the location of such property. Subd. 5. Each individual who is required to file a statement o_f ec�nomic interest shall file a supplementary statement on April l5 of each year. � \ ! � �✓� / � � � ) • . � . . / r f . � Page 5. Subd. 6. All publ�. officials i office on • 19 shall file with the city clerk statement of economic inter- est within ten (10) days fter the date the city clerk issues statement of economic inte est f ms. Subd. 7. Any public of `cial, except elected officials, who is required to file a state t of economic interest and fails to do so by the prescribed de dli e shall be suspended without pay by the city council. An perso who is suspended pursuant to this provision is entitled t the pro dural rights afforded to em- ployees in the classif' ed service f the city. Section 5. Pe lt for �'alse S atements. A statement re- quired to be filed y section 4 shall e signed and certified as true by the pers required to file th report. Any person who signs and certi es to be true a report r statement which he knows contain false information or who owingly omits required . informati s guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 6. Rem�- Subdivision 1. The city attorney may seek an injunctivn in district court to enfo ce the provisions of this ordinance. Section 7 . Savincts Clause. If any part o this ordinance � shall be held to �be unconstitutional or otherwis illegal, such unconstitutionality or illega lity shall not affec the val.idity of remaining parts of this ordinance. Section 8. Codification. This ordinance sha11 be deemed to be a part of the Saint Paul Administrative Code and s all be in- corporated therein and given an appropriate chapter an /or section number at the time of the next revision of said Adminis ative Code. .,� \ WNIYE.. - CITY�CLERK � � � . - PINK � FINANCE GITY O�.F - SAINT PAITL Counc' ^``� /° ! ��� � °�� � � . CANARV-DEPARTMENT � � ` .,,,f/ `,�„�% - �BLU� �M.AYOI� � ' .. . Fll NO:..'"�`_ 4,(. ( ,f� ��� � ~' �'. � � 1 ��GGZ�Zd�ZCG� inance N0. Presented By f " Referred To Committe . Date Out of Committee By Date .` � � ;r< • i" S�!#�O! �. s 'lhi,s O�i�of s�hl11 tsl�t tf�'t _ s�d � �ts tanr� taistr t� fr�a a�i i#t�ar its p�, ap�1 a� p�i.i+�lid►. ,� � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of; Yeas Nays Butler Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by Council: Date Form Appr ed by City Attorney ' _ . '��. , f', � , r. , � ;c �• ( i C.[:.� ..-- � r' .r'�,�.�.c. 4. Certified Passed by Council Secretary ` ��3� '. � By � Approved by Mayor: Date Appr6ved by MaXor for Submission to Council BY BY � , ._.. _ _ � . _ 'w►i�t�' .t.^ . - � .W,y' •. _ .,. _. , .. _.r.,_.:. _.. .__,_ • - , P4'ifC ��"FINANC EK ` s-.�` , � �' � .. .�.. � � }`'° x i 't`�"N,74�/�w,DBPARTME r � C�1�.,'1 ,. t fi. eiue -r�nwoR. �";. �?,�TY C��' �.�IINT �AITL F�le. �10. � � .. ��� �" :�.. - . � � �° �rdin��ce ��n�e N a :;. R� , �,: pres�,tEa:ey `� : Referred To Committee: ' Date ' . �� - ,,, . ,. , ,�;,�, Out of Committee By .;.. , a,= Date : :� ��'� !� _.�, �� � �� ' - , �;: - � i� �1�C �'��1! �r�► 1�►'1'�r � �� �11�.; � � l��i � !� � � � �� . � . �� � 1�. � �► �i�M � �i� �► �wn ��, �!' #��s �#�t �S � . �� ��� �t � . � . - �. � � � � ���i. � �� � � y . 5 a� �� � �� _ � � � ��� �� : � ;�. �, � � +r� � s���s�.► �1rr #�i� �r � � � � �� �i +�� � �� ` �`°� " ` ���r�rr. #�► � �r��wr rr�.l � +�rr�� � a�t �a�! �rs �s #+�r ��r �rr ,�r�o . % o�r� i� !Ir ow[ 1 +�#�� �i ir � ,ta�r�t � � #� �r +�M� �r#� � �t �#�r � �r� #I�r ,� � �rar +�!l�r�+rV� �! l�rl�► �' � F:. �� . � � �� �� � ... _ , . .. .. k;� . � ' ... � . . � . . � . . � . . �;? �+`.,,._.,�..� � .. , , '. � � . �� �<) � � i � �, � � ��. ?� i!� � � ��'��� , , a � f ' *� �+M� ' I 1 � 1� ��/' � ���� .�:'; ;e , .. . . - -� � ���-��� ��� �� � . � �� �. . � � � �� . � .,' , �. . � . � � � �' � � � �������.�� � .� . ..� : � . � ,�I� � -:.. - ,s . ��ri�l�ar ���� ��a� � �.� r y� � ����� v:; � � �� � � � �� � .�< COUNCILMEN . � '' ' Ysas Nays Requested by Department of: ' Butler , Hozza ' . [n Favor - Hunt � -� Levine Against BY � Rcedler Sylvester Tedesco : : Form Approved by City Attomey ' Adopted by Council: Date x Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY . : :By : ; ,.. Approved by Mayor: Date Approved hy MaXar for Suhmission to Counci� .� , ;.� By. � BY : ' . �; _` , , .� - - Page 2. of Fifty Dollars ($5 except for act 1 and reasonable expenses in any month as a dir tor, officer, wner, member, partner, employer or employee, is a holde of securities worth Two Thousand Five Hundred D llars ($2, 00.00) or more at fair market va lue. C . Financial Intere . ny interest which shall yield, directly or indirectly, a o tary or other material benefit (other than duly authorized alary or compensation for services to the c ity) to the publ ic o f ic ia 1. D. Public officia . In ludes: (1) members of the ci y council and their appoi ees; (2) the ayor and the m or' s appointees; � (3) m ers of boards, co ittees, agencies, mmissions, authoriti s or sub-units hereof whose membershi is ratified or approved by the city cou cil. Additionally, � 1 members of the govern ng boards of neighborhood district plan ing councils and their. pa id sta ff, if an , sha 11 be included in this definition. Section 3. Conflicts of interest. Sub 'vision l. Any public official who in the discharge of his o icial duties would be required to take an action or make a cision which would substantially affect his financial intere s or those of a business with which he is associated sha11 ke the following actions: (a) He shall prepare a written statement descri ing the matter requiring action or decision and he nature of his potential conflict of iriterest. , � � . . . ' . �1 Pa ge 3 . (b) Copies of th statement shall e delivered as follows: (1) Councilme shall del ' er statement to ' the presi nt of th city council. � (2) The mayor s all d iver statement to the city clerk a d p esident of the city council. (3) Those persons overed by Section 2 D (3) above shall e 'ver statement to the chairman o the ody of which they are a member. (c) If a potenti conflic of interest presents itself and ere is ins fficient time to deliver a written tatement as r �uired herein, the public official all verbally a vise the proper person or body f the potential nflict. He shall de- liver a ritten statement o the proper person or bod within one week a ft r the potential confl ' t presents itself. Subd. 2. he public official who as a potential conflict of interest as defined in Subdivision 1 bove shall refrain from voting on or otherwise participatin in the action or decision with which he has a potential co lict of interest. Section 4. Statements of Economic Int rest. . Subdivision 1. An individua 1 sha 11 f ile a sta tement of eco mic interest with the c ity c lerk. (a) within ten (10) days of accepting e loyment as a public official; or (b) within fourteen (14) days after filin an affidavit of candidacy or petition to appear on e ballot io-r an electi�e �ublic office; or (c) in the case of a public official requirin the advice and consent of the city council, pr or a ' ' - � Page 4. to the submis ion of his name o the city council; . and if there i insufficient time to file the statement befo e his name i submitted to the city council, ' thin ten 0) days after he under- takes the dutie of his fice. , Subd. 2. Any officia who minates or employs a public official required by this e�ti to file a statement of economic interest shall notify the ity clerk of the name of the individual required to file a statemen nd the date of the nomination or commencement of employment. Subd. 3. The city cl r shall notify by registered mail any candidate for elective of ic who fails, within fourteen (14) days after filing for of ice, to submit a statement of economic interest required l�y th' s sec ion. A candidate who knowingly fails to submit a stat ment o economic interest within seven (7) days after receiving otice fr m the city clerk is guilty of a misdemeanor. Subd. 4. A s tement of ec nomic interest requ�ired by this section shall be a form presc ibed by the city clerk. The individual filin shall provide t e following informa tion: (a) His me, address, occup tion and principal place of siness; (b) The name of each business ith which he is associated and the nature of that ass ciation; and (c) A listing of all real prope y within the city, ex- cluding homestead property, n which he has a fee simple interest, a contract r deed, an option to buy, or any other financial i terest, whether direct or indirect, .and which interes is valued in exceas of Two Thousand Five Hundred Do lars ($2, 500) . The filing shall indicate the locat on of such property. Subd. 5. Each individual who is requi ed to file a statement of economic interest shall file a supplemen ry statement on April 15 of each year. � . �, ' ; ' - ' -1 ., Page 5. Subd. 6. A 1 public officials in of ce on • 19 shall file ' th the city clerk a st ement of economic inter- est within ten (1 ) days after the date he city clerk issues statement of econ mic interest forms . • Subd. 7. Any public off icia 1, xcept elected officials, who is required to fil a statement of conomic interest and fails to do so by the prescr bed deadline s all be suspended without pay by the city council. Any person ho is suspended pursuant to this provision is entitle to the pro edural rights afforded to em- ployees in the classi ied servi e of the city. Section 5. Penal for alse Statements. A statement re- quired to be filed by ectio 4 shall be signed and certified as true by the person requ' re to f ile the report. Any person who signs and certifies to e rue a report or statement which he knows contains false in mation or who knowingly omits required information is gu ilty o misdemeanor. Section 6. Reme ies. Subdivision l. The city attorney may seek an injunction i dist 'ct court to enforce the provisions of this ordinance. Section 7 . avin s Clau e. If any part of this ordinance � shall be held to e unconstitu ional or otherwise illegal, such unconstitutionality or illegali y shall not affect the validity of remaining parts of this ordinan Section 8. Codification. Th's ordinance shall be deemed to be a part of the Saint Paul Adminis rative Code and shall be in- corporated therein and given an appr priate chapter and/or section number at the time of the next revisi n of said Administrative Code. ��� i tl T.. ^ . r . .,J .. °��' _ r � ' . . - '-. . wH�T� "�c�Tv c�. �c. � �� � �. ; �. 4 , ,�,,�__.�.,... _:. . ° '" . E c w�r�r�...p j€�e� `,:a : �, �CO11IICt1 � �/i 4� � a , :bLUTr•,. ��Mpy�_.,g� ��:� � �i�ITY .+D.F �.��.Nfi ���ALT�L Fil��! -WO... ��' � �^ � ' � (r �� f .. ;d.;..S, . . . .� � f. . ....� . � ... . .. . - � . :� �::.�- Ord���nce � �. ���No. .� � �� , i� �A� Presented By -+� 'i .�-- � . . ; ' ' , � � . Refert�ed Ta � � ' . �� Committee: Uate �� +,......- : �,��,�Y�. ut of Co�amittee By Date �� � �: . � ; � .�� �. � . : � _ . , � �; � : ;_ , . � !,. . T. �!�'� �� �� � _ �; , �M: �r1t.�S � ��'. �i � � �w�� � , '_ . ; ��� � ���� " � � ,4 � � � - ;� �� . . . . . : � � . - �� �� �. � � � . � Y�. � . . , . . . . , . ' . . . . . , ' . ' � � ' r��>- . . � . . . . . . . � � . � � � ... . �•�� _ , . . . . . . . , a_y, � . ' � . . .. . . ; . .., _.t�' C......., . u � �+:� ,., W «�'A . . . � .. . � .! ' . �.. _ . ., ' . ' -f,! �` � . . � . ' � . . . � . . � { � 4� �� + ^� � . .. . - i . .. . 'I . _ . . . . . . � � . - � . .. .. . . .. � � � ' . . .t. � . ... . . � ... � -.°5 s'S � ., . . ' . .� � .. � . . . . " �'�kf hf;� X � �� . � .. - . .. .__` . - . . tj . . . . . . . . qz�;. ' . . . ' .� `' . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . � ; .' '..�.. . . _. . ;-,,�t�;: . . %k� . . . . . . � � . . . . . . . . .d.?. - : <' .. . -. '� i ' �: ..� � . : � . .. .. - . . �-.ti ��,; . . .. �.. ,; .. � '3-, •F �� !.:fi y , . , � . � .. . . . . . .-� l.... � ► <� ,� . i � , , . :� _ I •,� �;. �.. .. .,:: COUNCrLMEN , , • ' Yeas Nays Requested by De.par nf of: Butler � , {` ; . Hozza , - In Favor , Hunt . , . Levin�: , • Against . BY .:: r.R�5ealer " _ ,. Sylvester - Tedesco , ' Form �►ppr ed by City Attorney �"�� Adopted by Council: Date Q � ` , , � -4 � �:.,. . � '- l. .�''�.-�±,G� °y� Certified Passed by �ouncil4Secretary K �`""�31�-'�`'� � ��``� -��' By � � ��' Apptov.ed by iKayor: Date �Appr+bved by Ma�or for Submission to�aunCil � �, , ,,, ; _ _�Y� ' , — BY . , : , _ :„ :: _.. . �`�