269793 WH17E - C�TV CLERK COURCll ������ PINK - FINANCE ��T r✓-• CANARV - DEPARTMEN7 G I TY O F SA I NT PA V L � � BLUE - MAVOR ' . Flle � � NO. Council Res lu ' n _ � Presented By LICENSE COMIHITTEE Referred To Gommittee: Date Out of Committee By Date �SOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses atated be and the same sre hereby granted. - lim Fiala & Ken Johnson 238 S. Snelling �et. C-2 Appn. 17764 New Shirley Haaf 1556� Como Ave. W. Beauty Shop 1?875 " Midwest Vision Center 1660 White Bear Ave. Optician ' 1�008 " A & J Enterprise 236? Univeraity Cig. Oper. 18019 " Gary Gross 321 W. ?th St. Beauty Shop 18134 " Michael K. Simon 1621 Wynne 2nd Hd Mtr Veh Parts 1814? " �� �+ 2nd Hd Dlr. " " Raymond L. Anderson 541 Desota Junk Dealer 18199 �� Kenneth J. Peterson 501 Shepard I�ad Cig. VM Oper. 2M 18277 " �� �� • Fdstf VM Ldc. 18277 �� �� �� 4 add�1 machines �� �� �� r� Fdstf VM Oper. 18278 '� The Perlman-Rocque Co. ?11 Vandalia St. Foods MDPW 18359 �� �� �� 6 Food Veh. 18360 � Geor�e Costanzo 535 N. Dale Cig. VM Oper. 18411 �� Coca-Cola Bottling 90 S. Western Av�, VM I�oc. 18413 �� Leroy Pobben Centennial Office Bldg. Orig. Cont. 1843? �� Knox Lumber Co. 602 N. Prior VM Loc. 18458 " �� " 2 add'1 VM " �' �, �� Cig. Oper. 18459 �� Twin City Yending Co., Inc. 1065 E. Iiighway 36 3 add'1 Cig. Mach. 18486 �� COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: _ H�� _� In Favor Hunt , Levine _�___ Against BY o�e - Sylvester '��S SEP 2,� ���] Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted Council: Date Cer � ied Pass y Counc� Secretary BY . � ' SEP `1 ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Apprb,ved by Mavor: te'�, ` — By � � BY �" pUgLISHED SEP 2 4 1977