269799 W H I T E - C I T V C L ER K � � f������Y�S.,.'. PINK - FINANCE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Council � CANARV - DEPARTMENT � � � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does , hereby approve application for abatement of special assessments and real estate taxes levied against these properties owned by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, which gropertg is exempt from such real estate taxes and special assessments by state law, the property more particularly described in Applications for Abatement, County .Auditor's Nos. 91937, 92042, 92043, and 92757, and the City Clerk is directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Ramsey County Department of Property Taxation. ' COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �� �_ In Favor Hunt Levine � __ Against BY .�eed�le� S ylvester Adopte y Council• Date SEP Z�fl �9� Form Approved by ity ttomey C tified Pa� by Cou iI Secretar}r BY y < App v�3 by Mayor: te _ C�� 2�� ;97 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B � ��' BY Y �UBLISHED -SEF 2 � 1977 � � � y ¢������ DEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY TAXATION v COUNTY OF RAMSEY 126-138 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 LOU McKENNA DIVISION MANAGERS: ������� September 1� 19�] William E. Carlson Property Valuetion ROGER VIK Assistant Director William M. Killeen Revenue C. Thomas Osthoff Land Records Rose Mix City Clerk Room 386 Court House Attn: Albert Olson Council Recorder Re: Applications for abatement submitted by Gerhardt H. Kohn, on behalf of: Housing and Redevelopment Authority Dear Mrs. Mix: Enclosed are copies of the following abatements: 91937 92042 92043 There are assessments levied against these parcels that are to be cancelled by resolution of the City Council, as follows: District Assessment Year Str. Maint. ��32 Local Imp. �k35 3 1973 $ 21.00 $43.30 3 1974 22.76 40.66 6 1974 24.64 3 1975 32.56 4 1975 28.84 3 1976 32.56 Please take whatever action is necessary. Very truly yours, Lou McKenna, Director Department of Property Taxation By -���.c2-�t�' ` " � ��-�'�--��+�.", Deputy G�IIZ:ay O ���. ' � ��� � DEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY TAXATION COUNTY OF RAMSEY 126-138 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 LOU McKENNA DIVISION MANAGERS: Director August 25� 1977 William E. Carlson Property Valuation ROGER VIK Assistant Director William M. Killeen Revenue C. Thomas Osthoff Land Records Rose Mix City Clerk Room 386 Court House Attn: Albert B. Olson Council Recorder Re: Application for abatement submitted by Housing & Redevelopment Authority Dear Mrs. Mix: Enclosed is a copy of the following abatement: 92757 There is an assessment levied against this parcel that is to be cancelled by resolution of the City Council, as follows: 1969 Assessment: District Flush ��32 7 $ 4.48 Please take whatever action is necessary. Very truly yours, Lou McKenna, Director Department of Property Taxation B = L/. Deputy GfIIZ:ay Enc. 55 Rh:P(��tT OF' ASSESSOR, ftAMSEY COUNTY Abatement No. �� • – � � C, 7� �'] t � - �.l� • S.`'.�.u�. . . ��!�r,�� � � . 7 Assessment District: '"`" ' 19 � :;;gal Description: !.Z.�C 8 ���ld 11'V:� P f; � � .'';:�':!.`i,i C.': + PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION Water , .� . 1 :'�ir.u 2�� �4-' '�`''ir�u !i_� ::',; ��lks . ��;_ - � District Ptat Parcel Shed :.'U jCi I'r•o�e�,,_� Co�;�;d _'.. . n�� c:��"�0 C�27_ 56 _-_ 9.ddress of Property: V�C����'. T,f?�',c', �:nplicant: C e T'ti12.rd t Ii o�i7 .f_ c_�,°: ' TI ,� _ • . � . Mailing Address: l �c JC,LLY� �. _.�iLt• � . ,�pplicant's Market Value: Land $ Imp. $ Total$ Insurance $ Assessed as follows: l."?�; 1_1,r.1 � C^ �;� G-1 �C c' .�,::.::?�ri�;i�,:i o1� jSchool � ESTIMATED MARKET VAIUES LIMITED MARKET VALUES ASSESSED 'District A YEAR C Lend Bldg/Other Total Land Bldg/Other Total Class % Value r', r� . � -, ��/ � ' '�� �J `�i?L�: i :l�l! (�_l� .I.,i � :C;J EXEMPT NO.OF PERCENT EXCEPTION Z CODES RESD UWNED LIMITED MARKET CODE o u UNITS (HSTD) VALUE — FIRST " A W S T A r�i ACRE LAND ONLY ^ss PR G E E G P c ' . MT OP R E E � Y � �� 7 �_ '1 f;l Assessor's Recommendation: _� U ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES � . LIMITED MARKET VALUES ASSESSED School q YEAR District C Lend Bldg/Other Total Land Bldg/Other Total Class % Velue , � � ''� 00 %6G� �';:�� 1� ��1� � . i{,E•portof I�nvestigation: , �'1�����(�;,1'l.�� ;-d����S LICC�Ll�_�'CG iJ]':� OT' �O �Ci,O'C�E1' Z.�)� 1.�>7j ��l;lL T'2:�1�_l_T1�C1 {�c X��i�-G :?.1� ET'T'GY'. _ ` (;.I`lii tiTi,' i>1. � i'l�G�'f� ��X�/. � iL' ,; �X, Appr. Steno �' _ Authorized Signature tr�A►�nPT iFa� ��R'n RF,��R't' OF ASSESSOR, RAMSEY COUNTY , AbatementNo. ������ wssessment District: �t. �'��i1 3uiy ?_C>� 19 �� LegalDescription: :�Cribrier :� �rittCllciCriS PROPERTY IDENTIFICATION CENSUS Water �ubd. l�l:cs. 3 'iizru 6 Uistrict Plat Parcel Tract Block Shed 1'_:onerty Co�t�d :'�s: 07 67700 020 OG 039 006 - ad3ress of Property: ��E� Z�1 eh Zr L" r"-V C. �pplicant: liObeTt '1'. �ir..on for: liousin� ��. l�edevelonraent :'�utnorit� Mailing Address: 55 �. r'i f th :i t. 55101 Applicant's Market Value: Land� Imp. $ Total$ Insurance $ Assessed as fopows: �'.�plicatio�i Yor �:�a�:em�t-ion U UNITS Taxable �Exempt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED School A YEAR USED ��P Perce�t District C RESID Cotle one Use Own Use Land Bltlg/Other Total Class % Value �W�ed 6`L5 U G9 ]s < �,'L5 '13G0 ?7:'.5 � �'D � 1090 � � , ' I � � �:.ii.V. 7800 Assessor's Recommendation: 1��:,�'�,�I f.,�l���1�,��� i S e e B e 1 o�a Schooi A EAR USED ��P Taxable Exe�„pt MARKET VALUES ASSESSED Percent Oistrict C RESID Cotle one Use Own Use Land Bldg/Other Total Class % Value Ownetl , I� r t�� � -� r �. I ( ; Repoctofinvestigation: .lpplica.nt acrytiirecl property on 10-21-b9. :�lthou^h tlie property caas acquired Prior to the �le�:cf-line date then in iorce� it is in�ppro�ri�.te tor an �.�ency oi �,overnrlenL- to rcruest retundment of ta�:es this t<^.r a�ter the YacC. 1:Pplicant �•�i.shes to an�ear before t��e aoarc�. Recl�ssif.ie�i exemnt f.or 1-?-0° b;r direction�o-f-�"r`'�)msey Cour_tv Boar.d. ./ 1 , i -- . � � ���i` �' �" ; f%� ,�� �,�' ��, F Ex. RKP APPr• �,i:l' Steno ..7 C ��'', " ` - `, v. - �`�' Authorized Signature FORM DPT 1641 �'-"- REPOK'1' Ul+' A�SESSOR, KAMSEY CUUNTY Abatement No. - -��.-- As�essm nt District: "' �'" j�`'t"1 f��'�' �-� � 197 � :�egal Description: � ,„; �.' ' r , i ' �-- ���11�GIl@v� i.._l_! w:�;�?.l-,r�, 1-CiG....:_ l�J C��7 � PqOPERTY IOENTIFICATION Water " � District Plat Percel Shed . 11°n�)F'1°1.�� l�G.r,'�Cl r�S . V� UGQI,'� ��� lJ`_� ?�ddress of Property: V�C e.��±; I;�ii<�. Applicant: CE T'rl�rC7 t �1.. 1��0�1?1 �'O 1' 7T. ?�. :."-� • Mailing Address: Applicant's Market Value: Land$ Imp.$ Total$ Insurance $ Assessed as follows: �;Y)�?� �i:C�1 'i.:!_07:� i'C1' � '_:f�71�:i i;1 01.�. �School U ESTIMATED MAHKET VALUES LIMITED MARKET VALUES ASSESSED I Dlstrict A YEAR - p Land Bldg/01her �Total Lend . Bldg/Other . Total Class °b Value �.�r Ll 7✓� '11.. �_��;'�1� l �'i�i�) C��I� ii � (J)i :, 7 -' , • , � ; ,-- ; . EXEMPT NO.OF PERCENT � EXCEPTION Z CODES HESD UWNED LIMITED MARKET CODE o u UNITS (HSTD) VALUE — FIRST " A N°, S r A rEi " ACRE LAND ONLY "ss PR G E E G P c � I � � M7 �P R E E � Y Y 1�' ;" � 'J Assessor's Recommendation: I School U ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES . LIMITED MARKET VALUES � ASSESSED �District A YEAR C Land Bldg/Other Total Land Bldg/Other Total Class % Velue _ i ?,i/"!_I. l_c'_�';('1C) l.?�'1(i __ !i_{1 ��l_Gn i „ � �o-,���-j i � f� Re ort of Investi ation: � , , , ,,- ,; T,.r,�. . � • _ " - ' � -� i ,, P S • 1.1 f) (,) ., . , � 1. �;J 1_i y �/ I r - . .C' v .�c... c..Gi�tl:__.�i�' ." �t,'_E; Gi. c' i 1•.'. ,..c:E.t .". '-E16�_ t.__..C..� "''� � ' :.�"��E:G U.:��.i;i.� i.}1C;;,E' i'e1=�_�r,�ll�G1'C�.Eti i,.'"rE� Ii�G'"i C�E•�']''E% � 11 Cc.__i1.7 �, CJE _ ' -;'1 GiIE; _ _��_� �' . `��21e j�l'Oi�@i'�i.� E�10L!�_C? ?�1':`�"`81'�_�' 'I�G ..�. �.:E'. . C_:E`nir) �,� . . � � . ��;i�- ��:i�:_, -�>� .01��,-�'� Ex. Appr. Steno • Authorized Signature �O�M OPT 1641 �n ith:YUlt'l Ul� 11�.�'SL�'.�'.SUl�, 1tA1V1.9'h�Y t�UU1V 1 Y t�L/il��Illk;lll,tVV.��O T� . )n ��' �'��� .\ Assessment District: '�" �'• 1 ` 111 'u`� � �' 19 7 � :..egal Description: � , �, ��r c , , - O�1Vl�ir'�, =t�•:l • �LO ���. = fi �'r . �'�+.7.J. PROPERTYIDENTIFICATION Water � � District Plat Percel Shed � p;���e,�t� c�<,��� ^_� : �F� 5��00 oFO o�_ Address of Property: 7�F' C r'1.e�t n" �>t. S�E ���l_n'�� Applicant: reT'ti1�17'C�1; �T. ��0�';ll I'Or" 7 r rt � � -'• • �+• �failing Address: Applicant's Market Value: Land$ Imp. $ Total $ Insurance $ Assessed as follows: � r� - _:�pl:i.c�_t,i_o�� :�. or `�1:E,i�p �• � c�� School � ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES � LIMITED MARKET VALUES ASSESSED � D�strict A YEAR - C Land Bldg/Olher Total Land � Bldg/Other Total Class % Value ,' ��-' � 1' �I� � n ._ T, ;. , �?Q l ��� (1�,: ��'E(`,(1 j;TI )�n `�n)i.� � • � ` - EXCEPTION E%EMPT NO.OP PERCENT Z CODES RESD UWNED LIMITED MARKET CODE o u UNITS (HSTD) VALUE — FIRST " n W S T A N ACRE LAND ONLY Ass PR G E E G P G � � MT �P R E E ' Y Y �� 7 : � l % �, Assessor's Recommendation: �School q ESTIMATED MARKET VALUES LIMI7ED MARKET VALUES ASSESSED I Distnct YEAH C Land Bldg/Other Total Land Bidg/Other Tota6 Class % Value . , ,�� � .��"�,��-, 1 •�,�,n„ lc't Ci0 'i 0 ?%'���_0 i i � i 4 :eportof Investigation: . _�p:!7.�.'<`:Yit. i:C:���.!. I'v`��� 1'1'.:j t'_ v� 1.1/::J��I .i � ':�� �: �Jj�C�. .,� 1°C.t��' �r1f'!'I 1 t;^xr�ble ;�� err^r•� .� ; � ;,�,,-i' Ct{ii: �;l_ Ex. Appr. Steno `� , Authorized Signat re F=fIRM OPT 1641 `�'n CERTIFICATE OF RECO"rVIMENDATION BY COUNTY BOARD AND COUNTY AUDITOR I, the undersigned, County Auditor of the within named County, do hereby certify that a careful examination into the allegations and statements set forth in the within application has been made by the County Board of said County and by myself and that from said examination we are convinced and verily believe that said allegatiuns and statiements are txue a � I further certify thxt, at a meeting duly held ,19 , said County Board, by official acEion upon motion duly adopted and entered upon the minutes of its proceedings as a public record, showing the names of the taxpayers and other persons concemed and the amounts involved,made the following recommendation,wherein I hereby concur,upon said application: That the assessed value of said proprty be reduced to and fixed at $ ��� ����T� I hereby certify the result of said recommendation is as follows; and if the taxes have been paid that proportional refund- ment be authorized: Assessed Debt Tax General Tax Less Homestead Special Total Values Creiiit Assess. Payable ORIGINAL 1090 41.38 290.86 -- 4.48 336,72 1090 41.38 290,86 -- 4.48 336072 REDUCTION :vEw �II�T —0— 3�4•g� Reduction of Penalty Tax Rate �*+ills Reduction of Interest Ramsey County Audit�r Witness my hand and official seal , 19- By Deputy County Auditor. I 'O ,d a � o'O'O C �,C.a a y « C 'O'O tn Cl ai � O 6�!� a 'O A � « .v+ � � C�.'' N.� � Ci 7 G U O � C� U .� w v � " y 3 T � � sT. � N u C w y � a+ Gr 4 � q 'a � � „ �x, d A � E �' a �,` �= o� o � � � a Gv rx A U O� CL y Vl N� � T U U O O � - �p' S�. �� ro O W• � w • �� s�+ O v O � y � N � � � a ❑ y .� w :o R � c 3,a� � a Q Z 1'a x ° .� ° o y �,.o " ° s� v v " y F- W ' .�'. '��' 3 :;�o c� n � � • �.^ N w � O � 3 � 6 �� m � o " yo E 3 o'C ° E tn W a� • � .� ro bv „ � Y oxa � � v E W OC �.a .° o " my �' vroo � o � a� >� U Z . w `u U C s. C u U ... � N -• p z LL 0 Cl O A O-� y � a�i A � N A C � y . � O p •v O v �V d a�i v i� . O N � �ti Ll' � :"� F � �b T7 �" N y � . . v G� Vi N FJ !d `� y � C E" �'' � u. z m ,. � M o � m F'c �°.'. a O W y N 'C. v 'O 1'.•• y C) � � C �• O � b W .0 �� � y � N b SJ C,0 �1 y �' W 'in � ° ywo "• y N rovc'�is�. `' m � � ` C � ' � � id Rl p T� � " � � �. y U � Q � °u � � �«� a,a,"� �,w � u � ° u o m v �o ra ° tn a � y .� T � ro� �y ��.d o a, � a� v :o ` N N a. W . � .. � ,", doo¢ � �, v � „ v v ¢ m -� '�'' G1 � � � v ' �•p �U U � � y .�.•yy 7 C � y X O rA � � a> � a� +' tC O O � N A N m o o m ao m��,��.. �, o 0 a' � y Cl' �.� 8 " �E" � � yM Q' � .� ('�-� o E.au �� x Gv P,. � «, G A C .�.+ c� s°1i� fn ... U� c0 C N ���,�'"�:�ii���r���a 1�►f�l�;�.�. V �.� ' �4�,�1�i� /\�] � - �.r L..�r; T .:� . . . � �v ooy v a� c r� x�+ ai J, N a c a�� �n co ,�� � �-� � ;� .f-,� '� ��.--� � Mt m �'�o� E� v v v m y . N W i; a'�..��� � 'a � T� v�.c y o 0 o v � i� �; d •ri c� � `.� 3 o E E Hc � �- z ,�� � .0 "' on � °D a " N � ; � w . " [_. 1.i � ° °�� '' ayi e° C � � > .,.. � ' ,� a � xbo � � � d ° Z `° :: ayB � oo y W y � � �� � O y O Q � �wCm�� � < O � i�i. u' rl MI '� '�` M y � '' C E W � Q � Q >. -��a «, a �� • .� V �" � ''� �i IO o� m y � ° r°n""`r �m an �' ' �� � !'� kl') �c U p Vi N. O.O � C : w �y V �,1 � 1�1 � � 3 '� � N � �' °'a`o v F �? � z W n. 8I � C� 9r � « 3 N N A� v Q Q � O o �, . � . p� o ; c � ,, � ,,« e� a � T N z z � t L=� � N J) � � v ''v° x c�no E a� v"� « N (n N � •�1 �' W M 3 a 7 � . N � S 1y. M � � � � � � N3E >.ea:° w� y� � L Q) � 0 N � . � � p T7 � O � � �A c�u E„�p p A 6 . i - ... � ° O 'y a' � � -W.� ^ . � F"� � �@��oc`a ° '� y Q V � y�, W v'� W N � 3 W N m� >,o � � u (1. C� � � LS'. F� O � ��� _ ��o y o '� .� � a �E ti U U I� 6.00 �d.eaow p a � � d .� . .�,,, , . .� G����� �� o�g11 �VN 1 ,�,�y,co, Form DPT 229 �� 1 � � � i APPLICA�'ION FOI� �EL�lEF—General Form �' (If reduction requested exceeds $500 make application in triplicate, otherwise in duplica:e) To the County Boazd and County Auditor of Ramsey County, and to the Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Minnesota: STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey ss. City; Village or Town St. Paul Robert T Simon being duly sworn deposes and says that he ��'� is Chief of Real Estate of the Aousin� and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul. Minnesota _ , andthat � said Authoritv is a public bodv, corporate and politic, duly organized and existing under Chapter 487, Laws of 1947, as amended; that on Octob_er 20, 1969, the Authority acq�,ired title to the followine described real p�.p��y located in the Citv of Saint Paul Countv of Ramsev State of Minnesota, to-wit: _ The East thirty-four and ninety-five hundredths (34.95)• feet of Lot Two (2) , and the South twelve and twenty-five hundredths (12.25) feet of Lot One (1Z, Block Six (6) Scribner and Crittendens Subdi�isian of L�ts 8 and 13 of Smith and Lotts Out Lots, accordin� to the recorded plat thereof. for redevelopment as part of the Summit-University Community Development Program District 8; that the Authority acquired title to said property on October 20,_ 1969, ` which Deed was filed on October 21 1969 as Document No. 1760734 that between October 20, 1969 and the present, the Authority has held said property in the public use, exempt from all taxes and assessments, pursuant to the �rovisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.575, Subdivision (1) . ��jCrCfoCe applicant prays th,at all reale estate taxes and assessments assessed, 1 Pvi d and accrued a�a�nGt he aforeGa�d ��pert,y��,yah�e �n the year 1970 be fully abated. ,'1nd a refund be Made of ta�es �aid for said year �,� th� Ho��j n� f�. � hor5 t�� _ was forced to pay these taxes in order to record documents nertainin7 to _ ����� � .'�I i �/� .�� "'_. j - - .. �� _._ r± �' -� .. ,�) � �fs i� ( _ ._ HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY �r f . , �`—� .�_ --. . _.—APPlicant �,� Robert T. Simon, Chief of Real Estate ` Subscribed and sworn to before me this '-�7� day of p�.� __�- A.D. 19�,L . �� , �: // �', .ti I' . SOMMAFl/`AAAA��►���AAAA�.ASA�l14A.�A^M� � - • ./ . E3ARDARA HOUGHTEIIN ��-�; � ' �_ i�- T,� PJotary Pub�ic, Ramsey Co.,lPfA�� '� My Commission Expires �� � July 10,1983 $ t'I'hV1NwYVV�eWVVV�i�e1rr lrv v�^vyyyvyyyyx � ► •_ � .+,r- ' � . � � _ ���P?i 1�1�j L.�i�;;:u;�. �� Form DPT 229 �� a��°�°��uills�'��',�. �` APPLICA�'ION FOR RELIEF—General Form j _ ' �� (If reduction requested exceeds $500 make application in triplicate, otherwise in duplica:e) To the County Board and County Auditor of Ramsey County, and to the Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Minnesota: STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey ss. City, Village or Town St, Pau1 RE: Parcel Code No: 04-63500-021�56 Gerhardt Kohn} Deputy C„�unty Auditor ������ deposes and says that he� is located at 126 Court House , and that an error occurred in proceasing Abatement ��91228, filed 7/26/76) in the name of Housing Authority. The Au�hority acquired title to the property on March 24� 1975, described as: Rice & Irvines Addition B1ks 1 thru 25�42 thru 45 & Blks 54-56 S1y 31 ft of N1y 91 ft of Lot 2, Block 56 for redevelopment as part of the Downtown Comimxnitv Development Pro�;ram District 17; bv petition in CoMdemnation filed with the Clerk o£ District Court on said date. ��crefore applicant prays that all real estate taxes ari.d assesaments be made exempt for the pavable vear 1976, . Applicant S 21 y o f January . 9 77 %, � �,. �3 aW� � � As Deputy County Auditor s 9 � � .'+�D O d►�o� w �� � �, �1 0 0 0 y � � � � o� �N N � E:* y ' '_.�- ,.�-17 � y 3 " o- �' m o,�•?; a ° �o � c, p� ``� w (� D 9 � `' P�c�ov O �,� O �i G y O O D � � k � � � M r v ? mm �o �ma �efD � � � c+ � � ° '�L � � N o m ~ ,» 8 E m �r .-� .� o �� .� E � N X a p•� �• � �' � y N y N o z z ti �d � > y� ���° d � � ° � w � � � V� o Q � �, c a �» 9 � yd I 0 �• (D M [ � z � c o N � � m fn N m :D T a � � N ��. � � �i A �"C � � a tn d o � , v a o 3 3 � m .. � " � ^ ., w '° "w � �o °' m�m � l J � �� � o � � '�' M � b ' ,� o a �o �.: °^,� 0 Q ,'� � OC T � � .. a� . p tiw T N 0 M � �� 9 1� � ��^v � —• O/�' N „ ••�° � 8 �o � m � . '�1 w�. �T1 1 y a � �� �:� ax .,, y �-.� < oov, o •aa r1i �. . m V �' =° ��O ' � �r � �,e..�, z �' oH � � o £ �-' � � r. 9 . . C � a o 0 o a.�..�� r�,� � a w--• �,.� `\+' Nm, �^ � fD � 9 �� v� N °� x � c* .» w ' � �y Tp� �JE. �7C.�..N Ol � . N � N� 7 � N fD U+OG �C].�F �.J•1 Vi N f�D 7 0 p r�.'. �. e�� �� �p��� � � � . �m w '� . C' � ''� � S y� b ro � � � .�� � y� ro �' b ro y o x�efD ° � c � °.yom°iD� ° c c ° � m � �, c, a G. � �.,� y 9 �p a ='• �� w m f�(]� � p `' e - ry � � o � � a a �D � , � - nMa�a?�wac � � � � � � v� 0 � `"�'�o � o � " �p "o'o;e�e a " a g � �� D � � w � � �, o N �e •, oy��a . °; � •° �p D 2m�o5 `�. ,�,'w a°, o p � —I � o ~ � � a � � yy �a a� � � � � m�� ,C., '+ N 7�"� y .� � p P+ y � R N -� N � d Z. �+ N N � . . w '^JN K� O'd� � L."� —� � (p �j Q•fA 7 � � (y y C� N � � a �' N C m O � O - p �,P.m � o+ � _ _ �o o � p o �� , , - °, .nv 9 �fp ° rso � B � aa� '� `° � M ° a �'s 7D�� E: a� � ,.. �o m;y� � �,�,� ~' E B � w � °, �k � A � .. E Crr�. �, �''NN � .`�. w � N�, �:m �� m o � ,am � a• � y0.�, o � �E. � `w -i o y � g 7' � � a: K � � a� �� � � C D ti .. o � m ° m �a� 'o :.. ° ° ° �c� "'�", �' . " g o - . M C7 - � .� � a� ro � � � o �w � ,�9 ��b `O � y �O o �o �o y � tia n � � � p � � w G � � I '° ,�, �e o ro d �o m `� k �,� m °. ( �c < '� � � � � �. c p y ❑ � 'o �o �e • m rPO wo.a o :� m � A� � Tmmo G � � o. � �A �aaa �e A f'' a •�o�cpny �Cluno� IC�ndaQ �g —61 ' ieas jet�t;;o pve pvey �(m ssau3TM io�4Pnd.i�vno�.caswe� asaia;uI�o uop�npag SIiT aaeg xey �3l�uad 3o vop�npag M�l�i AIOI,L�f1QH2I 'IV AII`JI210 a�qe ed •ssassd atpa�� sanleA �e�oy Iet�ads peaasawoH ssa-I xes, iesaua� xe,r, lqaQ passassy :paztiocpne aq auaw -pun�al Ieuor;sodwd 3e� pTed uaaq aneq saxe; aya ;t pue :smoTjo; se st uopepua�uwo�a� pies �o ;T�sai ac� ,C;pla� rCqa�ay I $ 1e paxt; pue o1 paonpaa aq ,ilxdozd pces;o an�en passasse aq1 7g4,L :uor�e�ijdd�p[es uodn•xnouoa.cqaxaq I viaaaqm•uo;lepuawuzoaa:8urmo�io;ay�apew'panionu� slunouze ac{a pue pauxaouoa suosxad xaq�o pue sza,iedxe;ay�;o sauxev aq� 8uimoys 'pxoaaa o��qnd e sa s2urpaaoozd sac;o sa;nunu aq1 uodn pazalua pus pa1dope 6�np uoclou: vodn uo[Zas �ei�c;;o dq •pieog dauno� P?BS � 6T' Plaq ,i�np 8uc1aaw s Ze '3aq� .S;iaxao xaqun3 I — anx� aa� s�vauta�21s pue svoi1e8ane pces 1eq1 anaciaq �cRzan pus paaurnuoo axe am uocasaiiusxa pias uxoa;3eqa pue ;Ias6[u ,Sq pue .i1ano� ptes ;o p:eog 61uno� aq3 .iq apem aaaq seq UOi�E�i[C1(IE SITI(�TM aya ut y1zo; 1as s1uama;els pue suotas9aRe ay1 o�ut uocleuiwexa tn;axe�e Zeq3 .i;;axao ,iqazaq op '.i�uno� pauzsu utq1cm aQ3 ;o ao1rpny .iluno� 'pauBTSiapun aq1 'I aoliand �1Nno� aN� aavoa �1Nno� �a NOIl`daN3WW0�3a �O �lt1�1�11�13� . > ,.. �K - � � � � � � • �� r � \� � � � � • � � Form DPT 229 �� . ` APPLICATION FOR REL�lEF—General Forr� i�� (If reduction requested exceeds $500 make application in triplicate, otherwise in duplicate) • To the County Board and County Auditor of Ramsey County, and to the Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Minnesota: STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey I�, Re 03-82000-020-08 ss. City, Village or Town S t. Pa ul Gerhardt Kohn Deputy County Auditor on behalf of beiiTg"dv�Y'sworn -d�epas�s-anc�says-ti�at-tr�rescd�es a� Ho�?�in� and Redevelox�ment Authority of ��t � Pat�]_,.� Mi nn , �aRd-t�1et Said Authority acquired property Oct. 16, 1973 and b,y due process _ taxes pa3Table 197I�., 1975, 1976 and 1Q77 should be tax exempt. However, due to clera_ca]_ error this process was riot completed . �fJcrefore applicant prays that All real estate taxes and assessments 1 evied. 8�&inS� the &foresaid nro�ert� in t}ie v .ars 1�7�_ lA?li _ 1A7�_ ana, 1976 be fully abated and the property classed as exempt. � i � � Applicant As Deputy County Audit;or Sttb�crttre��nd'sw6m�t���f�re'm�rthis----------day-af--------------------,4.-fl--��9 ., � � � � O us$o�o��� �� � � o 0 0 � � �. o � ] m � � 3 m �. � �. �'' -°�o �N N �E c m � N� '� "' � D a o ?; O.ydarr "� hj y C � ., o ��ci°c o a=o�i �y rt Ml�l � o � O � m p�� °:m � �� k 1r /r �' p � O ,c°, m N ,-�1$ 07� �',` g F � � x � ,°� ^�t. � -�i $ "rv ,oE � mka� � r• �, � �' y � n�'i a °' r. m o co B n Q � y z fn �c � v�i3 �� o � m � y 1 `p � x p w c a 9a 9 � N y p � M � � P � 3 a � c',»ro � yd � � � �• p � �' °' mm �a �•�� y �� � 7 � K A �j I T. . �� �s' "o a""o ° 9yy ?� � a � � w . � ~� 3 a � fp pi N ry � M � � � � '• ' . r(D n �A O ^� = � �o m O Q Q , T • \ •a.� V\ � o o a � �b�'B � � � '�+� �' �'�; m \ �, ?.v � o y x. � 7.,, �m: r w 7 P fD � �m �" � � �"..,. � � om ,� oaoo � m \ , � �, � �� � � � � z . o�l � 9 o g e-' � � r• C �/\ a o � � x 7 t�D �"y�t � a � �. . � rn N� io � ;� � 9GO » � a x � Am rJp1 �E. �7Cr.N d � y � ,�.�1 � � H x 7 7 fD fD N CC {3.� f . N � ��q'L•�►�/� 3;�Cy ,,.q�q �\ �.�a . c� � �� �' � Q p �. _ f�l �+rt o .+ p O' '" y .".' fn �. � � � o . ww� w.� 5 " . r� .. y �� D � �. b 'U . �� � m H� �` � v,�C 'U . N 'o 'tl - d O N� � a. 7 C a+,u�i O m p'� p � C C a � N y9 " � � m C]C�aa"a .^ � ° .�- �p ,7 x � c `; a ' ;. fD �' yoo K K a ' � �e �' � " a co m 3 � oa,�'c � c ma 3 .� m W C 0 0 �,�o °, � '. M ti a��w a� a. �o � � cn m � � " � � � �N�ep��°'� � ° _. � � � � D � c��o �o a �• " ,�w ° o^ � y. ""� � G �� � a � � y y.�� a� �.� a � � m m '+ �o �"-1 d � c w w �, � p�n2 � O � N t'o �. � .�..y � p w � d � z TI �.o y � m o . � �� � °'a� a c� o � � a �y 7 aw n.. fDo a � N G �n O � O c� T �a w r"o °^� n �B � � � � �° o `° o, 'Tt Z < coc � o oa� "" g �`D � �o � � ma � '` '° 5 ° a �'x � m O .7.o ^ � � u� E:�O �eo a A � �-. fD m (/J �. � F �,• �^ „ � M c � � 9 ^ E G O o � N.a� Y �'x o � a.m � o� ��' " N � Z D � � ° E � � � cr°'a � � ,�, �' � � a• C „1 N� p, y �1"' a�,J+ .Uy ' O, p 0 O A '�'^n ,�� • � �r � y . ,m d � � a° � �° � � �'w � �� �'� �° '" g�O �o t� g d n r"o o "� d < � 5'�° g q�° q � � �: I A �e p d 'C m � �.fD w � �o < c � � �. c o irc a° ^ �° � " � A m m o.a a ;� A K � � � �m m o C c �D o Nq'cr,o ]aaa �e m P� o •�o�ipny 6auno� �S;ndaQ �g —6i ' Teas Ier�T,�;o pue pueq �Cw ssau�iM aogipny 61uno�,fasuxag ;sala�ui;o uononpag '—�__. -- sjlr aleg xB,L �lieuad;o uop�npag � M�AI AtOI.L�IlQ�2I 'It/bIIrJRIO ajqe ed •ssassd llpaj� sanjeA le;oy Ie►�ads peaasawoH ssa-I xe1, jelaua� xey �qaQ Passassd :pazuoyane aq �uaua -pun,�a� Teuopiodad ;eq� pted uaaq aney saxe; a� �c pue 'smoTio� se st uopepuamwo�a� pres 30 �Insa� aq3 �)r3Ja� 6qa�ay I $ 3e paxg pus o; paonpaz aq,i;xdozd ptes;o anjen passassa aq1 ;aqy :uot�eoc�dde pres uodn•an�uoa,cqaaaq I uiaxaqm�aoi�epvatucuooaz�uimono;aqa apaux'pantonuc s3unouxe aq1 pue pauiaauoa svoszad iaylo pus � s�a,isdxe�aq1;o sauxeu aq�8utmoys 'pxo�aa a[�qnd e se s2utpaa�ozd s3T;o sa3nucu�at{; uodn paxalua pus pa3dopB ,c�np uoilow uodn uo[a�e Teio�;�o .cq 'pxeog .tauno� pces • 6i' piaq ,iinp 2a�laaw e 3e '3e9� ,i;iaxao zaRlzn; I � � anx� aie sluacua;81s pue svoile2ane pies 3eq1 anai�aq .cR.�an pus paoucnaoo axe aro uoiieu;wexa piss uxo:;3eq3 pue ;�asAUt ,Sq pus d�uno� pres ;o pxeog .iauno� aqg ,iq apecu uaaq saq 1I011E�IiCICIE ucq1[m aq1 ut c{1xo; Zas sluauca3e1s pus suo�le8a�ie aq1 o1uT uoc�eutausxa [n;axe�e 1¢q1 .S;i�xao .iqaxaq op •,C1uno� paweu UTl{ZIM aq; �o zoltpn� R1uno� •paubtsxapun aq� •I aolianv �1Nno� aN� aadoe �1Nno� �a N011t�dN3WW0�3l� �O 31t/�I�Ila3� ... � "T1 � � � W � t �"' A'1 � �. � � ti -�-+ � � Form DPT 229 �� � � � APPLICA�'ION FOR RELIEF—General Fo�n R� (If reduction requested exceeds $500 make application in triplicate, otherwise in duplicate) • To the County Board and County Auditor of Ramsey County, and to the Commissioner of Revenue of the State of Minnesota: STATE OF MIKNESOTA, County of Ramsey In Re : 06-56600-060-01 � St. Paul ss. City, Village or Town Uerhardt Kohn, Deputy County Auditor on behalf of bei�rg-du�y�swam chpvses-an��ays-ttrarhe-re5i�c�es�at Housin� and Redevelopment Authorit,y of S t. Paul, Minn. , and that Sa�d Autl��ri fip acc�,a.ired �ronertv l�tov. 2�,, 197� and bv due nrocess, +'fl'rpS �ayabl e� i n 1 g�K �hrn�l d hat�P heen PxPm=t_ Due to �clerical error this waG �m; tt-ec� So a�plicant fil_ed an Abatement ��9103�. Ma� 27 . �2"j.� but &1 so fai l ed t� menti �n the fiaxP� i�vahl a l�7K_ �hcrtfore applicant prays that Al l real e�ta-te taxe� anr3 ARSP.SRtt1P.1�t:9 1 evi ed a�ainst the aforesaid prox�erty in the year 1974 payable 1975 be fully aba ted. ' Applicant As Deput,y County Auditor , Su-bser'rtrec}�nc�swvrn-tv�befbre-mcttris----- - -d�ay-o-f--- ------ ---- ---�ATB�-�9- � - � � CERTIFICATE OF R�C'�MMENDATION BY COUNTY BOARD AND COUNTY AUDITOR I, the undersigned, County Auditor of the within named County, do hereby certify that a careful examination into the allegations and statements set forth in the within application has been made by the County Board of said County and by myself and that from said examination we are convinced and verily believe thnt said allegations and statements are true . I further certify that, at a meeting duly held ,19 , said County Board, by official action upon motion duly adopted and entered upon the minutes of its proceedings as a public record, showing the names of the taxpayers • and other persons concerned and the amounts involved,made the following recommendation,wherein I hereby concur,upon said application: That the assessed value of said proprty be reduced to and fixed at $ I hereby certify the result of said recommendation is as follows; and if the taxes have been paid that proportional refund- ment be authorized: Assessed Debt Tax General Tax Less Homestead Special Total Values Credit Assess. Payable ORIGINAL REDUCTION NEW Reduction of Penalty Tax Rate �*+ilis Reduction of Interest Ramsey County Auditor Witness my hand and official seal , 19— By — Deputy County Auditor. ' .�". " C 'O'O ul W m I .o v p a � 01 b;C '� �� p � � o w aj�o A G « w a �;� a ❑. h� a a �D � u o a+ y � u .� a A a � � � C� [ w v v "u e °-' y � d oai ,,. ao . � �.� o.wc o �� � r� A rn 'o, �.o ` E rx q � T u w� U o "'� O' 'O v � C W• • � � y � q A � O „�, O.O+ w � l9 .r'1. �� � � .G N q . • y N M 'tl R °J G 3 �/+ q Q Z � .c o � a.°> 2 u�O,.d �' o ;� v v� � � I— w � � • 3 :;� " u a � �'� N v, O > 3 .- �E » x � v � ; ��+ '3 �.� vW .� °� v Q O �" N U G W O�C O � W owC r�. '° o '�� " a� ..�ro C � � �� � "v o Z w � � U `� '�'' � ti c c�i U w � F � v > �, V Z �y o ° m y � � v °' o v .� 0 A O p y s.A 7 >. 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