269789 WHITE - CITV CLERK �f ']�►J PINK - FINANCE COIIIICll ��r✓ti!`�7 7'..�, CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY O�SAIN�TD�ALTL File NO. � BLUE - MAVOR ��i_�.. � Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WI�REAS, pursuant to Ordinance No. 16308, adopted by the Council July 1g, 197'7, the M�yor has appointed the following named persons to serve as members of the Parking Commission of the City of Saint Paul, for the terms indicated opposite their respective names: Owners, Operators, or Managers of Parkin� Facilities, or from Major Retail Traffic Generators: � �1Q�r0 Gar Tankenoff ". "' �� " Y , 7' - . 3-year term A. L. Claseman, 2015 Juliet Ave. 3-year term Kent Shamblin, 1929 Warbler Lane 2-year term Jack Geller, 1891 Hillcrest 1-year term Public at Large James J. 0'Hara, 217 Oak Grove Place 3-year term Barbara Penn, 631 Warwi�k 2-year term Ron Maddox, 19�3 Princeton 1-year term and WHEREAS, the Mayor has named Gary Tankenoff as Chairman of said Parking Commission, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, that said appointments are hereby concurred in and in all respects approved and ratified. COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: •$tt��• Hozza In Favor — Hunt � Levine Against BY -�ee�i�os Sylvester Adopte y Council: Date SEP 2'0 ��� Form Approv by City Atto ey C ified Passe Coun i cretary BY � App y Mayor: t�e SEP 2`� 19 � Appro�dlby Mayor for Subm � ' n to Council � �,, ` ' � �' BY � � By YUB�ISHEa SEP 2 4 19 ` , ' �``�-�� . e GARY T.ANKENOFF 740 South Mississippi River Blvd. Saint Paul, Minnesota 55116 President - St. Paul Building Owners & Managers Ass'n. Executive Board - Operation 85 Board - Mid-America Bank Corporation Board - Hillcrest State Bank Board - Dcwntown l:evelopment Committee General Partner - Hillcrest Development President - Capitol Acceptance Corporation 9/13/77 I f ��`,�� A. C. Claseman Age: 45, married, four girls, Wife - Jan Founder and President of SES Accounting Service, located in the Bremer Building, 7th t� Robert Sts. Also head of Investment Firm, A.C. Claseman � Assoc. , Inc, comprised of local businessmen. After 21 years of service at Northwest Airlines, primarily in Economic Control and Treasury operations, left in 1972 to devote full time to personal business. Active in St. Paul Area Chanber of Commerce as a member of Small Business Executive Council and Coordinator of the Chamber's Small Business Insurance Program. _ Also member of the St. Paul LJinter Carnival Assn. , Minnesota riuseum of Art, Knights of Columbus. �1�,���'.,,-t� $��✓ f'�./�J(��,,(�q��,,�� f'� ��/�/ A. KENT SHAMBLIN Biographical Sketch A. Kent Shamblin is the senior communications officer of The St. Paul Compantes, Inc. , Saint Paul , parent company of St. Paui Fire and Marine (nsurance Company and several other financial services firms. He is respon- sible for directing strategies, policies and activities in the areas of public relations, public affairs, investor relations and emptoyee communications. Shambtin joined The St. Paul in 1971 as assistant director of communications. He was named director of communications and elected communications officer in 1972 and elected to his present position in 1976. Prior to joining The St. Paul , Shamblin had been with the Insurance lnformation Institute for 10 years, serving � in the capac:ties of assistant regional manager, regional manager and assistant vice president. � He is a member of the board of directors, Citizens League. In 197b-77 he was chairman of that organization's Transportation Task Force. In 1973-74 he chaired the League's study cortnnittee on the rote of consultants to government and in 1977 served on the study committee on the Twin Cities economy. He is chairman of the local government task force of the Saint Paul Area Chamber of Commerce, member of the executive committee of the Chamber's Project Responsfbility and chairman of the latter group's Corporate Social Responsibility Task Force. He has been active in a varlety of other civic and church activities. Shamblin is an accredited member of the Public Relations Society of America. He, his wife, two young giris and three dogs live in Saint Paul , 1929 Warbler Lane. Principal activities are camping, boating and cross-country skiing. {'��G_�!.✓ 222-1371 � �' C���2��� �i'���2�� ����� - � �;� 344 Wabasha Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 September l2, 1Q77 Your Honorable Mayor G'eorge i�atimer Covst House St. Pa�_�1, 1VTinnesota Dear Sir: As �er• yaur° rea�uest, this is a reswne of my experience� in the parking business. r have been in the parking business over 35 years. S am presently operating the Victory and Garrick Parkin� Ram�s and some other parking lots ir_ the do�,mto;�m area. r also have experience in real estate and business ventures. I feel tha,t wi-th this experience, I could be a great hel� to the City of St. Paul. 1 Sincerely, -�` �'��� ac� Geller ,������, ST. PAUL GOLDEN GLOVES - REGION 2 � a� 372 ST, PETER STREET • ST. PAUL, MIN(d.55102 � , , �. . Phone: 225-4484 / 222-4887 • .'. �lp I * ♦ ReSUme James 0'Hara 217 Oak Grove Place St. Paul, Mi.nnesota 55105 Phone: 225-1087 Chairman of the eoard Married: Wife -� Kathleen, four children JAMES O'HARA . Occupation: Partner - Jerrys Produce Company, St. Paul, Minnesota BDA RD OF D/RECTORS Credit, Sales and Public Relations Manager President CIVIC AND COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES WM.SCHMIDT Vice Presidents Member of Saint Luke's Church, 26 years DONALD EVANS Saint Paul YMCA, 30 years TIMOTHY GALLIVAN Y Businessmen`s Club, 10 years Saint Peter Clement Catholic Aid, 22 years JAMESeFITZPATRICK Cretin High School Parents� Coffinittee, 10 years Cretin Boosters Club, 4 years Secretary Our Lady of Peace High School Fathers' Committee and chaperone, 4 years JEAN DANNA Member of the Board of Directors of the Saint Paul Professional Boxing Club and Saint Paul Golden Gloves, Inc. � Direcror Appointed to the Minnesota State Athletic Co�ission, 1976 JOSEPH AZZONE Elected Executive Secretary of the Commission � Legal Counsel Executive Secretary Minnesota Boxing Board SMITH EG GLESTON Chairma.n of the Board and Past President, St. Paul Golden Gloves • Region 2 Trustee ��er St. Paul Minute Men FRANKBARRETT Public Relarions Directo� Have worked with business, labor and the media on many testimonial LOUIS DANNA and memorial cottmiittees. Received commendation from Chief of Police ChiefReferee for participation on the Officer Roy Thomas Memorial Commi.ttee. • DENNIS NfLSON A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION �.�'� ��� � SePt• 9, 1977 - 631 so. WarFrick St. Paul, Minn. 55116 I�iayor George Lati.mer City of St. Paul 3t-N7 City Ha11 St. Paul, Minn. 55102 Jear N:ayor Latimer, I have be� requested to sul�nit a resume with reaard to appointment to the St. Paul Parking Commission. I am a life long resident of �t� Paul, have been married for nineteen years, and as� the mother of two chil3ren. For some time I have been interested in cities and city planning, I majored in Urban Studies at the University of riinnesota.and hold a B,A. degree. I am also a 197? graduate of the University of Minnesota Law School. Prior to attending law school, my activities included m�nbership on the DrL State Central ComTnittee and holding the position of Legislative District Chairperson. I am currently concluclir.g a four year appo�ntment to the Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board. �s a representative of St. Paul to the Board� I have been esroecially concerned, th�t the Boardts efforts to alleviate parking problems be integrated with the city�s plans and have come to appreciate the crucial role parking plays in every aspect of city planning. Sincerely, �CZ�1F�'�ti1l�. �: p�����t�'f�•...r...,.� Barbara F. L. Penn ���-�� ,� w � � ��< D. Ronald Maddox 1943 Princeton Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota Age: 40 years, married, 2 children, Graduated Center Line High School U. S. Air Force 1954-58 McComb College, 1962 Past: Planning Council of Sterling, Michigan City Councilman of Sterling, Michingan at the age of 21 Planning member of St. Paul Commission 1971-72 Housing & Redevelopr.ient Commissioner 1974-76 St. Paul Convention Bureau Chairman, 1974-75 Present: Chairman of Downtown Council Chairman of District 17, CD Board of Directors of Chamber of Commerce . , , ������ GI T1 oI� SAINT Pl�r�I� . �E •eseaaem �i�easae�e O 1'1''I(i 1: OI'' T II 1: �I Al"O 12 �� s�e�e�ce D 3-I�7 GITY fI.1I.L S�1I_\"r YAIII., MINNI:SOTA 55102 ,��'�, --9t;�4:;•�3 SEP 13 t977 GEOR�E LATIME� COUNCtI, PRESIDENT M"Y°R ROBERT SYLVESTER September 13, 1977 Council President Robert Sylvester and Honorable Members of the City Council 7th Floor - City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Council Members: Herewith I am transmitting to the Council an ordinance appointing the following named persons to serve as members of the newly created Parking Commission of the City of Saint Paul, for the terms stated. Re�resenting owners, operators or managers of parking facilities, or from major retail traffic generators: Gary Tankenoff 3 yr term A. L. Claseman 3 yr term Kent Shamblin 2 yr term Jack Geller 1 yr term Representing the public at large: James J. O'Hara 3 yr term Barbara Penn 2 yr term Ron Maddox 1 yr term Resumes of these individuals are attached. I would appreciate your early approval of this ordinance so that the important work of this commission might begin. Thank you. Sincerel , � GE GE L TIMER GL/lm Mayor attachments cc: Rose Mix O