269783 WHITE - C�TY CLERK � PINK - PINANCE GITY OF SAI.NT PAUL Council ��'���� � CANARY - DEPARTMENT 1 ' BLUE - MAVOR � _ FI1@ NO. , � ouncil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the �harter of the City of Saint Paul does certify that there are available for apprbpriation to- tal revenues in excess of those estimated in the budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recorr�nends that the following additions be made to the 1977 Budget: Financing Summary Operation and Maintenance Local Government Aid 451 ,630 � Appropriation Sumnary Operation and Maintenance Department of Comnunity Services Shade Tree Disease Control 03191�5-3@�000 $451 ,630 -- - ,s3'�� now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul accepts the Mayor's recommendation and adopts the above additions to the 1977 Budget. l�pproved: ��-- Approved: Di rector, i nance and �p, ,��J�r�� - dget Di ctor Management Services fu�`'" � COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays B� � Comnunity Services Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine _�___ Against "i�ed�� Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by Council: Date SEP � 5 i977 Form Approv by ty ttorney . Certifie a. e by Co ncil ret BY � By � Approved by � ayor• ate �/ 6 �9Z7 App d by Mayor for mi ion t ouncil By ��� gy: pUBLISHED S E P 2 4 1977 i • - . � :� � ;_ CITY OF SAINT PATJL ��- � ,:� � `�� '��'� ��` � : OFFICE OF THE CITY COUI\''CZL � � � � ,�� ��..:..,,.,l � i7':.�t 9f 4TL . . . . ..yy�±- -. , `'" , Dot e : September 12; T977 COMMITTEE �tE POR�" �, _ TO : Saint Paul City Counci ( F R O M � C o m rn i t�e e O Cl F I NANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL ROSALIE BUTLER , chairman, rnakes the follovring . report on-- C.F. [� Ordinance _ (� Resotution - � �} Oth er � � T �T L E : A resol uti on addi ng $451 ,630 to the 1977 8udget � _ - for Shade Tree Disease Contral 03191-530-000 � The Committee today recommended approval of the _ � above resolution. . - ; - . - � . . . �_ _ CITY I�iALL. SEVENTH FLOOR . SAINT PAUL, MINNESUTA 55102 � ' `�i ` � OM O 1: 22/1975 _ Rtv. : 3/8/76 _ EX�ATIfJN OF ADMIlJZSTRAfiInE QRDFRS, LtITI N , AND ORDINAN _.+.��._. �.,__. � �:�4�7 0��J Dat�: 9/8/77 yf . . \ Tp: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER 1�: Thomas J. Ke11ey R'�s 19T7 Budget Reopen i ng � ����'j��� � � SEP � 1977 � . �IAY�� � ACTION REQIIESTED: . 5ignature on the attached �otmci� Re��olution. . Pt7RPOSE AND RATIOL�tALE FOR THIS ACTION; An�icipated funds from the Stete of Minne3ota are not available at this time, and this transfer is necessary not only to meet current cash flow considerati0�s 1n the �hade Tree Disease Coatrol Fund, but also to meet � the total financing requirements necessary to conduct the Shade Tree - Disease Control Program at the anticipated level. A�c�rrrs: (��� �I , � Councll Resolution .