269782 WHITE - CITV CLEHK � �����./-� PINK - FINANCE COUIICII 1� . 3ANARV ?DEPARTMENT GITY �OF .SAINT PAUL , BLUE �MAVOR �� File N 0. H� ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred Ta Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLUTION APPROVING REVISED REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OF LAND GRANTED PARTIAL TAX EXEMPTION BY RESOLUTION, COUNCIL FILE NO. 268819 WHEREAS, by Resolution, Council File No. 268819 ,. adopted March 24, 1977 and approved March 30, 1977, the Council granted a partial tax abatement pursuant to provision and authority of Minn. Stat. �462.651, Subdivision 1, to certain real property identified as Block 36, Parcels 36A and 36B, more fully described in Exhibit A to said Resolution attached, which property was acquired by the Housing and Redevelopmen� Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (HRA) for redevelopment purposes and will be conveyed by HRA to Lowertown Saint Paul Company (Lowertown) as a redevelopment company under said statute, for redevel- ' opment as a part of an approved Project Plan; and WHEREAS, as a part of said redevelopment and in accordance with said Project Plan after taking title to said real property, Lowertown will make a land exchange with the City of Saint Paul straightening the south property line and right-of-way line of Sixth Street, and will make a land exchange with the American Automobile Association straighten- ing the north property line for the purpose of facilitating construction of the redevelopment, which land exchanges will be made without cash consideration, will adjust the exterior boundaries and will increase the size of the area by 365 square feet to a total of 90,595 of the real property • being redeveloped; and WHEREAS, it is the determination of the Council that said land exchanges and boundary description adjustments will not constitute a conveyance or disposal of property as to which the tax exemption was granted under provision of Minn. Stat. §462.591 to §462. 711 terminating said tax exemption and that, after said exchanges have been concluded, the legal description of the real property for which the tax exemption COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Butler - Hozza In Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY Roedler S ylvester � � Tedesco ' Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved ' y Attorney � Certified Passed by Council Secretary By r , By ' Appro y Mayor for Su �ion to Council Approved by ;Vlayor: Date By By WHITE - GTV CLERK COUI1C11 ���� '��� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF �SAINT PAUL . � - � C'ANARV � DEPARTMENT BLUE iMAVOR . . F1I@ NO. � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To ' Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date —2— was granted under Resolution, Council File No. 268819 , shall be as herein- after described. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, in view of the above recitals hereby adopted as findings of the Council that the legal description contained in Exhibit A attached to Resolution, Council File No. 268819, describing the real property for which partial tax exemption was granted by said Resolution shall be and is revised to read as follows: Beginning at the most Southerly corner of Lot 11, Block 8, Whitney and Smith' s Addition to St. Paul, thence running along the Southeasterly line of said Lot ll to the most Easterly corner of said Lot; thence running Northwesterly along the Northeasterly line of said Lot, a distance of 35 feet; thence running Southwesterly and parallel to the Southeasterly line of said lot to a point on the Southwesterly line of said lot distant 35 feet Northwesterly from the most Southerly corner of said lot; thence running Southeasterly along the Southwesterly line of said lot to point of beginning. Lot 7, Block 8, Whitney and Smith's Addition to St. Paul except that part of said Lot 7 lying_ Southerly of the following described lines Beginning at a point on the Southeasterly lot line of said Lot 7 that is 13. 11 feet Southwesterly of the East corner thereof; thence Westerly to a point on the Southwesterly lot line of said Lot 7 that is 1.58 feet Northwesterly of the South corner thereof, and thence terminating. Abstract Property: Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Ewing and Chute 's Subdivision of Lot 1 in Block 8, in Whitney and Smith's Addition to St. Paul. COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler In Favor Hozza Hunt Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester � Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by ;Navor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to.Council By BY \NNI7E - CITV CLERK COURCII ��"F L�'/ PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL G�NAWV *- DEPARTMEN7 � BL_UE -FMAVOR � Flle NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -3- Lots 2, 3, 4,5, 6, 8, 9 and 12, Block 8, Whitney and Smith's Addition to St. Paul except the following portion thereof dedicated for street purposes: All that part of Lots 8 and 9, Block 8, Whitney and Smith's Addition to St. Paul lying Southerly at the following described line: Beginning at a point on the East line of said Lot 8 that is 1.58 feet Northerly of the Southeast corner thereof; thence Westerly to a point on the Westerly line of said Lot 9 that is 5.14 feet North of the 5outh- west corner thereof, and there terminating. � . Lots 8 and 9, Block 2, "St. Paul Proper"; All that part and portion of Lots 6 and 7 in Block 2, Saint Paul Proper, and Lot 10 in Block 8, Whitney and Smith's Addition to St. Paul lying Southerly of a line distant 35 feet Northwesterly and parallel to the Southeasterly line of said lots . Al1 that part of East Six�h Street, vacated, lying Northerly of the following described line: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Block 2, Saint Paul Proper, thence Easterly 80. 37 feet to a point on the Westerly line of Lot 9, Block 8, Whitney and Smith's Addition to St. Paul and there terminating, said termination point being 5.14 feet Northerly of the Southwest corner of said Lot 9. Subject to Jackson Street as widened. Ramsey County, Minn. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays 8��- � Hozza In Favor Hunt � Levine __ Against BY ��ee�ex Sylvester Tedesco Adopted by Council: Date _ SEP ��� Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pa.s y Council S ret�91 BY By- `%� `� p 1 6 1977 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approve by M vor: Dat By _ _ By B BI.�SHE� SEP 2 4 1977 ��TY �F CITY OF SAINT PAUL "��� '- DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT o ...:.ti:::::: � t �+•�• �� ��, �c 55 East Fifth Street,Saint Paul, ta,55101 ..� �°� , , .7�+�1r George Latimer ` Mayor PRESIDENT AND COUNCIL MEMBERS SEPTEMBER 14 , 1977 RE: BLOCK 36 LAND EXCHANGES ; PARTIAL TAX EXEMPTION On March 24 , 1977, the Council granted a partial tax abatement for Parcels 36A and 36B to permit construction of the Mears Park Apartments by Lowertown Saint Paul Company. After closing of the sale of Parcels 36A and 36B by HRA to Lowertown , which is tentatively scheduled for Friday, September 16th , Lowertown will effect two land exchanges with the City and AAA as indicated on the attached drawing. The exchanges require a revision of the legal description of the property granted tax exemption by Resolution , Council File No. 268819. No cash consideration is involved in the exchanges which will add a net 365 square feet to the site and facilitate construction of the project by straightening property and building lines . There will be no change in the assessed valuation of the property. Your consideration and approval of the enclosed Resolution revising the legal description of the property is requested. � . ���"��� S�Y��t�� �T���T ; _ � ' 3�� ; ��� �l,7yZ�FF. To A�A F►Cc�1 �,�bcj �----------- -__ - ----- -_ ---- --------- c•: ; �': ��� ' +�� ��Z•,310 SQ�T TO PRoJ�T ��eOt� �4�A ��� .. :� � L;: :;�� ��;r_.___. __.� �i.� . 3 b1� � � � � :STREE� :RI�Nj o� \YAY To 6E YAG�'�Et7 � ...,,�,.� � -�AREAa T0 &E DEUIGA�V.f'dR ST�EET tCtC�FiT 0� \Y4Y_ y'.,x�. �..�. ,-.........., � � J�"�� ��� t _.__��� _'?� ���� ���..-6 t����� � .-.5G41.E::: l" _: $O'_ _i4�eftt*�oER 1�77 . r , . . ., ������ _ �,. ``T'� °�^ CITY OF SAINT PAUL "��� ' DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT . , ,, . , , o ;.,�;..:. � ;, -_:�� ,b '��r . n° 55 East Fifth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55101 '" � 612-298-5775 George Latimer . Mayor � PRESIDENT AND COUNCIL MEMBERS SEPTEMBER 14 , 1977 , RE: BLOCK 36 LAND EXCHANGES ; PARTIAL TAX EXEMPTION On March 24, 1977 , the Council granted a partial tax. abatement for Parcels 36A and 36B to pe�mit construction 'of the Mears Park Apartments 5y Lowertown Saint Paul Company. After closing of the sale of Parcels � 36A and 36B by HRA to Lowertown , which is tentatively scheduled for Friday, September 16th , Lowertown will effect two land exchanges with the City and AAA as indicated on the attached drawing. The exchanges require a revision of the legal description of the property granted tax exemption by Resolution , Council File No. 268819. No cash consideration is involved in the exchanges which will add a net 365 square feet to the site and facilitate constr. uction of the project by straightening property and building lines . There will be no change in the assessed valuation of the property. Your consideration and approval of the er�closed Resolution revising the legal description of the property is requested. _ � 1 � . . i � . ( • �� e . , + : , � .. .. . . . ....__. . �f Y •- ' . ��.�,��,� � -S�V���t�"� s�'���T � � � _ . ; � . _ ��� �,�� �1,79Z�Ft". to�AAA F�ot� �a��cj . . � �----------- --- - ----- -- - --- -------- c•: ; • ;:� � . �; ::�: _ +-: ,x�,3t 0 SQFT TO PRoJEGT ��!vt Ar'�A ���. :�� ' �� � '��..�...��.. ...�r J . � • . � _ .:_ 3 b� � ��,��-,. � � • � � :STRE�T R1UNj o� �Y�IY 10 gE YA�ATED � . � � � "'�"� :`AKEI� TO &E D�UtG�►'('ED FotC .sT�EET �lc,�ET o� �Y4Y � - - �.,.�,.,n-. .-, � �` S�X�� ST��� . _�_�1..� �� ���� ��'C����`��� � � �.���: ,.. _ So. :ti5't�E1Z 19'77 1 WMITE - CITV CLEHK i PINK i FINANCE GITY O�� SAI NT PAUL � COUflC1I ' CANARV - DEPARTMENT � � � i B�UE - MqyOR File NO. H� . � Council Resolution . � Presented f3y ! Referred To ! Committee: Date Out of Committee By - Date ' � � RESOLUTION APPROVING REVISED REAL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION OF LAND GRANTED PARTIAL TAX EXEMPTION BY RESOLUTION, � COUNCIL FILE NO. 268819 WHEREAS, by Resolution, Council File No. 268819 ,. adopted March 24 , 1977 and approved March 30, 1977, the Council granted a partial tax abatement pursuant to provision and authority of Minn. Stat. §462. 65Z, ' Subdivision 1, to certain real property identified as Block 36 , Parcels 36A and 36B, more fully described in Exhibit A to said Resolution attached, which property was acquired by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (HRA) for redevelopment purposes and will be conveyed by HRA to Lowertown Saint Pau1 Company (Lowe�town) as a redevelopment company under said statute, for redevel- ' opn�ent as a part of an approved Project Plan; and . � . � a WHEREAS, as a part of said redevelopment and in accordance with said Project Plan after taking title to said real property, Lowertown will make a land exchange with the City of Saint Paul straightening the � south property line and right-of-way line of Sixth Street, and will make a land exchange with the American Automobile Association straighten- ing the north property ,line for the purpose of facilitating construction of the redevelopment, which land exchanges will be made without cash consideration, will adjust the exterior boundaries and will increase the size r �f the area by 365 square feet to. a total of 90,595 of the real property • being redeveloped; and ; WHEREAS, it is the determination of the Council that said land � exchanges and boundary description adjustments will not constitute a � conveyance or disposal of property as to which the tax exemption was i granted under provision .of Minn.. Stat. §462. 591 to �462. 711 terminating ' said tax exemption and that, after said exchanges have been concluded, � ' the legal description of the real property for which the tax exemption ; � COUNC[LMEN � Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Butler - Hozza [n Favor Hunt Levine __ Against BY - Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By •' . . Approti�ed by 5layor: Date _ � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By .— By WNtTE - CITV CLERK � � PINK - FINANCE C I TY O F SA I NT � A U L Council • ' CANARV ,.� OEPARTMENT �� BLUE - MAVOR File N . � � � Council Resolution. � � � � Presented By Referred To • Committee: Date . . � Out of Committee By Date � �2� � k was granted under Resolution, Council File No. 268819 , shall be as herein- after described. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint � Paul, Minnesota, in view of the above recitals hereby adopted as findings of the Council that the legal description contained in Exhibit A attached to Resolution, Council File No. 268819 , describing the real property for which partial tax exemption was granted by said Resolution shall be and is revised to read as follows: , Beginning at the most Southerly corner of Lot 11, Block 8, Whitney and Smith' s Addition to St. Paul, thence running along the Southeasterly line of said Lot 11 to the most Easterly corner of said Lot; thence running Northwesterly along the Northeasterly line of said Lot, a distance of 35 feet; thence running Southwesterly and parallel to the Southeasterly line of said lot to a point on the Southwesterly line of said lot distant 35 feet Northwesterly from the most Southerly corner of said lot; thence running Southeasterly along . the Southwesterly line o£ said lot to point of beginning . , Lot 7, Block 8, Whitney and Smith 's Addition to St. Paul except that part of saicl Lot 7 lying Southerly of the following described line: Beginr.ing at a point on the Southeasterly lot line of said Lot 7 that is 13. 11 feet Southwesterly of the East corner thereof; thence Westerly to a point on the Southwesterly lot line of said Lot 7 that is 1. 58 feet Northwes�erly � of the South corner thereof, and thence terminating. ' Abstract Property: , . ! Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Ewing and Chute 's Subdivision of Lot 1 in Block 8, in Whitney and Smith's Addition to St. Paul. - � i COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: � Yeas Nays � Butler Hozza In Favor � Hunt . � Levine _ Against BY - Roedlcr S��lvester ' • Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed b�• Council Secretary BY Bl� . Approved by Mayor; Date _ , Approved by Mayor for Submission to.Council BY -- — BY _— ' . , t� WMITE - CITV CLEF2K � PINN ��NAN�� G I TY O N SA I N T PA U L Council CANARV - OEPARTMENT � ` BIUE - MAVOR 1 • File N 0. , � Council Resolutio� � � Presented By ����� ( Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date � . -3- I . ! Lots 2 , 3, 4,5, 6 , 8, 9 and 12, Block 8, Whitney and Smith's Addition to ; St. Paul except the following portion thereof dedicated for street ! purposes: All that part of Lots 8 and 9, Block 8, Whitney and Smith's � Addition to St. Paul lying Southerly at the following described line: Beginning at a point on the East line of said Lot 8 that is 1.58 feet Northerly of the Southeast corner thereof; thence Westerly to a point " on the Westerly line of said Lot 9 that is 5. 14 feet North of the South- west corner thereof, and there terminating. • 4 � f , Lots 8 and 9, Block 2, "St. Paul Proper"; � � 1 All that part and portion af Lots 6 and 7 in Block 2, Saint Paul Proper, ` an3 Lot 10 in Block 8, Whitney and Smith's Addition to St. Paul lying • � ' Southerly of a line distant 35 feet Northwesterly and parallel to the j Southeasterly line of said lo�s . M All that part of East Sixth Street, vacated, lying Northerly of the � following described line: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Block 2, Saint Paul Proper, thence Easterly 80. 37 feet to a point on the Westerly line of Lot 9, Block 8:, Whitney and Smith' s Addition to St. Paul and � there terminating, said termination point being 5. 14 feet Northerly of � the Southwest corner of said Lot 9. Subject to Jackson Street as widened. Ramsey County, Minn. . COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays , Butler Hozza In Favor Hunt � Levine __ Against BY Roedler Sylvester Tedesco Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b}� Council: Date _ Certified }?assed by Council Secretary BY By __ • Approved by :�lavor: Date _ . Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By . By . _ _��__ ___ _ � _ .._._..�.._..__--_—_._.___'f r