269769 WHI7E - CITV CLERK f �����. ■
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O/ f�liZ/"L/l�CG Ordinance N O. ���J��
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Presented By �_:
Referred To � Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 15881,
approved August 29, 1975, entitled "An ordinance
adopting a new zoning ordinance for the City
of Saint Paul, repealing Chapters 60, 61, 62,
63 and 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code
and the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul. "
Section l.
That the Zoning 'Map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 24,
as incorporated by reference in Section 60.401 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code, is hereby amended as follows:
The property owned by Clapp-Thomssen Company at the
Southwest corner of McKnight Road and Interstate Highway
94, lying North of Burns Avenue and East of Suburban
Avenue, more particularly described as:
"Lots 18, 19, 20 and 23, Subject to Highway,
Block 6, Scenic Hills. Lots 21 and 22 except
those parts lying south and east of lines
described as follows: Beginning at a point
on the east line of Section 35, Township 29,
. Range 22 distant 143.82 feet north of the south-
east corner of said section; thence running �vest
at right angles to said east li.ne 103 feet; thence
west parallel with the south lines of said. lots
COUNCILMEN � Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hozza In Favor
Levine Against BY
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by (iouncil: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY 4����'�� O
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council •
-� � � Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. � `� ��
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
to a point distant 225 feet west of the east
line of said Lot 22; thence south parallel with
said east line of Lot 22 to an intersection with
the south line of said Lot 21, except the east
45 feet thereof; all in Block 6, Scenic Hills.
That part of Lot 17 lying east of a line 150
feet west and parallel with the east line of Lot
17 and lying south of a line 100 feet north and
parallel with the south line of Lot 17, subject
to Highway Lot 24, all in Block 6, Scenic Hills.
Subject to an easement for earthern fill slopes
on all those parts of said Lots 21 and 22 (except
highway right of way) lying adjacent to the north
and west sides of the afore described land to
such widths necessary for 2 or less to l slopes
(2 feet or less horizontal measure to 1 foot
vertical measure) . See Document #495043:
is rezoned from OS-1 to ES Expressway Service.
Section 2.
This ordinance shall take force and effect in thirty (30)
days from and after its •passage, approval and publication.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Butler '
Hozza � In Favor
Hunt �
Roedle� Against BY
Tedesco�� Q(,"�' � 3 197� PP Y Y Y
Form A roved b Cit Attorne
Adopted b ouncil: Date
Cer ' ied Pa by Co cil Secretpry By �������� O
Appro Mayor: e T � � �977 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
v � 1�
August 10, 1977 ��t� r��
Rose Mix, City Clerk
386 City Hall
� St. Paul , Minn. 55102
Dear Madam:
This is written in response to the petition of C1app-Thomssen Company to rezone
property on the southwest corner of McKnight Road and I-94 from Office Service (OS)
to Expressway Service. The legal description of this property is attached. The
rezoning is requested to allow a hotel development.
This matter was heard by the Current Planning and Zoning Comnittee on June 16, 1977
at which time Staff recomnended approval of the petition. A motion to recommend
approval was made by Mr. Humner and seconded by Mr. Sherwood. The motion passed on
a 5 to 1 roll call vote, with Mr. Willits dissenting.
On June 24, 1977 the Planning Commission passed on a vote of 12 to 0 a motion made
by Mr. Hummer and seconded by Mr. Prifrel to recanmend approval of this petition.
This matter is scheduled to be heard before the St. Paul City Council on August 11 ,
��iow �.f�f�"'w'�-
Jean S. Berman
City Planner
Zoning File No. 8146
421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-4151
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421 Wabasha
St. Paul . Minnesota 55102
A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of 5t. Pau1 � Minnesota,
was held June 24, 197I, at 9:00 a.m. in the City Plann�[ng Conference
Room at 421 Wabasha, St. Paul , Mirn�sota.
Present: Mmes. Grittner, Mayne, McGinl�ey, Narton and Pic�ola;
Messrs. Grais. Humner, McDonell , Panaal, Pl�ifrel, Sherwood,
Stegemoeller, Tobler and Willits. �
Absent: Mmes. Cochrane and Montgomery; Messrs. Bryan, Feder,
Hanggi and Van Hoef. ,
Also present: Roger Christianson, Attorney; Frank Harner; Gayle Surm�ers;
Rick Renner and Caroi Batsell , Chamber of Cannerce;
Jerry Mangle and Gary Peltier, Housing and Redevelapment
Authority; Charles McGuire, Economic DevelopEnent; J. Berman,
K. Dzugan, W. Fearnside, K. Ford, S. Grochala and Greg Haupt.
The Planning Commission at its June 24 meeting took the following action:
APPROVED the minutes of the June 10, 1971 meeting. Motion was �ade by
Mr. Prifrel, seconded by Mrs. Ma�yne and carried unanimously.
DENIED similar use determination requested by Marsha Skelton for property
located on the north side of Front 5treet between Chatsworth and Argyle.
Motion was made by Mr. Hummer, seconded by Mr. Prifrel and carried by a
roll call vote of 13 to 0.
DENIED to recomnend the rezoning of property on the northwest corner of
Victoria and Jefferson requested by the Continental Oil Canpany, and on
the southwest corner of Victoria Street and �-35E right-of-way requested
by Naegele Outdoor Advertising. Motian was made by Mr. Hummer, seconded
by Mr. Willits and carried by a roll call vote of 13 to 0.
APPROVED, by a roll call vote of 12 to 0, a motion made by Mr. Hunmer,
� seconded by Mr. Prifrel , recommending the rezoning requested by Ciapp-
Thomssen Company on property located on the southwest corner of McKnight
Road and I-94.
APPROVED a special condition use permit for a fast food restaurant with
parking for 50 cars on the northwest corner of Prosperity and E. Geranium
requested by Construction 70, Inc. Motion made by Mr. Humner, seconded
by Mr. Sherwood and carried by a roll ca}l vote of 13 to 0.
APPROVED, by a roll call vote of 13 to l , a motion made by Mrs. McGin]ey,
seconded by Mr. Pangal , to recommend the rezoning of property located on
the north and south sides of Selby Avenue between Snelling and Fry
to a P-1 designation on the rezoning petition o� Frank Horner Properties.
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T0: Planning Carmission Members �
FROM: Jean S. Berman, Current Planning & Zoning Committ�e�
SUBJECT: Current Planning & Zoning Comnittee Mee�ing June 16, 1977
1 . MARSNA SKELTON - Zonin File No. 8162: The request is for a determination
o similar use or expansion of an auto repair shop on the north side of
Front Street between Chatsworth and Argyle. A motion was made by Mr. Humner
for denial , recommending that the applicant apply for B-3 rezoning on a
short form petition. The motion was seconded by Mr. Willits and passed on
a 6 to 0 roll call vote.
2. SPIEGLER BROS. CONSTRUCTION C0. - Zonin File No. 8163: A request for
etermination o par ing requirements or an in oor comnercial tennis court
on the southwest corner of Homer & West 7th Street. A motion was made by
Mr. Humner and seconded by Ms. Grittner to table the matter until the City
Attorney drafts an ordinance with a reasonable recormiendation as to parking
requirements for public tennis courts. The motion passed on a unanimous
voice vote.
3. CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY - Zoning File No. 8151 )
NAEGELE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING - Zoning File No. 8150 ) The petitions are for
rezoning from R-4 to B-3 the northwest corner of Victoria & Jefferson. A
motion for denial was made by Mr. Willits and seconded by Ms. Grittner. The
motion passed on a 6 to 0 roll call vote.
4. CLAPP-THOMSSEN COMPANY - Zonin File No. 8146: The petition is to rezone the
sout west corner o c nig t oa an - 4. motion to recanmend denial by
Mr. Willits died for lack of a second. Mr. Humner then made a motion to
recaTanend approval . The motion was seconded by Mr. Sherwood and passed on
a 5 to 1 roll call vote, with Mr. Willits dissenting.
5. CONSTRUCTION 70, INC. - Zonin File No. 8149: The petition is for a special
con ition use permit for a fast foo restaurant at the northwest corner of
Prosperity and Geranium. Mr. Hummer made a motion to recommend approval
of the special condition use permit providing the petitioner complies with
Section 60.503(d)(3) of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Ms.
Grittner and passed on a 6 to O roll call vote.
6. HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY - Zonin File No. 8167: Pursuant to Planning
omniss�on Reso utyon 77-19 t e Current anning oning Committee reviewed
the proposed 40 Acre Study rezoning for Control Data's site in the
421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-4151
� � . . , .
• . ������
PRESENT: Mmes. Grittner and McGinley, and Messrs. Sherwood, Willits, Hur�ner and Bryan
of the Current Planning and Zoning Committee; Mr, �Thomas Sipkins, Assistant City Attorney;
Mr. Richard Amey of the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement; and Ms. 6erman,
Ms. Fearnside, Mr. McGuire, Mr. Dzugan and Ms. Fox of the Planning staff.
The meeting was chaired by Mr. Bryan.
CLAPP-THOMSSEN COMPANY #8146): A petitibn to rezone to ES property located on the
sout west corner o�lc n g t oad and T-94.
The petitioner was present. There was opposfition. :
Ms. Berman showed slides of the subject site and read the staff report.
Mr. James Lano appeared on behalf of Clapp-Thomssen and said he wanted to g�ve a brief
history of the zoning of this piece of property. He distributed copies of the site plan
to the Comnittee members. He safid the site was acquired �y Clapp-Thomssen in 1951 and
in 1953 the zoning was general comnercfial classifi'cation. Th1s was in �ffect prior
to passage of the present zoning ordinance, and it was the i'ntent of the owner to develop
a major portion of tFiat property for mote1 use and thts fis sti11 fiis intention. In 1972
they discovered the new zoning ordinance arould rezone this to OS. They felt this was
unjustified down zoning of the property. They f�ave made numerous appearances before the
�?City departments expressing o6jections to tF�is down zoning. There is still no demand
for office space for tf�is property and tf�ey fee1 their o6�ections for ti�e pnat 5 years
are still vatid. Mr. Lana said tFiat C1app-Thomssen has been negotiating with a number
of motel developers. No one �s yet is under contract, 6ut Royal Granada, a franchise
hotel run by Phoenix Hotel , is discussing th� matter with Clapp-Thomssen. The site plan
has been okayed and the ma�or access w�'11 6e to Burns Avenue, with employee access out
of the employee parking 1ot separated from other parkfing facilities. Regarding the
actual structure that wi11 be built, Mr. Lano said it is subject to negotiation, but
they contemplate a six-story motel . Royal Granada has a basic design which involves
use of a court; 200 roomsare planned and a swimning pool in the court area. The hotel
will not feature a restaurant or bar. There will be kitchen facilities that will serve
buffet type meals, but nothing elaborate. He said the concept Roya1 Granada uses is a
bit different from that of conventional motels. He then presented a copy of Ro��l Grandda!s
coneept brief to the Comnittee members.
/Mr. Sipkins informed the Comnittee that just after the City Council down zoned the property
in 1975, C1app-Thomssen did sue the City of St. Paul , on this piece of property, and
that litigation still exists, to the best of his knowledge. .
Mr. Lana said the lawsuit is still active, but they would like to avoid litigation.
He said if they attain the rezoning they are asking for, that lawsuit will be dismissed.
He then showed some pictures of the Royal Granada �aci1i�ty in Arizona, and said Public
Works wa� concerned about drainage, but their engineer studied the drainage for the area
and has come up with a plan that F�as satisffied tf�e Departments of Public Works and
. � � �
. �
Clapp-Thomssen Co. page 2
Mr. Roy W. Str.uber, 2204 Suburban Avenue, said he lives directly across the street from �
r""�the property in question. He said this area is one of the most densely populated areas
in St. Paul except downtown. He mentioned the numerous other apartment complexes in
the area, fast food places, Sun Ray Shopping Center, banks, etc. and said all this
generated much traffic. He felt this would add considerably to an already over-congested
area and not only with people but also traffic. He said the area already has more traffic
than it can handle and he is against any structure •that would add so much more traffic.
Mr. John Parnell , 2190 Suburban Avenue, said Clapp-Thomssen has never really tried to
work it out -with people who live in the area, a1though they have tried to work it out
with the City. He said Chain Link has its own entrance and exit, but they pulled up the
fence and after that Mr. Parnell said he got the traffic. This is a residential street
and he has appeared against Clapp-Thomssen many times. He said the residential people
have no place to go. He said if Clapp-Thomssen tried to work it out with people he
thought they could work out something and he suggested closing off Suburban Avenue
Mr. Lano said access to Suburban is going to be restricted and will be the access only for
the employ�e parking lot. He said the plan has emp1oyees coming out of the lot so they
have to turn left, and, inasmuch as there may 6e some increased traffic, this fact has
been recognized by tF�e City of St. Paul and Public Works has Burns Avenue s1ated to be
widened. Mr. Lano claimed that any use going i'n tP�ere wou1d generat� traffic. He mentioned
offers they have made regarding some type of 6uffer, and said Public Works turned this
down on the basis of maintenance. Regarding contro1 of development in the area, Clapp-
Thomssen would sell but they are not going to tend assistance to any development plan
that is not blue rib6on. Clapp-Thomssen is a first-class developer, Mr. Lano said, and
considerate of the future of that area.
Mr.. Parnell returned in rebuttal and said a11 traffic would turn to the left and go to
Burns Avenue. Tkie�ee are residents who wou1d be affected by trafffic com�ng onto Suburban
regardless of which direction they wen�. The C1app�Thomssen proposal was turned down
by residents because what Clapp-Thomssen had proposed was that they wou1d give up their
boulevard and the street would be only wide enough for one 1ane of tra�Ffic, so no truck
or vehicle larger than a car cou1d be turned onto this street.
Mr. Willits said that when the City was rezoned, he had a hard time seeing this was an
error. He said he also fe1t traffic in the area is quite a prob1em. Mr. Willits then
moved to recomnend denial on these grounds. The motion died for lack of a second.
Mr. Hummer said that with the assurance that this is going to be a motel , it would
seem that would be as near to a residentia1 situation as you are going to get in this
area, and he made a motion to recommen� approva1 of the rezoning request. His motion
was seconded by Mr. Sherwood and passed on a 5 to 1 roll call vote, with Mr. Willits dissenting.
j Mr. Willits said the site plan is not for a particular project, but is for a tentative
� ` project. In ES-1 this could reYert to another group of fast food restaurants.with
no assurance th`is will be a motelor that it will fit into the area.
Ms. Berman said that whatever goes in on the subject site will have a site plan review
of the City and the site plan will be very carefully gone over and reviewed.
Ms. McOinley said it would seem to her that C1app-Thomssen has been worrcing diligently
with the City departments and made sincere efforts to satve the planning problems, so
. , � they can denelop it as a motel in a way that will be advantageous.
Submitted by: Appro ed b • � �c1/(`i
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Jean S. Berman aames Bryan, Chalrman
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,�1N� BQA[tD STAI�F ItEPO�iT June 16, 1977 Pl�t Il�p 42 ,
1. APPLICANT'S NAlt� ; Clapp-Thomssen C0. ��� ,
. 2. CI.ASSIFICATION . � Amendaent � Apps�l � Pessit � Otialr
3. PURPOSE : Rezone from OS-1 and B-2 to ES
4. LOCATION : Southwest corner of McKnlght Road snd I-94
5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : see dtt$Chld
6. PResB�r zoeriNC: OS-1 and 6-2 . . �
7. PURSUAt� TO Zonin� Code Chaptss: S��kioqs pass�s�lpht .
, ,
8. STAFP INVESTIGATION 6 ftEpO�T: D�t�: 6-10�77 O�t �S6
A. SUFFICIENCY: The appellant's rezoning petition was filed an n short form
subscri e and sworn to before a notary public on M�y 5. 1977. The City
Council referred the matter to the Planning Commission on Nl�y 10. 1917. The
City Planning Office received the petitlon May 16, 1977. ,
B. PROPOSED USE: The appellant seeks to have the property rezoned from OS-1 and
S='f to an€xpressway Service (ES) District. This would allow a 200-unit
motel development.
C. FRONTAGE 8 AREA: The site has a 340 ft. frontage on the north side of Burns
an s a out . acres in area. This large vacnnt site 1s bqunded by McKnight
Road on the east, a gas station at the southeast corner, Burns Avenue on the
south, Suburban Avenue on the west, a restaurant at the northwest corner, and
the I-94 right-of-way on the north. The site poses t� ma�or problems for
commercial development:
1 . Its northeast quadrant is a marshy depression that retains storm
water. If this area is filled up to drain onto the streets, it
might overload existing storm sewers.
2. There are single family homes on the west side of Suburban Avenue.
Comnercial and residential uses sharing the same street are a
potential land use problem.
The petitioner seeks to solve these problems by: -
1 . Creating a ponding area in the northeast corner of the site. The
ponding area will connect by sewage line to Burns Avenue and hence
to the main connector at McKnight Road.
2. Major access to the site will be off of Burns Avenue. They are
proposing one driveway off Suburban which will lead to the employees'
only parking lot.
, .
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Cit Clerk and � "°":'_'�� �
11 �. � Couxcil Reeorder
Counoil Seoretary �s �
SSB City Hall St.Pau.l,Minnesota 6b10t
Plwne t38-.¢�!1
May io, 1977
Planning Commission
Grace Building
St. Paul, Minnesota
Dear Gentlemen:
The attached petition of Clapp-Thomssen Company to rezone property at the
southwest corner of McKnight Road and I-94, aka parts of Lots 17, 21, and
22, and all of Lots 18 thru 20 and Lots 23 and 24, all in Block 6, Scenic
Hills Addition, was referred to the Planning Commission for recomnnendation
by the City Council at its May 10, 1977 meeting.
Very truly yours,
City Clerk ��
cc: Mr. Glenn Erickson, City Architect
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Short Form Rezoning Petition
c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall •
City of Saint Paul , Minnesota
Pursuant to the provisions of LAWS OF MINNESOTA for 1975, Chapter 261 , Section 6�
I/we the undersigned� being the owner(s), of property described as OA thA
attached co�v of thQ gertifiaat� ���i��•
and situated (describe locatio� with respect to streets or intersections) SOlithli/e St
cornar oi' Mc$night Road and Interstate 94; North of Burns Av�. and
E�st of SLb�ban Ave
wh i ch prope rty was prev i ous 1 y zoned Commeraial . and under
Chapters 60 through 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is presently zoned
Of�fiCe - SATVICA � a more restrictive zoning classification, do
hereby request that consideration be given by your honorable bodtes to rezone
the above described property to a zoning classification of F�rr,rasav�v_�iC9
under Chapters 60 through 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code.
Subscribed and sworn to before me • I��E�6ri�
�n . omssen s
this '�day of � �. �97�
� ,;. : � �� .,,� , Address: 4th & Wabasha
Notary Pub1lc� Ramsey Co. � Minnesota
My Comm i s s i on e • Te 1 e phone: 222-?311
M Comm.Expires Aug.23,1981
Approved as to •
by the City Attorney.
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� CITY OF .-���r- UL .
,Tuly 29, 1977
File X1925, page
Dear Citizen; �
As a courtesy to you and as required by law, we want to notify you about
a public hearing which may affect you.
The Council of the City of St. Paul will hold a pub�lic hearing in the Council
Chambers of the City Hall and Court Nouse (third floor) at Z0:00 a.m. on
August 11, 1977 on the;
Application of Clapp-Thomssen Company to rezone the property
at the southwest corner of McKnight Road and Highway I-94
from Office-Service to Expressway Service. See attached for
Legal Description.
I€ you would like further information about this hearing, contact the Current
Planning Section of the planning Board, 421 Wabasha Street, or telephone
While the City Charter requires that we notify you of the hearing, we want to
help you to learn fully about any action that could affect you or your
commanity. There£ore, I sincerely hope you can attend this hearing, so that
you can make your views about it known to the City Council, whether for or
' .
. ,
Lots 18, I9, 20 and 23, Sub3ect to Highway, Block 6, Scenic Hills. Lots 21 and 22 except
those parts lying south and east of lines described as follows: Beginning at �a point oa
the east line of Section 35, Township 29, Range 22 distant 143.82 feet �north of the
southeast corner of said seetion; thence running west at right angles to said east line
103 feet; thence west parallel with the south lines of said lots to a point distant 225
feet west of the east line of said Lot 22; thence aouth parallel with said east line of
Lot 22 to an intersection with the south line of said Lot 21, except the east 45 feet
thereof; all in Block 6, Scenic Hills. That part of Lot 17 lying east of a line 154 feet
west and paral.lel with the east line of Lot I7 and lying south of a line l00 feet north
and parallel with the south line of Lot 17. Subject to Highway Lot 24, all in Block 6,
Scenic Hills. Subject to an easement for earthern fill slopes on all those parts of
said Lots 21 and 22 (except highway right of'way) lying adjacent to the north and west
� sides of the afore described land to such widths necessary for 2 or leas to 1 s�opes
(2 feet or less horizontal measure to 1 foot vertical measure}. See Document #495�43.
' .
D. AREA CONDITIONS: This area at the interchange of McKnight Road and I-94
as een s ape by the freeway. There is a large 3M office building at the
northeast corner of the freeway interchange. There is business development
on the north side of the freeway. South of the subject site on the other
side of Burns Avenue is a large apartment development. East of the subject
site on the other side of McKnight Road is Ramsey County's Battle Creek Park.
West of the subject site and north of Burns Avenue is an area of well
maintained single family homes and duplexes less than 20 years. old.
1 . Land use problems posed by this site are not insoluble. The developer's
plan, which leaves a ponding area and limits access off Suburban, is a
reasonable solution.
2. Clapp-Thomssen submitted drawings for a site plan review for this develop-
ment in November 1976. Their present proposal has incorporated the
suggestions made by city departments.
3. It may have been a mistake to put this property in an OS-1 zone. A
restaurant, The Chain Link, at the site's northwest corner, is a nonconforming
use in an OS-1 zone. This commercial use of Suburban Avenue has been the
cause of some neighborhood complaints. As indicated in the attached
memorandum from Public Works, the problems posed by The Chain Link are related
to the subject site.
4. The petitioner's solution to the watershed problem has been approved by the
Ramsey-Washington Metro Watershed District and the State Department of
5. The use of this portion of Suburban Avenue for both single family residential
and commercial purposes may be a source of conflict. However, this would
also be true if the subject site were developed as offices.
G. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the above findings, Staff recomnends that the
petitioner s request be granted.
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Council Seoretary �8 '" ^c' Counai!8eeorder
888 City Hall St.Paul,Minnesota Sb102
Phone 898-.b�l1
r�ay �o, 19��
Planning Commission
Grace Building
St. Paul, Minnesota
Dear Gentlemen:
�'he attached petition of Clapp-Thomssen Company to rezone property at the
southwest corner of McKnight Road and I-94, aka parts of Lots 17, 21, and
22, and all of Lots 18 thru 20 and Lots 23 and 24, all in Block 6, Scenic
Hills Addition, was referred to the Planning Commission for recoumnendation
by the City Council at its May 10, 1977 meeting.
Very truly yours,
City Clerk .�l��
cc: Mr. Glenn Erickson, City Architect
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� Short Form Rezoning Petition
c/o the City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall .
City of Saint Paul , Minnesota
Pursuant to the provisions of LAWS OF MINNESOTA for 1975. Chepter 261 , Section 6�
I/we the undersigned� being the awner(s)_ of property described as OA thB
attached copv of th� gertificate Qg tit�.
and situated (describe location with respect to streets or intersections) 80t1th1�I�ASt
corner of McKnight Road a.nd Interstate 94; l�orth of Buras Av�. and
Sast of Sub�rban Ave.
which property was previously zoned C�ID1�8rai81 ___. and under
Chapters 60 through 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is presently zoned
Offiee - S�T91Ce , a more restrictive zoning classification, do
hereby request that consideration be given by your honorable bodies to rezone
the above descrlbed property to a zoning ciassification of �r�ssva,� Serv�Ce
under Chapters 60 through 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code.
Subscribed and sworn to before me • I�����
an . mssen s'
this ��day of � �.-� �97�
�,r,�.;. _ ������� Address: 4th & Wabashit
Notary Public� Ramsey Co. , Minnesota
My Comm i s s i on e ■ Te 1 ephone: 222-7�11
Comm.Exqres Aug.23,1981
Approved as to •
by the City Attorney.
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PURPOSE Rezone from OS to ES
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We the undersigned are against the changing of the zoning
from OS to ES for the property bounded by S.uburban Ave. ,
on the West; Burns Ave. , on the South; McKnight Rd. , on the
East; and Freewa 94 exit, on the North.
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from OS to ES for the property bounded by Suburban Ave. ,
on the West; Burns Ave. , on the South; McKnight Rd. , on the
East; and Freewa 94 exit, on the North.
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East; and Freeway 94 exit, on the North.
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from OS to ES for the property bounded by Suburban Ave. ,
on the West; Burns Ave. , on the South; McKnight Rd. , on the
East; and Freeway 94 exit, on the North.
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August 10, 1977
Rose Mix, City Clerk
386 City Hall
St. Paul , Minn. 55102
Dear Madam:
This is written in response to the petition of Clapp-Thomssen Company to rezone
property on the southwest corner of McKnight Road and I-94 from Office Service (OS)
to Expressway Service. The legal description of this property is attached. The
rezoning is requested to allow a hotel development.
This matter was heard by the Current Planning and Zoning Corr�nittee on June 16, 1977
at which time Staff recorr�nended approval of the petition. A motion to recommend
approval was made by Mr. Hummer and seconded by Mr. Sherwood. The motion passed on
a 5 to 1 roll call vote, with Mr. Willits dissenting.
On June 24, 1977 the Planning Commission passed on a vote of 12 to 0 a motion made
by Mr. Hummer and seconded by Mr. Prifrel to recommend approval of this petition.
This matter is scheduled to be heard before the St. Paul City Council on August 11 ,
l,or, �•Gt��►
Jean S. Berman
City Planner
Zoning File No. 8146
421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-4151
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421 Wabasha
St. Paul . Minnesota 55102
A meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of St. Paul . MinnesoLa,
was held June 24, 1977, at 9:00 a.m. in the Gity Planning Conference
Room at 421 Wabasha, St. Pau1 , Minnesota.
Present: Mmes. Grittner, M�yne, McGinley, Norton �nd Piecalo;
Messrs. Grais, Hummer, McDonell , P�ngal , Prifrel , 5hen�aod.,
Stegemoeller, Tobler and Willits.
Absent: Mmes. Cochrane and Montvcxn�r�r; Messrs. Bryan, Feder,
Hanggi and Van Hoef.
Also present: Roger Christianspn, Attorney; Frank Horner; Gayle Summers;
Rick Renner and Carol satse7l , Chamber of Commerce;
Jerry Mangle and Gary Peltier, Housin� and Redevelopment
Authority; Charles McGuire, Economic pevelopment; J. Berman,
K. Dzugan, W. Fearnslde, K. For�, S. Grochala and C�reg Haupt.
The Planning Comnission at its June 24 meeting took the following action;
ARPROVED the minutes of the June 10, 1977 meeting. Motion was made by
Mr. Prifrei, seconded by Mrs. Mayne and carried unanimously.
DENIED similar use determination requested by Marsha Skelton for property
located on the north side of Front Street between Chatsworth and Argyle.
Motion was made by Mr. Hummer, seconded by Mr. Prifrel and carried by a
roll call vote of 13 to 0.
DENIED to recamnend the rezoning of property on the northwest corner of
Victoria and Jefferson requested by the Continental Oil Company, and on
the southwest corner of Victoria Street and I-35E right-of-way requested
by Naegele Outdoor Advertising. Motion was made by Mr. Hummer, seconded
by Mr. Willits and carried by a roll call vote of 13 to 0.
APPROVED, by a roll call vote of 12 to 0, a motion made by Mr. Hummer,
? seconded by Mr. Prifrel , reconmending the rezoning requested by Clapp-
Thomssen Company on property located on the southwest corner of McKnight
Road and I-94.
APPROVED a special condition use permit for a fast food restaurant with.
parking for 50 cars on the northwest corner of Prosperity and E. Geranium
requested by Construction 70, Inc. Motion made by Mr. Hummer, seconded
by Mr. Sherwood and carried by a roll call vote of 13 to 0.
APPROVED, by a roll call vote of 13 to 1 , a rrrotion made by Mrs. McGinley,
seconded by Mr. Pangal , to recommend the rezoning of property located on
the north and south sides of Selby Avenue between Snelling and Fry
to a P-1 designation on the rezoning petition of Frank Horner Properties.
. . .� . .,��...�... .a. ..e.. ... . � �1 . � ����—Y'�C
T0: Planning Commission Members
FROM: Jean S. Berman, Current Plannjng & ZOning Committ�e�
SUBJECT: Current Planning & Zoning Comnittee Meefiing June 16, 1977
l . MARSHA SKELTON - Zonin File No. 8162: The request is for a determination
o sim�lar use or expansion of an auto repair shop on the north side of
Front Street between Chatsworth and Argyle. A motion was made by Mr. Humner
for denial , recommending that the applicant apply for B-3 rezoning on a
short form petition. The mo�ion was seconded by Mr. Willits and passed on
a 6 to 0 roll call vote.
2. SPIEGLER BROS. CONSTRUCTION C0. - Zonin File No. $163: A request for
eterm�nation o par ing requirements or an in oor commercial tennis court
on the southwest corner of Homer & West 7th Street. A motion was made by
Mr. Humner and seconded by Ms. Grittner to table the matter until the City
Attorney drafts an ordinance with a reasonable recomnendation as to parking
requirements for public tennis courts. The motion passed on a unanimous
voice vote.
3. CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY - Zoning File No. 8151 )
NAEGELE OUTDOOR ADVERTISING - Zoning File No. 8150 ) The petitions are for
rezoning from R-4 to B-3 the northwest corner of Victoria & Jefferson. A
motion for denial was made by Mr. Willits and seconded by Ms. Grittner. The
motion passed on a 6 to 0 roll call vote.
4. CLAPP-THOMSSEN COMPANY - Zonin File No. 8146: The petition is to rezone the
sout west corner o c nig t oa an - , motion to recomnend denial by
Mr. Willi�Cs died for lack of a second. Mr. Humner then made a motion to
recommend approval . The motion was seconded by Mr. Sherwood and passed on
a 5 to 1 r•oll call vote, with Mr. Willits dissenting.
5. CONSTRUCTION 70, INC. - Zonin File No. 8149: The petition is for a special
con ition use permit for a ast foo restaurant at the northwest corner of
Prosperity and Geranium. Mr. Hummer made a motion to recommend approval
of the special condition use permit providing the petitioner complies with
Section 60.503(d)(3) of the ordinance. The motion was seconded by Ms.
Grittner and passed on a 6 to 0 roll call vote,
6. HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY - Zonin File No. 8167: Pursuant to Planning
ommission Reso ut�on 77-19 t e Current ann�ng oning Committee reviewed
the proposed 40 Acre Study rezoning for Cantrol Data's 5ite in the
421 Wabasha Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612)-298-4151
� �.
PRESENT: Mmes. Grittner and McGinley, and Messrs. Sherwood, Willits, Hummer and Bryan
of the Current Planning and Zoning Corr�nittee; Mr. `Thomas Sipkins, Assistant City Attorney;
Mr. Richard Amey of the Division of Housing an.d Building Code Enforcement; and Ms. Berman,
Ms. Fearnside, Mr. McGuire, Mr. Dzugan and Ms. Fox of the Planning staff.
The meeting was chaired by Mr. Bryan.
CLAPP-THOMSSEN C�IPANY #8146): A petitian to rezone to ES property located on the
sout west corner o cKn g�it-koad and I-94.
The petitioner was present. There was opposition. . �
Ms. Berman showed slides of the subject site and read the staff report.
Mr. James Lano appeared on beha1f af Clapp-Thomssen and said he wanted to give a brief
history of the zoning of this piece of prop�rty, fie distributed copies of the site plan
to the Committee members. He said the site was acquired 6y Clapp-Thomssen in 1951 and
in 1953 the zoning was genera1 comnercia1 class�,fficatiQn. This was in effect prior
to passage of the present zoning ordinance, and i� was ti�e intent of tf�e vwner to develop
a major portion of that property For motel use and t�is i�s sti'll his intention. In 1972
they discovered the new zoning ordinance would rezone this to OS. They felt this was
unjustified down zoning of the property. They have made numerous appearances before the
�:#City departments expressing objections to tfiis down zoning. There is still no demand
for office space for this property and they feel tfleir o6�ections for the past 5 years
are still valid. Mr. Lan� said that C1app-TF�omssen has been negotfiating with a number
of motel developers. No one �s yet is under contract, but Royat Granada, a franchise
hotel run by Phoenix Hotel , is discussing tfie matter with C1app�Thomssen. The site plan
has been okayed and the ma�or access w�'11 6e to Burns Avenue, with employee access out
of the employee parking lot separated from other parking facilities. Regarding the
actual structure that will be built, Mr. Lana said it is subject to negotiation, but
they contemplate a six-story motel , Royal Granada has a basic design which involves
use of a court; 200 roomsare planned and a swimning pool in the court area. The hotel
will not feature a restaurant or bar. There will be kitchen facilities that will serve
buffet type meals, but nothing elaborate. He said the concept Royal Granada uses is a
bit different from that of conventional motels. He then presented a copy of Royal Granada`s
coneept brief to the Comnittee members.
Mr. Sipkins informed the Comnittee that just after the City Council down zoned the property
in 1975, Clapp-Thomssen did sue the City of St. Paul , on this piece of property, and
that litigation still exists, to the best of his knowledge.
Mr. Lane� said the lawsuit is still active, but they would like to avoid litigation.
He said if they attain the rezoning they are asking for, that lawsuit will be dismissed.
He then showed some pictures of the Royal Graneda �aci1fity in Arizona, and said Public
Works w�g Concerned about drainage, but their engineer studied the drainage for the area
and has come up with a plan that f�as satisfied the Departments of Public Works and
Clapp-Thomssen Co. page 2
Mr. Roy W. Struber, 2204 Suburban Avenue, said he lives directly across the street from
-"'� the property in question. He said this area is one of the most densely populated areas
in St. Paul except downtown. He mentioned the numerous other apartment complexes in
the area, fast food places, Sun Ray Shopping Center, banks, etc. and said all this
generated much traffic. He felt this would add considerably to an already over-congested
area and not only with people but also traffic. He said the area already has more traffic
than it can handle and he is against any structure •that would add so much more traffic.
Mr. John Parnell , 2190 Suburban Avenue, said Clapp-Thomssen has never really tried to
work it out with people who live in the area, although they have tried to work it out
with the City. He said Chain Link has its own entrance and exit, but they pulled up the
fence and after that Mr. Parnell said he got the traffic. This is a residential street
and he has appeared against C1app-Thomssen many tim�s. He said the residential people
have no place to go. He said if Clapp-Thomssen tried to work i't out with people he
thought they could work out something and he suggested closing off Suburban Avenue
Mr. Lano said access to Suburban is going to be restricted and will be the access only for
the employQe parking lot. He said the p1an has employees coming out of the lot so they
have to turn left, and, inasmuch as there may 6e some increased traffic, this fact has
been recognized by the Cfity of St. Paul and Pu61�c WorRs fia� Burns Avenue s1ated to be
widened. Mr. Lano claimed tfiat any use goirg i'n there wou1d generate traffic. He mentioned
offers they have made regarding some type of 6uffer, and said Public Works turned this
down on the 6asis of maintenance. Regarding contrn1 of development in the area, Clapp-
Thomssen would sell but they are not going to 1end assistance to any development plan
that is not blue ribbon. Clapp-Thomssen i's a first-class developer, Mr. Lano said, and
considerate of the future of that area.
Mr. Parnell returned in rebuttal and said a11 traffic would turn to the left and go to
Burns Avenue. T�ie�e are residents who wou1d 6e affected by traffic coming onto Suburban
regardless of whicf� direction they went. The ClapptThomssen proposal was turned down
by residents because wf�at Clapp-Thomssen had proposed was tF�at they would give up their
boulevard and the street would be only wide enougF� for one 1ane of tra�fic, so no truck
or vehicle larger than a car cou1d be turned onto this street.
Mr. Willits said that when the City was rezoned, he had a hard time seeing this was an
error. He said he also felt traffic in the area is quite a problem. Mr. Wil1its �hen
moved to recommend denial on tF�ese grounds. The motion died for lack of a second.
Mr. Hummer said that with the assurance tf�at this is going to be a motel , it would
seem that would be as near to a residentia1 situation as you are going to get in this
area, and he made a motion to recommen� approval of the rezoning request. His motion
was seconded by Mr. Sherwood and passed on a 5 to 1 roll call vote, with Mr. Willits dissenting.
Mr. Willits said the site plan is not for a particular project, but is for a tentative
project. In ES-1 this could re+tert to another graup of fast food restaurants.with
no assurance this will be a motel or that it will fit into the area.
Ms. Berman said that whatever goes in on the sub3ect site will have a site plan review
of the City and the site plan will be very carefully gone over and reviewed.
Ms. McOinley said it would seem to her that Clapp-Thomssen has been wor�cing diligently
with the City departments and made sincere efforts to sblve the planning problems, so
__ ` they can develop it as a motel 1n a way that wi11 be advantageous.
Submitted by: Appro ed b • � �c1//� —
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Jean S. Berman James Bryan, �halrm
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.,��NU BOARD STAFF t�poar June 16, 1917 ;i�t Nrp 42
1 . APPI.ICANT'S NANE ; Clapp-Thomssen C0. ,
2. CI.ASSIFICATION ; � Amendment � App��l � Peswit � OtblR
3. PURPOSE . Rezone from OS-1 and B-2 to ES
4. �.ocaT�oN : Southwest corner of McKnlght Road �nd I-94
5. LEGAL DESCAIPTION : see attached
6. r�s�Nr zo��c: OS-1 and 6-2 -
7. PURSUAt� TO Zanln� Code Chapces: 8�etiogs Tas�Rr�ph: .
. ,
8. STAFF INVBSTIGATION 6 R$PORT: OUt�: 6-�0�77 Ox2 �S�
A. SUFFICIENCY: The appellant's rezoning petition was f11ed on e short form
su scr e and sworn to before a notary public on hky 5. 1977. The City
Council referred the matter to the Planning Comm9ssion on Mdy 10. 1977. The
City Planning Office recelYSd the pe�ition May 16, 1977.
B. PROPOSED USE: The appellant seeks to have the property rezoned fran OS-1 and
B=� to an xpressway Service (ES� District. Th1s would allow � 200-unit
motel development. ,
C. FRON7AGE & AREA: The site has a 340 ft. frontage on the north side of Burns
an s a ut . acres in area. This large vacant site is bounded by McKnight
Road on the east, a gas station at the southeast corner, Burns Avenue on the
south, Suburban Avenue on the west, a restaurant at the northwest corner, and
the I-94 right-of-way on the north. The site poses two ma�or problems for
comnercial development:
1 . Its northeast quadrant is a marshy depression that retains storm
water. If this area is filled up to drain onto the streets, it
might overload existing storm sewers.
2. There are single family homes on the west side of Suburban Avenue.
Commercial and residential uses sharing the same street are a
potential land use problem.
The petitioner seeks to solve these problems by:
1 . Creating a ponding area in the northeast corner of the site. The
ponding area will connect by sewage line to Burns Avenue and hence
to the main connector at McKnight Road.
2. Major access to the site will be off of Burns Avenue. They are
proposing one driveway off Suburban which will lead to the employees'
only parking lot.
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Avgust 15, 1977
8:00 P.M.
Rose Mix, City Clerk
Petition of Clapp-Thomssen Compar�y to rezone the property at the south-
west corner of Mcknight Road and Highway I-94 frarn Office-Service to
bcpressway Service. (Laid over f'roQn August 11� 1977).
Action Taken
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